Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 21, 1899, p. 2

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vobs db iv ah on friday deo atb tba wlfo of v j downr mtlloi of a daughter mogmiion on thurtday 7th inst tbo wife of jobu d mogllibou milton of a daughter hill in claveland ohio thanksgiving dav mth novombor to mr and mrs ghosior t hill a hon ma rbi ed tiamhrnt lam at the realdouoaof the brides father ilmehouso on wednesday 90th doo byllos w holdon nelson lambert aon of win jjamboct krlu to mary daughter of jauios lano gsfitu mahn at tlie reslrtouoe of tha brldoa jctrmits acton on wednesday 90th doo hy hov j a mtrlaoblan m a mr eddlson jj hmltli 0 ian ford to alberta oulydaughter of allan mann maiiappy noubiitaos at tho rosldenco of tbo hrldoa in other elora ou wednesday lath duo by itov ii it horna itov a mahaff h milton to joan ilaogbtar of thn lata itov jamoi itobortson m a cf oboatarflald jjzed htone iii ad ton ou sunday 17th december the widow o ttio latohlabard stone aged 65 years 1icketx at lonvillo on saturday doo oth 1891 anna u liokctt relict of tho lato thoa is ilukott agod 89 years hakehiq crootnoro on friday 6th december liioabo baker widow of the late itouben smith and mother of mrs arch monabb in her 90th year 11 n own at tho family resldonoe mala street aoton ou saturday craning 16th peoembor jamot h drown only aon of james ilrown isnin hia twtiutyflrst yoar 8hji ctoit xtt firm thursday dkoember 21 1899 we wish you a merry christ mas buller and methuen v r before the next issue of the fnur fhkbs appears that day of the year mora ball owed and revered perhaps than any other by trae hearted canadians wilt have boon nam bored with the past and we bincerily wiih our many patron and mends a marry merry christmas there ib no puoe where christmas more eujoyod than in canada welt do wa remember oar boyhood days in ihs old home when for months we would look to hhis day of all dayi and with it were at hand tho hostling and jttutle of tha morning in looking over eaob others presents and in preparing to go on a three or four mile sleigh twa for christmas dinner i all toil cornea back with marked olearneas as we think of thou early days and reminds one of the fleeting of time and how ahort a period the eeasoo of obildhood realy is tbe leaaon for thoaa wbo have passed beyond that stage is to ate tbeir best endeavor to make the obildhood around them merry and happy during this great festive season in tbia iibao we bare provided a good christmas story whloh wo think oar friends will edjoy when tbey have an boor to spare from the duties of tbe day it does us good occasionally to get away from tho regular routine of our daily vocations and take a glimpse at aoenss separated from oar own there will not be another christmas for a twelvemonth so let ns be merry and glad and by brightening some one elses life at this festive time bring joy and happiness to onr own notes and comments tbe brampton conservator one of the most enterprising and wideawake journals of tbe province celebrated its twenty seventh birthday on taesday mr char ters deserves the success be has attained the london standard hints editorially this morning4bat if portugal continues to allow supplies of war material and foreign volunteers to reach the transvaal through drltgoa bay england will have some thing to say in tho matter a proposed amendment to the municipal aot is likely to ba introduced ioto tbe house next session to the effeot that the financial year of municipalities ahall begin on the first of december instead of january lit and that tbe auditors shall i also be appointed on december 1st instead of at the first meeting of the new oounoil both struck their expected blow and were both repulsed by the boers more canadian soldiers tbe war in south africa has oaused unprecedented anxiety throughout tbe empire during ibo past week serious en grgementa were fought by tbe foroee of general duller at culenao and by geueral methuen at magerbfonteiu bat both were repuhed with terrible iobs and oblired to retire to former positions as a result tbe british government has been roused to intensest tulerest and a 100000 additional troops are to bo pent at once to south africa uenoral lord robert has been given command of the entire forces with general lord kitchener as chief of staff geneial buller will command all th foroca in natal htsahrait at muklthkontim geu mtthueu marched on magera- foutein where a terrible bloody battle was fought ii u despatches says our artillery abtlled a very strong poslbiou bem by the enemy iu a long high kopje from four until dusk ou sunday it rained bard last night tbo higbltnd brigade attaoked at daybreak on monday tbe south end of tbe kopje the attack was properly timed but failed the guards were ordered to proteok thn high lands right and rear the cavalry and mounted infantry with a howitzer artil lery battery attacked the enemy on tbe left and tbe guards on the right supported by field artillery tbey shelled tbe position from daybreak and at 115 i sent tha gordons to support tho highland brigade the troops held their own in front of tbe enemys entrenobementa until dnsk the position extending includ ing the kopje for a distance of six miles towards tbe modder river to day am holding my position and entrenching my self 1 bad to faoo at least 12000 men our loss was great general wauohope was killed in the aotion uktuuklta lobs 832 an official report glvea tbe total number of killed wounded and missing of all arms in tba engagement of sunday and monday north of modder river as 632 of the officers 19 were killed and 47 wounded whila five are mlsilug and one is known to have been captured of the total casual ties no less than 700 were among tha highland brigade consisting of the black watob argylls seaforths and gordons oem dullkb bbtulsei at colkvbo following upon the unfortunate events which befsl general methuen and general gatacre the news ou saturday morning that general boiler bad been repulsed and j eleven of bis gans had been captured oama with a stunning blow he reported to the i war offloe from chieveley camp as j follows ouuykley cam- deo 15 g 20 p m i regret to report a ssriona reverse i moved in full strength from our camp near cblaveley at four this morning general hart was to attack the left drift general hlldyard the right road and general lyttlston was to take the osntre and to support either early in the day i saw that general hart would not be able to force a passage and i directed bim to withdraw he had however governmant hawe at length oalted their acceptance of tbe offer or the canadian government made on the 7l of nov ember last of second contingent a cabinet oounoil was held his morning faod instructional givou lo tho militia de partment to pressure thltt second contingent to go forward at the earliest possible moment a oibli to tbia etfeat has been sautto tbe war oflloe co ilh and alttii 1e1u from other sources it id learned that it is praotlaaly battled that tho second con tingent will aonsidt of cavalry mounted polfoe and trti lerj tho oivalry and mounted police will con jorjly furnish three or four flrjuadrotit- the war btrongtb of squadron being 150 tho artillery will consist of lffo balieries of 110 men ouch exclusive of officorn aod 131 horses tbo principal poition of tho artillery detch- moot will be taken from the permanent foroo lnt stncbiona will ulo be made from toronto london hamilton ottawa guu- anoque kuutii guutuh st catharine and port hope etttcries tho stronger and more tflluietit b tieriud being nhk d 1 1 furnish tho larger guntu 0hiiom ov tub jueen a louduu onbh declares that tho roytl household h iotenfily anxious over tbe mental suffering which the queen endures anent tbe rep a la eu to tho british arms in south afriaa and tbe loas of hfo in the regimente her majesty is continually sending to tho war offloo for the minulebt information odoooruiug the stato of affairp and when sbo receives tbe news breaks down udner the weight of her sorrow it is aafertod that frefjqqqlly when engaged in correspondence or otbsr business the qaoen suddenly borot i into tears and talks of the sufferings endured uot only by the soldier but by their relatives at home and even tho boers are said to be included in lisr sympathies crewsons corners a londoo despttoh sayj iu rsgtrl to war finances great britaia poiition is amazingly strong a careful examination was made at the beginning of the war with the result that it was estimated that tha oouotry could spend f 1000000000 if neces sary without increasing the present rates of taxation or adding to the national debt the sinking fund will furnish tbe balk of the money municipal election matters bare are remarkably quiet this year there are rumors of certain aspirants being willing to sacrifice thsmaelvas in tbe interests of the municipality for the honors accorded to tbe offloe but tbe rumora are not veri fied the tale will be told tomorrow at noon when tha official nominations will be made no doubt good men and true will then be found a michigan lumberman who was in toronto this week said canadas forest are tbe most valuable asset wbloh it baa everything favors them you cannot pre serve forests on lands which are capable of agrioultnre but the most of canadian fore sts are not id such a condition and oan ba reforested these canadian forests are in tbe very oentar of population further than tbia the ontario system of lira ranging is very good ballinapad everybody fa bus preparing for christ mas poll oe man suortill of london is spend ing a ooople of week at borne mr harry webstar left for toronto last week where he bas secured a situation rev mr milne baa been unable to be out for two- weeks mr hector mclean missionary kindly filled tbe pulpit the ast two sundays come and aee our large store since it is finished mr baits ia a bustler mr grahatn teacher will leave this week hi place is to be filled next year by miss mokinnon of hilljburg mr graham will teach in meadow vale next year we wish bim enooeas miss edtlfa campbell spent sunday with aoton friends t current literature tbe jauuary number of the delineator which is called tbe century number begins tbe fifty fifth volume and it exhibits a marked advancement in many details there is as usual a complete presentation of the beatons fashionable modes a varied selection of brilliant literary features and a generous amount of general bousebold matter and in addition are tbe various departments crochet ting laoemekioff tatting knitting tbe dressmaker the milliner tbe holiday books eto etc subscription prloe of tbe delineator 1100 a year single ooples is cents order from tbe local agent for bat wrick patterns or address tbe ikin- eater publishing co of toronto limited 88 blobroondb west toronto out ftv7k every man be a thousand vicious thought wbloh aria wyifaoot power to i attacked with oiuut gallantry and bis leading battalion tbe con- naught bangers i fear buffered a great deal colonel i 8 brooks was seriously wounded 1 tben ordered hildyard to advance which he did and his leading regiment tbe eatt sarrey occupied colsnso station and the houses near the bridge at that moment i heard that the whole artillery i had sent to support the attack the 14th and 06th field batteriea and six naval twelve- pounder quickfirers under colonel long- had advanoed close to tbs river in longa desire to be within effective range it proved to be full of the enemy who sad den ly opened a galllog fire at close range killinq all thiir houses and the gunners were compelled to stand to their puns some of the waggon teams teams got shelter in a douga and desperate efforts were made to get out the field guns tbe fire however was too severe and only two were saved by captain sahofleld and some drivers another most gallant attempt with three teams was made by an officer whose name i will obtain of the eighteen horses thirteen ware killed and as asteral drivers were wounded i would not allow another attempt as it see rood that they would only be a shell mark sacrificing ilia to a oaixakt attkmit to fodck tub rabbaok unsupported by artillery i direoted tbe troops to withdraw which they did in good order throughout the day a consider able force of tbe enemy were pressing on my right flank but was kept baok by mounted men nuder lord dandonald and part of general bartons brigade the day was intensely hot and trying to the troops whose conduct was excellent we have abandoned ten guns and lost one by shell fire tbe losses in general harts brigade are i fear heavy although tbo proportion of severely wounded is i hope not large we have retired to our oamp at chieveley the awrox loss loitnov deo 18 general boiler reports to the war office that in the battle al tugala river be lost 1150 men in killed wounded and missing as fallows killed 87 wounded 607 misiiog about 400 a total of 1204 a london paper comment ing on this battle aays boilers battle cannot be followed except in a vague general way his despatch does not pre tend to be more than a statement of results bailers purpose at present la to relieve ladyamitb and join banda with general white to do that he most cross the tugala his failure on friday was complete but not final an advance will probably be delayed until a freab arrival of artillery lobd b01ikbt8 amd kitchknkr london dec 18 shortly before mid night the following notice was potted at the war office as the campaign in natal in the opinion of ber majestys government is likely to require tbe presence and undivided atten tion of gen sir rtdvcrs buller it has been decided to send biron roberts of kandahar and waterford a commander- inchief la south africa with lird kitchener aa chief of staff tbe appoint ment of two snob famous soldiers will tend to reassare tbe public mind and restore ooiifldenoe in the oipacity of those at tbe head of affairs iu scutb africa which has been somewhat shaken lord robert is great strategist aod lord kitchener is a roaster in just iboee arts of organtahiion and administration that ars urgently needed canadas second comtinueht onoo again the call to arms resounds throughout our broad dominion onoa mora are canadas sons oslled upon in go out and fight for qaeeu and empire the following offlom annoanosmsat was ported i at ottawa on monday tba imperial wsddiog bells will chime in tbu vicinity next week mr r wanbborougb was elected presi dent of tbe bible reading society list tuesday evening tbe society wilt meet every tuesday eveniog in the church here rev wm bryrs of aoton preached in the methodist church ubi sabbath the publlo examination in school no 8 erin on friday was well attended miss currle who is giving op teaching and is leaving tbe school was presented with an address and a silver fruit dish and spoon miss carrie has been a favorite teacher in this section and fcbo presentation goes far to show the high esteem in wbioh she is held by ell on friday evening last tbe members of the grewsons comers methodist church and sunday school to tho number of about sixty met at tho homo of mr r wanb borougb and their family duriog tbe past two years mr wanaboroogh has been choir leader and suuday school superin tendent and mrs waosborough has fulfilled the position of organiat to the satisfaction of all and it ia largely dae to their untiring aid and self sacrifice that the cbnrob bae met with such suocoss during the even ing mr d mceeown in the absence of tbe pastor took the chair and after celling the company to order and prayer by mr james moore sr he explained the object of the gathering and asked mr and mrs wanaboroogb to come forward when miss lexa gam tile read the following address and at tba proper time messrs james moore jr aod charles gamble presented them with two handsome eaby- ohairs dkanun and mrs wansnonouau we the membors of tbo oburcu choir and bunday boboo have aasomblod hero tonight to spond tbe evening with yon in your borne during the year we have onjoyed your united effort in tba churah iu helping to promote tbe wolfare of the community wo laol that mrs wans- boroufib bas made a groat sacrifice whsu aho undertook tho somowbat ardaona task of acting as organist and mr vansborough as leader of the obolr and auperlateiidant of tbe sunday school we aaauroyou that your services so willingly given are biglily appreciated by al and it is our earnest desire tbat you may long be spared in our mldjit to contlnuo your good work we feel as though we could not lot this yoarexplro and enter upon a now year without in aome tangible way eaprosalog our apprecia tion of your service b we aak you to acoept these ohalrs not that wo fool 1c would in any way repay you but to show tho high abteom and good will which cxlata toward you in tbe community wlshina you a merry christmas and happy now year blrood in bohalf of the congregation mattoe moons ibene cunnolij eliza nbllss mr and mrs wsiqsborough were com pletely taken by borprise but mr wans- boroogb made a very feeling reply thanking all for tlie kindness they had shown mrs waneborough and himself and though they bad worked in tbe oh u rob yet tbey bad not worked for a reward or did not expeot an earthly reward mr wans borough closed his remarks by weloomiog all to bis home speeches were also made by messrs moore mckeown and carroll after refreshments and been served by the ladies of the congregation the eveniog was very pleasantly pput in singing musio and games the happy gathering breaking up about the midnight hour quite a number from tbia vicinity attended the funeral of tbe late james brown jr of aoton on monday mr aod mrs r gibbons attended tbe fortieth anniversary of tbe wedding of mr and mrs j browrn of eramoaa on monday mr j w mardook of marden spent sunday tho loib at mr geo grahams mrs orr of orion is visiting ber daughters mrs w it gray and mr w lamb mr archibald milloy of toronto spent monday at mr jamas gambles a merry christmas and a happy new year to the fittui paaua and staff v miss jennie hurd of guelph is visiting at mr d mckeown a erin btlfouutain publlo library has juht received a well selected lot of now books the annual glirittmas entertainment of the mothodiat cburob will bo held ou friday eveniog deo 22od a good pro gramme is being pnprod mr jobu iteed haa rented hu farm to mr ken m th mcdougtl of mimon or 9200 per annum there wan at interesting youug bleni servioo bold in the mothodiu church erin lah suuday nltflit special and very oredilablo einuing was rendered by a youog mens ohoir the addretia delivered by rov john w worrull wi iitnely aod lntroilitiu iiuuiikmi nl cutarili it ia quite cany t cure yoiirdek of cuturrh or auihnm if you mo catarrh- oiono the meiliotted air truntraeut for all diseases of tho nbatl iind roppiratory organs otiujtti by grui life catarrh- ojiouo wi 1 euro nbeoluti ly cure c tirrh and is a very il t remedy that can bo used without liny dinner or risk whatever when inhaled it rapidly volttilue and and j its way to the very ficat uf tho diseases when it killh ihemiorohto life that crusoe catarrh and at tho same lime rebtoros all irritated membranes t their normal condition effecting a permanent cure you simply breathe catarrliozone does tho rest out trial will demoatrato iti worth for salo at alt drugetalh or by mail prioo 9100 for trial oulqt send 10c in ttimpa to n c poison co box coo kingdton oot we are not f judge of tbe fetyngs of others by what we might feel in their place tub d l mkvthql plybteit is the most largely soil in canada for buok- aohe aod all muaoolar pains thered noth ing equal to it eaob plaster is in an air tight tin 25c davis lawrence co ltd makers the loss of fortune only servos to inoroase tbe pride of the worthy after a cold dnnc a teaspoouful of painktller mixod with a glass of bet water and sugar wilt be found a better rtlmuunt than wine key avoid sub stitutes t bores but one painkiller perry davis 25o and 50 1 if i am to bo a beggar it sholl never make me a rascal or induce me to disavow my principles alwa ijamxiter thiu it mo rind op phi ok i ashc mtritnxl on ixtciiml tht painkiller will not mi- ii eve look out for imitations and 8ub- 8titute8 the genuine bottle bears the name pkrry davi8 son cbeorfuloesa wai nevar yet produced by effort wbioh iaio itself paioful a gbbat builder tbe d l emalaiod ot god xitver oit ia a great builder it givea weight adda healthy fleab and overoomea any downward teodenoy of bealtb davis a liwrenoe co ltd crr of vrvjrtltl just arrived ist december for robert noble flour feed store we also keep always on hand norval flour puro manitoba allklndbof mill food and chop ped drains bollod oats bplit fcab fine corn moal graham flour oraoked whoat eto frank harris manager xmas gifts- our linos tins jont arc belter thnn ever a few of which arc mentioned below perfumery american english and 1 rench makers goods in handsome boxes roger ts gal- lett s bd iinaucvs atkinson s bibles and hymn books better value and larger assortment than ever before offered american and eng lish selections poets different styles and sizes sec our pock et edition xmas cards and booklets the latest designs see our igon calen dars novelties celluloid goods taney stationery hiir brushes purses elc ihesearc a few of the useful nnd elegant goods wo have secur ed for our customers call and see them we will be pleased tc show you anything of interest to you i a t brown mill st acton dlc anil the right house 1htaoiisiiuu 1843 hamiltons favorite shopping placfc lots of attractions at this store hi 11 store has more 10 attract buyers nowadays than any other store in this vicinity thit wo know of 13c ides being tho best store for christmas gifts this is the best place to get your ordinary dress nrcdfult the things you need every day lirst as to christmas gifts nearly eery department is bristling with them especially the i ancy goods department first floor its certainly easy to choose suitable gifts for your relatives and friends from our splendid christmas stocks and then as to your everyday dress requirements lzerything in our line you could ms1i for 14 here and many lot at much less than ordinary prices a few of which wc mention below bargains in jaokets iilack boucle cloth jackets double breasted flat collar were 96 co now 2 00 black frieze jackets double breasted neatly trimmed with braid eilher storm collar or flat collar full range of sizes were extra value ot 85 ho for 8 88 black boucle cloth jackets double breasted cither storm collar or flat coat collar all sues wero special val uc at 85 85 now 84 50 green bouclo jackets double breast ed flat collar lined with sateen wore 89 75 now 80 00 and many others in both black and colors all selling at j to less than former prices v for blisses navy boucle jackets double breast ed braid trimmed sizes for 16 to 18 years were 84 75 now 8b 50 mantle cloths reduced a large lot of mantle cloths great ly reduced in price just a few hints arognon here black boucle cloths for heavy winter jackets 54inch two qua 1 ties rormorly 82 00 now 125 formerly 8550 now 1 50 good heavy quality of sfrgc for jackets 54inch black was 3 00 now 100 nay was 83 00 now 8150 goll cloths in brown or fawn chan chilla with pretty plaid lining formerly 83 50 now 92 handkerchiefsspecial handkerchiefs are always accept able and appropriate christmas gift our stock of them is immense hy far the largest we ever had one lot of plain white irish lin en handkerchiefs hemstitched bought at a special figure and worth much more than the prices we ask namely lijc 15c and 18c each pur muffs 100 black coney muffs very suitable for christmas gifts satin lined with ball trimmings special value 91 00 shopping by mail we are always glad to send samples and prices on application and we pre pay the charges to any railway station in ontario on all mail orders amounting to 85 or over jjcton bakery ho loved all mankind for foituoo pre vented bim from knowing that there wore raicali lekvlkbb nkiiits caused by ft pere latent rwpior ooogh pyny pectoral quickly cures tbo moit severe coaghs it soothes heftli never fail to oure manufactured by tho proprietors of perry davis paiu- killor w j c matthews prop christmas confeotlonory a fruits our took of ourlstinajs coufoatiouory otc in now being opened oustomors will qnd it embraces a very flno assortment of tho choicest goodt oysters fresh oysters always on hand flour best btaud of flour bread westons popular bread lu variety cakes st pastry choice assortment of cakos and iaatry tart sbolls jolty rolls c now custom on desiring our dolhory rig to coll will please leavo word at tbe atoro or hall our driver j o matthews opposite browns drug store thomas c watkins king st east cop hughsonst hamilton ilelu juiiertisniunts proper fo sale anumukh of farms and village property for bnlo on eby tarmn apply to wm iii2mbtiieet aoton wanted ahubtlinu man or firm to roircsont thu borliu mutual tiro iusuraucu co capital w0 0oohi actou address till manaocu berlin out palace barber shop murphys hair tonic 1uubb dandruff aurt utoph tho hail from falllulout lm i r bold by it prouiotun thu krowth ot tho wm ountibld agents ouh book on faouth africa and tho british boor war la a regular bonanza for agauts bfg cheap book hulls ou sluht outfit froo kitadley oabretbon co limited brentford wanted llbk day uuro goatlemau or lady npa work position pormaneut roflablo linn with boot roforencos addrqna adulation ever folows tbs ambitious ior such alooe receive moat pleasure from flattery snap ballinapad the improvements to tbe mctbodiflt church here are now completed and tbe edifice is now maob more comfortable and certainly more attractive in tbe interior reopening services will be hell noxt sunday when rev w h garnham b a of arkwright a formerly high esteemed pastor will preach at 2 and 7 oolook on ohristmie night there will be grand oldtime teameeting addresses will bo given by revs qarnbam milne wo r rail and others special musio will be render ed by the obolr and other popular soloist e nassac3aweya sunday so boo anraivf nary services will be farll in corwbia mttbodht church next sunday and on tbe following friday evening serviois will be btll at 280 and 7 p no on sunday ou friday 21 ib iuit the aunu1 sabbath schorl entertainment wli be hed the programme w 1 include carol by the sohool words of grettintf by revs h gallwell j w kitcmtik george kitchldg and n barbaree avild music by the popoltr nelson trio and tbe kltcblug orchssrm tbi will be followed with an illustrated 1otore by rev dr scaolio entitled from bttb libera to calvary with soloptiooo views representing silly points of pterest in the holy land con nected with the earthly life of jems the ohofr members of the sunday sohool the nelson trio mm scan 1 in and mrs h fmober will assist in this ml ere ting feature miss k mcqliutfhlio of nassagaweya a reoent graduate of itoe goflph business otilirg- ha been emjaxed as a steno- uropher hy mr a e omieron murahan brockvlllr j1kihty hard work some men har to do their work under all sorts of unusual and ad verse circum stances that are just as trying upon their and physical condi- as if they were soldiers ijrhting nnd marching day end nig in a hard cam- gfi when the condi- 10ns under which a man works are abnormal unhealthy he needs to take special precau tions to build himself up to withstand tlie e rn strain in ibm rm m tvorkinralnififunna i brelck oat in lump all over and when thru left the skin peeled oft sax mr john a cnllowny of 3i8 36th st coltimniii reorrln in a recent letter to dr r v pierce of niiffalo n v i had catarrh tor fburyenmnml alnollvcraikl kid ney trouble when it wmilil cotniiicnce tmubllui j me x would have a sluhl nchlug a little iwlow the chest i used ninny llutu or medidnr but received no benefit my eyea were sunken nnd my race was pule i iind pimple on my face and m a beautiful hoi iii cold shell ltlns oilomi want a cent in advance bend u your name nnd address an wwc will send you s dozen m sample packages of our i reath perfume to sell for us at 5 cititta per package when you 4 have sold them return xt our money jixt and we will send you hike your choice of ttcc fir selld tfield hhell iii n us at shown in cut w one being a very tiandtome eoora nd u rd t ring ihe other a 3stune gem rlnsci initing of two auttrimn dlonnnds and a briilnui trench f red ruby this perfume u the best ever pktcrd j before the public it destroy all obnoxioui t i odors and gives the breath thru frsgrant and f delicious sweetness only obn ruble by 8vp we are making this offer fur the purpose of in trodudng our goods to the public 11 be rip 01 purely busiiess traiihctlon ana not promplcu b i any philanthropic iptrit on our part universal perfume co 1q equltii chanbvi adilaldi st j0rmto traas not liiick but twas tact judgement and nerve that secured to us 697 yards of halifax and fancy tweeds at a wonderfully low cost we have them in browns fawns greys and blues zvc ouc and ooc a yard will give you the best value you ever bought in tweeds that is if you come to the lion for them the trkmp of trade resounds all over our big store more and more because stocks are better and more varied christmas stocks especi ally we have just opened up fancy glass sets which came saturday morning but we had no time to open them we apologize to those who came on saturday morning in answer to last weeks advertisement to see them they are open now there are new white metal goods vases whisk holders ink stands photo frames pin cushions pin trays napkin rings match safes work boxes japanese cabinets cushion tops table drapes pillow shams initialled handkerchiefs figured and plain silk handkerchiefs and the biggest of big stocks of fancy embroidered linen handkerchiefs go to the basement left side for gentlemens ties collars white shirts clothing braces gloves cuff links etc go to the basement right side for fancy groceries jardinieres cheese dishes cups and saucers fruit sets cream jugs childrens mugs wicker work tea sets dinner sets and all varieties of fancy china this is the greatest show ever made by the frank dowler co guelph s greatest store pedal lo linn oxporlonco utinccoisar b m fity fluid manager hamilton agents duhvl us tho irisonor or devil h island 1ull atory of tho most rotnarlcahlo military trial and scandal of tlno ago dig hook wall illustrated sails on algbt hnap for canvasuora hltaclky gaithetbok co limited brantford tenders wanted wanted tenders for chopping i 000 cords of wood in bush known as klnnalrda swamp lot 1 urd lluo enqueuing teudora may bo for full amount or not loss than 100 cords terms cash wbon wood is measured iu yard at llmohouao or georgetown apply to wm ncttton xiimohouss agents chkist1an endeavor epworth league aud 11 y p u members light of llu is a treasure house of lo formation we noed chris man men and womeu and others wbo dosiro to do good and make money to circulate this wonderful hook duadleygarketson co limited bran t lord caretaker wanted applications for tba position of caretakor of tbe methodist church will be received by ba secretary up to tuesday sotli doeembor list of d atlas reqofred to be performed may he n at tbe peek fubsh offloe applicants will state salary desired for their aarvlces tho lowest or any applicant not necessarily ac cepted thob t moobe secretary board of trustocs vestry doc ctb 1609 agents our christmas books are ready from fifty cents up knur books explained iu ouo prospectus one is famous men and great events of the nineteenth century groat battle great men great inventions and dis coveries progreee of nations every great event of tho century if you bare a slow selling book or engaged ia other agency business you lose mousy to continue here is tho boat oppor tunity for making money you ever had uig profit oaay time new plan get our offer suro bbadleygaritetbok co limited brantford on tail wanted agents in overy district on the continent to take orders for high grado canadian grown nursery stock and seeds largest and most complete assortment in the trade fait- selllng specialties superb samples furnished free correspondence in any language those positions are money makers and territory should be secured at once for tbe season by all hustlers looking for a good thtog our salary or com mission offers interest to anyone not earning 1000 00 per year get in communication with our nearest office an opportunity to reproson t a wellestablished bouse ability more impor taut than experience luke bbothrs company international nurseries chicago hu montreal que rochester k y oup parcels ot valuable property in acton for sale we give trading stamps v days double trading stamps commencing saturday dec 1 6th and will continue till saturday dec 23rd bllsilsbi the shoe man guelph 8 stores variety of moccasins slippers rubbers the following property belonging to mr patrick kelly row or buffalo i offered for sale at low prices and easy terms pascal 1 that floe brick residence and two iota on the cornor of charcb and guolph btreetu contains 8 rooms bard and aoft water nplondid orchard ond good garden pabckx s good building lot 66 x 132 on guelph street next to aiox kamahaws now reaidenes upon which is a young orchard pabcbx the atoro and dwelling ou mill street occupied by gorney bros who carry on a general business is in splendid location central and convenient pascal 4 three good building lots at the corner of young and mill streeta a splendid site for a manufacturing establishment owing to its proximity to o b dopot for terms aud particulars oorjulro at tho offlcs w h denny young st acton ml just received i speight brady d e macdonald bro golden lion guelph solid gold si 85 beat gold fill 160 8 yrs gold pill 100 boat glasses 100 wffluullumi porfoct bfttlafactlon globe optical co 93 yon bo street toionto- there was browti spots oti niy face it ijook nx bottle ofdr ou ihcxe to make liws complete they ahoum re ward aa wtll as punish are alt gone i took nx botilea of r pierces golden medical discovery ami twoof dr here n pellets they are the beat medicines i ever lined u my life and i do believe that i am entirely welt t have a good sppetlte twit before i coot menced treatment i bail no appetite at all now i am like a child ready to eat nt any line of day or night last year i weighed one hundred aud thirtyfour pouuds and now i weigh one hundred aud forty five rienae accept ray thanks i am so gld i found the right kind of medicine golden medical discovery la free from alcohol it is pure medicine nnd noth- inr else unlike the so cut led tonics and extracts which tend to create an appetite for stimulants the discovery creates only a healthy natural temperance appetite for good foodwlilcli uourlhiica and strengthen a the medicine dealer who says he has something- just aa good knows that be falsifies if he urges an in ferior substitute it is to gain a few pennies greater profit no matter how dlscour- sed you may be write to dr pierce for vice which lie will send yott free and which if followed is bound to do you good thorpselevato r c t r station rockwood now ppen for ihe season highest prices paid for oats peas bailey wheat rye eto also on hand for sale flour faad flaxseed oiloake oatmeal cornmeaj sulphur cattle balu eto horse and cattle hides sheepskins eto wanted ceo j thorp ouelph stain and fockvrooa a nice lot of childrens slippers all sizes from 20c up also cluldrensslippera with a picture of santa claus on them something new mens rubbers and socks from 125 up mens fine rubbers at us ual prices lone boots read- made and made to order mr stovel is very busy but still able to attend to all orders repairing a special ty- ceo stovel mill st acton manufacturers of dynamos zzjcctric motors watxr motors oasolm aud o as xnghtes brass a iron casmros to ordxr auction sale op tim ber berths dlpartment of crown landi woods and forests branch toronto nov jet isjk tstotice is hereby given that under li authority of order in council timber berths as hereunder mentioned in the algoma n1pissing and rainy river districts viz the townships of bowell fov harty lum8den rya and part of moncriefp in ihe district of algoma ihe township of norman part of capreol berth no 4 davis and the north part of ihe township of widdipibld all in the district of nipissing and certain small areas in the district of rainy rivcr will y be offered for sale by public auction at the department of crown lands toronto at the hour of one oclock p m on wed nesday the twentieth day of december next sheets containing conditions and terms of sale with information as lo areas lois and concessions comprised to each berth will be furnished on application personally or by letter to the department of crown lands or to the crown timber office at ottawa and rat portagl e j davis commiwioner of grown lands n b no unauthorized publication of this advertisement will be paid for repairing promptly done georgetown ont arn an orgharo v immtasdard gr nit u uviui niir u mi1o id diuuy uf thn asa on two aims will saro cteiaswsaira aod cot m notlilns bbgsmbmb 1 notlilr ted esfa nn3slsol awaor-uleasark- what it represents when you sit for a photograph you want the likeness to reptesent you properly when you sit to us we want the work to represent us properly our imprint is soon on nono but tho best photo graphs and for our sako as well as yours we are sure to give you lifelike satisfac tory photographs h rkmshhw photo krtist hcton grand trunk r is9d isio christmas new year holidays christmas retumtftiokets at single flrstolasa vara good gains use bsrd ssth and 85th valid to return until pea flfftb and at single first glass tare and onethird uood ftolng deo ttnd ssra and 24th valid to return until dee ottb new year single firstolasw fare good salvia deo 30th and slat lmw jan 1st j 000 valid to return until jan and 1900 single firatolass fare and one third good going doe ffith 30th and 81st 1800 and jan 1st 10uo valid to return until jan ard 1900 between all stations in canada on grand trunk itallway system from grand trunk stations in canada to detroit and ft huron from grand trunk stations in canada to but nor vaou uuffalo black book niagara falls and suspension bridge n y christmas school vacation sirigte rhtqiam fare and cuethird on surrender or certlfteate from deeeoibar 9th to mit inclusive valid to morn until january 17 tb 100o commercial travellers district- between stations in canada only sikaib viatt clash ratsa on presentation of car till oats deo lfith to 15 th lflw inclusive valid to ret tun until jan 3rd 1903 tloketaand all information from agents of grand trunk itallway system h 8 holmes agent aoton mcj dickson dint faair agt toronto

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