Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 7, 1899, p. 3

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the bank of hamilton charter granted 1872 hbad offioe hamilton out capital all paid up 4 1 404000 reserve fund 1000000 total aeaota i 3 1 03000 j turnbull cashier savings department one dollar or iwore reoelved interest paid at best current rates and added to principal without walling for pass book to bo presented any sum may be withdrawn by simply sending in a written order with the pass book the news at home mofltly of a local charaoter and every item interesting security- the government returns show that depositors in this bank have over bive million dollars of surplus security farmers notes of responsible farmers discounted money loaned to feed cattle etc farmers sale notes collected promptly and advances made on account of same at a low rate of interest security courtesy fair bates every banking facility afforded which can be obtained in the city or elsewhere correspondence solicited georgetown branch estajjlisukd ovbb twenty tbu1s j p bell agent ffllje ttnit jfm press thursday december 7 1809 little local brieflets which caught the eyes or ears of free press reporters this week december more like winter now lay y oar plane for obriatmas make yonr holiday selections bood christ man two woeks from next monday tbe fnbe pnrsa to tho end of 1000 for 91 00 blankets and far robes sold cheap at j h matthewb barnosa shop now for a nood spell of sleighing to continue welt into tbe new year tbe first skating on hendersons pond was enjoyed by the juveniles yesterday tbe laet meeting of esqueaing town ship con a oil will be held on friday lfltta ins einnarda swamp lot 22 3rd con eflqueainfl was bold on tuesday to mr wm newton limebonae esqaeaing oonnoil baa paid john w snyder 91760 for improvements to the second line opposite lot 83 drover holmes shipped a oar of bogs on monday and today will ship a doable decker of sheep and jamba to boffalo crescent laorosse cinb invites yon to an entertainment in tbe town hall to morrow evening which they believe will be highly enjoyable tbe gnelpb herald mixed acton and atwood in singular shape in referring to the goderlohguelph railway extension monday evening the municipol clerks posters are out announcing the nominations of beevo councillors and school true lees for friday 22nd intt the regular meetings of tbe auton home circle will be held on tbe labt wednesday of eaoh month instead of thursday aa formerly mark it down that friday 1st december 1800 was a warm bright falllike day and that the mercury registered 64 degrees at noon the foade of tbe new leather ware house being erected by messrs beardmore a co at tbe g t b station present quite an imposing appearance in addition to yoor own fake pa ices for next year send a copy to that distant friend as a christmas box the two copies will cost yon only 9175 bev j a molicbln m a preaob- sd a very alio and logical sermon on tbe aobjeot of infant baptism hat sunday morning in the methodist ohurob mr j o oheyne of knox college who is so well and favorably known among tbe members of knox church will preach for bev mr maopherson at both services next sunday tho executors of the estate of the late samael denny will sell by auction on saturday afternoon 18th inst the fine frame residence at the corner of mill and wellington street bev h at maopherson conducts annl vereary services in knox ohurob elora next sabbath and on monday night fas will lecture in arthur at tbe opening of the now presbyterian chnrob the removal pf lbs fenoe surrounding tbe garden at tbe g t k station has made quite an improvement the next change should be tbe replacing of the old depot wuha fine new one agent holmes and bli staff and tbe travelling pnbllo deserve it the two infant granddaughter of mr d henderson m p miss elate hsnder- od daughter nf mr john henderson and mies allison mckeague daughter of dr s a moeeagoe were tbe sabjeots of baptis mal rites st knox church last sunday morning the milton reformer points out two errors of tbe fbm phess in reporting publlo school matters in the county tgwn tbe fss for nonresidents who take language lessons is 911 per annum not term it is dry wood tbe board gats for 94 00 not green a freight train was derailed between aoton and lrewions corners last thurs day morning by which a delay of several hoars was caused to traffic a oar of apples was imasbsd up tbe 085 a m train was sent by way of hamilton to toronto from gaelpb tbe toronto weekly sun the best farm and bono paper in canada can be bad combined with the family herald and weekly 8ur inoluding thenars premium or 9195 combined with weekly qtobe wutuuot wotutd advertiser for 9100 combined with the weekly mall 9180 or twieea weekhamllton spectator for 9185 ordsraior any of these combinations to be oat to tuvflun offloe toronto to tin duv a rloh lady oared of her deafness and noises in the head by dr nicholsons artlfloal ear drome has sent 1000 to his institute so that deaf people enable to procure the ear drams may hays them free apply to department k b the institute 760 eight avsoue new yotfc u s a compliments to warden havill ac tho closing session of the county counotl last week the following resolution was moved by dr webster and eeoouded by mr wriggles worth and carried by a itanding vote resolved that the thanks of this council be tendered to george havill etq warden for the able and impartial manner in whioh be has presided over the deliberations of this connoil during tbe paet year for the valuable aaialancb whioh he haa g the council and for tho kindness and courtesy whioh he has shown its members an bufoyahle fraternal visit last wednesday evening a number of officers and members of milton lodge i o o f paid their brethren of aoton lodge no 204 a fraternal visit it was the evening of the regular meeting of acton lodge and after the ubnal business was completed an interesting hoar was spent in addresses and tbe comparing of notes and experiences relative to tbe work of the order in tbe respective lodges after adjournment tbe brethren of the triple links were invited to moorecroft where an enjoyablo lunob prepared by the wived of tho looal brethren was partaken of holiday sunday school sntertnimenta tbe various bonday schools are prepar ing for their annual entertti meats for christmas woek st albans ib praotloing for a oaatat intttled a dream of fairy land whioh will be given on a date to be announced later probably the friday before christmas tba methodist school is arranging for a aleighrlde for all the soholars on christmas afternoon if it can be arranged for that day and an enter- taiment christmas evening of whioh particulars will be given la tor knox church sohool is practicing for a very pretty oantata santa clans is coming to be given new years night these entertain ments will all bave attractive features eaquealag sheep killed by dogs at tho meeting of the township coo noil las week 97782 was voted to farmers who had been unfortnnate in having bheep killed by dogs the following resolution gives tbe details moved by mr stalker seconded by mr near that the treasurer be authorized to pay the following amoantb being in etch oase twothirds value of sheep killed by dogs tbe owners thereof being unknown william thompson 8 abeep 91600 robert watson 1 sheep 9400 william mullin 1 iamb 9266 donald mann 0 aheep 932 00 mrs aroh mcdonald 1 sheep 94 00 j c molaugh lin 1 sheep and a thoroughbred ram 914 66 william mcdowell i sheep 9400 carried someones dogs have proven themselves to be an expensive nuisance annual bible society meeting an interesting and well attended meeting of the exeoativo of acton branch bible society was held on monday evening in tbe pailor of tba secretary mr a t brown president j s coleman presided ii was decided to hold tbe annual meeting in the new baptist chnrob following the qaaal plan of inviting tbe sneaker to deliver the annnal address from tbe various denominations in rotation the choice fell this year upon the rev wm walsh reotor of st georges chnrob brampton tbe date of tbe meeting will be between tbe 16th febrnary and 1st marob the committee nominated the following officers and collectors for the ensuing year j s coleman president a t mann vice- president a t brown seoretary exec utive committee the officers the resident ministers and messrs john warren sr jobo robert bod john cameron james mointobb s laird s b worden j l warren and h p moore the collectors in town misses bubena wallace may moore bertie speight lillian cameron idagrlndell clarioe moffat mary tovell and mary goodeve collectors in the country misses somerville williamson cameron and puok and messrs panl kennedy biohard brown a a worden h gibbons thos elliott d modoogal evan mcdonald aod fred denny entertaining sooiablo und mlerattogt tbe ladles aid of tbe methodist chnrob in their printed matter announc ing the entertainment for last friday evening promised that it would be enter taining sociable and elevating thote present testify that it was all of these in a marked degree and were delighted with tbe programme tbe address of rev john saunders m a of georgetown on en thusiasm was very able and belpfol and the audience appreciated it mils he t tie j litwton of steivarttown mads ber first appsaranoe in aoton aa a vocalist her sweet soprano voica won all present her selections were very much eo joyed rev w s moalpino b a sang two numbers aod played guitar accompaniments hla numbers were much enjoyed miss mica walker who oame from berlin for the occasion gave two recitations rendered in ber asnal charming etyle true in interpre tation full of tender pathoe and vivid in the delineation of character and surround ings in bis rendition of hoiaona id eioelit mr r jgurney showed marked improvement in tbe tones of his rich fnll baritone voloe and his number was folly appreciated the sunday school orchestra played a number of enjoyable new select ions and as usual their effort were appreciated miss sohram provsd herself an able accompanist and won favor with both the soloists and the audience rev x a molaoblan m a presided the honor roll the pupils at aoton publlo sohool who won honorable mention at the november exam ination the monthly examinations for november were held in tbe five departments of aoton public bobool last friday the following pupils won the coveted positions at tbe head of their respective classes fiitbt department ouss v lillian cameron 260 lottio moore aod bente wall09 270 glass iv sen ettlo modonald 253 mabel soper 240 bertha williams 235 cuss iv int ida laird 2 hi clara ebbage 212 annie oram 208 glass iv jun pearl stewai t 280 edith williams 278 jenmo mapberson 272 marks possible 300 t t mooke teacher second department sen ill florence murray and jennie smith 256 harold nloblin 250 ena pearson 245 jon ill ruby clark and myrtle cook 270 calia padmore 205 annie corry and frank havill 240 marks possible 800 c mcphail teacher third department sr ii mamie agnew 300 myrtle dills and ethel babor 286 morton tovt ii and roy mophail 284 jun ii irma molaohlan 300 blanche chitholm 208 merle friok 505 marks possible 300 e j mgpiiail teacher voubt1i hkpaiitmekt sen ft ii emma tovell 240 mabel arthurs 220 freeman coleman 225 marks possible 250 jnn pt ii bessie johnson and leon ard worden 103 hilda abraham 178 cambell clark and battle arnold 171 marks possible 200 sen ft i roy mason 180 perry roeell 179 keith godden and jennie dunn 178 marks possible 200 r f feathbrstonb teaoher finn department sen class ella burgess 175 jennie dunn 173 lena holmes and a m mo- pheraon 167 marks possible 175 int class winnie grindell gertrude johnson and amy speight 172 arlof dills 167 warren brown 160 marks possible 175 jun class mabel hildenbrand 120 harry bell 112 john moore 108 marks possible 125 e h mcqoeln teacher coming and going visitors to and from aoton and varlousother personal notes the piibb pnebh invites all its readers to oon tribute to ttiii column if you or your friends arc going away on a holiday trip or if you bave frlonds vialtlug you drop a card to the fujuj fuess mr thos t moore visited friends in toronto on saturday miss abern of toronto was tbe guest of actio friends list week mrs elizabeth thartoll left yesterday for hor homo at harriston misb efla towuaund of terra gotta vibitsd aoton friends last woek mrs woodland of toronto la the guest of bor aunt mrs jenuie b cameron kav of alma c r morrow made the fiiex piikhb a pleasant vibit on monday miss ella snyder is spending a month with ber bister mrs ira stewart at elfrida the champions at homo for tbe first time since winning their recent distinctive laurels bb champions of tbe intermediate series in tbe province the cresoent lacrosse club give the public an opportunity of showing their appreciation in a praotioal manner and invite their attendance at a popular entertainment in tbe town hall tomorrow friday nigbt the programme will include w b town- ley introducing edisons latest success tbe ooooertograph by whioh there will be reproduced a programme of selections from the moat famoua and talented aingere bands and orchestras mr neil burtoo the eminent society entertainer will alio give a aeries of character impersonations and humorous seuotions tbe crescents are bopefol that tbe reaent torohligbt procession a and voolferlous receptions were an earnest of a foil house on this oocasion to whom it may concern having taken into consideration the fact that i am not in any way acquainted with the manufacture of harness and saddlery goods in general i have deoided that i will withdraw my offer of purchase of stock and goodwill from j h matthews acton in making tbe abofe assertion it may be as well to state that it has loft mr matthews in a position with his oattomere which may in many eyes seem false bat i beg to state that tbe deal wae mads in the ordinary way and a deposit paid bat npon my return home i deoided to forfeit my deposit and allow mr matthews to retain possession i trust that tba step wblnb i bave taken will not do mr matthews any barm as he is free from all blame in the matter wishing blm tbe prosperity be deserves as i have foond him a gentleman i am respectfully a cuisbov bolton deo 4tb 180o to ma public as mr cameron who bought my business has deoided not to take it i am jn a position to stay in aoton for whioh i am very glad it was not that 1 was dissatisfied with my trade and oostomtrs my only thought in removing wae of bettering myself however since i sold ont x have been disappointed in tbe irane- aotlpa x hope my customers will not blame me in ibis matter i will endeavor to please tbsm in the future ae in the paet thanking all for past favors add wishing aoton hem the oonphmeniei of the seesoft mr james clark goes to cheltenham acton loses one of ber bebt citizens this week in tbe removal of mr james clark miller he left on monday for chelten ham where he has leased tbe wellknown haynes mill on the credit from mr fred haynes during hlb neaily three years residence io aoton mr clark haa proven himself a very worthy and useful citizen and has won general esteem for two years ha baa occupied a seat in the munici pal oonnoil performing all duties placed upon him in an efficient and businesslike manner through the arduous ordeal of investigating eleotria lighting systems and installing aatons plant after the people had by popular vots requested thogounoil to install a municipal plant he was always ready to give time and attention to any phase of tho work requiring investigation and tbe help he afforded tba reeve and other members of tbe council in this matter was valuable ami mooli appreciated in boolal and other oircles mr clark and family bave made many friends who will regret their removal the family will remain in their present residence here for several months the zfote miss llamte ma nn after an illness of several months lizzie mann died at ber home near aoton on tuesday morning nov 28th the siok- ness which resolved in ber death was what is known in the medical profession as arterio sclerosis a particularly fatal disease consisting of a hardening of tbe artarles from the extremities to tbe heart the deceased yonng lady was of tbe live liest disposition and both in ber boms and in the sohool was beloved by those around her even amidst her sickness she was happy and to the very end sought to com fort her friends her strong and vigorous spirit showed itself within a few minutes of her death when she caroly bade those in the home good by and entreated them all to meet ber in heaven despite tbe afflic tion of partial blindness from whioh the deceased suffered she was very talented several sessions were spent in the institute for tbe blind at brantford where she performed her studies with great satisfac tion to bsr teachers she was a skilful musician and many of her friends lovsd to sit and listen to haras she played for them alto in fancy work she bad marvellous facility and neaoess many a pretty and usefol article she made in her days of strength ths funerl was conducted on thursday afternoon by tbe minister of ber chnrob assisted by bevs forbes and cook at the home and bev w s moalplne b a at the grave a large procession of frlsnds followed the hearse to the grave and on all aides tokens of esteem for ths departed and sympathy for tbe friends were shown miaa helen symon loft on monday morning to spend a week or so with friends iu toronto mrs john v kannavln spent sunday with acton friends she returns next week to lob angeles california tbo misses mcgibbon of sarnla were guetti during tbe week at tbe borne of mr p henderson m p and other relatives hers mr and mrs mnlbolland of toronto were guestb during tbe week at the home of mr and mrs john matthews willow street mr john rods sr who haa spent tbe past six weeka with bis daughter mrs thos t moore returned to toronto on saturday mr joseph lisby returned from tbe hospital at guelph last week he is rapidly gaining strength and will soon be around again messrs w i e dm la ton and howard maaalas left on monday morning for toronto to take positions on the toronto street railway mr aj carrie oiprioge who was injured at erin show by a horse hurting blm while tbe hurdle races were going on has bad a relapse and is not improving vory rapidly mrs john w bows milton gave a solo in zlon tabernaole hat sunday evening mrs bewa has a clear sweet soprano voioe and her singing was greatly appreciated hamilton herald rov j a molaohlan m a rev h a maopherson and messrs h p moore and john robertson attended sessions of wellington county snnday tiohool con vection at rookwool tbis week mr thos b akios was taken seriously ill last week with pneumonia followed by an attack of appendicitis drs modonald and webster preformed an operation on thursday for bis relief aod be is now slowly reooveriug mr and mrs john modougall and two children left on monday for seattle mr modougall arrived here a couple of weeks ago from the west bat mrs modougall has bpont tbe pabtyear or so at tbe home of mr hugh modougall mr and mrs d henderson m p tendered a oordiul reaeption to postmaster hb henderson and bride of georgetown last thursday oveniog at tbe family residence on bower avenue quite a number wore present to extend congratulat ions and enjoy a social evening mr j h matthews and family are evidently destined to remain permanently in acton two years ago he arranged to remove to the north west and subsequent ly decided to stay here hi recent arrangement to remove to shelburne has fa lion through and be will continue one of ourenteeroed citizens tbis deoishm will be agreeable to sl mr alex waldie bad a letter from his sons messrs alex and william who have been in manitoba the past two years last week they are doiog very well in the west they bare taken a quarter section haveaconbiderableacreagereadyfor crop a stable with ttook of bay span of horses waggon aod binder and are in a good position for future success they bave engaged on the construction works at one of tho new railways for the winter ohas l nelles the big bookstore guelph decebbh christmrs come to guelph and seo the finest boob store in canada no exaggeration specials teachers largo bibles complete solid leatler 90c same with new index 9i 30 leather bibles small size 40c books the finest line ever shown sets doyle kipling cnlnc lyall pack man thackeray cnafll nkllbb guelph just iccelved 15 dinner sets extra valuo regular price 9s 50 this week 9750 you want a toilet set just received 60 ten pleco toilet sets new designs new patterns this week i 75 per set you want a dinner set just iccelved 15 dinner se regular price 88 5a this week grocery department extra choice selected valenclas currants peels and icing sugar 6 lbs old raisins for 25c 6 lbs new figs for 25c when you are leaving your christmas order ask for one of our handsome calen dars subject a pretty tea party the noted tea store and china palace it pays to buy at bollerts it pays to buy at bollerts judge tlie store j a mccrea guelph- by our new linens the brisk air of trade is stirring around every count here but everybody doesnt know yet how thoroughly weve mastered the buying and selling of fine linens we import direct as a matter of course but linens are as staple as sugar and few stores care to be judged by their stock of linens thats why we throw down the gauntlet and chal lenge comparison these things are the very best we know of for the money and weve a nodding acquaintance with most of the stacks outside both here and in toronto note just a few items of the many in linens i gtumey co for choice xmas specials choice fruits consisting of new selected seeded and sultana raisins choice christmas currants crosse and blackwells choice citron lem on and orange peels fresh baking powders extracts spices icing sugars shelled filberts almonds and walnuts choice cooking and table figs finest blends of teas try our special at 25c per lb also choice breakfast coffee a full stock of staples and fancy dry goods for christmas needs lbkue your ordbr 9khiy half bleached table damasks irom 23c 10 73c per yd fine irish bleached damask perfect pic tures from 50c to 81 25 per yd embroidery linens of best makes in all widths and prices butchers linens pure linen in weights and prices many table napkins beautiful pure linen goods at 9i 25 per doz are but a sample of tbe splendid values here five oclock teas ia fancy drawn and em broidered work in great variety doy lies tray cloths ccnue squares at special prices towels set forth the superior linen values we offer in an endless list of prices and makes not only to outdo our past but to simply smother it is what were aiming at you can judge the store by tho way wo sell linens but weve twenty other departments equally as good e r bollert fe co 25 and 27 wyndham st guelph gurn6y st co generhl merchants rters ittle ver is r e tjelson merchant tailor and gents furnisher gu6lph in buying her husbands shirts ttties underwear and furnishings of all kinds a j ii lady is perfectly safe in pleasing blm by choos- ing from our novel styles and superb assortment our heavy winter underwear handsome and servic- able mocho and kid gloves dress and every day shirts and ties are here in a profusion of popular ylai ail it piiai 13 sjii ths nijunlcil christmas novelties now in stock eeady for christmas 0 gents american lace shoes in 5 widths a b c d e about 90 pairs to be sold at 260 they are goodyear welts box calf uppers neatly finished all new goods you can see them in oup window per gurisrfnas gakes aud paddings we have in a fresh stock of currants raisins spices peels almonds walnuts fss icing sugar cocoanut cocoa chocolate essences caraway comfits o f goodeye co p s a job lot of menfl and boys overcoats at half price imeill the shoe man guelph 8 stores have yqu hooghtef milton the general sesiiona of the peace will be hili id tba oonrt boom next tuesday halt a down oddfellows who visited aoton lodge list wednesday evening report bating a vary enjoyablo time at tba hand of tbalr aoton brethren bev t w kelly of carlisle and rev 3 blehardaon exobangad pnlplts laat sunday hnniclpel talk la now freely heard at leait three of the preaent town oonnolllora will not be candidates for reelection next january tba mlnto onrliog olnb baa a member ship alrudy of 63 jobnd fortsl formerly of trafalgar near palermo baa mofsd with bla family to town patterson broa made a ahlpmenl of 160 bogs from tba o p b yard laat weak to curb a colo in one day ake taaaute bromo qnlnlaa tablet all a w or taki arm bromo qnlnlaa ana tba mow hit falls to ear orotae alanatora la on aaeb box sick headache positively cored by these little puta they also relieve distress from dyspepsia indigestion and too hearty eating a per fect remedy for diixincss nausea drowsi ness dad taste in the mouth coated tongue pain in tbe side torpid liver they regulate the bowels purely vegetable small pui small done small prion substitution tho fraud of tho day see you get cartels ask for carters insist and demand carters i ittle liver pills qborubtown miss jessie alexander tba popular elocationl4t will reoite in the swn ball next monday evening under the auepiooe ol the epworth league mr john a patterson the wellknown toronto lawyer baa been secured by the baptist xonns paoplaa union to ooodaot a alndy in astronomy on tho evening of friday 16lb the anbjeot will be beeraa- tloni in astronomy the hookeylata bad an anthnsiaatio meeting laat thursday evening george town haa entered tbe western ontario bockey league bev dr w f campbell of toronto will addroea tba annual meeting of tbe bible booieiy to be held at an aarly data eleotrio lighting for private residences la growing mora popnlar a nnmber of oitiasni have bad ii installed lately the lender of v w roddell for wood at 1880 haa been aooeptad by tba pobllo sohool board the family of mr l w goodaoow haa entirely recovered from tba rffaota of their aooldanlal poisoning with canned bab a week ago the money saving you may effect by supplying your needs for cold weather such as cloth jackets astrachan jackets fur lined capes caperines muffs boas and gauntlets at guelphs progressive dry goods store the lion if you have not make enquiries at once about the assortment and qualities they show and the prices they ask or what is still better come and see for yourself xmas qifts are nearly ready for christmas new goods com ing every few days we will have a fine stock by december 1st savage co jejttqllbbs cu9lph h co d e macdonald bro th6 lion gu6lph just received a nice lot of childrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also childrens slippers with a picture of santa claus on them something new mens rubbers and socks from 125 up mens fine rubbers at us ual prices lone boots ready made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders repairing a special ty- ceo stovel 1 mill st aoton what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to reptesent you properly when you sit to ns we want the work to represent us properly is seen on best photo- our imprint none but the graphs and for our sake as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rhotsiitcsfil photo rrtist rcton hosiery every mother is concerned at this time of the year about stockings for her boys and girls she requires something warm and good to wear of a correct shape and comfortable to the wearer we hrive such goods as these in worsteds in heavy and extra heavy qualities and something extra nice for girls and ladles wear in a beautiful fine merino wool ribbed hose suitable to the most tender feet and very warm at no adanced prices either notwithstanding that the yarn has advanced over 50 per cent since we bought these goods we have made a special study of this branch of our business and we can thus give you better results than you can get any other way v tirn overcoats mens boys youths we have all kinds the comfortable ulster with a deep collar or the upto date gentlemans coat made of beaver or cheviot pea jackets and reefers in frlete pilot cloth and beaver a complete range to choose from correct shades and well guaranteed workmanship- give us a look and you will be surprised at the values offered 1 i 1 1 1 1 a 11 hi 1 1 1 1 11 h ladies jackets a feature of our jacket trade is that we ere constantly ndding something to our stock the latest novelties are to tie found here as they come out a fresh shipment of new jackets expected this week i l see tliem henderson co

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