xt tt 4 volume xxv3sto 19 acton ontario thursday november 9 1899 price three cents ht cton xtt press ib published every thursday morning fine at the free freaistcam printing oolce uill btbeet aoton ont jtttnub op bodaoiiittion ouo dollar per ytuvc strictly in advance all subaorlptlona discon tinued whon the time for whioh thoy have beon paid has expired tbo dato to which overy aubioriptlon u paid la denoted on the address label anrbbtlarho rates transient advertise ments 10 oents por nonparoll lino for first in sertion 9 oents per line for eaob subsequent insertion ooirrnaot hates tbo following table shows onr rates for the lnaortlon of advortlaemonts for apeolfled periods space 10 inches iolnehes slnohes llnoh i 1 yh 6 mo a mo imp too oo as oo 90 00 600 9000 13 00 a m 1900 700 900 700 800 2 60 100 advertisements without speolflo dlreotlons will be loserted till forbid and charged- accord ngly tranalent advertlaements mnat bo paid q advance advertlaomeuta will bo changed once eaoh month if dealred for changes oftener than enoe a mouth the oomposltlon mnst be paid for at regular rates changes ror contract advertisements mas do nans offlee by noon on tuesdays aocounts payable monthly bpmoobb editor and proprietor blotting papers stamp albums scrap books cash records and pocket blank books big supply of office stationery days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap -thb- traders bank of canada capital authorized- capital paid up 000000 700000 vttstness biratorp medical john m macdonald m d c m bucckaaon to j f tjrkn m d o m offloo and residence corner mill 4 frederick reets acton office hours 6 to 10 30 am 1 to 2 pm and to 0 pm tvr t j r forster bdcce8s0b to dr a b elliott late rosldout phyaiolan and burgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto office mill street lately occupied by dr lllott tv dryden bxb ein thboat and nose holioans block douglas bl near p o guelpc rnob houns 10 m to 1 pm and 8 to a pm sundays io am to 1 pm l bennett ldb dentist qxobobtowh ontabio jcoghlan ddslds dentibt work cabsfuiilt donb pnioea hodbbavtb office ovbb buowns dnuo broaa houaaeveity day fhou 0 to 0 jm bell dd8 lds dentist bnookvzxxb honoa qraddath of toeonto uhitkbbitt work mode satisfactory fricee moderate visitdia days monday afternoon camp- euvilie tuesday acton offlco clarks hotel friday uockwood leqal m olean a mclean barristers solicitors notaries conveyancer sco privatefundstoloan office town hall acton wat a moleaw jho a moleah a j mackinnon baiuustxb boxi0it0b conveyances ofiioe mill street in matthews block upstairs jb moleod babiustbd soliqitobamd commission eh fob taking affidavits main btroot georgetown conveyancing done and money loaned on flnit mortgage on farm property at t r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on oonvoyancor agont fire end life assurance uoal batata agent money to loan eto oniox verrymanablook aoton ont misckllanxo us h enby qbibt ottawa oahada bolloltor of patents for invention eto prepares applications for the canadian amer- i and eoropcan patent offlooe and for tbo uedaomlon of trade marks bend for pam phlet tmrtvtwo years experience tpbahois ntjitan bookbinder wvnbam st qnelph ontario wy over wluumsbtore aeoonnt books of all kinds made to order erlodloals of every deseriptlonoarefullybound nllncnoaslvend promptlvdon tjrarriage licenses h p moobb jiutneat or mmmtiom lioembbs private office no wltneaaea required iaaued at realdenm in the evening tree press offlee aoton w m hemstbeet iiioaand anonoam tor tie connties of wellington and ballon rndaraleflat the fan paxas offloe aoton or 0 acton will bo promptly at- endsxl lov terms seasonable also money to loan on the most favorable sum and at the lowest rates of interest in smnioffsooand pwards svbbobibbd s c 135000 thb wellington mutual fibb insobxncb company zttbliiba4 1840 haad offloe qtjbuh out inbdbanoe on cash and mutual plan any odmmunloatlona forwarded to ny addrees bois tor ttlophoae w wul be promptly undeoto taylor agent onelpb acton saw mills and wood yards jkrabs brown kanuracruaan akd bkalsb m tumhtr ith shlit ad jsto all klnda of wood in atock and promptly delivered to any part of the town at reasonable prloos hardwood and slabs ent sfove length always on band telephone communication wanted a sttssg wo nnsery btook and fsedj gmn most complete asaortment lo lha trade fast- slunx smolalumi aoperb umplas furnished mmrespndaiice in any lsngnago these eadjlmuaaiiaar maker and territory ibould eslfsenndat ooca lor be season by all hostler lsssforgooa thing our eafary or com rsuslon oera tlnterest to anyone irffijoo nr year net in eommauleatlon with jnimarait offloe an opportunity o represent twelfutlhllsnia bottaevibult more impor- tanl than experlenee t lukb bb0thbb8 coupamr inurnsuonalnoraerie obloago iii montreal que boehestar h y waters bros pictures waters bros- frames waters bros artists qoods waters bros wyndham street new store quelph aoton machine and repair shops henry grindelii proprietor abb well equipped with all tbe machinery neoeaeary to execute all repair to machin ery and agricultural implements and to do all kindi of steamfitting horiaihoelng and general blookimitnfng woodwork repairs performed n a latlifaatory manner wo oam repair any machine or implement ol any make saw ummlng and flllnr done w barber bros paper makers 4 ontario book color9d phpers john r barber everton and eden mills the place to go for tbe best flour bran middlings chop food c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop 1831 1900 country gentleman thb onit agricultural newspaper attd admrradlt tim leading agricultural jour nal of the world every department written by apeciallsts tbe highest authorities in their respective lines mo other paper pretends to ootnpete with it in qnsllfleatloas of editorial staff olroe the agricnltaral news with a degree of fullness and oompletenesa not even attempted by others bast reviews of the drop beat market report best aooonnta of meetings ben hyerjthlng indi8fbnsabl11 to all country residents wno wisn to keep tjp tojthb times single subscription 83 two subscriptions 3 bo 7oor subsoripuons e 8pkoiax 1nddoements to rilsera of larger clubs 13- write for particulars on this point club agents wanted everywhere four month triaj trip tor bo oents specimen copies will be mailed free on request it will paxany- body interested in any way in oonntry life to send for ihom addrees the publishers luther tucker son albany n y l mall and bnatness fraotloa is the most lntereetlug and prao- tleal eourae of stndy in bookkeeplof and aeeonntlng for boys and glrla ieavlag publle and high schools shorthand and typewriting spec ial facilities individual tuition no olaease formed parantaara invited to investigate fall term will com mence monday aug to qublph business college and shorthand institute i jbhahp principal 1 1- it tf ttstliitl tt illl wanted several bright and honest person to represent ns aa managers in thla and eloss by counties salary vflod a year and expanses straight bonaflde no snora no laas ealary position permanent our refa may baok in any town it is mainly cttleo woek aoo4neted at borne befereoeo uueloaa eelfaddressed stamped envelope tba uominlon company dept 9 obloago cuelph branch we are oottibiuidr money ordam payable at par at any branob of obartorcd flack in canada excepting tbe yukon district at tbe following ratei uuderlo bcontn 10 to q0 10 cento eaoto ao 1a cents 9s0 to ebo 14 cent highest current rate of interest fiaid on bums deposited of 91 and upwards nterect allowed from dato of deposit to date or witbdrawal and paid or compounded balf yarly advances made to responsible farmers on tbelrowu names a the lowobtourron rates no oharge made for collecting salos notfts if payable in quelph a general banking bualncbfl tranaactod a f h jones manager jtr this canada of ours liglit the good of a lamp is the light it gives you koow that do you know that we have the largest and best assortment of lightgivers in guelph today yes we have lamps small and large uiose low in price and others higher good value in every lamp call and see them anyhow that will please us john m bond co oublph motlo satisfaction hardware speight brady manufacturers of dynamos electric motors water motors oasoline ajoi o as xnanncs brass iron castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont acton livery ids bus line the undersigned respectfully solicits the patron age of the public and informs them that well equipped and styuib rigs oan al ways bo secured at his stables a comfortable bus meets trains between b am and 618 pm careful attention given to every order tbe wants of commercial travel lers f oily met john williams pboprietod cqhl order your coal uow from j c hill coal dealer firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc kcton j c hil i- sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont autharued cmpxtml 500000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments ceabe 860 00 aid in maturity value 9ioo 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j monabb agent aoton there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices oau and see our new limbs w williams mill st do ye know tbe mountain meadow where tbo sunshine lingers long wboro tbe robin roars its nestling and pours forth its low love song whoro tbe rlty roams in ipringtlmi and tbo bighorn sports in play and tbe brilliant purple aster flings its petals to tbe day do ye know the brown revf stretching wbero tbe kelp sea serpents twist and tbe bluewhite bergs from greenland ball so gbostly through the mist whoro tbe elder drake is mating and tbe curlew calleth clear and tho winds from dusk to dawning saom a dirge sung oer a bier do you know the flaming forest in tbe dead of winter night and the shifting sinuous signals of tbs nimbus northern light whon the shadows of the spruoos fill with formless fearful things and tbe horned owl of tbe woodland balleth by on whisperwings do you know tho prairie pantlotj in tho torrid noonday heat when the air is full of fragrance from the roses at your foot whore tbe cattle in tbe footbills wade kuoedeop in grain and grass and tbe wiry wbaat is nodding as tho lights of summer pass do ye know the wondrous weststrand with its fiords and headlands bold and its wealth of mine and metal and its forests dense and old wbero the salmon in the tldowar swim in neverending tbrong and the wavelet to the beaohea croons a sleepy lumber song bay yo so 1 your foot has trodden tbe long weary winding way in the depth of arctic winter yo have watohed the dashes play on tbe margo of either oooan yo have board tbe aoafowl ory and the glamor of tho forest must bo oor ye till ye die 1 then stand firmly in tbe vanguard of the hopeful patriot band for your soul baa learned tbo legond of this fair canadian land and tbosoenes your memory conjures are tbe gifts of heavenly powers that would bavo you know tbe moaning of this canada of ours chan a bramble in canadian magazine zzti jfantug ftiodiitg wo plats and n accidental he suggestion that brongbt it all about came from me i believe sug gestions of any sort niaally name from me rather than margery for 1 have in my veins the adventaroua blood of staunch new england anoefitry who bad burned witohes and fonght indiana and later pursued a reltntleai traffic io wooden nutmegs with the same high oonrsge and fine disregard of coaecqaenoes while margery is of dutch descent and inclined to be oantloua if not a little pigheadod aa i often toh her but no one oonld help lovlug her in spite of her little tonoh of da toh obstinacy least of all myself for of all tbe provoking utile women that were ever created for the express purpose of charming and torment- tng iheir fellow men margery was tbe moat delioioasly dear and i loved her ao well i oonld forgive her an thing that ia anything hot tho way she treated jaok beaaely the dance bhe led that poor fellow was something to move even a bearded turk to pity for a wholo year she bad kept blm dangling after her aa abjeoily aa a danoing doll at the end of a string and yet aa far as we oonld see he bad made no progreaa whatever in her wayward affeotiona we had been talking things over jack ned and i in margerys absence t never dared mention jack to margery for fear of still further exciting that f amoaa obatinaoy of hers and even ned tbe moat bopefol of morula had to admit that jaoka chances looked bine nad be it known was the daring yontb who bad undertaken to gaide my new england enterprise and other virtues too nomerona to mention through hfea pilgrimage he and jaok were partnera in a law office and oconpled the flat on the top floor where they indulged in certain mysterious ritea they called light house keeping while mmrgery and i taught maaio and deltarte and practiced the modcat vlrtres of oospitallty in the flat below nothing therefore oonld have been more fit soluble and otherwise to be desired than to have margery and jaok fall in love with eaoh other even a ned and 1 bad done jaca wave willing enough poor boy but margery balked it waa too pro voking aa i said before we three bad been talking over it the day before while margery waa absent teaching the luckless ohildren of a rich soap manufacturer to play wagner on tbs piano and had all agreed that the situation looked hopeless jack had been in tbe depths of despair because tbe tenor ol tha choir for which margery played the organ had called three times that week and though i dont believe aha oared a pin for the tenor i bad never known naughty margery to appear more wilfully regardless of jacks feelings we had parted therefore gloomily enough after a fruitless conference and i had relieved my mind by being eapeolally cross ta margery alt day though i must own she didnt eeem to mind it much it was an awful day raining cats and doge and ihs afternoon i got tired being crosa nil by myself and proposed that we should shampoo onr hair and dry it on the parlor radiator the only one in the flat urge enough for the purpose of course margery objected visitors might come she aald and then who wooh let them in t isoonted the idea of visitors on such a day unless i observed with aaroaem ehe waa expecting tha tenor again she didnt notice this slab oo i proceeded to eay that aa the radiator was in the corner we could pull our big japanese aoreen np fn front off ii and secure in our hldlug place let oar entire visiting aeqaain- tanae including messenger boys and dans knock at tbe door until tbey got tired and than depart blissfully unaware of our proximity aooordlogly it wasnt long before we were snugly ensoonoed in a pile of sofa pillows on the parlor floor wrapped in our bath robe and with our wtt looka stream ing out behind aa across tbs parlor radia tor over which we had strttohsd a steamer rag we were armed with a novel apieoo age of animals according to some nataraliita tbe length of life of animals la as follows the babbit uvea from six to aeven yeara the squirrel from aeven to eight yeara tbe fox from fourteen to fifteen yeara the oat from fifteen to eeventeen years tbe dog from sixteen to eighteen years the bear and wolf eighteen to twenty yeara the rhinoceros from twenty to twenty- two years tbe horse from twentytwo to twenty- five yeara the hen from twentylive to twenty- eight yeara the porpoise from twentyeight to thirty years tbe camel and oow one hundred years tbe tortoise one hundred and ten yeara the bagl one hundred and twenty yeara the elephant four hundred yeara the whulo one tho a sand yeara the boot of dukeronomy a nervona curate tbe other day announc ed from the reading desk herebeglnnetb the second chapter of the duke of booter- onomy hie vicar looked severely at him and the young man bl ashed ooaghad and repeated the boot of duksronomy there mntt have been gerrae ot mispro nunciation lurking in the air for at a later period io tbe servioe the vfoar read ont i publish the manna ot barriage oto the ourate beamed with satisfaction in spite of the solemnity of tbe ocoaiion but soon got talking girl fashion and were deep in n disaussion of amos judd when there oame a load knock at the door great scott t i exclaimed in a etage whisper the rosy advantages of my plan suddenly fading in be oold light of reality there i told you sol cried margery ungenerously sitting up abruptly bo that her hair fell all abont ber in a great ehin- ing coppery shower 8h bbot up i i whispered reaching out under tbe bcreen with an agitated tocklnged toe for tbe bedroom slipper i had carelessly kicked off a moment before again the knock otna this time more imperative what in heavens name sbalt wo do gawped margery keep still i at id botto voloe then the door bundle turned and we beard nede voice saying theres nobody- homo lets oome io and wait for them i vowed vengeanoe on myeelf for forget ting to look the door and margery gave me one of thobo i toli you so glanoea which mean so rnuob then oame the reply iu jacks bass tones all right maybe it not tbe proper thing bat we might as well riek it we beard tbe door otose aa our vimtors entered and took possession of our apartment it was too ridiculous id bavo bad to langh if our lives had been at stake and in spite of the imminent danger of discovery in tbls mortifying plight 1 slfifued all of a sofa pillow that would go into my month and nhook till my eldcs ached it was the exprebbion on margerys face that recalled me to myaolf at last chancing to rlanoe up from behind a cornor of the onabion i waa trying to swal low i oaught ber listening with etrained attention to aomethmg that was being eaid on the other side of the screen with every bit of color gone out of her face and a look in her eyes id never aeen there before yes jaok was buying if tbey dont hnrry ill have ti go without saying good bye my train leaves at 7 and ive lits to do ned lighted his pipe before he replied dear ned i believe he will smoke in heaven if feter doesnt uke the precaution to search him before he lets him la i guess itll surprise them some be remarked at last especially when they hear that you are never oomiog baok i nudged margery violently at this but she didnt look at me the minx and then jaok went on dolefully oh they wont oare very muob im afraid of course they will protested ned and i will anyway maat you go old boy well ita this way ned as long as i hoped that margery might oare for me i wouldnt give in to my unoles proposition that i shoold marry his ward miss wilson and become hie heir but now that im satisfied i have no ohance with tbe girl 1 love i might ae well marry tbe other one and pleaso tbe old man i suppose ill be miserable anyway and jack heaved uoh a sigh that the big paper soreen almost swayed 1 gave a bonified look at margery hot her hair had fallen over ber face and 1 could only sea one little hand olinohed fiercely as if ehe had a pain somewhere i reached dumbly over to take tbe little hand bat she shook mo off eo i fell to listening again well its not ao bad as it miht be ned was saying encouragingly i hear miss wilton is a beauty she js said jaok with enthusiasm and then think of the money my boy moet any fellow would envy you i suppose so said jack drearily but im afraid ill bavo to go withont seeing the girls times up will you say goodby to the girla for me ned tell margery here jaok choked and i wai so busy catching a large warm tear that waa obasing toward the end of my nose that i forgot to look at margery when to my amazement a little figure in a gray bath robe with a oloud of coppery hair flying after it bounded light over me and as the aoreen toppled over with a oraah i i heard margerya voice cry ob no jack you musnt go 1 i i love yon jaok 1 i had a confused vision of jaok seizing the little figure in his arms and then i started to run i dont look ao pretty with my hair wet as margery does but some how when i got to the door i met ned and as hooked op wrathfully something i saw in his eye mode me atop ahort ned tucker i exclaimed yon knew we were there all the time i well he aatd not a whit ashamed it yon will leave the ventilating shaft open you wretch 1 i cried and then some thing else struck me and the unale i gasped and tbe beautiful mlas wilson are about as real aald matter ned as a rainbow edgar temple field iu chicago herald whiskey and books writing in tbe november canadian magazine robert barr saya the bald truth is that canada has the money but would rather spend ft on whisky than on books it prefers to in flame its atomaoh rather than inform its brain and ytt there are people who actually hold that canada is an intellectual oonntry tbe trouble 1b that it adds stupidity to itslaok ot intelligence this sounds somewhat tautological but a per son may lack intelligence and still not be stupid commercially nothing pays a oonntry better than lavishly to subsidize an author a sir walter scott woald bring millions into canada every year soot- land could well have afforded to boatow on sir walter soott a hundred million dollars for his uncomparable waverley novels his works have made scotland the dearest district in the worll in whioh a traveller oan live and have transformed it from a povertybtricken land into a touristtrodden country rolling in wealth now sir walter scott waa not writing for laurel wreaths he wrote entirely and solely for cash he began his waverley novels to support bis lavish expenditure on abbotaford i doubt if he bad any idea how good the books were i think it was a canny precaution of soott when he refused to put his name on them fearing they were bad and that he might jeopard ise his already wellwon reputation as a poet yet whether they were good or bad he resolved to write them if they would bring in money he continued hla output of novels afterwards to pay hla debts incurred in a disastrous commercial spec ulation the objeot of which had been to make money if sir walter bad though he coold make more money by planting trees or raising atock he would undoubtedly have turned hla attention to those purauits and tbe waverley noviu would have been nnwrltteu one of the first reoorded utterances of sir walter bootts touubiug upon boobs that i oan find was made to ballactyne just a hundred yeara ago where be aaya i think i could with little trouble put together sundry selections of them border ballade as might make a neat little volume that would sell for foar or five shillings you eee he does not aay that it would be well to oolleot these ballads in case tbey might be lost to the world or that their pnblioattoo would give deserved fame to anoient writes but that tbe book would bell for four or five ahillinga it is tbe four or five shillings that tbe average literary man ib after and must have if he is to continue in the business what ohance has canada then of raising a sir walter soott i maintain that she has very little ohance beaanae she wont pay tbe money and money la tbe root of all literature tbe oew sir walter ia probably tramping theatreuta of toronto today looking vainly for something to do but toronto will reoognixe him when he comes baok from new york or london and will give him a dinner when he doeant need it ourpfct pain irish wit in a reoent discussion ot the different kinds of natural wit several in stances were adduaed from dr ormon coopers oolleotion of irish retorts and jokes t3 prove that their fun usually lay iu the unoonsoioua misuse of words what is mr dennis doing now larry waa asked of a cod ne mar a gobboon hes drivin tbe mail coach zir himself no zorr hes got an an antidote the dootor returning to the neighbour hood after several yeara absence was anked did your honor get married bey ant no be replied ooht an ye had the good luck doother dear not to get implicated wld a family 1 waa the cordial oongratoutlon a miaerly old roau limping with the gout was adjured by a begger ooht now ef yer heart wor but as tinder aa yer toes with education tbo still steady wit becomes oonsoious tho dean of the royal ohapel in dublin lately applied for an injunction sgainat a drinking house and waa tbe chief witness on behalf of the temperance society tbe couobel for tbe grog ahop pounoed on him an mr dane was it you yourself waa in that public house it waa sir an mr dne of tbe chspel royal did yea take anything there i did sir was the astonishing anawer aha i an mr dane of the chapel royal an mr president of the temper ance society what did yez take in that public house i took a chair air 1 alao took some notes and here they are was the or ashing reply an englishman present at tha dis cussion instated that the most prosaic of bis countrymen wars liable to break out into a joke and a good one and cited tbe marquis of hartingtoo now duke of devonshire who is noted aa being a sen sible but dnll and tedious speaker ijtdy haroourt once seated beside him at dinner said i am suri yon would like to hang my husband 1 no but i shoold like to suspend him for a while he said quiokly an artful trick borne yeara ago a travelling french dootor waa in the habit of employing an ingenious artifice when he went to a town where he waa not known he pretend ed to have lost hla dog and ordered the public orier to offer a reward of five hun dred francs to whomsoever bbould bring it to him the orier took oaro to mention all the titlea and aoademio honors of the dootor as well as his pltoe of residence he soon became the talk of tbe town do you know says one that a fam ous phyalolan has corns here a very clever ftrllow be must be very rlob for he offers five hundred franos for finding his dog the dog was never found but patients were artful waqer a man with one eye laid a wager with another peraon who bad two eyes that he the oneeyed person could see more than tha other tho wager waa accepted you have loir said tbe first i oan see tbe two eyes in your face and you eee only one in mine a certain professor is well known as a man whose soteotiflo studies havo tended to exaggerate a natural disposition to mentsl abstraction the professors friends who are also his strong admirers understand his peculiarity and overlook in blm what might not be excused in a commonplace person a lady is very food of telling this incident she waa at a reception given at the professors house tbe occasion bad beeu made delightful by the professor and his accomplished wife and daughters towards the close of tbe evening the lady who had greatly enjoyed the affair approsohed the boat and asked him with muob enthusiasm how ofton do you have these dilightfol reuolons professor t no polite prevarication delayed the reply thank goodness madam but ouos a year it did notfease hbr a freoklefaoed gitl stopped at the post- office and yelled out anything for the marphys no there is not anything for jane murphy nothing anything for ann murphy no anything for tom murphy no anything for bob morphy no not a bit anything for tarry murphy no nor for fat murphy nor dennis murphy nor pete murphy nor paul tyurphy nor for any murphydead living unborn native or foreign civilized or un civilized savage or barbarous franobised or disfranchised uataralizid or otherwise no there is positively nothing for any of the marphys either individually jointly sevsrslly now and forever one and inaeperably the girl looked at the postmaster in astonishment and said please to look if there is anything for curouoe murphy eaoh one of ua has her special weakness or cause of complaint almost every one has a pet pain not that ehe loves her pain but she unoonaoiously makes of it a cosseted iudulged pet in making pirns it is taken into consideration especially is it useful as an excuse when one does not want to go to certain places to whioh expediency prehaps duty pointe then tbe pet becomes tbe darliug and in tbe ooret of ones aoul one is not aorry of its existence in thla indulgenoe of oar pet pains we deo6ive ourselves and sometimes those who love us one woman had pneu monia ten years ago and ever flinoe then a socalled weak lung haa been ber favorite and muohiadolged complaint it is a very convenient ailment and one that does not interfere with walking driving or riding as outdoor air is advisable in pulmonary affections neither does it prevent the enjoyment of the opera or other amusements as recreation keeps op the spirits and through them improves tbe general pbyeinal condition still there are times when disinclination to attend a dull social function or a dry baaineas meeting causes a warning stric ture deep dowu in that weak lung and tbe owner of this pet pain adds in all binoerlty i oannot afford to take liberties with that long you know and her equally einoero husband always rejoins feelingly no indeed you cannot and must not i so easily may one deceive herself and those to whom one is dear t it is right and proper that we ahould guard our weak points and take oare to strengthen them but is aurely a mistake to brlog them into prominence and call attention to the flaws in oar phyeloal makeup complaint becomes a matter of habit and a habit that onoo formed dingo to one with a tenacity worthy of a better objeot after all tt be diaeaaed in any way is a matter to be deplored not to be made much of health 1b beauty diaeaee ia decay one sweet brave woman recognized this fact when ehefaand that eho bad an ail ment never suspected by others and which waa absolutely incurable i know it must kill me some time ahe eaid to one who loved her nothing can change it talking of it oan do no good i bball try to forget it it aa much as possible and to keep otbera from guessing that it exiata i will make the belt of the life that god has left to me to enjoy let us not npeak of tbe matter again she never mentioned it afterwards bat took life joyously and met death smihogly her pain was a secret between god and herself harper bazar the cost of one drink some men are so made that the mere taste of liquor will kindle in them a ragtag thirst for more a doctor and his friend were once talking together in front ot a saloon when a master meohanio a man of amiable and excellent oharaoter a first class workman fall of boblnesb with an interesting family respected by everybody and bidden fair to be one of the leading men of the oity oame nptfohimand langhiogly said well i have just done what i never did before in my life ah what was that why mr has owed mo a bill for work for a long time and i dunned him for tbe money till i was tired bat a minute ago i caught him out here and asked blm for the money well eaid he ill pay ft to yon if youll step in here and get a drink with me no aaid i i never drink never drank in my life well be replied mo as you please if you wont drink with me i wont pay you your bill- thats all 1 but i told him i oonld not do that howover finding that he would not pay the bill rather than loee the money i just went in and got adnok and be laughed at the strange occurrence as he concluded ab boon as be had finished the story tbe pbyeioians companion an old disorett shrewd man turned to him and in a moat impressive tone said sir that was tbe dearest drink that ever crossed your lips and tbe wont bill that ever you col lected and terribly did time verify that pre diction in less than twelve months he was a confirmed disgraced sot a vagabond in society a curse to those who lived him a loathing and a shame wherever he went ab last he died a horrible death in an infirmary from a disease produced solely by intoxication oheatm county times only once a year loyms shadow stttodluu iu suuny garden poaco ono day i board o haildg voico ami lookldg down baw cblldwlsohftod pluadlng faco and eyes ot brown of my swoot baby daughter may ties me sbesald and balanced tiptoe lu bor blrdllko graco tbo bonnet tumbling from bor golden bead i stooped with sudden rapturo wild to kiss my child wbeu with a llttlo sobbing btort of dread o papa ao put out uiy bun i sbo arled andlb afaidl ab truo i to kiss my llttlo maid i needs had flung my shadow ovor her and lo tbo earth tbo oowrs tbo heaven darkened woro and her child soul was torlnod i 8o god sometimes ayo vory oftl stooping to kiss bis oblld litn precious ouo with taudornobs so swift and eof t shuts oat wltb faco divitio tbo earthly eun and boouib to shadow whom bo iovob ab me we are ao blind mi to bis way 1 like baby may loves passing shade la all of lovo wo boo o gracious father i pity tboso our ways our chllclljb ways and thoughts i boro at tby foot llko baboa wo stand loving thoowlth a lovo not yot completo so oaslly offended sensitive yot unto throe liko childs lovo vory swcot tbo poarl of all that wo oan givo into tby hand bettor porhapa our love should not bo wise thou eoeet us through and through with tby so pitiful and to u dor oyoa and smilobt as wo do on ohlldron loving tbom tbo tnoro for ewoot allowances mado oor and oor jamat bucuiam in harpers bazar didnt like the risk an old countryman took hta wife to a magic lantern eutei uinmout at whfob tbe woudera of the microscope were to be ex hibited thn various curmaitios seemed to pleaue tho good woman very wall till the autmnlouhe coututned iu a drop of wutsr came to be bhowit then up pea rod to psor janet not so pleasant a sight bb tho others sbo sat ptliontly howover till the water tigers magnified to tho biia of twelve feet appeared on the bheet fighting with their usual ferocity janet now rose in great trepidation and oried to her husband for mercys sake come awa john i sit etill woman said john and eee the ahow see tho show i bliea us man i what woull come of u4 if the awfumike brotoa wad break oat o the wutsr 1 a matter of fact hero at a northcountry station in the early houra of whit monday a little child owing to tho insane rush of a orowd of halftipsy trippers waa puabed over in front of ao outgoing train qaiokab a fiaah a work ingman jumped into tho fourfoot threw the obild onto the platform and borambwd up himself but scarcely quiak enoagb as the engine io pasbiog rolled bitn over on the platform several people hastened to his succor bnt he rose uninjured and with a face expressive of extreme concern drew out of hie coat pocket a colored hand- kerohref containing bis daye victuals whioh ha earsonly examined and then ruefully exclaimed confound it just my luokt what is tho matter why ive broken two egga and a rhubarb pie and ita all mixed up in my tea and sugar what a blooming mess i new literature tbe extraordinary a ale of no 5 john street id great briuio baa had duplica tion in relative proportion in ganadf tbe publisher reports that 3000 copies have been bold in two weeks the first canadiau edition of the book waa 5000 copies evidence that mr brigga bad no laok of faith in iti selling qualities un doubtedly this is one of the groat books of this year of remarkable books crocketts kit kennedy has uiho scored a record over 2 coo copies have been soli within two weeks with three books buch aa david haruro kit konnedy aud no 5 john street tbe william bridge house toronto auroly have fared well in the distribution of tho plum canadian booufllcr the skippers rebuke the bkipper of a sailing vessel bad as passengers au estimable but not very courageous minister and two careless young mon ntven t utile but miaohtef a severe siorm camu up and although tbey were frightened enough tnotr terror waa nothing to that of the poor minister who waa indeed a pitiable objeot see here air said tho bkippar at last with kindly severity do yon want me to think yoare more afraid of going to heaven than those young men are of not going there a new way bo sho gave you the miit9n asked the young thing yes said the major but her hand was inside of it philadelphia ptesa diamond dyes are home protec tors imitation dyes are deceptions vile the thousands of women in our canadian cities towns and farming diuriota atand in need ot the protection afforded by the neverfalling diamond dyes theae mar velloua coliring agenti hive boen before the public for over twenty years and have always been true to name and promises made tbo magnificent colore and shades produoed by diamond dyes are everywhere extolled and the oolors have in every oass proved fast under the action of buo light and soap tbe plain and simple directions on every paokaga of the diamond dyes enable a child to use them with perfeot anoceae there are imitations of diamond dyes sold by some dealers for the sake ot long profits those imitations are deceptions and wherever used they cause anno ill temper and loss of money anj a materials thb aolonaaajri and dull and lhoy osunot lhp a with ordinary boap l to insure perfeot protection and security ladles ahonld ask for tho diamond dyes and take the tr initio o see that the name diamond iu on eaoh packue a little oare in this direction will save a vast amount of trouble