r- n literary notl8 know it you rknov all i about the r feeling rn the stomach the formation of hos the r nausea slci headache and general weakness of the whole body youciinhaycliavcek without your blod being impure and your nerves all exiiausied theres just- one remedy for you a jayers sarsafarma theres nothing new about it your grand parents tools i- twas ao old sarsaparhia before other sarsaparillas were known it made the word sarseparilla famous over the whole world theres no other aarsa- eti do nothing wllb any other py being ibis plow wo uvi half tb taboe and rauo thr lime aa rnuob km tba old wooden doaoora ub ertitt quietly again turned over hli eheet and bhowed tha turner drawing al tba landed plow baying 1 am tha nvadlar of your favorit plow and my bama u the aatoaiihecl farmer boook tha ullat haaitly by tba hand and lavlted him to call fct lha farmbooea and make it bla bom aa loud h remained io tha rtalgh borhood one wav of settling pob 8uppeii tbroa oonimarolal traveller meeting at a holed on wluter atoning had a hearty hearty topper togetbar hupp over tba ibroa found tonu difficulty io allotting their raapcotlv ah area la lb bill but dm of tbam at length cut abort lhadlepau by proposing tbat whoetr bad tba old ml nbtuo atnoug tbam ahould bo frea tba elpeuao being halved by the other two till amendment being promptjy anoepl tunu 1 prodooed a card i near i bed luob- ard hv no 3 trumped wltb adam slrowo that mo b h portly veteran with immoroa gy y laid dowa bla card with lb quiet coafuuaoa ol great gaiter making a daoialva tooveuiaot add remarked with cbuoku x dont much ibluk youll beat ibl ua gauu and liawa tlgut tot iba tutit g ur u olnujoif au ttie uma twliif io ituprovubad blood abould take hooda harattllla to purify atld aurlob bla blood kujd lva bim vlulil und fcbd vigor a ood aptlhf tuedlolu u n nanamilly with ftlmoat eryoa lloodaf brap4 rllk la wli4t ltd nllllod- tk id iba prlutt lliic powar to purify aiaj amlnb tba blood ud build up buli la ouat of tba faouof oonimou prlaio a vary vain tuau trylu to hppaair modai u a very fuuuy algbt thin child if i child ii thin let him tivc a little of scotts emulsion qf cotlliver oii some children hlce it too well begin with a jittle a half- oi hurteiteaspoonful n enough at first if the stomach a weak but hjcrease as you find the stomach will bear 1 he effect is the little one laluson strength gets hungry eatt and is happy gets fat he ought to be fatand gus healthy well hmi ir l trt w w nw tfcotx ik uowpk ommrttu 1 tbo may nwmnir ol lie urlltxlut j0 jzliit if anothar number ol tb 1 mpir taatl nnhh-mtptrnfr- i romaly illauatod rtlcrii nmaily ktnfl edward and violoiu ihaiuloved mocb proinlnanea iblrn io iba tlaatan rltli y ii llluatialfd uaiiintt arllol itomia and lu o ajitm and r i rfola iratn irlnco krvpolkln and iltir ithntitle rrnfaaaor hliaw of monira an admliabto paper on ia origin ol ilia ucltoillk itiiual a auccincl yat oil re low pf tbe iil nrt mill b ortilnry nd literature la bitii and an nteiaalln account of tbe urand canyon if aritjoa and dumcruua ollter artlolca lib the llama drpmrtmvnta of itelirlooa nlelhjiance a irograaa and hook motloea oomplatf ah tjlcll toronto william higjt wontaal o w coaua lu h v llonlla jdo a jrar h 00 for all mootba no broadnr omiuetlon can be made ba iteeen men tbao ibat wbult divide tbam into twocjiaiea to iba aral cjaaa beloua tboao who alwaja bavo a rood cixoae wby the tbing riqnlred oannnat be jour tbe econd cuaa la ooinpoeed of tboee who manage to do foreotoat to ibla utl olaaaaunds out lb flore of general ua wet ahou 8cej who baa juat rtqi dftw lbv tranaxaal drawl a vivid plotaio of lb character oi tbu a remarkable general of toodero time or tba may cotmopottlam and tbe artlola la luoatralcd villh tbe mott comrle oolli lion of pbotograpba aod drawing vf l publlabcd how to make dio soap-uuu- dles it la great aport to maka aoap bubble but it i twlca a rnocli fun if lbs bobble are big orea tront anqq not io break when bey are floated to i ha floor uubbli twloa aa blk aa your bead or a bij aa ll blggeat kind of a foo ball can be aaally blown by a ooa wbo knowa bow to mly op tba aoap bobble material to make tba big bobble take a pleoe of oaatlle aoap about aa big aa a walnot out it up into a oopof warm water and tbetj add a u apoonful dfglyorloa utir weir and blow from a email pipe tbu will make l bleaj enough to hat all afternoon and iblaj la all you oara to make in one day make plrsk bobblae luid a few drop of etrawberry joloa and to make vllow one pat in a utuo orange juice dont uijok bcadao a tnan la lu touch wllb tbatootbaoba that boajln aympatby witlilt jk tj feltlred erf tar nertlon la pit utlug to feej tired befors u another dont bay tba latter i lanlneea it but ite a algn tbat tba ay torn laoka vital ity la running down and head lbs tools afiaot of hood m haraaparllla xvri a warning too and sufferer abould begin taking hood a at otto uny a bottle today tbu air u vary familiar rnnarkad tba mualolan aa tba wind took off bu bat ui oiu tba moat conoluaiva taetl mooy repeatadly uld bafora tba publlo lit lb dolomob of tbe dally pre prove lb a i lr tbomu licleotrioolt an absolutely pore oombinatioti of bltt of tbe lineal oil in xialnoe remedu rbeumatlo pain aradi oaua attaotlon of tba tbroat and latga bud uure plue wound botoo lataen tumora burn and injuria of lioriw aud oaltle fttoi pooiu htlnk a r fl ifcrly to become a great lawyer wblob a not at all likely to bt tb uaaa astookholdvr vor wba- ck r rkbb ijmhi it u ata iat btota rraa u c1 i xfual miiabe a of ux mxk wa aw wk ouf do wtrt coid mtrtawnhtato uuimuiuw u ical u w um aj b4lr j41i j of raml wrtiy dy mad bd cj local iabull v w j h w jo uaaox tmiut pk luwf tttla y the page wire ttnce ca hi uxlkckvillk or ceylon and india tea crtkenorl5lack t just k ia0 or tsmo in jour biolbrr culmlala ilio tea ilanicra of ley i in and india tbny ouu y lu iry ibnlr intoblnr olkd lea and cotniiaro jaian wllb ll 1 bey liioiv tbn romparlaon will lx i odlou tbal you will wonder wby you over iltnnk jai an shlrdff ceylon toon aro aold in boalod load paakoto only novor in bulk blook mlxod or unoolorod cnylon qroon sarnplo on appli cation addrobs salada toronto wa do nut m pow omo tolll nil iitenak to keep in aucb good aiilrllaail tbn tit ulcej unca la ilu l uervoutl t-xolle- inonl tbo delloaty oonalltuled tbe flnai rler tbe bualttcaa man- and tboaa wboaaoccopalluu neoeaaltaua i real mental attain or worry all auder leaa or iporo front it hlcep u i ho great roltorer of a troubled btaln and to git alecpflpanao jijtmaoh from l luipurlllee- wilb a fw floaow ol iarmalao vegetable lllla gcuno cuald oontalnlnno meioury and are guaranteed io glvo lalufattlon of the ifuudad will be hiioi t fu malt toog ibrnad they new vail mr u m duughnor langton write ior about two year x wa troubled with inward ilea but by ualng larmeleoa 1mi i wa compleuly oured and allbuuih four joar liavo elap bed ainoe then l hoy bave not retlirnfad 1arnaeleea 1llu are anil billou and a apeclflo for lite cure pi kldtley and liver complaint dyapopu ooitivcncar bead aobrtiun7oiatnd wll-reicolau-u- bcotattune and ramuve all bllllou turn away attar a tiulil a butt ai ulk it not tba weather that kt fault ll your tyuiii clogged wltb polaoitou tnalcriau that make yow feel dull droway weak and mlaarabu itt llur dotk hlood ilittar olur auray all the polaona purify and enrlob your blood makd you feel brlgnt and vlgotoui art old hon lie man reproved bla nephew forflgbtlng with another boy hut aald tbo lad ho called my alatar uimm v wby you havent any elator and never bad cue j axolatitod the uncle in aaloouh menl i know it replied ilia boy d0atl lv boijm thoimht 1 hat and oallnd bcr wiolnl eyed and i balled in i pla ullhu-lblnjft- tba prlnol childrens coughs about one ball a man ufa u dovoud i reel tying tba tnulake ol tba other half 111 karre4 many people ey thy ar b1i uie aaally tar lied or upeet vwally worried and irrluud ullboru heart and narva iilu aia juat tba rtmady auoh peopla rehire tbay kaatora perfect harmony ol tba bara centra and glva uew berva foroa to ab altered iiarvoua ayaum a abort out u otuu a wrong eul children cry for castoftla it muat ba tough to ba bald beaded be oauaa than a ntau can not go to bourt to loaf without being laughed at worm oanuot axial altbar io obildrii or adult when d iwe worm byrup i uo all dealer tloma men been la ba good for nothing tie but to kale long heavy bearda attention lu tb world of boma opal bid madlolua baa beao ft very aouro ol pro kra a in politico htid rallglon lb dif noultlea of oplnlouat and lh individuality of mad have bead paraut io lb uleagre uiaul by wblob tbi alaudeud of tbao bodlo bav beu elevated bo with titoat of oof fawoua preparaliotia oromtln- u- luatrauoil of wbuh truth atauij tba world fatnoaa remedy to garel debility hud auxuor- qululna winaud wblob whan oblaluabla la it geualua atrangth ia a tnlraouloua creator of aj patlta vitality abd alimulanl to lb ganaial fertility of tba ayauni qululn wine and lu i in vemant ba from the lr i duoovary of lb graat vlrtua of qulnlua a a land leal agent hn on of tba tnoet thoroughly dlecnaaad ramadu aver altered to tba pub- i la it la ou of tba groat touloe and abd natural ufa ivlug el iranian la wblob tba medioal prjitaaajon hava boon oompelled to raoognlaa and praaarlb moeara norli vnpaud lyman of toronto have given lu tba preparation of their pur quinine wine tba great car du la lie impotteno abd tba btaudacd xoelluoa of lb article which tbey ofler to- tba publlo oataee luti lb market pued of al tba defeat wblob ek tiled obear ration and aauntlflo upiulon ba pjlntad out la th leaa perfect prepare- tuni of the latter tbong nothib gooil tor clfltdniia ooiighu mid coldoroup wlioo liic eouih or hwaicbllu nit sir ho boricay ji if w teuiuiifcawljpurtfl for it and ltciiriiitfnuluktyihiit tnothnra aro dcllfihtod mr it i ioiiard parry bound out wrlu i hftvo tikoil hr wood a nor way ilim byrup for cotiglin mid cold of toyed and hfiby i llml it curm a cold qulokar than my oliorcotijli mlxturoaud u iiud to uiko a bora u a man who baa uotblng to aay and lualata upon baying it llaliuoral lliillrtlit blr i wa bufterlug terribly with palnaacrom tbo btuall of my luck auj i am pleaaod to aay that after taking ooa box of doaua lhu i am oared m v bander lultooral out opportunity biake ilia thief children cry for castorta ua bora you ara right auil than oarlala you ara aura a uejltlue clitat i tha uims approptliuly ippllsd to ilbgarde yallow oil it cu b uaad axurually or taken luurtially cur- oul burn brulaa oonlracttd oorda ailff juinu palufq bwahjugrj rjuluay tor throat pain lu tha ilonuoh kid nay com plaint bio xrlca 35a vaiut prau u akin to abuta wheu ill other oom prapariliom fall try holloway com our no pain whatever and 110 luootlvellleuoa ill ullllg it lit every bird ting l own uau constipation permanently and al its iii effects removed by burdock blood bitters if youvo itiffornd from ooullpllrii for youru trlt d nil thn roim dl u you o or bottril or rond of wltlioiit b ttllilt iimm jiiiii tbo rllof tbo ono 1- of tha mull ohit alfordiul if youvo in t n auhjut to all llio tuluarli h mimoilulid with coitktlpa- lion ttuoli an nlok liunilneln mmum 1 a ii- oiihiida fmpltikjbruplloiuililinwi liumora blolohu plu i la wouldnt you ro- aidur it a bltertlui to bu ound of your oouatlpatloii bo that it would atuy cml i llurdoak wood it tltt r run uut uu cura ai tlmt tllo ouri will iki pwruiuuunt h ha doiio ao lu tlioiiniinj of oaki ijur- iiik tha puat twenty ytar juat nun atntuiuuiit to proa what wo aay u rlaht mm 0 aaw iortagu 1m pralru man vrlli ft ov r two yoara i waa trouhli 1 with ah k lioaduolni uud con btlpatloii i trud many dlffuruiit pill and pat nt iiikiidiui- but iaf only gavo liy blight ltilmirdry rnlldf a lady frli ud of uiino liiducud tuo to try llurtloik ltjood ihttora ami bant ma half a wltlu of it to atari with i d rived au miioh hftmttt from utat tbt1 1 fontltiuod to tiati it and took in oil brou boltlii whlh qomplotuly ound luo that rt tan mouth ttgo uud uh my health haa lwm aph ndld i vuralnou 1 buva ouly my kuid frli nil to tbotik who advuad m to uka mdill i faceto face tth facts a umb a wrik am achibq back ihdicates xidmew troubles whioh doah3 kidhev pills absolutely cure riiraomv- lmur muiinn man oct 4ii1 kjo dwh kltlnay im1 co toronto dear sr i aufferod for aoroo limn from kidney troulle my back waa ao bail that io atooji over r atralghten up ilini- bloopinff cauacd icrribln jln i bad to get up kflvoral times duringr tlia il lit to ujiialn my uniia wn highly alornd contained a muck aedinienl unil j ii mid a burning anni4tion i tried nunierou rcuucdloo but none did i 1 any gotul until i got ioan pill i 00k four hoxc lbs pain in my back ba nnhly disappeared my unna i n clnjr watufdo notburitu withouljmidi i i can reconiiniiid dtvan imia k all hultcrir tlldmm il tlhatarn iower ofleiihoa bofora talont bo rapidly doa lung irritation apread and deepen that often in a few week a almpla cough oulmluato in tubular ooa sumption ouo heed to a cough ibera i alway danger in delay get a bolt i of lllokle antlooueumpllva byrup and cur youraelf it la a medloltia unaurpa aed for all tbroat atid la tig trouble it u oompounled from aevaral herb each one of which etabda at the head of tb tiat aa iriu a wonderful i o flueoca in coring laumplloil and all lung dlaeaao irei t make rrnrpirr are about aa much abui mllburu burling headache iowder aro aaay to takr liarmleaa iii action and aura to our any head cl e it fr 0 mlduln new oomar ato alwaya wolcomr no one need fear otioura or aumtner complaint if they bava a botllo of df j d kellogg dyaeutery cordial rady for ua it correct all looeenoe o the bowel 1 promt tly and oauio a boalthy brnl raural aoliorf tbu i a inedioma adapted for tha ouug and old rloh ataavpoorj aud la rapid ly becoming tlia bioatpopular mecioitt for oholer dyaoutery eto in the market you omiit oilouluti tha game a hulttr gctv by tha ooilof bl banting aull whnfa tha trouble 71 it sick uoadadia r u it lllllouinoa t u it slug glatt uver i your akin ajllow j tfo you fel mora dead than all va your ayelm nood toning your uver isn i doing ttaj work don t rcort t ur tlmga dr fwflow a lit tin thu jo ccnia oro will work wonder for you 5 sold by a t urown never look at tha auparaorlpllon ou a ulur that joo may ha reqtjmtad to mall hctvo vou u skjrv olaoaao teller salt ulveum scald ifoad ulnguonrt lcrctnaitch llarbcr allchulccnlllotchci chronic vrytlwlaa jliver spola ivurljo iaoruiu or othni eruption of tha akin what dr agnew ointment hi dotio foe other it can do for you euro you on ap plication give relief 33 cent 87 sold by a t biown livery bird tieada lu own feather what rnnkoi you tdoapontiont iia hie viouudi lpiia wrong iiuvlliwva ceiiiici kiown thod midtuiwi arc you ll ruu enttl wlili licrvoiii pfmlrjlifttl sjilli anuiurjm nervine ll tiiluioicantctar iiuki ihcmoinacli ilthli ghj a uoild or tunc tutc keepi lh c cubtlan prfmt a reguur caiiitltution tmililer for inn lown pmpla one udy uya i owe myllfuloii 1h sold by a t urown ai oupopular aa deadbeat ar wa wou der that lbr ar auy tbo tall oflhodjeriatlo paalnat when a butfercr find tvunianent relief la aucb apterilorloua modlitive aa ioulli ameri can ulieuniatic curd bow ua ba la to tell it c w mayhewofthamatvlluoitt couldu i walk or iped hiniwlf for month four year ago threa luitlus of tht great rmlycuid him not a pain alnco lut that cucour- aeniotit for rluuihutlcbufforaia 1 8j sold by a t drown ther ira lot o mail who will atop auj vuit lohg lima with anybody doutfht vaterdayoured te- day mr o c pun of 36 liroailway nw york aay i tuu kurprll fcnd dp- llghldtthachjiifflribd better in my ctw 1 ti mm ilay from tha ua of dr aguew catarrhal powder it winked uka magic tliora a no ecua for a liefaon buffering pain with thla lemady within reach 0 cent sold by a t urown when a man ay ha lift v ttlm to jolly anybody wa conolud that ba i fuuuy to nay th jeaal heart dihumj heluwd in ho avllriuttt ur agnew a cura for tha heart give perfect relief ill mil cab of qigalilo of ty lit palltallc heart dlaeiw 111 10 minulo bjid apellly eflocla acuid it 1 a pwrleaa roiiieily for 1dlpltallon mlort he of ihealh fiiiollctug blli 1oln in ijt hid and aluyinjftotu of dlaeaied heart ona da coovhichj tuilil by a t urown on doi uot haw to be a juu to ba an afooraf learn drcaetnablug dropsy l orto poslilva blnn ot kldnoy dlanmcj- you uuy of iheaauiimlbtakablriaignamuitmeaaundertba aye tiwulhul hmbaf bulullieriog feeling r chailga of tha cliaractor of tba urllio 7 im huuetlort atarlat aiartlon if you hava llmro dropucal tendottcyaitd you khouhln t ilalayau hour in putting youraelf under tbo great booth ainoiicati kidney cura tfl bolifby a 1 hrowti men ar jutt a at to oguiplalu of their allmeul h woman uud wa oftaii think a great deal utur bo a sour stomach arid a sour tom per travel hand lu band and a tba liracuraora ol maittal and pbvalcal wreck u lad hundred and ninety oinalunealn klhou aand food fartneiil tndlgeatlun it tba cauaa dr von suit limumlritabuia kep tha itomatheweol al ldtgoatlon kawpthanorva uaniraa well ttalauled lhay rabaiura a pan acaat- pleaaaiit and uarmloa 53 tailla hjf soul by a 1 utown a suoacsttve matter aclilnaaanookaervedlong and fa llh fully in tbe family of an oltloor of iba ilulud blatea army now retired wlm haa many fttonmi hhjiervatan m we oaae and hbthly killed in hie art eapecially die tlignjtblng biroaelf in mkli nakea at a certain weetori pot l llie wifaof the gal unt aoldler in ijboalh ti llv a dlonnr to hacmoeraof the army iltlond there aotl be ladiea of their uimllve i he i liheae cook raallxa-i- that ilm ixcuimi calle 1 f r hi boat effort and ho determined lliat liia maaterplros abould tjo a groet oako lie aakad bla muliaa if eha did out utiuk it otill ba ttlca ul haea a ml t it ti ornament tba feuelad lop of lha aake wbieb we ctaaily intended by lh 000k t ha bb im poetattt from a denarativa point of vlow a any other hho amlllnly ooneeyled to ll um fiuiab bia nakfl lu any way that hp ight think aojlible bul when the big ika appeared alia wil aaiad at tha re ill tho oouk wa then regularly attend log a mlaalnn lluuday bchoot ami tlinrn bo found bla mot u 1 1 u irepare in mnet iliy ood wohw manbdutv ldlunek 1 tha had lo povrrij to vino aud lovlhuuy lfow true ll a tbat au ijlotvhi i tha devil wokehop wa ay lulur along lir a highway and draam awbtlo day dream hut if beta 1 tlr llh tn tlitnantyvhtua andhoreteu expect wa cannot ba ounlanl with doing nothlni it 1 aaid wo make our owitjoruina and fix our own dtriy and mcaanrably lb la ia ti o flinty road over which many p atill nut and brulae lha weary f of fair inded and boneat toileratha bunk man otony of tba aweat shop or iba drudgery of poor woman work never uulahad tlhe ape lid tho woe hour of tho inomlntf ami waetea tha ml lulgnl oil for what t lu malnuinjtcr liilcgdly liif n lfxepcl lier vlrtua you may ay that th ufa ot auuh i a failure nay hay you read not aright compensation will come forahe baa reaeot uto tbe recompetlc uf that toward that god will give lo all faithful worker well a 1vhcldel bla methoju not what bhk munt mamma johnny i went jou lo bo good to day johnny i will bagood if jotfll uva ma a nickel mamma- johnny i want you to re member that you cannot ha a child of romo uoleaajoo are good for nothing xbllodclphfa jve- aonr weak bpou h niltpn lilw nnr ihfltr your irmi ehial tubeni if jou take cold eaaily bcott lmuuiou it check any tendency in your ytm to aerlou lung troublu w has a tort of bncaking admiration for a woman who can arliatloally paint bar cheek bo tbey icok pink dunlop all kinds of rubber tires for all kinds of vehicles ullulnj llirjrlii tinu 1ihuuultld crrlnjpl liru bliil ltullr c4imti tlrx iumi1i clmir tirfii tim ttrlllij clrrln the duuloptlro co limited iroktomyo c i truiloiiiark juvhatja- wwxvwnvvviv castor i a 7jivvxvvvvvvvsjvvvxvvscxvxsxvnvx cuhutrhi ih fr infmith mid clilldrcn civttlorla ia 11 liiirmh k hiiihtlliitn for cahtor oi paregoric irprt itud hmtlilutf kjrup it couualtih iioltlior opium miirpliitio nor utlior nuroutla hubhlunco it ik imeitjuuil ibt trtmruutt0 la ttilrty ycortj mho y mhhoiih jf ftjotautb ciistyrlu tltutlrom wortiui nutl alluym iovoiinli- 1kh8 ctuitoriu cured ixurrhoun and wind colic ciuitorlit rollovci totithlnc trouliich curch cotimtlpittlon nnil platnloticy ciuttorla nmhtnillatck tiiq imhl roffiilntry tlio htoinnch and howolw of iitfuvnts and olilldren tflviuir lu iiltliy nnd itutiintl h1mh cfcorla it tho jbiidroith 111110040 tli o motlicrh kfrlrnd grand trtjlht iixtltway 1111 hi 1 alail virr ttx 1 ll u i u lltu wj till 1 is l u i i 111 j b 1 jy if i i l caotoria iidt thiictn r lrtrily i m m clr thlmteit ctlstoria aauela 1 o toll tiuijdl tucldlil11 that i ireomiueud it a aul r lo any fe- iptlunkniwiitume the facsimile signature of appears on every wrapper par jfbove j7h others that tho tandinp of tlio knifr quality hoc for women muny women imuino tli it they h o td p ty it in jf prlco when they wuit 11 fine ptir of hoc tliati a kmrr quality ju tho 0110 hhou that jivo a comfort to tho feet wc in lonjj fits mifjf and nice and looks itylmh you cant tell any thing about tba ais of a lodga by tba liz of tha badge lha mem ber wear liver trouble blliouintm aallow oom plciiotl yellow y autiiic etc 3 uld to ihd curative power of laxa liver fill they art aura to cure tbora lu beau mora mupuoed oonfl deuoa la tha weather fact iry than else wherd it iu fit a votalmh 1 you fl belter of your alok htadaoho or bllloui apell jf you hav ukan a lika llvor pill lha night before iheea utile fellow work whlla you awp without grlpa or palu livery woman can venture to b aauoy it ah plot bo bul uot if ahaillmpullbo vor ulrrual or external uu hogyarda yellow oil cannot ha excelled ajj a pain raliavlng aud aootbiug roraady for pain april oould uot go without furulahltig proof that tha mouth really belonged to pdug young men or old man who iileiid lo taitrry will ba plotted to loam that tha new marrlaga act i mada iulta itlmpla by applying tc ii i moora laauaruf itiarriaga lioenaa at tba 1iuk 1ukk oflloa call a faw day before ilia ocromouy am have thu matter explaiued jlrivala olllod all bualaaea blrlotly tirlvatetaud ooiifldetitiul at raaldeuo lu avaulug lola of tutiu aicakllod by gtltluu ar rlad too youug aud ilieir wive pay atteu tiou to all their fool boy uouotiu gained 1 9 lbs by using milburns pills vicioitia 11 c manli ii njoi tha t mllburu co llml cd toronto out jf doiirmr soikjtiiiwuroiiyuauuer liud iy yuarv will trouhldd willi hud h7ail ai lu and lo orappvllu sim wiu lirud uiutlutta moat of lha llillil uuil wa ioohiiiii 11 h hirayhuilot badly urn dtiwu at in ml 11 j your llmituiidnriva 1mi hl bihkai of i iihmii1 u uk and by lha tuna aim hid mtd th aha had galtioil yl lb lu wnht inul u now iu pcrfcut health younhnl mkh t ii curtu sensiblo women buy tho icintf qu thty shoo thoy coit s3 ueuj by yhbt j n kina co u ml tad toroirrow spraying potatoes n tho lcaiulht loom ahoald uu tjj bhiboj whm ily cau kl i uah imio lluckl an i llua in 0m on ikbi wla io brauotou ui rut a iuci f y lluu y uvdngll unl trtll liuylurf eyiy vhi ul iltta 4 -i- 1ij helubaly wayio- t auj vll wuu ih hand ua nuriub and wa ii mill yau fr j a full pjuuuia f lie u auo vou utlivs takkt 1 u ila u ij cij ci3v tuu4 u iljl autuily ll wul a y rfaes mker lu tag j the spramoioe co lomdon or1 v sixaytug villi lite puauoiou will mlil ajkiia mutuij vull x ikuui in our luukbnethayibit stomcfcii no dont do 1 1 1 at j but iokii to diy to uu acto pu works andct your pump rt paired or buy 1 ilcw 0111 wu cin do it watering rrouijlis citc riv md a general jobbing busintu donc sitifillioi yuanmtcld dhasled ebbaob mafn st aclon sun savings and loan go head ohicb tohonto on t auaurio fajiiraj tt 000 oo ten year maturity aharc ar paid moblblyiutijmnltot5dcpcxliara for lao month when payment era 10 6a 00 aid in maturity value ioo 00 money o loan at 3 biralght loan or repayable in monthly liutttlmenl ou appli cation to r j monabb ajfont aoton siuing iiousiclilanlng anp moving show hid neceaalllait in thn u iy of uew furniture mattmesses ryntnftrftr and joiinlonh co arc confident they can fill your winta very aiufactor my and al ilm lowest living price bpcclal attention i itert to uphoule cllhcfln nnw work or rcpjhhigc llcluro 1 raiulug la a special i y all ordor reecho prompt atluntlon tha new uaymand sowing facliltta is tho favorlla hcrcalwulx at d johntiouo co aupply them cnpea rnadu up to onw and houtcfur nuhliws alw iu variety uollor lillnds of all klnila in slock johnstone co fumlturo ooalera ta undortnkorfl main st acton to catch tlio eyo and tlio jliiul at tlio samo time is the art of advertising this ad illustrates how true this saying ib especially to those wishing pleasant and profitable employment canadas sons on kopje and veldt the only book dealing exclusively with the canadian contingents is the book to handle official authentic cheap sells on sight to everybody and any body can sell it capital or experience not necessary send for free outfit and make money yhobrablfeycarketson co llmltod ururttford ont t job printing we do all kinds of commercial j and other job printing we will x do our best for you on any order j you may see fit to entrust tous j and il it ia not right wc will make it right i firstclassitockfor bill jbce ads t t letter heads business cards wedding stationery galling oards all kinds of blanks nato etc promptly printed toordcr h p 7vcoore freo press ofllce aoton x lit looking it over when you gut a suit from ua wo want you to took it oier at fjrt you 11 tut plcaed with ila appear ance but lurthor examinatlou villi allow you tthout the race quality of iphe workmaitbhip- it all emi tu mka tha suit perfect ly satufaciory wa want you to place ilia ordor early wm m cooper morchunt tatlor mill 8t aoton s patents guaranteed our re iclumiil if we all any one aeudlii akelcli uur drailttlou f auy liivejillm will 1 101111 uy iccxiie uiir nttluluii flee cuurrriilug hie lulcltla tllily of mi ir i low lo oualll u idlciil milt ii m n ir 1 lie ti i molied itironliuab iveiilill f ulnltburftmiix 1 auiits talcti out ihiimlt i icfelvn if fd an llliiiiraleil an i wl uly cliit lurual coimulii 1 1 y mnuufacjniiaaii i luvcuitta iteu 1 uraaiui iciiy fttka ailliau vioyott j kvah j co n ltuutauameyg kvaiiar ujahm c patents iprdmptly 5ecuredi tvltgb akub t r aaadd t f vi ur in ri 11 rovniniil ami e wlllvcll you o ir oplul in aa to vttlhtr ii l tiuuhly nlal 1 uawted i tiirctastully i net lully ami waililiiuli lly uatalcli wi l biul link uu wrui l jaaliodiuatlieliivcmi il llllical nf leiicea i latent pmfui 1 litnuuli llailou ft m j rloii rcjvepul twil wlilinul cber lu jover iw ufwutiei iluti limit i uiituulioul hw ii0111i11i011 a hpeculty luleiil 1 tuliiew ol uaiiufdo juii marion mariqn ttnt cw part a uud sdlloltorat to pttr bud idle tua ui secured by our ai1 aitdreaa 1he parlatt rccmd a ut aided woman admit that the tint thin uearly every wotuau gat 1 her buauaud or uhriattnm lia amoklug jaoktt tnalut marhj dtbilnb copy nklhv bl ao anrhitn aekllihil ilcttphm hi hxjoair aaihii ii f umi fi i h i ilk i u v liat i hililljilf1 11 ai if ii mildly 1- nojwiuul iunltmaiil pibou hi hi lel ai r fimiviiiklvlm i teiia l tfii lueti uin j a i kiiilve aawlrtl mliu mi iliio ia tli scientific jltttericati a lunulw iilaty lllimtralwl wlr rhi itaiiaut i k rfllldrt vnuti lr a j ill 1 buhl f lhawmil rj new york um fa a bl- vfaealuaitim u c