Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 14, 1899, p. 4

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fa we know of nothing better than coughing to tear the lin ing of your throat and lungs it is better than wet feet to cause bronchitis and sneumonia nly keep it up and you will succeed in reducing your weight losing your appetite bringing on a slow fever and making every thing exactly right for the germs of consumption better kill your cough before it kills you sectoral kills coughs of every kind a 25 cent bottle is just right for an ordi nary cough for the harder coughs of bron chitis you will need a 50 cent bottle and for the coughs of consumption the one dollar size is most economical 11 my cougn reduced mo to a mora skeleton i tried many remedies but ttieyall failed after using the cherry pectoral i immediately be- pm to improve and three bottlea restored me to health 1 uelloto i own my llfo to it flarah f hobqak oot 7 1808 browntown va t qtian jfm fims thuesday december 14 1899 ttfr ton0 3folhs a slumber sosio fob the fihiibiuixna cuild furl your ball my ilttlo boatlo hero a tho harbor still and deep whoro tbo dreaming tides inatromlur up the channel croop boo the sunset brooze la dying hark tbo plover landward hying softly down tbo twilight crying coma to anohor little boatlo id the port of sloop far away my uttlo boatlo rowing waves aro wbito with foam ships aro striving onward driving day and night thoy roam fathers at the deep sea trawling in tho darkness rowing hauling while the hungry winds are calling god protect him little boatie bring him safoiy home i not for you my little boatlo is tho tldo and weary sea youre too blender and too tender you most rest with me all day long you have beon straying up and down tho ahoro and playing como to port make 110 delaying 1 day is ovor uttlo boatlo night falls suddenly furl your sail my little boatlo fold your wings my tirod dove dews are sprinkling stars are twinkling drowsily above oeaao from sailing ceaao from rowing book upon the dreamtide knowing safoiy oor your roat aro glowing all the night my ilttlo boatie harbor lights of lovo henry van dyhe d d in sscribncrt magazine riohteous overmuch we knew a man who was in tbe habit ot patting god willing on the post all be aont out to the trade announcing thai be would call on them on or about a certain date occasionally a scripture text graced these and other similiar missives it may have been merely a coincidence bat bis individual was one of tbe narrowest smallest- so a lad men it was oar lot ever to have met and our estimate of him was pretty generally shared by those who bad baslneai dealing withbim a prominent man in this city ebowed the writer an application for a situation received the other dty from a young man who headed each page with a text that young man is still without a job there is no plethora of genuine righteousness but there is an awful surplus of the kind that looks for trade or preferment through donuiog its garb theeo men with one band on the bible and tba other clutching their neighbor throat or in bis pockets are more menace to ohristanity than all the atheists on earth and the devils in bell what tbo worm dors respect is goodness and a man does not deed to quote scrip tare tezti to convince people he has the right kind i would rather know what a mans wife or omployees think of him or hear what the travellers say of him who sell him goods than get my ideas from bis oertifloate of church membership or tbe handsome testimonial presented by bis ftl lowofficer e and teaohers in tbe sabbath school it is in the borne store ware house or factory that the teit of goodness is found charles dickens when asked to address a lrge boys school in boston some years ago arose and said amidst impressive silenoe boy be good and sat down oh t for that goodness which like tbe precloas olotmeut fills the sur rounding atmosphere with iti fragrance and turns tbe arid desert into a garden of roses baler and confectioner oriain of the do sion dr maruus baker of washington re cently published in one of tbo magaziuos an account of a thoory which ho has to acooont for the origin of tho familiar doluraigo this has long been in dispute all sorts of explanations have been given the moat common of which is that the initials of the united states are crossed but there have been seven or eight other thoorlesto account for tbo dollar sign which are about aa good dr baker in his researches in tbe library of the bureau of education came aoross an old book en titled a compendium of federal arith metic designed for tbo uae of school and ejpeolally csloouted for the meridian of ftho united states whioh was published at lansinburg n y in 1707 its author wasthobev jbapocey lee of rutland vt in this book was set fqrtb a system of tocalled oharaoteristios by wbiob one vertloal stroke was to designate the mill two vertical strokaa tbp fjopt thane two oroisad by one curved stroke tbe dime and for the dollar a uin oonaiatidk of two vertioiu combined with two okvod atrokeb now so familiar was proponed at thfc time the people of the country were just emerging from tbe ue of pounds rihillmgti and pen oe eaoh separated ia writing by a spaas from tbe next denominations it seemed necessary to mr joe to d an arbitary mark for eaoh of the deoomina tions of our monetary system but ne soon found that one obaraoter with the aid of a dsojmal point was all that was necessary and lu the latter part of bis own book all that elaborate sytf m of symbols except the one intended to mark the dollar was found to have been dropped dr baker oertainly finds the dollar sjgip in this old arithmetic and does not uiidflt lu uae at any earlier date by the time adams arithmetic was published in 1805 the symbol had become well established dr baker therefore regards mr lee as the inventor and believes the sign to ba absolutely arbitrary in iti origin siuoe tbe publication of his paper in one of the magazines dr baker baa received many letters on ibe subject but none ip which his conclusions are challenged he in tend p for furlhor verification to make a study of the departmental records to see when the dollar sign flret appeared in the treasury accounts he slio hopes to make a more thorough search of the oil text books to see if by chance any uae of this sign prior to that of tbe bev chaunoey lee can bedisoovored perhaps tome of the descendants of mr lee will be able to find the authors manuscript in wbioh oase additional light might be thrown upon tbe subject it is certainly interesting to know the origin of a thing in constant use as tbe dollar sign dr bakers discoveries seem likely to take all the sentiment out of the matter bat this is tbe result of modem historical research new york post blistered byd octors for heart disease wi thout help dr agnewo cure iorthe heart relieves in fifteen minutes mrs 0 ward of muog que was a great ftufferec for years fruna heart disease physicians blistered her and gave her other treatments without reliof she read in the papora of the wonderful cures made by dr aguows cure for the boart she procured a bottle of it fifteen minutes after the flrit dose she had relief before taking this remedy alio hud constant spells of suffocation and fluttering and bevere pains about tbo heart and w so weak that the act of sweeping tho floor caused her to faint bbo continued ubing the remedy until bbe had taken eix bottles and today eho is as well ai ever she was sold by a t brown wp hayfrtp measure our powers against oar difficulties mr fred pwlt 12 frauhlsb ave t sayb he suffered over two years from solatioi tbe paiu woud shoot down the back of his leg into his heel tbroa boxea of uburn8 iheumaio pit4 have removed the pain aud made hint as limber as a boy tan yeirt in a kanni ii lum title of a new book can it bo tbe author is a man wjia went to tbe dogd ii agony eczema couldnt sleep at night with the torture eczerrm or salt rheum ns it is often called is ono of the mast agonizing of skin diseases nothing but torture during the day and two fold torture at night but theres h remedy permanently cures the worst kind pf eczema- relieves the itching burnlnjy and smarting and soon leaves the skin smooth and healthy it is burdock blood bitters mrs welch greenbank ont tried it and here is what she says bbb cured me of eczema three years ago and i have had no return of it since i was so bad that i could not sleep at night with it doing told of b b b i tried it and two bottles made a perfect andpermanent cure an affectionate brother a oonple of enterprising iaraelltea doinu a olothiog buaineod iu atlunta aro interviewed by a outtmor in usaroh of a coat tho senior member of the arm tiaudlbatuo now comer and soon fluda a fimtdlaoa lit in answer to the price the reapon9o la 818 well air i liko your oot vory mnoh but dont like tho price well mine frent zo prloo la nothing go yon liko zo coat wo let you uko em at s15 tho oubtomnr atill complains of tho price saying that 810 is too much tho denier takoa bis oubtomer to the extreme end of tho store and drawing him into a mns frnt i let you have ztt ooit to r j1250 well sir taya the ouatomer i like your ooit very mqob aud am aatined ajlth he prion ytt i eboold liko to know why tuia myaterioub pprformanoo tvell mine freut you aoe dot leetla man aro 1 e wbo mlnp hroder- ho fiot zp tioart disease and uo lielp rno kruoioua if ho was th hrar mu toll you i lko f 12 so for dat goat ho drop dud rpit hi track 6o0iety of five uonts the society of thj qvu duuti ia tbo title of aeooitty rtopiitly started in brooklyn by henry n nleo o 000 quincy bireet aijb ip liw slio- the pont are firat dout ride simily for pleahtiro on sunday second dont siivo in bii ooeau voyhgp ride in a public conveyance op gulpy third pont read a sunday nowspaper on sunday fourth dout boy anything on sunday except in oaae of au omarifenoy ti fifth dont mail tetters on sunday tho members sign a pledge to obgorve tbe roles ot be organisation for a year and to send a written explication to tbe heorotary wbon it is fount uecoasary to deviate from tbem nkrves all smashed indlsestlon and dyaponsla aro tho arch destroyers but south amerloan nervine proves tho noverfalllns health builder mre ellen butler 37 ooluhio st tor onto suflerod from tndigcnlion in n wcvero form for noverul yearn wuh unsblo to eat moat or veuttablu wae threatened with nervous prostration nan result of ohronia dyspepsia after many romcilieu had been tried and failed she began using south american nervine when alio hud taken threo boltlea to use her own worde 1 oau oat anything eet beforo me uud enjoy it without any bad ufter effects i think it a wondorfnl remedy far dyspepsia nnd ner vous prostration sold by a t brown attents irreaotation frames k thousund horrors era body inn eaoh emulsion cotvhumftion nnd nil lvng dihkaheb b1mttivi1 of diood ovun lohh of appetite uebiutv he imdrfttn of huro are moil ianntfth by tho blrt flf tu t kmuulon i havo bolttn a pffl imcklpff eoush which had troubled tuo faf pvef a year on4 uvlq gtinod consider ably la weight t h wingiiam ce montreal 00c and st per bottlo davis lawrence co limited montreal a man of integrity wilj never libten to any plea against coribcienof oos of thftgreateot bbbbiui to parents is mother graveb worm exterminator it effectually oxpeu worms and givm health in a marvtlloua minnor to the lttq one a man who knows oot the world ib of no good in the world a purely vefletablo pill parmelees vegetable pilla are compounded from rooti herbs and solid extraota of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney com plaints and in riving tone to the system whether enfeebled by over work or derang ed through- excesses in living they require no testimonial their excellent qualities are well known to all those who have need them and they oommehd them selves to dyspeptics and those subject to billioasness who arc in quest of a beneficial medicine pac0te it up an exchange tells its readers how to mind their psio the following paragraph persons who patronfzo papers should py promptly for the pecuniary prospects of the press have peon li or powers in poshing forward pnblio prosperity if the printer is paid promptly and his pocketbook ia kept plethoric by prompt paying patrons ha pats his pen to tho paper in peace his paragraphs ara more pointed he paints his picture of passing events in more glowing colors and the perusal of his paper is a pltaaare to the people paste this peace of proverbial philoeophy some place where all can perceive it tho years wo have to epend here are worth spending well stop it now dont let it run on until your con dition causes vou to be ostra cised as if you were a leper before it is too late btop that succession of colds that means nothing more or less than catarrh stop the suffering stop the disagreeable discharges that are so humiliating to you and offensive to your friends dont let it rnn on until your oondttion causes you to be oatraolzed as if you were a leper dont neglect your self until consumption msbes its fatal appearance yob can be cored not merely relieved but absolutely and per fectly cured- dr agnews catarrhal powder will restore yoa to complete health it gives reliof at once it cares in an in credibly short time sold by a t brown probably it woul 1 be a good thing if somo of those who wore regimeutah in the church army were stripped of their budges anxious mothers flnd dr lows worm syrop the best medicine iq expel worm children line it worms dont heaven is only n step from tho penitut tiuner but millions of miles from the hypocrite they never knew failure carofnl observation or tbe effect e of parmelees vegetable pills baa shown that they act immediately on the diseased organs of tba syetem and stimulate tbem to healthy action there may be caeea in wbioh the disease has been long seated and dees not eabily yield to medicine bot even in suoh cases these pills have been known to bring relief wben all other socalled remedies have failed these assertions can be substantiated by many who havo used tbe pills and- melioal men ppeak highly of their qualities no man ever did a debignod injury to another but at the sarno time he did a greater to himself raising hopes to crush them keep iir mind that scotts emulsion contains the hypo- phosphites these alone make it of great value for all affections of the nervous system it also contains glycerine a most valuable soothing and healing agent then there is the coovliver oil ac knowledged by all physicians fl8 the best remedy for poor blood and loss in weight these three great remedial agents blended into a creamy f emulsion make a remark able tissue builder jacctij9ioo mlldntgftits scott dovnh chtmlm toronto he is a solemnlooking 1xy about ten years of age and be wears a long face as he dropa into the coroners office and remarks shoflkins murder wasnt it what whats that i exclaims tbe coroner springing op chopped her head clean off i coutinnes the boy carelessly where when what street 1 and she was a perfect lady add- the boy come on half a dollar other coroner get a hack 1 caln tbo coroner trying to jump into his overcoat i was spesktng of marie antoinette queen of france fn 1708 regular put np jobl demurely replies the ltd if yon want to read tbe par tiou tarn of tbe caie ill fetch over tbe book the coroner aits down and contem plates the steaming end of a stick of wood protruding from the stove and the clock du tbe desk goes ahead with its labor of tioklng tims into teroltv if yon want to measure a man consider not bis olothes dr lows worm syrup is death to tho worms every time safo for the child and pleasant to take insist on getting dr dows and aooet no sub stitute price 25o a man baa been sitting on a dry goods box near this office till day looking for work atobison qlule m patent bood iden may be seenred by our aid address the patent record battfmere md carpenters kidneys carpentering u noj on easy trade the constant renohlnpr up and down tho lifting and stooping over aro all sovoro strains on tho kidnoys no wonder a carpenter oxolnimed recently that vory timo he drovo a nnil it seemed ns though ho wae plowing hi own book houfoi doans kidney pills now on the first sign of backache and la able to follow his trade with comfort and profit i havo had kidney and nrinnry troubles for more than three yenr with noveropmn in tho smalt of my bftek nnd in both sidi i could not atoop wltliont art at dlfllcnlty and i hnd aoviro nonralfilo biln in hnth tomnle soclnfttho ndvortlafltnont of onna kllnoy piu 1 aotabox they lm mo quick relief removing tho pain from tho baclf and sides and bnnlshltib th nimralslc pains from my bend tho urinary difficulty ik now entirely bone i feel fresh nnd vlgvrnns in the mornlnsi nndnm ranch stronsor in ovory vrny since tnkinj thee pills olamenck k fcikkdscarpontor and builder tronton ont a man cannot leave a bettor legacy to tbo wotli than a well educated family ds woods norway syrup cures coughs and colds mra alonzo jx thurhcr frooport ns nays i had a sovoro attaok of grippe and a bad cough with groit difficulty in breathing after taking two bottles of dr woods norway pino syrup i wag com pletely ourod laxaliver -pills- v w6rk while you sleep whtibuir a grip or gripe curing sick headache dyspepsia and constipation and make you feel better in the morning you will be sooted tub laiigb fonthill nurseries lo acrua can satisfy any unlrgelic man who wants employment and desirus lu make advancement we have the greatest assortment of nursery slock in canada our goods aro in demand position offered is permanent pay weekly all supplies free if your have never sold nursery slock for us try it and see how easy it is stone wellington toronto experienced undertakers by dealing with us you are assured of the most careful attention and everything done in the most skillful manner and please remem ber that we only charge for embalming in exceptional cases we keep a firstclass hearse and stock of all other funcra supplies and at great ly reduced prices caskets delivered i j j a speigrht co kcton no one will maintain that it ia better to do injustice ihun to boar it that aohiug head can bo icblantly relieved by taking oue of milburna stor ting headache powdera 1 powder go 8 for 10o 10 for 25a as they did in france vlayonr mamma piok benny nope einofl 111 popa nick ha has ti do the oookln ilagyardu yt how oil curcj all pain in man or koatt for bpraiiif cute brulies callous lumps hwellinp inflammation rheumatism und tieurtil i i it ii a ppecioo you miint havo your pou here oant bftvo it in eternity yon alpbonte my friend where do jou go o fail wis be ravolraire in your band and zm wild plare fa your eye ah henri i my lawault la yoing againat ma i what would yon do shoot your-r- iel no no i shook sea oszler mana liw- yer cleveland plain dealer influence la the exhalillon of oharaotor to thosk about to marry younit men or old men who intebd to marry will be pleased to learn tbat the new marriage act it made quite simple by applying to h p moore issuer of marriage licenser at ibefasb pains office 011 a tew days before the oeremony and have the matter explained private office all business strictly private and confidential k residence in evenings life is not a game of chance but is a me of iuteuse skill twenty p below j h hamilton of ihe old reliable marble and grmnita works guelph annoonoes that he will continue to place he best classes ot granite and mrbli monuments tomb etc at prloeerutmr- unteed to be twenty per oeat befow otliea no ageot to reoelva oommlavhml ezpensee allowed o aqd fron 0nelph to parobaeera pile people have their blood enriched their heart strengthened and their cheeks rosy by using mllburns heart and nerve pills inbufhoiont quantity or poor quality of the blood ib ono of tho evil results that usually follow any derangemont of the hoart if tho heart bocomob wonkonod in any way it cannot pump tho blood to tho lungs as it ahould thoro to ho puriflod and im pregnated with tho ilfogiving oxygon as a result the blood deteriorates it loses its nourish ing vitalizing- health giving qual ities the face bo- ooroes pale thin and waxen thojipa bloodless tho hands and foot oold thoro is woak- nenfl tlrodnoss shortness of breath and palpitation whon those suffering from thin or watery blood start taking mi iliums heart and nerve pills they are assured of n enro every dose acts oh tho heart itself causing ft to beat strong steady nnd regular every d6se too introduces into the blood those vital olomonts hooessary to make it rloh and red soon tho polo chook takes on tho rosy boo of health thero in strength instead of woakness energy nnd activity take tho place of tiredness nnd lassitude mibs m skulllon 60 tumor street ottawa ont snys i was greatly troubled with my heart together with extreme nervousness for many years these complaints brought about great weakness and feeling of tiredness my blood was of poor quality aomuohsothatl became pale and languid mllburns heart and nerve pin on rod me after all else failed they bull up my system enriched my blood strengthen my nerves and restored ono to health it is doifbtfol if the devil is ever driven back au inoh by the testimony of a stingy christian there never was and never will ba a nnllteraal panacea in one remedy for all ills to whioh flesh la hoir tbe very nature of many curative beintf eaoh that were the germe of other and differently seated diseases rootd in iho system of the patient what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quiuine wiue when obtained in a sound unadulterated state a remedy for many and grinvous ills by ite radual jadloious a the frailest hystoma aro led into oon- valeaoonoe and atreimth by the in flu once wbioh quiuine exerts on natures pwn restoratives it relieves the drooping spirits of those with whom a chroulo stato of morbid despondence and lack of interest in life is a dldearie ami by tranqniluing the nerves dispaaes to soond and refresh ing ifeep imparts vigor to the aotioo pi tho blood whioh being stimulated ooaraoa throughout the veins atrengtbeotte the bealthy aninl funotiuns of ihe system thereby making activity a necessary insult streodthenintt the frame and giving life to the digoative orjiaue whioh naturally demand inoreauod substance result im proved appetite northrop lyman or toronto have ivon to the publiu their qufoine wine at tho usual rato and gaagedbytho opinion of soientibts this wine approaches nearest perfection of any tbo market all druggists sell it a grateful dog is better than an ungrate ful man can bocomraend it mr enoa born- berry tueoarora writs i am pleased to say that dr thomas e electric oil is all yoa claim it to ba as we havo been use- ing it for years both internally and ex ternally and have always reoeived benefit from its use it is our family medicine and i tako great pleasure in recommending it when a man dies for years the light he leaves behind him lies on the pttbs of men a terrible disease i have been troubled with 8alt rheum for six yeara i andoftoldgst nothing to cure me until i took buriook blood blttcre it only required five bottlrs to make a com plete care mrs jas dtlzlll high bluff man agents wanted for unrepresented dlatrletfl good pay to good men secure your j31stsict fob tbe c0mmo season how freight and express paid the peliiam nursehv co growing a complete line of nursery stock includ ing many new varieties of hardy roses ornamental shrubs and trees all stock guaranteed free from san jose scale we hold government certifi cate of inspection covering oar stools write for catalogue pelham nursery co toronto about stationery are you out of invoices letter heads enve lopes or the lilce we require what time and prices are consistent with the best workmanship and often require less of both than the most care less printer ihb hcton frbb prbss h p moore proprietor it will alwaye do to chango for tbo bsltsr h cum all toub paiu with plnklller a mdloln chest in itsslf slmpla safo and qulok cura for cramps diarrhoea coughs colds rheumatism neuralgia 20 and 50 oent bottles beware of imitation8 buy only the genuine perry davis amm is tho moat intoruatlng and prao- ttoul courso ot btucly in uookhooplng nuil accouutiuu for boys and girla leaving public and illgb schools hliortliaud and typuwritinr spoo ial fucllitiob liidividuul tuition no clasaca formed parents aro llivitod to lovoatlsato kail torin will ootn motico fllonday aug m guelph business college aud shorthand institute j shahpprlaolpal h z0 the best antirheumano fneurits plaster made i 3st7j11n bojc priccil35l50 imiyahd lafle522 rous price too wsuwncecolti ttey that now no evil will buapoot nooe mrs mhrkiu devin ohftilastdwri p e i has thia to biy about laxalivor pilli for some timo i waa roaily troublod with fiiok hertilaclie and ooabtipatlod i used lxvliver pills aud found they helped me more than any olher remedy be true and marly in nil 3 oar human relatione a dyspepsia cure iiiiim tit 1 1 mi 1iailm floind wkht ooino luht mail 0 02 nin i exprenn i lib nit hxiiroih i i p111 kxprtihb jo co oui mull 7 ifipui mull i hpin i lilixod 10 oapm riunday traiiiu cjoinj wubt 10 cj n ui ooiu kuat 0 io a in 0 u p m tllil ol liohlnil ualiti ooliih woft 0 40 11111 aud fi co pm going east 10 25ilhi 11 rid c fi pm thin tlmn tnblo went into effret 011 kuiulaj juno jfltli 1b0u acton livery bus line tho uncloralemjilrobpoctfuliyaojicito tho natron ago of tbo public and in form b tbotu tfiat well equipped and stylish rlgh can al ways be secured it bis btablca a comfortable bus moots trains botwaou 0 am and 818 pm garoful 11 1 ton t ion given toovoryoraor tbo wantb of commercial travol- lorafully mot john williams aoton maeliino and repair shops henry qrindelii proprietor are wall oqulppod with all tbo machinery noooaaary tooxoiuto all repairs to machin ery and agricultural implomouta and to uo all kinds of bteamuttlnbborflobbooingandkenoral blaokemlthing woodwork ropalra porionuod n a satisfactory manner wo can ropnlr any machiao or implement of any mako saw umtninr and flliur done john mcqueen aoton agent for frost sr woods bindors mowors etc and ooold shapley fc m uirs windmills ana grain qrlndors and a complete line of farm implements and all kinds of repairs in my absence mr john t elliott who resides on the property will attend to tho wants of customers warerooms john st v john mcqueen twojkindjofwlen there arejavo kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and 8be our new lines w williams mill st if wo are to be aiefal we onoot despise worldly wisdom halyards yellow oil u rood for man or bsatt can be applied oitaroally or taken internally cures bruite bump frost bites outs oroap quinsy stiff joints sore m aides pain in the obest eta will not tain tbe skfn or soil tbo clothes price is 26 cents industry keep the body healthy the mind olearlho heart whole and the purse full crumps mid falun mr john hawke goldwster opt writes dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry is a wonderful care for cramp and pains in the stomach i wa a great offeror until i gave it a trial but now i have perfect comfoit evar rellableand wo loomed by the most delicate stomach is dr von stans pine apple tablets tba hour of famine proves tho man oot tho hoar of plenty good times coming- uuder the nas pf jjooujb kmolsou all the organs and tlisass take oil new iff tv the mlod sots with more vlor the heart beats stronger and the blotxl is grraily enrfom let the wont dysppptio obt a plnoapplo a day for six months and so greatly would his health improve ho would took and feel liko a new parson tbo reason in plain tho pineapple lulls a gfneroua supply of vegetable peptin which next to tho juices of iho ttomnob u tho ureiitant digestive knowu vory few perron a run obtain the daily pinoapple but everyone can gel dr von blanj pineapple tut let wblob are mainly composed of this preoioua fruit joibe they are en ten as candy are aa hnrmlohs aa ripe fruit and always give satisfaction they euro wll dilutive troomofl cox of eixly tiling 85 cents soil by a t brown borne persona sit around tho comer grocery tracelnj dollar murks in- the diit when they miuht bo hurtling and making a few of the real thlnx the yreat lung healer fouuil in that exoallent medioino sell as ilickluu anti oousaroptive syrup it bootlus and diminishes the sensibility of the mem brane of the throat and air passage and is a sovereign remedy frr ill oouijhs colds hoarseneib paiu or rorcnois iu tle chest brouahltls etc it has cured many when supposed tt be fur sdvtiiaed in consumption patents guaranteed our fee returned if we fall any one sendtaa sketch nnd description of any invention win eromptly receive our opinion free couccrtilng ic patentability of same howto obtain o ratcnt sent upon request patents nccured through us advertised for ante at our expense rat cuts taken out tlirough ua receive swdat nonce withoutchorge in tiir patent rkcorb an illustrated nnd widely circulated journal consulted by manufacturers sud investors send for sample copy frke address victor j evans st oo pmtcat attorneys evans building washington d c cfox engraving pfioto engraving halt tones n ck- torontovl wrilq for our lntorrallnit look invent- ors holp and how you rjo bwindlwl 8cndusaronghalutofi or racdil of your lnvontlon or improvomont and wo will usll you freo our opinion na lo ivliothor it li probnbly pntontnblo wo iiialto n poelnlty pphontlona rajoctcd in olbor lmnoa ulsnost rororoncoa unilshod xaxuon mabzon patent 80u0it0bb ft xxpmbtb clrll mochnlcm nnalncrn araduatei or im rolttochiilo bcliool of klialnooiliiu nachclonln applied bcloncoi laval unltcrally uemben ratenl law aioclnlloii ammloan water work auoclntlon now kiiutatii water worka alloc bocloty or cltll kliuinorra offices t0 ufe n m0hthrl mn so years trade marks ocaiana copvrklhta c anrons ftnidlpli nalicloh and deaorlpuon mar tlnnsmtrlotjj mndeiitfalnaniibopk on patints dranoh tsnoo sa f bt waaolnjto li

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