Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1899, p. 2

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oaiviy iii lcuosltff on tuesday fflth nov to mr ajil mrs david carty ft aon stillborn oiiimion niiilotkou wodncsday nov wod ut lhu rouidunou or tho brldos mother 100 mutual ht toronto by the rev j hurlies- lonua tuob arrls robinson eldest boo ot couuty councillor ltoblnson htrootbvlllo to miss niblook toronto hottest battle on re cord at modder river boor gan cronja thought his peti tion impregnable but it was captured in 14- hours ilamiuinnp at evsrton on wodnoaaay wth novumbor freddie bou o mr hanbrldgo agod tbruo yoara sbe ttsm jut rss thursday december 7 16 notes and comments royal canadian sent to the reoiment front mr c kl lrphr tho prssenl morobar at tho noiiee o commons for 8outh wrllinii- lon was hin nominaled as be stamtftttt- bearcr of lha conaerato parly t ills convention held in quelph ll weak mr kloeptor ib strong mau with hi patty in ttiat riding tho dominion udwhioui ha done well with in tblrgrauh hum from biuutll to dairsou ii has oornrmsd 710 mil a oosl ol smtooo or 1s0 per mil wher4 thasaticuaue ox ins c p it ttlrih co for lh work was ud ot ih n w telegraph co woo per milt rwpeouvl the clovernmsui is operiimjt lh hue at a proat thirteea thousand dolkra lo toll for a single roouiha business u fiuily rood earnings for a teleuraph hue running through a dibtnoi whose population u approximately animated at 13000 members ot the new york state coro- miasion who have visited ghioago and other weatsrn cities to seoara testimony from many prominent shippers regarding the decline in new york oommeroe and the bebt means whereby the state oan regain it lost trade have retnrned to new york gonbidoriug the attitude assumed by the trunk line railroads it waa the unanimous expression ot chicago shippers that the salvation of new york oommeroe rested upon the manner of the states improvements of its oanalb the oon- aen3ub of opinion seemed to be that unless the erie oanal were so snlargsd as to aooommodate boats ot 80000 busheli capacity the improved canadian oansis wonld oteadily increase the exportation of grain via montreal and quebec crewsons corners christmas in three weeks and the best present you oan give a friend is the fbkk pukss for 1000 it is one of canadas brightest and newiest papers and will make anyone bappv who receives it mr jos bamshaw is building a new paint bbop in connection with his black smith shop when completed he will have an uptodate bbop quite a few from here attended the sunday school convention in bockwood on tnesday and wednesday mr samuel armstrong of parry sound is visiting bis brother john armstrong mr j armstrong and bis brother s are visiting friends in sbelburne a number from this vicinity intsnd taking in the fat stock show at guelpb this wsek the special ssrvices bold in the metho dist charon for the past three weeks by rev s w holden assisted by evangelist crittenden of tara were concluded on sunday evening daring the services great good baa been done not only bere bat also at the briok chnrob and as the traits of their labor quite a number have taken their stand far obriat and we believe that all who attended the services received great and lasting benefit from them during his btay bere mr crittenden has made many warm friends who all join in wishing him success in bis future labor in the vineyard of the master a meeting is called tor next tnesday night with the view of eitbsr organizing an epwortb league or a bible beading soalety in the methodist ghnrob bere wbioh ever may be organized we wish it every suocess as it is lost what the oburoh needs by the breaking of a drawbar threesars were wreoked and traffic on the g t r woe delayed several hours at this place lost thursday morning one oar loaded with furniture for the t eaton co toronto was redaoed to kindling wood as was also a oar of aheep carinas to say though the oar was totally wrecked the sheep escaped without a icralob the auxiliary orew from stratford bad the road oleared in about three hoars mr and mrs f booin of st thomas are spending their honeymoon at their oonsins mr j walkers on friday night mr and mrs walker held a recap tion in honor of tbe bridal coaple a large number from this vicinity were present and it is needless to say ibat they were highly entertained as the genial host and hostess hospitality 1b a household word in this neighborhood the night was spent n games and various other amusements the party broke up io the early hours of tbe morn everyone wishing mr and mrs booin every suocess snd happiness in their f oture life mr geo oann spent several days daring the past week with friends in lather mrs johnson and miss johnson of burlington are visiting at mr j sopers mr f gray of hillaburg spent a few daya last week at his sons mr w t grays miss h ramshaw of guelpb spent sunday at her home here mr a kentnsr and family of balllnfad spent sunday at mr n forbes mr t ramshaw of lovllle is visiting friends bere mr r gibbons who had hsr foot injured by a nail is improving the pablio examination in school no 0 in nssaagaweys oik friday last was very successful quite a number from here attended and took part in ft the great battle at modder river ro ferred to in last woeks fukk piikhs wa tho moat ovontful of the oampilgn 1 aooording to the latest acoounta ot the bitllo the boer lire was the botteal on record and will revolutionise exialing theories it was ttfeotive up to 1000 yards but the casualties among the proue troops were trlfllug il was touuil im- poulble to bring the british ammunition roaervra to tho firing hue for the pail threw or tour days uowa haw boon ox- oeeduiiily moagre tho vir ofhoj otmbtr ooulrolliug all wire iho fo liwlim par- tioulareu have however buen gleaned from time to time lorjdoo djp tchei of the pat tew days givo dotailod particulars of tho great batle roughl at modder rlvor wet wodnea- day the general opuio i of the staff is that there has never been such a sustained ore in the aunale of the british army as that whiuh onr troops had to face at that battle geu molhuens men fell in dosens while trying to rush tho bridge it was tbs severest engagement of the whole cam paign the battle was waged fiercely tor nearly fourteen hoors for tho most pait in a biasing sou and without food or water tbe enemy oooupied a atrongly eotreuohad position on the north aide ot the river their trout extending five miles along the bank of the stream they wsro well supplied with aitlllery and fought desper ately kjunraz stobu of bullets there was a brief lull in the eoemya operations ot whiob the general immedi ately took advantage oar infaatry advanoed aoross the plain towards the river id two brigades the guards on the right were met with an awfnl hall of ballet from the enemys sharpshooters posted olose to the river on the opposite banks oar troops bad no ooter whatever aod were eimply mowed down it eeemed impossible to live through the terrible lire bat tbe brave fellows did net retreat an inoh the boer fire was horribly accurate and they muat have numbered at least 10000 fooll daydbau till dju1k the battle startedat daybreak ear guns shelling tbe boers left tbe enemy replied with artillery bolobkiss and maxims and tbe artillery duel lasted some hoars tbe boot guards advanced 000 yards before tbey were fired upon then they had to lie down to escape tbe deadly fatilade wbioh lasted without intermiaaion throughout the day the highlanders made several attempts to force a passage of tbe river bat they were exposed to saob a tnarderoua enfilading fire that they bad to retire after tbey had suffered terribly subsequently a party of the gnarda got over and held their own for hoars sgainst a vastly superior force tbe british oooordink to lost aooounts drove tbe enemy aoross the river compelling them to retreat and established themselves on both banks tebbidls lobs on both bidbs the british guns kept op a heavy fire all day and fearful havoc wan wrought in the boer positions tbe ensmy being forced to fly from their entrenohmeots night put an end to the terrible bloodshed tbe infantry brigade was dreadfully out up the boers retreated at nigbt taking their gans with them and we are now occupying their positions tbe enemys loss was tremendous tbe list of oasullies in lord metbuens forces were total casnslties 488 of which 78 were killed this is not so bad as expected when the terrifio fighting oooarred dariag tbe 14 hoars before tbe boers left their entrenched position it is said that lord metbaen is taking a rest after his three fights in seven days when upwards of 1000 men of bis 7000 msn were plsoed hors de oombat nnmsn losses uf io date the following table shows the number ot men reported as killed woandedor misafng in eaoh engagement of tbe present boer wars- killed wonnded captured 1 v ii ttnt it fa reported that gonoral gronjo has moved hffl dommarldoee south and that lha biogo 1b praotioally over to the intoiibo joy of tbe beloagaered garrison everything points to the aubstuntut xoouriioy ot this pieoe of intelligence colknbo aw iaiivumith tho latebl news from lidyumith in dated november 27 ou that day the boors aigain bhollid the tuuu without cauauig acrloub damage the bituatlon ooutinues praotioally unohanged thorc but tho garrison la anxloualy awaitlug relief there ta no fresh uowa ot tbo british advance in natal it la known that flvo spanb ot tho railway bridge it i ooleoeo wore blown into the river bub the road bridge apparently reraaius luttct notliing is kuown regarding general methueus advance hut in many rjuarturm it ib brllov eit that ilia arrival in klmliorluy may bo oftooleu llllb week neighborhood news rockwood insults to the queen ribald songs seliad in paris be- oause of raf leotlons made on hsr majesty paiuh deo 4 tho p lioe in addition to another senuro of ooplea ot lt caricaturo aontainlng mator hiiii llluatratlonrs grossly luaultiug to ouoen victoria tonight seised copies of rlhuld song entitled ithe embarkation ot the eniliah containing a drawing ridloullug her majeaty tbe bong had been exposed in many ahops and kiosks dreaded diphtheria its after affects frequent ly shatter stronq nerves mafsklng 80 75 22 gjenooe 4b 210 208 elandslsagte si 218 orooodlle river a 8 4 riettontein 13 104 2 klmberly ladysmitb 17 88 82 bombard- 8 12 fen tali s 5 25 farqnbara 60 288 1012 50 247 beacon hill 18 04 9 gbiveley arm- oared train 8 26 g8 graspann modder blver 20 167 9 47 801 7 this makes a tola of killed 4 mr 8 modougall suffered for years and hs doctor told him recovery was lmpoaalblg- agaln strong and healthy farmer tin 61 jack of all trades id vyhat mr salter modoagall atjld hi maul f when interviewed by the news recently mr modoagall resides at alton about ten miles from truro n 8 and according to trie own btatement bite been made a new man by the use of dr wijliama pink pills when intervievved by the jfcuja man modjugill said i am only too gud to givu you any information yoa may want anything i can say will not be too good a reoommendition for dr willianoa pink pill up to the year j888 con tinued mr modoogtll i bad always enjoyed good health at that lime i had a bovere attack of diphtheria the after etteota of which left me in a deplorable condition i was troubled with a constant pain in my bide jest below tbe heart and at times dizaineas would caoee me to ibrow op my hands and fall on my back or fide my face banda and feet wonld swell aud tarn oold in this condition i could not move hands or feet and bad to be moved like a obild my appetite all bat left me acd i got very little eleep 1 was under tho oare of a doctor bat get nothtcr more than occasion nl temporary relief fmaly i got so low that they sent for my father to oome and seo me for tbe list time tbia was in january 1805 that night tbe doctor told my friends that he conu do nothing for mej and be doubted if i wonld live through tbe night that night i took a severe fit of vomiting and raised tbreo pieces of matter tough and leathery in appearance uud eaoh about three inches long tbe vomiting alinobt ohoked me and it required two people to bold me in bed but 1 felt easier after it 1 waa in this deplorable condition when i was urged by a neighbor to try dr williams pink fills it was a hopeless case but i decided to try them when i told tbe doctor i was taking tho pills ho asid they would do me no good that i would never be able to work again but be was mis taken for the eflect waa marvellous by march i waa able to go oat of doors and could wslk quito a diatanoe i continued using dr williams piuk pidb until i bad taken seventeen boxes and tbey have made a new man of me my health is better than it has been for twenty years and notwithstanding tbe doctors prediction i am able to stand any amount of bard work i attribute my new manhood and regained health to dr williams pink pills and gratefolly reoommend tbem to others in poor health dont forget the sahool concert on the all the event pf tbe year in our town the infant sou of reuben bturop died on saturday and was interred at the at one church cemetery on sunday ttio now etreet ittmpa are a docided im prove mont and were mimh appreciated by tho strangers uitnding the sunday school oouveulfon thte week i the annual oouvoutlon of wellington county bunday school association bold horeon tuesday and wednesday was an ocoialon of ureal intirust to tbe sunday school workers and especially to those of rockwood and vicinity the programme wh of a oliarnctsr hrlpful and inspiring rov w ii harvey b a of fergus the prchiih nt of lhu ear prih clod until tho uvoniug eenriuni on tutjailriy when hi a tuicaoisbor mr hugh bliok postmabtor hutp who was ibaind an the now president took i ho ohair the otiur otnuvrs for 1000 aro rov w ii ilarvoy b a ferkup 1st vice prea mr m g dippell oraj- ton vjnd vtoepri s rov p t mclaren bel wood bubiiichk sea rov a j manu eramobu mintitu boo rev 0 ii uulton dtlnood trearunr the report of thu hfaremry nhowcd the bohoolu of tbe nluu towimhips to number 117 which uro equipped with 052 tiuohers and officers and have 8103 taholars en- rilled 100 scholars united with the ohuvob and 073 53 waa raistd for m anions during ths yoir the papers and addreaoes were of a vary praotiaal and tltmly character and were presented by workrra actively engaged in 8 uud ay shoq effaife who were perkpiy acqaaiuted with tho mods of tbe work tho welcome extended by tho people of rookwood to he delegates aa voioed by rev mr grapstop in hi addreofi of welcome and practically exemplified in tbo horaee was mot t oordlnl and highly appre ciated rev o r morrow of alma preaobed able missionary turnione on rookwood otrooit last sunday for rev mr hdlen his presentations of missionary interests was much enjoyed by tbo okrefations which hoard him the circuits mission ary offerings tbla year are considerable in advance of lust year twas not luck but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards ok halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues zoc uuc and 00 iuuenhe lncitkise in the sal j of the d xi mecho pi ibter evidenoo thafeot thtt it ja useful for all rheumatic paiuo lumbago and lame bank pain in the aides oto davis lawronoo co td manu facturers the man who does not love bid neighbor as himself is not the fneud of ohritt tm eh is to yhfenfaity about pyny pectoral it cures your oongh quickly all brooohial affections give way to it 25o of all druggists manufactured by the proprietors of perry davis painkhur as soon ae iaii bnujiel the soap he etopped oaring for bis birthright plum puddings aud mikob pies often have bad effects upon the smjil boy who over indulges in them pa in killer aa a household medicine for all buch ilia is un equalled avoid eubbtitutes there in but one painkiller perry davis 2go and lido jc a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if you come to the lion for them de maodonald bro golden lion guelph nothing doea leas honor to tbe oauae of god than a christian with a long face for if men oonld get to heaven by bard work bow many loafers would boon be busy genkiial debility and a run down state calls for a general touio to the system sucb is tbe d l emulsion builds you op increases ynur weight gives health msde by davit lawrence co ltd msb is m reri the besrarnhaiemwno piaster mak flaatcfiineiieuo 334ls0 ii 3 in1yms i rous prrceioo wuiuncecolti aytnurwruum moktkm1 a oharob islter id the bottom of a trodk never doos tbo lord a bit of good thorps elevator o t r station rockwood now open for the season highest prices paid for oats peas barley wheat rye etc also on hand for sale flour feed flaxseed oilcake oatmeal commeal sulphur cattle salts eto ee0e36 and oattlo hides sheepskins eto wanted ceo j thorp quelph iclmtra sad rookvro od headaches and eyestrain many who for years have suffered intensely from chronic sick headaches using drugs of all kinds without benefit have found immediate and permanent remedy in properly adjusted glasses because eye strain was the cause we remove the cause and our cure is lasting satisfaction guaranteed pringle the jeweller practical optician guelph nov jorll kmtamxtfflfn 43 hamiltons lavohitu siioiiino 1facii come and see our christmas displays a larpo portion of the first floor is now given over to uncful and pretty ibings suitnblo fur chrimman gifts its well worth your while lo come to hamilton to see all that were showing in this charming department and besides every department throughout the store is fairly bristling with suggestions to the gift hunter its none to early to be thinking about buying your christmas presents of course tho first choice and the comfortable choice is the best choice a big silk sale were making a big clearance in our silk department and are offer ing many lines of plain and fancy silks at a third to a half less than regular prices write for samples if you cannot come plain colored corded silks in a var iety of shades were 8i 25 reduced to 60c were 81 75 reduced to 75c plain colored taffeta silks in var ious shades were 100 reduced to 60c colored moires in many good shad ings were fti 75 reduced to ooc fancy taffetas in a nriety of striped designs assortment of colorings were 85c yard now 65c were 9i and 8125 now 75c were 8150 and 92 now qioo remnants a ery large lot of them suitable for fancy work and christmas is coming also for trimmings and some for waists every conceivable shade almost all at clearing prices jackets reduced 25 ladies jackets in boucle cloth and frieze m black fawa navy and tweed effects all in large sizes selling at leas than half price formerly 0 now fa 00 were 85 86 and g 50 now 83 00 were 80 50 to 83 75 now 8350 flannelette 8pecials weve just received direct from england n large lot of flannelettes in striped patterns 33 inches wide splendid nullities and all very special value worth much more than the prices we ask 8 j 10 124 and 15c blankets special 50 pairs of unshrinkable white wool blankets extra large size 68 x 84 inches with neat red or blue striped borders excellent quality and very special value at per pair 1775 good warm 8hawls good wool single shawls reversible full size oxford grey and seal brown 75 similar ones only with fancy border 75 very heavy single wool shawls in oxford grey and seal brown with check borders 8325 double wool shawls very beavy and warm in grey ana black ranging from 86 down to 8300 shopping by mall we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting to 85 or over thomas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton acton bakery two grsat foes of the oburoh the golden oalf and tbs leathery oyster we begin to baokslide the moment we think we have religion enongb keeping too mrion in tbe pookas will keep god ont of the heart athelsrn is tbe hni on whiob the devil wonld fatten bis swioe faith is a light that never goes ont catarrh- statistics prove that 07 per cent of oar popolatiod is effected with some form of catarrh bnt slnoe catarrboxons the new sir treatment for catarrh and kiudred diseases bss been introduced this percent age bas decreased oatarrhosone sever alls to cars catarrh bronohltis asthma and hay fever snd is warranted to cars the most ohronlo oases of these diseases even after all else has failed it onres by inhalation no danger no risk pleasant to use for salest all druggists or direct by mall price 10u for trl oatat send loo in stamps to n 0 poison et co box 600 kldgston oot 408 wounded 1806 and oaptnred and missing 1964 botl canadian bcoiusnt tbe canadian contingent was riven ibe most entbosiastio reception upon their arrival at cape town acoorded any troops which have landed at booth africa whan tba sardinian was signalled from table mountain the popular enthusiasm became intense aod many hundreds of people made their way to the wharf to be first to obeer the bearers of tbo visible helping band from distant canada the town was decorated wilb banting in their honor sir alfred hllnsr at cape town immediately oabled lord mlnto as follows just said goodbye to canadian con tingent all well and delighted to go to tffo front people showed in nnmistske- able manner appreciation and sympathy and help of canada in their hour of trial signed hilner tbe regiment bas gone to tho front to reinforce gen hstfauen tbe canadian contingent are in good oompany they will aot in oonoert with tbe black watoh and seaforth high landers a party of 80 canadians re mained at cape town as the men bad not pasted the medical inspection private deelaurlera died third day ont from quebec of heart failure tub dobks and teeu positions ii is believed ibat tbe boers bad oo- oupied tba position seven weeks before and had spent the interval in fortifying snd rendering il ss they considered im pregnable tbey did not seem to fear to expend their ammunition and their gans were well and smsrlly bandied boms of tbe boer prisoners say that gen cronje was in supreme command ha had to wbip ble man to prevent them from de serting and despite ibis many ibrew down thtlr rifles and fled an associated free dsepatoh from durban says that persons arrrvfaii there from pretoria assert that lbs boms an fall of confidence and are well prepared for a six months selge of pretoria arsos or havskino ovbb there im good news at last from matc hing says tbs flrrnwsijondon osbls nsws erin tho electrio light ib a long time oomlng but it will soroly be here now wltbin a few weeks messrs collier and hamilton will shortly dissolve partnership itev alfred fowlie who went out to british colombia as a missionary has been appoloted to a ntll in tbe mountains eighty miles from a railway dr w moferrin a former realdent of garafraxa now ot nliohi viaited friends bere this week the stores look vory pretty in their christmas dress mrs axel atjer of cordoatllie cape girard eau co mo wrltea when i look at ray little boy i feel it ray duty to write you pertiapa someone will ace my testimony and be led to uae ir plercea favor ite prescription and be blessed in the name way this a my filth child and the only one born alive the others have died from inck of nourishment no hie doctor said i waa not sickly in any wny mid thin time 1 just thotirht 1 would try your pre scription i look nine bottles nnd to my aur- firise it carried me hrotirh nnd rn e us as fine n little bm nit ever waa weighed ten nnd onehalf poundn he in now five niontlm old hna never been alck n day nnd i no ntrotift that cverytiody who sees him wonders nt him re is so playful and holda hlmaclf up so well i would like to ace thia in print for ao many have naked tne voyou think those are the testimonials of the people or ha dr pierce juat made them lip nnd printed them this is one of over two hundred and fifty thousand sinillar letters which prove dr pierces favorite prescription to be the greatest of all medicines for the cure of diseases and disorders of the organs distinctly feminine it is the only prepara tion of its kind devised by a regularly graduated physician an experienced and skilled specialist in the diseaaes of women it is a safe medicine in any condition of the system it contains no whisky nlco- hol opium or other narcotic and therefore doea not cause a craving for stimulants it is sold br medicine dealers everywhere and any dealer who hasnt it can get it dont take a substitute lo counterfeit is as good as the genuine and the druggist who says something else is just as good ss dr pierces la either mistaken or is trying to deceive you for bis own selfish benefit 8uch a man is not to be trusted he is trifling with your most priceless possession your health maybe yoor life itself see that you get what you ask for earn an orchard n in ch ii uliluiii 1 1 t y of tti ra ioo mtaadstral arpl troon o two in rj will onrn annnmltr ueltl aqollara and m t von nothing uit ft fav cua evmonxtoar neighbors iii itiiri tail onu imuoivm writ for ulntvrtlculttrt rvks3 nttoa co lloauwftt qa booliuur n y 1 miriijo 111 100 trees 200 borer mid nh inmou at your uin or nnt poitpola nrooelrtof910a ywirmony in- k lfitfh arlhirlno nti jo moatktu xmas gifts- j o matthews prop christmas confeotlonery fruits our stock of ohrifltmaaconfeotlonory oto is now being oponed cue torn ora will find it embraces a very fine assortment of tbo choicest goodi oysters fresh ojstcra always ou band flour bast biauds of flour bread westons popular bread in variety cakes pastry oboloe assortment of cakes and pastry tart bhells jelly bolls ac now customers desiring onr dollvery rig to call will ploaio leave word at tbo storo or nail our driver j o matthews opposite browns drug store solid gold 2 86 best gold fill 150 5 yrs gold fill 100 best glasses 100 wis sftiamntoo perfect satisfaction globe optical co 93 yonge street toionto- 7vililnery rnd mhntl6s this 3ftcilib 7 big 5ftzek ofmkntle selling our whole stock will come under the reduction every mantle must go tahles of them will be placed out in the department from 125 up we say and will prove it that such values have not been given in guelph at the same time all trimmed millin ery will be reduced together with all felt shapes including sailors rough riders turbans arid flops to those who would buy os trich tips we say come nine boxes are placed on sale at sueh prices as you will not likely see repeated jet sprays jet trimmings and jet bonnet frames will also be included every lady in the country should visit this sale the frank dowler co cuelphs greatest store 0000000000000 grand trunk iyste prova fat stock and dairy show london ont deo 11th to 15th inclusive return tlakots at 8inole firstclass fare will bo lis tied on 11th and lfltb december 1890 from all htatlons in ontario kingston and west and on lath 14th and lfltb dooom- ker from stations in ontario toronto west and north tlokots valid ro turning from london on or boforo dooemtior 10th 1890 our lines this year are better than ever a fow of which are mentioned below perfumery american knglish and french makers floods in handsome boxes roger gal eas ed plnauds atkinsons bibles and hymn books better value and larger assortment than ever before offered american and eng lish selections poets different styles and sizes see our pock et edition xmas cards and booklets the latest designs see bur 1900 calen dars novelties celluloid goods fancy stationery hair brushes purses etc these are a few of the useful and elegant goods we have secur ed for our customers call and see them we will be pleased tc show you anything of interest to you for judges and exhibitors return tickets will be luuod at slnate flratclasa fare for round trip on dccomber 7tb to isth inclusive od surrender of cortlfloato sinned by mr f w hodsdnn valid to return on or boforo 10tb deor 1809 tickets ana all information from a flouts of oraud trunk hallway system h s holmes agent aoton m o dickson dist passr agt toronto john mcqueen acton agent for a t brown mlbl st acton law wean iron shoes and never earei where u steps trost woods binders mo wars eto and ooold shapley a mulrs windmills mad qrtn grind era and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on tho property will attend to the wants of customers warerooms john st john mcqueen it is sailer to find a judas in ihs oharob than ii la lo and a daniel made to order but made to fit shoreys rigby proofed frieze ulsters in seven shades 52 inches gr long deep storm collar s pockets deep flaps of frieze not etoffe antced to please 01 money back uptodate made guar- your clothing dealers for 0000000000000 oooe oo fltiu kbvtttiztmtnts jq lost joht or tnosvjay jlt hovmiibtr in acton j tt touifl tnajs very urn six months ml flitlur will plfi muni t property for sale anumljfu nt tuttim and vlllag iroi rty tut mttlo on tiuty utiifig afllr to w ukhhtjtkkt acton wanted ahuhrimno tna11 or nrin lo reittsunt thu flurlla mutual ytn inaurstico co cftilnl g00ulu acton addrtmn ti1k manatthk jrllti agents olkbook on koulb africa aud lite ijrkinh hour war is a regular bonanza for afftiutu mil cheap hook hells ou tleut outfit fn 0 kiladlkv gakiiethon co limited h rant ford agents dubyfus tba prisoner of devils island fall story of tbomostretuarkablemilltary trial snd scandal of the ano hl book well jllutrtod sells on slgbt hnsp for canvassum lluailkv gahit etbok co limited ttrantford wanted q peil day sure rontlomau or lady special ipr work osiuoii permanent reliable firm wltli best rtifermc6s expericuce unnecessary address b m fily flpld manager hamilton palace barber shop having purcbasod tho brbcrln business or mr tl ii wordeo i desiro to solicit a contloaance of tbe favors of all wbo bave in tbe past aiveu tbe abop their patronage i bave bad experience in tbe too serial art and am prepared to give every patron satisfac tion w1i dunfield tenders wanted wanted tenders for chopping 1 000 cords of wood in busb known as kmnlrds swamp lot j jrd hue esqueslug tenders may bo for full amount or not loss than 100 cords terms casta wbon wood is measured lu yard at limcliouso or georgetown apply to wm newton liimeuouse agents cuiu st i an endeavor epwortb leaguo and li y p u members llgbt of life is a treasnre bouse of information we need curls tian men and women and others who desiro to do good and make money to circulate this wonderful book bkadleyoabket80n 00 lfmitod u rant ford wanted aoents in every district ou tbe continent to take orders for hlgb grade cauadiau grown nursery btock and fckods largoat and moat complete assortment in the trade fast- selling fepoelaltlos superb samples furnished free correspondence in any language those positions are money makers aud territory should be secured at once for tbe season by all hustlers looking for a good thing our salary or com mission offers interest to anyono not oarnin 100000 per year jet in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to represent a wellestablished house ability more impor tant than experience luke brothers company international nurseries chicago 111 montreal que kocb eater n y executors sale of valuable house and lots in acto pursuant to the instructions of tbo execu tors of tbo estate of tbe lato batuuol denny there will be sold by vvm henmtreet auction eer by public auction on saturday icth dec on tbe premises at a oclock that very desirable residence on tbo corner of mill aud wellington streets in tbo thriving village of acton the property comprises lots 18 and id in youugs survey upon lot 49 la erected a comfortable eightroom rramo bouse of modern deelgo bard and soft water good cellar good stablo a number of fruit trees tbe property is well fenced and iu every respoct desirable for a first class residence terms of sale mado kuown upon application to the undersigned aud will bo announced ou tbo day of salo lawubnue huntcrj nxecutor acton december 4th 1899 notice to cileditojrs of the estate of mrs eliza beth ismond late of the village of acton in the county of hal ton wife of william ismond esq deceased pursuant to the 8tatuoa in that be half notice is hereby given that all poraons having any claim against tbe estate of tho aid mrs elisabeth ismond who died on or about tbe sixth day of june a d 1893 aro required to send by post prepaid or to otherwise dolivor to jaa ij warren ot tbo said village of acton exocntor of tho said estate on or boforo ttio twentyqrst day of december a d 1809 a state ment containing the namo address and partic ulars of their claims and of tbe securities if any held by thorn duly verified by statutory declaration and take notlco that after tbo last mentioned date the said executors will proceed to distribute the assets of tbo said deceased among those entitled thereto having regard only to tbo claims of which nottoo shall have been received as abovo required and that tbe exeontora will not be liable for the said assoti or any part thereof so distributed to any porson or persons of whose claim thoy shall not thou bare bad notice j l warren george havill bxocutors dated the 20th day of novo rubor a d 1803 auction sale of tim ber berths department op crown la mis woods and forests branch toronto nov ut iso twtotice is hereby given that under li authority of order in council timber berths as hereunder mentioned in the algoma nipissing and rainy river districts viz he townships of bowell fov hartv lumsdet ryan and part of moncribpp in the district of algoma the township of norm an part of capreol berth no 4 davis snd the north part of the township of widdifield all in the district of nipissino and certain small areas in the district of rainv river will be offered for sale by public auction nt the department of crown lands toronto at the hour of one oclock p m on wed nesday tho twentieth day of december next chr or corn just arrived 1st december for robert nobles flour dc feed store we also keep always on hand horval flour pure manitoba all kinds of mill joed and chop ped drains rolled oats split peas tina corn meal graham flour oraoked wheat kto frank harris manager when 4 have sold them mum as ear money io tutd jft we will send yon free yotu choice of tbtm stom cteld thels biblcs as shewn in cuts safwism wsjlsl inawn in amj j 1 being a very handsomely engraved band i g 1 be other a 3atone gita ring consisting of 1 two austrian diamonds and a brtltlani ptencb t red ruby this perfume is the best ever placed 1 i betbn the public it tkstroys all otekoxktu j i odors ana gives tbet breath that fragrant and i i fuhdon sweetness only obtainable by mm al i we art making this offer for thaoirppaa of lit- ij r universal perfume co 199h9gmbir aftah6i tojtoftro mohsl niajlumfs wtllj dduinidhltrbnart 1 art making this offer for the mrposa of in i rfadng our goods to the public it being a j relv business transaction and not prompted by i f pbuanuiroplc spirit on our part t sheets containing conditions and term of sate with information as to areas lots and concessions comprised to each berth will be furnished on application personally or by letter to tho department of crown lands or to the crown timber officer at ottawa and rat portage e j davis commissioner ofqrown lands n b no unauthorised publication of his advertisement will be paid for sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorised capitaj 800000000 tenyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per share for 120 months when payments ceases 16000 aid in maturity value f 100 00 money to loan at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to r j moltabb agent avoton

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