khsmumbei i mostly of local cl ovory horn inta aqoneral bankingbusinoss transaoted gqrreapondenoo solioitqd the vtittow of willow 9t tb old u mark attni mill hoi willow hlrsbli ilow planted flflyooeyeerejra i wo steel kr u cot down ij y iff make for tha eitww w warren illook tbje ire j street it um it wa nearly f6n rough at the ball endfjqlte solid t 8bmimonthly council mebt- inq the aimmmant itoll for tha pr- nont yor roturnod by antos- or graham council met usual euelght oclock on monday evening elf lha ooorjoillora being prnl in uie ebseac of ibteve pearson coun cillor whiiama wm moved lo tbe chair the fifth report of iho commit to on finance wa pyeaeuted aa follows gauadlan general kleelrla co tup- piles ato 7- o4 m uniua eiwr zzijzzzzi w w ti m i 1 13 a t itrown telephoning ete 1 a 9 geo iiavrt repairs 9 do itoaald uun ahovallju snow el i 00 nh 1 ib 3 do b 15 in nil th nnfrt wear adopted ba motion of codnclllar wallace find rlendereaq the iumtnuat itoll for ldqp wai wwj y moved bj john clark eroontled by j awiieodereoo th tthoasss ine moll for i000ib acaapted b rtjtjuned carried tho cooooll ibrqadjoarued coming and going visitor to and frrran aoton- and ymrloueothar pormon 1 notae the faaa javlue ell 1u uibuu to this ooinmn if yea or your friend ere olea a way on e holiday trip or if ron have friend tuiuos yn drop ed to tb raw re t mrs si a ohrisll re lamed to toronto saturday everting mr alexi rbnebew end family removed thf week to llaaalltoa ml ku umlu of conda i peodt log a few daysio town councillor clerk went lo toronto on friday ip attend the boxes enow mjr thome perry men of toronto road brief visit to anton on friday mr vd mr a katloklln apeot bon- day in toroolo with dr and mr urea llot udmra- wn hrjers yuid family leave for i heir new bom aa napo lodayc mr x baker who baa eeorjred egood aitqalloo lo toronto wj bom over ban dy editor terreti of thsrrar uorge town la a ireqoentvuuor td lowtr umm- day ulaa alurnaf tjjpitiu la pending a law day id toir mrm j a ueorau lur f b meyer ol jrmwood wu a neat laf week at the bom of mre- uenry baaar ar itav and un v w uoode of horo loge- ullla traro goaau of mr o goooer tblf week mr aod mra wm itomllleft on toea- day morning for tbelr baw bom a baslnaw mlah uf 3- h llrydan and ma w foalwlll of tinelph weroroeafaat tbe bom of- tdt ann ieoord on snnday mr- woodbell and mre john mo- dowrl wre goet at tbbocn of mr oeorge hilohle tu week mr and ma uobert morrow removed mtjln lurlioii th hw fih of aolop f rlenda no wtlb ihf a hr f of it foraur waa in brampton on monday auendinfl lb fqaerel of ble ntjele thi ula william foraur mra jobn b coleman nndrwnt a aariona- optrratioa on tnaaday j be a lowly rtooverioif froortb ffecu itev fatber feany- reioroed boco on tneaday evenlntf after attend latf tba raoap lloo and tiatmjoet to mgr faloonio tba apoatollodalwcala athamlttoiu ltaai very intarrallo fnnotion mlae bella fjordon wbo haa bewn li olanooefor aorptltna baa beooma ratf- l teao of ban- hackhnrn aohool her many frianda- a filr outsider apoorsabsftiate f inward worth j good health inwardly of the kidneys liver and bowels is sure to come if hoods sar- saparllla is promptly used tjil meurea a uir ouulria bimi p eanmqusnt vljfor in um fninio witii utn khw nf hrillli mi ui r1iv a field seirds just received one shipment of extra choicp clover spccial- lyjcleancd for export see this sample before you buy also a shipment tlttirrio- pays lo buy at bdllerts ready- made iliy seed grown on new land well matured be sure ami see our sampled before you buy the noted tea store it pays to buy at boutrty for frugal folks a distinguished gathering of readymade elegantly tailored costurncs and skirts wiilinll the delightful coii9cits and conccptionsbf mpison chretien sara mayer raflin pasquak stamler spin wifh m thr ilnn n w gvinga dcpartmniif laii oni noij jattnei ejfijjllss or roixaull ers ijusinewt 11b i fje a i b ty drat an n tveraaflr lb of ar majaaty will bo rlbli inafctort in view of the pervade lb la oountrj i be eapeoird to bava britlah flajtf from their idacaa of boalnaaar ooo ia pnrfulooj6 w b we oora k opply earjy it only 1 a day ooul tbaiii sf uutpoy vemtry tho aaooal vaatry meetloauluna obnroh wae hria laat weak preeooied were anooaraloa ae uit of the bnnda advanoa of eomayeara m i thr- 41 j tgatejfotos handll and money wvanccj head opficl capital ecubluumd 187a iiamilhon sffsisissf r 500000 reserve kund total assets 250000 1000000 3163000 v toiit cihkr p b forsayeth agent georgetown brunoh wo are now ready wall papers- ceiling papers window shades curtain poles brotiul ad htr k u far- a cobb we carr tho la this class of goods giv5us a call 00 htod8 aoton ont jkwklumt kftui thdllsdav max sid 1000 uttle local brieflets vvhjph causht that eyoa or kara of prva praaa raportara thla wank t tbn aorrr month of may tbaatrcet aprlnklar will b bear lily h walootnad h what about tho new fleif for the pobllo atbool 7 the inoreaae lo the neamnnt thla yaerlaba mondaybibwiodtw octiatrtha roof of tba bam atbarrya dairy tba farmera have had very favorable waatha for aadid tba patt two wacka rorahatn baa oomplatad hla nt of lb roonloldality for 1900 bbada troaa aro baink plantad hare and tbara on tba atraala a worthy and oom- maodlbl o tbraixfatb annnal tolonla in mo- modoaxaira grow soulo will be bcldon tba qdmoi birthday a rood many doablabaadaf fraibt tralna paaa throojtb on tba g t it at praaeat ona of t had 6 freight oara tba other day tbagovernmeaikreola for xiallon hlf b aoboola for tba aobool year eodlojf li jftoa beat will ba okville4043 ant oaorkatowa v01bjw flrrtbvootvflrii pond ant likely to bava a vary aaaaon a party of jxtaao flabetroan from toronto are axpaotad tbara tomorrow tba ramaina of roy bunlay wbo au drownad at allan dam ooalphj on tba filb april ware reoovetad on toaaday bavlog iain in lha rivarit daya oo tba farm of tboa ailaen lot t oob 4 eaqaaalnjt vi wvllbred ootawold awea faav dropped bo umbi thla apt log be of loam axa alive and doln well tba baohwooda village that nanoot show better repaired aidawalka and law jnat oo tba atreata ibantorooto ooght lo be aabamad of itaalf toronto star 7 norman eamalaa bad bu lafl band aavaralj oraabad in the rahan at beard- mora dc ooa tannary laat friday abortly befora noon- no bonaa war broaan tb uoena oommualonarj met oo toaaday in millon and gran tod tbe em nanibar of lioeoaw aa laat year thar want atral eptlloanufof vddluonal lioanaaa tba railways bavaajiraad to tba term fatfared for tba- anunal czonraioa to tba ova- c oopb under tba eoaplaaa of lha halloo farowa inatltnu and it will take plana nasi month aa naaal tba laat quarterly oommanlon aar- vicaa of tbepraeeol ognferanoe year and in llrprobablltty tbe laat of uev j a malaohlana paatorata bare kill be bald la tmeabodlat cha naii buaday i tba lamklog iranaformer at tbe oornarolamllland john street baa bean d jandoyano lo adjantol rreldaale aa well aa to pedeetriene foe over a month liftlflawj 1u uaie the detect wae remedied ilrip orr of blew yotk bu kindly favored tbe faaa paxae with a ebpyofao oaiqaa progtamme of i dft- w adlaa ooooart bald lo meodalaeoln hall b j naw york on tba van in ol hb april ly qanadiao ae 41ao ibotbare an tba pro ramma falrvlew cemetery wae enriched leal thar iideameo are meeara nlurer mr 8 ilr a- jale to tbohynod account an jnlrhr wadding jporformed in st joeaphe ohio moo- y mornlnji at fl oolock tak an mr bobert mopboraoo and m untaraf 01bbonawareantedlqholy v k rev llbr feeoy performed t tee and ujaa junl fjibbone d mi oa iaa allnded the bridal pelr 1 left by the 60h a m train for theii homo at braoebridg aemokccf to tranj jraujdi th naov1 of mr jtlobi be mother to orod luplda j week la much rcrattbj mra cool nt d vlolnhyllyall bar ufa bhe hu l o lo grand iupija and the family wit nearer toother there mi active member attendant or the method lai the brt wiahea ol be ooojaiou and friodro with them ta tbeir pprcotmiej tmtor abiooraflald n- j papa towing referaooe to rrftvi fon of tba it luv b b coojof acton oa the oofapuuon of hla tw4k yeaj- ae peator of tba fjr1 hptii cb flvlln aqookb u him vthtble wlretbeetlif of ull ij xn nde by iwoa jiavld qi in a mjoitooa apaeoh obarj hliamgh tirimra tnltlt preeelilng the jld ooapel lo onr orrveney a rellgloa work j and of oeulratlng ip 9jtimtam benefl- o to ell of which xaalor flook pleaded hailiy tb wldt miuqu jatne waldie dud at hla reeldenbe hara- on monday um wae in hie alxtynlnth s u came to canada over lorty ao for th or four yeara removed to milton and opened a blaokamltb abop- whioh be oarrladoo until a few yeara ajpi whan he became an invalid and tornad bis baalnea over to hla aoo alfred he m of a friendly eooiable dlapoaluap and wae greatly liked and reepeoted he wae a brother of alex waldie of eaqnaaing and leavaa a widow a eon and a daughter the frmeral look plane jeeur4ay after noon the alteodanoe wae large and locladed a number ol old friend from aatob be mr gregory of boatoo church officiated tbe coffin wa oovaradwith beaaliful floral til ba tea cxampia uh dim labor t uaffartrno h klnatary telailntf b iloaell labor k uoulllan jo u frahjted t tl nasaaaawaya townehlpa haad- quartara lamely wlpod out laat friday bhoitly after noon lamy friday a vary dealructivatlreoooarwdatllrookvllu th let ef the township counoll o niuam eva ttror initiated ioot epark from the oblmhayof lha liatnraa ahop of mr mell memulau a btavy fiala wa blowing and in a few mlnnie tba building wa uvlop ed in darna- the fire kpced rapidly to lha h6ota on both aldvaof tha ahop and id rhmnikallhort tltno mr ofamaa di row hooeewhloli ainiu orit tothoabop i burning fiercely ur7kvll mautllena reldioconexl cangfar imber uf willing i kppelit perfect dlgeatlon pare blood befl tbtrou bledwttb dltifnaaa tjred feliw and toe of appetite i wa onmpletaly ran down i took hood barsaparllla and altar awhllathilt tnucli bmtar jlooda haraa pa ri u built roe op ijrrta a il0mxw01d cbelaea near ottawa qae j h h troufcilelj with ikftdech and birmoane and wu much ran down trld hoodanarmparllla and it eave ma relief and bnllt maun a uoaataaafktjxtfne fltraet tonmtornt j blowlug o lam- n by iba oontinoad tbe taaln whlatle onxeeob- mana hwraill worked arduoualyorryinil furnllnia and other tctrotaoutof teach of rjrandurerowliu-brb- ini vrryrbort time mr momhiaoa two atablea ware in fjamae and a quantity of by and firewood wa burned along with tbe bolldjng the hmm al trave led in the other tl irani loo end the flue btck redden oe ofdrrbll pdrbttwa bovned lo the round ir j a motag- garl v b io loatjiiarcaldencruia atable caottbt lira fiom irllelle booae end it wa ooo aae that it w im poee t t ti in fact evaryibinion lb aoalh aid of iba i tree i uoitb of mr levi kuuya atore- booae wa trduoed to aahev and the amoiiltig rnlua of four- dwallmu four atable and a ahop made l hilolal- pfctbre indeed a oonalderable mmoutil of ihacootaol of the houae wa aaved by the untiring itfo of iha who ttathored lo do t lhay oooldburmtrtw ed ho- twtfci ar h ituitke ewirrluue eaa ael axwtfa aatll j a mccrea odblfh- the lion millinery wen nearly ell baiww vaaplmeej kt1 h hemjlloo graolta dealer onalpb ptau jfeu keitb ooolraotor wtnalpag biipanrotar j b goaraobaluk of iwadub granlle nliabaaae ana markar and iba wbqle haabaei teopted- with th wau f kewo auaaaj good wofkmanabjp which not fcu haintftoo wort at a wall attended meeting of ladle and rentlemen on tneaday evening in the town hall a golf club we organised to ba known a aoton oolf club tba officer elected were a follow hon pra ll j 1c ooddeu u a hon vloepre un j a uouiall- trwidentj d weiuae vlolreu b tlolteea uactr a j uokxaaaa oaptaln-a- 3 owatla com ml t tee of klanment iii 0 b bmilb uia 11 u uolmea ur ilavlll ura alex beeoni ueeani h p ftloor j x wo- 0j1 w btartr aod tbe uffloera elect the olnbwtll have a good membarablp tbe golf link will oompriae bine hole aud will range from the vacant lot at tbe ooroer of elgin and qeaen street over the blluanddaleeand treema lo the beard- more farm and and oo mala blreet el felrvtew avaaa the teeing gvoutid putting green etc will be pat into ahape at onot and tbe clob hope for an lotereat lag aaaaon play lug r 7 jtov jtorbe mad hryeralkareiveli a frawll mrvleewa held hi the mstb- odlak choruh laat brmday evening when luv t u forbe and luv illlatn bryara bade adlau to tba oongragelloo after a few kindly word of cbriatlan fellowahlp by the paator re 7 a mo- xiaoblao an abl eermon waa prepobad by lie t u forbee from xloeea lo 13 bow lo yooreelf in rlghleooanaae reap in tneroy j break np yoar allow ground for it 1 tlm to aeak tbaljord till b noma and rain rlgbteoaanaaauponyoa tb eermon wae cj appropriate a a parting lojoo- lloo and eeaeooabl ineatnuob a tbe prlnguma operalona of plowing and mow log war amplified a profitable lllualra- ttooa at tbe oloee of tba eervloa 1u mr bryar aald a kindly farewell u epoke of hla pleeaanl un yeara rldno in aoton and tbe kindly relation h i pa exiitlng between blmaalf and the ooogiagauon bev mr bryer aleo apoampraalva word of farewell id tb holiday bohool in the afternoon tha mumming o ra affararere aoton 1 having a unbju perleno tbl year in th removal of the tnlalatera and new elation will be baoeeaar lo lb majority of tb ooogrvgauona tb new yaar bad bean nahared in bet a day or two when he li b cook wbo had baco an e- teerned twaldenl tor nearly forty year oailad to hi elrnl reward a few week later fie e i crwforo the duolplw oburcb rcmovad to another field thla weak lie tb forbee of tbe congrega tional obnroh leave aoton for kbj new pastorate at idatawel xwt modung be william bryere who haa reaidad in aoton for tea rear two aa mtor of the mtbo- diet obnrofa and alghl aa aeejidanl auper- anuatad miniatareahl goodbye to aoton and removed wltb hi family to nepaoee bev j a molaoblan m a oomputea bl urmupaloroitbmatbodutchoroiioaat month and in the oatnr order of etanta will reoioxafxajn aoton lo a new charge after tbe oomlog aalun of ooofareoee foar paatara-eeeaain- amauetetrkadi- be- ii a maopbacaoo he j k ooddao m a ba j j feeny p p and bt w b mcajplrj b a aod it la aldoervjy hoped tbarrawutbalioobaajgwf in thajr paatoral rvlatioo foraom liwm to oonva for a long tlm the taaa fought bravaly with the flamee at brb realdaooa and eome of them remained upon tbe roof until it fall in four of them war forcad to jomp from tbo wiudow of the top flat and mr jo liachman andmr david hut cbeodbaovabelr hand aevoraly burned in making their aeoape ir ball loat all hi laboratory inalrumeol end atoree mr eulay alorehoum atore and oaf- dano ware eeved with tbe utmoat dlflloul- ty a t waaeumsof hi furniture which had bean removed from hi houae oaogbt fire from flying cinder and bur io wat eight of a mil waa pi lad with a oonfuaed maa of dry goods grooerlaf crock er fnrnitnr a piano and general bo uaabold effaou moat of the property wa inaured mr mo m ulan a ehop hoc and atable were inaured in the wellington for 11200 tbe booae ooctipled bdblt belonged to mr milne and wasinaoradio tb water loo fortnwrur balla fornltore piano andeweot war inaured in tbe 1artb for tooo dr motaggarte houa auo balougad io mr milne and wa inaured for i00 lr motagcartegood werklnaared for 1700 both in the ualtaa mutual mr klauya atore dwelllug waiehoua and etook wre loaurwi in th wellington and waterloo for tsoct in lbl oa tbe loea wa limited to the- damage analainlng inramovlhg ibeoonunla of tb build lug jaifllalj- liiwajbclwii f jooomad glad to aea her back agatu mrjohu a cordon wbo ha been in manitoba and rainy bier district the paat y ar haa decided to settle at booohar villa and to into a- mercantile boalneeo there he leave for th riew bom tbl weak if a colloden oaabler or tba bonora ballwaty at gueymas maioo ba been fct bekira apeajkt briush v at tha port v of aoayrnal baioot tocubh aj10jlpinonb day 5d00 and th adjuttmaut of tb pan la aiuo lb hnwer aalitfaotory lo all ootiouned two of to bolldlng dlatroyej were built for boula away back in th til us what the ouelph road waaauvaly tiuun- lag thurougbfara it is many yar alncei either of them we need a a bbtvl tha lack- of boo at tbl place 1 a aarloo inoonvsnlsnoe to be fatnllle who loat their home bj- tl lire bevsral uf th lulldlnja will probably be rebuilt borty vawy aaaall aaa aatakaaaewgaab chuhchill alter ap4btoral of tbte aud a bal year bey t- it forbes lua aevsted bl ojooectloo wtlb thecougragawonalchurob hr goodbye word were spoken at tit ootai prays meeting laat wek at th homi of mr alexihueaell th farewell aartnon waa- praobd on bupday altaruoon to on of tb lergwet ooagrsgatloo that vt ghtbeted at the oburcb jfarven words of oounsv aud exhortaifodwaiedallvsred add lb urge oongregatlod llauned mohv pttoutlvely to the very inipfwfain d able diaoour th minuualioaa of bav mr furba bav bean mot indatallgable and haa been very acoapllble to the congregation allol whom xpree cordial wlaba for uooee and oomfort in tb new bom at jllatowal mra forbee ha been e helpmeet indeed tobarbuband daring bis pastorate hare rev mr for bee uoooir i itev j 11 bhawclaafy jl a ot0ttawa a kaoant gradoau of moo uay col lege mr bbaw- uldy will oommsaoe hi peetorat next bunday tbe old jujil aeiihoa with a view to securing complete hat of ailnoorealdaot pupils uf the late robert utile principal of aotou public bchool from iboa tb liflj aod their preeeul addrtaea iba oontmlllee wil be puaaed to roealv all th a addressee from friends of tha old pwpuaj wnbln tb ul wajajlo tb ffj th to t naa with every oo of the bid pnplla rew tlve to lb proposed reunion to be field oo friday istb jolf pait- addraee u v mooee bearetarf bbe 1 wonder why artist ere always o oareial p algn ibelr piatare t um poeeibjy eoe the pabllo can tall tbe top jpttwibej bqj4oou and banbabosalle callforoiat it is a nephew bfar78 ar baoord and has bumerous friend tbrongb oak helton mr i ilenderaon mlerrivdnomeon batorday roornlngfrom th capital he waa an eye witnee of lhejreettlatl end ottawa oondagration and deolarad tb feeene athe moat awful and tragic of hi iperlflnce tb gral are beggars daeotlption security genuine garters little liver pills hunt ber signature ot aa ri tiimih wiajew tflilw carters ip raj roaiuauu rssmnisns ratuumuktt mmrnurtx res csatnrmisa ras uuw uia rni tucearuiim cure siok headache ouoroetown luv ud u o a mltoull j tvlui loo poruom pylo uti to lb old lod kud tb lurl kxpovltloii itl aaoim ad fipworlb lmru odoom will b ld lo lb utbojul olinrob o yldy vanlujr uib lot alnon tb tlat u u lloain hi 11 r fni dmoou uihoo bd uhim h jornry od 1 jt matu aoton tuow wbo mratmblu buroblotf moamot1 or work ol kby duoriptlou for ttwlr motaury bloi bould onuf dlnot from tb bid ralibl tbtt md bsb dl 3 u umlllon qiulpb ool all lpom llowd to paiolrtmn all work dd tiwtrui wiaroud powpltloa d0l ms oj ooouolht makea for wall pajo 03 two ltulu mokeo for- wall pupcr 6j uou roll moko for wall patper- j ooo rolls mobcimj for wmupwptn j hki roll mokeo for wall prnper j ooo rolls mok xof wail iavpar s ooo rolls- mokm for wall pmper oj uoo ltolla mokoo for wall papar im ctta i ilisiiakaixi has never been so popular aat present it is stradrethat at a store where so many things arodone well you still think of it as a place of specialties few guclph women think of hats and bcnhets without at the same time thinking of the lion besides the test of the v new ydrk and paris ideas in hats and bonnctk we show a grand range of new sailors and walking hats for the ladies muslin hoods sunbonnets and prettily trimmed hats for the girls andsturining men- o war caps lor tho boys modest prices rule in our millinery like every other branch of the busi- rtess i- taken out in tllry price if ever brcacnt in tlic garmcnt and the loolrotit w costumes krom f 1g0o dowo to m low aa 55o bobt iszlzzlz8mrtz iroin 7idowg to a lowu j50 h i l imppric7d direct for you- vancyha moal oomplala mb or ork9i atilflt baa r paid you to bij 1 doiurf ilwool ba ot fat yon jo- bohti blrto ooatinv fttnaimof ootbaloittbe plaoorrorobooalbi purii by oooaunt worry anr tb prloat bpriiuj jokl duario 8la in lolhj9om thoaa walal bala allu on eh boll 25 and 27 wyndliam su oublph n v d ei macdbnald fc bro th6 li0ngu6lph and go dbbss goods millileby caepbts prize phtdtocrrph competition for hmhteuri gptbiadmhtt urtle wbo are inlertjalod in photography are giving twelyo prit conalbtinb of uwul photographing instrument i for tl to best pictures in six dirfentntclaaacs 1st and ind prbe in each class nu cniranco too all picture to bo nbyj he01 wd kp f j u tc luurpi jica iuri buk-whabaa-nncl-cr-tala-a-pictusa-bjoa- i poo 1rlrcs rlonalod byroch co mr j rait president camera club guclph a- ii wallace and c d pringhi the sherwwilliams paint ior 8klb b jt x broun duccist hcton an eye fer beauty alumya discover tho mw arrival in our aoloctioiis of neckwear asihose ululm it rrtotookforit we iliva ilwaya the utcatl eabler nptcllieittrpafljjowb impphalb and 4-in-hanije- in beautiful dciikiis itialrlpch and fieure x talis your choice of ibcio at from ajc to seedtrrnew spring gl3vetrrhrtrsliiri our nrw hats are uplodate cubtatns our leaders this week henderson co 3ucill st hcton 3e iaktcrt rbpwring wo pride our selves on the manner we at tend to watches entrusted to us for repair ga x fine watch -o- 3ge oc to palrore cueuph 8000 stogk jturniture nd carpets t l sacrificed in fcee next 2 months havn just tiulthed tlucktaklag a lid find alocw enllnrly too heavy a all classes of u ml lure lievo advanced from la lo 50 iw cant in value alnce july lasiimy one looking br genuine ikargalru anil wanting either furniture or iarpets should sle us uliloke uuyinc 80 upper wyndham street guelph r cood told od easy term of payjilent s m 3t r e nelsons cuelph ooo lrko only maicluiiil tailor and gfliilalurulvltcrc and curtains our assortment is so qqmplete antk- comprehensive as to satisfy all possible demand latest designs in curtains carpets art muslins spotted muslins and sateens black dress goods new blackdress stuffs received during the week at genuine bargains handsonv low prices prints muslins taods qualities at unusually r i ftfncy cotton coods t styles and reliable cents furnishings bicycle hose sweaters balbriggan uliderweir- latest styles in ties collars etc in croceries mill acton rtrr ssi sswlkraalgss