ht ctan jfcu ft 4 volume xxv no acton ontabio thuksday djicem 3j11 7 1890 price three cents z retail jfm nss ib pufllibhkd every thursday morning at tub free frcssstcam printing ofllco uilli btreet aoton ont tehmhov suubcitittion ouo dollar per year strictly in advanoo all bubacrliitionb discon tinued wbon tho time for which thoy havo boon paid has oxpirod tho date to which ovory ubsprlptlou la paid 1b douotod on tbe addrosn label advbntiblno iuteb tranalout advortlso- tnonta 10 oonto per nouparoil lino for first in sertion 3 couta nor uuo for oaob bubsonuont insertion oonthaot rates tbo following tablo bhowa our rates for tho insertion of ad vor tie omenta for poctaod porloda christmhs goods winches 10 inches mnohoa linob 1 yb 6 mo 13 mo 1 mo igooo 3900 2000 700 8500 3000 aaoo 300 bo 00 19 00 700 a 60 600 350 900 100 advertisements without apoolflo directions wulbe luborted till forbid and charfiod accord- ngly tranblont advertisements must bo paid n advanoo wln bo changed oneo each month if doaired for chanros oftonor than enoo a month tho aompoaitlon muat be paid for atrogulai ratos changes for contract advertisements mm do n one offlco by noon on tuesday a accounts payable monthly hpmoore editor and prop rl tto wustiusb dimtorp john m macdonald m d c m successor to j f uren m d o m offlco and roaldonoo cornor mill fredorlok rootaaotoq offloe houro b to 30 30 am 1 to 3 pm and to b pm rjr f j r forster socceaaon to dr a s elliott late rosldont physician and burgeon to vic toria hoapltal for sick cbildron toronto office mill btroot latoly ocouplod by dr d r dryden era eau tuboat and nose moloana block douglas bl noar p o guelph ffiob houna 10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm sundays 10 am to 1 pm dental ll bennett lds dentist abodobtown ontario jcoghlan ddslds- dentist woiik gabbfdlly done puioeb moderate offiob oveii browns dnua btobk hotjilb- eveby day fitom 0 to 8 jm bell dds lds dentist bdookyilx honor gnaduatb of toronto uniybrsity work made satisfactory prices moderate visiting days monday afternoon camp- ellvllle tuesday acton offlco clarks hotel iod vrlday rocktf ood m olean mclean barristers solicitors notarlea conveyancers 5co private f nnda to loan offloe town hall acton wm a mclean jho a mclean j mackinnon bamubted boliciton conveyanoeb ofi ice mill btroot in mattbowb block upstairs jb mcleod bamusteu bouciron and commission ed foft tasino affidavits main street georgetown oonvoyanclng done and monoy loaned on first mortgago on farm property at 4j r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on convoyanoor agent fire and llfo assurance ileal estato agent monoy to loan etc office porry mans b look acton ont aflscellanso us miss s l schram lath of haveiioad college toronto is prepared to give thorough instruction in both vooal and instrumental music piano or organ terrna reasonable and made known upon application at the home of tho mlsaoa lai os agnes st acton or at u u free press office miss maggie e thompson t o m of tobomto conbebvatont of mono pupil of dr edwaiid fisiutn is prepared to give instruction in vocal and inattumeutal muala piano and organ at ber room at mrs john williams mill btroot will be thore evorv monday beginning docoinber tb henry grist ottawa oamada bolloltor of patents for invontion oto prepares applications for tho canadian amer ican andeuropoan fatont oincoa and for the registration of trade marks send for pam phlet thirtytwo yoars experionco f f iranois nunan bookbinder ivvndham st guolpb ontario w ovsr wihiamebtore account book of all kinds made to order eriodieals of every description oarefully bound ulinpaeast promptly dons m arrxage licenses h p mo orb iimmtn of mannuab jjicenseb frivato offloe no wltnossos roqulrod issuod a rotldenee in tbe evening froo proas offlco aoton w h hemstreet lloimsmd auctlonxkr for tba counties of wellington and helton orderaleflet tbofiuia pnse offlco acton or t mrrmldenoefn acton will be promptly 9a- oddoii to toruja komonablo aleo money to loan on tbe molt f arorable ume and at tbe loweet ratoa of interelt in mm of 500 and pwardi bubbouidkd stock capital 1115000 thb wellington mutual fire insurance company bitabuahad 1s40 haadofflos odblph ont insurance on cau and mutual plan any odontiauloatlona forwarded to my addresa of tolepboao 88 will bo promptly john taytiob agent uoelpb wl or itlod to acton saw mills and wood yards jr2uibs bromn masufacttibrb akd dalbr in tamher xa 9 wood fo all kinds of wood la stock and promptly delivered to any part of tu town at reasonable prlcos itardwood and slabs out store langtb always 11 on band telephone communication he store is lull of picture books toy books fine christmas books bibles toys dolls and fancy goods for the christmab trade buy now and get ihe pick of the stock and at extra low prlcos call and examine our stock we can suit you instyle quality and price goods arc scarce and goirir up in price and at christmas prices will be higher now is tho time to buy and ihe best value in town is at days bookstore guelph- day sells cheap you should see them christmas specials waters bros wyndham street new store guelph acton liveky bus line tho undorslgdodrospectf ally soliolts the patron ago of tho public and informs them that well equipped and stylish rigs oan al ways bo secured athisstablos a comfortable bus meets trains between 0 am and 18 pm careful attention given to evoryoraer the wants of commercial travel- lersfally met john wjlliams pnopnieton coml order your coal bow from j c hill coal dealer firslclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges pipes pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc kcton j c hiiu everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed c for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop twojndsoljnien there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire forthe laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and seb otjr hew lines w williams mill st mail and business praotioe la the moat interaatlns and prae- tloal course of study in dooh keeping and accounting for boys and iris leaving publlo and blgb schools shorthand and typewriting n it facilities individual tuition no spec ial luina iiiuifiuuau auimou do classes formed paxsnuare invited to investigate fall term will com mence llooday aug 98 qufilph business college and i shorthand institute j shabp principal wanted several bright and hopait persons to represent as as managers in this and oloser by counties salary 000 a year and expense straight bonefide do more no leu alary position permcueni 0a referenoea any bank in any town it is mainly offloe wort eondaoted at home befrdoe hdoioes selfaddressed tamped envelope the dominion company dept 9 chicago traders bank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 000000 700000 guelph branch wo aro now issuing monoy ordors payable at par at any branch of cbarterod jlank in canada oxaeptlng tho yukon district at tho following ratal under 910 8 cents s10 to 20 locenta esjoto eo 13 cents auo to 950 14 contb oeir the song op tub camp highest current rate op intkitebt field on sums deposited of 1 and upwards qterott allowed from dato of deposit to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded balf yearly advances mado to responsible farm ore on tboir own namob a tho lowoat curron ratoh no charge mado for collecting salos iiotos if payablolnouolpb a general banking bublnobs transacted a f r jones manager if it bained dollars it wouldnt make any difference where christmas goods were bought but it dont and so we want you to know that we will be the nearest imitation to it this season our christmas goods silverware cutlery razors lamps tea kettles skates sweepers are now in and first come first selec tion you will save dollars by coming to john m bond co guelph motlo satisfaction hardware speight brady manufacturers of electric motors water motors gasoline and oas engines brass dtlrotl castings to order repairing promptly done georgetown ont aoton machine and eepair shops henry ghindell proprietor are woll equippod with all tbo machinery neoossary toexouuto all ropairs to machin ery and agricultural implomontb and to do all kinds of steamfitting borboshoelng and general bleekam thing woodwork repairs performed n a satisfactory man nor wo can repair any machino or lmplomont of any make saw umming and filing done w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario book iseutfs colorsd phpers john r barber qihe most popular brand of family flour and roller oats for sale at robert noble8 flour feed store at acton also mill feed and chop ped grain of all kinds we want delivered at acton graineries large quantities of grain for which we will pay the highest market price in cash r noble the uptodate tailoring store in thanking our friends for their patfon- age for past seasons we beg to announce that our stock for tall and winter is- now complete and in anticipation of a larger business and also a great advaoca in british and foreign goods wo placed our import orders early that we might give our friends the benefit of the advance which has taken place we have the production of the best mills and tho latest novelties in designs in suitings pantlnjrs overcoatings our goods it is a pleasure fit and workmanship guaranteed cooper akins mill 8t acton j we an iole ttflanu iaaoton for the cele brated ballwarp and blenheim serge which does not fade or ohsnge 1u color in two years yrear or money refunded call and nt oshow thorn givo us a song 1 tho soldier orled tlio outer trenches guarding wbon tho boated guns of tbe camps allied grow weary of bombarding tbo dark redan in silent scoff lay grltu and threatening uuder and tbo tawny mound of tbe matakoff ho loutjor belched lu thunder tbero was a pauao a guard man said 1 wo storm the forts tomorrow slug while wo may another day will bring enough of sorrow thoy lay along tbo batterys side below tbo smoking cannon bravo hcarta from govern end from clyde and from the banks of shannon thoy sang of love and not of fauio forgot was britains glory eaoh heart recall od a different name but all aang annie laurie volco after voice caught up tho song until its toiidor passion roso llko an anthem rich and strong their battleevo confession dear girl bor name be dared not speak bnt as tho song grew louder bomotblng upon tho soldiers cheek washed off the stains of powder bojond tho darkening ocean burned tbo bloody aunsots embers while tho crimean valleys learned how english lovo rom embers and onco again tbo are of bell rained on tbe russian rjuartors witb scream of abot ani burst of abell aud hollowing of tho mortars i and irish noras eyes aro dim for tbo singer dumb and gory and enguah mary mourns for him mho bang of annie laurie sloop eoldlerj still in honored rest your truth and valour wearing tho bravoat aro tho tendereot tbo loving are tho daring bayard taylor fbtlttl ymtulg juatong what rthe jl i atfed uy allen he westward bound special witb its long line of ooaobea speeding away to tbe great prohibition convention steamed into tbe station and the conduc tor called out greet line fifteen minutes for refreshments and rnady of the tired passengers arose aud harried oat it was not a remarkably inviting place especially for temperance people on either aide of the btation were long linea ot atorei with their doora and windows bearing the legion ale wine and liquors sample room and other flimilar mottoes as the train oame to a standstill and tbe passenger a poared oat from the doora of many saloons came the crowd of idlers whioh frequent soon places the moat of them were yonng men bat there was a good sprinkling of older ones it eeems to mo here ia a good place for a temperance meeting cant we do a little missionary work call our silvertongued orator from maine to give a few momenta taltt from the platform bat the time was ehort and tho gentleman in question was no where to bs found where ii tbe connecticut delegation 7 gall frank s to give them a aong and in response to tbe general call a yonng man made hie way oat onto the platform and began throw out the life hue across tho dirk wave thoro ib a brother whom some ono can savo somebodys brother oh i who then will dare to throw out the life lino his peril to abare the ainger had a wonderfully sweet voice aud as it rang one on tbe clear air the loungers on the corners and in the saloon drew near to listen gay allen followed tbe crowd of idlers and at tbe singing be stopped and stepped still nearer for if there was anything on earth this young fellow loved it was mnbio he had flrat wandered into the saloon to hear the singing and stayed late listening to the harp and piano until be began to smoke and then to drink till now at the age of twentythree quy allen was a dally visitor at tho saloon tbe ainger went on through verse after verao of the lovely song suoh musfo as thoy did not have in brloas saloon and the boy on tho ourbatone stood motionless the oondnotor sang oat all aboard and tho train moved riowly away while tho last linea rang out in a glad peal of triumph then in tbo dark hourof death it may bo that jesus will throw out the life lino to theo and the laat thing as the form of the binger grew dim in the distance was the faint echo which the wind brought baok throw out the life hue throw out tbe llfellno somehow tbe saloon did not look so attractive after that and he went over to the cqoaie and sat down on a rustic seat like a panorama the nat eii years of his life passed before him and tbe words came to him which be had learned long ago he wae an only son and his mother was a widow and she eat and sewed all day for a tailor shop and ber money helped to support him for he worked when he felt liko it and sat in bui brlces saloon when he didnt yet he had learned the trade of a kyoar ways my example shows to what printer and he was called very skilful when be wanted to be throw out tbe life line what line was needed he was very wjll aware the flrat was the rope of salvation whose anchor was christ that life line whtob joans extends so lovingly and onoe possess inr that all tbe rest should be eaay the teara began to gather in gay allens eyes an he sat there trying to make op his miod aud finally he arose and walked elowly op the street to the leading printing office mr bryant do yon want any more help the icenileman addressed poshed up bis classes but his smile faded when he aaw who hie visitor was it would be no use allen i would take yon in a minute if you wonld stick for we are ahort of men but it would not do yon would net half a form aet op and i wonld not see yoa again for six weeks mr bryant if i was in tbe habit of making promises and then oame whinning around i should he ashamed to tall yoa i had turned over a new leaf jost fifteen minutes sgo bull have and i am going to work i work i sir and make up for the list six yeara i have wasted bat if yoa dont hire me wby someone elie will some where so good day sir stop a moment dont bs in a rnsb boy if you really mean business i want you now when oan von come now sir if yoa can find a apare atick and rule so guy allen throw pff hie coat aud bat and rolled up hla fbiri sleeves and waa soon hrd at work six oclock oame at last and a few momenta walk brongbthim home his mothor lookod up in amazemeut to see him arrive so early for many times she had waited long before he oame and often he did not come at all hello mother ho baid cheerily i have heen at work this afternoon and i have a etoady job i hronght a paper witb me and if yoall give a fellow some bash ill read yoa the news after supper mrs alton smiled aud began to bot tho table but the mother love bad been given such a sudden etart that tho tears blindod her eyes and in ploe of depositing her plates on the table she dropped them on the floor well well bless my buttons mother dont break tip till after snppor aud then you wont have to wash up what i cry ing 1 now mother dout ill buy you a dozen plates on saturday night oh 1 guy ray boy my only one you are moro to me than dishes and your coming home reminded mo bo much of your father ob if you would only be like him f could be so happy mother i never bb id i would did i well i say bo now i have drank my last drop and i shant break over for jesus has got bold of the life line and if i grab the other end and bold fast bo wont let me go yoa seo mother a fellow oame out on the back of tbe prohibition convention train or tbo one that oarylea tho delegates its all the same and sadgno beautifully that i felt that he was jubt singing to me guy allen and ho sang throw out the lifo line and it took me two hours to make up my mind to catch hold of that line but i did mn allens tears were falling as she listened to the eimpla ttory but she put her arms aroond her boy and biased him and then she said let op pray and as that prayer floated upward the angela sang another song of rejoicing over one who had buret tbe bonds asunder do not imagine thai guy allen hud no battles to flght for satan had no idea of giving up a boqi without a struggle but by constant prayer and faith he kept a firm hold of the life line and in a few months the baudleb no longer came from the tailor and mrs allen devoted her time to keeping her house bright and cheerful and going to olmroh with guy these temperance speakers and singers little know when tbe seed is dropped by the wayside what kind of a harvest tbe lord ia to send bat tbe prohibition train is still moving eastward northward to tbe swelling prairies of the west and the fragrant southland and by and by the great train shall have gathered an army whioh shall be strong for tbe right and tbey ahall clear our raraoursod land of its blight whioh falls on so many young iivcb and until the day comes wo can atop by tbe way to pick up those on tho traok and when tbe way jb dark and the dtorm of the enemy ie arouud us trout jesus to throw oat the life line for all timo and eternity if we will only hold fast to the rope the last will of a drunkard about a year ago at b a murderer by the name of hoohe was condemned to death for his crime in the evening before his execution he made his litt will in whioh tbe following occurs when i ask myself how i became a murderer i have but one answer to give wbieky i was made what i am by slow and eaby stages the seed was sown in my childhood my father was a drunkard and in a btate of intoxication froe todeath in a bnowatorra yo fathers who aro addicted to strong drinks consider that by your vicious habits and evil examples yoa are poisoning the blood and tbe lives of your childreu when i loft school i began to work aa a mason and drank my drams as i suppose moat masons do at this time of my life i waa a good energetic workman and earned fair wages bot the mote i earned the more i drank and the more i drank the more my inclination and strength to work decreased slowly but irristibly i went on the downward patb sometimes the hoase of correction some times tbe prison was my home bat when discharged i resumed my drinking habit at last i quit tbe work and lived from tho toil of my poor wife i was satisfied as long as ebo gavo me tbe money i needed for whisky bat if i did not get it i ill- treated ber early before my btepclildren went to school i compelled them to pro- care for me the polbonoub stuff and bo again at night when they returned from work wbiaky was my flrtt thought in the morning my first and last drink of tbe day i will not t ii of all the deeds of of shame and vice i committed wbieky had robbed me of all will power i only followed my brotiah desires at last i killed my wife this was tho last link in the long ohain of sin end crime to which whisky has driven me this voice of warning ie partioulirly raised against you my friends aud companions who have drank with mo tarn from the ovil of whiuky drinking leads whisky bottle before volltifrtiiml throw away tbe is too late use your head some men seem to think their heads fulfil the purpose for which a beneficent providence intended them when they absorb three mesh a day and afford a means of displaying the latest faehious in hat like the dog with the chronic tired feeling who used to lean against tbe fen co to bark tho proooaa of thinking ia o exhausting that with many it is only indulged in nt intervals people let ont their thinking in politics there are few men who can give a reason for being on one side or the ol her beyond echoing the shibboleth of some heeler or loudmonth demagogue religious opinions and con victions in a majority of oases aro the erode product of other minds a good deal of intelltctaal swallowing ib done by those who would doubtless resent the imputation of credulity somo who prate about their priestridden neighbors are quite as effeataslly saddled and bridled it tbey only knew it as those they pity this is an sge of brilliant mental effort bat brilliancy seem to be confined to fixed stars from whose radlanoy the surround ing maases are satisfied to gather a borrowed effulgence what the world wants is more independent individual thought let business men quit the ruts and oat oat oat thinking paths for them selves an hoar of careful thought and wise plaunlng is worth a whole day of aimlesa ploddiug pondor tbe path of thy feet and lei all thy ways be establish ed a speaker with a back bone judgo sherritl present speaker of the flouao of representative of texee allows uo liquor of an kiud in the house or other portions of the oapitol nnder the control of the speakor and eergeantatarms while there has never been any liquor sold in ihe texas capitol yot this faot did not debar members from drinking or keeping it for uset often in other days the speakers room and alio tbe room occapled by tho sergeantatarms are reputed to have been tho plaoes wbere beer has been kopt on tap or wbere bottlea and jngs of stronger beverages have been stored for the one of the members who were wont to resort hither to play poker this is tbe order of the present speaker there shall bo no drinking in any of tho rooms under the control of the speaker or aeargeantatarma nor bhal any intoxi cating liquors be kept in or about the said rooms eleven piges wore appointed ander control of the speaker tbey a oa op tod their posit tops with tho distinct under standing that any one of them known to amoke cigarettes would bo discharged eleven colored porters were appointed under control of the speaker they accepted their position a all agreeing that drunkenness or oven carrying intoxicating liquors would be oauie for their removal texas correspondent of new voice stopped instead op passinq what reason havo you to lbink that ahe takas more than a passing interest in you beoaose she stopped what do yoa mean by that i mean that ahe stopped and spoke to me isnt that more than a paising interest those oame laws lawyer since yoa cans deny having shot the man what then 7 culprit well i thought i might claim to have mutakeu him for a deer lawyer what good wopld that do yoa its the closed season for deer the borrowed baby if you please maam ive oome to borrow tbo baby tbe speaker waa a roay- cheekbdgirl who lived with tbe family over the way it waa a regular nuiaanoe this lending tho baby all the time i suppose we wero all a little jealoaa because she loved the new people so much and tbey took so much paina with ber teaahing her canning ways and pretty savings and i muat bay tbey were most judicious never giving ber sweet things to make horaiok or letting her take cold so for tho huudreth time i rolled little dndn up and kiaeing her good by sent her off to aot tbe part of tbo borrowed baby when john came homo to dinner and found tbe baby gone again be waa just as angry as he could bo wby cant thoy go over to tbo asylum and t ike their pluk for babies bab not like ours john i baid quickly well no of oourie dot bat i dont propose to have strangers going halves with our baby besides 1 wont have them teaching that child any more religious nonsense and when they bring ber back this time yoa may as welt settle it onoe for all i forgot to say that john and i were free thinkers and did not go to church or sub scribe to any of tho religions belief a to whioh wo had been educated we had both graduated in a brilliant intsllootaal baboo utterly devoid of tbe foolish super stition of any religious faith and we intended to bring up our ohilj in the aame severely moral atmosphere it did not once ooaur to uo that oura was the strength ofyonth and persomption or that our ignoranovcquld not pull down in a day what knowledge bad been a thousand years building we felt that we were saffiaient for ourselves and our child tbe baby came home she waa nearly three years old but after all only a baby and as i took ber from the girl i said we wont be able to lend tbe baby any more mary her papa and i both think it inntagood plan and we cannot possibly do without her the house is too lonely tell your mistress so with my compli ments im sorry maam said tho girl beoaose we all love little dudu so much and shes really bweet she oan ring jesus loves me all through and not miss a word superstition 1 i excliimed angrily tell j our mistress for me that i do not wish my ohild to earn those senseless hymns i do not believe in them nor do i intend that ahe bhall not believe them 1 gasped the girl wby you aint a heathen bs you i dismissed her oartly and when john came homo told him of tho message i had sent that ia right my little woman i guess we know enough to take care of this little blossom hey woe willie winkie doot we t somehow just then an old forgotten text flashed into my mind my grace ia bufflo- ient for theo and it ran up and down tbe gamut of my thought all evening when i put duda to bed i notioed that her handb were hot and hor cyeb beemed heavy there wsb lots of diphtheria in tho place bat she bad not been exposed to it in any possible manner our neighbors who had borrowed the baby being as afraid of it as we were for that wsb wby no baby was at their home oh that dreadful time i cannot recall it now tho days hardly more than a day of anguish the awfal a offering and tbe end tbe parohed lips and the feverbright eyes the awful realm of death and not one ray of hope one word of comfort only the oroel dreary uolighted grave that yawned for oar darling just at the laat there was a moments peace it was not on us ber lost look fell wo turned to see who or what ahe aaw and there stood our neighbor over the way whom she at least sweet darling had loved as herself and then bhe lifted the weary little hands and a glad look of recognition waa in the wan face and we all heard the list broken words as they fell in awfal distinctness from the baby lips desus loves me dls i know and it was all over and only tho momory remained of bo muob beauty and sweet ness and aa our hearts wero going baok to tho duet of unbelief our good neighbor came like an evangelist and giving us of her own brave strength gained at tbo foot of tbo cross said wisely be content god baa only borrowed the baby 1 detroit free prenn honest people hero is your fare conductor you over looked me i guess tbo speaker was a welldressed man of middle age his remark was make as be was making bia way toward the roar platform of a trolley oar to get off after baviug riddon ten or twelvo squares and he accompanied it by handing over to the conductor a nickel that fellow thinke be is entitled to a gol 1 medal for honesty growled tho conductor as he pocketed tbe coin but ho ouht to have a leather medal for durned foolinh- ness instead hows that queried the suantarer to whom tbe conductors words were evidently addressed dont you admire honesty certainly when it comes in at the right timo and place but bis didnt im paid for collecting a faro from every passenger who rides with me if i dont get the coin i am likely to gtt tho bounce in order to see that i am getting the coin tbe company has a email army of bpottors riding around witb their eyes and their ears wide open follow mo tho saunterer intimated that he caught the drift of what the conductor was saying woll oontinued tbe latter i overlooked that fellow in the crowd at least ho eayu i did and he onghl to know it is impossible to get everybody when the car is jammed from front to baok now suppose a spotter is on this car end has overheard what that fellow said or buw him hand mo the fare af tor having ridden a mile or over dobent it look had for me aint 1 likely to get a good calling down if not a lay of or the bounce certainly i am and do you wonder that i feel sore at that fellow if a passenger manages to get pact me for faulf a dozen squares i would rather he or she would keep the fare than to poke it at mo as a reminder that i havent kept my eyes sufficiently wide open and i dont care if you do print it just for fun one day says a writer in the boston tranncnpt the mother of a tnyearoid boy gave him two slices of battered bread telling him to give one of them to his little sister he carried out tbe order that night when he went to bed ho was evidently disturbed in bis mind and remorsefol about something and his motbor question ed him in a way to bring ont tho truth i iwasnt nice to peggy about thai bread and butter he owned why v asked tbe mother did yoa take the bigger piece no he answered here was a little bigger than my piece was but mine waa a good deal batterer willie had swahwed a penny and bia mother waa in a ttite of maoh alarm helen ahe called to ber bister in the next room aend for a doctor willie has swallowed a peunyl tbe terrified and frightened boy looked up imploringly no mamma ho intsrpoaed send for tbe minister tbo minister asked bia mother fnaredulionely did yoa say the minister yea beoauae pips aoys our minister oan fet money oat of any body you are bitter enough on tbe trusts now spoke up a man in the audience but i happen to know that you belonged to one for several years i did my fellow oitizaos i thundered the orator but when i became fully awako to tbe enormity of the thing i did my beat to crush that trubt i bold my factories to that trust my fellowcitizens for twice what tbey were worth in oash 1 i never thought tbo timo wouli coma when i shonll be delighted to boar tbat piano going remarked fogg aa the instrument in tho next house was being carried down the stairs to the furniture wagon playing the fool this ia a free country nowhere else on the earth do men have each unlimited oppcrtanites for making fools oat of them selves aod nowhere elso we may uijo add do so many of them livo up to their chances but wo must confess that in our poor judgement mr e benjamin andrews onoe a baptist minister lato president of brown university and now superintendent of public sobools in the city of chicago baa gone beyond all bis follows in ibis reaped ho objects to teachiog kiplings recessional to tho ohildren on the grouud that it ia too thcia- uo and may offend those parents who do not believo in god if dr andrews will find any engliab poetry woith the name that is not distinctly tbeutio outside of sohelley and swinburne wo bhall ho glad of the faot to be consistent he must rule out ghaooer spencer milton shakespeare wordsworth tcnnyaon browning longfellow whittier bryant lowell sidney lanier and paul hayne when theism is torn from tho works of the great maater cingera the poor shriveled remnants will bo without lifo and value of any bort nasftvitle advocate thoughtless or dishonest we havo repeatedly said in this advocate that the man who regularly sponda more money than he makes is guilty o dta- honebty nor is the oase altered by tho faot that he my suooeed in postponing tbe day of settlement sooner or later some body mutt pay his bills and if he should not be able to do it aa he will not bo if he has lived beyond his means bia creditors will be the sufferers there aro in the aggregate thousands of amerioan families many of them affecting extreme respect ability who otothe themselves in purple aud find linen and fare sumptuously every day and yet show a grave iudifforence to their just obligations toward morohante and grocers some or them are sidsply thoughtless others are deliberately bad all alike need to be warned and exhorted nashville adoocate appreciation if you would bs helpful be sympathetic be appreciative there ia no auoh inspira tion as genuine appreciation it is tho keynote of successful leadership some who are prominent in obtiatian work have failed at this point the pastor who stim ulates his people tj untiring work is tbe one who fully appreciates every effort pat forth by them superficial defeoti some times cause men to overlook real worth bat it was not ao with our lord nathan- ial oame doubting yet jeans said of him behold an israelite indeed in whom ia no guile appreciation and encourage ment will develop gifts and graoes in natures whioh have dwindled aod shrunk under adverse influence bat only those who have trnly pat self sside can havo a part in auoh heavenly ministry a merry heart cloar day or cloudy day burn u or haat or uold a happy hoart kuona liollduy a merry liuart is bold though tbo wind of fortune blow out of wintry bkfea face it smiling oa you go a morry lioaitiawiao by and by tho sun will sliiuo day mubtfollow night darkost hour la tho aifiii of returning iluht ood ib in his b on van still though tho world dotilas and choorv courage wails on will a morry hoart la wlso over ruggod things wo clinin to our boot oatato wo uliall etumblu many a tiinu but wo couquur futo and wo chooso tlio liuttor part so that ovil flics when wo lfoop the dauutlos heart tho morry hoart tlmtu wlso mary bradley new literature a canadian odition of houses of glass by dr james algie ought to sell well the author is a thorough canadian he was born in 1857 at tbe village of ayr ontario ixis preliminary education wasreoeivedutdundaaand st catharines at the age of 18 be commenced tho study of medicine threo jears liter after takiug a degree at toronto and trinity universities he commenced tho practice of his profession iu port elgin oounty of bruoe thence he removed to claude in tho county of peel to enter inta partner ship with the lto dr robinson of brampton bub failing to ourae to au under standing on tho terms of partnership bo loouted at alton whore lo has been in active practice ever tmico for years he bab been regarded locally as a cloar thinkor and an able writer and frequently contributed articles on current topics to the newspapers of tho district three years ago unknown to any of bis friouds be commenced writing in his leisure moments tbe chapters which now uompose houses of glass without however any intention of having tho works published one day during his absence uorne friends discovered the manuscript and after read ing it insisted on its being published after borne delay thu manuscript was submitted t professor goldwm smith of toronto the nutbor agreeing to submit to bid judgment on the matter a favorable opiuion and a hter of introduction to several publishing bumoi were received in reply the result is thu book now published by tho w j gage co limited whioh is bound to orohi a great deal of interest dead files how many good things are spoiled by little inconsistencies how many a repu tation hub beon shattered by a single foolish forethnughtlesi act and how often has influence beon destroyed by a single departure from the straight lino thnre are men who are sound in many respects but who fail in some pirticulur which completely destroyed tho force of their other good qualities now naaman captain of the hofct of the king of syiia was a great man with his mbter and honorable because by him tbo lord had given delivorauce nnto syria he also was a mighty roan in valor but bo was a leper what a fine description was spoiled by a fatal but john smllh is a god business man orders largely pays promptly but ho is tricky henry jones is a good follow treats travellers well but he needs watohing william brown is a council man but be is a confirmed liar now ointment ia a wholesome facaliug thing bat tbe little taint of corruption caused by the dead fly makes it noxious disgusting deadly so with the taints of oharaoter tbe man who has some deadly fault is alt the more ti be shunned if ho bo other wise attractive one of the most gentle manly courteous aud pleasant oitizons of a certain town not a thousand miles away was apprehended tbe other day for an unmentionable abominable vice dead flies cause the ointment of tho apothecary to bend forth a etiokiug bavor so doth a littlo folly him that is in reputation for wisdom and honor a sympat princess tho following etory about tho aroh- duobeas valohe of auttrm ia told by tho vienna correspondent of tho london afom- inff post a short timo ouo a 13oar old schoolboy was summoned homo from his boarding school at lin to attend his fathers funeral in vienna tho lad was without travelling companions and bile waiting on the platform at lioz began to ory bitterly his distresa was notioed by a ludy in a flrstclape compartment who summoned the guard and had tho boy brought to her she paid bia excess fare for travelling firptcubs and devoted her self ti the task of comforting him and relieving the tedium of thelong journey to vienna tellinghiro that she too bad buffered much from the loss of a parent in a foreign land the schoolboy war not a iittlo astonished at the end of tho journey to learn that the kindhearted lady wue tho arohdnohess valerie daughter of the emperor god needs the heup of mothers the grave mistake of repressing children writes barbetta brown in the december ladies home journal ia caused by the toothers failuro to be keon enough to see whoro bbo may touoh a child lifo and where bhe may not whore it in for her to guide to lit lp to encourage and where the child life is eacred to itielf biooo that the child is another individual never aocuora to some mothers nor that he haa bis own poaaibilitiea for growth not to bo umperod with hie own privacies not to bo invaded his own holy of holies to be held holy tho power that is workluf in the vast lifo of this uuivorno ia working in your bou or daughter aa part or it and it has its own purpose ia regard to eaoh ohildlife as surely as for eaoh punot in its orbit god needs maoh help from molherb bet god does not intoud to ho effaced by mothorb coporate then with tho power working through your children do not make the grat mistake of trying to oompeta with it another lie nailed i stand up for tho people declared tbe politloal orator false i otied a gamin in tho roar he wouldnt oven eund up for a poor oli lady in de car this morning now york world