i 4 vofiultfe xxv no aoton ontaltlo tiiuhsday maitcu 29 100 w s- vmok tiiiuck ykntf- ie axtdit xtc jlrtsfi kvkjiy tiiuilhday moilnfno tfrvas pr4ahumlrlnunjcoalrr uin nnikkt aarom out uiotlvln wtsmiou all iihuiii lb ungad wiiui tu uu4 lex wbleb ibey uu pud hea exnlmd tli date b wblab ii aubeortialotila uui le- anoint oli lb eddrea label aavbbtialmu uitatiliahiit druer miwiilp iellww-be4-ln- eruo a oejte nit- rc ob kbj oovrutrr junttj ullowtiig ubl eh owe orreteefor ibelneertlniior edtertiaatitantafor pejeuled parlaua it iamslifl m j on i i4 i asojod t txct 30tjl sow i 11 00 1 jjdo coo it do tool bjw boo i haol ioo 1 00 mesnea lotnohae madia u 1 loali auilttmaau without bp qtl idmrtajuii lortila end i 2jy tajmlen ajltertuni qui mls- aliaaar uur ilhtejjfoi no tontli dm ooninoeluoa muil tt held el vacate rataa cbaac rim ua a be oflle by noon ou taeedeye aooohnle payable ftlooalilf ii moo kb bailor end 1 row later fiuaiiufl jfjirttiarp midical toiin mmacdomald m d cm j 1 ui112n u a m on end rwiduo-oorui- ulll a fredrlek reeuaeiou ofdee hound j to lqjo iui i lo 1 1 ui and to 0 i tn oxford jpeaeiier6 bibe f ml ii i yii ry t llliucrallona concor dance uctiw u mapa itcd and gold i ilgri i mllier binding uo 7 by 5 in welt hi ii umal price jj aj iay h low nilcn fur ilia lialanco of tbla u only t slm iwuralumn fur 81 js uhw or m syljaml jixlulite lof o idllion rl vul hiblo uti kjlioialn to immi of pi nlb al days bookstore tub 1 traders bank of canada i day udla cheap merchants bank of cakada capital ftt 6000000 1 2600000 cplul authorlxod looo000 capital bmld un 700000 cuelph branch ara nnwlaaulajt aloneyonlim payable al at any brajid oftimturfcl luiik hicuj1 idnt lb vukim tja t hlw ulloalutf lularin fwtatil ju u bihi io euua vtu j1 iiinwim 30tou jjunli dtmqat illm fninl lata of lioalt ti ilat 1 1 iuku1 tu4 mj or s iiiixiuojuo lijf twij ai1rannl tiifd ig yrftmiiiktbl arpiar imi a kheri liatikliid bulim ualiautml u v jonhh hm under yyt v j n iorsiiiit- d tt ditydlin i uituwutlmukimll uolmau lilook imglaju br 1 o ioa mouiut la u utjtitii inj3diu mnnilt ijiattxt ij uknnktaij d u 0kntibt ukoiuiktowlf qtrnxio jcogiilan djs l d fi duhtuit vblut caajarully mum ritlukil kuhauxyx onu ovxit 11 00 ww a duuo hroaj 1iou4 bvkitv uavvhouotob ju llkiiti ddbldb dkmtlat unoowif lw uoxoa ft kluuxy oy youamto uwivlrnr work lau kujiigy i lawuodiat vibitiku diva uoujay ajlsruooti fvujii- ailtlll tuaatuy acuui onlo 4jfc- utilj fcrldy itookauou m olkan mclkah hriuuia lfellolton hourl oouvy4i6ia o lriatfuiidto lau ofluitori mujutt wu a molai jyo a uolkiw a j u10kinnon jukatarmm bouctiou cawvkvjjcmii gtilcm will bumi la uatthaoa lllodi uu a ulkklimill goucifohaui couuluiow mpihu tmttu avvuivitf uajtl bllhl imirualowu couvayauclujj4otlu hli 1 uloufiy 1m4i41 ou slat iuortsa on lri 1 doity hi i- r j mouitlu clk vouui duioii courl couuly of-jul- on j ual kt4j lut lifmay io lwti u3 aow wx- isiscjclljlnxo us rnsuilasci agi nt w ii dintl cf4uou lit aaofiuuon aabl udmu u horuwuii vlr uiurauo cooilaula onto ouurf tt a o to 11 rvinliy ottlbi fl ottawa c am ada uollollopf i auuu fot luvwiliooslo hwum atnuuon forth cajiiiluu uir- ittaidkunjiillwtoilrf aud for ui luttiauauou ov trwl- liihk j fjjaa tblrlv iwo v ipfluo icluangm nx1nan hooltljihpuh wyudbaii bl dulpli outaito 0ar wniuuia blor aoaouml hookm of ill kuiiu wja to onlr hodlolauf vryilawirlitmoiiaurwiiuyboiiud ulluuaatwanrf iirouidtlvtbuiw itvimu ov uamajaqm tjuvuaui 1 imkbum lu ui wmiltia rd pmaaurroh w m nkmutllllvr uauotiokkim vorf ibj uuuui of wallltimtoii auj hajwu onulajavhllauhi oulo- aotoil ojf bif laain il ttmi will l loiluy ab- tn i umoitaba abw uuiiiay lo lou u ita uuwl fvoiabu aaua dj da lowl raua of iuuil lu ii pwj uuuuc1uud htoch caj it ls0uo fh wlilunqton mutual vv inhuiianou companv iuubuahad 1010 d ottlu t oublpw ont 1hhuluntli on lmu ul uuluaj ijwi any 6- ituhuulmliuiia liirwtai1 ui my nl in- liii uuilioaa will b iromiily macliiuo audbopttirshobfl iihts i 1 uv u- a 1 aiiutf auuu acton saw mihs nndwootl vords udhuaurijukm ikli umll u i tupw lifh -jfaliof- 0 tltliu lrt miiiuuloil a gl vjiirtal i1ank1xg ijusincjr tltansacrid itilafonl hi inoct fivfifuhl current ratm allowtul 011 avlua llanb accounlt and i jvlil icceju lfmara ofcrht uiuod available itl ll ruru of tlitt uorld frtel atwitwk flvri to rrrrter hu i litis mom v orders vou anv tjiu uc to 50 iayabui at any hanking jiojnl in outuda ouldild of ihe yukon territory may now be procured i ths bank counter vmiiiioui acton branch jr7i wkxtcjtcnrttmnmgbrr linoleum and matting dkjaimient h iogt imirtcul denart mciit qfourevuhluhmetil spodal fnc kccal attbii lion our slock for iqoo la gollretyitow wri tiaver vef prcjiarod yillli nu clean iww 1 mock ai for i960 wo am piyhyj mofc alltriiilon lliau o ifs 1 i n 0 bsu ni santlo 1 1 claffotrfbiock fi4i w and yon will need u uoolbcr prices to suit nil ei25j pureoi ouy prloak turd always ludht john m bond co cublfh mono 3thlaillonr hmtdwjjir pbhjite youh pictuhbs swr waters bros can do it for you at the low est prices and in the latest styleb wyndhamstreev cuelph when you want flour ahd oatmeal get our everton and eden millsbrand the best in the market all wideawake dealers use it extra quality prices right henry hortop jtjdn mcqueen acton agent for 1 ritost a woods lltiidii l0vfw it to 1 and ooold suavlxy a u vm 3 wimibiuim f l orlb oriaiitr and a coraplata lioo of finn implements t and all kind of iopaira in my alttic mr jilnr t rillotl wlic rnldat on tha projlnrjy will attend io tint wttila of cuklduifri waroioomo john st john mcqueen oxford oxford stovci and ranges oxford base burner oxford furnaceb iuj cook slov ittyba ttaau at uy tthia kt imiiilbclir xull vt coil stove pipes 1 scuttle i shovels stove furnitute at low r6us c- a pannabecker mill struct aoton wahtairvna4rltblajij 1 m 4 t iai urn m ua ut ilu kud ail ill uii u11 ia mut it our taiudm b4ir bu umn u u ttmtlnly iam u evu laaud llii undba tu aursawt uiitj vloi rw duutlul u cuy utyi l ubuth t 1 hiuutlm halary uuu a yar an iwiau huubt imuaii till uii u11 i aauty l wluutl faiuiaomli lur tvialudm ifuuk 1 1 aiiy uin u u thtlnly oftte iui evu a litii llt1uiht uqalo- yll fbli sun savings and loaitgo hkap officu tohonto ont jiuthartmid cittitsi 6000 ooo 00 tin yoar mtturity aharoa ar paid monthly inalalmentu of 50c rr sliara for 130 monlha wlion piymirau cdafcfoo 00 aid in tnalurlty valua lioo 00 uoiuy lo loan at 3 straight loan of repayable in monthly instalments on nppll calloii to r j mcndbb agent aototv main stroot planing mills acton ont john cameron architect and contractor uajiu of t doora vraiii a aloul luajruyu diucssnfa uatomxq ud uouldjno toortlroukliftnolle john cameron froorlotof car of old dry corn just rocolved mar 1st lai1ly bl i d iotatoi s irltlool iho noilb 11ls1 clovi k seed larja cjulltlty reccucil anil now on silo at ilia ctore lorval uoui 1uhl ulanitona i i ouil ailkihdsilf ii ld kolli d oat s duliaklast ioods the bast lit reasonable ptic fa ntwaya thn cbeapeil you cancel llio lcfil at robert nobles flour feed store riljintc uaimls lujrjf co tt thorp seedstore cuolph for yourclovef and tim othy seed seed gram of all itiqd bought and sold xurmp carrot jvfangel sugar be t seed garden seed jc a pltu ro for 25c sulphur saltpetre gingci roller qatmeal l 75 v sack 10 lbs for 25c feed corn at lowest spot csljjrices potuoesand grain taken in exchange for anything oboj thtolrf atlry- i 1 jiii tlltnklno of iy ttotjisk i am uiiukluk of uiy iuoum and ajd 1 m dill t aa liianiory 1 linevbofoia uia tb auuatilu of bar mil aihi 111- aok uialodlwua aiou ohinw augallo vol illlll ibiuar all around ma xullim tia toe lea al t qfuti lu tiiy vlalaua i in liar ixui aiaj t ilr i j- 1 rltbilygltailmt kjoiu aum a uualoijdad tf i bin ibliiklddcftiiytuotbar an 1 ibouiili lb qaralaaa uirottt t uboiaouly lodla tlmajiy umf lu1jiir amo on v at my uiotliaia bolla uabloi wbloli my ciilldbom a boaom bora do 11 y babttaaallllaxisrvail tkouidi abubow tw tno- at 1 toy avary tbouabt tfroara trrlahur jinrorntvinlaaito am wl l ajtlt talla tu nliala titritf od rnatio tlmhli1nhlifnfhtymtiar and araty u i uo hi doth roll llka oool rlraiilo way l hjuugb ui daaaxt of my aoul all i ll uial loru ii al uiay bfliitf tu of tiiabrlfibl and happy taat i tj luauy a drop of aurrow rbatliiuiyuuy bfti1 aj llok will aiitla ao4iu lllaka aofdy in uiy my tliat willi ooj ajul ui aucla ib1l aa iity uiuuiar d- 6u iha aoil lila u a dy oooo- oga ajjcouapaniad by a notbor koup la batnj t the voyage lo south africa 1 v c010u ukuut w j moo uk actow ilia follow i rt luuroalltig daaorlbilon of ibvcloain da a of tha oyac to sooth afrfoa of ha baoood hoyal canajuli cotiubnt by color sarl w j moor a brjyrl to 111 format ulur ra poaud at c4towii iimnodlataly upoa lb arnalf tha l i wflli d xiatury ll 0i floull kttmn piatd ivd4 on hord 3 lnuiviiu fab hill 1000 dkuk fiitknu- au t on th dial tilt th duvroluk krolu toftgy mid with unlit tropical kbowara bo falnlly through tha- mlat oould ba tmu uia autliue of tha ialaud of eiu jago lha uritoat and biotl waaurly of tha cap da verdo roup for two or tliia bourt w ooaatad arotiud tbla preiurarjaa uunr whloji la avldantly of voloaulu forraullau tha ooaal bulm oua mim of irrorolajr ruat oolorad ronk rlalnu almoat parjmndloalally from tha wiur a fadita and in uany oua ribli4i fr into lh olouda tbla wilb av background of a yt hlijhr ras of rookv tutuantit ft loan of tomablio jrmudaar tha who a bainu dul i ad liar kud tbarw with pcturdjfu auow whlt light houaaa aoma of tbam many hubjroda of ft abovd th aaa and apiarailly luid io tha aldaa of iuaooaaaabla rock an w round tha uoitli point of baa jio tha faiul outlluv of tha aland of 8q vlu dot i via lb i a hud in anoluar h ar aloablintl alowfcd down batwail two rook bouuil but yoaadingly platuraaqua fllatda and in a taw uiomaul lht what appaairad to ha mraly av orvloa in the to wanny tooki jvj itaaai through thfa narrow pa aud arj aooo iu the pretty utlla harboe of 1orto grande the aou wai snohantlutf inlhalutla bay almoat comnlitaly iurroundd by raokn lowarimf ibouaauda of fl boa th wiur w drop anchor araouif aonia twauty qv vimra luoludliim ih untlah nrulaer cuuibruin tba brlluh trauaport vdy 0 jffohu nd tha tranaporl ao f cirryhijj in all aotaa three thou aa nil iroopa atld bound likeouraltae for lha capd as wi droppad hnchoc aud ilunulfrl wlnwwtrjlnmrookywjilla revarbrala4l lha rounuvutf drlllah oheara of woloatne and in a faw niouiaatw an olmoar from lha cawtrwn oame aboaruvtll wcloomo uawuttiilva ui what nwa ha had hoard from lha aaal of war directly io oar front- and aoaroal a iiiuadlauuil quaint llitl city of uanjllo which praauta a vary attractive appaarauoe in itatrtfrb of varlitatad palou kv flald luu aboard ua wai dlrooud towarda tba city tha harbor or lowardatha ralbr autl 4luud foitlfloaliooiii ou our laf i the wla 6l wliioh fairly brlallad wllh ffuba of ua ule paiuru ilbw boat twarm around our ahlp aud their duiky oooupauta clad in tha moat aimpla garb many of llitui sutlraly nuild andavor by every tiiia lo perauade lha canadian boy a lo purchau oranuad baiianna- juoaauuu td and ihcir effort 1 war not without auaoa4 for it waa really mrprlaluu lo bote tba baakfcta btiliij pulled aboayj aud piiokly aitiptud of tba luuloua frulta freah fram the traee wlul tha cllar waltlbar tj- hid ball v ordwa altinded to tha uh of frulu tha youiirar ma apd boya entarlaluad tha canadian by dlvluu afur eolus thrown into lb watar and invariably rialnu to tba aurfaoa wllh tha oolu in thir poaalou lha alutt prhntad lo tlia iuamrtaucal uvllar a aludy in tf lob riuii- barad tha tluht of und jlbafour hour suur tiinmtnt a ff or dad by tha fcallae and mou lar ouitoun of thaa dunky iiktivt of uulraoaabla pjlun and tba fl of dr lloloui frulta had an tfftol upou the boya wliioh wai truly mauloal many who ware fliuti blua and halt dia from ui ffaotu of baa alolfiiu during tba day i rivloui wera in a few daya uatiaforinad lato brlulit ayed lively fuu lovinif aol iiu lvrybody waa io tba lmi of humor imd wlian lha cambriau t oftloar lll our kblp ha way ijriwll wjlb oliaar euah 4 otilyvwoxhl huuoiad canaillan oan k at i 40 p in wa wlkbod auubor and aa wa teamed elawly patt thn vuy of lit their baudpjavad thamaplalaafwhioh waa rpotidaj lo with ohaara by our boya tlia tiiuiriiui altialuj good by bay tood luuk aud juat aa wa war uavhitf tha harlior tha ouy uzow aluuallad khal aha wouldtujlow ua in a few hour iu a faw uii nut a w araaialii out tu t abj all la luarrimsnl aboard lha old iaurtuliutt in hi ulaau aa a uaw pin tupr up aoundd aboard ahlp bul iuo1 of tbw boy war too uy4iajjaliifc tba buudrd of doauua of frulta wblub bad bead purejd frim the uallvaa tua vee cuadlati al houi would nul orejit oie eiuounl uf frull tuiiauiuvd jlii llallinllu ate four dokau urenuw iwu duaeu bauauuaa aud a itiooaitul llllly luuld playett httit a kixmi aaouud anl your oorreepoodeiit la prlly nrly ui llilr 1 tan v lot th uwi lbbuyual aruuud lb dok iti yuu d by a aunpla joqitk u wjio oaii aheka ilia fee tiu lha rili um f oraqked hddle abtjot aa nicely aa raiofoaalooal dan oar could jjornl oil the facia haul a blag dance la m priikraa wblla 1 battery clae club la muiuum lare orowd oa ibe starboard aide mil baling waa lu udr uutll afur bildnltfhl but t mjioi until tnoaalng tbet any on cried fot flaaloria iq jait rnorubiff dawoed btujlt but f ioi- uly wann our boaee were io a 1tf ntiboin for table oanifliiou altd aliua wore alt reaod and very avalabl clfonal ibrouah which air o uld bo adbtuted wa thrown op ii loaie- i of drill ovary man waa vs burae la rub down ahd la uaedleeetu aaytlut wvery available tnoua tornaka yam poorbrtteoomforabu wee kfjoitad fur a inoiiiitd al liar wu kuowa that bl life often drpouda o bav hla ihulpjdittoiniinoti toward ul jb i lb bocaea ily for ui rly amoolh the wind bocall lo yrreheti an bad lo be again aluiu up bul rjbt a lh a aa oompar in th motnlu 1uu krt ipevdodly btur that thay were the drat week ihadka to the nida rilabu ffuru of fjlaul howard tunr faniillaiily known it ontario a gal hpfard jat faawhol aoult fallow and haa bu inalrunnul ii uuailhlna iu hi- ik ii of lb ahlp mmy oaae of auiille thai utbarwlae would not have burt fouud ulllli w ultuvjid al the cap on luiwday fab fltli al noon wuorod lb kjoloi aud a ij outloiuary 011 brhiab be ftolatf veeael a elule m orvd abd the baltarlarforniaj up oti lb main daok andkj hule llriltinla and god save the quean how i wlaliad ibauoiy friend a oabad oould hbv baard ibat uborua of beat ly four hundreds voice loward eveuing th uuluiluud uaiud vaguely at lb bailor ab limy llttd up a butteoabvaa bath tub oil tba tnalu dack and filled it wltb aalt water to a dvpth of tbree feet wbaa nlht fell a eeilnr-de- kelaed in a lonifkreybaardtaprvarntinold father kaptune bame aboard and any on whom he pointed out waa immaduuly aeaad4iy tbeerowd and ualmied lulo the tmaeuoa of the cod of nap too who itumadiataly aanuuce1 him lo pay a flu of one ahilllug ba ahavad wllh a woodau rajtor or be ducked iu th tub bow paid the flu bu bef tba nlijht wa ovar more than a buojredtiairbail buudlad olotbea and all into lha tub he fan wa all takaii in beat of humor and waa muoh anjoyad by all tha boya have aow beoom aoouatomad lo ib aea and wllh the aacplloit of a fw ho are aanlaiiotd by the conitiiaudiuff ofdoartodoa fw bonra txtre drill aa a llglit rttulahmrot ortmttttwor u ar enjoying iba trip could our ontario frlandl tpend 04ta evauli u with hi battry oa board bbip and wltua tba iollty amond tba boya little would tby think that uia laufbluk marry fellow war on audit a tarrlbl mlaalou 10 aooii to land faoe to face with lha auamy yt ihra i not a amouu thetit who la uok anxloua lo fco to be front our battary oflloor and meu art kritlah 10 tha a a canadian can rt aaaurml that whan lha lima oamaa for action a vary man will do hla duly lha man ar daily bcomin mom inureeted in tbir work aud tba otllcar are daily be oomlurf mora interacted in tha in 11 up to diu wa have loat twenty two horaa aud every mat tkt tha iprakttal lnure1 in oaring for tha baunoa our chaplain who waa ounaidorad by auy of tb boya during tba flrat week to ba vry dlitant aud apparantly dialnurol ad iu tba man baa provau himaalf lo 1m a ulal fallow v f our old jacko la looked up in oifa for muoonduet ilia flmt offauce wbb pullin the type off lha typawrltar nail he jailtfawilulhbjjtjotjlllob4ud drop pad them overboard but for both wai fjutttvau uul ntxl day ha stola a box bf milclim aud waa dlaoovarad jual aa ba had oauaad theulire butrcli id jjjulta in on of the oabina lor llila poor jacko was ajntjnrjl fjy fpr lha balau nf naallad at th foot of a rooky reuse i twkrlp aud iawaplockatt iu a orir-on- ih brldu dk on wadneiday laat wliiu lha two baited war buvlly snuatjcd ilinqing wp borae on lha lowar daoka die flr alarm aoundadand iu five mlnulaa avary mau wa ftt uil pful at thn proper boat for hla amotion perfect slltaca reiued aud almoat a wary man wag aa oool aa a ououm bar although amoka ooul ba aaii lb4ulng from tha venlllatora on tha hurricane deck alid many of them actually thought that tba ahlp waa on flr bul it waa aoou uarned that ib imoka from lha ventilators wai doa to thn fireman rakiug tha grata in tho furnaooa and that tha alarm waa only a pracllca k th tamjwralura rangaa from 15 to 05 aud ootifitnlly 14 loo warm for tanytoauapin lb iwbah decks an it alkliyj about lack at uluhl a peraon in almoat carta i u to atquibla ovajr lha proa trata forma of lapinu anl liar your oorraapondaiit ha bn vry furtunatu in bavliua oomfoilabla berth tnalaap in in a cabin on tha iilalu laok ileow ibl comfort lo hla pure hall in lakik poaaai tlou of it tha flrat day out and retaining it aver tluoa lha room la about eight fet aquara and oonlaiau four iierlh two of thai bta iliad with matllolnu caaa and wlun 110 patiauta ara lu ll for ll waa built for an rilra hoa ilal i a i ore hilly oould lu with ma r j uaturday laat waa aal apart for a day of poll ajjd wa mijoywl an aioollont tiro gramma i may aayjiar that many of tha beat athleua in canada are in till oan llhganl lhijr wave obatacla raosa uiq beat i ever wilnsaaod lnmilnjf- vanltinu wraeiling and woun i up wiih aigbl boxing boula aumu ut whioli were vary flue throughout lha entire day evarvbody en joyail tha anuria lnmfuiialy on ooulaa tmithadhl hhdnrariiulalalbut ina uiomaul dra ltyaraou uurotilo vaux llfdkvill woruiluutqu hhrbrooke whlltftii uluwa and molla ouliih war at hi ail anl lu a aw uiiuuueha wai baudagtl up nd rnaliii ipjiutly in tha hoapiuit during lb boaiug oontcala th qlarrl waa drawn aavaral llina bat no una wa lujurtul dr couhar uf iatralaa oarrljl off flra honor in bnxukf and dr wtiltln of ottawa aral in wrualling iu a lug of war utwmii i an 1 ml beltarl u won taally i tal night w all ruri aftir a vpun lid atutwof bath mdlliit ui tuiuml uul iuvlolld in allami diviu arvaj on hi main ut k 1udlug linr wa if a uuly work ll ma i i ttay ah 1 iu lb avanlug auolhar arvl e wa in i i un lb main dik tbeltev mr ot ojnilatirg aod uiug tor a pulpll a paflklnitoaao drapd with the union jack and a waj lob inml for a foot a tool wa have a good choir of i frailly male vitloee and an orobaeua oun aullnjf of two violin two gdllar and mm mandollu afur aervioe i retired to ny ruont lp iuji of flndlnff a iulat paoe tu write hot found myaejf atnotif a crowd who are ahiu ina about tba beet plwri of attack when w go to aba rrout wtill on ons aide of my rootn la ajiin ai tiding nearer hi y ood to tbeo aid oiflhe other alii la auolhar aibguf my ou kenluoky jl d i am wlahlpg liiay were iu cher kautuoky home br aeroo other place bof than a eoldlar anonld be able lo compoe a latter in anyjeof of a or owej tbelireeae la frealilng and wa lpct to be teied net al any moment to borae li wli al0ojll qui for that pir poee x am afraid uiat moal of the religion aenirianl bo apparent at divine earvtoe lilll eei7ing lvl to tha wlud wbett the men have to crawl in the dark over the borae back and undar their lgvifauij aliaga for during thai onerattou i have bad tba- mor tlft cation of hewing profoued- ly ploua mn way very natythiug wbout tb iuv4hlor0f the horaa allng when a k nlumay borae fall over on or whan a ijriled buck und vur to kick aa you crawl over it bank and aiaff jour head ageliia the deck abova while yon are atraln lug pry nerve in frantic effort to aratblovr to lb baok bf lh halt buck prhlie to be handled woraethatl by the tint i think allnglng iora ahoufd b dona before oburoli o thai tha aoouiltig worilt of tbarparton might allay tbd burp ing of conacliio ab 1 thereby allow the poor victim of the alluglug habit lo retire after all though la of aleblaa and aliug att i kicking borae bad bean kplil from their wjwjg haadj aud raplaoed by thougtil eaaeilllal ib prfcl reel aud tuaoef ul lumbar on all klde ona bear th remark im glad werauear ibe cap juat one more week and weekpct to b in cape town etc atioon to day wa were hlca tawal from haufa bdjr all goej sll ekpet lo be in cap town town nrxt baturday lblyaoiugjl oneof tbajuoat- i have ever ipant akaea in lb bright moonlight lha uli tan log undeleting ur face ot tha all autre praanti a aoan of indmoribable uraadaur ibe crowd a- rouud my aleeplng oompartmant are faat dlperalngand in a few mhiule i axpcl lo ba alone and can than altjti tha cool refraehiug breaaa and an joy nyaalf a i gaa upon the beautiful moonlight aeua from th door of my room for tha peat hour i have ced lo writ and during that lima have much enjoyed myaelf aitlluk and atoll in j around dtck trhrrtttarrkably cool for tbla ltlludawwd juat th night lo euep with window and door wide open hare oomaajim dalian una with a aaudwlob which ba procured wall i dont knowliow i wljl atidaavor lo dt outalde of oil or mora of tbam and than retire fo ui bljht it i now tualay vcb 1 iui aud alnca jutiday avenitijf 1 have not liad a womtal lo wrlla uutll 8 30 tbla evonlnji on men day morning tliapartii whiol a tar ted on baturday ware oonlinuad owing to a few boat whioli th refer had decided to call draw wa anjoyad vary muoli tha litre round boyincouuat batwean andareoa of ottawa and waleh of montreal uoth of tba oontaataiit are olavr boxara aud hard hitler and throe vary faat rouud ware lobdly applauded andareon being put out by a ohana abort rib blow ii i wai ur or ottawa of root ball fame aud smith of qnabao gava a puudlil ax hi hi tiou or wrcatllng uoth ar alhtl of llaroulaan strength afiai faruoon drhl on lha twalva pouudar wa again wnt lo tha atable and dam pad two mora dead horaa overboard aunoafl thfl tnuipott mo wi whfoli w aw at ban viuoant hova lu light un mile to tha north wait and waa hraduallyaiulng- on ua though lha laurtnuaa ia ualntf vry avallabla ounce or auam thi mom lug aha wa about two mllda directly wat of uabut atopped up aktdould lie aean burying two of bar men wo ara old by our ahipa crew that jo sj haa faver alioard and that till mornlnua funwal la lha fifth alnc leaving england wa have lied no uldknaaa aboard excepting that due 10 aea aiakual but jmt as i am wrilinfl a apar ring match i suddenly terminated by tfdrinar bblhvtugwaaklual hi brmaetba head of hlopponant and ha ia now in the nail room having tha fraotura altoml to bklrvlii ia a fine fallow and an aipart gunner from a batury kingston out aud will ba much mlaaad by lha boya at tha front last evening ha membara of lha ua eonio order had a auppar in lha lalcoli aud had a vary enjoyabla time a cono f uow in nragrbj an the main dack and judging from tha tpud rouud of p- plauaa it a agrand auooaaa th atmoiphara la vary 003 to ulghband tha a roll rather heavily buulanol blilp ping anotigh aaa lo drive tha boya to thatr huuka 1 hi aviiliig wa are lu ij i lat and 10 l loog and all axpaot to a oam town ou friday lhau our work will begin in airnuu dhort anma aworda ajid ravolver wara dlatrlbuled lo day a soon aa wa und practice in all branohaa will ba rushed al6nu aa rapidly aa poaiblr your oorraa pendant aa wall aa many ouiara la won daring how t will faal after tha flrat faw dayu 4 word drill tsit la hard ou tha armi and tha military saddla aiwnol like a feather duahion but wa are like the tramp who told tlie nllroail wmdunlor that ho was golnft to wlnnlpag if lijiwrll it h ouuldltaadjbqiily wdblruitolng 16 irj lorla 1 was all through lha liable lo day and oould not fall lo notw that lha north weal bronohd ara u landing the trip muoli bat tar lhau any of th ontario liorse rbaaa lough llttla bruu are juat aafluli looking aa liday uiuy wra put aboard aud tiotaetuglaoataoi alokutai hit oqour ral among iheiu a at re lobar bearac oorpa of about a doaati man haa bali or gauiuad and ara ui114i iraluail by or ityareou of ioixito lha balance of ti aoooutramentm being dialrlhttd aa fail aa tim will par in it and whtu w aand un 1 rlday uait at cape lowu thara will b twalva u joundar iimjcii loading gum fully iiiaui d the ilruara bring armed with coll jiuillbmltevolvar lha glllibrai with uwtiil bayonu an i lha utiii oiiiiiiiila wluiied utlhlea wilh heavy uvalry aworda ibttjjlaih w ihatla lhbhixitig uuillhw whtwirlu aurhn maker will tm tikountwl and aruiwl wllh iiavalry aworda bul 111 u l ii will leavff tl itae ill till rr anl uklhlr u m lha guui if no repair arakqalredtirnliy t it ia now friday evening 16ii fnb and a gel a ua been blowing all day but al though the aea id very heavy the luuijm- tux ia beading up bravrly agiual ll lie anginee are being worked tu their full capacity piretuen re oliaugej ofy hour and every effort ia being biade insight land to night although it 1 next tl iuiuoaalblu for eiy other than a aallor tu tamaiu on dock many of tba boy ara on lha upper qwk holding oa by rope and gaalng eieewtlly toward abofe in tioe of aeelw acme light or klgua of approaching land irfoat oftbewrarebworougbly efenobed by ibe apray whioh are breaking over tba ebip bern e ti rolieand tuiaee op the foaui fleoked wava allffaylong everyone baa beeb verybmy gall iiur- thin uf pa for ubdiug ojvoig to ilia rough tea ib we impoaaibl v dd draialoday i bonif are how down iii ltl lioop deck trying lo vnli bet eeuet ul tiuuiiludit lmpoaalbu to hanjfon tnrtbauimlv- and wrllot thoaarao llmo hark i what la that t bnmo ooa nrlea out al tba t p bf lill volrjv lauduud lu eight 1 many ruih to ibe bompauibito look out but moat of them draw luck whod they reach the deck a braakor are corning over th alia in the lwoil deck all i lumub and a your corrpapoudaut ia lehorouely endeavorliig in hold on toa ttbl and pan a few luiaa bag ipj tin whuil-av- huaky voini aud lallllug pan combluu to oonv w aliuul 1 oe a tpjlrt tioop dwik into a perfect paudeiiiouliim hut wa mutt forgiv the boy w ar now with lu eight of land or retw a liifhlhauao and anyone wbd b bean ou a troopahip for twntyfaii day ia cruiuly jualilwd in going nearly crky wii lie ghu und iu aboot four hour wa xpct ti b iu harbor and iu another iwauiy four houra mora axpect to get foot on terra arm a thar will ba no lep aboard loulghl all who rjauoot wrile lellara ou a rough aee of hold on v the bulwark a ihygaavt aborwrd ara making all kiml uf noia a lby endeavor to aba lit tat tbelr boaulidioyouiaet at beilillulliear tha end of a long aud wearlanma jocrnay i cultivating thkvj4cp lha world i full of alntiluu uacbar aong and tvoqg book aud yel with what would beam a aufucleot amount of liutruo lion and initructor th average of ei aging a an art i ulreinaly low aud altogether uuaallafaotory toaar tbalira ill ilia laal tralued to reauiarmony it lu aafa to aaaart thai not one- voice in uu tbouaand properly trained ihi aeeni ilk a vary broad aertlon but it la amply borne out by obeervatlou aud th verdict of expert it la rlilmed by many that favry peraoii ha a natural vole alid ooul lalug from fair to middling wuh reasonable amount of praolloa it ihli la lha caw why ii it that to much binding 1l axlramaly bad aud ao tuucli mora ii onl jubt lourablat iu oldali tlruii voice war lialnad on the theory that lliara wra variou gradsa of tone popularly cilled regialer ibe cliaat bilddla aud baad register a great many voice have bean 1 polled by th rffort to flndlbpolnt olcbanjjeit lii th orytul ixition of year of atudv aud roarch that tba voice ahould hav no euah thing a thaea variou rjlt ura lha too ahould ba mfcd in lha bama way from tha highait to tha lowaat if there ia an apparent deair ou ilia part of tha pupil lo alter tha ton in order to produca ona which 1 lowt it lk tiiuato atudy ihrn and there lha voice alio uld baver ha forcrd up or down anouitr fallaoy la tbalthe tone ahould ba mad in tba lluoat this i tha grayt of mlttak and wlnto if pralatd in it may not altogether rulu hid voitw it oar talnly dalract from it charm th un daaired and moel deelrawl era wade b twean th roof of tb mouth and ui front teeth onetiftbarui method of awpilr- injj a good tour or raihar of plioing a ton aa 11 the accepted axpraaafon ia to bjin on tha uola above mddta c that ia tb tait to make open uu mouth a huu acaroe lay mora ihaji in ordinary ipwoh and force tha air frbm urn lung upon tha biok or the front iwth ounyva lha effect and alao nolloa that one may continue tbla a long timi without waaruuaj a lona placed in tba trout rjf lha mouth can ba kepi up for a long time without th hoara ileal that almoat invariably acoompanl throat tone thv pupil who cw iiuvefttwo nr thro plaavuani tone in tin a way haul i nnl lake up for practice tha uttar r rolliuc it with the longu au on woul lnyutrr it la iol uul practice to tk tba word rolling running rippling and roilnii rolling lha ra vary distinctly tjd with tba utnibrt ataadi na ofjoua thij plaoaa tha vnlca wearer tba front of the mouui than any other syllable that oan ba readily daaenbad in words obaejrva duriui praolim that there ia a certain vibration of tb root or the mouth and the tmiuaa of tie no and head till vibratory inaty 11 on of hie 1101 dnlrabl poliiu lo attain atler a lim one oi produca auftloient afaot to niav lha noa aud head lingln ea eliuot by an eleatrla shock aa tba uppr part tt tha mouth ahould per fir in tha oitloa of a aouuilng board it fa evident thai uia more fljtlbtvity and vibratory nuilltim it pon aa mora puaiul artd reaoulnt will ba lb tone lliara ii no juora bjr oritlolam paaad than to aay thai a singer e tontflairt throaty ihlatnaana tim ikok it not the entire abeano of artiatlo ability bb a throaty tone ia naithar muaioal nor a highly cultivated an and this even though tha anpr y have praolird for vra moravoloaa ara ruinad by making tint ton 11 the throat than frowr any ollierwauia tba action of ilia vocal oorda oauoau lick liug iti tho uiroatand coughing which alway makia tha voice harsh ab i unma lodloiib oua or tba heal vocal uauufira of the present day aaya that ilium ari only iwopotiita from wjdoh v lonw ahould b mad tba dupbraai an 1 tha front portion of lha roof of lha mouth th flrat and ieiiubunl thing la to loam to maka tha taua uid lu inaks it lijjt putilng it in lha pmpar puoaaa doaorlllad and conlluu lug maraly lo maka ton a until thay ara 0 ull dent accurate aaid iriialwortliy tbl may lake month a prhap year but it u lha nuly true matho1 of vi loa building aflr till i arnoibpllehed ou may take up wordauu i adapt ihani td tha muiloat aoundu if aunlaleut car ia taken lheai two hrtion uf lb education may proohwl lugetbor alway meklng lh wont bubordlliatd si 1 yuiith 1 uuiitg u ill tkln to 11 vrui ibat old au ill in l tld 3itrday 1 mad- ah yet j lllllmi ciivuail 1 iby i if 1 tr tli port tl 1 1 iqiiilit 1 ll ud aha rh tb ugb fluid iu cu and wide aud fair lh ailvar of iu 1ejuji vto korvow walu j tyjll t it wboaaajina tih farouuab towarl darker alralu vl ll 11 n ul imoell uttaauay 0 tuilecjift f row 11 i lalll tbu i a vl ur nag nrfl rvjdl ac ate nbjl ie i tjw andufiiaakaltiiuallll lubul yjliil tb wv vviiifjibvi i 1 j wrti lb rujfsiil lay llh tli aojer at rhk walls oan towm 11 fdahmaii who wi up ti rirvriinnirrno winjrwharn rnvnr ijiily front iii j aurprii eute the atory in llila wy 1 wiui to the hotel ai 1 vyi i hmituin yb- mix tli man w u yvkiupin v uo fiupa into lim auidil t hn pull thn trutli 1 jjt lellin rk bull ling ihoi ruiinl u ocli murlliarl ihooiho llrllml ail i wa left uifow ibcru 1 uatba biyi jlo41 and all of a rii and it the itn wll or tha d iwn iu thn olur iaa i whalll lin ihlllrn whioh y i cap lie alley mho all hgt r whnll yra dow bnih 1ow i fll laya i an i it i no clou ut nil but a jiajtlirlilih balloon that vrag t uiu in 1 anl wid ihui ilia walh blood flock atlll an i hiujunid ha doov and there 1 wuu wld the roof juit ovar my head i an wgorre that ylhal aavml un front gain up inlo tbicheviu mtiraly ue who isir v lauitha la imualraluul of how blikr uaueetmail ti uakinduiwlrrtdti ulmi luuker itoianlhal ill rioted hi bookkawr to ad lra a aharp utlar to jnrouy who i ad promlwd aoveral tlmr to pay what ho ownl and had k often ua lo do no whan lh latltr wa wrilleti il did not pltaa banker uoabiilhal who i very rxctuma ud ha angrily poiintd tha oliowiillo dcarihrvi y who wa it that jiromiad lo pay otr tlia flrat ot january 7 you tiiv dear baroil ou ar tha mau who waa it that promtked to lellla on the flrat of fdarch you my der baroo who wis il that didnt aeltla on the aral of olarch you nly dear itaroil who i il thou wbdjiau broken hi ward twice nd ii litigate anonndrf your obodlent cervinl mouau ltoaikrnil just fon fun you ihouu try and 1m a little mora gentl itncinalil laid ihn mother of at obilrrprrouaiix jear old thehlbl tall ua thai lha meek shell inherit the earth vnd wha tjood woul 1 it do met anorlut the injured plnt fully you d make m put ii iu ilia bank or send it to tho halheu or divvy it up wllliaular bue or lay it away lo ut ou u mi day a a bond on exrjuliila want into a waat i u toalaurant says aa exchang aidwa far front pleatod with lha manner iu which hilofdor waa flllod do you call thai a valcullcl ho demanded of lha waller why auol a cull el aa tlui iu an iuentt to avry aalf reapacling calf in the hrlllb kmpira the waiter hung hi head for a moment bul roovrd hlinealf and taid in a ton a of rilmclhil anlgl i railly didii i iiitenl li iiuull you iir ooodgldl an liancal facfdatraiitturcahbdoo jus tic jloult tho other itij and inqnirol what hlajionora uiual fro was fur joining a conpw in lha h6ly bond of we i kick ilia fo ia two oollarw in outo you coma hare waa tho reply lrea at mmod the mau tahthandlj gut a roll f uiu ihere thrc dollar tor a brd ulcad ellil dollare for a second hand aloic iwn do uru fur diahra two- djillara ti run lh houo in and and hat a ever i la mod caul bo yoa arbhori jnrjmr i ihit juilioe theroii ilia i iu rejllat tba young man bul 1 ii knock ho two dollar off for diahsa an i liwa ll to nu for 1 m bound to ba haiiibiao i to my url ihlu wcok tl wa havu to bilo latere iu hn toa pol and in luaa than an hoifr lie two weie made ona i am not apnali of him looking falhrr your a little bov oanio to hla fathrr vary much tn eamoat anil anke 1 ia bsuu bi than 1 anit oi iny boy siid lha father is ho biglor than you fullier yu my boy ba is hier tin father tlia boy looked eurpriwd bul thought again and aaklul u ho bi lhau jeauat no my boy anawaral thn fathar jadua la bg than hn tu ihu lillto follow aa bo turiird away with a mile aai i j hnn 1 ni nut afrai 1 of fstltcttl him homemade mavts and rugs a fascinating work for tho homo tjlohiond dytiti alwuyu tuiao the load bvury womau and girl in canada ahould have the nuw illustrating j diamond dye uug umk i hi useful lillla hu k bbowa rioli col aril i paturuu 1 1 dour mat and jyloor ltuu that can im medo from ragy of any kind lha bonk will tall you how to gat any or lha lovely diai maul h1 l 1 1 to any a i r4 will til wall j ami ui hereon ih mouiilaui iii 1 mmlui iii wy5tunw ab imiitlu lo tho bwtw11j u unuevod liitt 4iv- tbaiin ly taking 11 nod s