v- i ihrfr lank of hamilton ptforeetom branch ageneral bankingbusiness transacted crrespondbnce sotirjitod savhia department dalmcat allowou on turns of onji doi laic and npwanlxfrom day of ilrjwujl u y of withdrawal no ormalllles and iw jtanner business solicited tioloapf rson4ia farnwrrs dbooanled an money loiiwxl jur legitimate dtialncla purposes irj oar cpueciioii departmeut r lias evefy facility fur makldft prompt li- refama balenotoa handled anil money advance on account ot2nwiat low rftietftntcreat troleririotirmd thai ibo i lank of himulnaapd- ulllncbadiuno circular it tmc iaerincll jiajafc of fcnjiund 1- llraltexl wlheel can bo wbd without i charga or troubln in any part t lite world hkai office iiax1ilton ealabuahad 1873 capital capital lain idginuj to w tbe damaona at la- nreiaail bran i m 1500000 reserve fund total assets 250000 1 000000 13 63000 tuawnult- caihuf b forsayeth aghnt qoorgotownbrftnoh window shades 4unntedon the btstsprihg rollers special sizes in cream and green colors with jlace fringj orborders nowhere else can you find such a complete stock wall paper clearing out some odd lots of gilt papers at 5c per roll gkq- hynds aolonont jxvblxjuiy ktoajc die jltfon jfre jjrrs tuunbuay junblli 1000 little local bbieflets whloh caubht that byea orean of fra proa raroortor this weak ilia about tlm tb corporation bey atop wa being eai from th i treats lb dxlnating ol eaquaalog town ahlp council wlli be held on monday- lfltb jflo to bona of boot laud will bold a gardan party at oipwnxapaarjday even- log lslb inal w aston cordially wflooma bar vlaior jrom lh baptist ohorsb of the luelpb aeao lb la week a erioka match between married and elnej play era i on of tba attractive fwf fc talc plana io taw daya w v ua aa on wdodey afternoon next 13 til luet six bomm aqd thrva acre of uod tba design for tha pjropoa llobert utu monument whlob btva been on axhlbltioo tba paat week la much edmlrd tltiamua mraliic waldiewe eppoiuud path- naatar inataad of itobort ttompaao naljpmd at tba maatlng of tba townahlp ooqiteil laat mmk aoloo tanola club ha iolnad tba ooiarto laaoiia ad u inojudad in dulrlol ala 0qjnprlaln8traaullla- mil too oaorgatowti brampton andaoloa at tba maatlng vt tba coofl ofha- tfalop of kaqtiaalnii towdahip coo noil laal wtak afw mioojr obaagaai ward taaoa lu tba aafaaatnaol and tba t toll waa finally ooollrmajl tba boainaa of tba canada gi5 xworfca ia aatandlnif ao ibatkjditlooaj pab w naoaaaary tba old tlapllat oborob bolldiog baa oooaainantly baan laaaadand tba aboa pan dapartmanl f- x tootad tbartto 1 mrcbarlaa t- uoora aon ol mr job a ftfoor ijilmaboaaa baa puaobaaad tba 10mra hlanta paruiar mr obanj and ia dqwtba jaad p iadoaatauiia ilia aoton frianda blm aery aocooait w mr b- ofuyatb of tba llaut b uamiluin u autlariag from a fiaoltind bos in tba ftxil oaorgatown ittrald mr foraayatby aooidant waa ry alffiply aoatalnad a bilaaup wblls playlak lawn mudu waatba oauaa wntad a girl for plain aowing aud ullt and kapfnaat aoion 1 a roouay aaarfar tbra dy j v makaaiwtll attar all bu wl pp at a dlaooant of uoi- h bla advartlaamant ltll t tb waggon froni vloral vawoiad qootftowti will visil aotou ihics yoar brdara to lb a tlrwr at jour araatf llva yoar oiuni ui t- na hara your platlta dalivarad tloot t j- brnlth aye apeolatlat lll ba tp aatoo oa tburvday 7uj j una on day boly looma at ajcdawa hot i if yoo laav any dafact in yoar ayaaljbl it will jm to oall and a him etauiln jlwatdairabiiy at yoa oan uava appotnt mfnu a t urnwna lro bbora tboaa who oootamplau porobaalnjt vk- baoanantal oa work of any dlaorlptloo tot t- thair oamatary plou abould ordar diraoi jlttaauaoldajlabla granita and marbla vdaajar j ii ilarotlloo oualpfa ool ah imoim allowad to porohaaaraj all wttrji mayrtal warraotfd ootapalitlao the news at home montly pi n loon i crtaraotor and nvarv itam jnloroatlna thatlrat baaaualtaaoh nf tba aaaaon waa 1 tlghbalwan taaina plokad from tboaa enployad do tba i ado and wtat aida of mill bt al though mt pat tioularly faat tba gmi waa wry ricitinpjmnd 4rj orowd-aaaauiblid- ti vlaw it tlio ama only laatad four- inniuga when it bacama too dark to play louior it tba aaoitmant ran high tha aaat aidara lad nntu tha laat inoirih tba aoora then ataudlnfl 0 c bat a oollacuoo ol arriiia aud ihu darknaaa ajlowadlb waal aidai to gel in fa rona and tba aeora hood at 11 u following ara tha playars andtlulf p hwaca ha ar a a qrabajnl i coaulaa latb kl tiaaii1alriii p- aimay o wordan aofl b uadooatdtrdli c llasdarwa n t ilarru t w tioayc uuoraand i- onuaa laili- joiamifa o t j ukafl3nl l waimwaa merloat4 t v kuurp 1- pannwn i f y ur w a- iuoryuutad ilmttoa tnrbtrkj6htate tba annual maauag of ilallon farm ara loalituu waa haj on tnaaday at milton tha tttandauoo w jood dr llobertaoo of milton waa raajonted ireaidant uao oaatla mlllop vajavraidanl j h warren aolon baoralary tba annual report ahowad an looraaat o rnambarablp of ovar aiityj makin j mmnbra and giving ualtodlha third hlgbaat in tba irovinoa mua tanra itoaa gava an ad- dreaa do tha dlfuoutllaa of ibo dairy and how to overoome tbeoa bba gao a plondid talk and anawarad a rraat nambar of ideaiana along tha una of bnttar tnakhif the following ara tba offloara for tbu year l dr llobriaonre- aleoled i voo iraa uao qaatta bao- traaajr ii warren director u a tlominr w u upaara dronu f vfu upaara okilu john ikkin w m urruon john ilopa wm duh a d oliholm g k abdaraon j n orth ii w oook d hartley k oorbatt a nwrll clap iriiig ii davldaon j q wilaon j j millar m k daviu7e7 tbomaa w iituuu h banhatt a rull v x moffat jaaltald a c mo- millan ltobt aklaajw mahon cbaa mcihait m crawford jam irving john mopbedran m uolmaa john klreblng a fltark a t mann c x praaton j 13- nrownrtdgarajddlaarwaldta7tir oratico a nandaraon 6 1l cottarall j lfllid m molbaraon k nuon j b liaaoon andllora johnaon jlarrlaon tdwbcwou he lb ot jav undraw tfmrfett sf jloh it waa wltb roach borrow the newe waa raoawed hare laat thonday of tba nmr what anddaii daatb that morning of mr andraw warren of st xoou ilia brother kxjoancillor johnwarrao and biabaphaw mr it d warrao wt by drat train to attend tba fanaral mr warren waa born at anton in 1853 a few wteka after blafatbar and toolbar tha lata mr- and mr jamea warran ar arrived in canada from tbalr hoao at kingoeela bootland at fourtaanba went to onalph and waa for aome time a dark in tha a tore of jackeoa a davideoa wbaa a yonog man be want to the united btataa and aattlad at janeavllle wla tblrtyflva yaara ago ha want to st looia mo whara ba baa raeleud ever atooa mr warran waa a vary aocoaaafol biialoaaai roan and for yeara waa a wboleeala dealer la railway oomtrotdjod soppllaa and waa la laraa tad in ulvar roraaa in thawaat in bla beauti ful boma oo washington ave he left a devoted wife two iooi and a dangn w mourn their kaan bereavement mr warran waa a man of tba klndaat dlapoai tloo and tba boapltallty of bia boma waa meat cardial ilia love for qaeen v to tori aad tha land of bla birth war vary tnaoi- reet wblla apaoding a weak io bl looia aa bia tuaat a van yeara ago ba aald to tha wrltar tharalano other- oonntryaquai to that over which the union jack wavea and mr moor my love for it baa baan ao great that although a reajdent bare for nearly forty yeara x bava never taken tba ottrormewjrarwrr starnfemorywftt alweyeb bigbly aataemad tb hatmrt zlttto ojila kolnort thaintaraat in tba ooming reaulon of the old bobhol boya and girla of lboi71 on lha iatnjnly ia rapidly growing tba moaqmewaacharoamalao meeting with moolt favor and quite a number of kind lettara and hbaxal oontrlbntloua to lit fund hava baan reaaivod daring the week the following intareatlng parafrapha bava appearad in lattara raoalvad by the becra- tarytroaattrar ttiv are vr imw kuetl mha bva mt bubii a lilarkad luipcaaalouda uiaaa ilii boui tby viam in wnust aa lb lata air ultl i trust una eoooj raunhw will ba ea ennmeelrll aa uie drat iaslam10j tortbaimiud pabtorila day hci1e low it waa calorrnlol in abator hair holiday foroahool chll- drn dafnonatratlon in tha hvontntf h oji you who for tba tnonumutj wblah i think u a bla wy at abowlog our lova tat our old hi w xl nit reel tlue diataeaitajailkei lenalim lnl tbapropoaadtnooiuwawttourtmtlu ijmulhfond uak t think tba ida a hood ou indal and bar- villi aaeluaa you asoo towarda 1l i know tba local ooconilu will ntaka tba rtuatoa a olc 1 look forward wltb taatplaaewrataluaauug ui old eohuolfuaiaa of twaatybv aaja a at tba aid loj oo um 1mb july i mtwl otl ffid foe u udbuidki rund enj luml hiuli ilnke for tba ouvartunly nf aouul- wliujuija tocalaaatorthjr aootiiect l ilimiaywnod ial am bled to aa tt nninilhaa 1- lliu 1 aand you aioo aj booa to lataiui yoa oulka 1mb july worm afteu tbf auxravlatf of tba uoll uttla tnottutaent hi vary lauurul and atrrotvlat you hv toy euworlttllou for frxq to tha fuuj kamlltwu i atu dallffbtad to aaath kauuluaabd blouu- niaae watte a aa wji uitoar way aud la eitah hood betula it oannot tail to ba a aaeeeea 1 cauttot bimtgaat auythloal and pratar to hava arfuiiusautiraly aotou ttom ourmaptlou to vaalliatlaa i aand you u00 lut th fund orlliu hauaideeeuralaujiaklna by uibaw to u loauiovlaj u ur ultla 1 moi yod w0o to uiy itilud ba waa a tuau euitnantly juet and kind au tti aoaeuuu two uuauuaa not often urooil- bmit lu am paraml tmka hlul all lu all i ulua afruula waa tba ui mu 1 avar kuaw toroolo if at all iwealbla i will ba at um re union i auoltte a 10 tor lha uouuntabt vuuj ialtauuguuhaaa tba bouutuaal lda la rood i baud you va0d foe uie ruad uwlln u blraauur reapaolldg r aalaa aunt tuouu utaut to lr fdttla oavaia ut rmiuj well i aud you 800 will balp lu any way i omii tba inleraat oonuuim and will no doi gain lu iotanalty until rffldey lath july wbaa the reunion of frieuda aud oom- aulona of iblrty year aao will meat to ranaw friandahlpa aud raoall ramlnlaoauoea tf that early dale jo tha aipariauoaa of tba partloipaat ameatlog of tba local vultte will ba held in a few daya to cou plet urarigarnanl lor tba praajiamme and prooaadingaktf th day tocuhk a cold in onk day vahelaaauvallfooba qalatn tablet l urowim ratand tka noaay ullt lalka tamjin aa w oauaalgnatur la aaj aaab boa- acton waa not behind in tho cetebrallou uat xburaday voidwaaacfla of- tb oapttire o 1ratoria early in nhe morning and the twn falhere worn euou around working up a rfemnnitratlort tba morn fug waa erduened by lb dcbar0 of miniature cannon and haarty olkaerlng t romal rp rt a pfl hrrt awrr af ptara prooeaalon via formed j ilia town hfl eonaliing of tlio banctand npwarda of 3v0 happy eohool cbildrrn wbo bad ben granud a half holiday hy lue acbool authorlllaa thay paraded mill fit mower av and malu hi and theu inaroliod to the park wbare they ejanl a- helf viour in aingidg patrtotlo aonire- and iatotilug to mn edrliraw hy jlpv fl i mannfrfinqp anlntareadng demo nil ration jpitl bocn hmngad for lha avoilnir and almoet tbouaajd nf our citlaue aiitrpeupla from tb aurf ouodiug oountrj cougrg ilj in til a park tb procaaliua warn opened with a lively football match batwrrii taatna plokad from utoroye abopjaod tbatown tha matah thonh amuaing waa claaaly oontaalad and at llta and nf eu hour lb aoora alood 1 to 0 in favor of tlio cluveeinen the children ware again ont in foroe thay aeaemhlad in th grand aland and btlpattin tba prograrnm by ageln an patrlolia aonga and oboroaea llriaf addreaaea war than delivered by itave j k g odd an ii a marpbaraonand col allan thae were brlmbt and appropriate and waraappraolatad by all tba cllrna of the evening oam in lha fir work tlio council mad an apprd- priailoo towarda thie part of the oele ora tion aod a ganaroua aupply waa ordarad from torontoin tbaaftarnoon thadleplay waa under tba dlraotlori of maaara john cameron and w hutk and tliay did tbalr work well- the ifeworku wirt a tba beat aver aen iu aotou and included almost verytblng known in that una judging by the 0ha i aha 1 alo that k each new dleplay lliey were oartaitily very much appreciated a ooupleof rftlgiae of oom iaula ware carrdrouid tb evening one bnog from a acaffold aa if to indicate bla future fata and war altar- vaidabortld bonurw-ibav- ended th firework aa the tar barrel in the ore bagali to ulug on email boy waa beard to remark lilian uie old hoar bowlln th prooeedinge worn oloead with jod save tha cjuean- by theband wlui every body tb inking tb eywoo id remember lb day coming and going vialtora to and from aoton and varlouaothar paraonal notaa th faaa iaaaa luvltaa almu raadaca to ooo- ulbut to ibla ool sinn ii yon or yoar rriaode arogolpgjwav oiijtbojlilayjlrlnr tfyno bv frtbtlda vlaltiug jcit drop a card to tba taa tjiaj i gnaet of miaa flower qf unilph ia ih thamlara wluon main btreau- mr chalia moora o t it agent at mardcnwa mllaamovacjioiulay miea iaura ifoldan of llookwood bar besnlbe faeat the paat wwelrof tb miee laint mr oraltem bchram or ijoffalo wa lp town on mocday vlailing bia elelar mua bobram h mrw ii u ilijme and maatar ilart want to oodeijoli lut- waak to apand a winter ititfs oatwhi jammer lays by bc it spring summer autumn at whiter someone m the family zs under the weather from trouble originating in impure blood or too condition of the system ahtheawpwfw7tatrjtntnninocanlj cured by tho great blood purifier ifoomharaaparilufmrrrjirnpnoinfa bo- waa irtxihlwl with ixilla for nxailiia waa advlfrxl u take hoode har- aaitarilla and altar uing a fw tttlba hav no alixw been botlifrwl k ii lutnwrm rami n h cotavj not boepf did imrf lava any epiirtlta and rould hot ori ml nlalit waa uivht i ntuld hardly wtlk llemtt aljout llooda karaapadlla took four hottlra and honon roll the following la tha honor uoll for way or aoumlobllo bchool i vlftbt ukilutukxr ban iv mabel bopar uft5 krtiael wuaon 2s deorga oram and lottie lb bage 310 jon iv ma laird i mamie harvey ji vlorente hopar ida day and joale btaphanaon u3 jun iv myrtle matthew 240kjuh wllluma 17fi jannle molharaon uiq mark poaeibl 000 t t moour teachm hkc oxu lkrattluxjct junior iv jennie bmllli mi koa lr- aon 3sh harold nloklln mil senior nruyrua cook 7 dauij llltclila and lloby clark jcrt anula corry 252 junior lllfjyuo honor ifjo willia riant 2h charlie mallhew js5 maraapoaalblaojj 0 miviuiitaclir tuian jitfaaiuiu jr ill arohie wileon j- artla lunt- ahvwmeinomaaitffmarkapo ilbuaoo br it laura coleman sill adah clark 271 luiaiiawthorua 274 mark poeeible koo jriitmmatotell 210 jamea law- aoo 210 arthur imaiit jo marka poaalbla 250 k j muliiii taacher yqvhru tkiauruuir baulor cluauy avuold itj minnie mokaagoe 171 cam clark and jennie aliu130 inur claaa dartl mtlam 1gj tti oratiaxn 1m loreo auau k2 junior claaa maria kennedy lltl dolla lawaan ibs oaorg lloawl 1b0 marka poaalbla 200 il f vtutu xc taaohat virrii tiiuttawr baulor claaa alloa 1roul and ilea la coon jin amy speight and alb diiu 22 ida graham j1h mi poaalbla 200 j luurmadula claaa harry lllu 163 john moor 173 attbur xautiy lfll marka poaalbla u00 u ii mcqukmx tuicuu llmkhoubti mr john- kewlou of barula waa in towtl laat weak mr dalrympla of qaorgalawu wa vwuog frunda hr laal waak d m modermid liaa fot a raat ourloalty in hla atura window in ilia ahapa of a urge uorouplrta- mr- moor aud mr now loo had a narrow aacapa ou tha uetb whita tlrlvlog boro from leorgetuwu tha horea fau away throwing both oouupanta oul mr liwtonracolvadaomabntaon bla io7 tullflurjmioia aopd whit uly eavar abaklng up mia eme konnady left ou monday fry drydail- hr tnauy frlatida wiahher a aa jourpay ttto mw iaarur olbomelhotiimi church tba mathodiat cbbroh hoa u to ba oongrattilalwl ukiii rbo appulnlmaut o ile uaw paalor llavjomph m tlager m a whole toauocawl lua j a mulaoblau- a lb rirat buudey lb july ju mr ilagar baa fo a nuuibat of year hoeu a mamberuttia muutraal couterrioand rooeud lio- b trahaferatl to hamilton ceufaranobeoaue hi huui le bora aud bikiudradrehv wltbluila bouuda at niagara valla and wellaud ha ia a mlulatet of the goepel of high attalntuaule agraduat4al torouio uulverau aud baa had a auoottaalul paatoral oarar ilia paalor alaa hav included 0twa montreal two terma at ktngeton lrbaoolt uauauotjua coatlcookand b ooroaa tactqtifronj north uowar- ha waa for two year uovaroorbfbtaatead waatayatl collegd w it blanataad qaabeo luv mr hagar ia a do lured geotlainali of excellent addr la in tha prima of hie ha th reputation of being an exoellenl nuanber and au aboap- tablaiall around paator- h ha ipaalal ijuallaoatlona fur work among th young poopl aud will no doubt follow up with arjuaj buoo- th aplondld work of the yraaanl paetqr luv mr molaohlati baa baan appblotad paalor of tb obtrroh t tort iflgui a do charge in au i aotarpria- log town oo laka uaron where he wll hk high eohool advaulagaa 1lut frlanda at locl khtln ara ntuoh plaaaad aver bla anpolutmant aautair paalor mra d l jooaa of uadawaaka oct la home for a oouplaof weak v ratting rela tive and fuud bar mr fi lmo and family of acton lei ted at lb daary laat waak kocval optraapondaol oaorgatown rrotf- mr jqn aodir il d warran returned from at landing th funeral of mr andrew warran lit lonl toaaday even- ib ir kelly made a brlaf vlalt to aoton laat friday hwill abortly remov to bia newly acquired raaidano oo fradarick btroal h- maaara jo voaur and ob at 11 ziaglar of tlartlo vialtad tbalr former bonday bchool uacuf mia mina walker oo bonday ilev j maoliaohlan cam bom trord hamilton canfaranoe on balorday to all hla polpit on bonday returning monday morning a pari lie too nmrbrtsett ll i rm ii raj u v pmiaii u jkaam tnaaauix cranbrink ont yjbodsa absolute secoriiy genuine carters little liver pills must bear signature of 3m fac slealu wnppw t pcarters ip roeiuiamt reedmunn reetiuenani fditaimuvnt roe caammtiaa fuuuivnil rai necearume jtil cure sick headache- a prtettv homu wbpdino tile home of mra 1atet mana bear aotou wa lha eoan of a vary pretty wadding wednaaday afternoon 30th may whaohar third daughter anni jaanatta waa uallad in lha bolybooda of wadlookto mr john a mohl ofoelt owlug to a iracanl bereavement in th bride family tb marriage au vary ij only tbv immedlalafamllia of th ooo- tractiug pattlea being pnmmoi ireoiaaly at four oclock while tb wadding rnatoh waa being played fay mia jennie moffat tha bridal par lea took thejr plaoa tba bride wee given away by bar brother mr a t mann and looked beautiful a aba enurwdtb par on t arm of her brother bb wore a magpifl oant gdwn of whit allk entrain trimmed with aljk laoa and rlbboaj and a vail and orange bloaaoma tba brld waa attaodad b of tb grttool who looked ajbarming in while or- gandiawtth ailk aud laoea uolb ladlaa oar r lad beautiful booqoeu of bridal roea and carnation th gift of tb groom auut th groom wfta aupportad byiy jducaumgnahrothtrofth brh tba ufllalallng cjargyman wa llav u a mappharaou tb bid iooa of our moat hjghly eetaarnahuruobg ladlaa being a pjoaral tavorlt among bar friend wbar aha ba livad allbar itfaf or a bomw of year all waa a prominent mam bar of knox church choir i th preaaota war of great vuuty and boautlful noioabl amonglbara being a gold waloh and guard from mr aad mra d wltljamaon oualpw toaufylog lo the high atm in wblob both brld ana groom ar bed tb gift of the groom to tbvbr ida maid wag a gold baoelai afur tb wedding omernooy all aat dow to a delightful dinner which waa vpraad a the obpaoiooa dinning room at tbaoloa of th dinner lb health of th brid and groom wa pcopoaed by luv u a mao pheraou la a abort peach of ooncratnla- tlouo aud lu raepona all tb koaata bang 1r flod fromfwhont all b flow when auboofroteooial aojoymaot waa pant tha llida dtoaaed ia bat travelling apitof uajrjpardwuh ur htukand oo tb evading train amid lbabaatlh of all her frleud for their tutor bom in au it u rpld lvm 1ao ting vu china that algbl amarioaqaand tbra roembara of thu olilna luland mlaaloa ar mlealag th miaalonarua ar in graatranger wall paper extraordinary j u mckhif ttw drmggul a clou will maka tt special iulo of all our wall paper juuohtli ih ami itlh at joi dlacount think over vor tliran daya -ir-jo- chas u nelles tha al wallpapar dofller r cualph it4 hiu nruwltur1aa4nltauatm4 alteration wcwill continucjux alteration sale for tvto weeks lpogcr ft pays to huy at bollerls jt pays to liuy at pgllcrls special bargainsin our china palace th hot tea st and china palace phrmsots synshhbes it takes a level licad to buy a big and proper stock of parasols and sunshades and tliis year it required all our experience and all wc could find out to come out right the combinations this season arc infinite and pitfialla were num erous wc struck it rich in the former and escaped the latter they dont cost much i j amccrea qdwjfh elfp ktglrney scos belts and buck lies hjew novclticsin ladies pulley and collar belts and buckles f swiss muslins range ofswiss muslins in large andfine spot imissooods new lineih black andfancydrcssgoods carpets and culttalns large stock of wool carpets and lace curtains at lowest prices table llen and towelings extra value in table linen and towellings ixiirney fc co mill st acton new systera store w7wl h iatelis desmils to call th attention of ibo poopl of acloo iml 1m farming coromunlly to lb act thai ba lia opened ft grneral grocery and irovlelon uujjrwri in tha brick etoro opjkotlla ajnowa 1 lolot main st root acton which tie propoee con ducting on a now yatem calculalod to lrvo hla cuslomer tajisfjclorlly and with price bicb am auro lo attract an endless line of cannod goods fancy and staple groceries os well as hiphgrade and reasonable priced table delicacies will always be found in stock any iuaolltyorgfa taken in eichango for croccrioi linlra value in tea cojtm and ilaklng powder with which i gm giving coupon to loacharmtorvajuahletindlicafuiirttclatf a call raapcclfully invllod we have as usitalthe shoes best stock of boots in town wa hav no room for tlio p fraali and no dlrti to desd lu il wfleurtnle tlul vrery pair of iloot and shoaa in our atom ha got llw monoya value in it and u worth riery cent of the price w aak wa tell th kind of ahooa ill i lmprov on cloke inspo- lion and aland by you like a brother w maka th pjk a wu can b mad lor an bnrtft article marc money is loet in ibo wear of cheap good than i cvef havoj in tho buying tb tiuallly of rood rvpreaonl tb money valu iluy a poor ahtcwchaapandyoulosav jfouruoludtrw lotltltfllaxs urciua oncltmpayjtttaoods that aro mado cheap toaclt heap do hot lak any ruk but in ka your purchaio at klinntiv hko whom you are aaaured of getting hiocat koodi at lair price a combination thai la as good a gold 1ound at tast whites of eggs and glycerine the flo est bhoo dresslne for ladles fine shoes to rm iiad at oou stoku ltool mad to order and repairing promptly attended to by egperlcoced workmen e ara alway willing ttj ahow good and give price thanking you for ybuf ubcral pjirouage or oval is yr anl nollcltlng cpntlnuanc aarnwo nsmain youratrnly 1 xenny bros main street acton new method dtor keeping outdint- sometnouthsagowcadvcrtisdthatrwehathuventeda- nietbod for keeping out the dirt which gets into stem winding watches around tho stem call with your watch and well show you where the dust gets in and thcris no successfu1 method to prevent it all case makers seem to lie eijually careless and until now that our new method has beeiidried and fully proved a success no case could be called dust proof we are using this new invention on all our new watches and will put it in all watches bought from us with out charge no matter how long ago the first time they are left to bo cleaned although some of the older makes of cases do not admit of the improvement 1 prinojbe rekdy- for k clehr- ingsklle 1 wc are getting ready for a clearing sale io lace cur fains lace curtain ends art muslins and art sateens and will print sqmo harrowing prices in a few days e h bollert cfeco 25 find 27- wyndham st guelph h- wktch j re5rkijring wc pride our- selves oh the manner we- at- tend to watches cnlrustcdtous for repair orsifrsvk ft ftno watch re- oavageo vo pa cuelph 444 swell snappy and handsome t spring stylos ln cravat croationo j iliat will bllraci tlm qllenlloii of ih ilyliuh iruir ue are rcclvliijj rlihl alunc now tin well a bll und of fumuhlilm for incoii wcjtr tit pwcc thut will plea you a well aa your pocket imoub sia- ouu nkw sikino hats swum styilis in stuaw hats uctusv in coioiillf siiikts r e nelson cuelph merchant tailor and mens furnisher a4 jienclerson 3i cov mot weether goods vvc place in stocktoday a resh spipment of uhoijbs whire mno colored blousos the most natty and uptordatc stuff obtainable taffeta aatl silk gtoves in black white and cream all quaftriest safin back velvet ribbons ah the best widths now in slock veilings parasols laces etc heady to wear skirts in plaids plain and fancy blacky also in white pique and linen hendbrson si co wgtoisi t- th9 jbuolbr oublph b muslins and lacei3 wt have now a lurgc new stock of- mu8llnsiupot ijkiired aud oruamuo lacesiu valenciennes not allovors and swlfi embroidory towel kinkh braah uiiiira baclc aud hidn combs and general fancy uouds will get you a bang up summer suit made up of new brunswick homespun in grey gruen and fawn mixtures coat halflined kool and komfortable for hot weather ware this 10 summer suit is sure to suit d e macdonald bro cf gopde co jst axjhe luion gu6tph va wiwaiifwaa strssnii ri