3wftft rcc bank of hamilton f georgetown branch ageneral bankingbusinoss tranoaoted correspondence solicited interest allowed on um of onk doi- wlltiwt upwards from day of rtepmlt day of withdrawal uu lodualiilcs and no delays la drawing money farmeiv buhjmiss solicited note of responsible farmers d l wri mooy loaned io aftiiunale dunlm our collection doparmoiit haa every facility lor making prompt returns salenotoh i j handled and money advanced of tamo at tow fate of inter travellcri art notified that the lunkof hamilton and lla hrancbe lauo circular note o the irovlncu hank of ungland limited which can rjocaahed without charge or trouble in any part of the world iitilo in any part ol head ovllck hamilton atalabllahod 1073 capital paid up 1703212 reserve kund 1234119 jlotalasscts 14827357 jmk tuknuui cashier b forsayeth agunt goorgotown branch always ahead l9 paper hangings the news at home mostly or loom charatrlncl vary ltm intarwatlnet 1 ths holl of honor- nimti or tho pupils who won cov- atcl piaoa at laat friday examinations stock now complete and without doubt the fintil ever pdt on the markot 100000 holla of walllaper are represented by our sample books jfl mbkbb aelorj will lake your order and the price will astonish you he will oiao sell yuu r at years paper at discount a snap for good things chasl nelles cuelph jutnn ttt hs thursday may olb 1001 little local brieflets which caught the eyoa or bar of praa pro reporter thla wak r splendid epriog weather eaqueaing hunday school contention jrol ba held on tueaday 38lb inel ootlph barber ooaimenoed laat mon- day to take a half holiday each week tho opart of bavlslon wll ait on moo- jmtylgg 37lb tn 1 titt o when wlu ibe ua aprinkltx oom- i it roaode i li i dally ciaealloo mr henry soot the new weaver a taming oot iaim vry attractive car- turn planting baa been engaged in by a number ot thoughtful oltlaou tb paat week palmeraton la getting permanent pae- tnanta laid for 10 otuls by a walker tor contractor have yoo raoelved a letter yet from d s fclailda bearing lh naw va arnerl- oan ataojp 7 3li jrfll baa a boraa ahosf on may 17tb mstuih a altraoll iwlw t baa bno ueoad browoa planlog telll la dolntf olt a boatuem ibla aprlng in now oulaldn lhtd for raaldanoaaln town wactwottb and hal too coootua nnlooa will bold a joint v o f xl aon- tfldlloo at oakllla baxt month- it ta anything bat oradlubla to th town that ao many dranltaa tupa an men on oor auaete lately atiltoa xtfumir tbe floa weal bar of tba paat weak baa aoablad um hrmara to tuaka rapid pro- gnm with thair aeerllng and eprlng work bolioguob big flour mill daauojam by fire on tbe 05tb april h1 not be boll tba propei ty la uow offared for mm another ofidce bae beau added to tba moiurajfeodl flnitea ot tb tounlolpej ofs- oar tba of flrcotao or tba a team are ogue v juf mr ocla toronto depreala tba intmdaalloa ol tbe bwiday baud ooo- anl as llbaly io lead to farther breaking ol b day ol baal wtba aaqdaiouio which ba jbeao bam for veaa oa tba atb of uay in mo jflgairi grott dublin wul be bald aa ottiaj on vlotwla day obuud ooal aabaa piinkled abool tbe borrowa of auala will oaaee tbeai to lw- vloaaoel aabaa may be uaad oo tbe uwfl wllbook lojurv tt tbe graa tbe 111 at naw aldewalka for ibe aeaaoa axf bow in ooora olooaatroollai a plooe it being laid oppoalte ibe wauea block od another from tloblea flour alote to john blreetonulll mr uobart uloouir of llartnly uau aenda tba axa raxaa 100 for tba 0 uuner moor monnraanl food la bta latter aye ifoy of tbe boya iu aoloo want to oornalomanltoha barttuy la u rood maoyplaor w aeed a faw good uoroaaa puyara bare atul a good lawoaae playar oin gat all tba work ba want tboee wbo oaotatuplau parebaaluil aaoamaotal or work of any dlaorjptloa for their oemeury plot eboald order dlreol from tba old tellable granite and marble dealer j- xi hamilton gnalph oat all txpeoaea allowed to purotaaara all work and material warranted oompeiliioo dafled georgetown tea will take piaoaa 4iml alay imlb for which tbe tyllowlog valaabl pare ire poarad free- for all i rpt or pa a j7lrot or paoallfio troorpoff 1100 dpao run mil baate 1m t gmt n iralla 176 eotilee olo noon may lh uoraea allalbu tliusa k mogahtiab ban qaorgtliwu iaw annual he rat oft at the h ot h the member or camp ivanboe bona of hooiland marched to knox jharob from ibelr camp room on flaoday evening and oocnplsd the front and centre pew a of tbe ohoroti ite i to ii a macpbaraon preaahed eernion appropriate to the ooeaaloq baaing hla ramarka upon tbeetory of tba good ba marl lan tbe attendance wa larceajtd ibe maisbera of lb order wrfi hiulil iltl wtlb tle aarmoa tho vtxldttmd aforb an vrat trmrm at order in council juat paaeed ty the ontario government makca paw rtgnla juna furtho preremloaajat amtruotlomrt- tba- codtluag mottuxbehpiorldo uiat 1l ahall be the dnly of the oocnpaqt of ery lot to ecrapa all roogb bark and all loora bark arpnnd wonnd f rant treaa and to plaoa baavy bauda of backing or olber uitable mauriaj npon 11 bearing apple trwaa and pear irvee located npoo aald lot and a nob work shall bo computed to tbe aallttactloa of tbe iupeolor not uttr than tbe lonlh dy ol june each year the band ball between jane 10 tb and uep- uuiul wlb be removed every twelve daya and tba lartae therein deelroyed mimaioamry cowvenf low ttrisy tbe seven tb anoaal convention tof ouflpb district womane mlaajonary bo- claly will be bld l the metbodut church today there will be three aeealonr itaprveenlatlvn are rspeeted from ootlph kernua liloia knnotvllle 1 look wood and nauajtaweis a nnmbar of very interest ing pupara and addresses bpon mlaaiooary topics will be k mrs j m uagsur will tlvo words of welcome to which mrs o j uysn gualpb will reply in addi tion to the members of tba auxiliaries of 11m dltr let uisa carson deaooaesa of toronto will speak title eveolng the ladloa of acton auxiliary will entertain tb deugatee to lunch in tbe ebnreh at noon and tea this evening tbe ladies of knox church have been invited to attend jjmm kisss bool with uxm a dispatch from ottawa to the malt aj xmjilr says anngllah gentlernatj wbo la visiting in the city tells a good story about mr d d mann which be vooahea for aa correct- it wak when mr mann wa in china looking after a hg railway oonoeealoa on evening at the dob- in tientain an ajlaroatlon broke oat between a llaaalan and a french officer mr mann wbo was pres wa appealed to a um pire and gave hie decision io favour of the frenchman tblaao fnoenaed tb itassiaa t nj morning be sent a second to mr uann demi thf monthly xsmlhetloiie mf acton public dehockwere held lal friday with mattes follow i nust nratiat yiwxmm vkttla modoaald 2h0 joale utipbenson h brown and geo cram ucg hvyfe it moore anna oram and mary ooodeve 3d0 olaae iv baoklltel coleman and jean ncqoeen ao7 u drowo 715 h plank erxl m meithewa 310 olaealv juu ibillp llflmee 9sj hna fctrson u30 florenoe chapman 313 marks possible 100 t t t monx tcaobcr 1 v jnnlor vrds pel stev va8 itehy clark 230 frank havll t17 mark possible 375 ilanlor myitis bills 010 bertha doming and going visitor to and from aoton and variouaotharparaonal noua ttieitsaapaaablnvllaaall its readera toeosv trlbute u uils tool a tn a if voei or voaur frteada as ki ow a bellf utp os u voo bare frlendsvuiuuf jl drop oard to tb a i gamble and mynle ho per sou minli axncw 3uu marks poisltile 8ii muplltl teanhs tuiao srisruukr junior hi vincent ooodeve 105 iui colamajilui atiotokceoan 1wj br h fern brown wo mabel ailhu 103 kbr william 1u7 tatkposalmeaa jr ii luatly arnold ly viti tirshm 131 minnie mckeagua 13s marks possible 175 mwuwm ivacher tvuaja i air akiuxxr bvnlors lilian willi ma 171 aitliur dynes 1c7 p try boaell ico marks poealble so0 miaa laitu iroul ralarned home from totdul last week mr dharllo holmea la relieving at tb o t 11 depot barlin mr laral kelly west ftembora spent a few days during the week at the home of blsedn dr o i kelly dr j p oogblan wntii town renewing aotua in ta nose ihle week mr- itcibatl mill er who we vsry 111 is able to be aba ot age i a miss durothy beardmore of toronto i aiiepdttig a few weeka in acton mise agnee moleod of oeorgetown visited acton friends this week mr and mrs thorns a morton of mil ton visited acton frendson tuesday mr asa hall is sufficiently recovered s to be ablt to walk down town attain ilalu ii- a- maepbaraon viaiud fruods la hamilton doling the week lletf j k godden m a attended tb deanery meeuug of hsltoa at milfn ill yj ii lory od j ii bdo ot qlllpb wr in towu proimloly oa iuy ur n 1 mcljtn ud bb of xftodoo ra villlii l molbr nd ouw aotoa ruiim uralhu ad ulu llo ol ilollo youraose that la what yoa should breath throuith not yoor mouth but uwn mtsmerstrderi y5dtea- urrh u o bad you cant breathe through it luwatblng tbrougb tbe mouth is always bad for th lanes and it la eapeclaliy ev when ibelr dellcal tlaaues bare txti weak ened by th acrofulona condition of use blood on wbjcti catarrh depends alicd k ylnase noernerstciwn pa uftbixd from caiarrt for years ills bead rail bad titer wae a ringing in his ears and b could not breatn uinjuah one of lila nostril nor clear hla head attar tvyinr several catarrh apeelncx rrora whlcb be derived no benefit be was completely cured accordlrur to hla own la lenient by hoods sarsapariiia 1hu craat medicine radically and per- manently care catarrh by clean sin um jtcoaendbolldlpgp wbol aralem at wholesale prices ncsurerttxaaieiaebtwruecajaaiua at inlermadiatm mltlen 10u ada wwbtl mrs gentles prk ave eaalwoodlmataybpelght 17 this week junioregbatlle iasby lis kllegarvlr j u iiltoluniele5 mu- marks possible 175 taxtctai toaoliorl ding aauafaeuon only lor bjnomebtjaa tb itnrdy canadian rail roader borprleed and then reoolieouog that aocordlog b tbe bod governing daalllng the oholoe of weapons lay with blm be promptly aooeptad tb challenge and named tbe national weapon of canada the axe with which tbe duel eboald be fought tba itoaalan was simply flabbergasted he had never beard of a duel fought wltb axes and tbe prospect was dot an inviting one he sent hla second to mr mann again- wllbyan apology expressing rsgret for hla abolition of bad tamper and tb fight wa called oil rlne then jbe bna- elan and lb canadian hate been dim friends is imurcmtlmg cowvenlosf though tbe atteodanos we dot aa large si wa hoped for the aeaalona of halloa womens institute held tb the iowa ball last wedneeday war of an highly in teresting character in tb unavoidable absence of tbe president mr j b deeooo ofmjjton x ti warren occupied l ch tb address by mleexor hoes of liiooratcauelrvondrees it beallhi tcnaenoe and blaely wa ranch enjoyed by tbaadlaa present and aa a rsanlt no doubt many reforms will be adopted mlse lloe also gave a lucid ex planation ol tbe object of tb institute and a nomber of dew members war en rolled tbe evening session was of a popular character the gen us men vera cordially invited tbe ladies even con- deacended to have a man for a chairman and asked tbe editor of tbe fax 1aaai to preside th feature of the eveolug wa miss hoses address differences of uvaf ihke niagara tba address wa a clever and able appeal to aim high la tb building tip of character and to hava a lofty ideal always before os misxllose ajao reads red very taking recitation mtllle l and willie gray mr k j harney and mr d f henderson each aang a couple of oloe wltb axoeueat vdeot andmias clara moore gave a very appropriate reading how she won blm mies jsnnl bmltb is aoooropanlat the bcmbera by the methodist uuoday bcbool ofuheetra war aleo enjoyed ita tbe intention of the womans institute to bold a aerie of meeting throughout lite county during tba arrived protn fojud u mr ofobo doff wbo want 10 bootlstd in march arrived bar wltb bis two osw auuions by q t h on bunday bight mr doff bad an aujpjabls trip and both hla stallions stood lb voyage veil hee- peotlug the dew clydeedaua ho baa jut imported mr arch maonslugv editor of tbeciiin jiirwirr of glasgow and wbo la also bsorstary of the clydesdale horse association of great britain and ireland says in tbeoulsa wwo of april hotb messrs a a w montgomery bave thl week aold two wellbrad bora fickle frlooe loaw aod auldglrth 10063 to mr john dnff kvetton oolario canada fickle wince wa bred by ooloosl hollo- way aullr illinois and vu sot by tb famous gedrlo 10b7 this horse bad tb aoohur muchly prarplard last year od u a big handsome anirpardd a good goer hla aire was known aa one of lite beat breeding clydeadsles oa either aide of tbe atlantic an us dam was bred by mr mturk uarlas aud got by the big pilxe borwa knight of lotltlau ajutosl full brother by blood to macgregor auld- glrtb louos is aa vxtr vsllbred oolt and own brother to tba prlx horse wlmsrstod 10shu which gained list at tbe hoyal and at thechlosgobbow last winter- tewee elected as lbs piemluni horae for tba bllrtiitg dlaulot art yaar in ilea we lob- word and tbe folds for ibla season araby- blni hltf sire wasthe farnoos bores bujal btandstd 081 which gained ort prli aa a ysarllug au l lwoyrol id lb wsat of boolland and was aubeerjuently premium bore in tho lockerbie district twloe and la hannah re and eleewber his dm was tho strong powerful mar coonlaaa bkelmorlle a daughter of tb uooeeefu breeding bursa bkalmorlie ftt7 and wboee air was lb famoua horse top gallant iboo thsaa an a ooupla of aa good horse for the canadian trade a have left scotland for a long lime tb one uew boreea war uucb admired by nemerous oltlsaoa and farmers at tbe dominion house aublee wbr they remained on monday to rati- vlrtuukrla7mkr beniora ktltrl barr 70 arltiur kenny and harry bii 70 bertie betmdere go latvrmsdlauahllda melltx 16 gordon johnson atul cliarlu bii ol llolph b haraor co joniota daisy fouter and bylva arnold 5 john clark t3 mark poaelble 100 hoias lanreuce dunn d5 jl purvis so barlba brown is marks poesillefio nxuia alum trachcr board last the tuirer janlveraary at a meeting of tbe trust friday evening it waadecldcd to oommem- orat thetwantylftb anniversary of tbe f worship by opening of tna prraanv pi tee tbe metbodtat congregs lloo villi approprl- ale aervloe the ptilors who were bar at tbe incspllon and opening of the iqew edifice will be eovited io preach special sermons oa bundsy 00 b juno and oa bomlnlon day the bunday bobool wllglve a attractive enlrrlaliimenl h blorey who ba been bom for a ooaple of weeks returned to- ooejph on tuesday mr will downey who iiaabcen a real- dook nf aoton for tbe paat year be taken bslluelion intoroiilo 1 h warren and m eraser and mrvrjohu mi werrn visited mr malntbal at burlington this week mrs i francis spent a couple of day a this wek with friend in toronto miss msgitu lytid wbo ha been io florida during the winter returned bom laat week to make a brief visit hers mr d xj jo op and babe have return ed to ottawa after spending a month or ao at bar father home bower a poetmaalsr and mre u b henderson of georgetown were guests at tbe bom of mr d heudereon w p on baturday local brmflbtq uutlodvlils orangemen had vary siful meeting last week a resolution passed declaring tbe lodges intention to go to actoo oa the glorious twelfth brampton comservatof will stiolhar spring tea by and no i be made by tbe park committee to increase lb nomber of trees lu altons public park 7 isnt it time lbs park com mittee would wee up t it is noticed that many persona disre gard tbe bylaw regarding bonfires and build them any old time hvcn the loonl- dp officer seta a bed ens tuple and bnrus tb womans canadian historical society ba secured th toronto siaf for empire day may 23 and will issue it that day a a memorial number ibe pro le to be devoted io the queed victoria memorial hajl fund after eight year of faithful servloe in the dairy business making a dally tour of tbe town mr james fly nos familiar face ba disappeared from oar streets he sold bis business to mr h v moore from whom ba bought it and will devote his atteollod biore tally to farming aud alock- relalug oeq general sympathy u fall for luv w b moalplnab a fntbeloeaof bla tnotbsr by death on monday mr atld mrs andres mnalplna csm from bajrnla a few months ago lb reside with their sou at tb baptist paraouage mr uoalplue baa been aerloasly 111 far a dumber of weeks tba remains were ooavoyed to barnl for interment oa tuesday morning7 the glrle circle of tbe presbyterian cburcb will bold an attractive entertain- mtt toknorrow avculug mr w a fraver tba author is at atlantic oily recuperating after bis teoeiil llloaaa tba ksfuselug court omlavulou will be bsld in lb cj until obamber at hutwart- town monday so inst at 10 a m gowovnubta wlllaltand tba ana nej convention of tba county lualilule al aoloti uext week nabbaqawkva to curtb a cold in onb dav take ixauv llroute qile vsbleu all avuaglsie rwlsnd th ntoae if it fails te cat lh wlrovessjcalueweaope unatcbbull i kportlog a 4 today the staff la over fifty feel lp height and lbs dag i about twelve fast in lenglli it will be flying on all ballon al holidays mrs wm laogrlll of kualebbull cele brated bar eeventyaevautb birthday ou monday by havingall bar daughters aoua- inlaw and grandoblldtsn wltb her a a famltyreoobo dr and mrvli u wilson and aou of avmada mlnbars visiting relatives- aud frlsads la niussgawej ilev wm bavage of guelpll prssohid in the ubo4iur0burcb ou huuday aud gav a leolur or tbe blums of old loudon ou monday evening tba forlaw putting ou a hue tppear- euoe by coming put u bloom and laf mr jamas fclod lost a flu- breeding bog from itidauitnatloti on balurjay lass mr wut luuisey aitd sou lost a flu bore uat week from soma uuknowu disease il wasvaluad at about ijoo there was a surpris party atld psau- tatloa- iclvett to mr aud mrs- uobl wllsuu dear btdeut mllhj ou tuesday evening of laat week the ulgbbors numbering about 73 gathered at bla reeldsuoeto spsud aa evening before be moved to kueu mills and presented them with ftt address atid two assy obalrv and a banging lamp whltb testify lo the high aeleem in wblob ibey ar held by all mr wm tbomaa oocu- pud tbe olialr and mr wm uampeou read ibe address mr sod mr wilson vers taken entirely by so r prise they are retiring from tb far there la do greater honor to a man tbau loaups forth sake of what be ibinkato be hgbteooa w e uladstoo mr thorns ebbajce who fractured bis th igb j as t weak ji as uffersda good deal during the woek bat is bow reeling easier mr doha 11 cameron ol glorenvula u y came home list thursday to attend ih fuaeral of bis mur tbe uu charla cameroa st 1uv w b maalpin b a baa been sorely bereft ibf week la tb death of bla mother oa monday at tba parsonage at georgetown general sympathy is ex pressed here for blm in bl affliction luv c t tough of hornby wbo ba been laid off from active work for tba past flvq month ba just returned from mo koka very mucb improved in health tlm will now resume bis pastoral dntle av femur a uur from mlu annie bingham aaye the family comfortably settled la their new home lit beult bte marl tb bv man of the family are all at work at good job abd they think ibey will like the bault first rat brvtj nlrmoksagutfxodorweotr aaargt oa operation od mobdey for tb treatment of a long standing ailment- he la recover ing nicely and hope to be out again id anolbacveek or ao id tb meantime dr allan ol toronto is attending bis po- ic th quaitttly board of weeuy church iii report aa may lath s loth pulpit lopply for uexl year bom of tb mem bers are anxious to get llav t albert moore while other would ilk to have luv w v wiloa remain for another term but the dlflloally ta tb way la that llav mr wllaot baa accepted an invita tion from lb first msthodlst church tlsmllloa scltlar luv dr abrsjiam of burlington intim ated to bl congregation on bunday that ba would ask uavajat tbe uext meeting of the preebt iry to resign mr abraham health ba not been good for sent lltiis atid it i ou that oooounl tut b la- lends to reeiga hs ba been minister of the congregation for a good many year and a exceedingly popular with all clasess of the resident and bl resignation ueb regretted absolute security genuine carters uttie liver pills must bear 8 1 ana turn of ju lwwi- wretva tlatewt vwrui tetaasa xarters ip hniuucar raskmum rostiuunvrn rssessmratiss rsiuujwtul rei nictsruiisi jtl ourrsrok hsadachi qastqria fox infantg and ighfldxtn without tb frlxwa it i shocking to think what soma woman would look like- 8oudgoldeow beat gold fill 1c0 byre gold fill 100 best glasses 100 wagnazmate perfect satisfaction globe optical co 03 yongii street toronto- having madta urgsj parnhaa of dinner bt7a ejtobat ba and ea m special trad discount on same w have decided to dear lb unsocial wholesale prloes tnagoodeara all perfect of the latest pattern and designs and ara tb very fine war including elite idmogoea china franch china english bsml porceuln andillumioatad lloees olyro- pla and groenar head the following carefully i lilltc umogu dinner set regular price toj axle price yo t vtrtsrgwe lunar b4 raaruu price 13 sale price lo m irj place dinner- seia rcgulur prlca tio sale priaa lib n jpo- piece dinner sets reguur price tl xalo price all 3597plec dinner su regular jk fia 50 sale price 9io 10 97 plooe sela reguhu- price io sale pric7 3 dinner sets regular 7 sale price 75 toilet set ranging from ti 30 up to 1000- ajj to sets ranging from lj y up lo ixjo vou ar cordially iovlted to call- and ex- amlnsr tbeee good we ooosldar it a pleasure to show i hem in you the noted tea store and china palace j a mccrea guelph pjays o buy at bolurts i- it pays to buy at bolurts and new le isrant your next suit order and were prepared to gpt it this spring in the first place were ready to show you the best qualities the neatest patterns and colors mixtures in the best kind of suitings trouserings and overcoatings then as you know we make the best tailored and best fitting clothes in the city only men and rne emftlftyed tctrnake coatstor us if you look 7 into these points andjcarn how little youll have to pay for what you want youll give us the order d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph nexrtz- house iturnisniiigs lace curtains our bioc this year is larger than ever and wo import thet goods directly from manufacturer in groat britain wa cat show you vitle tliat ar bird to beat ilk wo have them at 5 yjcitoo xa 163 11r5 i la35 tj30 j ijyj oarrjolur curtain ca ludtea vide and 3t yurdslottg lithe beat curtain lor lie money lobe found any whet and our other line are in proporitou tajpealry and ohenlla ouyuuin hlo au- ul range of tapestry and clteolld curtains and table coveia art satena ar joratwrle siot musi las etc you ahould not buy curtolus itefcrd liiijvctlng our stock aft muslins in a great variety of pattern aud colsrlngu perfectly fiwt colon at he 10c ia 15c carpets a special union carpet at 35c and mi fciodll6il nuallly at oc also a full rang of ttler qualities of unions and wool from 50c to fly a bpnclal line of tapestry at 3- kncnp carpels 13c 15c 30c and 35c a mailings cot loii warp 5c 3dc b 15c 11- no troublo lo show goods hend6rson st co mill street acton jmuintuiwiiimiiiwiiintiilttuimuiwiiinriumjunrt 3 v-vt- 5 notice abh mr m k nlxoa vulbsdbu brolber at malvern durluglba week j mr b chlaholm of hornby and mr fred wriggles worth of ibis fc4ace leave this week or manitoba wbsr ibey pur poe spending two moatb 1u o b tough relumed ta bl home last week wltb health maob improved by a few weeks teat ta upirortb lega receganlwd us 1 week wltb offloere aa follow free idea l mlse a k brawartdg vice- frwideou cbrlsiun bodeavor mis b a uood 1 m m see our windows for the latest thing sox underwoar nookwoar and nowebt straw hat styloa wa handle only the ueweat gootu and julcas am lb loeeet in tbejcty or reliable goods we are confident lltat this aeaaon we have ibe finest slock ol black and colored dress cdods that tile store has aver held livery counter every shelf contains the utcsl iv blngajih fashion has declared o be proper jet your wants 1m whal they may aa low tiriced or a high priced as you please ibey are up- 1 o- dafyyowlltvwda rr among tb many fabric -of- uur dreaagood stock so much for generalluc wo want to focus your nileotlon lonuy to grand value la black ciothsv y for ladles coetamca just received at fific 5c 100 150 and ij5 per yard- add lotb ejcsaoce and value of the gcpds iiarnei iie fact that your order if you want ibe garment made hero will lie us en in pand by mr ionohue lately of mraxrs john catto a sons of toronto and who sfrjco coming hero ba fully sustained her high reputation ut ilreasmaker with- out a superior and voa hvo evry sal ltiactloq guaranteed without a per- adventure we solicit your order it pays to buy at bollertb ifi e h boliert cfe co 25 and 27 wyiulliam st gutihnl qtjjanbxldvco for iiaee gurtaifib one some i lines liearacf larce slock of curtains bul what largcneae means is not known until you vlilt our curtain depart men tt price ranging from 35c per pair to sjoo per pair ibtkb stock of carpets including atlwool tapestry union and ilciun newest tlcugna and coloring rilfllntrtf stock row-comdlclc- ml wttllhi lowest prices hi grocehes gurney 8c co general merchants ac secure your white underwear at once from c f goodeve co and you will be perfectly sat4sfie keep it hi ill kate illy not jmlrer slon a bleb ue girl teoau lr i 5gatoi gowns from 50c to 150 chemise at 70 and 80c deavvebs from25to60c cobset govebs from 40 to 70c c f goodeire fe co jucllllst hcton glbkh1ngshlb of furniture at cos j a speight co have decided to clear out their stock of furniture all lines at cost rices there will be bargains lor every body who wants furniture for any rooin in ikc house a sliort time will be al lowed for pliymcntof goods purchasedf if cash is not convenient v j-a- speightfc co waroroums foot of willow st hcton hploil lmud noi by 111 ulloorr ml ak nlioo i bll yrd i lrflnt ol lb omhiiani bqtut lb wrltfklmoflb bmuurfo v wrlgsln- 1 ihwultiukiu i woflb r e nelson 1 ubicx omiv maichenl tailor and meus lairaiaher coelpb wmwmmiuntuimmntiumiamimmiawiumiufl m m ib kirsilj hecent iiiiprovenients in our optical de- partment enable us to test tlio eyes equally aa well at night as in the day time you can leave acton saturday night at seven get your eyes tested and return by 10 p m new stook of gold spex and eyoglasoou juat in shvhgri co opjicihns gu0lph