4- t bank of hamilton georgetown branch the niws at home agerteral banking buainoqs transaolodi 1 about a jijeitw of a oeutory mr woloh- ud tu family werel hiiibly aeiaamcd wingn departmfliit udiltm intorcw allow twi sums ol onk uol- iitknd upwards frrm day of dopoill daf withdrawal no burnt u delays in drawing mony farmers ltim solieiu nixh ul rwijxiiitlllo iarma dlqrxnjntodnd inortey loannri to icfjlliuatn tjtoinm purpose- our collection department i i i p i i n iiaxevry afllily for msldtig prompt 8alekoteii- handled and taion advanced u ol uinci at low rale of inlmrtt- hhai clkick uamilvton eauhjlahnrl 1b73 capita g 150 250000 1000000 13163000 jjlmlu tuanullll- cashier moeiljy of a loon chntaotar and ovorv ttom intarviatlnb uvrnthaf jmj tlotapk jla ataotoa a utter i rum uim jama moianan itinipo friau gives ilia uewa of the ilh of bar- huebaiid jsrnes molennan t btudy 17ll itiat it waa two years jinuitf enioa the feniljy removed lo a new house of god avry aliptolauh opeotrnr vtho nbw uoptlat churoh laat i sunday and monday aulu discourses- by the ilbv ciiancuulott wallace impresslveuooeraful and largely altend- a were ilia trpeulug earvieaa u counsel ion wltttlie pear ilbpiiet qburoli al lbo corner of uill and klglu etrrela vppoella the- reserve fund total assets usaixxi georgetown branch the eyoipsthy jjljrumyirlaiulabaca ii cjueuiod lu uu hour of- amotion nuujan ihmtb ot af ra w uetly hiooa the death or herhubbapdfat in jar sull two ajf ago laal lieoamber mrx win krllybaabeowreaidiua with hereon- idjaw mr it ilatoebftw ilowr aven6e tha old lady lit bania poor baaltu tor aeverel weka hai wea iiotjwnaned to her bedtuij4i wednesday laat and era no attaljed in iluioo condition go badrday- morning bb w aer-eha- oddaaiji pmted afy liar daughter mia hm- in oil tlirea moi eur- of xvekofield kd and bydnay of lnrereoll aurj and war present at tha funeral tbay all la i keenly -lba- auddafl barsatnsuiir tba family removed from aoton sixteen jeer ai0 after a roeldtrpao bars of aevaral years tba utxral od monday afternoon mm ood- duolfxf bm ilav j amalaohlan m a fifty ix trims volaw xvto tba vukm vitm naa jaat raoelvad a lilbj from 11 xi- x kilmiiton from wb7t h w t lo bleh lba oluilnfl inuraaliog ioformakton la given va are having fuoldejly oplwlher ai praaaoi on lha htb jmlllta meroory ragurad fio deyreaa balan eara kod ou tb 7tb15 and yai it u dot qobaaraua i baa qavaf baam i lay very dolj tbla wlaur yl today l3tbmear bavlif tba mint atornfy day of wlotar wabava bad uigbitiieinoe the brd dacambar and gao- lly flneclrwthtr tlia oatua are dointf wrfll n3 promlae locomsoat of be tba rui2 xny necessary articles dressing combu fine combs back combs side combs h air brushes a- tbotfebrusbes hair iins purses sewingmachincrneccllcs kuudtood mix hinw one adxsjr o ti ajbo t iiaeaia jia iurt oarjiwem taa gko hynds aoton70nt iwallkitoait and monday tba adilioaa a afid uuuiuu brlok atrfotu witii ntouodal artd trimriittinaof k aotnra- tbo lotarior fa teal mbl be3uctoitfr mfi tnqbsuay vkuruahv aa 1000 uttle local brleftets whlah cauaht th ey or ear o prea prat a a rarxriarai thla wak uaehl be asb wadoaaday oeavwadoaaday vrtfnt uoimaa a ablpplnj two dara of aiook tbla waak kno chorob aiiolvetaary kervloaa will be imiswi sabutb 4thmaifa ac ion cornet band will slvaa oooaeit la lba iowa ball on friday awning uod uab barclmajoif bcbooly uta j uouth aloa will ocaaf lba wlplt j tba malhodiat cborcb bail unnday evaolutf mraudmiail mniry alra anlutainad a boat forty yoootf ladlaa and antlainan from acton tut wedneaday a dallf mf ol lima m bpeot lotaraailn looal oorraioiljabiie ud wall writianu tiara raapaolloif lba tropol laambllab a tnarlui bara are aoavoideuy crowded oat tbi w but will appear ill axt uaoa tba burlington oaaatta baa paaed ita flrai mtlaauva an j laat weak aoure4 bpoa iu eeoond volume ttjo qmtur- bo idanoaaof proraaa n4 troaparlty and la vary worthy rapruouutive of dor hog too vtbe anowjaoaiilnjj of tba aotoa ttrmncb ulbla boolaty will ba bald u the b uapliat oborob tomorrow evening at jbt oolook iu wm- walab raator ti tba aolloao cbujvb rsrmpton will dalivar tba anoal addreaa a patiotlo ooonert yodar- lbatiploaa of tba bona ol tioouabd will b nlven iu lba owa baugomuouyeveoldj filb uarob tfitihmxm ulant laoludlu mta4 teaalit wooouoo and llaat uaraywit ua part tbaaotlra prooaada leejaxpei davoiad to tba lalrlotlt vund i p better pari of biajfra tba duoraet mrobat aoaa aotvrapbjp epe ft oaatool bqt rclua opoortba atfioeey of wellprapuwd jertiaaavantl wqlll pealooojociftlyto ao ewarlqaraailo ollanula tba mrokqlwhq extern teaf lba fa pm iflvaa eoaataot avldaooa oi tbi dlaorelidn wo uturr baa for aarallraotad lha btoatda ur plvacd tbanj aa baa k- tllt tlcuoof lie la eartaloly woularfulpeoouhitd vor uar taiubuura abaweuju ua bald ti audlatio apell- boaad ilia baudaya4drpao onrnlaaloit work a aftiaa wera r anoyd m- lfjtwreon palur cllwlt metbodut clidtob lurru mr lluab uauu of itiitiy hlver bpaiit tuaedaykb lie ulhr mr i u ki- i mra- uamual con nuil uh jabduill of llrendau mau vulled acton fiiauda ihla waeb mr uugb molauttblln iluniad jttr day mouluj font liu u waaka vlll wltb rvnuved at hl mo t teorl 111 mr w ii trera luu uf tba mr- obaata llaok at uarlltt wbo upeued tba i4rannb la acton tut dionb baa kaoajvad dtiim froirtba load onoa at montraa t tfu hupoiuunauo tbo tba poatlonol matit xr of tbal bahjf ml uawltotl l ha wll laeaa iwlq to uk up uu uaw utua a jooo bu a baa been kppolnltd lodj loiiitad iota tba wok mravoardinaahaakiniiy bended ta faaa laaaafor paruaal a ulter juai taoalad from bar auulouw uar yudng errittan t- jlelirtoot hooilt afrloe u jajiaary otb uargt yoohk- deeorlbee lo grapbio eaorja lb exparleuoa ia v 0x4 canadieoa wbu liail boau la ttngtnepu hp to ttiel time prtl icely baaa tu fjafmtyoud la it aioalwtit baelib and berda tor yaara torn enjoying ufa umaneely anil tbloka it la wbat be l out oot for x baa batter baaltb- tban for foar year kd ilka tba waat batter every rfy- a soldier tram umtmklajsontb jltriem all exoeedlnjily interesting lactorwwlll be given la the melbojut cborob on ijoday evaulauabraary ilfilb by exrleriitmajor o i eboorfd ib- iftwploaa of tb lipwrortb league uargt- major soboof aervej foraoraa lima la the beobaniaod mouoled llordar ttolloa tba raglmaot that look part in iwjuneaookaldand- frora lla long taeldaooa lo booth airloa la fery fimlllu wltllllibtlocia julbtilqailom da will itotora oo twhlatory of tba itoera aud tba varioua iloei war lba jatneeou luld etbandlo addition will exblblt a b umber of odrloaitla a lid tropblea oollaoud uurlug bu euy lo both afrloa 11a h i to tared in over uoo ohorobee lo ontario and baa lba war en oat raoommaodatloaa from over 100 rnlnliura who proooaooa tbaanlarulament clean inatroctlva thrll- liag laeraallng ami uajijua julmlaion la and 10oeuta a ilamltteas chuajo maaara by moo broa who hfcve baaa eotiaged ill bttalnaaa herd aa baijwara and gaiieralmarobkbti for teveral yaajrfl hava decided to remove it saulfbt marie ont ou the oral of marobo there tbay have laeaad a urgo and oaqlrally located atnra atid will carry a full una of abel fetid heavy batdwataand jewellery tbabetilt hi now booming and baa great proepeoul la axuo- jvo growth id title firm hop to do a very ura mx proft baduaae tha flrm jtama will be chautted to uymoo attd campbaut mr cahipbrh who haj been fti aoiiiailmd a altaul paituaf uow having hu uaruakaooguxadlclia aria bu dw good bualnaak and intoy will teg rat thalr removal but wlab them abundant auooaaa iu ibelr now laid u iaruttiored that dry good uierobtul from mitchell ungo- uailog for the uamlaaa to ba vacated itmpjtlly wadded 1ha last tnaldeu o one of tha mot high ly eateemadfamuia of tbld cootmuulty wka nlvau la holy wedlock on tba mat jaouajry la tba peron- of mtaa baah j- mnoragr daaitblot of tba lata jamta boquilat kkj bf niaaaga- way a mr alherl uamiltoo of wiour- bouroa waa lba fdrtanata yoohg man who tbua hooama abanedlot ajid luv it a maopliaraoo tha paator of tba- brida tr- formed the oeramooy wbali look ploa al tbaatlilenoaot tba hrldea mother tba brida preaented a vry baodeotrta appear- auo lu bar wadding gown bba waa atuoded by bar ttlaoe miaa alabel movbail bf aotoiij wbo waa obarmlug la bar pretty robee aud luljht young maldanboodi tba grootiuttiau waa mr uobet boreal of dupli the popularity of tba bridal ooopla was fccnply tllaahjd in th largo uumbar of guala praaodt and hurga variety of haiidaouw and 6olly preaenu be to wed ona hundred and tau paraonri wnt downto lite- wetttug wptil wlita wara praeaut from a diauoca follow mr maloolm mouugali j v booth uiddleeax miul uatlrrgov od miaa bhaw crlitm ljaoa mr and mlal uo- clregor btuilao mltjh ura jobu daliu veattbupailorrwurrmr and mraklohol llraudouuau mr atui mu wij orlwrlglt uu mr aud mia wu lucnlli uf-uooa- mr -rid-u- wallaoe wiuurbourne nud a urge num ber from qulnl atou aud maaaagaweyti mr and mr hamilton beva tk up their- reeldeuoa lit wiutrbourna- for tba hreevol but inland ebtillylutca for u en i lob ihulr luauy fflaiida wuli ittam a liru of happlnaa aud proa parity lahad in uaiuralpiiiaauulatb with atuooo w1u eud leaded windowe- tba audi lor lorn baa eeatlug oadaoltyfor iu and there la a mill aohoti- room in front and two oonvauunlouna rnoma lo lba ror the building a heated witliapuro droe fufhaoa and jiglild with jlioaudaaaent lefrlo llghj thanew edilloe pttaeole a bandaoroe appaeianoe both from lba ailer- ioj and tbeinterior and tbe oangragatiou- ieal a juat pdda kl eo oomfurtable and aatractiwaplaiiordrauli j the opening aarvloaa laat hujajay weru o a very li tare ting obaraoler tim ornwdalilaaaaadcnbled at the plrnlbg ervloa oooldvbt all benooornmoqalad the ajurnooq allonliajion flllad itte dhqrdi while off the uumbera gatbarad for lba ovealng aervlce a great mauy were unable to gain admlaaion tja aarmooiby lie tlhaooellorr wal- leoe o ix of momeatar unlverally toronto were poarerfnl and eloquent and wore thoroughly anjoynt by tba larga dongrofjatlona the tojt of tba- morning dlaooorao waa ibat portion of davldi prayer- forhojomou ogutainedjnobrfld jo 10 davldhevekea uod i that ht- aon hi ay ha vo a perfect baart a that ha may lead a tightens life 3 that iw might do the will offlod the pf l a perfect heart implu that the humau haaft u imperfect- bin la the bailee th tnaaaaa of the peopletidey ai btronglv impraaaed with the hall aid aa formerly thla faot la traoeable to akylelioa fo which not i eppolnlad lo lavaatigata tjt matle raialiea to building a place ri vrarahlp tr lanut of una ih maaunga wara bold kwii tiroea in krlo eometlmee lo tba buaaea oi m em bare about lba fitb una aoaaatienaa at liaarabohool uooaa aud oooaalonelly in lba melhodut cbarab op lb itaaa line on tba aitbxof jfeby 1w44 it aiavraeuuad thai ma bora booth of lba itiver credit form tliaroeelvaa into a aaparat oburcb kldakiloh u ucoeajal by kldat fdinoaajwator of the churoh and u ia tated thai hla eety for aix montba waa lo be la pounda 10 eblluuga ibla lo be tuppltuiiinnat lijfbp jnal amount from lba missionary hoard kldor nioowaa followed by ktdar ctajt and on may tba vjui 10i7 a meailnf waa italdal uaorgatown al which tba following ware added ia nurnbafri-ttpfraal- dy- fooljjv liayfool roxctjnrtw ihrat- bedford jodaoo feiiib lalienoa tayfoot rjaroline bayfool wm uorna alta buwettand at a roeattojcbeldal bllina- blad ttteaa algbfraoalvaddauara ol dhmato- aion to form ibamatlaaa lota v gbarnb aa- oaorgatowu kone of lbea aj uovirvlna fbataat i wpyfopi having ofad abottt j year ago r prom ltto li lu5o nothing baa beao noprdadaet be condition ol tba rnamborabip aboov aotonl but on junej 20lh ibm tba following pataona oovj eoanud togctbar tnchrlatiao fcllowahip l uaptift obttrobttov tba pro motion of tba caoaa of tioofand folba advanocment of tba uadaarnara iclfigdom upon earth and w will aa far aa in our power ilea at t tad all lb maatfnga ol lba oburobaod ibaaaaob of ua wilt andaavorlo aqpport a boepal minlatry amongat ua ha koodrdanoa with onr aavaral abllua namflyi jlamoerwotltiriatel-wodeo- john jioqeejormiab wordan vllaabatb wordoa luborth wordn mmallna wordan kaborab bon barab wjaeji abd catberinat wordan bamoej wordan waa annotated doanon and cleorge chute clerk on ocl th the raongnltlon blano manybsve imbibed hie idea that whan tnan fall ho fall up audt down aaa- thatiod 8 tba theory promulgated in raooiif yaajra- ibat everything aaoepi tha plaaaaol and agreeable should ha vliumlo- alad from lba oduostloji of tba yodpg tba-ohanoaltof- dritad upou parenuand teaobera lluvlmpotnoa of sworing atrong ooaviotloua in lba tnlnds of the ynaag rrardagbaubtadmgufulaaa of an and tba terrible oonaaquanoae whloh nsasl follow a inful ufa tba prayer of david thathio aon tntght ipeid a righteona ufa la lba prayer of chrtatlau- parent- for bla child llightaouaoaaa ia eaaanllalin all iharalutnlhlp of pohtlo oommorolal and aoolel lifaj xarente in aoma loaramoea were too ready to aacrlflna the moral and plrltavl wellbeing of their ohlldren tor the asko of wooalled aootal advanugea lllab audjutlngvhlaaaltii would bo im bald in tba methodist church acton i i l4uroxffaacjrnrmdbt mr j t warren clftlulrom former paatoawand naigbborint ilaptiat paatorp aa folloare i ffojnlutbcfhaa aconnk lllonraflald n o 0 hook ferth s k noclnt qeraa bound o tl iinbfnd tfrnllbe valla s aeda bt balms paw bla napberer a bneeland j i wblddan gail b w marrlll u a oiwlph i oao t- webb rratnplnn ad j otfalll cbluinbam cordial woe da of greetrg wia apokan by tha following anton minlvre ltava wllrjeraj a mulaahleo m a t u votbaa and ij a maapbaraon and tulav eating ramlnisceiaaa tbaopaainir of aew ohurobao 1q aotnn dnrin tba uat aialy yaaxa wtt gi vj mr vj the ufist hair casts ashadcko a single jrop of poison blood will unless checked in time make ifcc whole impart hood ssarsaparilla- is- the greatlemderin blood purifiers ll raata ito ahauww liu bringa aurl- ejm nd tall latrr verylotiaclold tba proovadinga of tba avanlng warai jattta eritb entbeme by tba chotr by lba llv w ti ilcalpfca and liortop wajiao jud detvldaoo ovicatownaaddli miaa mine walker berlin tba krat grand dangbur bl lata aral matnbar of lba chorob thee all ware wall taodervd and added m neb to tba f pl oftho avanfux mlee b i- bolttam ajasj tba anofapanlc xtwlh bmda and monday aarlcca mri ahtlrkibronk of tocwnro ooctrj plad thatobalr ha i lpraend griat puaiora at eomlbjtbeck to auiou and lookugint tha l a ha people ajteraa a of thirty yaajra jbliraaling raferanoaa waa waada loibeovamorlaa of boyhood 4aya bpentbra aijd a laoder ulbnta waa pajd to tbautejll litlu kerl- wbo waa tbartaaobar of tboea daya tbavoqlraolara lor tbeaaei oh n rob ware john rvant oarpabtar work- t taylor atonawork j wen mailed briokwovk joo kaooady irhaatarlnk w iihvordan jr palntlngvikotnn manlotp ilootrul byatcn auculo light j a paaoabac unacdiqilnirjorbn fanxanairthe valay city haatlnk co aeallnv tha building committee waa ha wsr moalpina u a cbairmao 3 l wi baoratary mra t e m beooad- orer jamea mnlntneh llaoryvtirtndall hotfb mopoqgalt wm i wordan jr qordon llayvrard and tuanl wordan a liumlirr trf yare bitd it broke- out into a mnnliiar mjm- unk lkrm botllmt 64 ijmra karaiaruu and la now wu- bpsfikssii i jumm cldeahaema rsrai badly aashed uatu oxunittrd doc iri wlitkiut rrlkf usa prwvi to try hrr haraaivalll- and jv nutlw a ua ana aauuiterl sag in ro to wnrju ulttio ii itoarii margaret lite nh ltkhta orpn many talk ukjavdioonram ba uvw ijk tooie v-r- v wlokf to tlnxjaaapol saasa lifabcalnuood and braavtb cbelunham eiueajug george town and oualpb atamaatlobaldna atrllth 1w7 a ooqocll waa oallad for tha porpaaw of ordaining the u uav ll b cook who baddeeldad to eo4e lba goapal mlnluy thacbarcheaireproaftnled war j jtshnbor cbaltenrntrn7ioelpbgaoraeiowa uear ley lllanbel waterloo of tba ottnoeai apjjiro cook to tba wotl ot- lb valeialrv only onaajbl itrea mr ltobart baaey of george tow a tbaordlnallon nrmoa waa preao by uejobncuus ohajiw4ou oanidsia givao by kldat blma and lba prayar by lb lata hldar tuld of kriu he7tlclrrx3oorihntsabvaa tba oburob aboui tha year 105h the old bolidlog uaa ermclodiu acton lb irama beed balng that of tha bulldlnat- moved from lot weire jtist reeeiired parud to bit hearer to uia churoh and lo i ownabip of erin baajr balllnafad the new skirt and costume fabrics forrspring it payitoliiiy al holuru jpuyeti flmyai iiolurh evlbenge lnrras3flally lltalwa havo tin ordinary aanse wa ilo not advertise stanily understoxl unworthy grxxls wa ilu not advirtlen rtme incrmtitirjir tot a find nn rrirition in this rolnm tito fnty icr wo mention nrovoal and poiltlv conhdniicn of tlin klidppiitif i wo print slorx nowa 1 h icb jfiino luli niir sliktk trilling aol julyauipuiiiiuiulloui4 bulked over our algnatare a yi i iliflv h thn lttu our5nzifsitbr7 shlbkttrkction3 includ aa oodoo nlllnrtf abd moetly heavy allwool tikirtlngsaboul go different styles tsit pricn hc and oocbui winter la 1rlco your cbolcfl yc 4 raecrbfiw atylo wrappnrtdleft heavy goods rrguur ic your choice j loc triran muiida fadlea and mlsjrs jck fita all faihliirtahui meutiias julio ufa l t jatkoln itcjlaclrl bii jacket d rlautna t ut cadlm jackets ul 7 caiicritui cut prfcn inewk ituft rut p e r boll go 2rilmrc7 wyhiuraiffsttsltiilipil new spring hats wa havfl placed in atck ulioul- jo- ildjiia o tlin lali jpldijat spring hals iu nil ihn icaxliiif colora tlio tc iind of hals wo liavo ovnr uhouu id tho tratlu tliji irat consignment of our spdng order th nobby stiff hats from si to s275 latent asotthats from 50c to 27757 ona irua only specials in black cashnnoro sox now specialties in nocttwoar t r e nlelsonisi- cuelpm theyre thteucoicao avorjtcsr the most popular weaves arc homespun 6 twoed neat checks and striuing plaids of the most iashionablc color combinations ajid a great range of the bcyit weaves in blaclo such as silk and wool blister cloth wool poplinsbrilliantines and serges theyre great trade winners henderson do- oct tc tlie niw haitict cituacii tha uallou la tha rkull or linplktt obedl- i enjja to ihv dmnn wllllti raodiit yasra i both political partlaa lisdtiiada irtforta in ihadltactronolinvbihisxloo tbadsngeri aiiojj from peopling thia fair land with godleaa kuropeau tuimlgeatitt w4 forcibly atiiphaalaad tba advantagea of martyr blood were aleo pain led ool and for- thia and other reasons tba oallolana and doiik- hobor would in lima make valuable oltlxans aa a canadian the cbauoellox- tooked for ward with hopafulneee to kvary bright future for canada aapeolally if tba oburob war true lolh g taattr uat rapoaad lu bar of wioning tha uuouvrud for obriat and building up a strong aud aturdyj ohtlatlan eliikeushlp iu tha aftarooot b goodly audunoe gsthared to hoar tha pastor o tba oburob praaah hie aral aermu in tha uaw building- ulauil waa in dan- 11 uj us cauaa it whloh ba bmpualad that tba aaaret of aaooaaa in obriallau warfare was n aiuur- ing a knowledge of ood a knowledgaln- tlmalr aud ttl lltrough ilia boo tba result of this knowledge w ha to poseeaa- alreugtb to b audio do tba avaulu aarvloa waa a tlttlug climax of tba bay both iu stlandauoaand lnurret cbanuellor wallso took for hja anhi4l the spititiis4lty of ood frotu tha tavt iu jahu 4 ui and 91 ii apokd of lha uaturalnaaa of uisiij brliaf iubpirlt and that thara a uo true tauti ill ood apart from baluf iu ttplrit ilatbou prooaad to anlsrg ou i tha thauia of kbldiukuiy of all worship praaeuttd to ood and oloasd with ftlrong appeal ihu tbi ubafjluiuluujiilautl plaoe aouglit out by msu whara tbay might bud ood j th wttra oomlnud ou uuiulay ug whan the chut him with au audlauod pryleauut ohurobea luluwi nramma waa an iularaatlud oi lba lollow lug bltlorioal skloh pastor lt w b mnaiplif tuiair praaautihg all tha yb pro- of wblob rd by tba ii a- wav muton on vridsy forenoon aa albert uowm i farmer living near bara was rlurtlng lo his- hauea from tha belt ha wan mat by hit dvayrold dsughtar with ur clothing wruppadiu fluis u succeeded lu put litig ihoflla ouu- but tba koault of tha buruh ooinhiitejwllh tha ahook waa too uu4i torthe little onu to overcome slid hba du uk day tilia told hr fathar aha had put the poker into tha loa slid ii la suppowd thst gtllug it rawt hot ahe had withdraw an iu tbkt lu dolult so hhimfiilud bar ololhlug- bha wsh a bright ufilld aud the only daughlar tha siilhjji lattuorywaa burped laat waakaud latu4lklyto b vhulll tha olova wrk u alioilkytouowa tha crpt f solliiy bylaw ia ahoitly to ba aiibuiltlvd lo tha people if it osrries milieu will aeouiaau liuportaul industry auction malm uugibtkh- tuuwuavvvebzjjbelepf titm btooki od implaummla ilia properly bf willutrt uaruts lut a oon i kriu terms i albl moulhauadlt bla per ban l par aun diaoouut fur oaah thuuiaa lugri aualluaer apiiiti to culftt a colo in onoi day tekikall bromaquiriluentabfeur a latuud tua uiouavtf it aula to our tyi ttrovee abtuatar la ovn bus- parhaps the n0l huieatftid feature it waa ou lba of jguury 1h13 that uu luati aud womeu but h hama of mr beuiuol wordeu lu tba township of kiiualug fur tha purpoas aa tba roord atalaa of hubmittiuxlotha juilgutaot of tlaur oliuroha tha propiuly of orgsuu- lug a ragular bapllaf ohurult on lit bui of uo4inber lba sauid yr luv john oakaly uoaias tba rtral paitortif-yhw- ohuroli j vat aouiuiiiia uueliuga wia bald in lba bowisa of lba uiauibara aud at ihttuifeellotf hald n msrob u5th ih13 attba housa of juhu alkintou au aualllary aoauty of lba uliir oauada lluulia ulaelouary hoc idly wg formed qu juua brd lhialha obumi by tejlihlto deolded lu iiiittt with lba uaalatu lupllr aaaoolitllajj- aud jib follow lug uiitiibara war- appoltiled- dlgstaai bsmual wurdau maltuw bmlth uainuel longtrl juhu alkluaou andkuooh wlswell akar mb oakrly oraaed to be paslar ibaabuioh rx a call to kldr fltob aaklng him to praauh i or tbfjjl ouoa lu two lufciltha- ua seopll bud tt 4 txded jj that alur rftervlo emduoud by bllder vllob ill ibamalhodiachspal lua uu ttsueaiog ou jy htb lltsul- beveu paratiua were hapllaad tho fiut iillmatlua of an atfort i x build a plsoa of worship saaaiveii m a hualuaaj mefllug uu idly aqt ffllh 1s wbrn- waa teauiod tltal a geueial ottuuultlaa ba ilav mr cook waa followed iu tba paatorataby llav w it llsjasltnn- who ranainad about two yaara altar thia tha pulpit waa anpplud for soma iooolbs by luv u- rupbana and luv j 1lolutrtl until luv alsxandat warred waa called to take cbarga in lu76 altar ha raalgnad on aaooebt of falling baaltbb waa aaooeeded by llovlienry cok bf georigelowo and bat by lbal john if lgwe wbo raalgnad lo luhl jiwj followed by iu jme contu sod b ia itmi byluv a t- boarby wbo waa auoaa in ifthd by jtah- j fi ur li qorit auooaadad him lba ulna year lit 100 luv w t morton beoawapaalori islios iu a- k da bl dalmaa la ltt luv 0 o aafard hjtd lu marob lil uv w hmflav tfas propoaal lo eeo lb preaaok bnildlng wu mad aboot tba year 1d0 and lba oral toooy offarad for lba porpoaa waa tba pronaedo oi aa utttograpb unlit mad for ib parpoo by the 11 mis jaeeu warred wbo in thu way preota lb oburob jaitb w000 aa waaun of a building fond laursv knagdaalanoaa offer 04tn from miaa buru wbo deeded lb vauabi lot oornar of aaftlt and willow blraau lo lba trust of lb oburob tbla tiiad lt40aalble lo krrang unultely for tha skvotlou of a ww bnlldlng tba uiituarabtpof lbaburob waa oabveaaad- aud oontributadllbarsllyr- ueral on i tide brethru fcbloog whom woltby of tuenuoo are bro il d wrrd of qtualoiu and ilro jolm fi ret brook oi toronto offarad gsturou faoiilrlbollons and ou july lalb lrjdelvspl itwa moved by j it warren kaaouded by jaa moluloab aud eajrud uuulmoulxi tbsl woaaadtobuil lsbw pbma ulwblshlp but jsul bralbarwairoi a ilitnouliy aa t3lflcauph ibat oauead soma dtly j wan kgvwdby almoat u ootierud ibat whll tb ja so goouriy frwiihu 1m church by mia blu waa pihnp lb moat valuabu i t lu acton fur bu4naa d e macdonald bro th6 licdn goetjrh 8000 stock of uriiitu3e and carpets tq j1k sacrifiged in the next 2 months x jlxxc the balance of our stock- of mens anil boys gyereeatb and ulsters havn juu fiuiill alockuklag and nndlocw ntlrly too heavy aa all rlaai of fumilura hav advanced from lo to y per wntiu valu aloea july but any om looking for gvnulna bargsiits and wauling feithir furnittir6 brgarpets shoulo sue usuefouu duvinc 80 upper wyndham street guolph good ujj oa ymxti lit mymnl j dvl spx u tabxuo will lieclearir citteptio allylow prices all uptodate and reliable goods at- genuine bargains henderson co purpose it would uoibdijulta aa aullabu for a abutob ba ibaoua onwblob th build ing uow felaudj aud so ib ohurob asked miaa blbala if aha would ouueaut lo aks xnbaug of tha pro par lis thia aba very kludly agrwsd to md bow lbar la parfeet unanimity as to the wledom of tba owafajt- au lo tba bulubluly bf tba praaect build luu it bueaka for itealf it u wall abd rej bale or silver knives harks anlqoiisi- ubalbutlally built uaat iu ltaarubtuotuta ooibmblloua iu 11 appolntmadu adooa- puu in tu furttlebiaga the vlne of lb propel ly ia aboot lauk 06 awdtha-aaeau- of tba oburub ar sutuouot to paver tbl awtouul with- lb aaoepllon of psrbapi linaoo baalda tbba wbo tnunlnaunoa baa already bu bokuowladgad wi bag uul1olylree oaa grail lode tovalrload haplial oburoliea of oolaito kto have meaojtlklbutlonalbanaicb mlm blle to 0 jaia4 lulrd of llllevllu for thia uoloi lo llavabaa a wk of bloom- held new jrey and mr judeoa uook uf bpakvue wahloui lor w beatatlful oommuuion aorvua preeealed lu memory of their bouorej lather to lb valay oily baatiugou for tba oommunlou labia to mr hv uonre kdltor of tb vhu laaaa lor a renal pled bill for hll tb print ing amladvertlajog vn biuoo the building wa oomnianoadjanh in lboa in aotua aqd uorgctrti wqo oon ul bo ted bo itber- ruy towards luritlahlag a aarpat whloh dewwtetlelu4 twoumjoftaift oipaalauoeof ibaoboaoh his is a cut ofjiie jclib optometer whicli w have just acufcd to our stock of optical appli ances for tasting the eyesight this instru- ipniiw vtir teatinp chil eyes r i have bciuglllhe laifgrjst quantity f them that evtlr was brought into guelph at one timu and at u price that will enable we to sell the best rogers bros goods at prices never before equalled genuine rogers bros plain tea spoons at quality 315 regular price jlieauine uogers bros fancy plain tea s at ijuality 390 rugular savage co uij jswolltlfis cu8lph this week msfotcjhusbolrwtb op cfjockeryconsistlng op price 47s genuine rogers bros plain dessert spoons 5590 regular price 750 genuine rogers bros dessert knives 425 regulathrice 500 genuine rogers bros medium kniyei 45 regular price 550 these are all brand newgoads direct rom the factory atirguirantoed g dpfwkgler jeweltetj 4- gublph bed kuoui sets cups and saucers plates cut gootls jfjasi us ewers taney cupsand saucers shaving mugs jugs glassware etc and many other things ii bsiii wull titvnd iu vfulj uli iturmlw c fgoodeve fc c o rctori- wlmtstubrai brtht atul hotiaat traowi ur rat u aa alanaaars to ttile ftxtoliflr bf mmuun ualary buoo a year anl htralahl boaaoile uo srjo bu la aalavy 1weluon peiutaaaul oor f inikm any bauk in ioau ii 1 mainly ontae ois dwujuolvl at luluie ueleaauoe wuoloea ahmr ai itanilivdbfitelon rua toululu oojunr i aaretona obteaao earm mturcharus ul o s- t4h t uu uu- umni eaj el nai4s ai pmrlrf i tj u arairim mia uual