Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1900, p. 1

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voijumjc xxvi no iif acton qntabio thtjitsdat lhscgmlikh 1iioo 1 uicus tintekolcnis be tlan nt rfea ib syat huii- kvlry tlllthbday moiipihu rree preaahleeul 1 rlnungofflce vjii 4 htlllkt aotoii out h aimo otierlollar wr year uy in eilyetioe all eubeariilb ed when li lluie fyr wlilob llier l evi mm paid he expired the du ubeayintlonla paid u denoted label advaitttbtma i ur as transient edvertl- tuenla 10 oanu pay nonpar una for uret in earthm fl udu per hue a eacb euneioant insertion oownucrr iuth- theloltowlnn table iliowi our rates for uia inaertlou of edj uumtau or specified period h t j wo 3 va p itoa i ssoo 1 u j troa ssjxtl boco i 1100 otjo 1100 t00 uio 00 1 bol 100 tsjui lolnoba ffrnebee 1 inoli adyertleeraeat without apealflo direction 111 be tneerted till forbl 1 and ebajrawd accord tnir transient advertisement to tut be bald in advance advertlaements will be changed one eeab month if daelred par ebentree otlener than n k month ui composition mael be paid for at realai rate coanajoe for oan tract edeerluementa mu oe u lb offloe by noon on tueedeye aooounia payable monthly if i uoona cilitor end 1 loiwlelar jbusinrss fiirrdorii yoin m macdonald mo cm j v miln mejd 0 m qffloe an 1 rseldeuoecomer u 111 a jfradeilek treat acton vlffloa hour a la 10jo elii i to 1 l ul end tuudu d ji u c i kllly uotilll uwiykaerry uowr ultn low laubbtdf uocity of a otlee and llesluenco vredaruk ht aclou offlca ltourd lo 10 i to x an i y to h d tt dryden eraf ei tpuuviuu mas corner woolwleb and lleker l eat ouiem if drrioa ifoufta 10 m lo i p m ends loft pw bumiuys watol loltitd jcoghlan d dslds dbht1ut woajt uaejtruui boa 1alca atoqbauya onui ovh llfcawm 4 dmua broajf houua teyv diy iraou d to 4 m jlblii qpbiipb ukookvuxjt ifomom oklbolt ob vaaomtt umivbmairy work taaja uauafaoiory 1 ruaj uodaraia vurrixci uiya uonday kftaioooti cjou- balwulfl tuawsayaeuuiiomea oluka hola friday liook ota m clkan a uclkah uarrlkui kollblton motaxtad outtvayaitoart to jlttauluodato loan uom town llaiuaotoa vvy a mqlsiw jmo a uolmim a j miokinmon lukumm uoucrro gorrxcu ovilokuul uuaat in uallha uloov upataira mny 4 ualuuarmmj liouoirobaklu uokwlaalom km timixo avribivrra uala buaat fjaorcaiowa ooavayanolag dona and tuooay loanad oo first biorla ou larm vrity at l r 3 uohalju ularkvotirthdlaialoa oouft oouuty of hal jiiiuijuwblli d imluktvqotahj valariaavy oollaga hon uaoibarvalailualry mdll hwill offlo 0ar wonlaiia itaruar libqi halt dool to vad tuora ulll uuaat jtouio rnsultancli agunt w ii du1hy uauaral anaot iufadauwlllf aiwmlluoo allan uolon latul nortliarti vu iuauiuio ooutmbua gos4 votiiig st aftlon hlinuk qitlbt ortawl ouflua uoualurf df 1 alantfi far idrauuou ala t raparaa atrpllauuaa for lb cahadlau ablat oau u4 kuroitaau 1 a tan i onl baa aud for uia uattlatratlou of tiada klafk luud tit uaiil phut thirty two vara aartau iuahoib human ltookhinduh wyodbabibt uualbli ouurlo oyarwlutaiii aiora jaaaoubt hookl of all kluda bla4 to ordaf i4riodloai uf avarydaatutiitlotidarafullybouud tuutttmallvan1 kouiltlvdoua for attractive christmas i gcood8 you can mile a mobt desir able choicu at days bookstore cuolph dy mllchoa 1 traders bank of canada i k capital paid up 1 000000 asaots ovor 9000000 cuelph branch hkx two tn roarurrtua savings bank do part m ant hi 1u but ouhuknt iuth of ihtmitkht paid on mm dapuallad of and upwaxda inlafaat alio wad frunt flala of dapoalt in da la r withdrawal a4d paid or compouodad half adyanna biada tn raapoiialbta farinar orj uialr owu bmiiaa at uia lowest duntvnt talaa nqeliargw niada for oollaotluil aalaa botaa if parabla la luall li f a kaoaral laaklntf bailtisa tiaitaasud a it jotwh poetry merchants baik of canada capital 6000000 2660000 chnl hal hanking ilumklibs ihansactid in ureal at most favoralila current rale kllowctl on savlnoa it auk axcount and depolt licceipllj itlora of credit luucj avaluhlo tn nil pari of tho uorld occu alltnlloi ttuuea ivon lo farmer monhy orders voh awv uuu uf to t0 layablo tit any banking point in canada oulilila oi ihs yukon torrliory may now bo procured at tho haok cqunlci without any dotay acton branch headquarters or usei ul ohnau11ntai autistic ghristmas 5qg1s watebsbros sun savings and loan go hliad ofllcli tononto ont authored cpitj 6000 ooo oo ten yuf mturlty khjirea are paid monthly inilajniotilg of 50c per thiro for 130 monilu whoii paymanta ccim o 00 aid la malurily valua lioo 00 llmiayinlftattiit ltralghl itktll r repayable u monthly hulajmciili ou appll calion lo wj monobb ffttf ffffff tf iff f wrw i wnkn vou want i jblour i oatmeal j okt ouu miou now tlhl chki8tma8 our advoriliciiieiit ulll ell ol our arrangement i if ydiir benefit n ilia way of roods aullahlo ittf useful and pl4tin presents utnbi sllvorwaro tavbl and fookat cutury cmr- van and ilnzora 5 oclook th kettfoa gwogpalt and ui nn down tho hal tkwt i jar- pot um vi vlll aaio you money and trouble simply uritq u for price and you will el all ho llifonnallon poaalblo ct ui lo dun our prlooa ara always lllcht john m bond uwbdwkwto co guelph royal city prepare to meet the rcipontlblllllc wmcb will dovouo upon you a llm futurn humlneaa men and women of our proj rculva country by tamntf a coilraa at cuelph a urlodal tcbool royal city iiusini sb coi uigtl wo havo every facluly for dotn rood work and are oolng ll w train for uuilnoia when in guxlpli call al ilia colleo ofiico trader dank uulldltih or wrlln lo u w vovso tradara hank llulljiiif frlaalpitt uukmh dmt aoton machine and jteiuiir shops uuhuyouindlfll lronrllor w uu wall aultpad willi a i ua mublnar ry andagriaulturallmulauinuu audio do all kisda of ktaajn attlotf boraaalloaliitjalldkaiiaral blackamludna wood wo t attain ttailuintad a aailaf aotorr tnunr w cam ruair anr speight brady manufacturer of srs dyjau0jj jcrjcotmjc it oralis wjltxh motors oasouhxjlmv oas castings to oitdxlz ropajrlm ivomplly dons oeorgetovrtr ortt w barber bros r paper makers georgetown ontario w9rton nd sd8n 9ucills brand 111 wj-wikllrtuwll- x iilnity houto m auuuou liolnheb if y uooum kua lr uakblatiat ldiikmaaa lrwau0ha ko wlluaaa vaalitraj laauad at tmldetim lu iba awauliu viarlm ool aotoh w m lmmimiuui tjlohamo auotfowmhh vor tb gouuiu it w4lluuiti auj haltou onuralaflklluavmau 1 aaaa odloa aetou or atluytaabuuaalu aalou will l uiouliluy at- aadadtu laaiua uaaaouabu iuy to loau oil til 4 biolfavuiajjl huiuaand at tu lowt t ofjuuir- a lad i luajlvooaud bwada t lu humujllillud li p itaij llubuo thw whlunoton mutual fiue inhukahcu company kuubltabad 1q40 uaajonoa j ourllk out thhuhakumon oaabaml uutual ulati auy x mmjiuiuutaauoua fuywardadii luy ad usaa lki bui uy talapbuja w will ba kuiully atlaudwd to jp why vayloic attwil uualll acton livery bus line tbuudjml4iiajvaimuultyillaluuiatuut awaf tba lulilio awd lufdruia ibaut uia wail kulpped auul btyluh 1u oajjal waj ba baouyl atblaaublaa a oywfwtabla baa uiaai al ualua batwaau tfl a w and 01u u ui caraful huuuoulaj tuavaryunlar tba watiuof uouimafvlalttaval uia fully tuat john wrbliamh its your nerves- its tho condition of your nerves that either mokotf your die a round ol pleaauro or a uoo- iosb burden coloh6b pkpers john r barber before starting on a journey tik uaojv xkttxb tltaia waa a 11 uia tnaldan anoa in fairy day ron rt wl ou aiarr tbougbt and uy word alwayabasan wjlli f lliluk- know iwbli i aay i ilka i want 1 will vrum luui u lo bbjlit frooa day to day i waa liat bordao auii lr aobooluialaa would not flaf wltb bar hay tiarapta triad in valo totaaali bar baltar autg day 1jo 1 orlaj exit in palu llalp ma u falrlaa i b baaouabt i in worn to lual a tbraad do aatn ma frum tbla draadful oblui or i aball aooti ba 4r tba falilaa baahl ana baadad lira thay eaufibt txw iaway and unnad blm onlo baaltb away tltrouab many an aoxlooa day and lo lilatitaoa tbay daftly all ppad a broadar aliougar latut tlia lurua alia taaaa that ibay aald nvili roaulall arullaa tba batur tlia hltla inaldao wapl and anlkad at flral and would not apaak hat aba ffaw urwd of baloa dumb and ao wluiln a waak hba uaad ibaanbaulou ad lot hay playmataa orowdad round har twranla am had and all war laaaad to liaat ibu hoial aoau 1 lilia kyaw to baa it ataadlly and hkad louova aiul mora it cama to ail a laifar ylaoa than liaddotiabjora al d aaell yaar found tba llttla maid uoia kind and awaat and tiui what waa tba tdaajd i attar a bamar wby uo t you guaaa 1 twaaui motion jltattm a stolen k a i5g y dar laalu aald hlr nnry baymoair to vtu ward i do wiab yon would try b a ullu waa fat evary ooa la lalkiuri aljul you abd ll la vary painful lo ma my dear roardy aald i ha yooorf lajy be addroaacd a vary pralty filrl abopt iu hav bav i dona y jual man t ion koroar my al ii a and i will try lo reform wll7 lo b with you ato rouoii loo fond trf ualuf lrwttt axprauloua 1 am aura yod do bot tuatd any harm dear but it doe not aouod wall i wlali you would adopt a mnra ladyllka maniiar ilka ihoaa bloa qaial xlrla col otiol uouda daugblara i aaaora you laalla man do bot oin tot fal irla bow- luoh tbay may lilt with ibam and i ooufeia i aliould ilka to aa you wall mar had now my daar blr uanry ooalu t mg did yoa avar haar mi aay aay- tlilu tba laaat waauy bit improper t cartaiuly uot my dear child tlbat let ma till yoa ibkt thoak bloa ijulal lady ilka itla you aduiirw ao tnuob aay thluga that would maka jour lilr aland on and if you oould only haar bow tbay l0 nu whau wa ara by ouraauaa i abould ba qulu akbamad i aha added wit anaruyi evu to tbluk oi tba tblua- tbay dlaouw iraajy lodaad z out lliam wbenavar i can aa for marryln raally a11 tba yoonri man i know ar aaob muffa rrjual dabaal tba wbola lot what 1 my hx orlmat you amoka olkaratua ij1i aald bar uuardlan btaruly 1 waj told you war aotually aoau with oua batwawit your hpa out of door lha oilier ulht ltalle- bunif down bar baad ft hltla eud than aald with a aub blut b 1 oatiuol dany luilaed ll waa ao iiaaly and made ma fae ao 111 i award you i am uot ukaly to do ll atfalu 1 i am tlad to bear it bo you tbluk kll youui uifcu muffa or jxljjit i bopa to lutrotluca you to oua who auawara uallhar daaorlptloo you bav of ooura leard of oaptalb murray what can it ba i wonder t aba aaid aa aba cut lha atclo the band writing la rjulta aira rage to trie and abe waa about lo open tt quite unconcernedly when amy remarked 1 it la juat tba abae i f a jlom bar leatla tar ted and looked mlltily aoroea tba ubla at captain murray who waa bowavar noln on wjh bla broakfaal 8 bo took off the paper wr- par and dla zirad a wbtla bo it di 1 look horribly a filora box laalla lhoobt a aba i if lad the oovar and yea inalda uy aeveral pafraof dalnly kid ulovea dj differ ol abadoa hoping co body noticed bar oonfualoa and dot daring- to look aoroaa tba table aba waa raplaoidg the oovar of tba box wba captain m carry aald very coolly i alwaya pay my dobti mlaa llodaay i do bot like to feel under ao obligation tfaauly aelalng bar parcel lee la roee and murmuricg aomatblgg to blr llanry a boot not feallng ery well abe flaw up alalia and looked berarlf icrto bar room where aba 1 t a jood ory after a iiuij time abe took a look at tba glovea j juat my alaa i wonder bow be knew anj ali botlonal and bow pretty they are i lie la not quits aach a prig after all but it makea ho dlffaranoaj to ma bow he dlatikea rn i know and i wtab ba wa4 gone abd thau bad kbotbar good ory ulr llanry heymor bad no reaaou to complain of bla ward a oonouot for the belt few day a but aha avoided ca lain muaray who triad iii vain to get a cualic of apaak log lo bar ooa morning however fortune favored blm lie waa in the garden and lh11m waa walking toward blbi hba waaulle unoonaoloua of bu pronlmlty abd lhay mbal meat in a montorlt mora when aba eiw blubtaudlug near abd 1 hied ltrit blue eye to blr with a wlailul half be aeeobing glance mlaa tjludaay aald doouua abake banda with ton pleaaa i am afraid i look a raoat unfair advanjutge of jou i ray forgive me and let uitn frlanda obcapulu murray i dojaal ao awfully ahml of myarlfl what uiut you think of met bhall 1 11 jou what i tbiuk of you darling fc ba bently drew hey toward bira i tblnk you a dear awecloyaba girl and if you nau put up with aucb a taati a i am aa a huabetid ob plaa dont 1 aald laalla lular upling bar do not remind of my im parlluenoa you are muob too good for ma but indeed willi giaal earnaetnaaa i will never doltyualn i i nail thai poallively uuklnd i aaaura you aald ba taugbiui i do uol oara boar many tmaa llou lealu ba been mra murray now boma year but bar huabaml haa never regretud ha marrlad it fat i girl white aba declara aha ban found from eprleuca all mn are not tllbcr prlga or muffj londou st anorbw8 dav bbrhon prohad in st andrew a church rjuelph by nv m a mo- phanon acton nov 2dth looo may it ht the name iud rook n y aald a man who ipeut mma tltno there laii i much of a place but ibtra la aomalbing itiuraellug ting about ll that i fenny all tba world doaa nt know 1n eeent name la uot tba one it lit alwayu borna and what lu blbar turn waai dont know whauvr ll waa the people did not like u and ou oludad uiay would oiiabgq ll lharawaa plkad llook but that wak jaurml wdlattry m tsajl think a moment and iave time and money all you ganuo to many women ufa ik on round ol ikv ileal wejlueas mid 11 ileal lb to atlenipt even tba lightest boflaehold dullea fatigues tbaiii many of llui bymploms accquiiuny injf tbla ktaiof declliw am a fooling of llredtte- otlwallllg faintuoa tumllleaa kinking foallnt pilpllalloa of tlw iwarl bbohueu of brcaili laaj of ipjkjilla cold banda and foel bcajache dark circle under the byefl plu in ibd back aud uda and all lh olbr acompitnlnuuaui of h vui down anduakeued ctinbtltutlod all ihoad aymptoriia and conditions ara blniply the reault of it poor ijualliy and dauultu circulation of lha blood with a waning away of the nurva foite uy 6d lug ilia ayatam with or wards blood and nerve pills yvu ttrlka al the root of ho duxaxi hnd lay a aolld fouutbvlioii on which lo build toon llm weight lucre tho aunketi lheoka knd tlallenod uuau fil oil i lb y ut brlgbl nnd tlie brill of toiinwat bcallh and atienglh vibralia thitiugli tba ayaleiu by going to see a man of buineba is to talk with him unless you wish to break tlie peace you can talk with him jubt as well by long distance telephone dunlop solid rubber carriage tii a iww carrlago liru uiit nuloa tkliiih on all road a pujsuro elqnumlcal too for i dooaawuy with tho vibration ibut ulukos and breaks ilia carrion a vbaikkl ii4m biwju uu lb bar tlr and uia atal hauue l ravaiiab tba orwaihig and euttlutf wl irb otliar lliaaa aul sand al iiitd for 1 i giving pices of kll iro juui k tenia pei dr boa al nil dtugguta or ward co toronto ont tho duntoptiru conipaiiy toronto bt oohh wlnmihcllt wonlhtal do you maau tba captain murray who galuod the viotortaoroaa for defending tba fori bo gallantly in tba latl campaign f of oouraw itfarnember kll abonl bimi wby 1 l fla a doming boma and baiug tba ftou of an old frland be baa prom lead to pay oi a vialt and i kpaol blm thqrlly howdallubtrull i eh all ilka to ml taal baro i bona be la baudaoma douglaa murray waa a vary good look lug lid but you will not bull blnj youug lady naabuorafaatgirla aud is vary f tldioua wall i aball autvivd bis dlaapprobattou i dara aay amy will aull bm to a x ba la auob a demur hltla moat aud miia lindsay took herulf off lu dua tiroa c plain murray arylvod latlla lindsay was disappointed bba oould hardly behave thai quiet tmaaauni lng youug man could b tlia baro who bad urllad lha whole clvlllud wodil into adrulratlou uo bar guardian a it aunoyanoa aba saamad to maka a point of ihowlng barsalt in lha worst colors and wbn blr ileury asked bar wb liter aha thought oa plain murray a prig or a muff aha declared it waa both ou vary bol day in july laalla aud blr ilaurya daughter amy heyuour wsr returning from making a sail tba draw lng room wludowa opened ou tba vrauda whloli was oovarad wltb lukurlauttirawra it looksd vsry oool and leaaau luild ou suoli a sultry day lha two girls war about to titter lha room whau laalla who was in silvauf suddeuly draw beck ibd poll ltd insldu amy peeped iii lliara was cat lain murray fast astap in au arm chair iar lb window what a obauoa amy forma lo wlu a pair of filuvea i vr slsma ialial you auraly would uot think of buoh a think whoa afraid v said laslis ii aliua ba u really faht ailwp and will navsr know and lha uujjjlallqu in too muob for ma consider he hero lb whol world rava about and with mlaohiuvous look al jlnvabaiappad hgbtlylu and ulopl a kle a llgbl ah a pulf uj ihulladowu upou tlia slaapar i forehead aa lb aound uf lha niru ralraaling fivotstaps died away douulaaa murray opened bla eye and bnillng to hlmrjf said 1 suppoas tba u poubldared a faaj girl i inuat ooufaaa i ilka her and bellav aha u really trua and wouiauly llmv taut maiibar uull bumbug t ulutt boi furget lo pay my debt however aud ba lauuhad b lh i uka ma a uuff 1 kuow never mind that kite waa very nloe i lorgm a day or two a i ur we rile aa lhay wra all at braakfael ulr maiiry aal i i i firgot laaue beta la aoiuelblug fu- jou llandlwg bar a entail peokel tnarke1 laroal ioet and ao red hock it baoama than tt tba oourua of lima alraugara of au aijulrlng turn of mind began to ask wby tba plaoa harv such a name aud aa no reason oould ba glvau nawoomara to tlia neighborhood brgn to waul a uatna that uaaul something ihls insltleuo grawao strong ltiallba oldasldentabautooolrl around for a raatott far lha uama of their plaa aud at usl they found a bug bowldsruaar by which ibay said wan what bad auggealad ihallante uul itaetio wider waa yay luslaad of red and lha progri lata i btu tad that that woul 1 uot do at usl tba old timers bit upon a nsw plan and procuring a barrel of red palut ibsy palulad tba big rook red rol llook indead ii waa now and not only waa nil oppotltlou lo lb nam ovsrooms but tba paluting of tba rook every iprjng has baoom an anuual estiva and uia popla oeubrsla ll with a big plo nlfl bud general celebration ii waj a ii ew idea to m and if lhr in fcby olbr town anywhira on aartb that is cbrlsunad bvary spring wltb rad palnl or any other color 1 dont know wlura it is rav mr maopbereon oboea tor bla irxl ii 1elar 1 b fl 7 commencing at tlia words add lo jour faith virtue and to virtue knowledge i and lo knowledge tarn pttr a no and to temparaiioa pe1 leuoe and to pallaooa godllneaai and to vodlineaa brotherly klodoeaeaad to brotherly kind deaa harity ilefora addreaelug litem on tba text tba lu apeakar daaired 16 call alteollou to the fact thai tba oocaalon and lenura branoa bffha aarvloa carried tbatn back to tb martyr daya lo the daya when men delighted to aaal tbalr faitll li chlbt with ibelr own blood and ufa one of thee early martyr bad been bt andrew and ibe immediate oauee of hi dealb bad beetv bla reluaal to ceaea preaoblng cbrlat when ordered to he bad preached lb toe pel of bla havlof add paopl of all blaeeca hooked to bear him kvrn l hoe of gentle wnh and high ealala went to learn of cbrlat from the lip of hi dieciplae and among other waa ibe wife of the roman hmperor wbd ferlbwiui renounced ber 1agan roda andambraced obrlatanlltt thianauacd a aaparalloa from her buabemd knd bla wrath fell upon hi andrew who waa aelaetl and because lie would not inoounoa cbrlatanlty and lis preaching be wa tied w tba croat and laahad by awven uol or var forty eight boura bejiung laludaaorlb abl agony aul boma of ihoa e landing about in mercy eudad hi buffeting by a bpoar thruat this than waa the coo rag or the valron ualnt of boutlabd wboa tragic death occurred ou or about wo outh ao miny oantnrle ago and today bool oh men ibe world over- love to honor and re vara lha man of strong courage aud luvlndbl flui as fax aa oould be learned bt abdrew bad never leii any wflltan meaaaga to mahkind tbla bad beats done by hi brother imer and through bla i writing bey could trace ibaaiarvellona iofluauoa of the man who aa the illbla tall 6 brought hi brother to cbriat bo ibal totit abdrew were we indebted for all lb maaaagea uf bt imer it wv- lbarafoia httlug that the fit andrew boo at y sarmon aliould be preached from lb word in ibe hapittl of ieur thuteat aald tba rav speairw aftor aaln reading tt waa an in epi ration to a blgbar standard of living a call for greater allb and morft protma ip the chrietlau ufa in soma verae tbay mlftbl find the idea of lb builder but in tbla there waa nothing mechanical but the i bought that all lif waa to be tnkda harmony well pleasing to god in illustration of tbl lb minister referred lo tba organ and music no ptaynrto singer oould slug a place of muala wllboat knowing 4b keybol and before there could b lh iu of 1armony with ood there mual b tba keynote of cod love which was faltb kveaaa tliare were bavan bola aud tba kvyuol in an oolav ao lu tba last there waa faltb aa the key bol and uved uol to follow lu perfect tnilody vi ret tbsn cam faith the keynote lo harmonious living lit full meaning of fa lb waa julle beyond human conception and ye faith waa tba firat thing needed if tbay would leas ood boouaud s a nation bad vr been strong lu bar faltb aud bar eon lh world over were til up hold lug the prealltt of coaaianoy thus aaubllbe j iii all of lif fallb waa tba on thing that gava alabillty and anargy to ear pan l werw about lie victim it we idle tn apeak then of aejf oonlrol the allrtbotra of natunea aud oodlir wea nlrn brief mention in order i bat ibe reverend apeakar might paea on lo he on aid era lion of tba pole naaraet lha alma and objecte of ru andrew e society that of brtlberly klndneaa thla aim and objmit they well knew be work of helping aral ibelr own kllb and kin and then all whu ware la need ufa dwt on i hie for a momnl tt order lo allow that brother ly klndnvea pot the gneuet buta in lha mlody but led only lo ohsrlly nr i ivn charity a thay uuderalood it to day waa a cold and beaitls thing and cold aa charily bad become a proverb lxva aaerned a batter word and i a meaning wa aympalby for all tbia wa and ahoold as be oharactarialio of the work and almk of bt andrew uoclety iy ooaolualoa ibe teverehd speaker hail bnt two obaarvailooa to make olio of tbaaai waa ibal thay aliool 1 be uarefdl pol to make any one of ibeae note a bol by if a child played on one bole of ihw piano hour after boor and day altar day the lilt woo id be a taooocony to drlw one to idneae and ao tbey mual con aider that ilinual harping on on rota in cod rmonv would not only retard tbalr own barmonloaa development aud acoompllab no good with mankind but would ulao ba moat dupleeaiug to the mular musician who helanaj the ollter obaarvellon wa that lu living out oil lif nf 1 aftnouy lhy were not in h concerned a lo whut ulher aald or be deterred from a filed purpoaa by ibe alighting remark of th world the independence of tbouibl that ha 1 ever cbaxaoterlaed bcotclimeo su bot on whit tba lea apparent to day lllall ll bad avef bean and ibelr watchword aliould coutinna to be vmt to fear ood and do the ri no mailer what the reault oualph xftrturj whlue hfl di1lw tub line willi mora or uui of humorous intsntloti parbbpa col william m olln baarury of lb common wealth of maaaaebuislts attilbutea to col 1 w lllgglnfcoii an ansodoul jlba kl mlllury title tba raoraury ulli tlia roalon jfitr lb si col illggltteoti wa iravalllng hi the bauth a few yakte kller lha war and qhbiioad to fall into talk with a farmer who had an keged a number of old soldlsra to help lu lh liaylng you b over ihera whsr thosa four matt r working asksj tba farmer wall all of am fought lu tin wsr ons of am waa a private oua of em waa a corporal ona waa a major and that mau way over in lha corner waa a colonel aru lhay good men t asked hlggiusot wall aald th farmer that privslas a first cist titan and lha ooiporal pratly good too ilut bow about tlia major aud tba colonel y th major a so to sail uia farmer hut ibe oolniio t wvll 1 dont want lu lay iiolhlu against a mau who wau a colonel in tbu war aald the farmer but lva made up my mind i won t hire uo brigadier gait rat i how two and two maku klvk wife you oau t prova that two and two make five iluuhaud 1 sully you say ll only taksa you iwo mlnevwk lo da your hair dun i you 7 d wife ya iluuhaud aud two iitixti m inula to dres t wifr vw k ilusuulwall that ftv hitura lent it 71 kuhamg bah iboum with it burulng sliu aeiiallm i due to poor hi tod aud is uurad by hood bataaparllla lb gral moid puiltur aud let fallb b lacking anr7gtnh qterprleea soon fall to ibe ground tin 1l waa id tbanburcb jatlaokof felib eater and there wi aoou ditoord anil waakoaa bufioea aud proaptrlty ever attended th oommuuuy which bad faltb in ood fallb lu on another and fallb in tbeniaelva jllba ajpeaksjrjnltfbljultar a warning not theraaaanled at lb praeeut tim dealre ou lbtrt of aoma to daalroy tbalr faltb in tboa who wr part of th aarna nation ajtiumgh dciliap uol o tba earn cree aa tbamaalve thar waa a dauger of lack of nation si fallb in this broad dominion a lack that would qulakly breed diesnloti aud btrlf ihay uiusl have faltb lu tbalr fallow nion and ahama ba ou any sysum 1 that would bring tba various poopla under oua flag into a spirit of autagonum it tbay wubad to edvauoa uatioually tbay must have fallb lu one another even with thoaa of dlherant riligloua opinion fli apeakar referred briefly to th faltb needed in tba working of tbslr aoclstw aud lastly msnlloued th faltb required above all tba faltb in qod tlia first note after tba key not was vlrlue aud ihll cams as a natural aqusuo far faith in ood was anlagouullo to all that was impure in tba broader tana th words meant to add lo tbalr faltb man tineas many young man aaaitied to regard christianity aa a aysum of uagatlves aud considered man 1 1 una tb laal attribute poeelblawllb faltb thla was a mutaka fur cbrlaulnlty and manliuw waul baud in baud aa tioatokniu tb apeakerdeejn ad that tbey wef not half prallnt auougb in thla belief men said uia reverend speaker ut ui remsinbsr thla that in ibaayaof qod if w bacoms cltrlstalua wa used not lay asld all ijha claim wo have lo manlmaas 1h man lime of a clirlsllau lif waa that whloli ettov uot to make another virtue leu hul ralhsr to b av ready to uplift aud uphold its fallow crtur in this couueatlou lha ravarend epaakar mail r to tba raoaut coo fl lot in boulb africa ud said ibal tb noblest lyp of dafeiuur of lha lmplra waa the christian eoldler j kuowudgr lha ksooud addlllou to laiui waa a muob needed itota in tb melody moat puaalug to ood lhar war aoma who bald lhal ood word would tioi bear btudy an 1 research hut i lit waa uulru thay should uul ba afral 1 lo aaamtua tba word of ood ami halevet aetajbuaatw tbarough kuowlatluot th chrletlau lif a m st tar of great oonoeru temperance was a muob dlaciiaaeil sub jeel end lha revarend apeakar while speaking under this head did uot wish to poa as a feinperaiio orank xamparauo 111 re broad meaning of oourea ittaaut alf control but in lha maauliig of aalf indul genu in luluiloaiil he wished lo say that there wa nothing which brought discord and uiihapplu into th hum than ibahahit uf luuuilianoe houtlng an hllghuil a man a oh a no lu uf aud al though lhay spoke uf taitlperajio ka aalf iwtttri 1 yal ll iiimlarii meaning wa all luiptktaiil f ir permitting ll u thua who did ihil ojalvla aif omit rol iimii the loe of lha latter and when tba ootl ul the bomb odbehvatiorjb do ring the belt few monlha w hhall from verlou platforeo in chuielt or hell be aerved with entertainment of varld uharanter if many of ibt who imitrr but on ancb occssiooa both musical of alooullonary wlielbar amateur or profit aloflal ooold reltaejbe oi inau of ihelf auditor daring ibir rendition tbey would pay more a ilea llou td purlly of arttinlatlorj and pronunciation many a word 1 oompieuly loot on aooouut of uok of tb former and many bpollad by waut of the utter tb- ureal objol of iim kecltar or aololat surely should be lha oon veyano of tbootfht but lb bought fr ijneouy conveyed ia a dealre lhat ui performaun wereover and i listened to dy aa a matter or reaped or good b he lor canadhui andianoce i lea led by canadian performer should surely be tlyeaboodoenadlaakogllabr wbraa frxiaenuy it would beam tbal tb deair to nlv borne of tb old oiuntry pro vlpotal or shir dialect it waa rmarkrd id a report of a mosloal rendition before a oily audience aom llm eo tbst tb bar r r lug of lb r r r we decidedly too muob while of abolber ur manner wa prfclly batoral and free from m narlama ira x bankay who a quarter ol a century ago tbrlllad thousand bad graat fallb in the mlaalon of lha bololsl and if be we noted for anything it wa the dleunoluee with which his words reached tb ear of 111 auduuc 1 uk lb- liberty of making tba auge lion orum privately made ibal funeral aervlc especially in uncoufar labia eaaeona be brief a foauibl to mauy it lea acre trial and a son roe of groat sub aeqtieut lroobl lo be compelled lo remain towalilnrletaeerw able una for a lengthy aarvlo au acum pbyaiouui one aald that a urge uumbef of ailment com log under hi ear in a pel licutar wlnur war traoeabl lo this cauae if a taott underaundlltg slttted in lha oommunliy that ou such oocaviona the ir vie al tb bom would b a brief aa po alhbjbnt that al the oh or oh a mors ungtfay aarvtca wobld k held ll would probably mel wltb general favor ooly a fw can berlbe remark anil laka part in tlia ear hjlkaabe wn irfmhta ua aeenlas be tlie wlitla daya nil so i bo wa lluuar bara jil i 1 u a year keblllaj liliear t i toe aba waul i lot no tlie rolil ii e i ole baa looolie1t a tuatdd glad aone braal and lauct aol wjili binoatl e went tin ttlnea alia w how all 1 1 tba aii ty i jjutuuab d tba iilllnw uy lei oly baait balh it klueaabe watil blue it ntt nitf ions da mllalillaal faaie a dark nliht i avo i hfir abe t 1 1hi la ll tears i hud watkii- on iildriu a mau uf rare nralnricl gifts rly a d itrowndown o high in the u ou hie 1 to hi i ruar au yale drownl but mv g i oeorge w splstidl 1 uetilua ei d elumplnit for fret inaouutweat mnaourl mlilit of hie eiteeoh an ol i fell w aroaellt the hack of the h uta au i l i colonel alillraoil 1 it true that jovmior dlrowo wan an druuk at that ysla h dlunirlht ha t uttered hi wauru olnilt colonel au irreon reared li iktertl jollll bwitlijiilnuril im mil feet two will willi a lin wared y- it u ietrue that gov haltered hli walsrmrl in si lumul dinner a ij i am lia py 10 lufoini you that it i tba only wy in which water mrlouu are esteu in poll lit ekwierry andnroua hai py mlorl was urealed with a shout oruughler an f roar nf sp- plauia by hli aiidiiorj his hilauater sat il iwu ilitcomlliad and that was lbt ust avfr hmrl if the inry f lb bdtlrl wullrmiii 11 of which tiw tn ilniioi irate i hi vidu f tauoii a fatuous moito laudaco i luuducsl louj jurel audacel c lonel amlirruin was a wonderful blumwr ii ii wuu moat mpliallcally a -irnuji- diamond in tlmrpjnih a tumbl 01 ch an m call ltylu of debating be r had a aupcrlcr lu miiaiurl wbioh la baing a lr dnl me wb an adept lu the ttf f tevary auvdlea of oratorical weapon champ clark as suli dtlbclttulio it it waa the first day of achool lh bell had tapped hi d urn lhtlt ol ll iran of th secondary primary wnra ntt lug upright lu their aot a bauds properly folded and with round aye used bu tansw isaolltr taklug a mantel inventory bba was a bit nervous ft waa bar utaf school tiib children msdo hr fidgety lhay blsrrd at iter lo hsril an 1 watched her so narrowly bit bran to fctl lika w mouse thai u within tba clutch of a cat bhe cast about wildly in her mind for an me oooups lion to bejin lbs first day hit regretted bitterly that ha had not arralgad aom luflnlta i kn of oampilgd then bar fso brighteuv i ubo woul 1 find out what tba ehil iran already knew queetlon followed jusetlou touching an dlveia subject now who knows what a skeleton ia asked the tftsclier sm ll lug coakiugly tlia little girl warlug th pink gingham sprou and occupying the beok aeat waved her hand wildly and worked har mouth in frautlo enduevor lo gut teacher to look at har whllmlmliut- 1 a aktleloit aald the tot iwiillng her a iron in ber llugtri i a mau who ba hlstnaldo outside and bis ouisidob off roll a pumpkin in at lh borne wham in lha auggeeted ell might besidea many at a funeral would bat an opportunity of bearing trulha baaed on tb great faou of death and tb futur who would neither pbsb iaeld a bouse for ib purpoa nor attend a memorial aarvlo on a bunday our beautiful oily of lha u fati becoming mora and more a place of inlaaal and wblu iber ar msny tffoits public and private to beautify tb plac where he tb rmaln of tba tovad and gone yet our local jilfiejiiigbisccepl ably provide for further umll linproviueula som arraugemsni as editorially suggested racautly for obtaiulng water for plots might b made and if thu eutreno arch way wet re whllsnsd aud falrvlaw cemelary paluud neatly t hereon who would object i ohakuvku had to okt it oonp au inlalllgeut looking boy walked into a roar ebop tba other day aad reading from a papr aald i waut alu pouude of auger al ui a pound yea sail tba altopnian ibat will ba oua aud uira lialfpanca ileven pound of rlo at 1 1 j a pound ona aud four pence halfpenny com mauled tba grocer four pound u of tea al in ii a paund ui andaight andao be ojiitluuru fits pound of fcfihe at la km aaveii tiua of milk at rljd t four tin of lomaloas at q tlgbl hub of tardiusaal is d tba vliopmsu tnsihi out lha bill aud bamm ll to lha lad saying di i j uiolher send tho money or roe ho w thefu entered f uy mother didit i betid me al all said uia boy seising hoi 1 nf the bill it e my arluiuiauo laaaou alii i hid to el it dona tattoqud uv tiuun lha rev john ilayoe waa fa mo m for hi itby aalng at ouo lime uays oua of mraaoltaugbaouerheard bii daughter ami aom iouug friauds ciualxiiul certain neighbor mora aavrrly llun waa ileialug to him whereupon ba proceeded to read lliam a lecture onhlhbbtnfutnbabdf scandal hut faiber rciuoustrslid uie dsugh ter we mutt aay tomttlnnt if you can do nuthlng belter retorted mr ilaynee drjly jel a pumpkin aud roll it about thai will at lat ba au intinoant diversion wot long afterwaid- a conference of rolulalere mot al bie tiousa during tba evening an earnest dlaoubaioit on certalu point of dmlrlnu aroue ai d fiont tba lofty pitch of torn of ilio voices it warned aa if part uf the disputautt at faasl wai in danger of losing their temper at tbst juncture mr iluyiuu daughter qulaily eutertd lha room baariug a huge pumpkin bba put it down in from of bar father and aald there father roll it about roll it about mr ilaynee was oalled upou for en en plenalion and iood humor was restored vtu kncw the niial thimo thay had just got married and war starllnii on their imneymooii i he bride had got the man aha loved an i uhtv didnt car who saw hr put imr tuad ou bla bhouher fha brldelroom bad got a farm aloug with bla wifr andit la wanted to buuk her hand haul or urd her with s weals whoea buiiuets was ll t a lltllo old tiiait sat oppwiio the ooula and ha looked at tobiii ap often that ho young bus bind finally jjplained wa v juslgot niarriu i i k unwed ll all thr linu ohnaklod tlia oilier and wa can t help it jou know no jou cant 111 hfl blowed jif you can i l i pre m m b it all aurits very eilly lo bq old man liko yuu t ioe uf uots lit usoklel llm oil fallow wall i cau till uu li due uol than i v beau there three lima yr and now im uu my way to merry a fourth hilly t why children its psradiio ujlij down loudon luiurr oua of the wools of thu diappbanpum alilrl waists lhal have up ao fsalilbnahl title bummer ie curious a lh aummar r aorta around mew york when a lrl appear lit evauluu dra ll 1 bean lbt she i apparently artilloally tattuotd on her nok aud arms llm aaplaua ion is uiel aba i buuburued by tun pal tern of hsr utiu thirl walal msu who yo duwu tu th aeaaltora at intervals deular that ball ib girl tbey ba- at lh twip lu the eeetliug allow tba pellneu bf their waist and ibal wuuia of them are ritiauxly beautiful why ulub dlute tuuaeuui lu bee laltooeil beulle wbeu aoolaty irovlile ihf hi fla f oharg t aek ibeae youi u men a itkal mantiiibtimi nd illd daughter ileliglilrlly and ilu 0u really omtseult valhar ciuwnlt my slats 1 had to th man ilrmsn ld jour hand like a high way men hulling up a onuuh oiuwiile mygrauluusl i itlinvf fiuiu lh way h looked and acud h woul i 1 uvu kuooked mil down if i hsdu l haiinhtur oil it can i lie un amt1 havu ben druaiuttig whiwlu hu io ihiaad lo lildlt lllilt hd kll thai ilo uuld hbidlyatwak slid hu ukid tn wtak and narvi us i tal liihuny u aid v yte in k k him liuu mi iji t i

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