Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1899, p. 1

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fltfess volume xxv no 25 acton ontario thursday december sj j 1899 price three cents t qttati xzz press ib puulihukd every thursday morning at toe free prcbb steam printing ofllrc mill street acton ont tkumb or suuaoiurtion ono dollar per year strictly lu advauoa all subscriptions discon tinued wbon tbo time for whiah tuoy bavo boon paid has oxpirod tbo date to wnich ovory subscription la raid la do do tod on tbo address labol adventlsina rates transient advortlbo- monta 10 oonts par nonpareil lino for first in sertion 8 conta por lino for oaoh subsequent luaortlon oohtbaot rateb th o following table sbowa our rates for tbo lnsortlon of advortlsomonts for pooiqed periods christ7vms goods 8faok lrn 0 no a uo 1mo eeooo 8900 90 00 6 do 3500 2000 19 do u50 e 2ooo 1900 700 900 700 800 loidahoa 100 advertise in onto without spoolno directions rill be ldbertod till forbid ana charged aoaord ugly transient advertlaomonta muat be paid n advance advertlaomonta will bo changed onco each month if daslrcd for changes oftoner than enaea month the compoaltlon mast bo paid for at regnlai rates ohangoa for contract advortlaomcnta mut oe ntho office by noon on tuosdaya account payable monthly h pmoore editor and propr toto ufiinfss wtxtctaxv he store is lull of picture hooks toy books kino christmas books bibles toys dolls and fancy goods for iho christmas trade buy now and get the pick of tho stock and at extra low pricas call and examine our stock we can suit you in style quality and price goods are scarce and going up in price and at christmas prices will be higher now is the time to buy and the beat value in town is at doll sale next saturday 82 00 dolls i 25 8100 dolls 65c 50c dolls 35c 25c dolls 18c ioc dolls 7c come and sec the goods we have the stock and carry out what we adertise days bookstore cuelph day sells cheap medical tohnm macdonald m dcm uucce8sok to j f uren m d 0 m offlce and rosidon co corner mill frodorlck roota acton offlce hours 6 to 1030 am 1 to 3 pm and to 9 pm tv- i j r forster scccebson to dr a b elliott iite rosldont physician and surgeon to vic toria hospital for sick children toronto office mill stroot latoly occupied by dr lliott d r dryden era eau thiioat and kobe uoloans block douglas st near f 0 guelph prion houns10 m to 1 pm and 3 to 6 pm bondatb 10 am to 1 pm l bennett lds dejntibt qkonoetown ontario jcqghlan ddsl ds dentist woiik carefully done pnioes moderate office oven browns dana btouh hoona e veby dat fnou 0 to 6 jh bell dd8 lds dentist bllookville honod olladuatb of tononto uttlvxbbity work mado satisfactory prices modorate vibitino date monday afternoon camp- ellvllle tuesday aatonoolco clarks hotol friday itookwood m clean mclean barristers holloltors notaries convoy an core xo private funds to loan ouloo town hall acton wm a molxan jno a moleah a j mackinnon llahnibten solioitod convktanceii 1 on ice mill fltroot in mattbowb block upstairs jamoleod mtribtxn solioirobahd couhibbion- eh fob takxno affadavitb main stroot georgetown conveyancing dons and money loauod on first mortgago on farm proporty at i r j monabb clerk fourth division court county of hal- on conveyancer agont fire and lif o assurance keal estate agent monoy to loan etc office perry mans block acton ont mxscellanso vs miss s l schram lath of haveboal college toronto is prepared to give thorough instruction in both vocal and instrumental mubio pisno or organ terms reasonabla and mado known upon application at tho home of tho mibses lalna agues st acton or at uaiub b free press office mis8 maggie e thompson t o m of toeonto qonaaavatonr or maaio jfupiii of dn edwahd fibiien is preparod to givo instruction in vocal and instiumentol muslo piano and organ at her room at mrs john williams mill btreet will bo there overv monday beginning december ttb riftnry grist iap ottawa canada solicitor of patent for invention eto prepares applications for bo canadian amor laanvand european fatentonlcos and for the registration or trade marks hend for pam phlet tllirtytwo years experience fllbancis nunan bookbinder wvndham st gnelpb ontario w7 over william sbtoro account books of all kinds mado to oraor orlodicejs of ovory doboriptioncarofully bound ulinrnoasivxnrl promptly done jtjyjtarriaoe licenses h f moore iphnfii or mauiuaos licenses 1rjvato offlce no witnesses roqnlrod issuod at rot id on nu iu tho evening free press offlce acton m hembtkeet ljiokmhed auctionxxe for thii co an ties of wellington and hal ton ordersleftat tbefneb piiess offlce acton or t my residence in acton will be promptly at- eadeulo lrais koasjunblo also monoy to loan on the most favorable sums and at the lowest rates of interest in sums of boo and p wards bub30uibed stock capital 103000 the wellington mutual fire insurance company established 1840 head offloo cruislph ont 1nsu11anob on cash and mutual plan any rommuuioatlons forwarded to my address llox jw or tolepboue w will bu promptly tended to joun llavloii agmti uuelph acton saw mills and wood yards jh7mtbs brown ukdrautuubu aku dbafmll ik tualuer rnth u wood lo all klud ot wood in ilook nd protnpily 1 lvere1 lo ny nut or tb lomi t roubli prlo h dwood nd ottt kov dln lway on hand telephone commuuloetlon you should 8ee them 3 5 cliristmas specials at waters bros wyndham street new store guelph aoton machine and repair shops henry 3 bin dell propr o tor are woll equipped with all tho machinery necessary to execute all repairs to machin ery and agricultural lmplomonla and to do all kinds of btoamfltting horseshooing and genoral blaoksmithing woodwork repairs performed n a satisfactory man nor wo oaa repair any maohlno or implement of any make saw ummlng and flllu done everton and eden mills the place to go for the best flour bran middlings chop feed 6tc for sale chopping every day at everton mills and every tuesday thursday and saturday at eden mills always buying wheat no credit henry hortop main street planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor manufacturer of sash doors frames mouldings in all styles nnicssnfa ma tgbinq knd moulding to order on short notice will assortod stook on hand at prices tosa the times john cameron proprietor there are two kinds of men to be found everywhere those who are obliged to dress roughly while at work and those whose occupation in volves no difference in attire for the laborer we have heavy substantial boots for the business man comfortable sensible shoes for the boys and girls good knockabouts and for the ladies the latest novelties in footwear our fall stock is now coming in and em braces goods sure to please our customers as to style quality and prices call and see our new lines w williams mill st m-4y-u- mall and business fraotioe is tho most interesting and prac tical course of study in bookkeeping and acooabuog for boys and girls leaving pablla and high schools shorthand and typewriting spoo ls fe hi ties individual tuition no classes formed parents are invited to investigate fall term will com mence monday aug 88 6uelph business college and shorthand institute j sham principal wantbdsovoral bright and jiddmi persons to represent as as manager ill this and close traders rank of canada capital authorized capital paid up 1 000000 700000 cuelph branch we are now issuing money orders payablo at par at any branch ot oliartorod bank lu canada exoepting tho yukon district at tbo following rates under 10 6 cents 10 to 020 10 cents 20 to y0 12 cents f30 to 50 m cents olm highest cuprent iutr op interest fiald on sums dopoaitod of l and upwards nterect allowod from date of dopoalt to date of withdrawal and paid or compounded half yearly advances mado to responsible farmers on their own names a tho lowoatcurroa rates no aharge made for collecting salos notes if payablo in guolpb a genoral banking buslnaaa translated a f h jonbs manager vs faeror auniptsd envelope dept 9 chicago jtefereboo mmidm- mfmrasd ueddmlnlontsiffpint money saved is money made at no time in the year h so much money spent with as little saving at at christmas and a great many people buy articles of very little real value either to themselves or the person to whom the anlcle will be given our christmas goods are goods se lected specially for christmas presents articles useful as well is suitable for gifts we have sterling sijverware and plated ware cutlery knives and razors tea kettles skates sweepers toy sweepers childs enamelled dishes unbreakable and we save you money by our prices john m bond co cublph mollo satisfaction hardware cqhl order your coal now from j c hill coal dottier firstclass coal of all sizes required delivered promptly at reason able prices stoves ranges 1lpcs pipe varnish stove boards coal scuttles etc bcton j c h1li- w barbell bros paper makers j georgetown d ontario book n earns colorsd phpers john r barber sun savings and loan go head office toronto ont authorized capit 500000000 tonyear maturity shares are paid monthly instalments of 50c per shnro for 120 months when payments cease 6000 aid in maturity value jioooo money to loon at 5 straight loan or repayable in monthly instalments on appli cation to ft j mcnabb agent acton 1831 gov out loth yoar the 1900 country gentleman agricultural newspaper and atjjfltbdlt thm leading agricultural jour nal of the world every dopartmont written by spoalaliits the highest authorities in their roapectlto linos mo other paper pretends to compete with it in quslioeatlons of editorial staff gives the agricultural nbwb with a docree of fullness and completeness not even attemptod by others best reviews of the crops best market report best aooounts of meetings best everything all indispensable to country residents who wihii to kbep up to the times single ubsonpuon2 two subscriptions 3 6o four subscriptions 0 special inducements to raisers of larger clubs tar write for particolata annuls point clnb agent wanted everywhere four months 7wi trip for so cents bvkc1ubn copfbb will be mailed free on iousv u will pay any body interested in yway jofo send for thsoi addrssatufil pubrunor luther tucker a son albany m y 1stmas merry cur horry christmas i ring it out all to happy festal bolls through the ewcot magnolia roves vroron moors and enow lioapod folia carols rlso and yulo flros glow s j rays cf silver mistlotoo bbino from out tho dark green ilno yulo tldo jicaco and joy bo tuluo ulussod clirlstuias i rlpff ft out all yo tuneful fostal bolls unto choorlobs hearts whoroln nolthorhope nor gladneaadwolta heavoua smile and stars shlno out all our 3 ulo decked homos about angols stand within tho door cbristmaa tldo is oomo onco moro t smeet yatntlu iieautng lender te bust f beeth oen it was bright weather cold and clear as a jewel the sparkling promise of a perfect cbrielmaetide was iu the air and the old malt ontbe big common clicked apd pattered to the tread ot ray crowds psbbidk either way all winter rosy buodle laden and bright eyed with exerolse joyous excitement tingled in tbo froaty wind that with a keen meb swept tbo bare branches overhead and bnffetted the skirts of lapgbing rjrlb who g 9 lean ing merrily against it and passed in a bright whirl of pettiooata with little shrieks of fan one gronp of these a knot of pretty epboolgirls with their skates bound for tbo publlo garden jostled against a tall ltd with a small maiden at bis bide and crowded tbem quite off the walk wfib little ceremony draxy looked very sorry but alio oould ibink of nothing oomforting to pay just then eo she only crept a 1 tlo nearer to bis side and oast her eyes urouud in queet of obeer there behind the irou fence was tho old oemotery with it mould a and tombs lying so e till aud ool 1 iu the winter sun light here and onder on tbo soldiers graves still waved bo mo drabbled remnant of the ilttlo flags placed there long months before amid the tiowers and the lender grass of spring draxyd eyes grew lare aud solemn as bho boked and it occurred to her in some dismal assoolatiod of ideua to say darkly ob davy did you know tbeybaj some of the tombs go under tbts mall and tbo people aro burled down btlow those flig- btones wo are walkiug on 1 dear little draxy 1 ajl her eftotts to be cheerful bad failed to gain tbo least reflponso from davy but something about this lcomy quertion aud her saucer eyes and hollow tono brought a qmou smile and flash of fun into his faoo yes i have heard it bo aaid looking down at the little face bebide him with a loving and amused expression but presently be added in a bitter tono what then it is no worse to be lying underneath tho ttonos than to walk on aboyo tbem el your hopes gone ambition oruabed ont of you his voice quivered and broke draxy stile hor little hind lu bis and they kept on again io doleful oiuuco praxy aaid ho nroaonlly ju a touo of mischief that ahe knew full well what bhe roapondod eagerly hero is the baronoss said davy oh my gracious i ob davy pleabe tqrn qf aqd walk tbe rest of the way on tremaqt street i caot go by that awful oldii in no i oant ob that mfterious old woman crouch as they wore out of sight on the landing wltoa that demanded the gruff voice of u sharp old gentleman who bad been talking to the pleasant man in the box ofiioe that sir that boy is a genlua hump goniaa i well what a the other name you oallvd him 7 ob with a laugh wo call him that because be looks so muoh like the plotures of weber and there are more than my self who think that there is in that young man tbo making ot saoh another com poser well if there id boll make it no chance now sail the other they have just lost tholr father tho mother is au invalid and there- 1b a brood of young shavers to look out for poor chap has got to drop music now and roll up bis bleoves to support the family tbis in to be bis last concert mighty shame too 1 in the old mueio hull au upper light entering through bidden windows far aloft gleams softly over balcony and niche and bubt and flabhes back from the glass panels ot the gallery doors girdling the walls twice round but it was not that pearly brightness far and soft or the fine cheerful plan and lines ot beauty in tbe noble hall that gave it character of oil and breathed the spell long vanished now but haunting ua forever with its iosb a mighty presence tbeu abode therein that filled tho eyo and mind and made a very sanotgary of the place it wab the majesty of tbe great organ looming from stage to dome like a blok cliff with thundery gloom about its head and all iti dusky heights and dim recesses filled with cathedral chade how solemnly that bash and show fell on that brooding ttttne of beethoven standing a dark sentinel before the organ mouth tbo only wonder ia they did not crowd them out ot notice too and out of this story at tbe same time for a plain sbabby little moube was draxy trotting along at her brothers side those rosy girls sweeping by in their bright gowna and plash and furs looking so brilliant and so bewltobing near her you oould hardly help wishing the atory to be about them instead thero wore no fine feathers about dav either poor lad poor bonny davy in his threadbare clothes 1 wslking slong behind biro you would have noticed how faded and tblo his coat was and perhaps yon would have smiled et tbe great patob on ths tlbow of the sleeve his musio wae tuaked under but had you come the other way aud met my divyn face bibeve me you would never thiuk of patches or faded clothes for there was something in that beautiful dark eye and brave clear brow a prince might envy him i fear be would not thank me though for choosiog such a time to introduce him when his bead wae drooping aud tbe brown ees were heavy with a mitt thai almost gathered into drops davy chirped draxy ut hi elbow oh do yon bee what fun tho boys are having playing football down on the parade grouod davy cstt a heavy pianos toward tba httily youths but coul i not murtor a word or a vrmle t please her dont look so awful davy pleaded tho little girl besides here comes thai lrnet maxwell and heseoayou up went davyri bead at that and hie eyea measured tho approaching figure headdy ernest muiweil carried some music undr his arm tio it was by the same diviuo composer a davy no sweeter because it had such an expensive binding i am sure neither was ernett maxwell himself any grauder because of hie own expousive binding but be steraed lo ibink that be was and he gave davy a very patroulziu nod us he phaud no use draxy t burnt out davy as eoon aa they wore oti i of hearing i dont seo uny jut oe iu it aud i oant litmr it theres that snob maxwell hfs father ia jiit ooaxing him bribing him to o to to germany aud study schwartz told me so in the oass yettitday oh my poor davy aocf youve ttot to give up your music and go to work in that borrid old place tlsnl i lift 11 i dont think id be mean enough to begrudge another fellow hii luck but ob how can x hand it the noodlo doesut want to go and wont go id walk through fire for thai ahunoe thats why 1 dont get it i ing there beaido the malls on the big oommon grinding her old cracked halt mute burdy gurdy who has forgotten her in rain and shine year in year out there she was alwayp sullenly turning tho organ crank ecorning tho charitable who dropped pon- niep and with hor eajlo eyo piercing oaoh face that pabbed as if on the oternal watob for some one loan and gaunt and brown and wrinkled was she impervious and iudostructiblo rained upon blown upon bhono upon it was all one there bho would bo still when next jou passed familiar as tho mall themselves and jtt forever a mystery ughhh 1 chattered draxy who al ways fell into a panio at tbo sight ot her i wonder who that uwfol old woman is looking for whoever it is i pity him oh davy jubt imagine joa were the one aud yonvo walked and walked all around the world but at last you will walk across this common and ahell oatoh yon divy throw back his head and laughed a genuine boys liuh swoet io hear drnxy ud the baroness were great tan always but tbe hat notion btraok him as moro droll than usual and uite begoiled him from the troublo that lay at hia heart till tboy reached rhubia bal tlaoe and turned into the court here was hallowed ground the very pit v ing htorpb were jilto r id friend to davy but at sight of them down sank his head again and bin oycn rliuded with a desper ate look tliut was pitiful to see thofo ucro iho days before thegrestcity conservatory had gathered under one ample roof that mash of musical lire tturieutft leaoherc directors and what not whiuh now constituted u littlo world within tour walls thrn most of the oung music studying populnijijii wan dispersed about the homes aud ldlingrt of tho city the diligence of eternal piuno playirg announcing their whereabout aud tbo otd quarterlies in the muflo hull btfyviug ti display the results thereof to thu interested public thu old storm doors croaked as they bwuiik io a bright llrt- in iho darkness of tho luwer hall winked chwtily through tbe gloum and from the ghtlihud window of the box oflico smiobody leaned out lo say lleasamly ah herr von weber i that jon going up to practice divy took eff hia hat in an absent miodod way and answered drearily enough yes sir is schwartitt mmo up ynt bchwarta just left coast is dear qoiug lo astonish ua this time eh davy lttvya features quivered i am more liktly to break down altogether he aaid turning away quickly with draxy and dashing hia sleeve across hia oyes as coon davy uncovered his head reverently aa he passed undar tbe grave faoe of the great master and draxy whose little boot beela soon oamo clioking over tbe stage oast one fnrtlvo glance up toward the ititue and thon bkipped behind tbo pedestal in a great hurry trotting np a step or two toward the organ mouth and oaddling into a familiar nook out of davys way ob davy i ahe crooned with a little shiver bos as bad aa the baroness i who ia 7 said davy absently unrolling bin music on a projection of tba pedestal ugh i that old black beethoven all wrapped up in his cloak and boowllog and listening and thinking away 1 davy looked over at her and smiled then bo gazed up with love and wutful- uesb into the beuding faoe above bim it made a touching piotnre the dark master on the pedestal immortal pulseless iu bronze tbe beautiful lad at bis feet ambitious desperate in living flesh and youth davy whispered draxy from her shadowy nook lets play tbis is a dark cavern and the banks of orgau keys are the dragons teeth gnashing at me i am a prinoeeb chained to the wall and you most oomo in with your sword and save mo ill corns and make tbo dragon sing to you instead said davy going to the organ kent ho ran life finders down tliekeje there was a soft rutl of ivory but no other sound havent got thu btatn on have they said draxy proud of kuowiug all about the domestic habits ot the great organ davy reaching to press a knob that rang a bell far in some lower region vrndod down at her bright utile face and then sat waitiog dreamily do jou know iho prattled on when im out in the audience at concerts and tho hall is full of people and tbe gas in lighted and tho organ looks so blaok and big i never can believe 1 am so well acquainted with it and dare t ouddle up like this agnimt if shi ssid divy catching the first wblspar ot a btl lveil inppiring sound the nind beginning to till the giant pipes it comes in a low murmuring rush as if from undtruronud now nearer nearer louder fatter 1 11 it swells and rieos with a panting sweep up tho huge boles in that great forest of brnxon pipes and fllle their mighty a idea as if to burst thorn davy ant motionless and rspt lost iu tbe great milian roar hear it breathol he whispered hoar it breathol his fingers ripple down aoross the keys far above in soma high ireu top ot tho forest pipes a voice awakes in answer to hia touch that lingers on the ear awhile so soft bo sweet bo pleading aud then stoke agaiu mto its uest ot silsnoe now farther still and hidden in some deeper roc ess ot the organ forest another voice awakes it calls baok tp the pleading voice with joy and courage then anothor and another wakos and bingit and soon tbe place is full of mubio and fragrance and boauty and tho treo tops shake it out upon the air like dewy drops now tbe echoes murmuring tho latt cadence over and over to gtt it by beait die away themselves and all ia itll thats very good davy eaid draxy tired of being a princess chained to the wall and btrt tohf ngjher active littlo limba in a brisk wslk up and down tbe stage suddenly bhe trotted off down the steps and davy looking after her saw her talk ing to a poor old woman who waa cleaning the floor what you doing pipad draxy in her friendly way faith darlm aaid the old woman straightening np and holding one hand to her baok tis daning up a bit i am sure ob said draxy peeping into the basket of torn eorapp i suppose you are tbe janitress jinnetbreas is it faith then per haps that is it i sorub the cares and stairs beyant outside and i piok up the st oof they throw down in bore draxy looked at her a thoughtfully that is too hard ahe said at length in a decisive little tone what ails your poor baok god bleasye darlin and keep ye long from the same tie rbumatiz dear and me onld bonea are oraokin wid it ivery toimo riao raeaelf from piokin up theae utile oarrda poor woman i who makes you do auoh bard work said draxy beginning in another aisle to piok op torn oheoks and programmes me ould man is bedrid this five year and the litllo ohildther the grandchild- tber darrlin wid tbe poor mother in bivon god be merciful to her swate soul i worrke to kape the little uhildther oh im real sorry for you said draxy coming baok to the banket with her skirt held up like an apron and filled with earaps ah god bleee her whatd thif at all ii it piokin up the oarrda ye ore darrlin t look at that now ah go aud sit down wid ye tniae dear sbure ye mustnt be doin tbe loikes of that no im japt going t help you i whb here 1tst ntgbt and so you see i msdo part of thia litter said draxy why 1 ahe exclaimed again directly they etick into thia matting so aud itu miles and miles up and dowu theee rown of seats and nwuy went dmxy picking up scraps for dear lifo and bniug io herself that fhe woull never loir up and scatter checki or prurammes uguiu bb long ai ebo lived su the poor oharwoman and the ltile muil wet t up and down bard at work while tho soft chrutmai twilight ml without and the great fuguti rolled aud thundered from the orcein oh what a thing it wan to hear the mighty rumble of ibt giant babs i you could fetl it shako the fijor laneath your feet it made the balconies vibrate and tremble and aomttimoa ths great hall beemed almctt to rook and roll with tho eound then when it ended there was auch ailence that the mow ticking of the great clook seemed like the heart beats of the fuce which you could hear because it waa bo btlll davy had finished practising and his little sister halt way down the hall was wondering why be did not oomo out and call her she began to look often toward tbe stage and then at tbe great clonk face on tbe baloony hark i could that have been a strain of maslo or was it the sad ead voice of some one grieving draxy and tbo old woman turned at tbe first sound and looked toward the organ they had soarotly listened i while ths great fagae was rolling through ths hall but something drow them nearer to this magical strain aud they crept toward it step by step what is davy playing ob what is this that is making tears foil fast on the two faces it has drawn so near it was muslo that never wai written music that was never heard before and wilt not bo heard again for davy ia inspired he is playing from his own boui this is his farewtil to mutiio and to all his hopes and dreams tho organ grieves for him tbe matter on his pedettil listens sadly and seems almost to ttir with pity at last there oomea a piteous drain then a wild crash across the keys and davy baa flung bii head down on hia arms the muslo is ended good by goodby i ho whibpered kiss ing ths yellow beys where his faco lay bidden ob davy i sobbed a little voice and drsxys arms were around his neck her soft wee oheek pressed close to his just then a gruff old voice said oome come i this wont do 1 stop tbis snivelling 1 an arm that seemod too fatherly and gentle to belong to buoh a voice took in davy and draxy at onco as they sat on the organ aeat and seemed to hug them and shake tbem at the same timo cornel wlihtri the m altar here i say 7 whore hn had dropped from was tho mystery had he been hidding iu eomo reocrs of the organ impossible to bay bot there ho was looking very grim except about tho oyee which were kind and was it possible had a sospioloub wetnem about them in spite of hia orders against snivelling davy turned around palo and dssed aoaroely aroused yet from his dream sir i he said hair proudly half sadly what are you crying about demand ed the old gentleman crying i repeated davy with flashing eyes im not orying 1 ho drew himself ereot and the oolor rose in bis cheeks ah bpirit loo eh rtnid the cu gentleman exultantly then he wheeled buddcnly on draxy what are you orying about then t he demanded in a terrible lone because 1 wank to 1 said sho stiffen ing her little neck ob 1 beoaube you want to eh come here 1 draxy cams rather defiantly i am afraid bat then he did seem such an in terfering old gentleman tiie chr moitn hhnlngin the christmas sky homotimob moots tbo buinau oyo wbllo tho church bolls bwoot and slow peal their joy out down bolow on the far horizons horn a hint of far oil hothloliom tis ono softly luminous star like that tho magi saw afar bright holly and tho mistletoe join us in tho fireside riow and presents by tbo cblnmoy eido make lovoly all tho chridtmantido today tbo hurrying world must pauso th children look for banta claus while lu tho air tho silver chimes it oca i tho old judumn times tbo ringing bells and tokens say that in a btublo dim and gray tho light of all tho world was born his bod a manger rougb forlorn wboro tnoakoyud oxou with tholr hay titood iu a trance almost of graco ljoforc tbe swoet madonna face and half in awe and half in prayer boomed to suapoot aonio god was thero this world will uovor cease to know though conturlob como and conturlos go tho story of tboso ancient times tho moaning of these christmas chimes which come with tholr perennial graco with blesblngs for tho human raco so what to us aro ice and snow and all the wintry blasts that blow ifonthobkys horizon bom wo seo tho star ot bothlobem joel jjenton now look at me 1 he ordered draxy looked right into his eyea some thing that ahe saw thero mubt have reassured her for pretty soon she amiled though he was pinobing her ear so youre the kind of hltle girl wbo helps poor old ladies with lame backs when you bee tbem hard at work are yon said be draxy btarted with aurpriae but anwer- ed never a word is ahe he asked again turning to the old woman who stepped back in a harry but recovered herself and courteaied baying she ia sir i god bless her 1 and youre tbe kind of fellow who takes care of bis- mother and the little brothers and eiaters are you the gentle men went on turning to davy youre thu sort oj chap who woarn thin clothes all winter and given up his mubia and buckles down trying to bo a father to the family aro yon divy oolored and looked away ia he peruatod thu monotinoaa oli gentleman turning to draxy for answer she jut put her arms around her brothers neok and gave him a rousing litle kiba well ihou ii th- oil gontlomm conclusively it happens that i am the kind of an oil roan who loves to holp rood boya and girli sometime i send the boyn off to study mun and i look after ho little fiuters and te bubies t u the boys itt buck the looks of divy and drxy were a bight to nee my name- ii maxwell wont on tbo o d genthmin qim ty i irivo heard about you down stairs and ive bum in- re como time myself now ive g t a boy i would hko to have him wtwfy munic abroad in kurop he doseiit vnnt to go how ever at thin tho brothur uttl hibtor exchanged a gliuoe but ihey were dumb and tremb ling and bud the old genilimn mysteri ously ive got aorae money that doee want to go here ho laid a great kind band on davys ehouldor im going to send you with it sir draxy acreamod and running into mr maxwells armp hugged bim with frantic joy davy gabped gripped the kind hand and theu it was no ase broko down hello i perhap youre not orying now i roared mr maxwell plased as he could be sir mr maxwell do you really mean it oh i will work bo hard and pay you back every cent and oh mr maxwell you dont know air you dont know davy wrung that great hand onco again bereft ot words well ufa see then said mr max well como here old lady so tbo old man is laid up and the children cold and hungry are thoy god help us airr i tia true then and tbe rheuraatu is pretty bad oh v dade and it id airr may erself niver know the loika of it i well obeer up ch lady ill see what we oan do for yon well mako a merry cbribtmas for the obildren after all where iu the great city was such a eoene of joy aa there in the shadow of the organ nnder beelhovend btatuo on that christ mas eve and as the little group utiod under the statue of the matter he seemed liatsning with solemn gladness to the music ot those grateful voices for of all musio on this earth the sweet est poors from tho hearts wo have made happy boston 7ahcrviij the day after christmas- ob tho paint is on the baby and tho babys on tho floor i oh bos wriggling hard and may bo hos not sottlns up a roar i all tho paint is off tho cainol and the yak and kangaroo and tbo wombats gay onatiifll lioes tho youngstor tbrougli and throufih uo has cbowed tbo sheep and bbepberod aud hoa munched tbe hottentots and hos dined upon the leopard till bin stomachs full of spots oh ho whirls in fiendish frollo till be llko a niuwheel dies in a knot of painters oollo that no poppormint unties and from frisco to atlanta you can hoar him iu the night yelling things about old banta that aro rutlo and i in poll to wishing boll noor turn aoahu loaf in his book of llfo below wboro a premiums on tho palm loaf and thero isnt any snow philadelphia prcna you shall find all men full of opinions but knowledge only in a few a pleasant medicine thero are some pills whioh have no other purpose ovidently than to bogtt painful intarnal disturbances lu tho patient adding to hie troubles and perplexities rather thau diminishing them ono might as well swallow some oorrobivo material parmeleos vogotahle pills have not thin dibagrceablo and injurious property they ure easy to ttko aro not unplesant to tho taste and their action is mild and soothing a ttial of thorn will provo this thoy offer peaco to iho dyspeptic in minding your own business aak help of no neighbor

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