Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 17, 1899, p. 2

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jttobn ii1dmt in ciauealog on august and the wife of mr j n undttay ota daubliter mocho1ii aotou on bunday lath august to mr una mrs wlllum holiood a sou f married rdwaiidb etatiumat uiobomoofthtbrid nareuta ou wednesday afternoon 16th august by itav j k ooddou h a mr george ets wardi flint mlob to minnie daughter of thorn aa suttiain bin acton kbnzie laubbiit at tho residence of the brldab parents on wednesday auguil otb by itov t t george mr ooorco kotte to jennie second daughter of air levi lambert of higbgato formerly of acton monim anaurjow at tbo residence of the brlttaa fattier on wednesday otb august by ituvdr boaolan goo o monalr principal arkoll fublla school to clara daughter of mr janies adamson naaaagiweya the se ended parliament prorogued last friday with a brief speech by hla bxoeltenoy a brilliant military display- neiqhborhooo news l1mehouse pied co o it in aotod on sunday looming 18th aug ust tbomoa cook oflod 81 yoara millko in erin jot 13 cou 10 on friday 4th ausuat mrs john miller aged hi years coxe at free ton on wednesday aug 2nd sarah cunningham beloved wife of samuel coxa aged 37 yoan t jutoit fvtt firm thursday august 17 18ot notes and comments a winnipeg paper says orop reports rooeivcd stato that thore oever wae a year in which tha probpeote were better than a prebodt from overy part of manitoba and ilia territories the moot enthusiastic roporta are seat and lqdioatlona are thai tbia year will bo a reoord breaker id the hoe of wheat id a letter t the mail and empire mr john waldie elates that he it not leaking senatorebip as several papers intimated rsfering to tbo vaoanoy oansed by tbo death of the late senator sanford mr we ldio says the honor abonld be conferred upon a hamilton citizen and adds that a t wood m p is the man who should reecho it if he will aooept the canadian cheese markets are at present io a promising position prioe are high and the output from tbe factorial large daring a reoent week at 30 board meetings 35370 boxes were offered against 30190 boxes offered at 18 board meetings the corresponding week a year ago this time last year quotitlone were 2jo lower than they are now the supreme court of illinois bald id the reoent oase of doremua vs henneaay that of a trado association who combine to induce or oompel other persona not to deal or enter into contract with one who will not join the association or conform his prioes to those fixed by the association ia liable for tbe iojnriei oaaaed to him by tbe loos of business resulting from snob combination a brandon paper says ono can gain a gocd idea of the extensive grain fields of manitoba by a drive from brandon to sourlb a distance of about thirty miles wheatfields extend away as far aa theeyo can rosoh on eltber aide of the trail be whole diatanoe and aa there are no feneea in the dietriot it looks like one immeneo field the crops in tbia district it ia eati- mated will yield at least 85 bnihels per acre if the present favorable conditions continue till barvekt literary note8 a charming short story by the author of david harum has reached ua this week an nnnbual subject for romance tba hero a bank teller falls in love with the daughter of one of the direotora and tbe plot deals with the difficulties and complications whioh ensue in an interesting and-adtolr- ablitmannar tbe story is published by the poole printing company limited toronto and is for sale by all newsdealers at the low paice of 15 cents or will be sent postpaid by the publishers on receipt of price miss millions if i marry you what will be tbe outcome the count pardon mamoiselle meane ra income perbsps their business booming probably no one thing has oansed such a genorsl revival of trade at t d mokeea drug store as their giving away to tbalr many ouatomera of so many free trial botlles of dr kings new discovery for consumption their trade ia simply enormous this very valuable remedy from the fact that it always oures and never disappoints coughs colds asthma bronchitis croup and all throat and lung diseaaesareqaiokly cared ton can test it before buying by getting a trial bottle free large size bo ota and j100 every bottle warranted the grocer yes sir this granogrlno ia the belt breakfast food on tbe market it is predigeated mr fadsby shuddering bless my soul i by whom brave xen fall victims to stomaoh liver and kidney troubles as well as women and all feel tbe results in loas of appetite poisons in tbe blood haokaohe nervousness headache and tired listleee rundown feeling bat theres no need to feel like that listen to j w gardner idaville ind ha says electric bitters are just tbe thing for a man whan he ia all ran down and dont care whether he lives or dies it did mora to give me new strength and rood appetite than anything i could take i can now aat anything and have a new lease on ufa only 50 oenta at 3 d mokeea drug btore every bottle guaranteed foot all i need ia an opening air editor well whats tbs matter with the nejen jpitjjaroejhroqgb t workin might an day tbe busiest aud mightiest little thing that ever waa made ia dr kings naw life fills every pill is a sugaroonted globule of health that ohangaa weaknsaa into strength itetlessness into energy brainfag into menial power theyre wonderful in building up the health only m ota per box sold oy j d makee druggist contact with a sharp man ie very apt to dull ones confidence in humanity why suffer when there la auoh a good remedy as nervillne for all kinds of pain it oures neuralgia in five minutes tootnaobe in one minute lame bank atone application head ache in a few moments and all pain jnit as rapidly give it a trial st1nqinq orwa aug 16 tho prorogation of the present aaaslon was somewhat precipi tately brought on last friday several days earlier than pradiotod in list issue thus tbe fourth aeaaiou of the eighth canadian parliament waa brought to a oonoluiloo and it will go down amodg the membera who have participated therein as one of tbe longest and most wearisome in the countrys biatory the leaders ou either side are by no means sorry to part whllo tbe bulk of the membera dispersed weeks ago tbe prorogation oeremoniea were some what shorter than usual by reason of tbe smell numbers of measures requiring t be read the bulk of the bills passed daring the seision having received the royal assent these preliminaries over bis excellency delivered the briefeet speech from the throne with which the canadian parliament baa ever been prorogued npkeon took tdk ts1romb hon gentlemen of the benate gentlomen or the bonso of common in relieving you of yonr duties daring this protraoted seuton l deslie to thank yon for the diligent attention you have riven to the many important meas ures whlob have beeo inbmltted for your eon eldereuon x am glad to observe that tbe aotlon of oan ada in deciding to unite with tho mother country and the australian colonies in tbe oonatruouon of a paelfle cable has met wltll general approval i congratulate you on the evldenoo o oontln ued prosperity that prevails in all parts or the dominion and whioh has stimulated the forma tion of many companies having for their object the development of enterprises that nuit tend to increase tbe wealth of the country gentlemen of tbe homo of commons i thank you in her majestys name for tbe supplies you have granted for the public servioe bon gentlemen of the senate oentlemen of the house of commons in bidding you farewell i desire to express tbe hope that canada- may long oontinne tbe prosperity that at present prevail closing cenkmonieb tbe military display was as fine as has been seen in many a year the guard o honor being furnished by the itoyel regi ment of canadian infantry and tbe gov ornorgenerals foot guards tbe escort waa aupplled by the princess louiee dragoon guards those aboot the throne during the func tion were tba prime minister the hon david mills minlstsr of jnitioe and the eon w b soott secretary of state in windsor uniform lieut colo otter nollison vidal sherwood and cotton and captaiu lasoelles her excellenoy tbe countess of minto and lady lanrier occupied aeata in tbe front row of obaira next tbe throne new ontario i woold i ware a bird 1 walled the fair sricl at tba piano i woold jou vena box of axle grease hissed tba daajeman under the palm i wottfsr what lie means by that akd twifemonbaired maided hemews thauils grease etc eoreaob- fngwhllparedtheman in war auspen- dw- chicago xevt a bright future before alaomaand tha rainy blver district tbe emigration of numbers of onr young man from acton and vicinity to naw ontario lends a new interest to that section of onr province wblob ia at present oomidg into very decided prominence if tba inhabitants and others interested in the development of new ontario have had reason to oomplaln in the past that tbay bava been neglected by tha remainder of canada they certainly mast admit that amende bava bean made lately for it baa been difficult to look into tbe oolnmna of any paper that baa not bad something to tell or some opinion to express about this magnificent bnt little known section of the province tba renfrew mercury says tbia anddsn interest and desire for information la of oourea tbe direot result of tbe legisla tive tour taken last month and whatever alas may be tbe outoome it certainly oannot be charged against tbe newapaper men that were of the party that they have been neglectful of their duly in tba matter tha country ia worthy of all tbe attention that la being given to ii and of tha aid that will now be forthcoming not only from provincial grants already given and yet t come bnt also from substantial assistance voted tbia session by the federal parliament to tba ontario and balny blvar tba central algome and otber rail roads tbroogh that diltrlot not only la tbe district interested to be oongreiulatad upon tba brighter prosperity whioh ia promising for ll in ths immediate future bat other portions of the province and of the dominion may well feel satisfied at tbe substantial aid that is lo be given tbs day baa gone by when publlo moneys oan be squandered by the government to exploit wlldoat eobamea for tba benefit sf a few favored eupportere bat it is still reasonable and desirable that publlo aid should should be given nndar proper restricllrns and conditions when the result will be tba opening up of a naw country tba mora rapid development of onr nations reeonroes tbe aetllamsnl of nsw districts and tba oraalloo of new markets it was tba purpose of tbe legislates tour to demonstrate that all these oondi lions would follow if thsoonntry was only given a obanoe and it baa bean tha purpose of tbe mallllbde of ertlolee whioh have bean written descriptive of that expedition to pnt tba oonntry generally in possession of data that woold satisfy it also on that point on only baa to glanoe at tba official returns in tba old mining industry alone to realise this tbe present is only about the eight seaso that any gold mining records of tbia district have bean kept and tbe figures show that whsreaa in 1802 the total output was lees than 87000 drop lug two years later to 188770 in 1998 it bad risen to h1000 and in 1806 to 275000 while it is estimated that ibis year tbe oleanop will realise t0ooo0 tbjaiaarnsgniflnentshowlnglnso abort a time and in tba fees of so many obstacles but it is only an indication of tha poestbilitles of tbe future even new ii doss not represent tbe entire reeonroes of tbe district there are rich ailver deposits in tbs neighbornood of port arthur inax- baaataus iron mines at mattafrlo atlk- obajnn and other plsoee oopper in tbe riolnlty ol bhabandowan lake and forthsr east aluo on tba north shore of superior tba biggest nlokel deposits of tba world at sudbory aabsstos black lead granite marble and other natural deposits of greater or ian oommerolsj valoe in various parts not all perhaps actually in tha balny blver district but- all in algoms that vast new section of ontario which oompriaa threequarters of the entire province in area and will in time become a close competitor with the eastern quarter in wealth influenoe and population til this means prosperity for tba east aa well aa for the west for naw ontario will never be largely a manufeotnriug district nor extensively interested in agriculture tbotujh li hu oppprtnnltles for both the farmer of the east therefore la as mueb interested aa anyone in tha opening op of ibis oountry for its progress will aa asworedly put money into mi pocket as if the development was many miles nearer miss emma scott and mr a modonald was united in bappy wedlock last wednes day the marriage took place on tbe lawn under a beautiful aroh and in tho preseuoo of a large number of relativoe the bride waa stired in a hteel gray dress and looked charming and the bridegroom lookod the piature of happiness tho barvett is progressing and tbe oate and poai are pretty generally housed now mrs kid john kepnedy of quolpb wss a gueetat the home of mrs john moore lait week successful students crewsons corners a quiit woddiog took pltoo on wednes day evening aug oth etolght oolook at tbo home of mr and mrs w puttereon 01 ohara ave torodt the contracting paitteb being mr jobu allan of pott dalnouelo and misanrlllo eagle formerly of crewsoos corners the bride was riohly attirol in oream oishmere trimmed with satin and pearls and carried a bouqoet of oarnatious aud wore a wreath of natural flowore the hrido was aieistsd by mlsichristiua allan eh t sr of the groom who wore a pretty dress of orange over blue silk earring a bouquet of oarnattour r tho groom was asaisted by mr wm slilfmid there were forty gueiti present from cleveland ohio sarnia st louis mo fort dalbouale st oatbarlnea and toronto friends the presents wero both handsome and useful after a enmptuous repast the newly wedded oouple went ou a tour east and on their ranrn will reside on doveroourt road toronto their many friends wish them every happiueis through life milton two of the toronto excursionist i slhged to have been guilty of rowdyism at oakvillo are in the county goal awaiting trial a oouple of boys cbargsd with bathing io prohibited hoars were up before the mayor last week they wont bathe any more during sunshiny hours no more bicycle riding on the eidewalkle to be permitted the band oonoert on tbe band stand last friday was enjoyed by onr oltizens the rate of taxation has been struck at 17 mills tbe waterworks revenuo for this year is estimated at 1000 the towns expenditure tbia year is fixed at 1606504 the public school board has deoided to reopen school on september 5tb the month begins on friday and monday is labor day bev f w hollinrake b a ol wash ington an esteemed old milton boy preabhed able aermoas in the methodlet church litt sunday registrar and mrs robertson are enjoy ing a oonple of weeks at grimsby park nassaqaweya mr reid sold tbe first new peas to james hdwcr guelph labt week for 57 cents per bushel on wednesday aog oth cnpid scored another viotory when at the residence of the brides father on the quelph road in tbe presenoe of a goodly number of rela tives and friends o o monalr principal of arkell publio school and miss clara the estimable dangbter of mr james adamaou were nnited in the holy state of matrimony the oeremony was perform ed at three oolook by bev b w bosnian m a ph d tbo bridal party standing under a beautiful arch tha bride waa becomingly attired in white organdie trimmed with lace and ribbon and was assisted by her friend miss minnie rob inson of london who wore nlle green with chiffon and pearl trimming mr a ken nedy of brookville acted aa groomsman after congratulations tbe company took aeata at the tables spread upon the lawo where a most elaborato wedding feaat was eerved mr and mrs monalr left on a trip to grimsby park and other points and will take np tbeir residence in arkell od tbelr return the bride is a prominent worker of ebenezer church and a yoang lady who has innumerable friende her popularity was amply attested by tbe large number ol valuable and handsome pros enter among those present were gueslb from hamilton london toronto goelph st george welland and otber localities on monday evening aug 7tb the prim ary olaas of the sunday school of whioh miss adamson was teaoher gave her a pleaaant surprise at her borne the following addresa waa read by mabel bean ian and the presentation made by ella fletch and tbenia kingsbury dsb auss aoamson we the membera of tber primary and cate ohumon alassos desire to express oar appreci ation of the deep interest you have taken in u ae our teacher and leader yon know the sweet song only remembered by what i have done and we desire to assure you that yon will be remembered by us for your kind loving spirit your faithful and earnest efforts to lesd us to know and to love onr dear saviour to obey his word and to follow in bis footsteps partings must oome bnt the influenoe of your life exam ple and teaching will follow ns for good as an inspiration to keep ever before ue tbe gospel ideal of erne christian oharsoter please aooept this silver servfoe on the occasion of yonr mar riage accompanied by onr prayers and best wishes as a token that you will ever be held in loving remembrance by as on behalf of tbe classes tdxku knrosnuar blxia iflmtcuun afadhl 8canun fudjtltox m miss adamson made an appropriate reply after which refreehmente were served on tbe lawn and a pleasant evening spent the annual harvest home services will be held in oonneolion witb ebenexer church next sunday and the following tuesday bevr fraction will preach sunday morning and evening at the evening servioe mr fry and his obolr from morriston will lead the singing tbe harvest borne garden party under tbe auspices of tbo ladies aid will be beldoq tuesday evening 32nd inst on tha grounds of george easterbrook esq an event of interest will be a football match at 4 oclock between tbe aberfoylo and derby villo teams alter tea addresses will be delivered by ben a blair and s w holden muelo will be rendered by tba popular nelson trio the cromwell family of colored jnbllee singers of gnelpb looal talent and the salvation army brass band also of gaelpb and tbe hariott brothers of gaelpb will give an exhibition of skillful and intricate wand exorcises the reputation of the ebeneser ladiaa aid for eqperior harveat festivals is widespread and will no doubt be auslained on this occasion the laat number of the manistfquemicb courier baa an interesting letter from corp darno of co e 2nd tj b infantry now stationed in a catholic ohnrcb at balling pbllllplne islands anxloua mothers find dr lows worm syrup tbe best medicine to expel worms children like it worma dont in tho rooent hlghsohool and matriculation examinations tho report of the boards of extimliers in conneotlon with the highsabooi and matrioulition examinations held in july bava been oousliercd by fie eduoat onel council and bt 1 w will be found the nemss of tho bucoaafui oundiilted in the exami nations of xortnu 1 ii iii and iv in htilton count aud actw otudents at guelph o1s01io1t0wh form i l a bennott j crccian f h dtlion w e hume it laiduw j o leslie j isioore frank moore l mocol i uib w 1 modonald b juoewan j mclatty l sherman d simuir e m bomorvlllc 0 l willmmi with lonors e a dolsnn form ii pirt i a barber h a btll m e curric u 1 huitwell j kidd w lilbter l mckiuliy t mc queen w o nioklin e m hoy j g booth a p bmtli n w sparrow matrlcnliton 4 e c couilind w t morrow f o bmjlh o wxllioe j f wnpiholt form iii paesod a arthurs ii i cook p mllolhll j it moore m mo- quoet b suder e wilkinson pissed io phjeioia e llinuoy form iv part ij p hi litl i lit ii muud norton mabtl noinn p btoele tlllton form ii part i ii dixon a lourrt- berry l paiitnn c 11 patterson m young oakv1mu form i e m brown a e coot b m forsler e k foulds a f golledgc f n lllnlon o e joyce de macdonold q h merriman with honors l j murphy w f pratt f ii robertson form ii prt i i m waao matrio ulition 4 b a andrew m e hill m l lidgtry j a orr matrioulition s a ftlin w hembest m f nioboli form 111 passed e l cbisholm a gray l e laek e m monlton e williams honors among the successful students at gutlph were in form i n o lowry d e kendedy with honori- form ii ada e tjle daisy niollin maggie fyfe matrioulstion 1 porm iii o j jolliffe r o jclllffj patriotic private post cards j o wilson it co the extensive paper makers and r wholesale statiouora ol montreal and lachnte bend na advanced proof of their two new fatriotio private poat cards which they aro about to ibsae they are very neatly lithographed in oolore and will no doubt be very popular aad have a large bale especially tbe canadian design which represents canada a pretty maiden in a blanket anowshoe outfit with a pair of snowshoea in her right hand holding the canadian flag in her left tbe beaver at her feet a wreath of autumn leaves entwining the words the maple leaf forever tbe rising son in the background and at tbe bottom the motto fatria amatjtas this oard we consider the best production of its kind yet issued the other is from the belebrated painting by mand earl tbe bulldog standing on tbe union jaok with tbe words what we bave well hold they will bo for sale at all booksellers or in quantity from the publishers the fall fairs list of the agricultural exhibitions whioh interest free press readers helton milton sept 28 29 ebqueslng georgetown sept 20 industrial toronto aug 28 sept 0 western london sept 716 east elgin st thomas sept 08 canada central ottawa sept 1123 wellesley wellealey sept 13 18 owen sonnd sept 1214 southern brantford bept 1021 northern walkerton sept 10 20 central gnelph sept 1021 north oxford woodstock sept 2123 north brant paris sept 25 20 north waterloo berlin sept 20 27 filklugton elora sept 20 27 centre bruce paisley sept 20 27 peel brampton sept 21 27 nortuweetsrn goderioh sept 2028 c wellington fergus 8epi 27 28 w wellington harrialon sept 27 38 south waterloo gait sept 28 20 north perth stratford oct 8 4 poellnob aberfoylo oot 0 eramosa rookwood oot 10 11 worlds fair rookton oot 10 11 erin erin oot 10 20 a womans bufferings wae troubled with palpitations of the heart extreme weak ness and nervoue headaohes in the little hamlet of montrose welland county resides a lady who glvea ranab praise to the anrativa power of dr williams pink pllla the subject of tbia testimony la mrs rlobard hanna an estimable lady who has resided in that locality for many year a report sr seek- ing an interview witb mrs hanna found bar willing to give full details whioh are given in her own words five ycara ago i was taken ill i attrlbnted the troable at the time to an injury aualained by a fall time want on aud i did not get better the aymptouis of my complaint were pslpitation of tbe heart extreme weaknesa stomach troublsa and terrible headaches i waa vary nervous bad no appetite and experienced mnoh w at night finally i waa compelled to take to my bed being too weak lo alt np any longer in this condition i waa treated at difterent timea by three doctors and took a great quantity of medicine bat realized no benefit not one of my nelghbora tboogbt i would get well in the meantime i thought myaelt that death woold soon end my bufferings one day mrs smith of port bobinson came lo see ma and persuaded my husband to procure for ma acme of dr williams pink fills and he purchased aix boxes after taking tbe elx boxes i bad improved very much and waa able to be up though yet too weak to walk i sent for another aix boxes and aa a result oonsider my cure complete i oan relish food better sleep soundly and stand more fatigue than i could for yeara previous although i bave passed the meridian of ufa i feel as healthy aa when i waa in my twantlea with great pleasure and a xratefal heart i give this testimony the publlo is cautioned against numerous pink colored imitations of these famous pills tbe gsnuine are sold only in boxes tbe wrapper around which bears the words dr williams pink pills for pais people if yonr dealer does not bava hum tbay will be aant postpaid at 50 oenti a box or aix boxes for 1260 by addressing the dr willlama medicine co brookville ont phi your finger on your pulse you feel the blood rushing along but what kind of blood that is the question is it pure blood or impure blood if tho blood is impure then you arc weak and lanrulj your appetite is poor nnrl your uibestion is weak you can not deep well and the pi- ing ilnd3 you unprepared for tho work of the day your cheetis are pale and your com plexion is sallow you pre troubled with pimples boils or tsocio eruption of the slin why not purliy your blood august 17m the right house ebtaumbllkd l8 hamiltons ravouite shopping place most unusuhl bhrghins can be had at this store during our big summer clearing sale mnny lines of worthy goods in eery department arc selling nt ridiculously bw prices an vfrorlunity like this for meney saving isnt often met with and you should make the most of it here ore p few items that will give jou an inkling cf the way agents f lpu wont to ma do pjroknd ripf dicadtlljr lio ndln tho ijcli tor lite tub bim dlky gaiuixteon co limited urnntford ont f will do it take it a few days and then put your finger on your pulse again you can feci the difference it ia stronger and your circulation better send for our book on impure blood if you aro bilious take aycrs pills they greatly aid the sarsaparilla tbey cure constipation also 1 wrlto to our doatoem 1 wrlto thorn froolyallthopfirtlrnlarn i in yonr cnuo yon will rocolvo o 1 urompt rppiy without ooit v atwromdiu j o a br im afraid wo muet be divorced ray dear baict mr newland to his yonrjg wife the doctor says i have rbeumatio tondenoies and must rivo np all sweet thingfl iteu hot from tlieuuii tvao the ball that hit g b siadman of newark mich in the oivil war it canned horriblo ulcers that no treatment helped for 20 yeara then bucklena arnica salve cured him caroa cata braieen burrn boils falonb corns bkin eruptions best file euro on earth 2fio a box core guaranteed sold by j d mckee dragfjiat teaoher did any of you ever nee an elephanti akin bright boy 3loaeo sir i have teaoher where was it my boy bright boy on the elephant eir noffmans headache powders a qnlck rare mmtb remedy for i nor ous sick and neuralgic hottd i uchcs tlioy aro guaranteed sot to f contain bromides narcotics caj e thartlcfl or anything that can do- 1 j rnnco tho stomach or afloat tha i i nerves sold in 10 cent envelopes i and 25 cent boxos aslc your dmugjat for tbom trie nopfniarr drug co brldcebarff oat we are selling things nowadays si oo shirt waists for 60 cents white lawn blouses fine quality with three rows of tucking in the front detachable linen collars full rangeof sizes well worth fti each selling at 50c colored cambric blouses in a large and comprehensive assortment of patterns including fashionable stripes checks and plaids all the leading colors worth 75 90c and 81 00 each selling at 50c ladles bolts reduced stylish black leather belts with nickel or leather covered harness buckle were 30 and 35c now 20c were 25c reduced to 15c were 35 and 4 5c now 25c were 50c reduced to 35c were 65 to 75c now 50c were 85c reduced to 65c colored leather belts in tan brown green navy and cardinal with nickle gilt or leather covered harness buckle were 15c reduced to 10c were 20 and 25c now 15c were 25 to 35c novv 20c were 40c reduced to 25c were 45 to 60c now 35c were 75c reduced to 50c wash dress goods cotton delaines 27 inches wide small fancy and striped designs- were 8c now 5c american ginghams in plaids and stripes navy green blue pink mauve and red 27inch reduced to 64c ginghams in a variety of neat striped patterns some in roman stripe were 15 and i2jc now 10c piquei in white grounds wkh stripes in blue black navy and pink others in blue ground with white stripes were 18c now j2jc piques int navy pink and blue with white stripes also in white grounds with plaid and stripe patterns in various shades were 15c now xoc french piques in white with mauve navy pink or black stripes 32- inch were 40c now scotch ginghams in red and mauve checks with black stripes were 40c now 20c parasols reduced white sat 1 nparasols with various striped and brocaded designs quite new and stylish were 3r 50 reduced to 1 00 were 81 85 reduced to 1 25 plain cream bilk parasols pure silk pretty handles were 83 5- now ftoo plain white satlq de chene parasols good bright finish various neat handles were 90c now 65c colored silk parasols in plain colors and bhot effects were 275 now 9175 were 2 now 8 25 cattle sprayed sthayed on tho nrcmlscs of tho unikr- efgiiod lot con 4 llrlu about lit august two jear old atecra owner may imvo proper ty after paying cliarjjoa hugh mccutoheon fob sale that double roupli ceat houso aud lot direct ly north of tho lrcithytorlan church bolonatnr to tilt ostato of tho lato archibald lmpfaolf decejrecil for iinrlicularb apjily to j mckinnon solicitor for tlio uxocutoru cenod fc i a j fc holii wanted mall orders receive prompt attention we prepay the freight or express to any railway station in ontario on all orders amounting to 85 or over address all letters to department s thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton business principle grand trunk ivitx farm laborers excursions to winnipeg and other poinua la manitoba and asalnl- boia mooaejaw estevan yorktown cowan 10 good going from stations in ontario west of toronto august mud 1s09 east of toronto augmt shtta btopovor allowtd wlnnlnog and wont but uckotamaybo uiod to doitliiauon by august am jaw every paabouger will bo pi von a cortiflcato whlob must bo donositod with agontlrnoiodlate- ly at arrival whoro psiooqor anally loaves ths tram on aurrondor of thii eortlfloato on or before november 15tb toturn koketa will bo inoed for lflo0 special train loavoa toronto at 1 30 p m angnat sand and dltb via north bay through colonist sloopors will bo run toronto to wiuul- ticket and all information from qt it agents h s holmes agent acton modickson dlat paasr agt toronto preserve robert noble8 flour feed store it is only a store with a small unprogressive trade that has no underlying business principle on which it is built up each store that makes any pretence at being a live up- to date business has some definite principle as unalterable as the laws of the medes and persians we have always tried to keep before the public our system of doing business why because we find it pays when people know that we sell for cash and cash only they come here expecting to pay cash and get goods at the lowest cash price we believe in doing straight business no juggling with prices here no free gifts or underhand dealing everything square and above board on this basis we have built up our business until today we occupy a leading position in the dry goods trade of guelph but we do not intend to rest on our laurels we will still bend all onr energies into- making this business still bigger and better our mr dowler has advised us of large purchases of fall goods and we can assure our customers that their interests will be well looked after this fall the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store trunks for 150 club bags leather 125 gladstone bags shawl straps trunk straps steamer trunks canvas bound brass mounted 375 to 550 neillj the shoe man guelph 8 stores agents in ovory dlatrloton tho continent to take ordors ton bifth grade canadian grown nursory stock add heeds largcut and most complete assortment in tho trado fait- olling specialties uuporb samples furnlabed free correspondonco in any languago these positions aro moneymakers and territory should do ooeurod at onco for tho season by all hustlers looking for a good thinff our salary or com- mission offers interest to any ono not earning 100000 per year jet in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to copreaent a well established house ability more impor tant than experience luke uhotjteitr company international kursorloa chicago iii montreal que itocbestor n y acton civic holiday pf5oclh3wht10n whexieiab it has been tho custom for many yeara to sotaparta day forclviauotiday and whereas many citizen have expires- ed a deblro that tho custom bo observed this ear i boroby proclaim thursday 24th august olvlo holiday for this municipality in accord ancowlth a laraoly signed petition presontcd to mo and would respectfully request- that al ciheodb woutd ohscrvo tbo samo j ii ievkson itosvoa oillco licevo auguat 16th 1899 4ouv parcels ot valuable property iu acton f the following property belonging to mr patrick kelly now ot uuttelo la offered for sale at low prices and easy terms pstncbl 1 that fine brick resldonco and two lots on tho corner ot church and guolph atraetn contains 8 rooms bard and soft water or jon did orchard ond good harden pabcel 2 good building lot 66x133 on guelph btreet next to alox ltamshaws new residence upon which la a young orchard pabcel 0 tbo storo aud dwelling on mill btreet occupied by tiurncy uroa who carry on a general business is in bplondid locationt eentral and convenient paucbis 4 tbroo good building lota at tho corner of young and mill btreots a spjondid site for a manufacturing establishment owing to its proximity to o tjt depot a terms and particulars enquire at thoofbcs w h penny young st acton of votebs list 1899 municipaltiyof the village of acton in the county of haut notice is hereby given that i have rant mltted or delivered to tho persons men tioned in sections 8 and 9 ot tbo ontario voters islst aet tbe copies required by aald loctiona to be transmitted or delivered of the list mado pursuant to bald aet of all persons appearing bv tbp l revised assessment itoll of the said municipality to bo entitled to vote in the said municipality at elections for members of tba legislative assembly and at municipal elec tions and that the ald hat was first posted on at my office at tho vjllago of acton in bald county of haltoo on tbe 99th day of july 18u9 and remains there for inspection electors aro called upon to examine tho said list and if any omissions or any other errors are found therein to take immediate prccood- inga toliave tbe said errors corrected according to law bated at tho village of acton this 20th day of july 1809 thos t moore clerk of the municipality of acton alma lrdies coll6ge opens tor nineteenth year september 7th parents are reminded that the best con ditlons for the mental moral and socia training of their daughters are to be found in a residential school like alma colile st thomas ont for full information addresa rev ri warner prin st thomas ont 1000 men wanted a r mann at finmark hrwork orrtlnrontario rainy river rail road kkcbs 175 p6h drv ib wonthsjkohkto good m9n plymouth binder twine agency silver sheaf ispumst ibstbonassj is jirnf8t is longest best aao most xcfnomiosj dots quujitjr count wiihjou laltoe stock on hand xj tuh trrons tbia nosr railroad passes tbroogh tha gnat mioing and farming district of rainy blver and lak ot tha woods apply to james matthews acton c v hazelton guelph the nations holiday go exposition and toronto auk 28th to sep 9 99 all upto pate attractions progress of ihe century illustrated in the worlds inventions wireless telegraphy wireless tele graphy improved x rays grand military and naval spectacles famous english and american uatttcs depicted marvellous entainment features the best fair the cheapest fair the greatest annual fair on eartlr- entriea close august sth eiouralons on all linos or travel forpiize lists entry forms- and all particulars address j j wlthrow lraidrnt h j hill uanagtr toronto inquiring boy t bla mother ma what did tha moths ait baton adam aud eva wore clothes to th08e about to marry yoang men or old men who inland to marry wll be pleased to learn that tha now marriage act la made quite simple by applying to h p moore leaner of marriage llesnaea at the fnaa passe oflloe call a law daya before tha oeremony and have ihe mailer explained private oflloe all business slriotly private and ooofldentlal at realdanoe in evenings what it represents when you alt for a photograph yon want the likeness to represent you properly when you alt to ua we want tho work to represent us properly our imprint is soon on none but tho boat photo graphs and for our sake as well as yours we are sure lo give you lifelike atlisfec- tory photographs h photo rrtist rctom borne man have tho beat of look how so l theres mcintosh for inttaoce ioa oream gives his girl neuralgia seasonable articles obtainable at browns drug store pure paris green mixes well with water white hellebore persiatic plant spray instant louse killer kills insects on rose bushesr cucumber vines etc tanglefoot insect powder moth camphor helpepper crude carbolic acid creolin a t brown mill street acton

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