Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 27, 1900, p. 2

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rrr- 1 bobn kiionti iai uellluefeu on monday wl tat ir tflh lo lir end hn john hlaorull a eon tiuihln ilecrsetownon wednesday haiitauibalo mi uul un ii i creeltiiao f u twl tin jumi jjakuilut ih tto hi n ikt iii laorgtowii en lay he i imii i y iut fuiuha vmj it iubi krvtiujlou or walkerlou will ll at lue louie ildltlveol lauarrlt uie loin of uie brulaa i ar tilmtaburi oa wednaediy beptnbr i bv lie c w 1rteuf uuele of lhe k rida istetlbyllev dr llreiliour eort iter k i mnl failie ol the bride lie c c tr ie otnorvej vouumg mine clement rjlku i mat x sal i i reetdanoa ut on t wuv uli l 1mb iha w i track kw in til loth hi vmihin jiitor wlooti tueed huwber usu lie wm praiiim formerly of lmtr town ed to jimni v ui rin vqumlaa on wednesday bapterai ixruui eleritarat hardy usual ie of tl a lei jutin hardy in bar till yea j lliuawathlraeidenoela i arkdale on vh nay hapteoiaer slat a j lluaoani formerly iiierelieot in tluelnu igdumn j ije utjoit 3ft toss thuuhday bkltlmimil j7lb 3000 uditnial notes it i- officially estimated that lb wheal crop of india i ih 000 000 buebel against j3o0o0oo0 bushel last mimd and 337 000 000 buahsle tba a forage of ova year past tbo data or tha ifeperal election la bo doubt oloaa al liand in bla apeooh at tba great demonstration at bt hyaolotfao oa monday bit wilfrid laurlar the 1ranur aid ha ooutd hot announoo tba data jaat bow but advised hi friend to bo ready at ouoo ho further aald lo tba oooraa of hi remark that tba election tnlghi bo oa before tba rail of tba leaf it u likely tba homluatloa convention o tha peril la thl ooanly will bo annouooed in a few day it la quit poealbl that ft rood tnetty people may not la wm tbat an act u passed laat session of parliament making t pat oaut pat annum lbs legal rata uf in teroit instead of 0 par oaut- what tlia rata la not olberwiaa agreed upon of coarse il i allil open jot partleftjomaheaoch rate aa tbay cbooa bat unlee a specified rale la named 6 per cent la lo ba bald aa tba log interval chargeable and tbcbuhaet rata ooluotabla ur llobart qlookllutf of tka oolmxlo unraau of labor la laaalotf uroulafa with abarofh wtfonapto t uo y i a totpiqa b filled oot by iha reolplaol tba burata u oogaod in an invaatlgatloa rlaunf to tbo aajroiuga boora of labor and tba kotioraj ooadltloa of prtriaa of orfianuod ubofdnrlnjf tbalaalava yaara la ootarb it la alao loqalrlott into tba oaaam of klrlkca aod lockout for tba paat two year and aeaka loformatlon aa to tba alien l of bundav labor in tba rovlnoa binoa uafe aprln taya tba kaw york jw s000 tooa oi aobool fomlira bava baan dallvaml ui cuba fcbd 000 000 ajrtioloa of amallar acbool aoppllaa bava baoa dutrlbatad htooag tbv cababa an other avtdeaoa of improvlibaot li food in tba faot bat modern biaobloary la faat flodintf ita way to tba amatl farm liarf wara daaw of utao alau that tbalr trada dorlng tba pat few waaka haa piokad up wonderfully amootf tba amall far mar a lu tba vlolalty of liavaba aod tbat thaaw fajrtnara ar avlnolntf a detfraa oi prorraaa ivaoaaa jn tbla raapaot wblob watnol tboogbt poaaibla aoma uroa afio 1 ba detail of tba flnaaolal aiaiemoofc for tba year aodlag june sqtb laat war glrwa out by tba flnaboa dapatmact laab waak inalaawl of a aorpjua of i7w0 000 aa an boanoad by mr fipldin a tlallfax tba ravlaad agox4 abow tbat it la over 98 000 000 tba revenue we 951 000783 and tba expenditure jjittd 051 iainrf a aurploa on ordinary fete one of h 034 73l tbla ataount with ft klnkloji food of over tw million baa baed aafiouut to biet tba ad lira capital ajtbaodltara abd to uva ft baiaboa of a771 huh to radboa tba pnblio dabl tbla la altnoet pbaaoruabaj when thaooatot tba bouut afrto ooounjenu ftra oonaldarwd a cablegram aunounoea tba boudmoo aalaotlot of ifloa kdward ulau hh tba katloaallat oandidautar boatb iangford u tba oooilotf imperial alaotlooa mr ulaka wbo baa apaot moat oftba aummar at murray iiy qua abd reoaolly ra ta road to toronto wu arab alaoud to tba imperial lefliatueal ftt tba e4eral ajo tionafnto3rabd biubt jfclnblilft of tba praeeflttvrhamoul in 1ud5 wa abarad tba rapraaauihtloo of iou with ur juallo uecartby tba irleb laadar and wrlur ur uocartby bfci bowavar ftuboauoad tbat ba will bot aaak fcalaouon ut ilukd la lb bla alaty aawablb year cimwdonb coiinhh8 qulla ft uumber from tbla vlolully will uka lu tba qualpb ulilbluoti ibis wk ur j uurtay baa uraally imptouad tba apprauo of bla rldauaa by baviiijf it beluted owlau lo tba louj oouuuuad drouttt ua fall wheat baa uol fta proajlalujj aa appear anoa a it bad tbla time leak yrar mr obaile jolliff of llookwood will ureb lurd nxt tiuuday ll wail willi deep rental lbat tba luftliy friend of mr and mra d towuaaud of arden mill beard lant weak of tbd death of ibajr aou mr vrad 1owuend it ap paara that b baa lou lu 111 health for bouis libla but ida death bka bu ft bad blow to tba family ii waa wtll kuowu bara liaviuy apaul bia boyhood lu ibla plaod oulyjrolnj to lb wl about i bra yer ago ii la pataula eud all uta real of tba family liava tba baairtfau tyuipetby of all tbelr many trunjtf lara wj- j- ourk and uuur aui of kiiaajjawayapaol huutly vllb friatida bar t ulu uku otuibla u vlilmulf riuda lu 1 lore ur ajid ur wm lmck auj obiurau of aolou apaot lluuday at ur it gibbon run powaq la eoiqt chlnat muat contlnua tttw wmr auttlnatorailaii fowra imuau hapi lia a daapaub lo tba litkuru from mbaugbel aaya that obiuaaa oillulaj tbara report that irluoa luau baa laauadft aaorat adiot lu tba barn- of tba iowar fujpma informing tba author itiaa thmujtbout tba empiia lital tba ooutt baa ueoulej to aoutiim tba war ageluak tba powara at whatever coat lb adiot threaten that any uttlolal who doe not aupport tba uaoobu will bd beheaiad a a traitor bla family destroyed ftbd iha umibe of bla auomtora daduoyad pally w1u ftra mallbieiwlrtlte lt onauftdoaa audivary doaaoouul i bare aro uo blank a- boer ar n more 3a intb m few kauratdlntf uahda omhwra qurrairtdairlnat a niiw proclamation fa hapt j3 a procbunatloo like annoanoipf tbki ih tnrcmr who aurraader voluntarily will not be eoct oul of the country bat will ba detained in oampa at illoarnfoouln ttt i re tor uv id oiae of tbalr having a look avlaolad repre miiulin wilt bo alluwrd lo aka oher of l ultla tba tuoalhie in which the tier da will ba ap will ba daaigoatad by tba oommandlnk uhtoara of lb dlatriota ioxiom bapt 2 tleraif from ioreoao marquee aaaeit lbat 1 goo itoerr inaladlug commandant 1 iaonar and tblr teen lead lug offloera aorrandarad wllb tbalr arma eud awmunllloa lo tba lotugoe to day all of tbim ware puoed lo goal inbcn hani a iord itobaru oablea from nilaprult oa tba rrotoru deloaoav jiayjjauway hot ar f rom l6matl ioort tliafroollar elaiiou under data of woduee hay bapl 101b aa followa of ibe throa tboqtf nd doera who ratnauad from jtomatt ioort befova i be hrluab ajtanoe from mechadovp man hood red bava aalernd parlogoae territory oibare bate daaertad lu varlooa dlreounaa and tba babuma ftra reported to bava oroaaed iba komall illver and to ba occupying a para of tba tjeborabo moautala aootb of tba railway a general tumult eeeroa to bav oeoamd whoa hy reoognlaad tba bopelaaaneee of tbalr oaoaa tbalr loog tomi abd field goo ban bean deeiroyed and botblng 14 left of iha boer array but a fow muradlug band kelly kenny la dealing with ooa of tbeee wblob ooaupbta a poaltioa at doom berg bokum bept 3f lord 1 lobar u re port a from pretoria under data of baptember jltb that tba ouarda under rolecare oooupled komatlpoort tbla morning tba bldue wa foaod intact afuob tolling atock looomotlve and truck load of long torn ara munition were captured only ft few rifle abota ware fired lord uoberl add 1agel ba oapturod yruroo camp f000 cattle 0 000 abaep abd 13 prlaooara metbuab ba made abolbet big haul of atock cxkibi ow vor ar tux utii- lt col 1rtor u 1 ua raoalvad a latter from a ualor lu tba imperial army bow mrvlng lo booth africa from which tba victoria b 0 coloit makaa tbo following extrmola yob wjll i am acre ba deilgblod to bear tbat tba canadian oottlingent ooi bar bava aionb and goldao opinion from avaryooa tbalr aplendld naaroblng and power oi eodur ann an3 u ooal i one baarpokan of ftb avery toco indeed tbay have beaud many of oar imperial rogalar regimen u ob moc than on oooaaton you would ba utterly aarprlaad at laaai 1 we if joo eould eea ft i bate aaeqtba way in which tbay hav plokad up aoldlorlng tbalr aprltdvoorpal a leeeon aad an axampl in very uutb lo nil all our rrglv meet lord itoberta paid oabadae aoo no mora than ft jul tribal to tbatr mag blfloank worth wbett b cabled hi coagrat- uuuqd to tbo hyhptf jtfr tr klotory hb xaardebarg 1 tall you tbla aeodlog out of tba contingent ba been a brloalaa beoaat and adveriiament to tb dominion k very body ulkaof cabada ft having dona mora tbab any other colony tbi war ba prosed beyond rjueailoa thai we muat bow max ft atari on imperial unity oo aom praotloal hoe tba mother country cab bvr again bodartak auab ftootbar big war a tbla without tb aid of tba oolonla ueateb ooly know what w ftbould bava doo wltbooi thai tenlfloeot and ail important eervloe of all the oolon ul doklnganl exoelleol a lb imperial regular oavairy krt atlll tbay ar bob lb it by many ft long chalk beatd tb eoxooui tbi again i hav keen for myeelf ftbd bo booeat man can galoaay my word milton tb county fair tody and tomorrow 1 tb big fttlraouoa ot tbi weak tb diraotora are batting forth fcpecul cfiort to anaur ft vary anooaaafnl abow tb hxeoallva of hal tod tlbndy bcbool aaaoclalioo will meat bar tomorrow toerw tug at tad o dock to ftrrmbfc for tb ftubuaj cobvaullob tb boxa axclumaot bar will b tb political convention wblob will toon b ftbuoouoad ut u i moor addreeaed xbm hobday bcbool at uouulaia union bcbool nauod on buuday aftaruoon and reviewed tb uaeou of tb aat quarter mr it j qnrney of aotodftoooaipanlad my moor tb ifajtou wellington cray and umc hinder twlnaco u tb labta of farmera a o0 oommbnlou wtleam war bald lu knox church laal buuay tb money agreed to b paid port hope by tb town lu ueu of tb removal bar of tberbyer oarpet vafitory hi not been banded ovr and may never b r mr geo pveoock ou of tb oldeel rael deut of trafalgar townabip dud al bu reeldenb at mertowod tuaeday of laal wk a grand ooaoart untw tb ftuipioa oi tba ltull aid of tb method ut church will bglvau lu lb town hall tomorrow vetting xba following well kuowu artlal will tak pait harold jrtu canada kraual unor j mr bmltb looullonlal lori hop ula jobualou aoprftbo aovoiat maw york uu u unlunraft a1 cu milton miaea iewar and lawrauo piablaumlltou miat lawrauo millou- ftooiilpaulit ouoii o btoww lb mai quartatu of tba ilapilal cliutuli will aiuil at tb youug rol iully at cbaltanbam lo morrow awaniug ui gehrujavjuyool will uiv a un biluul ftddraa ou a bulkeallv oouta of mlaaiouary tltudy mr joliu it ilajrbar who arrived bom jk couple of week yo ha hn at uom toltat uiauy frland lb pail wak tb famou canadian julllt ulugrr gav au aojoyabu ooooert in tb uelbo- dui church tueaday avaulu lb church of kngleud uarvvat faalul will u bald tbla bveulng the luv ur ooddeu if aetoa will preaih mr iarov h lued ba talutncd to tb ontario agfloullulel gollaaj ouajpb lut pending lb eummac at bl boma bar mearc uyka a atuuy bav been build litjf ft uew flumeal tbalr ullt ftt lb ouu and alao kt tb bead eflb gau wblob la kuowu ftt lb wllllama dau 3bu u probably lb 1 nee t j it tbbi eeothul of tba country at ae baa tb wall u four feet tblok mr marabmau i tb oontraotor we uoderetebd that ilt oord of etuiuier tjulr0 lu the buiding hntu tba daalb at toronto od tueaday mou lug of ui- william weeuiaii for mauy year a popular pbyahdau bare removed an old ftndl eauarned early baltur lh tunalu will b luuuted lu ureeuwuod centelery tbla morning at 11 u clock mr john h llarbar m v v md s 000 ou tba chatham banner ah uta aootiou aabj ou uuuday 1 u aold tu mr diok euu uf ohatbam tat mill nextthunbdav and pplqay ar the datam of tlm croat apnual euualng fait to tlw hetd in anion major grant tba inlafallgabla lurraury of i eiiuealtuc afificollural bitci iy waa lo lown on tocoday and elated that tbo exhibition li be brltl here nrxl tliuraday and kl tay will undoubtedly be one of iha bal ever held by thaaooleiy t1m demand for prise hate ie unprecedented and tba aupl ly ie imixl exliauited already much in ureal ia lakeii by cxbihitora both lu the townabip and out of u and both the regular and rpeelal llala era ellrmcling pxblbilore tba oflloera bate had wjoo dodgora miut ad thia week and witb lbe- will axiaod invitation to the vlailora at btruvilla milton and final thi week and llramp loo next awl a vlry largo attend aura here dbittbareday afiil friday may oobfldeotl be looked for tba a pedal altractiona ar of a character to pleeaa apd inlotcat all claa tbo apeedmg ou the half mile track will attract l nnmbeaa tba tu of war which ia open to all taacn which deal re to enter will baa aura oeutro of interaat at three oclock 11e forty car epaclel prlaea a lounded lo e lir act exhibitor a in all line and will tao duubl bring a lerfe hit of aolrle tba illuminated nxblblllod on thureday evening will ba an attraction oepoclally to tboea who will be unable to attend tba axhlblboo oa friday aotou cornet liand will ba lo attendance tbo concert commiluo deeervo eapecial pralaa for tb high claa concert arranged for friday aveulng a gixy of u per lor talent ba been engaged mra caldwell canada prima donna mia ladell the superior elocution mr lfarvey lloyd tb taflncd bumoritt mr lllokaby tba talented organist of cooke a church toron to and the well known lacat inalrumenta llala flarbar and aiken the committee baa wlealy arranged for a plan of the ball and reeervrd aoat may be aecured and will b bald lo the purcliaaer no matter bow great the crowd may ba everything la being dona lo aaaur au attractive and well conducted exhibition townbhip payments aoaourit waited hv ths township ltt lht weak tba towualup council ordered the followlug claim to ba paid at their laat meeting 11 ttaawarfrr nt ea bm bridae i ui m uoora lire amar tjte bo li ur j wltmlar fnrvubw ap4uj tohttyrvy i h john wsfbuit far rtllugeulvart iota fcj anj fci eon h 53 jcliu lllngliabi or lapalfln abut inantof mill lua bride at ur kennady aw mill t to uaaacale lire bikajriug icad ma china w 1 al wm nt foralrnlnvadfenvl w wm 1ihu or nlltng gravel lu lav i couadlvulou iu auelpbttaoaraj uotllj for board abd atuodajtea of jolih uehiad dultohpt u11uu will ktaphau cor vulun ou an 1 t rat lng grmvl otloalta tt tuiau illm hae h4ylluf ft ha 5 go johu ckjaer tuuing la 111 draju bd rapeiriu bill on s and hide john uucrnau 1 u aj fa brldl dtwald ucaay uiaklug ditch lot u wi line jacob majnar rpajrlua tulvt lot likb uo ultdutd hbortlh lor u yard gravel aaikllad ou town hoe yar onw ofiriutf u llbaat fcully for four alrfncer for btuc batweeu lou a and h ut 3 u 0 lawaon llroa tlajuajwlud to joaefb k luta riag tuptllad for eulvait lot 11 xnj ua and m pairing roaj jama croaamah for 41 tlla fur- nubaj lor olauallluiuabruii itbah icarly 1 tbaeii killed by dog tboma uarly 1 lamb kill 1 by k vuoeurly bouuly for killing doc found worrying ahai jobu liinabani bounty or killing doc found worrying abaau coonoil adjourned to meat ou atonday sotbootobev ueo 04 id oa os a m a to oa muhoerud hio bwubthtdt a cowardly lovarat hgirrtllton 8hot mlii orlffln sunday livanlnn iiauiltow bapl 31 george arthur xeajraotl twauty year of age l oonoued lu no 1 polio elation tb alf oonfvaaed murdorer oi mia anulaqrifnu agelaavan ten who waa ft domaatla lujh w loy of ur a it mlblelt ci corolin bueet aoulh and wjioea petnut raeld on tb hamilton road bear dundu peareou beoam aofjutlotad with tb girl at duu duro 1ark ou may 3ilb aud aluo tlian bad kaptoompauy wllh bar yaateiday li hired a rig aud took lb girl for ft driw they out drov lo duuda aud from 1 1 tare to fraallou after having auppr tby drov lo catbal and whau driving horn on lit fourth oouoaaalou about on tulle tbi aid of waferdowu young lraou pulled ft 9 j calibre revolver aud aliot mia griftln uha waa a highly eapacubl glil and uo reaeou li h for tba daalardly act roval vibit to irulano prlnoa and prlnoa of walaa qolna to tlairaat in january lomoo eupu ui tu wurm eay tb ifdm and wltioae of wale will go to llelfaat during 111 lut fortiilgbt in january lo lay ui foundation atou of tb lloyal vioutiu boaplul lliay will b tb uuel of tbmrul of london jerry at mouut btawaitfnawlouard couuty xowu lby will probably go to dublin or a few day ltr oo and will b ih m of tb lord luuuuanl of ireland qultbucu pnumiun dead hon v q marolmnd pad away yukday nlultt af tar u lony ulna qikuiu lupl s5 hou v q mara baud rrlinsaliitiaur dud at 7 id to njubl at ilia rel una of hi aou in law ur iluiiurd wher lia ha li living luo may ii wa affaotad with erterlo aol rax oardifboal and had been oouflued lo burooui tliio lb protogaiiou of iha fro vlucial ljauturf u may laal if haw unow at udmonton uun vmx o that tluuutlfut la tiutiiw ilauu aooortllnu to thu tie port winnirmi tuil j5 a t a port oam froiti lduionuiu thl inoruiug that a vary heavy euowetorni bad ooourred i liar laat bight xh atiow had fallen all ulght and ibu mnrnlug lie rpoit alau thaf lu many plaue the kllbw id mvatl f deep thl u above lb railway line on the xcdmnntoii aaolluu lu liualluua are that the ould wave i oolulug weal lbacudunlau lorllaul euienl co paliy worka at uarlbauk wa datruyad by dra will iha exoaliuu of huod ua luewly 11m lo- 1o0u00 iha kiln u abona nortiiwrst pftospccto oeorge llaaua bay ttiarn la mo hnwn for gloomy r mr tieoige i lag or awoaral manager it the marcbacla ilapk be r luniedvjroni a tfle to tint hoftb state lbat whdfl thaoropa have not bean what waa eaaoed in lb early aea alllu iho f armor are not ao muoh drpeadsut uton tba aingla crop of wbeet aa tbay ware aoma year ejo aa llioy bate to a grt decree gone in for mixed fartnlntt and atock ralaing it waa aatimated thai at laaat half a crop would bo reload and a prlcee wcro high the farmer wouli in many caeca have mora than half what thry got laat year the city of winnlprg aeeroed lb a moel proeporou oon litlcn new batldluc were ulng freclel on the mela elreel nearly all iho atrccli were aaphaltad and there wee abate of briakbru about hie city which indicated buainea energy a good drain go ayetam for tbo und about tlio city would ba a great advantage mr ilaaanolioed thai not a few aaaorioa were oomlog into manitoba taklngup land aud baying improved larro many of tbeee warw ilia eon of canadian who bad come bank to live under ilia old flag though tba preeent year would tiot be ao rood a ta predeoaaaor yet mr ifagu boofbt there wei uo roaaoil for the gloomy forocaal which prevailed in aorrs iiuartar y chfas l nelues guelph to acton clihhikth news ut tbooia vair o t ll blallon agent at babnngvllta w killed ou baturday tba handcar on which ba wa riding being truck by apecaj engine tba flret train to oroea over the new bridge of ibe ottawa y mew york 1uu way apatinlng iha north and aoutb olian net of tbo bl lawrence lllvar at cornwall paaaad over on baturday two maakad man foroad an entrance into tba dwelling of mr george jack of chatham and oommenoed to ramanck tb houaa tbeeday night tba inmate war dlaturbed and upon interrupting the bur glair in tbelr work were forced at tb point oi ft platol to remain julat albert llrowo of tlleonburg fell while lifting ft big itodaon a farm hear mount llglu ob tudy tlio looo fell upou him and killed him indians btahvtd to death itabblta and door fa i lad nr poor lied man had no ma of subatatenoe uiwtfko flpl mltt o f buven ft methodial mlaaiooary at oxford iloua in riot tor dated oxford iloua kept 10 lmxeahanraioininiorrillanbbane- mebl during tli lata winur aud aaily apring of thl year between twenty abd thirty ibdlan of tba baulleauic rib realdlug ftt or bear bandy lak and trading into laland lake 13 u company poet died oi atarvation lubbit and deer bav failed tbaea peopl and al though thoy t aveu tb bark of utn and aofoith yt uiey ar uot alway alu to autulu lit during il long win lor oxfotrfrnoau lain tb dlatrlct of kar walln and t alluatod about lialt way b tween norway iloua aud york factory the tohonto stars new oufmci tb toronto star announce ih removal of it liualube ofilo to ou of th moat prominent buainea looatlou in th oily tb corner of youug and adalaid atresia tb 61 kk thu got upon iha maiu ihoroughfar of tbb oily ih mov i anotner itep in the progrea th paper i making in all direction slow starvation the condition of those af flicted with indioetttion flntulanoy blok haadaoho offan- lv tiraath and eruotntlona ir ritability and a foaling of wel on tha stornaoh wra atnonu thu jsymplorna dyapapaia or indignation a ll i alao f rvfjuently called 1 on of th mot eatiouh ailment tbat ifllleu mankind whan tha atomacb loee it craviug for food aud tb power to digeal it th par aou ao bfllloud lu both monully aud phy airily lu- a oondl tion- of wralohednaea tb aymptoma of tb dleorder ar manifold aud amoug lbrm may b boud a feeling of wejgbt to th region of th etomacb alck hdeohecifii alve trlbhattburu s dlgreblo lul iu tba tuaatlimriiubllity of temper dii tut bod iloep eto til ooudlllou u lu fact on of alow atarvatiou ot th blood uerve and body and ou tba aril hymplom treat meat through th ub of tr william xuik fhiaaboull u sought mr william ihrt a wtll known blacksmith at 1nquld i l i iaoua who suffered for yoar and ratal hi ekiieruno for tb untflt of aim liar bulforar mr dirt bay for many year i wa lotlm of ludigostlou aooompatilad by uarvouatiee palpitation of lb baart and clbar d4tralng ytot- lom my appall to was irregular and wltat i ftu fji ilk a walgiit in my slomaol tbi was aooompauled by a feat lug otatupor or ihploee and yet i rarely aojoyed a night aouuil blwp whan i would rallr ft woajjug aenaaliou would ooma over ma will palui and duturlng around th hfcatt aid than when i aro in tb morning i would feal a tired and fatigued a i did befor i went to bad it u ueadlea lo aay that i we continually laklug biodlolu and triad i thiuk almoat averylhiiig recommended an a out for th iroubla oocablonally i got umporary relief but lhtlroubu alway bam back usually in a tlll mora sgjravaud toim all thl oi court oot a gnat deal oi money and a thaexpandllur a mod ua ua i was vary much duoiuragad on day oh oi my oalghbot who bad uiad dr willuma fluk 1llla with much uu fit advlaad 111 to try lluoi an i i decided ji do ao thinking nvrlboloa that it would b but mother bopiua anparliafiil lo my grt gratlhaatlon howvr i had only boeu ulug lb pill a fow wak whn i fill daoldedly utur and thlug bgn to look brighur i ooutmuad uklug lb pills for aavaral mouths with th reault that my health was a good aud my dig alio hollar than it had vr baeu on ot th moat flattering roaull of th ireeuitout wa my lucre in walgbtfroui liopouud to 155 pound it i mora than a yaaruow aluod l diacuululuad th ua of lb pill t aud in lbat mine 1 bava hot had ilia aiiajbt- aawwiortrdrilmi uoubl w alway kep tbi pill lu tb hou now and my family hav ueed ibeui for other ailment with thaaam gralifyiug leeult ibe fill may b had ironi vty daalar in tuedtoiu or will b aeut poelpald al fifty oit a bojt or lx box yur j w by bddrteing ih dr wlluil medlojuo cd uroukvlll out- a w kliuaturo ta ua wvty ba of tlu g lulu mxntic ikwiioquliiine tbit weataj wat t j ai kll will ijiiiv m nlmuiunt gu9lph some reasons mhy you should iruui on havfn eureli harness oil unenuallnl b tu other rcrxlcni lutnl iculhcr auft eirlnlly j lepdri 1 ki out uutcr a a heavy ihmllcd oil harnes an excdkiit j re wrvntlve rnlucca coil of jour luiniraa never 1 tiriu the kiitlilr it efficiency hi hicreithcd secure ficht urm stitchc ke t fiotu hrealiuif oil laaouitluli localluc uaaiartijly jpavlns lllngbones splints curb and all format of lameness yield to irniwuoully kwtnbdbyua u4 drswn imhwa rnri rv all tit us al- latin hi i r ft lly mm ll huw ul w ij wuiah itn- h1w bu tt- j kkfllaii iiriiii4irxflinli i u i rv wkua hum iujmjo lui ijumww twi h ii ttuvii 1 1 -tv- riiivit- lva t uikiiv rw h i hi llr4lul niil i it- j all 4iu- i ull atnrnr uw mutnixf i ulkl jiittim v v j jr lniiiul1 to utfiull hau curt alia v raulu llm uur- ii u tft b r w w ku a rr u i aii- t ecurjthc tie sum riitt vr atyos artd noss fon-watof- c o arclwr of brewer main amy x havo had caiknh for aovaral years water would run from my yo and noui for days at atftiib alton t four mouth ago 1 wailn ducod lo try dr agncw s calarrlial powder and aluca ukiug tba wonderful remedy x hxvfe not had an attack it relieves in ten minute 50 cents 17 heart tollbfln hcttfarvhour a lldy in maw york slat writing of her curabydr agncw curd for tha heart lay a i foci ilka ono brought back front th dadso great wax my suffering from hirwrouliloend 10 almost mjraculoui my recovery through tha aj ancy of this power ful troatmeut i ows my hfa lo 11 r vvvvvv hoiho railuciulhotoctoy trvauu lloraa catchlug r li u with 1 bu tall 1 i frio ldolitord at nearost ex 1 proa ofllo t j tiatlafaetlftn gnarantavl ori onajr rauiidi lui 1 for oue jamlo matthuwu patvntoo j aotmiont whhrklaivwihk main stroot planjng mills acton a nt john cameron architoct and contcaotor uanuiiaturer ul luxb uaot x nuio uoul iii lu all slylaa onxsujja ami uovluino to orjr on al orl nolle john camhon prnorlotor wheraothstj all ihir dr ptty a fill prove their jowor lo nuts a young wily attar reading atlonllvuly the till of a uovwi call v i be iail man -d- kii llufta idi almaiirajriiawewrrt avertnviprairiwhat wdul i becoma nl lb 0lim llnty our it glvan an hoiiaul iris thu kall faihu 1 njukit j a now utt 13 cauual lualih hi t 1uw n llalloii ulluiu haul bt l tlhuiiuuj out iii weutwortlf uunlm ool is wuhlavalr llwklui ooi oil laptf wallliyuul vaiul lliljl u uwuluutl uoauutvili i out l ij vuotbitluvohlbmu ii 11 i 1 kieulua ltoukwuoj m u iu klll l1i11 oul ulu children cry for castoria 1 1 1 the right house hamii ion l avow ip uojtinc i i ajc1 millinehy our formal 1 all opening ha ijiun pum anil womiroaly in mrvo you in millinery wo vo ft nuipaingly lc3utlul collect loa of stylish and taxtejul i rinnuod i lata y01i cannot do bellrr than buy your pall hal or ltunnot liero no doubt of thai como and lofl iha new millinery anywayr jvjcw rall jachirrt vva a lil or aliiunii ao 1 winter o ilorganiiotit lo fill every nocl n f ha been overlooked corns i only made jacketu for women muae ami clill ircn borne hints al h 75 lawn covert coaling d ublo hrnaalts itllchod rover velvet cellar at o s llick ileaver alnglc hrpastod of doul la hreaxtoil flat coal collar or high collar and largo lever uew leil alcove al l 50 lawn llcavef atorin collar fancy mltchlng lly front far mim at 5 50 short leaver coat hi brown hluo fawn red and black douhln hrraalod fancy hlllchlng eire 13 to ik year dieui uro very tjmcijl vafua a vtuun jjjucii ciqodx our stocks of illack and colored dreia maleruu for rail are now liilln complete und we invito you li como and ace them if you cannot do that write for tarn pie a few hints arc mentioned below al 3 and 50c imperial sulllnj in 7 ehadcs 30 inch at 50c clmvlol ij iliade j3 in wide al 75c very stylish cheviot in 3 shades 44 irjch xxw 1laim sjlxs 6o0 wo va a lino 0 1 lain colored i llerly silk that am esira value full ranga of stylish shade nice bright finish correct for waiit poclal 10c a yard plain colored taffeta silk or waut and lining complete range of fashionable shade two juxj ilka at 73c andfi vxlvjctxjcms aoo complnln rangn of stylish shadings iu ilia velveteen thaf are to very fashionable thl season superior quality al 30c 0tta bufrit5tntfnls pioihity for kale hlluhku pi taroie end vlllaaw ftf ly lati ta ar ly to vu iikkll tkkkt ahlluhku or aal u iisihaiijk itesi dknck p bal riuat wallaww i ut fuvua 1 aonua la i 1 rtn1 f baa ailil loot balluat i iiiuhhihii weiar hlabl aud toail bouaa nn uh uaaiulaaa tltara la n mrrm uf latxl wall klushad willi nl ilealrull tl a i rmrty la will in tla wxixrf allot ul u m ll llntf tuuiutaluiiiig tnmu xjt aeloo oilng to ii a woillnlly o ji imhy u l worty vuum tataka a tiundi1 lu fr imuih iho awl caruaoa wlllbaum oo way urtua v w taxlhlara ai tv al fmkm iaaaaumc i pantry laic llanl aod aol wrlto ub for bamplog have you tricj ordering by null yet il a a very utwfactory way for out f town realdenls thatll atthisslorn beca us we sorva you just as well n if you wdrn liarn in njruon we uaranlod sat isfactlon and pay llio charge to any railway station in onlirio if your order amounis to 5 or over try it tliomas c watfcins king st eabfc cor hughoon st hamilton rt 4 extia valuo 2 ik hosiery gcurney cfe co beat i value olovea x priestlys blank bress materials yn thd wide realm of illack drau i ahrics there 1 nothing ihst j i conies mrto iho standard and excellence- of the priestly illack 1 ul dre cioodr as we control tha l3i0 of iihso good far acton j we can alwayri show a complelo absorlmeut our 1all assort a incut of thcto gods is up to the standaid tlioy represent ilia high 1 est point of perfection attained in illack dross stuff j also a com pie tu range of twoeds and hslds suitable for 1 skirls and suitings j new pall wfapperelleb aid plannelelles airllcfaiii iun just received j table trinenbattd towellindb 3 vatuo unpiecouonlftd 4 gorsele a i xtra vai ue in tall cohslts j of court you know iho meriis of ibe b a c awl crom corcets how perfectly they fit and how raceful figure tliey to give iha wearer try a i air good valu es in gollon blatikete ui j our 8tock of giocerics -ih- v comjioto gurney st co millr acton pull stock -or- qonts pumialiga a thing oi beauty u fay forever make your itnocaa besutiiul r by touching up gr- vi llio dirk kpotg co family patht i u tbuiitf far limited buriacca nil j esrucolly prepured fur huiuo m any child cmb ujj it bui j uy a t brown acton 1 uy 1illu srasiuall mr tull but an ni 1 doa and every doa count ii uro aro no blank k oaj lain ware lus rookliag llisr would i ii lata wrecks when tthnumtvtlam fictublvs at matrv up phyalclau ant sulurar alike loa heart and often detualr of a cur bjit iwm ib encepllon win legt of nor wool out uy i waa nearly doubled up with rheumatism i gol hire lioltusol boutb american lihedmallc cur and they cured me it s the quickest ocling uiedlcln iavrsaw th uullxiu fur unit yliuu ibis la ut rvoord of iorry davis tain klllar a surour for dlsrrhosa dysilsry aud all bow a oomplaluu avoid sulntilulw ihor is but ona lalu killar isrry davis j5q an i 0o0 uefcatawjied7work buyou uul unur your work with 1 11 111 ig 110 you jlplalkprtrliiii iha way for work to ooma h wi ii a do what lie lo your baud ask uu druull for 1 ally ihu if i beau t got ths til writs 11 eualtlalug lb rlo wicoiit and wu will but 1 ly you 1 b mm who s ibaorltia iluvally toward foreign mlaalous and ut lil groodry bill run ttv 10 mth i not iha tight kind of a man to k aa 1 1 up a artminuiiity klilill viu test cold hit i0 01 kuill 1 vhj hoi 01luhk 100 kiiaraliud imrfm i hell ai u in globe optical co 03 yongo straot tolunto i a pleasing piiqlograph boa yourself as other uts you hut let ui presant you at your best our work is co mm en dot i not alons for iha artistic merits out for iii excel lenctt and accuraleoes of our llloiionse what a a rirlly piclur aiul it look so much ilka you u ill inevitable axciama tion photo wrtst wcton fefij worm oeumok axial vflber in children or adult wudr low worm hyrp t ud uoo all dealer a bachelor ha laft hll hi propelty ul tha girl who rafuaed him for to them b owed all hi aartkly bbpojuaaaj ah tb luug healjng proper tie of tb pin at bottled op in dr wood norway i lu hyrup u u lb mo lhda remedy for oougba and oull uf all kluds lrloa io 1 x new telephone directory the bell telephone company of canada limited wu1 p a new edition ol ihelr 1 scrllicr s diirciory uilhln a fw dijv tlicoiileinplalin lioc mint kuhrlbcrs ahoul 1 place tltfcir ordnr al once in order that ihelr name may appear in this iwok corrections lu the uainr of firmi or iher desired changes and order fir dupll cate entries kiiouij alui lw handed in now to ensure attciltlon a tniltou acton sept 33 1900 laical kfanajfr t v suith icuktuw tv smcutlji uillswyt lltlulplu snjtuwla call early and avail yourself of his valuable services us this 19 a rare opportunity to have your tyci proper ly tcted free of clorj c no l uets work hut aacicnhfic certainly difji cult cua accurately fitted at i wou1c uauasti vti xx 11 kji wlu1 bu xv agnows hotel acton thursday october 4th fall1000 vkuhiohkula twtlohb ulglho u kmlmtnual an tmolf thalr imeod awl ui vubll tininllf beg to llui t uienl tat tlialr put larare and tidpe tbay will noatieua to tatroolsa too t to- lial tailor i into hloak e biutimos tboubbainoa stall ovjthoqatinab jtanay vtbtlnoo all lb laieetuovaluaafroul tha beat ktlftou maker at twlea lu kaatugmuil wixbluaoalilt nhl niatarlal our tat ratcnl 1 ft guarantee tl at baliafaa- tlou vlllbealvao ko tmubte to show cur good o eoul early t loaur a tftioj aalaelioa tulaawtlo lowu fo- iuiiwatp sod 1 ilea balm hatav whleu do bot ebsbea tbelr eolor lu two yaareweer or toooa laluujaj cooper dlxakins main bt acton county of peel fall exhibition to 111 iiu d in town of brampton tuesday a wednesday j oot 23i on the societys parte eroumls tlio peel old bojs t nrnnln utth llift oi toronto with the 48th hlklandbrs band in lull uniform mill visit tha lair on oct 3rd by special train tha following distinguished emferftiif mcnittors of llio i aol oldlioys auoclallon will bo present uo justice moss sir i ii6wland lion c alkiui hon j m clbaou jajucs i uuiutg liaa u u i w j caie 1jj rov r i llowlos joseph butcllila i ui surgeon major naiireau a ii met lijo ivestdellt of i ho ivcl old lloys aahoclallon ilia mayor of ilrampton w l mtlner lsn and members oi iho town council with the lresidont of llm ag society j ii waisoii 1 a and nitnbers of tlio hoard will rck the victors al the rail way station of iho grand 1 runk railway at 1 1 a in handb in at11 ndasc1 sivcwling contests ou iho fraud half milu i rack as followa 3 mlnum trot urjtt sullktiu maris orgeldliijs loeuicr jlotlarl trials of twice aroun i ilio ring iteti 3 in j each irial to harnots i urui j isl j iul tj ird 7 3 to j 13 trot or pace ii in must i iha bona tide property of the exhibitor at leal taomomht prior in tlie eshlbltiou twica around tba riuj turn a in j each trial to harusu iurmviso iri aiu il5 jhibjj 4 1 110 jjo iroi or lco slallious mares or cel liiis i rials of iwic around ilia ring each trial to haiuek four 10 enter 3 10 tlart beit 3 ill j purse uo lit l3 jndlis 3rd j5 4 runnllig loniest twice around iruck uei 1 in j lursataj isl jjo snd m15 ird tio i armors match mares geldlmv trot tars or 1 acers 0icn 10 liorsc that have nevof won a prlio in a race or speeding contaat prior to jul 13th iiyv the lion fide properly of ilia eshihltor a fartrw solely cnaucd in farming c011lau to bo one around the ring each mm lo liaruoa track sulkies barred lloat 3 lu 3 lurso i50 istljo 311 1 lis 3e1io th rocoids prior lo july i5lh ijoo bar rod 1 iitrancd foe 3 por emit of ivurso nd loiwrceut otl pdid tnonay lusl lady drker lu i3 aod j jtcduwid fares rtult and canaillmi i aclfic kalltaay during i lie vxhlbllloii all lufcrmatiod and ilbje luu oi u obtalno1 ft out llui societary vh i rancii la uround auuitrfrjc culuiaam luc uokaa aw it tlci uv 30c v- all ut slock will be juhred tk1 d all oihar exhlblta iddl st lulrle nit y spoodliu dn ou monday j u w rt olifiltr ionrerj- otl xsaffa

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