e vrsdll rttoray aoton lo ulu mllfll it a- rillr hrvr- kiatrnawa 1 at al kaal oruim h j nil wiiiberar miwloier ur uisrleeuraeiter malthaoe youngest ran of ilia late laif maulfe iotou in ualiella 14a naunlile ol w ii i ail allnkaal orange till ht m uatin al lis lanonis f ui uf ru mliuial jotiuauiwu n ob wxl hiuy 91 kh i ir by iu joltti vail hurt hr irfuillfl f tiki 111 tl union to kuelmtl vlot u war till la si lr of u a itu unr maiuu k kriu i i iii of johiiloiil n y km klkkkih atue rijeiee itf uti i rl1 i urn le un liailliia lloail t innui tu vvlulf ln i hh i f lev it w wntla l a nraltfavlll lie tlioa kakld m a i t rf of tie aiilli fliitreb luah 1 t i ii al i llkllli al ur ui htr i tioi iai aar l flj w at i ul 1 bulu unlay oeuwlmii xl jla of 1 lal l unlit j j i woi ii ialy ofluu jill at 11 on i73lluiu id uuajil fcjiue 1 i ttli i tt lata auli v unihur j tl a i 1 alhtl alii i f hamilton nil hi muv 11 ii cook furmsrly of a niljuhdav ogtodj itlhtii 1u00 editorial motfcs john utilities jojao jolrvjva opponent in wmi driiwtlm lorlee nominated mm yejlerdayadw man of ujal politic- hliffaraeofawiulhia riding lha tolraie ouijjit lo have an may victory toronto itrjnt mr uenlled i- father or mr a j oonllo teller in iii- iferchante uatik auloti y at lli leal aesajon of 1arllamant the tiyvmiimool we upitoflajlby major tie which ranged ad 11 jb aa fij tbe normal majority itowover w ellgbtly bslow i blat on th resolution proving of the prefer autial ln i straight party vol the majority 45 wib several absentee on both aide rhe full strength of the two iruo at th time of dissolution wu straight liberal lid independent liberal 10 tola lbo hlralghl conservative 76 independent conservative 1 total 77 i ilia gave th government k olcai mmjorlty of lij over gcutofvauvaa add all tllb lllda immuiiu or ol fj when th indbnodanta wltoitaoarally volad with tb gpvrntnnt rooorjoj tbkir vou mr p nalidorioti on moujy th avaiilb tlm in atiociou clioaaitby llitf lollaorvktlvaa of iillll ft lllir 0uldall for tiid houm of commooa elaotloo ilu flrat ooptnat waa on tho ujud labioary 11w7 wbu ho wm dacated by uf john whjjlo hl ooouwunl in four different oloctiooa by nlaa vot mr waidlv fibaraently boaaatotl add lha tiaxt oori teat tfts bataraaq mr haodaraou and mr wm uoleodt cooretdwo oa tb 7lb lbruryi lhttn mr lloadar w do thlrf occulon by hu majority ubortly theroaitar mr dandaraoit waa utiaaatad for bribery by all agent and in tbo bjoeleo tion oa auguat ijnd of tba mm year mr waldld agaiu defeated biro by jj majority intbetiext aoeral aleotloii on tha i3rd maroli 1h01 meesra waldw ad hsudor moa wera bgaltl ooiflaataula vfbaii tha utlat won by majonly of 10 vrouau vara aalo aolared and mr ifendaraoa waa a aacoud lima tmeaaled th tiajtt byia3 tli u bald on tha sjnd vabmary 1h03 ilflhta aattjfjaiiit itefornlera did tiol put i candidal lu iba held but mr j d wo uregor ran- ju tha 1alrooa in tarsal- and waa defeated by 10 mr ueoderaon la i coutaat waa in tha gaaaral alaotldd ol lbofi when on tba 33rd june ha defeated jdr waldla tba boooad jm by toajoilty of ul which ail aubaeidently reduoad jh a uoouut to t that lu a najrliatnedtary oarnetyoi a doaeu yaara mr llaadaraon baa beau beford tb elaolora at tba ooanty of ualtoil aeveil lluea it bla party ha baa vron a wide prelha and baluy a fluent apaaker la id demand at many poluta tbroogbout lha oomluloa for cam yaiiia addreaaea wbauavarmoouteat u bainf waged it la thought bowavar that thla very prniiiiiietim la bin own prty wilt muu uumberi of llborala lbrouaboot tha ootitity whoihava aupporud him in tha pal to adhere mora cloaaly to tbelr owu paaty in tlia future mr u 1 moxiunon tba bootio of live liberal of tbia county la a ball a or hal ton having been born in kaquaajng town ablp t7 yeara ago at nu aarlyjutoji laft the farm aud want to oeorgaluwn wbertf be aervad oil knprautlooablp with hl tiucli ujjuio moklntion ilia taalaa wara lu tha direction of luoroantlid ufa and be quickly davelokad that adaptability and been ahrewdiibe wbloh have marked hl oarr tbrough ufa from georgetown ha went to wlngliaiti and smbarked lu bualuea hubacfjuautly ha rot u rued to oeorgatowht and conducted a proaeroui btlitneaa but being burnt out tboia ha raolvad to aeak ft larger field of ojmratlou ami want to tor onto whara h laid tha foundation for tha great mercantile firm with which ldauama haa for noma yura he idauliaed v u about thirty jore alnoa ha autered loto ui wliolaa iilllliueryfirmof fiiaylay- mokluiion ilia firm nauie waj igtid to mokiuuon 11 haltons candidates 3 p koklnnon toronto and d hqnriar9oni t0 pcoaonl mombar tha unanimous choloa of thaijr roipooilvn partlaa abb ubaijuanlly oh tor tl mocall apd later to mokiuuon lvoolorl co almiut fifteen eai ago mr alokliuioii bioiiiiu tlia sold proprutor uuilor the firm nania of d v moklunon a co ud hi january lfi0 tba bualtieaj wau trauitarrad into ft lluiltad 111111 ly oompany undar tba nauta n f v mokiuuon jti oc limited mr mokin uou although ba has not hertofor aoubt publlo hunora al llij baud of hla fallow oountrymei haa alwaya bean aoulfd u a ubllo ilrlted nltljum wbo baa dons hla bbkra in oantilbutlug lo lb buaiuaaa lutdraau of th community lu wbloh bd raaldad and tha- handsome unkinuoti bulhlljf ob ma i nd a hlrt and tha mag uluoellt waralioiiga ni vork emid waluug uiu illiimitr loronto lu which bla bualuaea la ouudtiotad are nioiiuniauta to hla autar priaa in ooitinlerolal ihd rluaiiclal citalm mr ajojdiiuoii lu wall kuown inure ji l a uioiiilur of tha ioioiito ijord of iradrf ilia ofiloj of vim ireeldaut of tba manufacturer ufa lrealdeuf of lha canadian brauciif the jjwkuua collaollug aganoy am iiijjut of tha anglo atusfi can 1 ira juuiauqb jaiupauiiw all dllfariiiit tlmu i uou oouforrbduuii bltu mr mokluiiou u not only an old flftllon boy bi in w if but when saakiug lurluar it vaa in tha aoana j ida boyhood al qeorg tuwu lia found hid ahoiod slid whan aflir ttloori miid f oloee aud eucueeaful attau tlo i 10 hunlnea lia find hlmialf in a hl tlou wdavola a iwftloii of hid time lo tba aervjimoj hlj fellow oanaduiia f la lo tba alootora 61 uallon ha look for thalr auff mai bavi a duty hive in biir of thuir jiowar but ii bauatfld dial luh to u tuld i hair uurk a kubn joq prluiotbd one uf lha moat reiwaaanlali ir ateudad and enltiualaatlo ouulrojtllonh ever held by die i iberalauf ilaltun gatbarad ul krlday al mluoirio nominate a alandard bearer tor lb coming election tu tba ilouaa of oommona ilrgalaa weta rteeol from vary jtart of the ooudly and tbe aplril of dourrofnauoii lo uee every legitimate effort to ijio victory and auot tbe ron tie tnan wbo iba olioloe of the oopventlou waa manlfeel at half peel one mr ltobert blewari lueva of i jueelngi and lrealdent of hal ton luform aeeooullon took tbe obalr and aiter tha oredaotlau of delawtea had been biaipined invited nomlnatiune tha name of s v moklnnon i c toronto waa iba only one aubmlltd to tba oouvoo lob haoecal prominent realdenta of lb ooanty had been rctjiimtad pravlooaly to allow iheir oamoa to be pat in nomination but owing to bnalnaae rlalma and aauafao lory peraonel reaaooj tbaao had declined ur mokjnnon wea nominal by mr wro moleod ucorgetown aaootided by mr h u cleaver- uurllngton in antbua laatlo apechae aud after auflloieol inter val 4o permit of any further nomlnatlona tba name waa anbmllted to the oonvonllod and dftrrladwby annaraliiooa atandlog vote a deputation waa then an lo bring mr moklnnon to the convention on antecivg tbe ball mr moklnnon waa free i ad wllh voclfarana oliaera tto chairman formally tendered bin the nnamlnnna bomlnalioo of the ooavantlon wbrreupon the ohaar ing waa renewed mr mc kin don in iaply poke of the repealed w jueelt that bad bean tnada to him lo twoome a candidate in halloo ftbd bla repeated refoaau ho took it aa a rreat honor to ut tendered tba nomination all the more ao aa h waa a native of tbia rood oonnty ha wad born on a farm bear aahgroa on the hth una nf kaqing had been in bualneea in george towd for year bad petit more tban balf bu life in tha county niarried hid wife bare abdaomaof bu oblldarn wereborrrj liard end he bad yet aa tnooh intareat in tha county of ualton aa perhapa auy dele gate in tba ball oheera ife then gat aome intereatlug information about bid family and aald he had never yet given enyiblng boi ajubenj vote elthougb bid falbare people were coneervauvee xer bapa tbid waa becadae be waa born at ihd time or that great rebellion whloh bad done ao tauoh for thla country although be did not believe in all that maoaapale ad vocaudtnvdid beievo that wb ware indobl ad to thai rabelllon for many of the privileg wa bow enjoy trhfttfl warn till exlatlng a few irembanld of the old family oompaou we have alna of tlwd thingd about ua oocaaloually 111 fl be thoaghl if hir ghailed tupper had lued up iu thid part of the world we would atill have called blm aa old family compact man laughter bey were mcu wbo wanted lo rule everything whether they had right to or bot to kooept the nomination meant a great deal of eearlfjce on bid part aa he wad a boalnead man wllh larg iolar b b wutirl thanauddof tbeeonvenllou great cheer jug he would do all that be fairly ooold to win the alection and appealed lo the eleotora to do their part in dlaouaelug general polltlcd mr mo klnnon com pared tbe oonditloud at ol law when tbe couaervatlve government went in ofuod will thoee al preeent ex iatlng whan tbe liberal came into power the government found a vary bad a lal a oz affaire indeed ibey found da floienoie in aaveral of ibe department there were dedouooed or al ledal oroea entrled alo in tbe 1ubjid worka depart bjent end the 1oet ontoe department wad running behind al tbe rata ol q0oqoq year under the liberate thle atate ol thing j dlaappearad in two year thaee dedoleuoeebad bean brought about by the want of bualnead ability he oou tended that today we had men it power who understood how to oonduel boajueee influ luly letter tbey ware honeaty luelf he might aay but we oould bot day eg much for the lal adnuiualratlod vor elkbueti yeah tbe cry of the gooeervadived bad been that if the li bare id ware returned to power ruin would itarei tbeoountry in tha face free trade would be introduced and aji the ladualriee in tbe oonulry wonld have to oloae tbe librild oamd into power and we found greater progreee than- there had been lu mioeutury before canada bad gobe ahead by leape end bound ihey aald thai tu return lite liberal would be to aevar till the hondd between ouraelvad and greftt lirjlalu but thld govarumentby lie polloy aud bir wilfrid laurler by bid vlalt lo luglaiid had greatly tl lengthened tbeae boudd auj had inaugurated a policy of preferential trade that had redouudad to the baueilt of canada very largely uded mr mckinnou thou fjuoud figured to lllalrald ihe tmuvelloud ajtpanaloaal oauadlaii trade uudar the nreaaut govern maot in eoueludlug be declared hie cou i flduee of victory if the delegated would do their bare of lha work required mr john 1l llarber m v p briefly iuiiid theclrduiueuuci that had led to mr moklmiou being rqiietad to allow hid imnia to go before the ootivantlou aud tha ltwted effort thai had haeti made to aeoure a local candidate for like rldiug he epokf in term of the warmeal admlratlou of mr mokliinou wltom be bad known alnoa the oandldau waa a joung mail of twdiity frah from the farm a clerk in geojgaldwn dry goodi a tor a uou win muloek 1oatmauur 0iiral ftud ulnlaler of labor waa ttuu given a fry eordlal reoeptlou he took the urge and rpreaaupcliwa oonvnllaa a a fwo- able augury of the veaullof tba cam pelgn iby had m good oauw an lihvlll gert uonaliluwioy aud good candidal ha oougratuiaud them on ohooalug mr mokiuuoi la toronto w lis re thay wri will kniualutad wilh mr mokiuuon bleil wmth wej kllowu hlabteudihgtvaollimaliil hid auurprlae bij ablllly an i thay couldll rely on bu bruglng to ur on ihd mauage tudnl of thb affalm or the naiuu at 0uu thdutne ftblllly ihalhe bad dulkyal in hid own bueliide chwre lualdeuoe in the oauatllueuoy waa not au ovrwbeliolug ooualdifatlou we had had uou realdeiil member on both aided of the homel alaoln uugland sir itlbboi i tapper waa now oil hill wy aoroed tbe routlueut from llijlleh olumbla bid bbnte to riolou n ii aha oonalituaiioy ha wlehed lu aelu ipraieat ihau fuoweil a most inlareetiug apeeoh of an hour aud a half utmu ihd quaatlong of the day wilh linpraaelve coiuparlaoua of the coudlth ua of tba oounlry whan ihd couaervdtlvew wul oul uf ofnoe aud tbe cundltlotie aalaliug today uudar liberal a leading figure in puly atrife n canada when tbo hulnrlali cuinaa lu write lit bleloilae of die great meti wli have lived mm died for ganeda thrre wltt be- mr brluhtar place in tba bulory of our oounlry tbeji tbal tiejd by ieuilrr no man ia dona mora for tba unification i i etieda t doubl if any man baa il mo mora for the aninrallun of the ein tr- iheu he for he baa taken tin lead lu tbo tuilflcll n ihe jxilonlea wlollbempjfr uujiejiudicalixlj wh and bow ibey abould l brought o pother and ha haa made it a popular aenll maul throu the whole lenlli aud breadlbtif llu dominion that our hlklieat iolilioei aim le to have a rmnnt hijti oal nmon with lha empire uboera the meeting aloeed with cbxare tor tba iumii lbe can tidal- the i remur an i mr mulock lbe conveiillou of tha couaarvative aaaoclation uf the county hi id at milton on monday we harmonluua and ojilliualaello i very polllug anbduiaiuii of tbe oouiily waa reprceeiited aud mr ivl 1 iff nderaon waa agaiu unaulmoualy nominated to bo the libera i- conservative atandatd bearer lu the approaching ijomiiilgii elecllood the meeting waa hi in llio uwi hall mr uamuel dloe of milton pretldent of tbo hai i on tiber coutervallvo aaeoola lion oocuplad the chair and eeated on ihe platform and in the audlenao ware maiiy of tha prominent cooaervallva tealdauth of the oounly including lieut col korna ex m i l ijurllhklou tt warden alton i 1 iquhatl baueeveof oekvllla ir wobfitero wardeu of the county l llohl noble norval mr analoy glauwllliama and geo andrewa or oekvllla wben nominal ion worn bailed tat the only mo preeeoled lo ihe convention u lbat of ibe late member mr david tlanderaon tbe nomination w moved bydr ifujuhaitl of oakville aeoonded by ex warden allon of meuou and a about of a pro val followed from the whole audi eoce the oandldate then a lopped to the platform amldat renewed eh wring and the enlhnalaallo leoeptlou ha reoelved abowad that b baa loet tiouoof bid popularity with hid parly mr handeraon thanked ihe convention vary heartily f jh ekpreealon of oon fldonoe he referred lo the fact that lie bad had ihe honor of tepreeeutlng the oouutry id twelve ttoaalone of farllamtnt bd ha deeply apprecltel thi honor doud blm in i a nominating him aa their can dfdate- ltd hdd tfo doubt that violory would again real with tbe oonearvative party iu tha oomlng ooulaet tba meeting waa then addreaaed by lieut col kernd el m i x who ahowed tbe manner in which he conrl lured the itumrier govern maneshad broken their pre election pledged he characlariaed the poetal legtalation of ibe goveruiiitiut aa ciaairalatton and aoorwl the govern metit for the ue of voter llata of 11100 tbua dikfranohlaing a uumber of votera the govern meul bad nut aboluhed tha beuala aa they had promlacd to do bolliad adoped a method of reorganising it by meaue of the allettodaale of vacant ret a lorahipd mr j v llllott urneur of milton poke of lha enviable nme mr uenderaon had made for hlmeelf aa a uglalator and kjkaaka litioo he enlerod 1arllamaut aud of fcfeonoidon oounly in having aooh a worthy and diatlugulabad repreaau ullve mr ueuderaou then addretaed the tuieriog iu at two houra apeeoh lu which he tlaall iu ati exhaustive bianuer with thd vajrloaa qumtiomrwblob are now before the people the liberal bad promlaed to improve the poeiuon of the farmer liul inataad of doing to bad ucrmeed tlu price of hi augar coal oil binder twine aud other articled lu dally uae 3hey had failed to teduoa the duty on agricultural implameutd he ahowed how that id 1h05 the price of wheat at loroulo waa 00 mu above the liverpool prior while at tbe preeent lima it ia 00 catila bdlow naarly all arllolov of farm projuca are cheaper uow than thay bad been during the igbleab yedia mr hendereou doalt with the government broken prom lee in tea pact to tba expenditure and taxatlou of the country and oritlaed the preferential tail if policy of iba government he touched on tbe fact that tbe reaaou canada bow enjoyed good timed wall hoi uculeself what tbe go vr u meat had done but beoauu thay did not interfere with ihe tariff of the conservative mr ileuderaon waa llataiied lo wllh marked atteutiou and hie adddread fre quently brought forth applause from hhi haletisr the oo voullon olodml with cheer for the quean and ihe oandldate nassaoawuva thankbqivino dav i ooo it la a aoqroeof prof lynd datletacllon lo all who either dlrcplly or indlicctly aympalblaa with umvjorship of god and iboae wbn do not are fawrndead to feel that once a or publlo recogniliort la made of ihe ilvty and ilia jlaneflceaoe and publlo thank are returned for ibe asine whll every ciilxiu rich or poor pute aalde tha usual daily oarea to attend tbo liienka rtvfnirirtrioeliriiiacliurob lo revel lu tbe dalljhla of ibe home circle in family re union or in friendly uo inter course urmaily ibis day wae eet in lha t ieet pari of the season an 1 though thai day might be taken aa pointing tbe moral tbal gratitude uu lo be uleadfesl arid not a fair weather affair yt we think mal people will gladly wploomo ibe change to an earlier date omlnu ao suddenly it may havr given lha tradition turkey a longrr aa of ufa for he tny not ee jet be iu prime condition for ibe feativa board lhankaglvltig however should auggeat aometbiug blghor than fcasubg i arller in our history we re mo inhere it thla day wae oelebraled mora roljglujisly tban aaw and wis mean of uroe lu both taint and sinner for the latter saw lu it that tha godly reelly believed ibal ihelr bleeding camotioeti oof an f werauraleful for them we believe our canadian people should gather in ihair ifeei of worship o day and offer sincere thallkagivlnge logod for aura ly wa have bean greatly blessed this year there have been abundant crop aud pro parity in almost ever department of manufacture and trade indeed il le called tbe growing lime and lie present year haa cartatnlj been literally ao oharao urlxed it i true that the war iu bouth africa had heeu au event of lerioue utareiv to our country au i honied during iba past year but we ullevo almighty god haa over ruled ihe sd experience of ihe jeer iu which it haa bean waged for good aud that aa a result ilia kingdom will be advanced wuilo ihe wat- haa oaused sorrow at malty hrealded there is reason for lhankfulueae tint our sou have hon able lo render such signal aarvlca tu ihair qiieeu aud country and to win honor atilfvor for canada gratitude la not ao muoh an aoknow ledgniaut of lhfdorlhsl buat uieeaurrd by iu materia value a il aaplrlt cheer ing and inspiring ell who come under he influence lal tia hall ihe day for iu promotion of family reuulotieand promo lion of hoina jo j coming it now doe about midway between ltbor day aud christmas it will a welcome holiday to many toller whose dy of raaplle from work are cenermlly too few hope had departed iaifiniiriiiihiizir3j kendalls spavin cuke lllv l wi j k k i a uiull w u t rll kfei alllnlhw armlly h db h j kendall co tnosoljsfl faux vt h fetiju txtr 2ia jtfjzjxzxzim boots sh01sjor fall wear i kgnny bros dd7irtlnionbootolshobstorb juttkflh st hcton artt dally rccclvliik ad lllb tin f now all wpar which iwog in ihe recent ir liato o lai rtcu in town al a vrry low roloon d llr wn am allo lo rodura in prteetrt point consider til lielow itm moat prices wn no ihu fjll miking a tpcrlsliy l y 1 iris and nrn ahln lo oirnrrxllntl lines al 73 cmila and lip ncn mid 1 ulncia drallni iu atli n ua ab uinnl rcputa- igblforwanl and honel butlnns rharalcr our cutlomers thercforo know wlmit wn publlidi larkalu lliey call coma lo lha kjorn do 1 he sura tif arcurlng litem kepalring always carefully nllrndad to wo 1 iaka kpeclaliy uf turn i worl in bolll ladle i koilllernrti s h e r iurlng our long real lei r ltai order rd wrrk i a l 9 lea ill rhu a an i v 11 btuij aallsfaction kenny bros ilu jvbbrrlidmrnln some reasons why you should inslll on living euref a harness oil unequalled lv uuy ther rctulera hard lp flier eoft especially pie pared krepa out water a licavy iwdlcl oil harness all ejuellciu jlreservellva reduced cl of yaw hirursa never hiiriia the leather it eftictency id lucre 1 wd securea heit mrvicu tltchcd kept from breauii s oil le sold it till localltied mr jam cargll mauagawaya loit out of hla horse uit week cause of ita death unknown tha horse wag a good oue aud tha lo i heavy tbe brick layer are txpeolbd lo ha at urjdward darby a houae at knatchbull tbia waak knalolibiilma todiasea ibriaewek ail tooommenoe ahorlly it haa tievir liean ofienar than iwloa a week tvtty 1ujay aud lrldy mr 0 a gedd of kuatolihull liai the oonlraoifar oarryiuu liar majeaty 1 mall from knatchbull lo acton and to hpayslde aud return mr aud mra iranblln llainahaw of kuauhbull and ur and mra colin g ki idling of kaaaagawaya returned borne ou lriday from a two week a vlsll to frlauda in kincardine far mere are buey taking up ihsir potato and picking apple lliay are hotb a very good orop hill year mlaa maggie klu3 of oualph la visit lug relatliod aud frlanda iu naasagawaya ou iuftuy of last weak lha dwelling of of ur v llia at flehaw illation waa dsilrojsd by fire lhaoontante were alto uaaily ell doatroyed lair al canipbwilvllu ou 1uaalay waa not favorvd with tbaexoallaiit wathr wbloh all tha earlier falre enjoyed till fall ilia weather waa bleak and cold but ikvcriheuda lb ore waa a good allow and a vary toul alltudaiica luv and mr 1 l 1 lagg will both da llvac addritul tbe hpworlb league convention of gualph ditlrlol al itock wood on lha hih november auhquovu li 4 alaitstoi la ou uvary bud uf thm auuulae iohhiivc bromoiiliilii taut ibu rimed uud uw at ewod laa aaa atay rule with the vsut lucroau iu liade au i comiuaina iioonoludlng hid addr mr mullook tnade flotiuoul tefatanoe to lie leader lid laid wb11 mir wilfrid i surlr from lha aoiive eeeiie wbau ha la 110 luuget mr chltlea dkk la holidaying at ham mlad auiila alnaidr raturuail on blurdy from a ploaaanl vlrll id anton aul ltockwood mra wm ihonipu aud liilta grand ilaugblar lillian swul a forluighl rot ly with relativu in arthur au i vicinity muee gotge llioinpaou and george litrd are roovtirlng from thvlr raoeul illiiaa mlaad miuule and dauy uautelun of hlrmlavilla ward guealu ovr tluuday of frun here i br maihollle bfld hutiday hclnwl and bur b hffyliuj n tba lluriiby lhiiiwriiiw ball mi h 1 day hwo will u bbl ihoie lit tbe ixiiilil u itllll lay alao owing 111 epslr lu pmvraas al lb oltur h thb btohv op a womans iieh- cub phom cheat sup- fkhing ror veurw uar llfo ww one of mlaory her feet nrtd llmbe would owall frluhtfully and shu tleoam unubla todo her house hold work from tie luurprue jlrlbjewaler h if hid ajipnllmg to think of tha number of women throughout lha country who day after day live a life almost of martyrdom anfforlug but too frrqub nily jn elloul al moat hopeleaa3epair lo tuoh autferer the ttory of mra joshua wile will come a a beaoou of hope mr wile hv about two tullbd from tba town of jlrldgewater n 8 and la rtapeoted and eeuamad by all who kuow bar whlld iu one of ihe local drug aloro uol loiitf ago mr wile noticed dumber of boxed of dr willlama tluk xlllil lu the bhow e and remarked to the proprietor if ever there wae a mend to woman it la iboia pllla sbe waa aak ed why aha ajioka so strongly about the pi 1 island in tsply told of the misery from which thay had rescued bar lha drulil eugjeld that she should make kuown her cure for ihe beuefll of ilia thousand j of almllar aufferard mra wile replied hat while avarae to publicity yl aha voud gladly tell of hr cure if it would bene fllauyon al aud aha gave ihe following ttalemeut with permission foe 11 public tlou 1 my life for torn yra wa on of weak use pain aud misery until i obtained relief through ibv law ulur williams liuk xuu from wnn cause i kuow not what exactly i became d untlcted with uterine trouble ibal i wad obliged to go uudar two operallond a part only of tha trouble waa rmmovjd aud a terrible weak asm aud mlaerabl uarvoua condition i auvl which tbe phyticlaui told me i would never m clear of i tried otbar dooloraj but all wllh tha aaiua rosull no belter roaut of my ooudlllon tha pain finally attacked my back aud kidney my ic and feet became frightfully iwollau aud i cab no i describe iba tired sinking deathly feeling that al lims cam over my whole body i became unable to do my hou hold work aud lot all hope of recovery xufora tliis stage lu my illuo 1 had beau advld to try uf willlama pink i ii hu like thousand oj bfyf tmiciblliouitlilj there could be no good in using them whan uiexlit man ware uuebla to oure uia al teat iu duep ration i made up toy miud to try them but really without any failh lu thft irejult to my great surprlia i oh tallied aoma bentril from the jlrat box i than bought ix boxea mora which i took iooordlug lo directions aud m happy lo aay waa relied up by tham from a weak tick deepouddnt uaelaad oondllfon id my present atate of health aud bappiumi livery year uow in the spring and fall i take a box or two and and tham au axeal isnt thing at tha change of the seaaob gthar buattla i might manllou hut suftlw it to say i would strongly recommend dr williams rink till to all tiling woman pf willlama xink illlflhurpaaa all other luadialnsfl as a oljrajor the iroullad thai a fill 0 1 womankind lltay quickly oorraol euppraaalons and all forma of weakowa they enrich tha blodd strauglhan lha nerve and ratore iba glow of bwlth to pallid oheaka tiold by all dualsra in medl nine or tent poet paid at co oolite a box or six hoxaa for j oo by addressing tha dr willis u ma koine co urookvilla oul and ju1us pyny pectoral tbe canadian fiejnedy fc all throat md itfho afhcti0m8 lanrvnltlcv 25 cenbt iavi3 ulwumhc1l co xu hop a wrry cavu pala etlltar naw yofc uooirwj oatxuth arid cold tlelivd in to to oo mlnutsaj onibwt puryuftlid bralh threith tlurwor ipj filwdbmrh bolll of iv ajjnew a chjhilii i ovdrf d haul llni uu i fi otcr ilic lurfuco of it uaul pau nee ill ileu an 1 dellj tfui 10 uic it iflwv invliiitly nnj pniianeiilly cumi caurrb liay teer col it hciiljcl tore llirol lonljllltd and deafnu 50 cnl 41 never seek a wife till you know whtt to do with her toankii atia omni have oolla and cramp pain killer will oure tham every time half a bottle in hot water repeated a few lime avoid aubalituuu there lbu on tain killer parry davie j5c aud floo only ha who uvea a ufa of hla own can hrlp lha uvea of other men phillip xtrooka milburue htarliug headache powder give woman prompt relief from monthly peine aud laave no bad after rffecla what ever he aura you gat milburna price 10 and 05 cent all deetara the right house i ktaufclull ii hamiiioni iavokiti mioil ing i kcv skle of ckrpets iim uoek wo told alioul our immcnta laric ssva many lliousand of yard if ood carpels ul almost ctery prle kelling at au avsrago of about one i bird leas than formerly ifave yoti imn the caqxit or wrillen us about them ii not by all mean do ao tit onca lid an exceedingly ar chance don t let it slip by here d ihe most important attraction i3g uxvssxcsaufloo ooa tujxstjty far 7tsd 1 oct tjtovssjccs far 76a flrfe tafkstnys far tiot ft do jtxmjmstxng fur 1 us tttid xvogl cjulfxttf for uoa there u a good varicly of design in each of these come tp hamilton if losallli if you cannot wrllo for aniple and u will prepay imi freight lo any railway slatlon lu ontario on any order for 13 worth or mora barga ams in handuorohiofo 1 ho best array of iiindkerchf bargain wet everouerod all pure linen some willi fail embroidered edge and mnw ijolli embroidered and hemstitched 33c and 3c or u at tjc 35c handkerchief at s3c 2hc and 30c aorta at 30c 30c mourning one at aoc warm kinds of underwear wo e a moat complete slock of good long wearing com fort a bio fitting underwear for men women and children something to null every need these hint i or women jareey ribbed knitted underwear lialf wool and half cotton vcets and drawer 30c better quality vest 75c all wool veal h drawer oje i or mm fleece lined ahlrl and drawer ac each also m very large range of good warm woai underwear in ivdj man noted make at 50c all the way up to fl so a ki now hooiory very special value in bxcellent quajlilea ofblack caxlinieno hoae for women including at 35c ilaln caabmer wllh teamln feet alto ribbed wllh spliced heel and toe at ac 111 tae line of plain caahrn s feet 3 for ft 1 fashioned leg team at 50c heavy plain cashmere with camlet feet also wide ribbed cuhmcre wilh spliced krloc lioela and vew scotch wool sklrtln on black red hi skirtings ici fancy tlrlpea invatiousslutdea and brown grounda hlnclwawlde 31 and 50c a yard alto new flannelette aklrtlnga rod and black stripe wllh border ji inch 13c 3h inch tr kcw scorch alrorrctnhams in agrt railgo of rjcngns 3s inch 17c is inch 35c mall order rociveheit atte allway stallou in ontario on all mall orders amounting to i5 or aont anywhere ou rwqueal l ptejuld lo any samples thomas g watfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton judgment ii uol upon all occasions required but discretion always it lord cheaurflald rockigrood elevators opened seploulber 10th highest cask prices wheat oats j1u baulky jtyx amies uiaasxuis wool mr dawaon of lreinptnuliba4iougbl a iudutltybf dpi lea hare anil til paukare are busy ilia iloua of loiiiperanoe oelabraled iheir annual rally night byijiflldinj au opan meetlug ou lrrlday evonlug a programme of unusual axcdllauoe waa teudeiaj au sddredbymr j o mooarthy loroulo wuj iihiob appreolaud mr mccarthy u a graceful and lutereellug epaakar ibe i eel of order prevajlud until the latter pari h prograuime when tavntel young 1 of whom belter thing might im espeole forgot that th rial ul lha u ll- ince had rlghta wbiob ibsy abould rsepaot ihsy ware nut inamber of the ordar an alvu inamber of the division vi10 will be muuh lulsa la mr ag uoblu son mr llohluson liaa secured a luorellvn iktaltluii at nlsgsr hvu u luillrxxn rlovm oatuxal i oiluaxx rxuxsxxd uvlphvh 1 1 salhj uamixl and i hqcxsalt i geo j thforip t ity blailont ltockwood a guelph announcement eifraordlnary be it known unto all men that i charles ebbagc have returned to acton and opened a shdp on mam street in the rear of a step hensons blacksmith shop for the manufacture and sale of all kinds of pumps from a cistern pump to a pump suit able for a well 150 ft deep also cisterns watering troughs and general jobbing business i hope by close attention to business ta receive a share of public patronage orders by mail will receive prompt atten- rwior r r r llisi repairs executed while abwa8 on handjto wait chaiuks ebbaqb mftltl si acton 4e5f ihlcfttf hhd ipoltrnlyxod- wril mm j i utfered srrluly hnj wt often pooch lou and urlllly luralyiod on dod of a pleasing phetsgraph iioc younclf aa others ted you but let us present jou at your be our work i commended not alona for tins artlslict metlta hut for llwr excel lenca and accuraleriead of our likencucs what a a prelty picture and it looks ao much ilka you ia ihe inevitable exclinu hon photo rtst wctoh your voto and influence am rrjlfully m ih lte1 u t s fmgkinnqn till iulftf cvndiihii in the ckction of i ihcmbcr to represent the county of utlton in the iloue of common of cinadi election wednesday 7lh november pioi5rty forfejalc kvuiiku bf farm anj village hu 1 far bala oa uuy laina all if id wkf mf mlitllkt t farm foe sale rplfxt valuable popaity oaulali bid 10 seta i hiore or lea on ilia meat i if 1 m t iiuin iw twenty la ul- llll txhimuluil of loiluaall tf fur miliar uuoulare at uy to ujim i lcott id 1 ami ruk hl tnroi lo ram astray st1uyud uku ui lellaee ca tl a under slatted lobhoon i tjuallii alcut th laibfoetolw akljroiil rail owur will blees tayepaueabtul ramava ibi aoluial jtntou i o dfirarlfhtestbence poit balb pult wall ktoowh x avaauaoaatly u bow odarail tat feala lrlly 011 ylr etitiad by win lrl tl- liouuuwelltoflt tbera la an un tf land stiotee rralt tbe luapettyla will lu ibanorfor atlooaf tbe univina tnaeufaelurlliff tco ef aetoa 0te to uie tmkhlty m vlru- tenietery lal iwattarly wouultuailaauu stta for krealotiaa aid cl iro will 11a aild tm ee urtu vut lartlelam atiily kt vuxd ikha ofllb a oil kct0n bakery j c 1attjjxws ivojlwefac we handle tt nice atiortment of dread and cake a fresh cakes received every day now that ihe weather lo cool ue will he lei linn cream puuta m chjulu x10ll3 two or three thneo a week ur oltcntr il ordered jjave yotir order jc matthews 300 kpduci d to siso pi a veak in advanci the hamilton daily herald till special cur in rwfl price i only for subaeriber realding oil i ibid tha cliy of ilamillon noiaz laihellnvetoanbecriha tba lialance of iqoo will be given free send poiloffico order or poatago stamp address herald printing co hamilton i dr agnaw a curv for ha liter ravehlu relief and hefoj i i finished oneliollh waa able to go about wctnan j to day i am a well ohlldren cry for castor i a- furgoods the btvlifjh kind and the loud khul of i urf sjo no ufceesiar my theviw good 1 urn are scarce lliia winter but wo bought the skins same llmo ago anilcliutlng a run ou j111i the kind ihat are popular this tcajvn and can ofir ipblo uurttlan nncl soul vuru of vkclptlntially good jualliy at rmyark ably low prlccu according totliuaiul idiigth re pilritd hi 1 aih and iu molhi i int now iu tha lima don t ttatt unlit ueoded badly or you will wall ln tliafontaine furrier cuolph 1 imw wbo oonumpute purohaslug niotiutiitl or wotk of any dlaoripuou for their oauiatery plol should order dikwot troiiubd old fallabld grauud aud marble dealer j u lumlllou luelpb out at it pa 11 re alhwed in puro aard all work and materiel warrant wl iwiupelltlun detlad buggies the ilugy mftion la not el over and i bo r 12 irtlclata one on band my own make it ulll pay you to hupmt them and buyon and lai lha flvant uf the closing tea ton a hjw good lumber wagnnn on hand vel which i will tell at close rlccu also 1 lowt and knot iulpera mow it tbo limefarmcrn nml weigh scalcu call and mo wilwona new stan danl aoyn iba tcalo 1 trry farmer should luveono clmlboni i jnnini mills uild cheaper than you can buy ilmm oil tbo wagon j iloirrio tail rein pwtoctor lravauu hore oatlilng liued wltb bid tail prioa vldiuvertd at uaevrat jx praadomoe f iutufcuouuiranlajotiiau4iy ji relutulail uauj 0 ou jamgsmaythtlws tnt- acton otlt the public will not spend time and moneygoing to see you when thcycan get your more enter prising competitor either by long distance ou local exchange tclophomrserrlco three papers in one uahl pafed of suuiultlrliaj vi 1 via all flint uao j n oneill succfiator to oiup ha mokensl ct90hglgt01ian yh oovamora wlrw m phort- r mm j a van i uvn la the wife ol ihe governor of lit counly jail nepaiiee out an 1 wane great tulle rerfrom tbeutnj- tlaut when the iwst doctor tn the com muujlysldtpoculllld fdibkl to itelll lief elw burled lr tceptltni of propriotary rainedled and purchased bouth american ltheuimtllc cute 4 bottle cured bar fmid loll tfxh4 luwtllold ill 1 w oynioohjlill 1o0 llomjliw 1o0 w guarauiloe wvwt t wallafaotiui globe optical co 03 vonge streit yotortto count ry centlemav ti14 only acricuhural news- fapcr and admittedly tliu cading agricultual journal of the world lvry dpa tin out wtlltwi by aiuclaluta ilia blulimt butuarlllm lu uialr raulive hum tin olbar tpr raud to tvvuiiwt wllb it lu qusjinbeluiuhof tuiteelal etatf lived tba tiff idullural nuwtl wltb a j of fuuiauj tumijtu i uat avaai utiiud by otliar beat iuvuwa of liid crop ut warkat luporta ileal aooouiildoiueeunga tutvryuiliig iwulut untuulu yo alu country residents who wish to kllp up with t1il tim1 s bliigle subaoripuon uou two bubeortutlooa fcj do ifour bubeorlpluuui q oo wrlu for uoulaie ot lilt k or 1 utaj irout month trial tri for ko tiiild bfjcoxhkk oolikd will be uialw tvh on rjiil m lll 14 auylutly lutefeetej lu auv way in twmau ufa ui aaod lai itiani aodree lb bubllaliaal luther tucker son albany n v tcrteuttura tiuelt ajitlol lht twaed o nation an weekly mall and empire 3 suctions j iams si ip3i2 vewr halatee oridod fl with ub teitptlourur lbol ja i 1 i new ideas lulr llruthu oomba v yooui ilruohoa olulli unuho id hits all iiavuict y mhom in ihllll on id 14 iv ioo 111 maid nl w lovoi hylumi jim rrwl ak l u ol ladlo lvrluma llloller aturown ohenllal aiut buliollat acton