Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 10, 1899, p. 4

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what does it do it causes the oil glands in the skin to become more active making the hair sort and glossy precisely cs nature intended it cleanses the scalp from dandruff and thus removes one of the greatcauses cf baldness i makes a better circu lation in the scalp and stops the hair from coming out it prevents mb h cum baldness ayers hair vigor will surely make hair eow on bald heads provided only there is any life remain ing in the hair bulbs it restores color to gray or white hair it docs not do this in a moment as will a hair dye but in a short time the gray color of age gradually disap pears and the darker color of youth takes its place would you like a copy of our book on the hair and scclp it is free if yon an not obtain nil th bcrrfli yon expected from thr tiao cf the vigor wrltotne doctor about it thuksday august 10 1809 9ht onxtq jfollts tee master oftsb sheep fold do must ob da ilioop fol dt guard the snoop fol bin look oat in do glomerln noadowi bar do long night rain begin bo be oalla to do blrehn ibop d i my bboep it doy all como in ob dep aaya do blrolln anopad doy a aooio deyi black and tbin and vome deyg po ol weddaa but do res doya all brnog in bat da rec dovi all brang lu don do maaaa of the aheap fol dat guard tbo ibeop fol bin qooa down in the glomerln meadowi wbar da long night rain begin- so be lo down de baa ob deohoop fol oalllnsof come in como in call in aoi como in come in den up tro tbo glomerln meadowi tro do opj night rain and win and up tro do glombrihralapftf wbardeileetfaploointbln do po lofl aboop ob do iboep fol day all oomes gadderin in do po loa sboop ob do tboop fol doy all aomoa gadderin in salti pratt mclean greene just for fun drammond used to tell some amojidg f toriea about the penalties of hii am er loan fume extraordinary letters uwd to be wiftod to bim aoroaa tbe atlantic one of iletn ran aa follows 6ear sir i am a widow now with oca aon of twelve yeara of atfe ho promises well and i thick ooald be aeoared for the kingdom ff yoa woald eud him aatograpb copy of yoar sweet hymn are they safe with him new york evening pot who do yoa think is graator aaid the earnest young man who is etudyiog muaio the person who creates a great work or ilii person who interprets it t well lowered col btllwell i ban only amy ti roach when i was in tbo legislature conld get op all kinds of acta bnt wt ver know jus what was io em till after t lawyers took hold of em in the regal a r iirjo of buaineaa what women find to do it ia a common remark with hundreds of in n thai they wonder what women find to l all day bomotime onrfosty geta the l iter of a man and he aikes hia wife what lio has done all day o a hundred and one hale things she lays then be thinks of an me momentbna aobeme over which he has b en working all day and makes a mental rrapariaon in wbloh bis wifes work takes k place hebverlooka the fact bow- twi that a womana life in the home is niide np of little ibingi and that these me little things are absolntely vital to lit even adjqttment of the domestic miohinety of bis home xhey are little mtly in a womans eye they would inatant- iy aeanmeproportlooa of magnitude if the mans hand were o try to do them ii iward bok in ladies home journal the supreme test yooare au rjghtaaldtho doctor after he had gone through with the regulation thumping and usteplog with his patient not a trooo of heart disease fifteen dollars please 1 the patient drew a long breath and remarked i am anre how have no heart disease if i had i should have dropped dead when yon mentioned your fee sk your doctor how many preparations of cod- liver oil there are he will answer hun dreds of them ask him which is the best he will reply scotts emulsion then see jhat this is the one you obtain it contains the purest codliver oil free from unpleasant odor and taste you also get the hy- pophosphites and glycerine all three are blended into one grand healing and nour ishing- remedy oc and too h drujslitj scott 4 downe chcmuta toronto barring him out there is a story of a revival muting which took place near wlllooghby tonip time ago a certain worthy exhorter took the floor and started id on an extended dlaoourae he talked and talked and talked time was swallowed up other speakers were crowded out the audience was exhausted and etill the exhorter talk ed on pretty soon be paused a moment ticatah his brosth and then pproading out his haoda he bellowed forth i see a mighty field before mol before he oould get aoy farther be was interrupted by a little germanamerican in a front seat the litto man turned halt round and bald in a penetrating whisper foya poya somebody put up dor bar gwickl if he offer rita himself inside of dot field ve vont go home tonight i the exhorter saw the point and brought his remarks to a hurried aloee cleveland plain dealer umbrella diplomacy a man with an umbrella was walking in the rain an umbrollaiesa friend joined him and shared the protection the umbrella owner noticed that now he was retting only half protection as the rain and the drippings from the umbrella as well fell on one shoulder fieeibg another friend without an umbrella he invited him out of the wet saying there 1b plenty of room for three by tbie new arrangement he now bad complete protec tion as he had to move the umbrella to the position he carried it when he was using it alone and a friend on either side protected him from the rain while receiving the drippings from the umbrella nobody missed it hloks barry raadd a bet that every person who came by bfe fence would toaoh it and be won wloka nonsense how did it happen hloks he merely stuck up tbo sign paint and of courae everybody con sidered himself oajled upon to feel of tbe fence would qo with mamma little girl to visitor my papas a good man hell go toheaven wont be visitor oh yes indeed i and are you going to heaven too little girl ob nol im going with mamma i pittbburg clironiclttfiegraph life and health fully protected in august paines celery compound hakes sick people well if you aro still enduring the tortures and agonies of disease in this almost unbearable hot weather your position is one of extreme danger the enervating effects of the bested term that test even tbe strength and endurance of the robust and healthy must bring you to tbe very brink of the grave unless yon take the care and precau tion ibat thousands are now exercising at ibis time your safety arid life depend uponthpaee of faines celery compound a medicine that ia giving new life and vigor to the weakly nervous and broken down and that is rescuing from death rheumatic sufferers and those afflicted with blood diseases and liver and kidney complaints the testimonials sent in weekly by happy and grateful people saved from suffering and disease are the strongest proofs of the marvellous healthgiving virtues of the great medioine a trial of one bottle in this season of danger will oonvinoe tbe sick that there is life and health in each drop of paines celery compound people in the arotio regions it is said csn converse when more than a mile apart because the air there being oold and dense is a good conductor and the smooth surface of ice also favours the transmission of sound m 11 to patent bood km m may be seenred by m address the patentrecord batttfaera mil borne of os hardly gnese how oinoh of our itoodoeis is due to the thought that the neighbors may be looking fever and ague and billons derange monts are positively cured by the ute of parmnleea fills they not only oleanbe the stomach and bowels from all bilious matter but they open tbe excretory vessels oauslng them to pour copious effusions from the blood into tbe bowels after which the corrupted mass is thrown out by the natural passages of the body they are used ss a general family medicine with the best results an allround writer ought to be able to got up a good circular two little boys of mine were troubled with worms they would wake lu the night and vomit and bometimeawerequite fevsrish i got a bottle of dr lows worm syrup whioli gave them complete relief from their trouble mrs wm meroel teeterville oot many a man who boasts of his descent from william thqqp shows what a steep descent jt has been wby go limping and whining about yoar corns when a 25 oent bottle of hollo- ways corn cure will remove them give it a trial and yon neyer will regret it tbe man whose prudence is such as to make bim a shining example u one who cant be worked regular action of the bowels la necessary to health laxaliver fills are the best occasional cathartic for any family or general use prioe 35 cents any drug gist when a country depot master gets to be a conductor he leaves bis old- station in lire pr a belter btok head a oh e that bane of many a womans life is quickly cured by lsxa- livtr pills they are adapted to tha system of the most delicate and never cause any griping weakening or sickening tbe lawyer wants only fee- bible oases mo matter who else a cyclist may ba riding with he should always ride with caution a girl mast be completely carried away wiib her lover when she consents to elnpa with bim to sea a man walking ou his upucre is enough to make the liardeat heart exclaim poor soul trip boy stor of it tbo boy had boon aakert to write a composition on tbo nayul butilo of santi ago this to tho paiuu result bambumateouiod up a wuas an then cerovry oomo out ho bfid i gusailo make a run for it 3d iiq oritokt on ull aalo an catno a bustltn thru the uarror- place where hobson tiukt tbo merrymaak un hu uteerod oiobl to tho shore in hopo tn git away sly soon him a coonin an bo alguullod to tho ether abips an tjia all wont for cervory like a thousait of brlok sly swinged the bruklyu round au let em have it with botbbarla frum tbo wurd go an pritty soon all the spanish hhipa went down plonk liko as tho they bud hoi on bored in era then when sly an tho rest of tho captains was wlpin there ferrlds an lettin tha gune cool off up bloomed admiral sameom xlello bex sly pleas antly wber yoa bin all tbuwhile bqt baraaura wuz out of sorts it looks to mo ho uez bitturly as if you think you wua the hole thmg but 8ly only lafp 0 dont bno bs baz an wluka at the captaiiib i giieas there glorle on off to go round dut sampson was nfful bilyus if youd obayed orders he aez this disgraysful thiug wooint have happened then sly dident say nomore ooz he saw how harapiuo wiig an the cervery bhips bain book for good an all that couldnt try it over agin an tbatd all i know about it pp to the present writin cleveland plain dealer none in his line allowed a noted saloon keeper in eaa git ire wia who had a fondness for attending funerals received the other day the fol lowing letter from a gentleman whose father had been a liberal patron of tho naloou yoar absence from the funeral of my father ie reqaeeted by the entire famityi either at tbo bouba or in tbo pro- cession no saloon keepers or bartenders allowed the letter caused a eensatlon what he observed in these fashionable oburobos eaid unole allen sparks i have noticed that if a man baa a good bitting lie neednt bother himself muoh about hia etanding chioago trtbtine castor i a for infants and children nn hall lfutllj of if os when a man gets to bo judge there is al ways como cd lor in u d to rtnoindhim he once had an ambition to be a pirate mr ghaa johneon bear river u s writes i whb troubled with hoarseuees and sore threat and after tnkini three bottlebofdr woods norway pine syrup i was outirely cured after we have lost our youth we hang a long time to the idea ibat wo aro still middleaged dr j p kellogga dysentery gordial is prepared from drugs known to the profes sion as thoroughly reliable for the cure of cholera dysentery diarrhoea griping pains- and brimmer complaints it hae been used successfully by medical practi tioners for a nmber of yera with gratify ing results if buffering from any summer complaint it is iudt the medloino that will care you tty a bottle it sells for 26 oentb when a man tnrna bis sword into a ploughshare ho cheats bome patriotic wo man out of a decoration for her parlor scnldcdllcr llnnd mrs t wftonamaker frankfort ont says i scalded ray band very badly bnd then took oold in it it sweluc bind was very painful but half a bottle of hagyarda yellow oil cured it completely hunger ie a terrible thing but so mo men consider tbirst more bo hagyarda yellow oil cures all patu in man or beast for eprsiue cote braises callous lumps swelling inflammation rheumatism and neuralgia it in a specific only a strongminded woman oan keep her calendar torn off up to date difference of opinion regarding tho popular internal and ext rriul remedy dr thomas euleotrio oil do not bo lr as known exist the testimony is poaiiivo and codourrentihat thomrtiulfl reljbvfs physical pain curies lameneap ohecba a oougb la an excellent remedy for pains and rheumatic complaints and it has no nauseating or other unpleasant tffeot when taken internally henry on mo homo furious last night what was the matter daughter why mamma i had put two eggs in his lnncheon and forgot to cook them l tsihss can in ivmytown and viuaok aomcss caktalkinsmactllnt co london ont assshyanted willie on being askedfbnllogronrtmj- library table a book that happened to be bound in psper do you want the soft- shelled one mamma in tbe summertime running sorea and ulcere are hard to keep sweet and clean bathe them with burdock blood bitters and they will be free from odor take this remedy internally and soon healthy flefh will supplant the decaying tissue a man naturally looka pale after kicking jthe backet eugllsh spavin liniment removes all hard soft or calloused lumps and blem ishes from horses dlood spavin curbs bpiius bing bone sweeny stifles sprains sore and swollen throat coughs etr save 50 by the uae of one bottle warranted tho most wonderful blemish oure ever knqwn bold by a t brown willie 1 bate to whip you lb hurts me woraetban it does you let roa do it then she cant pound hard enough to hurt me uer her either print lea lit ous of l he moat painful and lortoriug disease no one need cudnre torment any longer ml i bums rheoniatlo pills have oared pome of the worst case and nevor fail to give prompt relief from the pain 50o a box all druggists castor la in for infants and children custoila a harmless substitute for castor oil paregoric drops and soothing syrnps it contain neither opium morphine lior other narcotic substance it is 11eahnnt its guarantee is thirty years use by millions of motliers castorht destroys worms and allayn feverlsh- licss castor la cures diarrhoea and wind colic fstorla njhcvcs teetliing- troubles curctt constipation and flntulencj cjnstoria assimilates the food regulates the stomach and bowels of infants and children giving healthy and natural sleep castoria is the childrens panacea the motliors friend castoria catori is au excellent mctllcliie for ctilhlrcu mothers hnve repeatedly told me of its good effect upon their children dr g cr osgood lowell mass castoria cnatorlu is to wvl mliipu that i rccoiinticml it an niipctio scrlption knavvii to me f it a aucilkh m v jlrooaiytt v j children any pre- the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper tmk aintmd co the barber was all right after being btived in a ohtaago botel barber ahop eaid the mart from soutb bend i walked out and down tbo etreet end entered a o other ahop and took a chair tbe barber lathered and scraped mo with out a word and 15 minutes later i submit ed myself to a third he lathered and rubbnd aa it i bad not been ebnved for a mouth aud just as he took up the razor i asked didnt yoa notiaa that i had bern shaved twice this mrniu ypb tir be replied butyon are going lo ah ivo mo again no air i aappoaed you came in lore to et tha skin taken oft and part with soma of your obcek i pittabnrg dinpatdi designing man did yoa ever uotice he askod that it is alwayb the hornoly woman who wunta a pugdou the pujjifl so hideoua lhai it makes ber seem rood looking by compari son still tbo ruae ia ao well known ibat tho possession of a pug id bufhoient-r- whoa going to buy a pug aho aske5 who over thought of getting one why no one of coarse my deur he answered for ho was too wieo a man to admit that he had heard her telling a neighbor that she thought ehed get one chioago pout u an orator id a word painter a lecturer io a deaf and dumb institute mubt bo a sign painter mr didnt waikforsiiontlis roctors said locomotor ataxia milfcurtts heart and nerve pius cure a disease huhcrtj regarded as incurable tho case of mr g o afcbihal of hopewcll gnpc nit- t c t t f i- j appears below is c eft j svwrv t and- most intractable lliut lij cwr ben reported from the eastern provinces and his euro by milbums heart and nere pills the more remarkable from the fact that he was given u as incurable by worthy nnd respected physicians the disease locomotor ataia wlh wljich mr archibald was afnictcd is considered the most obstinate and incur able disease of tho nervous system known when once it starts it gradually but surely progresses paralyzing- the lower extremities and rendering jts vic- tinttielptcss and hoclcssiendurine tho indescribable agony of seeing himself die by inches that milbums heart and nerve pills can cure thoroughly and completely a disease of such severity ought to encour age those whoso disorders aro not so ertoua to try this remedy tbo following- is mr archibalds letter x mrssrs t kiuirftn co i nuryoii thit i iy casowas a vrry fiiv c ij hld v itit been fu the r of i ileums lien t and nervo pills i do 1 lc i wonll iq alive t-u- i i i kiow exactly what w t v tl llj disease but it gradu y ixi iy lijs until i was unabiu lo uai hany any for five nmnlliy 1was under tic cre of dr morse ofmrlroac ww s- id i had licomotor ataia nnd giv iie in as inculo dr solomon n woflknown piyxian of borton told ma that nothin cd ba dono for mc izcry one wvciine to vldt mo thought 1 ivjvcr could izl better 41 1 saw milburntj heart cd nervo pills advertised nnd thought i would try licm anyway as they fvc more pro- miiecfhklin3fmcthananyhinrjiknewof 4 yiu had seen mc when i started takinj iosc wonderful pilla rot able o gct cut cf ry room nnl saw mo now working hard every day you wouldnt know mc v i am aent for p o vijtey cf auuala maine and have sold 300 sub scribers in 80 days and won a fifty dollar prize nothing else in the world saved mc but those pdls nnd i do not think they havo an equal anyvhere the seven boxes i tciok have restored me tlio full uo of my lja nnd given mo srcntui and cne- y rj better health than 1 havo cnjoycj ii a lon lime g o archibald hopewell cape k u in a dition to the statement by mr arctijald we ha j the endorsation of twp wellknown merchants of hopewell cane n b viz 1 messrsje dickson ard f j brewster who certify to the genuineness and accuracy of tho facts as given above milbums heart nnd nervo pills are 50c a box or 3 for 125 at all drujrr gists or sent by mail t mubura co toranto ont half a loaf is better than no bread bat a small dish of atrawberriea is worse than none at all tbe beet pilla mr wm vanderboort sydney orobbinff ont writea wo have been halng farmelcee pille and find them by far tbe best pill we ever uaed for delicate and debilated constitutions these pills act liko a charm taken in email doaei tho tffeot is both a touio and a stimnlaut mildly exoiiug to aition the seoretiona of the body giving tone aud vigor tbe good may die young but tho bad nearly always outlive their nsefaluess auxioaa mothera find dr lowa worm byrap tbo best medioiue to expel wormi children like uworrob dont r woman wddirpaaroihar venitiea ia always volqble about what tbo dootor saya of her diseases on the first indica tion of diarrhoea or dysentery afewdoses of drfowlers ext of wild straw berry will promptly check the advance ol these dangerous dis eases it has boon over 40 years in use and has no equal for the cure of bowel complaints of young or old there are many dnicrou9 imitations on tho market so it would ba wise to too that tho full name dr fowws jew cf wild srawbcrry la on evory bottle tou buy it ufbt be woll for hie conceited man to remember that tho smallest onion lo stronger than the largtbt pumpkin there never was and nevor will bs a anliveraal panacea in one remedy for all ilia to whioh flesh is hoir the vory nature of many caiativeh bcinjj each that were the germs of other and differently beared diseases rooted in the syatom of the patient what would relievo ono ill in turn woald aggravate tbe other wo have however io quinino wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated atato a remedy for many and grlnvons ills by its gradual judioious nse tbe frailest systems are led into con valescence and atreujith by tbo fnuuenoe whiob quinine exerts on katuroa own restoratives it reliovea the droojling spirits of those with whom a chronlo state of morbid despondence and laok of interes in life la a diseaso and by tranqailizlng the nerves disposes to sound and refresh ing sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which bejng stimulated oonraee throughout the veins strengthening the healthy animal fanotions of the system thereby making activity a neoessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs which naturally demand jnoreauod substance result im proved appetite northrop a lvman of toronto havo riven to the public their qolnlno wine at tho usual rate and guaged by tbe opinion of scientists this wine approaobea nearest perfection of any tho market all druggists sell it i the crooked home race ia tho result of a laok of btraightnoas in tho human race that aohing head can bo instantly re lieved by taking ono of milbnrns sterling headaoho powders 1 powdor co i paw- dea 10o 10 for 25o the tandem cyolo in all right in ita way but it will never see he day when u can supplant the hammock built for two pnbit your chcrka not with paint on the outaide ihih in easily washed off pat tho color on from within scotts emulsion fllla the cboeks with rich red blood it in a color that stays too fc th red blrdbeat topay and cood for year js si the istilson cliain when bicycle manufacturers and riders the world over were having rouble with their bicycle chains which in spite of all they could do would wear and stretch it was a canadian who found a way cut of tho difficulty the wilson chain with which red birds are fitted this canadian was mr wm wilson oncof the experts paid by this company to bring the red bird nearer a state of absolute perfection this invention consisted of a patent whereby the centre part of the pin was hardened giving the hardened steel pin so wem was this received that the largest chain manufactur ing establishment in the world purchased the american tight to produce it since then there have been many infl ations but as is always the case with imitations none are so good as tbe genuine article such as red birds are fitted with today 3 3 3 3 the goold bicycle co limited j d mckee agent 3 iiuiuiuiuiuiuiuiiiiuiuiuiuiuiiiuiiuiuuiuiaiiuiur maple leaf grajn geindefis 1ohn mcqueen agent for the above has changed his ware- ooms to building en w e smiths property john street where may be seen frost ft wood binders aud mowers both have ballbearing burr pla tea rellei springs and shake feed grind fine and last with least power always guaranteed a hal given hundreds in use goold8hape1y dtmulrco limited brantford ont and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs tn my absence mr john t elliott whe resides on the property will attend to the wants of customers john m3ueen the best la the cheapest iassss mcmullans poultry nettings are unequalled in quality and their fencings abb the best priceslow till ontario wire fencing co l ploton oiaria hardware merchants sell these goods and can supply you if they fall you write the manufacturers at picton thb b greening wire co oenbhsl hcents hk7uviltom knd montrbrl sold also by canadian hardware jobbers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered j a speight co hcton do ilmi tit mi ha ii way no wiht ooinu mull kxillmmi mall 11aiit 10 lii tun i kxprohb i jloan li u5nni kjtiiroum 10 w bui 7 15 pm mail 6 hlmij mlxuf 10 03itni huiidnv trnitih join wuki 10 02 a id oofu kubt our u in 0 h pm timk oi clokinil maiik oolny woet u in am ivnd 6 w pm goiiir east 10 ua iiin initio 00 ui thlb tttue tablo ivcufc mtu tltcct on euudu juno 20th i8i cash paid for farm produce butter onions g eggs poultry pork etc apples wanted aikemiead proihjce co q parsons manager cor mill and main sts acton opposite clarks- f main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of bain doora frames mouldlugd lnallatyloa drbssimo matching ad moulding to order on abort notico tvll aaaortod btock on hand at prlcoa loan tho tlmob john cameron proprietor cooper fc akin s the artistic tailors geg to announce to their friends and the public generally that they are now complete in their spring and summer goods consisting of the latest novelties from the best looms of the world and styles that are shown in new york and london see our latest fashion plates to show our goods is a pleasure call and see us fit and workmanship guar anteed sole agents in acton for the celebrated bell warp serge which does not fade or change its color in two years wear or money refunded cooper 4 akins main st acton twojkjndsjojm there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods- sure to please- our customers as to style quality and prices oajll and see our new lines w williams mill st ood emcmaving jlonlsi patiiirs lehdmpilsecllreai writ for orir interesting iooiht invent- ort help and how yon uro swindled i bond iiaa roil gbalcot on or mcatlof your tnvention or improvement nnd ivq will tell i you flr0 our opinion oti tn mlictlicr it ia c probably liritontnblo wo innvoa hpuctnltj i of applications rtxloctod- in other hands uighost roforoncoa fumlhhod makiom is mabi01c patxnt soli0itoiis sc ixpkrts citii a meohanloal fnnlnrrr ornrliiftlr of the f6lytoeunio bcliool nf inulnci ilin itnchelon in applied science mvni rulrtnliy mombcra vatont tw axftoclnllmi aniciuaii wotrravorkt asaoclittloo nw kuulitiiil wnlcr worhi avaoa 1q buivnyor a sioil it i nit auoc ucinlcp can society of cttireiitliiicr rrrinrn- f new york life bi co montreal oan urriukb utlahto b ilolhr vi 8hih0tqm do bo years experience trade marks dmam copyrights ac anyone hndlnr tfccirh hnri riowrlrtlqns qulaklr aioeruin ojr opinion froo wnethr tittcntlon probntly imtentahln comrai tlnnmlriotlyodnndonual ilandbookonpt nont froo oldett inner for nftcnrtiii thrr imrontion probntly piitenuhin communlen i tatont ultan trfonrhkiunn axr tpcctnt notut wiijiout c in tho sckntific jfmcrican a timaaomaly illiimmtod wmhly tnteat hr- onlatlon of tuir iotentiflo joqrna torma n imwfonrjnontlc ji 8oldbywttipidoli vinbw york

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