jon- avis iaenerd ave toronto on be lor 1 lit ummoimt to mr end mn ij u haukikd uikimmrm iaoallbehoneoribbridee kaieuta a cum do wadoeadar xoveaaber rata ii a uuplwvn dm 11 ycklotpo k r john kfektonon iteq m to art on j ir danshter of flienem ui iuq jjjlto ui klxwal- aloodar alia a kiin iiiu milton iinr a veuebee balored uia of x klouyr lu baebotb year narlat tbe rwidmuk of hi daughter u alas weoennell 1ort bicld on weduae- knui november meioohvi campbell abodes rmn hrwatat aaorctown on w3our 1 willi john ihawut father of adam buwul aotoa aged 10 i aclon ttt 1tz tllullhday dkoemdku c 1000 dur soldier hkho thp mmarl fond hate 8trt and la rapidly orowlnb- tim suggestion of iks pui faesa that alamolsl tablet or monaooent be erected to the memory of our soldier hero born- jfdltmjmoof jhn rtlfd si fiatorjju oir uio lib november bu met wllhgauerel favor mod p good list of eubsorlptlon be elrvady been scot in it la desirable that ovary clllseu have pert in thl memorial wlilob is to ba erected op bahajf of the oltltena of acton tid lb fes faavjrwlll gladly acknowledge ny aaaecriptioa rv mired no matter how small it may ba it ta the manifestation of a hearty aplrit of patrjollero whlob leeepeeully deal red lai vary ciliaeu shear bu of baf sympathy wltb tbe mailer and deal re to honor tba memory of our brave soldie who gsjr bis life for queen and country tbe following oaah eubeoripttone have been received ouu boldlbu uklloaiai umd colonel allan asm ctjltctou j sco volsnusi tuoepuoa committee balance on band laat jena per klre0 flibultb sco tbe aotoa vaax iuii 11 co tb vm im butfr- kj kfoor- bo j h uoora u ii u kolinaa m am hmlltl 60 uab fejniui do w ltuor boo kajplora w t tuorafaboo- a tuoonl wburk wailbrotlh 0orbhmlui uaorsa vlnoanl cbarlm ifiod 1ujil bwfciiilifctnf aiuod p lukuta- lloojallto ttldtmy oiuu 1 j hltoyd juam ttmltb i v ualatoab llullhaou cha ubiuti gbu uwn uvorgw uun y artiov uikib ttjunmhaw acsla uloc wuarytji ulnnjaxklulr aqutoti uuj uuoo vauja uydw aduu uajiijuy uvwtllutoa m buau hlooujr u lairds 11 wocajiu u ad iioibm luiu ulaa u tltma aoobban- v 0mplll a ghubolnl li oadlim- jnal u odur carrta wautard ullla uw f four mon m war united states conuicanral at cap tovkrt thlnti tloora will then be paotf lod4 uoun pntbonens anxious for peace atomic dao mx dimci 0 hlowa lliollnllad hlalaa consul gonral at cio town landed at boutbaniplon today ii will tll for lha ttiilud hlalaa iomlor icilinn lb bl leul i llw today 1h aill i iba urar in bonill africa foor roooib i ooroa lo n and in my opinion u la bound to be anuftd out datiaa ibatp-lo- i do not bajlaa lord kltouaoar will do rouoti more than aoy otbaf upral tba piaaant qbui of jlrll- f h oampstgn la boond to brlacahoet lit la roault uofmnr ibara aia jo 000 uoar prlaonara in oaylon hi halana and at capa town all of whom are analoo lo hiiatn and of boiluilaa oallinafad itlooliam thoogb it if kinft lobolndlad hummar now- luv mr ulloa la abla lo be about alb atur aararo illoaaa oto agafnpbalt bj a ploagblur bo alloadajr uulaolajmodjuldtl99alinl don va bnderatand that mr gao uampball aud family are aoon to remove to aotoa where bay bevo parobaaed e booaa end lot froim mr w campull tba bonas bo lo ooorpa pf areellon mra iavl cola la allll unabla lo wakr owintf to a amall bona brvkao lu bar aokla oauead by fall about hlc weaka ulea tioodell of toronto 4a tba goott ol ulaa jennie ytratn mim ada yarguaoo i bom a from tor onto fore wblle ueoflobtown on wadoaaday uornlntf shtb loat 2oha blewut ajad tbrea eoora end ten died alter a weaka loknea a week ao to day ba u at bla poat in tba paper rollla wbera be tia wormed for tbe peat 80 yaara aaid waalbeoldaat amployea in ibetlnhtnuoo mr auwart waa born a ialaley bootlaud iotbeyaar 1hs0 at llftaan ha oatna to panada and for utan yra waa in tba mployof howe bro at ifllliburif later ba oama lo oeotftatown wblob baa alooa bean bla boms daoeeied waa twloa married bamly in lh end 1wu ha had two eooa robert blewartof flbtppewa city wlaoooaln end adaro a stewart of aotoa e atapeon itev b a xean of fllol ulaugu and aa adopted daojtbter ura hart of toronto mr dean arrived f m ibla mornluo an hour af lar aaeeeeniadpaeaeorway mr8lowart ati wboaa wbolelifawaa anexompll- floatlon of rlllgaooa end honor he waa tneeb loved by bla family and mm e ouuati no man bad engbt agaluit bled in runloo be wae e mat bod ul and waa falthfal in atleadanoa npon the aaurlooe of that ohnrob to mra uuwert aud all tba bereaved tba band of aympetby i landed jaarttom jutnm tbe li yiaily nomination of oounty doanolllora for diatrlot ho s will teka plane at qeorratown orf aloojay oath ideoember crewsons cornbhs hj llell bup tula labl up td data rjt tiditoilial notbs la 10 ii01 it hee been ennounoad that obabcauw uoyd bad bean ealeoted by ibe obaaoary duuioo to repreeant them od the rota of j pjtfea for t trial of ele oeeee mr jnatioe b treat will repreeant tbe qoeeoe luuob end mr joatloa uoee theoommoii ilaae tbe imperiel dovaramant ou the lat deoambar akteodad tbe imperul beady oala4 rale to tbe hewly acquired hrltlab urajrv in oth afrloe forioecly tbe oraue free huu end booth afrloa lupoblld uruur thle erreuxement utter from oahadahbdolberpertanftheblmplrw w tbia haw uritlah territory will go at tbe penny rata tbe order abtdjaliug tbe tied of loloiloat- dtfllfjuor in tbe navy la bmerlotf frolu tba eallore of tba oruleef hajllmor werereoantly peld off aod fortyblna ol tbaro ware glvou abort loeva luaiaad of making for tbe ealoooa aud onloeditm tbolr pookala end ovarloedlnt their auxdaeba wltbtbaer and tbelr beeda wllb dlaua aud aoba lltay uapoailaj 30lxk in the y u 0 a avlu benk wllb tba aale of tbaea lujuora- prohlbltad la tbe krmy tooob lb ww reaulle would rollow atwa uej ublpmaula of produod from oebaja in uraat tlrluld for ibe tibflatnlae tvadal ware ttavar ad lioevy aa tbey are lb la yaajr applea paoved meete aura kod poeltry are going tbtooib lu laite juaululee 0r 100 refrltcarelur can war batndled at the oratid trunk yard at little york in oua day ibu waak mr uerrioe aupar- luuildvut of ur4nloela eaya that kwkar in bla valerianae kae there been auch a de- lualtd fur rsrrlkarklo ceje from ajl bdlule tbeoeji u fur tuoce oa unw weeeu proiida lo meat tba extraordinary ruab ja bualtiaaa wbare a oar idy of the boowi now 7 uadeliona were to be aean in full bloom on deo alb mr u 1 moore of the feae iaiutf aotoa dallvered aa exoallent kaimou on mlaalotia on bnoday to e buaje ooagiega uod la tb mathodlat ohnrob bare mr moore u aiwaya a weloomed viallor to tba comer tbe mlealooary offering waa a libera one mr hobart wrkloa aa the are of bla depahare frond bare nave a reoapllou ajjd dltlbar to hla moat intimate frieodj at ibe home of mr john han belt ha elao gva aaeb of bla friend a a prevent to ramambar him by it la rumored that mr wrklna will kborlly eater into matrimonial bllaa we-iolp-heaae- wlthln blm aaooaaajln bla bew van lor mr will moartbnr of oh bprlnsa who ba beea worklatf for bla bnola bare all aammarlafi uat wedaeedey foe batilt tiu marie mlaa ptorenoa mniray of aotou vlalted at her rraodperanta mr end mra j murray on kandey ulea hard of doelph la vjaillujf et mr uatu mokeowna ulaeea itoale and llliio haw of aolon pant bonday mnttjro amble mr geo- elllou of aotoa apeat buudiy el mr i mokeowna mr john crewaon ar la till vary 111 atjhonovk uuauitiuleaad muo 1 dilh iloeaoi jimmla ere at ur b u uwddll a mr laaao aikln r of ilar ant bonday with fred wrlgnlaa worth mra kllioteodctiillrerflooht marlr re vuiui el mra aloxamler w mlaanrlllatlhanka tiaflgr apant a afawdaja wlli fuaiida barn durlntt tba work mr a thornton baa aeon rode u tuition el ibatxrv ootle wuiii mi hon mr w hood haa rented bla farm to mr uaorice wrifuleaworui mr allan mouou aid will bold e aalo of farm atook on deo lith mr w j graham who la la hoflalo baa been threatened wllb an attaok of appandioltia bpeolal aervloea in tbe melbodul cborcb were brought to aoloae on friday evening muob nood haa been dona the aavlatence given by ilev y w tbompeoa waa much mqob appreciated mlt illyth of ubuwortb la vlillng ralatlvreherr new literature kleenor latbe llllo of mr humphry warda itaw lory tba canadian edllionof wntotrhiatjrut beinrira ilfik it promlaea la be on of th moat popular of tliia yaara fopular hooka many of tb loading dally paper and lltarary journala have davowl cnlnmni to ratuwtntf it kleetior la generally aok- dqwuikw to bo mra warda muurlc end atalida upon a litnrary amlnenoe ap- proaohed by few tile ecanae of klaanor ere uld in mellow and ueutmul luly ii obaractarw ra koluli and amur loaf peoptv aud tba two baruinea ro a knthah woman iclaanar end luo a maw kokand gll vvr 7fia olotb f i m 3oroduloil illaitraud net u 00 it i not ao vary ramarkabl i bo numhor of ooogratulatory letter ibe fa mill himll oej yhly lural monlraalkre reoalvlntf relativa to their two premium platun christ in the tmple and home fro the war the lattara are irom the moat prominent paopla in canada wa h aaen the picture and call wall understand the enlbbelaallo recaption hay have colvod for oortaltily tin kuoh beautiful piolura liava ev uen bafore ibacetiadlau puhlla and to hltik that both av incloited free with a eara aubacriptlon to that great paper make one woo dor bow it i dour the jwiy ufrau am i uvv abonld do a kreeter bnalneea thau ear thle aeaaon love of counthv xiibikti or cawiui lo of country la the alroiiuuil eharaa terlailo of tba avraic nrltiibur nor i it davalaped lea lb the fair ooloniat hefl bar boaoin epani with prld aa aba apcaka of tba ol i country har bar diwl on tb pleaaaut lime b had whao laat there thar waa uotblog aba enjoyod ao muob aa tba pleaeettt ef tr noon lee and why 7 heoauae ah elfpad lb par prod not oreeii or lllaok of gyloti aud india bbo eai buy both in canada uow the dolloloua balaja ltluovlllbbon or mouaoou peckela await her plraanr caumitt caouri cound end cou ara all quickly oared by 1yuy utlasjil it leaaeu tlie oonkb almoei luataully and cure readily tbe moet ob- lint te cold matiufaclured by the propritora of iarry daviafaln killer norvala new atael bridge lu 43 fel anu ia of atetj eudt atone abutment and ooet 03l so the county of halloa and iw1 each pay one half of that amount dizziness and nausea cau8ho bv ovbrstudv and olobe conpintfmbnt how m popular sohool teaohor sufforod and how aotlntf on m prlende advloe una tried dr wllllama pink phi and wae restored to health artd strength meal oaeeod premie tb ahow feuawaj aotivlty lu varloua bilnlug oempe la canada a felre of which will be mm luporll undertaking by hrluab end atnailoeu uapilallata uiiileb lapitallata f have made klnanunu for eapwatloo oil a urge eul iu iake of the wood bia trial aud new york people bev ulely inveated largely in canadiau copper pro- perua wbllafn tb wee tbey are ahow luff renewed ttiuteet ui gold mining prop- oellioua tlta oomln year prnraua to be a record one for tbe mining led nettle la cauade and a euob opera tloo do moon tot gauaral baaluee aocnmerau arm will aeuat by them ljrnklftt tbe oral blow ta aa w good a two evbbton iuv t x fleming- wa married in ouveuod ohio on tburadayj5lb ult to mia uendareon of that city tbey ar rived bar ibe folloelujf frlde aud look bp realdenoe in the pareonajc which ba bad fuautebed prevlonaly wed need ay eveulu hit ih ooagretceliou gatbaredl in the cbtivcfa aud gav tham a graud reap- tlon mr wm tovell look lh olialr after opaultig ervloee abort eddraeae wet huat by mr hitlaok j hlujuy d ilobeuou aud olbara aiur mr lflem- luga reply aud aluitlug they retired lo th eobool room whir uhu wr loedaddowu wttb good tblu nearly ou hundred took led ojeiber iu honor of tbe brlje who waa highly pleaaed wllb lb klud grtinu mr aj mr ii uotop of fdu mill vuiled wm hortop uat week they are ijulta pro ad of ibelr ptraudeou the iuopu have uhoaea wedueeday uao uutb for their ohrlatme ourulu- meut tbey ere eeourlua the arvlca tf the uluart family qualpfa with ibelr own obolr aud the aahool for hiuilo tba ufrlbbarliig mliiuura arewaprotad tb ulbw tuulyejlia bd hr uat ibureday vuu wa u graud euooeai all ware pueaajl and prcilted by th puudld addreaaea tilwea by luva llo lu and oraualou of ltoukwoo m hugh hubk lreaideul of th olaiy ubly cou duoud the uiellng wrwi harris 4u0treenrer gave w report of the year worfcj while luva fubliuhiil aud itrdud lialajud with plju fa tit uljhl imv- fall eddreeaej lb audlruo hi i lock- wowl lueuledit betim there wa allual oolleollou audt a uood uiaallu j ell lhr ugll mr wm abbott klunded lb fauaval on beturdeyot avei exieajnuu wk foemre lttu deiht- kt kflu oemaury oa friday den uur the aohool of no u iframoee mr moklnuoo teaober purpo glvlak a uouoert wbea there will be tinging bylbeaohoj mr j htrachau of itook- wood mr qlbbou eud booub reoua- tloo by mia janet milch 1 1 otbere will aaalat uj tnakluaj a ud programme vlh ai luvlad to eujoy the hum admlealoa ufieu oenu children uo lrooed to be ud for tb aohool for i in children cry for castoria tooob hot another man mooey moal booeel never added tu ll uagyerda yellow oil care all pain lu nan or beaet for apreloa aula btalae oallou lutnpe awtllluna luflamuullnu rhetimailam aud oeuralu t u a vpeoitta fa tb mitt t egd poual leaobet we bave evar bad hare la the opinion wpreeaed by the peopu of oanaao k 8 of their preeect yoantf lady aohool uaohar mia nellie cntuu mlaa cutuli i poaaeaaed of keen inulligence and an- blntf mannera aud haa bean peculiarly auaoeaaful lu hr oboeeu pofvioo at preaeut bbe lookii tba ploture of brellb and one obearvink her good color aud houyabt bplrlla would never think of aeaoeialinu bar with elokne it wa howaver ouly laat utnm itiat bj wa ahqit li of oootluulntf lu her work on aooouut of her hi health aud her oondlllou waa eouroe of alarm to bar frieoda yea ah bald to aa jaxjuu reporter who called upon her reoeutly to lara lh pari lo a lar of her oejm i huppoae it la a duly i ow to dr william ilnk full thai i khauld make publia thewounera tbey warkaj forma hut perhap i would not have thought of ll if you had uol oelud you aa iu addition to my taaohiuu 1 bad ben ttajyiuj vry hard ovr my ij work aud tbeu i waa atuokad with wboop- iuf ooub whioh did not leave ma for a ionjf ume aud o i heoaina ptly writ uu down i wa alway aauaulbied lha mn bod i meat of health it botn bul uat ab tttto a i wa really eurtned ovar luy ooudltlou uomotlme lu the acboolroon i would be talked with dlaelnaa and ofuu i would faint away i would uke vomiting lurua klao and bd a feeling of neueae aud uugor ell lb lima i loel my oolor and bedame ihlu and pu aud ll eaamed a if my blood bad inrnetllo water tblaooudllloo of thing j waa to different from anything which i bed preuloualy aaueruuoed that i bought utedloal advice at ono i wa lutortued lhat i wa buhar- lurf from kuaeuue aud i al uuo put uiy- aelf under tuedlaal trealmaut uul al lbouh i tried aevaral holtle of peraorlp tlooa my nondltioti teemed to be itttlntf wotui all the lliu whau j waul home for my chrlaluiaa vaoatiou i waa almoat iu deepalr it wa whlla i wa at houir uowever ibet tuy fiuuda auylaetl m lo dr william imnklill autlugvueou tbl advloa i took up thetr ua the ural bo mad lu rrfeot ml hut i utad four or flva and theit tb our waa ooui- plu her aluoelhet my ltaalld be bean fekoallant aud i have ult my rl old lluie elf end am aua to etteud lomy dutle which are by un uieaua light wlthoatth fatigue aud uufctor ibal mada lb work ukeome you may depend bpou ll i will elwey hav a friendly word to y for dr wllllama fluk fill if your dealer doe uol keep thte pi ha iti block they will be poal paid it 60 oeul a boa or alf boar for j hi by d- dreealng- th dr william medlcln co hrockvllld out nockwood mr frank ia who oeme bom 111 from bmitha fall eoverel weelt ajo and haa a in oa been in lha boa pi lei in uuelpb la gradnallf rcoovrrioif a very inieeeltog illble boclaly mrvtin m it i i bare laat wednesday oailng hnnda waa miaalonary annlvereary on uockwovml clroej iuv h w wood a worth ti proldenl of the uonfaredoa praacbofl vrry able and appropriate aer mona at ilxikwood hden mill and hiloarn and mr ll 1 moore occupied tba pulpit at oniwioo corner tbe mlealonajry of urioga will ihla j ear be over j20 tboee of hockwood alooa being morelhan tbe eollre circuit ihrao j oar ago whan he v mr holdan took charge there la an advanoa at eaoh appolntmenl thu yeir fjparrawiarexreev ir irx v miltom tba uoncral deaelon will be htld la the court house ou the ljth and tbe aaaliee pa the lath inal the old lime aupper and enteruidment in hie matbodial church on toeeday wa e auooeeaf nl and well etlandad event the eplerlainment wa of ao eaoelunl order tbe addreea by luv tbeo j farr of hamilton much enjoyed mr ce hnme ratnrnad ut week from a trip to muakoka and reporte thatalr hume who laalaylng there for the beorfll of her heallh la hot improving wf feat tbumlutacurhavchjb of miltoo has reorganiud with the following ofqoare hun freaidanl caorge huroei froaldanl ueorfte b- hloreyvioe froaldanl w i dick becralary chaa f johcaon tr nrer o k mocrahey mr david uerluy of ncu taken up hi realdeooo in town h wilt make vory worthy eltlaea mra j w uewae will king at anton at a parlor concert at the reeideooe of mr xi f moor next monday evening rvtsi oe b j xemdau co rxtumnol puis vt a when you write to tie queen the paper on which utlar lo qneen victoria are wrltun tnut not he folded no oouimunloallon which brera evldanoa of heklog been oreeaed will aver fh into her majetya owu hd tb i to par method u to write ou thick gloaey white paper arid to dlapauihth tnlaalv in an envelope which ola it any folded communication bever rraohl lha queet for tbe himpu raeaoa that lie uevrr looka at i all suoh utlar are opnrd by tb mulrtee of ihi robee aud a a ruin their oonunla uever get beyoud her or if ibe mur la of i porunce it ia returned to the writer with the dlrtoiiona how to forward it n york are j a- wonderful escape mlaa laura sliwliaii hj anmltonij ave of toronto i a truly thankful tf irt lent home froid ul mkhada hospital aa an incurable caae altenjlod afi b akillr ful physlchni alu fallcj to ret relleft iaralyxidliiiibu lo pcak waslod almoet to a atolelon lit hrnloua parent had tiolh i uk lo do hut milcntly await he dcalb du aunolds toxin 1ills cured ibla caiui and rcttotcd her to ncr former laid ol huhb a nowipapec reporter vlllbd mr wart 5r1 dundea bt george ltoherta hi arnutroi ave and aevernl i outhafcuueattebl aud fully corroboralrxl every detail of the ata wlmrn tloctora and htwpllal fall be ure la reldu aknoldsvloik fills for 60 years mother haye been cjvirv their children for croup coughs and colds shilohs consumption cure mothers have you shiloii in the house at all times do you know jut where you can find it if you need it quickly f your iitt and choking with croup if you haven t it get a bottle it will save your childs life vt utj mv baly jj i wihlbl iu4 tm silu- ly tut twihaad fjjt i wiiubl tu4 tm wlibaui ll uri uuiiv1mh r tu bblul cur u sold by ell drusxtat in veeext eatd lleltail imeae at toorooe ioo h bottle ta ureet itrilalo at la ad ftd and u ad a thl ruaretete wit vry bv4tte 11 you eve tut eeuaol mrtf te your oruccut uul ka4 r bbubey back wiuafotillimkalad uok eeoieauamue iml bllk it l oqlcavaue ca- my phymlctauis told m i tkumk tl bul south american kidney cure cured me of lhat awful bright a dteeae thiau a annleooo from a uttet of h vell known bualnca men in a wealera town who through overwork and worry hail contracted thl kidney pestilence it will relieve tnttantly and cure ail kidney dlseaae 103 sold by a t hrown chthoi cr5 uttatsrvunubbjiunc 2s5 thniiihbltwn c massumrencccotii vyturvu3njxei wjianjlalae hsaxl- whoimcrthorhradsaiit rheum when father had pilo ur ag- newa olnimont rivd the quickest rnljcf and ureal care these arn gemiof trulhplckel from leetlmony whltii 1 glvnn nvnry day to thla rrratnat of licalnr it haa never been matched in curat two ijualllua in lexeme totter file elc jj ccnta 103 bold by a t hrown they sell wolf aey dmrglt odell of truro n b want any loiter evidence of the real tnerlt ofojrvoa bleu s ilneeppu tablet aa a cure for nil forma of alomach trouble than that tliey m in kuch great demand not a bautootia ilout that makea ono a wry inaldea robil but pleasant quick anj hrmloai tiny tablet to carry lu your pocket 13 centa 104 sold by a t urowu jlmmodun3 uthtad herittod had tnrouxoou aurtaiie byxivatriclty ttcnut jri oo jjc da y oood stmhlltitt in auuiaefjau g1rhnd cgntrhl hottl theo cook proprietor wwvtllron cor monnbband morrlok bts crnrdk aqh bakery wo keep a ulc auorlmcnt of broad and cakos drop a card and ime lhj watkoti call if the wm llier keeps cold moii1m getting oystors regularly kspcl lome- this week ilrctm attrewst speight brady manufacturer of tjyttjluqs xjrct7u6 idotoils wjtxh uotou3 1cmoimx3 itltasp a lit on cjstwoh to oltoxft kejiajrltig promptly done qoorrotown ortf w barber bros paper makers georgelowii 1 ontario the flight house miamiiion s ravorltii 3h01finc lucu fhrlmainnjt ih romlor and were moxkfna rrmt prrmir- tialih for cirt buyarn this ntore exrcu at ohrtatmas ktiopplnn plnrr be hpre and see our very lrsc and brnulirul dleylny of sirtarflrlem upiilalr flrat florr a great array of bargains a very exception 1h of bargain k taction are now ujurlng in our varfoua department a icicle kio greet uvlngv in aloro for our ffuricl fryu out of town who vllt ua here are a few aamplee jacket sale a uifjo proportion of our jackcu reduced lo clearintf price in heaven frlcie ikiucu and keraey doiha good jacket tn warm wclghla for winter wear horn are aaniplc of the reductions eormerly 3 76 to 35 now s3 oo formerly s oo reduoed to s300 yor m mtll to q7aaaatfl j3q yuxoarlysb 7ft taaultursr faluao formerly 13 oo redooed to 7 oo formerly i0 do reduoed to 7 so for mueeewere t6 oo hoe 3 so jltiv abbrrtifitmrnts properly for hale huuuku of farrtia end llla ioittj taiiria aply lo uu likulitubrt a hum uk for aale wanted iwo talubla 4 tut tui woab apil at whi 3 kttlela i u kknkkdv aolon lu wantkd i si 26 jjreee ooodm fiofl blyllh homeapun ant 1nncy mlald dm cotnu in an immenij variety of handtome deaienrt alotil thirty in all fine range of colorlnf 44 inch were it 33 and i jj now 50c anollwrlol 1 ancy drea ualef ul lu htripc and fancy fiured effect variety of khaiutl rooally all wool aorne kllk kail wool 44 inch were 73c now 30c- t o6o iliaef oood 3tfa 1 ancy hbck dreaa good a in mo hair eftocla teveri different pellcma 4 inch were 60c and 05c great itatnaina at 3jc sijie 1mjf ywe four plecea i ancy whllo auu llluo raflelaa in check and ktripea reubt f 1 for 50c i ancy damask silk in black ground with figured pattern in chadc of old road and peacock blue wera i5 uow 65c 38a jiaeaeje stio two piece tfne striped bblrtln uunela a r- inch were jhc but teguur 4y value at the preaeni lime for ay bla piece of ikncy striped and stveck bhirtlnp flanoela for men a ilrla all wool unahrinkable if rightly waahed all inch were 35c for ajc 33 jve wrenpererfee loo four hundred varda fancy fwlnied wrapperetlea for children wear wrappers elc in fourteen different floral ktriped and figured dcalgai in light and ilark tbadea were rac now 10c ooa jaeee doo alkout eight piece of fancy all- wool bcolch and french funnela and fnoluh shirting flannels in varioul dealgna and colorings ah ami 50 lac lie wide formerly to ami 65c now 40c skub wowbv- lly btiylnl through our mall order department i relgbl or oirea rejkaid railway hlallona in ontario on all mall order amounting to f or more samp nl anywhere on request sample thomas c watfcins king st east cor hughson st hamilton avlltht iakhfarm teaebloery u tlalra tnan uwi uoderaland machinery and lurolau blaoan breaa and rl and beeaqoalntej in aji nf tlie looahlpe adtleloa rittattili none bnl a bntcleaa liiau need euply huyiael will be paid attlf to uko j tllolll- 1 uuelob itutclier khop and uemtlenco to iibnt raub undal deelrea b rent aitr4be l 1mb itooeuiber bla butebev aboe- and dwelling on main gtraa actoe in oonneetloe tlmrrewub uierear lee boeae ilauliler booaa atable food uiiuo ate thla fa tin oldest eetabllabed nieel bualeeee in aetna le a bod veil leu t aland and ba elereje done m large ttuaieeaa tde pnuul leeee eaplrae on the luji december apnly at bum la lutiiuiit uoruii new b frcsli g goods xr lowest qrocery and provl8ion store euuuuuiiuur jonnr-i0ennedy- ma1k bt aotoh llnvlnri ummcd h lujw bitslo in til abov u1m4 in ilia pranl on md slia ulaly ckxu11 by mr 3 aihuntf i bvd bluur in invitlnjf my timdt uod lb cam munlly in kcnefal 10 jmimct my lock i ml ibal i can with canfufenc ak m ura o tlielr mtronai imcub my rood uw all fnh and of lb nat nuallly km cuitonuif will find price am fuod at very reuooabla figure tli stock cootlrt of btaplie ahd amfjv grooewuls canned qoodb amd tabxfi bklxoaoibs prdits veabtables and provisions tbinla am luo 10 any peraoa vko doe another u klndnea and patron ubo aax money by buying from ma will ba dolrn ibelr friend m klndius by informing ibem of tba fact goods promptly delivered a call solicited john r kennedy donityou send for a free prospectus of canadas sons on kopje and veldt it is the latest book out an agent just reports 51 sales in 8 days another 26 in 4 days big book sumptuously illustrated and is so cheap it sells on sight send for a pree prospectus before you blecp andmakc moncycasyand quick tho bradlevcarretbonco brantford ont llmltod clook spbcil for farmers for cnristirias hhy to thobtt auout to ham yountf tnu or old md wboiid toiul mrf 111 b va 1 learn tbat 111 n mvrttf aok i mad ulu almol by apoiyiuf 0 af i uoon laanar of toarrlaji llonum at tb vu pwa ouo 011 a few day bafara lb oenamouy aud b lb matur eaplalnwl prjat uuu all bwlim alrlqtly srial ami ooiinilnllal at raldoo lu nulutt tba loflff and abort of succouful oliver tultuf nowaday ar lb wlllluttnea and ability of til tuercliufit to celt acuta lliliiffs for 1 than 111 compeiltor and all ihliiu da cboap aa un be uiuulil elmwhere tlul taour paaltion enactly tutd ii aiillea etpecially lo tb larte raiuje ol ttooda now lu alockullabl for ohristjutks irrbs43nits bucfi aa fancy chain rockers parlor tables framed pictures chenille curtain iiatkackh v newspaper holders raymond sewing machines and iiuiiierouu other article which will take your fancy call aud luicct our urn slock ou price are alway rlhl jojlnstoiykco mah actou jo colorbd pkpsrs john r barber a i algaatur 4a on every boa of tea aeuula laxative lkooo0ulddc tablet me radady that aawreai laa eeee eamy pur goods the stylish kind aud the uooj kind of 1 uta are tioi uecseaar- lv the bjiut good i urn are acajrccs ihla tutor but w bought lb hkiua uuue hum agl untlcljutlni a run ou jut the kind lhat tkoftuui thl koeaoti and can oiler bobt and 6oul rurs of ttkceplloiully gotht luality at remark ably low price according to wire aml1 rthjuirtm kklautb and uimodiimng now la tht lima doul wait unlit uoetlod badly or you will wail l n e lafontaine furrlor cuelph oatmeal cut 90 lb sack 175 40 qo as also cunestoga flour aoo fverton 195 miple leaf 190 oldies debt a 10 geo j thorp croln rood and booda auxwit jcxkrvjraj ttocimood not10b larger premises holla cl ltl uold fill lw on fold rill 104 llntdlaue 100 wcuumoua pafnel milufaouon biobb optical cow os yongo qtroet toionto- maam c0opkk a akinh iteil to announce to their pt ron that otvlng lo ilieloorea ed confidence placed in ibem durlnu lha preaent aeaaon lliey julve twxjtl compolle1 lo tkkd urgtlr ptenilaea what i bey hope lo coullnue to ucroete their bualuea by glviug th uiiu0t kallahtcliotl boill ill nialarlal bbd our object wilt aiwaya be to lead i jt klyle of materiel and of garment ami lo do i hit we ire continually adding lo our i toady largo ktock emulating ol 1 ancy bulling lu bcolch aud west of 1ngund worsted fantluge nary vetliue and a full rang of 1 all and winter overcoat lug cooper rnd kkiisfs fuohloaablg tallorai mulbb actou hole saeubl tut uie aalabrate1 lunree lllanbeliu tvheand u warp elilob ellluo4ebaae eolotr le leu hii wear of utouay second hand 5tenicle8 if you need a good strong second hand buggy call and see my stock i have- a good list to choose from and will let them cheap also a few second hand market waggons and carts i am anxious to clear out a full line of root pulp- ers hog troughs and waggon springs on hand j n oneill succetaoto culp at makonxl gbohgbtomn desntaulkjtksidijinck f bal a uat well knave propertr oa elrvlew itanualmmtlrooooivudbr wm oilppa u me oflnra1 tof eeie p booae la wei t batik baa elgbt rootna wllb ball and eantrf urn eel lar and woodboeee oonneeted uard and aefu wtar h labia and fowl booae on ibe taremlaae tbere la an ajire of land welt truee wlln ehoioe fralt tit propeai f ta eltalo tba ootrpot- atloa of ibe uitlln tnanaraetarin iowa of aetna on la to ibe pro unit f of kalrtu cea lbla fro pert weald tneke a epleodld alia for etweubooeee and vardana wui be bold oaeaey tarioa foa- particulars apfl t veaa fenaa onloe aoloooal tax notice r 10th december a the wtoka are tloewi by butot od tbe luh all tasa bot paid by tbe above dale are oat added for oollauuuu u1 uiuuau collector liable to hat nomination mee flng third county council divi sion countv of halton notice la hereby 1d tbat a maeung of uie eleelnra will be bald at tbe vlllace of oeergetosm in tb cooaty of haiuea oa ibe tweelv foertb day ot deeember itoo between tbe boera of one and two o olook la tbe after- neoe fear tbe perpoee of nominating candlilata lor tbe osloe of ooeoty cooeelllor for tbe third rjoeoty coonall uuuinn of ibe county of ifeerseter number of oan are boml bated tben ajre rwqolrad to be aleebtd tbe poll wul be opened at tbe poll lea plaee for eaub at kbe polung aebdlvialeoe within aba aald dulrlot oe moeurthaaetrwnuieyojjaaderyltwluie tralla to oonunna open from nloe o clock la tba mom in until ore o elnok le tba aftavnooa and o il ktufnedf momleaung ouloer taaej thfa foertb day of decem lcoo new botcher shep ctif o w juthsok has opened ev new meat kbop in the emiaes lately occupied by joyce brothers ill st reel acton wbera will be found ki all times a full supply of frtmefreali hatu oared meeu beaeegeej freeh fteh foultry in beeeon tm hope by strict attention to the want o hi customers securing the beat animal for ale lighter obtainable and doing u ckth buaiuesa lo give complete utlsiactlorl to every custootatf your order boltojud c a mason flwirlt no dout do 1liat but come today to the acton pump works and get your pump repaired or buy a new one we can do it watering troughs cisterns and a general jobbing business done satisfaction guaranteed slfaea croupd concave ijiipa ibem in charles ebbaoh main si aclon m sp i g a pleasing phetegraph bee ouraelf a other fcee you uul let ua prsaent you al your boat our work ta umumcodod uol alone fur lim artistic merlin bul oi tbe cscel- lence and eccureieneaa of our ukeoeasee what a ft drntty lecture and it looks ao much like you u the inevitable oaculujt- tlou photo twt3t rcton j m dttns flttd fault with untl are tend ibt yoti dout imwal ooaeinql ooaimai t v kelltk eoumuid tit imcuu habluala nw vl ltlll ju aud t lo oe4ual cuu- cfill curly and avail yourself uf his valuable services as this ia a rare opportunity to hav- your eyes juopcr ly tested free of clutrge no juess work but a kctcnlific certainly diih cult calves accurately fitted al l uouk jllauaktkttl ri u ll tj wi-i- l will uk at agnowe hotel aolon qm dkv onlv thursday dcccmber 6th xmas magazines and papers oandadlan enidlah and american lir your order now before y our aupply la egliuuhtoj b our liancy t laua laier for making iimp bhade ale iulu or all cuw cruklotl iliu and 1 uuerj a t brown obemlet luui ttteiluoer acton -trs-