Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 31, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton cllahten chanted 1872 hkadofrios hamilton on t capital all paid up reserve fund total assets i 494000 1000000 i 3163000 iuknuull cashilr j savings department one dollar or mora recelvod interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without waiting for pass hook lo bo presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order v with the pass book the news at home security hie goernment returns show that depositors in this bank have over iie million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc tarmcrs salo notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same nt a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every binking facility afforded which can be obtained in- the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch bbtaiu1sued over twkntt tsahb j p bell agent mjt ctojt jfree f rcss thursday auqust 81 1809 tittle local brieflets whloh caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week labor day next monday tomorrow 1st saptannbur the sobooli reopen next tuoeday we have had throe weeks withont ram they have au outbreak of anthrax at gladstone near st thomas borne farmera are already busy vtuh fall feeding it is a bad time t bny thermometers they are so high at present united states visitors to toronlo fair are already dropping 10 npoa their canadian friends knox gharoh ia beint beautifully decorated thia week for the flower service next sunday the lost shawl advertised in latt issnoi ot the fuss press was returned by the finde next day toronto exhibition is in full blaat most visitors from this vioinity will defer their visit until next week st albana sunday sobool held a very enjoyable plcnio in mr john warrens grove on monday afternoon after apending f 8 800 in a vain attempt at boring for oil and natural gas in gnelpb the proapect bab been abandoned interesting correspondenoe from crow- eons corners everton anil balllnafad is navoldably crowded oat this week while engaged in ralaiog the centre trass for the new presbyterian ohnrob ferguson monday it jell and mbtinty killed contractor moffat next sunday will be observed as flower sunday in the methodist obnrcb tbo pastor will preach to the old people in tbe morning and on flowers in the evening tha oarpentera are busy setting tbe joioefortbe flooring ot the new baptist cfaurob they mil go on at onoa with tbe frame which will be veneered with briok later tbe grain dealers of toronto are greatly exeroised over the appearance ot smut in the new orop of ontario fall wheat and recommend farmers to treat their seed wheat with a preparation to deatroy the smut before fall sowing daring the absence ot rev w b moalplne tbe baptiat pnlpit was occupied by bars 3 a molsohlsn m a and n a maopuerson respectively who dslivered two most intensely spiritual yet practical nd instructive discourses the pastor is ated to tike charge next sabbath j cou the fall term of the qurlph business college and shorthand institute will com- vnenoeon monday aug 28th students may enter any time after opening with every advantage as no classes are formed ciroulare free j snanr frinoipal twenty p cen below 3 h hamilton of tbe old reliablo marble and granite works quelpb announoea that be will continue to place the best pleases ot granits and marble monuments tombs etc at prloes guar anteed to be twenty peroent below others no sgsnt to receive oommisiioni expenses allowed to and from quelpb to parobaesrs to those about to marry young men or old men who intend to marry will bs pi to h new marriage aot is roads quite simple by applying to h p moors leaner ot marriage licenses at the fail paxils offloe call a few days before the ceremony and have the matter explained private offloe all business strictly private and confidential at residence in evenings vhb f lib sumrnsr wane inoreasad interest in reading is m the monthly session at tbe free library board was held in tbs library on monday evening members present 3 b pearson chair man bsv j a molaohlan rev h a maopheriod john cameron and h f moore the treasurer reported the receipt ot a obequo lor 16830 from tha provincial treasury as tha government grant for tbe present year the oheqae was handed to thsmoniolpal treasurer the librarians report for july was presented as follows books issued 151 in tha following classes history 68 biography st voyages and travels 24 solsnos 1 general hteratnrew poetry 1 notion m religions 1 rnsoilansoos 46 present membership sa receipts woaot moved by j a- molaohlan seoondsd by joboxamerpjoibatlbs librarians report for jaly be adopedroarried board tbs sdkinnisd the mors a roan knows tha mors he will of admiration and tbe loss of surprise i jwfwtrrats tha dangsr of any evil that mobtly of a looal character and everv itom interesting gttejpli central exhibition the adv of ibeuuelph central exhibi tion will bo found in another oolumn with its nowly improved gronnds and boiljings this wilt be one of tbe best exhibitions in tho province this year an excellent prize list and programme of attraction is adver tised and ehoull draws large bhare of exhibitors and vibitora from this district notice tbo ipcoial train to rooknood aotau georgetown and pointi eabt on wednesday evening boptomber 20th at oiobo ol ooncert harvest home at knox church spool services will ba held next sabbath when special bermons appropriate to the third anniversary of ins ordniation and induction will be preaohed at 11 a m and 0 80 p m by kov h a maopherson the pnitor the choir will assist in making tho servioea interesting and profitable at up m the anonsl flower service ot the bnuday sobool will be hild a programme of responsive readings and suitable hymns will be kien by tho sobolars on monday evening a social enterlaiment will be given alter supper in the basement a choice programme will be presented in the ahnrob tho following miniatera will help in mak ing tbo proceedings an event of rare profit reva knowles gait blair nassagaweya and mullan fergns these gentleman are wi 11 known and popolar here mias lexis olark will render popolar solos and the ohnrob choir will give a aeriee of aeleotions supper will be served from 0 to ft and ths entertaitnent will commence at 8 resignation ot ml patterkin during tbe past four yeara misa ida e patterson has oooupled with much accept ance the position of tseohcr of the third department of acton p s tbe tendering of her resignation last week is binoerely regretted by tbs pabllo sohool board and will also be by tbe parenta of the sobolsrs this action was taken by miaa patterson because she was given a phce on the staff of tbe gudph pabllo sohool where sbe will be alls to reside at home not wisbiog to stand in the way of her preferment and improved position tbe doard baa generously released miss patterson from her engagement here dnrlng her stay in aoton mies patterson uot only been a sucoessfol teacher but has made herself useful as a worker in knox church and endeared herself 10 a wide cirole of friends a peculiar coincidence is tho fact that she leaves acton publio buhool where mr thomss t moore was her principal and goes to bt georges bctiocl qaelph where bis son mr t james moore is the frinoipal obituary via xr payne bjahland is prom the riobland iowa clarion we glean tbs following respecting tbe lata mrs dr pa which will b read with acton the champions in a score of a to 1 the cresoents walk over oalt and are cham pions of the royal dlotrlot as interest by many who met the deocased during her visits to bonderlabd villa and other homea here the fnneral of mrs r h payne who died on aognat 33rd at ono oclock in ths morning was hsld from the m e church on aognat 24tb in riobland and was conducted by rev b s moore mrs payns was tbe mother of elgbt children two boys deceased fn infanoy there remain to mourn tha loss of a loving mother on earth two girls and four boyo anna e nengent of chicago mrs m l starr riohland dr j d cbloego dr j harper g logan waahington and frsd st joe mo mrs payne was taken ill tern weeks ago on returning home from a visit to chicago with a oongettad condition ot the lungs which developed into sn abscess ot tbo largo bronohia tube daring these weeks bhe was a patient sufferer several times tbo children have been oslled from a distance near relatives and friends expect ed hourly for death to oome bat she wonld rally and a hops war entertained that abe might rsoover for hope ilka the glimmering tapers llgbt a adorns and oheers tbe way and still as darker grows tbe sight emits a brighter day the days and nights of watobfolnsss passed on until wednesday when death came quietly as the deceased bad old those arosnd her that she had no fsara of tbe beyond sbe had lived a christian ufa and was ready to meet a christians life tt3rnsl mrs payne was a loving atten tive wife and mother a kind and benevo lent friend greatly admired by those who knew her the funeral waa one ol tha largeat ever held in riobland many pbyaloians and frlenus from a distance were present the altar in ths church was aleborauly deooreted with beautifol flowers to show their loya and esteem fpr her and their reapeot for tha hasband and family the business men closed tbslr places ot bnsinsss during the funeral service bappy wedlock till death do parr the home ot mr t t moors principal of actou publio school waa ths scene last thursday evening of a very pretty wed- ing tbe union in holy wedlock of his eldest daughter emms to mr herbert e moeerlhen of toronto promptly at seven oclock mr moore entared the psrlor with bit daughter on his arm and as the brldsl pair stood in tbs bay window which was beantifnlly adorned with floral garlands bev j a molaohlan m a the pastor of the horns spoke the words whloh made tbo happy pair one tba bride presented an ideal piotaro in her charming bwiss bridal robe trimmed witb oresm satin and tbe lovers knot she oarried a bouquet ot white rosea her sister miss may waa bridesmaid and in hsr lovely robe ot white organdie over pale green and valenoiennes lane and bouquet of white hydrangea was pretty enough to have been mistaken for the brlds herself miss pearl jf core ot quelpb nsloe of the brlds dalntly drssssd in wbits was the maid ot honor mr frsd mokerihsn of toronto brother of the groom supported him a aumptoous wedding dejeuner was partaken of attar whloh mr john antman of the world toronto nnole ot tbs- brlds took the chair and a brief oast list and words ol congratulation followed miss moors waa ons ot actons fairest and best beloved maidens and tbs most oordlal good withes follow ber and hsr husband to ihsir horns in toronto tha bridal tokens were numerous and costly and amply evidenced ths esteem in which tbs yoang people am hold tbe grooms present to tba brides maid was a star and crescent slick pin ol pearls with solid gold settings and to tha maid of honor a similar ons of tbs fltnr- dslis pattern mr and mrs mokerlben drove to georgetown where tbsy took tha njght train to toronto upon arrival at tnafr new home then 851 oivsns rtrsea they ware welsomsd by a number ol iheir olty friends and dellahifallr entertained the following guests from out ol town attended the wsddlng ijlr jejroee moors and miss moors guelph mr and mrs joe m moors georgetown 1 mr and mrs john aoaman hiss eva mokerihsn mr arlbar blttt mr and miss daley jsnnar torooto and misses tennis and etta clarrldge georgetown the event ot the day on civlo holiday last thursday waa the obampionabip leoroase mstoh between acton and gait at waterloo between three and fonr hun dred oit zsob accompanied tbe oresoenti and were rewarded for their ioalty by aeeing them win the uhanipionahip ot the royal district by overwhelmingly defeat ing gait and thue punishing them as they deserved for tbejlr unseemly braggadooic ample evidence ot which is given in the qnotations below from tbe gait reformer whloh tbrooghont the sesbon has most offensively abanopioned their oaoae tbs reforvier no doobt inspired by members of tbe gait team has from time to time gono out of tbe way to abase aoton but now finds it necessary to rat crow in large quantities on tha 28th inst in a two oolumn article in wbfah tueir victory over fergns on the previous sstuadey waa jubilintly referred to in all poaslbl gush tbe reformer said ic was a groat game for a lout 000 team put up a faultless exhibition ot laorosso gait then what waa at stake everything tho reward of a voars bard work the obampionabip of tbe royal diatrlol it was true tbat tbe winners must meet aoton but both teams bad erldenoea tbalr superiority over acton tha lattor therefore was but a minor factor if fergua trlumpbod over gait fergus would bo anpreme aoton wonld fall and now tbat uet leads tbero need be little anxiety gait and aoton play in waterloo on thursday now boya practice as you practiced for saturday and on thursday you will wear tbe laurel wreaths wgll tbe praotioo went forward the gall boya prait oed bard very bard they went to wateiloo on thursday and so did the laurel wreathe and beautiful silk sashes bearing gaits gaady colors bat the jiraotioe did not avuil they were beaten badly beaten indeed and they didnt wear the laurel wreaths nor the oostly silken bashes the same number of the reformer said acton sent a oonunganoy to help fergus ebeer the aotonltea remained to weep bow now aoton cant gait play laoroeae acton a fond farewell set yotr ahrouda ready died at quelpb on saturday aug 10 tbe versus irfuroaso olnb pying the aoton xjeeroase club wbleh wlna games with a mob armed with bludffeona obsequies the funer als wilt ba slmnltaneoua well all be in at the deatb on thnndsj aotona demise aha i whos dead and wearing sbroads now friend reformer 7 yes yon were all in at tbe death on thursday but it wasnt actons demise now was it tho false etatemente abonl mobs with bludgeons didnt avail did it reformer try a more honorable oonrss next seaaon try the troth for a change and yonll win at least ths respsojof lovers ot clean and honest sport even if yon oant win the ohamplonsbh and tbe laurel wreaths and allksn sashes jchojinjanrnallaliaandlnntrnthfnljie jornter continued its abases in its ibbob ths evening before the mstoh in tbo following references to the coming match the team tbat administered to fergua such an overwhelming dsfeat at gait laat saturday will try conolnalona with aoton at waterloo to morrow the bo a are in tbo pink of oondltlon and are confident that actou will be aa easy a problem aa fergua fint they will work jnst tha same aoton is in for the most terrlno drubbing it haa ever experienced tburadaya same la for the obampionabip and oalta soore will be aa large as thp locals can make it aotona dlsgraoefnl treatment of gait at aoton ia not forgotten tbe gafta are not rufflana they ax lacrosse players and aotons abuae and insults both on tbe field and in the fnaa pnaaa will have tbslr reward aoton will out a eorry figure tomorrow what do unbaisod resdera and especially those who witnessed ths gaitacton game here think of anoh braxsn effrontery have the qalt iisoroaae team apd reform er not received just tbe overwhelming dsfeat they invited an easy problem a terrific drubbing a sorry figure forsootb who experienced them who cut the sorry figure thursday svaning laat the fnxx pbkss hesitates to oopy snob bombast as qalt and ths reformer have been gnilty off it is foreign mattsr to tbese oolomns bnt ths effects baa beep so studied and insnltiogly rensaled that we have oopled ft on this oooaaton to show onr oltizsns tbe olaas ot sportsmen onr boys havo bad to deal with in their oonnsclion with gait daring the season the fnxx fskbb prsdiots that gait will take a different tack next year coming and going visitors to and from aoton ana varloueother personal notes the largest crowd tbat haa witneased a laoroase mstoh west ot toronto since ths famous shamrookexoslslor gams at brampton in 1808 saw aoon defeat gall at waterloo last thursday by six goali to one exoorslon trains from qalt acton and tdierrnedlate points were ran folly 91100 people orowded the stands at tbs stait aoton came to tha point and cornet snored the first goal in less than half a mlnste aod betore gilt bad rsslizsd that ths gtme bad commenced in real earnsst irwin and ryder scoring in rapid auooeaaion gaits field waa lamentably wsak fringls mobrlde and jaok mo- donald seemed the only qslt players in gams mcintosh mads a brilliant dash down the side in the fourth game cornett evading brash and tallied gels on a fine pass by c kirk to modooald were danger ous bat aotons fltl isrs weald not hold off byder and irwin getting tbe next two for for acton maodonaldfand campbell at tbla stage worksd a pftwf run and on a clever tarn modonew bat groalkeeper watson for gaits only showing gait lust kirk and brash through disciplinary retirement and failed to do better than an even break for ths remaining time tbe gams waa a splendid exhibition ot lacrosse on aotons pait every man played his position well and at times tbs ball was ttksn from sod to snd by aoton before a gait man oould tonoh it aoton by their brilliant playing and superior passing tallied ave times in about is minutes actual play gall oertaioly waa not in the gams at any point and was oertaioly outclassed tbs soora team 1 aston 9 aoton a aoton a aoton s aston 0 gait 7 aoton tba teams qalt gibson allan brash wsbsr kirk fringls clarke tims i mln 1 mln 7j mln li mln 1 mln 7 mln 8 mln soorer f cornell e byder cornett byder gorney j maodonald cornett f ryder llisms position aoton qoal watson point shields cover point b irwin first dsfsnos second defence third dsfsnos centre glsndennlng third horns maodonald second home campbell oottlds o kirk inside baisreo moksown orangevllls j attar winning tbls ehampionenlp niaiph 0 will j watson beott b ryder uoclntoab 0 irwin gorney owned tha twin olty in a few mloofiajball ooni waterloo sad berlin wsrs altered oat ol nehlmtsekeajooand brooms andjhs remaining ilmateiore tha trains arrival was spent in parading lbs two towns to tha accompanying exhilarating muelc the train was an hoar lata in arriving at actdo bul tbs popnlaoe was hsverthe- lses massed at ths depot to wtlonms bonis tha fnxa pnxss invites all ita readers to con tribute to this column if yoa or your friends aro going away on a holiday trip or ii you have friends visiting yon drop a card to the fkb pnbb mrs e h kelly of ingorsoll la tbe guest of aoton friends miss aggie armstrong ot toronto is visiting friends in town mr w r kinney and children vialted friends at kilbride thin week mr e b collins left last thursday 00 a prospectiog tour to manitoba mr and mra james a elli of toronto were guests at moorecroft uat week mra john ccleman and nblldren went to toronto on tuesday to spend a week or so irs rov w dryers spent few days dnrlng the week with friends at napanee mr jamee ramshaw was home from wyandotte mich ibis week on a brief visit urr dr robe of parkdale visited her aunt mre thomas ferryman sr laat week mibb laidlaw ol toronto who hoe been the guest of miib madte russell returned borne monday misa lizzie williame of guelph made her brother mr john williams a brief viait dnrlng tbe week misa bona wallioe left for orangeville on tuesday to be the gneat of friends snd relatives for a fsw weeke misa maggie hsfiernan ot kiooardine ban been visiting si the home of mr wm edmiston the past two weeks mrs anson smith left on monday to join ber bnaband at gloveravlle n y their borne will be at 16 steele ave mr john milbaubon ia relieving tha agent at parkdale this week mr wm bee ot farkhill is filling the vacancy on tbe staff here bev byron laing and arthur left laat friday for north adams maaa to prepare for their autumn season in tbe new england blslssi messrs neil mcnabb and angns bhnson arrived here from jobnotown n y on monday to opend a oouple of weeks vaoation in the old home mra w carre- and miib edie smith returned from gloverovilh hit friday mios minnie jeans accompanied them and wilt remain for a month or so mr george ramshaw returned to obioago on tuesday after spending a oonple ot weeks most enjoyably in the old home and with friendb of a quarter century ago mr and mrs r b jermyn of nisgsra falls who were visiting friends in george towndorlnglhepassjsreeitcamb op to aoton on saturday afternoon to epend a few hoars in their former home chan lowry son of dr lowry wsb down town for the first time this morning after being laid up for two weeks as a reanlt of having his knee aap injured in a bloyole accident he still has to walk with tbe aid of a oane guelpb dwxalt mr norman grewson ot gloversvllle n y mr and mrs jamea h nloklln and mrs robert flsnnagan of lowell mich mrs edw b nicklin georgetofrb and mrs hanson ol bowmanvlllo were here yesterday attending the funeral of the late mrs wm grewson hucttville ctias l nelles guelph the big bookstobe wall paper window shades room mouldings druggist our agent in acton will attend to your wants and show prices remember tlint tlie noted tea store nud claim pnlnco ia hendquartern for choice torantoosj plums peaches muskmelotib and all kinds of vegetables it pays to buy at boiler is it pays to buy at bollerts a lraara ceylon tea nnd mc- creas favorite blend ot coffee nro tho beat in tho market j a mccrea gtjelpij 1 v syvwt ttf vfvfvtfff vvvtvfvvf ftvvvi i henderson co clascow house su7vtmer goods the tide has turned our anticipations are for fall all this month goods are being sold at reduced prices in order to insure the prompt clearance of everything that belongs to summer 1 his is the time to make money by spending it it is time for caution as well but the caution is to be shown in chqasing what you buy and the bargain ou make those who watch this store will be the gainers your opportunity comes when we sell goods way below cost thats the case now with wash coods dresa coods millinery ladles suits 8hlrt waists mens clothing boys clothing house furnishings carpets lace curtains neibt fall dress goods we have just placed in stock a large range of the new est fabrics for fall wear including bl1st9hcrbpons plhinjtnd ehncypopl1ns sbscbsbokclorhs 6tc for suitings also s silks and satins in all the staple and fancy shades we make a specialty of blouse silks and satins an advance shipment of the new rough rider felt shapes for ladies wear during autumn p s we oak as a special favor in your own interest aa well as ours that you look through our range of dress stufie so tha you can lntelllgentl y oompare prices and styles with anything else you may see utn st aoton hendep8on co and other stocks of equal importance weve niidc reduc tions in all classes of goods so big and so marked as to pro duce phenomenal bargains for you your good will has made the store what it is and we can afford to be liberal for the sake of what you and your neighbors might think e r bollert co 25 and 27 wjndham st guelph new jewellery i store gu6lph now vsufwihcs 8d drowning of a hmlton boy dr george h cook tbs wellknown dentist who praolised at tbe earner ot bpadlna avenne and college street toronto was drowned in late ontario near mimioo on saturday afternoon although asveral frlende were lo bathing with dr cook at tbe time tbey were unable torescue him andheparisbed almost before their eyes deceased with hie family had been oamplog on ths lake shore soms dlstanos west ot the hnmber biver since tbs end of jone and several friends fasd tsnts erected near by so that a pleasant little oolony wss formed it was ths dally custom for sll to go in bathing togttber and on saturday after noon mott of the oampere were enjoying themselves in tbe water as usual dr cook bad gone to ths oity on business he returned on his wheel while tbey were still in tbe water and mads basts to join his friends who wero thinking snout coming out hs was very warm after bis brisk ride bat ran into the water till he reached a depth of about ave and a halt feet and then made a jew stroksa he bad not gone a doien yards whan hs suddenly gavs a loud cry for hslp snd sank almost immediately it is thooght bs wss seised ithoxamps within a law minntes a urge wave rolled his dsad body to tba shore at the feet of his friends dr godfrey was present almost immediately but failed to resuscitate him dr cook ltaves a widow and two amsll children mr adam cook ol aoton la his brother deceased was thirtyfive vsart ol age he waa prominent in presbyterian ohnrob circles snd was auditor ot bloor street oburcb as well as teaober in the sunday sobool- dr cook was born in halloa in 1880 bs graduated from tbe ontario dental college prior to that period be was for three years a student of dentistry with dr foster of qaelph he want to toronto aboat seven years ago and bad bollt np a inorallve praotios na8 tha harvest homo garden party ot the ladiea aid ol ebeneser ohnrob on tues day evening 22nd inet waa a decided success tbe weather waa all that could be desired and there waa a very large attendance the programme was a good one aod wall rendered the gats receipts amounted to 1110 00 tbs ladies are to bs congratulated on their anooess the farmers are all through harvest in ibis section ths oontlnoed drought is making tha water scarce in the wells a good shower ol rain wonld bs mnoh appreciated by tha farmers and everybody elae for oholos sogarcured bams and bacon go to rclstons batcher bhop next to kannoye sbos store tbs viators aoton corns bsnd was tbsrs and an immense torchlight proosssloo was immediately formed and lbs victors wen escorted to the town ball to tbs maslo ot ths band and dlsootdsot screeches ol tleb boms and earepllltiog ytlls ol those who bad nothing lo do bnt yell themselves boarse in their sscberant joy actoowia given an ovation and avldmj at aotons ilgnsl victory at ths town story speeches wsrs made by d hkoa m p werdsn havill qounoilljrjbwelsspd wsrs eloquently responded to bypresidont 3 h mstthsws notloe ii hourly sxpsotsd as to tbs final games for tbs provincial ohamplon- sblp aoton will play in at least two ol tba bnsls ons ol wblcb iwill bs rlayed hart ip omercoktincs trowserincs all the newest foil designs they arc trade winners every time we make clothing aa it should be made up to date in every way and our prices are the low eat for firat class work in the trade tailoring with ub is not a side line it ia our business and we thnroughly understand it and all our workmen are thoroughly experienced when wearing our make ol clothing its a distinct guarantee that you have the correct thing our prices are lower than any of the socalled cheap tailors come and patronise a store tlint does exnetly what it advertises regarding its gocda see our new neckwear and hats one price only xx ee jngisou and mens furnisher guelph pringles special mens strong watches h 1 1 1 1 1 m no 1 waltham model strong screw dnstproof cases no 2 do do no 8 rockford model in ecrew dnstproof caaos no4 do do no 5 do do no 6 do do 8 00 10 00 14 00 16 00 18 00 20 00 wo keep all grades of american watchob at from 500 up but tho above are onr best they are made after onr own design and are guarautced perfect lrom every fault possible to guard against gp pringl6 je5beier guelph gurney go f8r new english flannellettes large stook newest pat terns and colors reduction in hosiery ladies cotton hose regular price 20o aug ust prioe 15o rew novelties beauty pins belt buok- ie8 and belt ribbons headquarters fer t2ieice groceries gurnjbx cfe oo mill 8t acton s t ore closet mondayi tuesday snd thursday evenings at 6 oclock savage co have finished the improvements to their store which is now practically a new store a special place for testing the eyes and fitting spectac les properly a private office at the rear of the store for issuing marriage licenses new watchrepairing benches new and uptodate lathes and tools for fine watch- repairing making altogether a most desirable place to do your jewellery shopping in established in cuelph si tears savage co rl 4i44mw4iajmw august is the greatest bargain month of the year at least it is so at the lion in every department of our business prices have touched rock bottom but the goods in which this is most apparent are the kinds you want for warm weather in fact for just now d e maodonald fe bro golden lion guelph 0k dsaaibkaeiswi grogkery have you seen our last crate of crockery it consists of gh amber sets biimer sets b8w18 jar etc bought very cheap and sold accordingly c f goodeve co mill street aoton the w6st6rn fkir london sbptembbr 7th to 16th 18s9 entries dose september 6lh space allotted on receipt of entry exhibits will t unsurpassed attractlona better than ever hippodrome chariot races champion sword contests imperial jape famous lady riders world renown ed gymnasts and aerial artists gnlore fireworks each evening the uriiish and americans in samoa and all ring and platform attractions special escoralon trains will leave london each evening after ihe fireworks grounds wilt be beautifully illuminated send for prit lists and programmes ample accommodation has been provided lo convey visitors to and from tho fnlr grounds ltcoia w m gart8h0be j president j a nelles secretar

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