Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 16, 1901, p. 2

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arp hcnrrin uuum oa wsdnssdey uay hui wtn boat asd ts yaere hi ksusis al ouuutiadi on viuuj uy s un v uokanala aaadaiysars iima in bnninu towmhlp naar ulmoe an jij stay ion jwm itu x4 fmit cirraah ar i uiua young rlrast aotou on haiur lav uay iiu mallnde jan uooh llnul jomult t mil pi tminn ihl attott f rss thuubday may luh 1901 koltoiual tyoths n jj wlu sepcesonl gened at tha oonlraiiooln ronjoo knfund v whloli the ijuoalioii of giving iba colonics repreae ttla lion ou the judicial oornralllei ot lha imperial imvy fjoanom is to be eoo idorttd it is onderaleodthsl solicitor oonotm 1itspetriak will aopornpen tlail 14 toronto general ministerial as soojeiloo has passed a resolution pledglne itself to memorlallw the dominion oovern tnont for the preblbiuoa of the mnm tare importation or sale of cljcerreuee end it wilt father resolve to eeell the ooovlollop of rojoort under 18 years of src wbo loood poumud of tobaccii in toy form the anrfsw by lee did dot oome op for oqailderatloo el monday evenings council mecllise tbu was probably owior to iba pressureof other important bnainese the ooaboil u morally boood to tea tba mal- tw op and ibay will oo doubt do ao at an oarly data numeroos ei tisane ara much interested irvthe enactment of tba by uw and look for very aalatary rssalls xha flqtari1flmwnthtnna hktb dijd npon tba lends ao ba kat apart for tba volunteer wbo took put la tba booth afrloao campaign and tba fenian raid tba land will bo in nlplsalntf and general ly will ran aaat and weat north of tba mallawao uioer lava mlplaalng and f re nob river aa ordar in coonoll baa baan paasd eetuoff aside tba land bat tba townships baa dot yetbssa selected tha banks will distribute urn lacu la balf yearly dividends tba next thrte weeks owing in some oases to incramaad dividends in other to increased oepllal and id a faw oases tba both combined tha bank will distribute a larger imn to dlvl dens in jnno than sver before tba banks lo ontario and qoabad alone will pay oat i dlidendsnet mobpl llfteo against tl7ni b2rorlfae aamadlldabd parlod laai year tba total paid op oapiulot ibaaabakika bow la abo8o000 a year ago it was 43 7bj 000 untd mrttu all thoughtful elunns wilt appraclata tba itep takan by tb ooatidl oil mooday avaning in lntrodoolog and passing a by law for tba oooatrootlod of parmanaat pavements ato npon tba baais of powers given oodar tba local improvamant act it is patent to ail that oar sidewalks ean not ba kept op to modern raol reman is on tba- old plan of ba i id log lbem their ooa straclloa aader the looal improvement by law will inaar nrateleeaj walks throogbotit tba town maob sooner than otherwise and every property fronting npon permanent pavements will be improved lo vajoa fall pellicular tvtpectlng the plans of operation will be given lo tba poblie by tba oobooil before oonstrttotloo la oom menood bo aaliaf aotory baa been col mnulaa lepiuawutatloa of tba xjibsraje ol booth wellington in the provincial pazllamaok daring the elgbk year he haa aectad tba ooaititoanoy that at tha ooaveotloa at gualpb laa 8a4nrday ba was again plaoad in oomldtuon col motrla bas proven blmaelf a atrong candidate in tha two aleotlon ooataata in wbiob ha has been and bis friends are confident of aoooeaa at iba next provincial election lo tba legis lators ba has bean active and has man tested a grasp of pnbllo diallers highly commendable ills strong and intaligeot advocacy of agiiooltoral monioipal and military claims has not only made him popular among tboae wbo have these n tarsals at heart bat bas given biro qrsat weight to legislature oornmltlees tba sale of the rmw debenture of this municipality at a premiom is another favorable criterion of actons splendid financial a landing the tenders were pat la by large capitalists and the fact ibat tbey deem aoton good eecoruy for four per cent twenty year debentures and aepaoial ly when thsy ara paid by annuity inataad of by alnkiug fond is a oompllmsot wbleb cannot be gainsaid acton has giltedged oredll la the money market and the reason for this no doubt is the fact that we hava no arrears in payment of wlsllng deben tores and inlareal oor sinking foods are all provided for op lo da to and lbs cash for same is oa drpoeit la a chartad bank oar taxes are annually collected and paid over promptly and almost entirely within the year for which they ware levied oor pos itioa as ab szteoalva manufacturing town tnakas acton s name and credit widely known tbrooguaat tbsocpntvy oor aitl asaa bate just reason for gratification at th bale of the debentures this week bbrlin c bthuck llkhtnlnflr daatraya thai bteepla i 8t pater lutheran crturoli muoh da matte don ft llesxiw may is llgblolorf alruck the uepte of bt xeter s lutbereo ob o rah bare pcuday at about j p u the drs oould bol be reaobed by water and wesuot axtidguiabsd until about 15000 damage had been done the streams wbleb lbs are- mau directed ouly reached about balf way up tba alsapls which was 1w fast btgb tlia qre was lu the top of the euapu and did hot spread vy fkal lu fact after tbs two fargs batu aurmocntlug the sueple bad faluu their supporting rod bewieg bacowe rd but it looked as if tbe fire was out the orsiiiau want boms and uo serious haaulls were apparent uutllabootup ni wbeu ibe flamas ale their way uowa the ateenls aud soon gained grset headway at this- time all tbs dramsu oooli do was to pour water on lb of the church and nearby bouses to save thsm from catcblnavj are from falling limbers when tbs ore got down so as t be in teach of wale the ore fighters did beronleen work aud mucb credit la due tbem for axllugalahiu the flames at tble poiul the ore was put oat just la time to save tit three large tried this morulug anil fouud all right the lossjsstl mated at tfrooo is covered bye 16 000 policy lo the economical in eurauos company of berlin debentures above par the consolidated dajbt four pr cent twenty year debentures tajaot 4 oruad interest high complbmbnt to actons financial btand1uc the council met si i mooday a log aa par adjournment members all pree not iue willi- ma in ibe cltair the tenders for it e 4 000 four per rani twenty year oonaolldatad debt debenturre were opened thin ware de tenders four from toronto i inkers and one from tba mutual life asaoolatlon of oiur which alrewly holds bree lots of tba dabanluros of litis -munlelpauls- tts tender uf hlimtoo a iri toronto belli the highest 1 004 and aocroed in tersec fer the 14000 of debenture wai accepted qpop lha fallowing motion moved by john a henderson seconded by george ixyode that the tender of ilaty a btimaon co of toronto for 14 000 dabentorae of the village of aolon bearing intareetat 4 per annum payable yearly and meturing in twenty annual natal meats annuity 20t s3 for the sum of 14 004 be eooepted the tenderers agreeing to allow acotoed interest in addilioo to 37tb may delivery and payment in be mads at aoton or lie equivalent carried tbe question of constructing permanent walks and other improvements pfpbe frontage tax prinolpla was folly dlsoasees moved by qeorge llynds seconded by john a floods recti that leave be granted to introduce a by law reepeoting local im provementv and special assessments there for and that tba by law be read a first time carried by law was read bret time moved by bt bwaokhamer seconded by ii jeans that by law no sci respecting local improvsmsots end spectsl mtotalbstvrotbertjoivread ereeeend time- and passed tnlo 10 being snspendsd for that pqrpoee and that ojoooji go into oommittse nf tbe whole oa said by law councilor hynds in the chair carried tbe bylaw will be pot before tbe pro perty owner and if carried tbe oonalrnc- tioo of germaneol walks will be proceeded with immediately thereafter coo noil adjourned at 10 oclock the wom and mi8bion8 the splwrutld convention of the w f m s of ouelph dletrlot hold hara lmat week the setantb annaal convention of the oaslpb liiatrlcl woman s foreign utsslon ary boclaty of tbe method 1st church was ch anoovece a mululads of sins children oryj for castpriv git berelasv itiorsday the opening se was a business meet log bnoooraglng reports were given by the various aoxttlarias and tbe work of the mtealooary eoelsty was shown to be moal active as avidenoed by tbe large attendance of delegates xbs afternoon session opened wltb devo tional sierelses conducted by mr keeton president of ibe acton auxiliary the theme of her talk was tbe broadening and lengthening of the gospel of christ mil ales of lbs morning weelon were then read and approved mrs ilev 3 m uagar gave the address of welcome and by bar kindly words made each one feel glad she had oome bbe said there ia no joy like toe joy of giving and living for others and this was the work of tbe missionary societies a hearty wel oome was extended to tbe delegates through mnr hagar by tbe metbodltt people of aoton to the town to their church and lo their heart mrs 0 b ilyan onelpb replied in so earnest a manner that each delegate felt bar special personal thanks were being given for the hospitality extended ao graciously uymo 758 bleat betbe uo thai binds wee eang then followed the watch towet servios led by mrs bollart of gulpb mrs jack eon president of tbe hamilton conference branch gave tbe tateet news from japan mies li boee of gnelpb reported oo china mrs jones of claelpb on ibe indian work mrs banaby ol qnelpb on the french work mrs dr mills obelph no sy ste u giving mrs payne of ouelph no the genersl soolety miss carson of ths laaoooeeel home toronto was then introduced mrs bogers of oaelpb gave a pepe on which shall we send liquor or the gospel t tbe paper revealed tbe fact thai wherever ibe gospel went the same ablp carried tbocaands of gallons oi thai soul and body destroying fiend tr day has said thai be wondered thai the africans did not shoot every white man who landed on their ooael a eobsr beat hen lam is to be preferred to a drunken nlvl uation whan we pray for the women of japan and china should we not ooapis with our prayers ths woman and children of our own fair land wbo have bean robbed of husbands and fathers by a legalised ibjuor traffic id speaking on ihls most excellent paper mrs beaily ol kergue we musi not grow despondent legalised slavery had been overthrown end tble moan lain of deelrootlon tbe uo eyelem was belug tunnelled and by godi help would fall mrs 1eyue of rjuelpb gave a most filling umperenoe recitation mrs jones of guelpb than rendered a sweat sola mrs harris of uockwood gave a talk on why hbould i be a member ol tbs w v mbri organisation la tbe name of jeeua tbs society was organised twenty years ago by whom 1 tbe weaker aax chrlet gave ills first message after ills resurrection to a woman vw what that we might hlp lhoee lo darkness and ain aapeclally whan w think of lb dill lions of poor woman held la helba bondage luosoee union is strength we should islve of our ufloeuoe and means even though they bsemsllstid acslraaslli en the society hvrry women who becomes a toe tnbef adds to tbe power of tbs society what do we owe in our slaters in bsalbso utn 7 ix wa owe two tviiu a waak lo tnsnrt xx we owe thhdt ourprayss do we owe tbeut a few hours of au after uoou once a tuoutit tbluk of tbe com mandood gave go ye into all the world and preaeh the ou pel to all paople our responsibility sbonhlbeonly cooridersd a privilege what a privilege to bring a soul bidden la darkueas lu tbl light of obtuls glorious lova 1 uo labor aa spand aad ba syaet tuyloytedotbasatbaawlll it is ue way tbe uaaut want bbowld notbusmvant uead it a til i t tbe question drawer was opened end answer td by mjs groves of vargas aud mrs br uavege qnelpb miea- xmurray exuuded anoidialin vlulloo lo tbe social y to meet lu book wood of it year which was accepted mlaa barker tbe district organiser gave bar annual report tbe earnest hopefa words embodied in th is raner inspired the members of the eamllierlcs to renew tbelr efloru for tbe extension ol christs king dom a slight lnoreaee was shown in all lb aoatluriss the year bad net proved j m sa m had been goitajnaud lo some rsepeole bul in our belief that what over love offers love wajcome oor forte have not been in vain wiitn the twin tletb oenlnry bas reaehad h npon shall suuli eus b baea-eaaet- d n china end armani n possible ihrougb the prolni gid and i anint efforts of our niaslonary aocullret we bdpanot ths i attons are gatlli g cl0ar irgsihar and fallli c o hints of a tine whan the whole wot id will olmowledge i 1st lis klbg on motion of ura grove and mrs dr ravage uls ilabvr waa lei wd a stand ing vole of lhauks fur lier oarcfully pre pared repoil an 1 faithful vrtlree dnring lbo tfir kliaailaskw aiat uuanltuuubly district urgaujior ur kore boa i lie ergu oiooti an inplflng an limlpliil testimony meet i mrs h a maoplieraon biugbt kindly greetings from the anion i aabvterlan missionary horiety liar words tttiiiftaals ed ibe troth that wn are all laborers in tha same vineyard nndnr the iitm master tbe meeting olused with prayer by mrs boiler l at the ayanjug scaalon tbe chair was taken by tu4mlor uee brhagsr wb gave a oorlclae tnmmiry of the work of lb aocletyalnce its organisation v mr k ii vlaggof masaagaweya gave a jkjinn tneit rfrtnfsi ii oor debtf in heathendom fjlis 6otnprgd ttnrprl ileges wbleb weeojoy to those of tbe women in healhen lands and said ths only way we ooeld acknowledge oar cretitade es by helping to lift tbe burden from those wbo ties iaasclnslou and sin mtas carson a deeooneea of toronto gave a highly interesting address i bbe presented tbe work of this order in sneb a manner as lo dlalt ibe lot real and ayi pstby of the entire audience it is proving nn nt tnqjielpglandpr means bf aasisltng the liok tbe nody and the fallen being the children s deaconess bs especially smpbaalxed tbe children a work and spoke of tbs ploasats end benefit of tuelreah air oottagc wbere tbe llltle onaaare taken for a two weeks ontlog each during ihs healed summer months miss walker of aolou and mlaa h boas of gnelpb gave well rendered and very appropriate recitations excellent mualo was fumlabad by the choir a vote of thanks was uudered tbe bullae of aoton for their most cordial hospitality tbe ladles entertained the vultors at in neb and lea in the school room and the ettree live tables and profnalon of good things fat the inner woman were very much ap- preoieteo this was pro no diced one of the moat anooessfcl conventions of lha socio ly a farmers trials a 8uffeheh for years the result op a fall in hie wenkined condition grippe fastened itself upon him and brouuht him near- the oravo mr william bllver is a well known rarmer living ner uemford n b bur tng his life be has peaeed through much eicknesa bul now thanks to br williams tick pills be is again snjcylng vigorous health to a reporter who recently inter viewed him mr bilvar said i am now in my 63od year and i may dais tbe be ginning of toy troubla to my sixteenth year whan i was lb row a front a boras d back and bad my spine somewhat injured this was always a waak spot abd it aesm ad to leave me mora soacsptlbls lo other treaties as it grew worse ae i advanced in years as a farmer i alwaysbad i3worx bard and of ten to expoee myeelf to in clam ant weather my back trouble was finally aggravated by indueatlon and as ibis effected my appetite x was very mucb run down finally a few years ago i attacked by la krlpp wbleb developed into pneumonia my family doctor succeeded la coarjaeribg this trouble but for six months i ws4 hot able to leave the house and all that he oould do for ms did not bring back my strength finally i oon salted another doctor but wltb bo betur result in fact before 1 slopped doctoring i bad tried four dlfferant physicians and all the urns initeed of getting beitarl was growing weaker borne eighteen month had noaf elapsed slnoe my attack of la gripp and during that time i wai not aul lo do any work my whole system be ed exbsaeud end my nerve shattered on fiokdaye i woauf go oat for a while bat of ten i would beooms so week abd diaxy ibat i oould scaroely gt back to ibe boose one day a neighbor heksd me wby i did not try xr williams 1lnk 1111 i thought the adviae might be worth tag ng abd i sent for a balf doaao box of the pills before they were gone there was no doobk i bad found a medicine that was helping me and i gob h further supply i dontlnutd taking the pills for about tbre months and before i jail bslug hum i wa feeling better aad stronger than i had done for years kvery symplom of weak nee that bad followed la grippe was gone tod my bank wbiob had bothand me for so many ysr wa almost a atroug a id boyhood i have simm done many a bard days work aud been exposed to bad weather but without any evl atfaou abd i ban truly say r william imk ill have kwelored me lo vigorous manhood br williams ilukliluouresuoli naa as tba one noted abovw beeau thay create new rich red blood tbas strengthening week and abattsred nerves tbey do boi ourite aud weaken like tbe other tnedl clues but elreo from lbs tint does to lb last bold byall tleaurs lh niadlaiu ur sul poet paid at oeuts a box or six baxe for 2 60 by addreealng tbs ir wllllatoi medicine go ihookvllu out tie s a poor doctor wlio kills uothlug bul litu castoria vor inaau uid pbllilnil llickle autl goiiaubipllve byrup stabds al lbs beadnluis hat ur all du thelbroatand lawjta it kau like lusglc in breaklug up a cold a oougli is atoo subduad tlgblnee of tbe cheat 1 rlievd even tba worst aaa of ooaeuuluon is re lisved while lu keoeul oiee it may b said bever 17 fall it la a mediolos prepared from tbe aotlve prluolple or vlatue of astsral medicinal barbs and cu bq depend sd upon toralt peletonarj- osenplalalai tba poor in an osxs to tbs roof story uaually lite its slgnaiarsts on every bos of tee genuine laxative broflioquiiilde imdete e tesawdy thai emswa k m eawesmy ottawa to oct the mint hat le thei inpretalon rbrougno qatolelon hae oaen neaahea ott may 7 tbsre is stro oomp lion betweeq vancouver and qis oapll si of the dominion over the location of the canadian branch ol the royal mint it jm said ibat ottawa had bcrn dookitd npon ae lle beat puoe fur i be mint but af rntmber of tle uoverunjri i be i it had i t ytt been decided there is an impreetlon broad howavtr that ottawa will gel u ly tha lest iaaoe of ibe cauada oautu it la sean ibat i be dominion for teo months up lo tba an i f f april eboweil balinom of revenues over rdlnary eeudit ire of i0 mdttj tlia riiuvi is til oho 303 aa againil ho uq 0 uljr and ii f pendilur fur tba same pari xl la sat down aataijuiung a asalnat ijq 703 7nb in tha same period al 1000 the young doctor who baa patlqnoe will hava patients for there la a tide in the affairs of men bat taada to the gravo a card we lbs undersigned do hereby eg re refund tbe money on a go citt bbtl grocoe a warranted hyrup or tar if it falls lo cure yoar oough ur nol i we also guar tilm a sj cent bittla to pmva satlafact ry ur money refunded x t bu0wm a smaltbey e idea of forgiving ari rrtjuryj inflicted by another boy is to lick blm first and forgive bim afterward left a legacy leal winter left a lrgaoy of impute blood to rrrtray people csoviog tired feel lugs lack of energy indlgeelloo oonattpa tioo biltoaanase eto burdock blood bitters never fall to oar any of tbe fore going disease by on look log ibe aeorslli and removing all impurities from ibe eyslwm tbs man who is never idle bas uo tlmi lo be mean liver troubles blliouinrsi sallow com plexloo yellow eyas jaundice sic yield lo tbeearmtlve power of isxe liver villa they are ear to cars si king llcfus cleaning and moving show tha pftccyiillca in llio way of uew furniture mattresses springs etc and j6 1 in stone ft co are conndent tbey can fill your wauls very aal laactor lly snd at lbs lowest living priced special attention is chen to uphoularlng either in new work of repairing ilcture 1 ramlng is a specially all orders receive promj t attention tha now raymond bcwink xfachlnc is llm favorila hereabouts and joluuiono a co anpply i hem cariiels tndc up to order and housefur hialilngs also in variety hollar llllnds of all kinds in slock j01inst0nk co furrilture dealort a undertaken main st acton kcton saw planing mills wriw st nd dealer duisbbd and unditfssud lum beit lath and bhinglls sabu doljb and dunds window and door pit am us all kindi op ind60u and out dooklmnibh having ttjcll aasorled block of lumlwr on hand orders will in all cases be promptly filled lumber dressed and matched while you wait vtlces are a low as any other mill turn log out wciie eijual in quality cuitom logs cut at any 1 1 mo jmo xvjlilx ja1uc3 jjtiowif avanagwri jvonwefon all kinds of wood on hand and promptly delivered to any part of tha town seen corn for croon field or 8ii0- uitt cuban wis while dent worth dakota kerly butw masudoo cuball ahuit rjold win buver wine compton early lougfeuow avairl bouib fjweel yellow dent ttto- 10 all at price that will pleat you turnip seed aoc lu or 6 for ft oo ltap c6d l for it 00 or 16 oo per 100 lb farly seed poiatces tomato uud cab bag llaiitit pari green ijlua slotio cop- twram etc garden wmmu 3c pkt 10 for ajc geo j thgrp guolph hockiliiaood try it and see a well tailored coat is one uf lb grcalest jdeaaujc a nt can have it his when it gelu aajntaeilltlmrwelt- our cojm jtavs an easy set o uem wnici jo ur4 ocjnairf mud aetiaraeuoe viae new mpstaf wnoi a atr same ttsautiuf 4001 tor jrourenoioe wm m coop merohant tailor mill st aoton all ik nnwl lciitii an i cuwltir hi inoi1ains an i ivcry lilml wi 1 kul ny loom paints aftkfor ft ainio culor card of s v i it u a viilnt rraily lot llio 1 ruh window blladi b kt brosain chbmibt actorj grasp the 6pp8rtuhwy gkwti luii wd have recoil lly slocked a tina line of stiff and bofi 1 dt hals of the first quality in all sixes and thidr and tha tnoit fsihlonalilc blocks made by such men as lyon llcuuctt and llecrloy of london n lhelr nsmns am a ruar anlec of quality alio heat amarlcan makers call and try one on priobs hatu eartainiy wortli 1 to bxvxjtlxy nxsr tall baautlrul allk trimming a t wcwoaijls0ouriitiolm i til hat byfyona alutiiil black fur fait and tba beat hat 11 urn tnarbat to lay awardaj sol 1 mnlal at i aria itoaltltt boll in u arlja world at aaooourt rloa exeu xjthxttu xtxstr i akars to itoyajty a laaauuful black fur ullallb irlutluaj uau llai li leather ae eat baud at ths top notch in vary raspat um at 13 do avsrjwliare bat at oor btora our rise ku 0u uort fur vail hulo llsbt ardaer all uuloa rjul ou tl a thiut faal 1 kualila blok am ara aaally wurtll cj o to our lrlo4 i si loss 11 w haveaeotiitlateraiisaaf iniiwrl clolli rutx dgwwt twittuaior ij to too ctilllrus uajlore al hie to tie nbw bruiua lne lafontaine furrlor cuolph sblls chbhp binder t1stine farmers cooperative go limited braimtford prloob or tha soabon o 1901 hod sui goo ft 101o rod blaf 6b0 it 10 o bpoolal manilla goo ft 0o bualold 0 o bwi standard 7 o tlica utter iwo die not our own make canadirvn larulitb w imvs lual a word to bay la you this the tint aud tuily truly ikwretlve sorufany lu ataiario uoflarlnn you today its atook in am all boidioiaooaaud teoaharasal lavr it is auo blaeins la bnlaudld twloas wltb you for tbs comluauervaalsttulces raw material eelioot nrwbbouaiitlor vour loyalty end inialll noaeluuolduslnaxiatouoe your aoal uelsiu and todlbaros will irtvs us f row wlalaac wt lob inaaos daalbbluw lo all rulura o-oir- atlou of vsjtuars and 111 auraly trlu one bull a uiuua twlue uouiblws fro- lufluucm of wbloti ou bsjplaas to balp youraalvw you hava vour oouooinsy your tasayourobotoe blpd ly luu uimaual all 1 tuoat baraet aoolwrauvs tatovaliieus til 11 world ud so brio a o uu uation of tallof tliiousl lu tiauarouua lurlui oas a iwlus brloarsuulor lmrtua or um our hl mllb ln4lbam aud you ul ly lie lo wu fur twilu wo batw twin- was er ute on vartl or tuiouli- lo tba tiatiadlail varuiruiil i m uaoaupulladyuuby uiu y ur irj uoutlaiiy if wa wan uo ml lnuxua luu4il of ruuolloi to you as vannars llat- wuul ba i o oy iltli 11 whauvaiplttml aaaluatua ui ifcui ru halt riiil be abaolutaly iiy au 1 ua4twaauuulswreatullviul lud iluoalloll any loasar ijoo at it btialsiit iii u a faeeait i ulaoufy joursall wlllt ua as bl amltoldais tluy your twfua troiu ttie uouir jompauy will lu aulsudtd oast rsaonl ur yrs bud mj will bavs ooaaaloa to be ptoud of yur autlou aud loyauy if you uaa but k ialtuls of jujgl la it vou will fta at a klanee tlia olhar ooiotul u l aiiauooa are aluii ly uatlns ou our grand raf d tuoa abil ua4 in i al y ol aaa naaaejf ou 111 be asoeedlusly dualpolule1 we have bleadad for aijtit yaart f you ton iut on tlia mund floor and mn band with uu o d atali lunad teloeorsaulaauoh huy ur lll hlat ml twins bjui yuu will uiaaa bvvnulaas joseph stratford conoral manago summer nilli fltsn8saturdayhiyi8 the latest btyles of dainty new goods for summer headwear are now to hand we invite you f to see them on above date or as soon as possible i n a lint i n ntnmnmriutui thg b grennan opening tle styles aa right t trimming rigm and til prices rigm place your orders early as possible for vtctobia dat hats sec our choice styles in jt w nnr from ho tobqft a special bargain in shirt waist silks at 35 a yard american pique suitings in spots and stripe patterns elegant goods for only i 5c a y 7 satin fmibh american percale special at be fancy merlawn and mercerised sateen waist pat- 3 terns new and choice at 5c f waist length j fine wool summer dress goods popular goods priced at 35i 25c 20c and 17jc hundreds of lace and nctt curtains priced foraquick sale at from i to 2c a pair ourxsroirery dep0rtntentjci with the best qualities of good things priced much s below wliat you have been used to paying youcan save a lot of money here ifou buy our best goods at right prices theb crennan co secords block i i i 1 ir m it irti it tt house cleaning aintinrisiiartofltuttitsmiiclioasoap- 1 hr and rcrubbmg tiiirc arc spotd tlutt water emmot remove ntid diwolomtjoti i that scouring will uot bilq away va the paiut brusli lu nticb cac the sherwinwiluams family paint til email cans id ntaao to wet th tbottsmbd anj onetleiuajmlslorellttlapalritebotrtuvo house it lu rcaly to use ltuj quickly witun fcooj rloee carl ba aresled sold by j t broian wouldnt that freeze you what why the icu ckuiu to b irocurwl lit mailhews cootectloimry olone i no it woutjii i but ll jn cool eiiouuh lo la jurllciilsrly dellcloiis liiaoeveniiilfi ciol ilrlnui can aliou mppll el i herd a choice lo ol lmlls tou ocitotiitry lalifls anil i auty hiwulu lilwaya utt in ulrvcu j c matthews baket gonfeahotiev hill si for your nfew bu66j6s markel er lumber wa66qms or any repairing in the carriage line j m olsteiiuil- buccouor lo cul mcktl gbohcbtown fitbj bbrrttistmints f0itkaiie a onu liorse wifdp a p f lo furnihliod house to ltent luitmhiikij liouaat 11 duiiita ilia auminar 1 naall1 apiunb i lroeellirsl iiih a cau1 lvl i ilopcciy forkalo i a villas proirvtif tii a a lir lq wai llf alttltkkt hifoitaiitt oucllini tou rimik uilalpnad 1 alntf taltli in irud x hauu muh tlaairoa i aall lila booaa jl lt en lak avanu tlia kouu la a vary eon lorlabla rnugl aal slirixxia1 on afltli i aril sad i toalar kooilfaklat lu axoaluni incslltta and lafood ooiwllllbti tatma raaaorv alia an i tnaila baoati uhiu alllcauoa jo uuiua uiu aoton kiciuuu cook iraod lupldsulob tun cmaiiiim rivtixaiai urilxjoj top gallant ii w tui iwl at lila o atabla lot 13 sr i uia kiulac tkuhh to laagrs h trt le lt vat rui o ra altjuly 1001 zrjj dupoajn t ll air tiiaraa baron loallns ui ui la bu raaitonalbla for inauraosa vilialbar in loal ea uot all aeeldanla al kuk of nnal wot padlfr snd ilaaotptlooi see cards mkil uiucikh tveprulor desiit able kesidence fo sal tlflt wllkuot prepart on alru aaaausjaoatttlaoaobplsd h wnuilnm is tosrd ovaaia tba booae is lal till i ha el t hoil vllb ball snd pantry larva oalla sad voodbooa uanmuil ila44 snd aoh amta huila and umq booaa no uia pnmuh tbar u aa kn at bind wall atociad mhh ohoioa frnit tbe pvopertf la irlthln utaaorpor aalaa of tba tbrllda nuuturactnrlns town of aetoa owlnf to lha i proximity at vairviaw lacnatsrytblaptopartrli l uld make a tpludld nnni wlllbasold- bay tanua vo partioulara apply at vsjui f ajtsa oolce jtsloo municipality of acton jim court o r notice is banbyslven that uiaoratmaatlna of tbeooartofllailaloafoyoia villas j acteo wu1 ba bald in tba town hall on monday may 27th 1001 ij twl at b p to tobasjrall omplalnls acalut tba j uall to 1001 all parsons baln boalnass la tba aald court raqnaated to attend al iba anui ttn hum d tluia and ttaaj t alnn thla sh ds of ut lool notice to orkditcma in the estate of duncan keith farmer dcceabcd notice is bareby k punttaiit to tba k h o tisncbsptar 189 that ail cradltors and others bar ins clalins asjdnst tba batata of ibe aald danoan kalth dafamsad ara raqttlrad on o baton tbe tib day of uav a d luoj to aaod by poet prapald or todallvertoa j ue- klnnon aeton aolleltor for tba admlnlatra4rl ibau ehrlalian nsmaa snd aaxnaaias a aad dasexlptiooe tba fall partkuurs of tbair olaims doly aained snd tna ditan of tba aa- eerltiae ilsay bakr by tbatn add f brtber taka notioe that af la luch laat meotloned dale tbe said sdmlnlsuatru will preeaad to dlstribets tbs asssta of tbe de arnoaf tbs pertlae snlltlad ibaiato bmiln racard only toalalcos of wbleb aba shall than bara nouee and the said admlniatimtria will no ba usbls for tba said aaaau or any psrt tbaraof lo any parson or p of eboaa claim notioa shall not have baan rsoelved by bar al tha urn of distrlbation x j uckinkot llollellor lor tba administratrix dated thla toh day of uay a u law retoizkl bakers and grecers who have been or seven years la the store oi mill iilroo have removed lo the procnlaeajtisi vscaled by john h keooedy on main bl hcfa thay will have largef prcmues and villi be able lo enlarge lhlf stock as before pore freah crocerlc anj itovuioqs will sjways be found oa hind ice cream durlnif the summef pore ice crcaht bods watvf and autiimer lleveraes a now 1ountaja will aliorily be nil in cusioners orders will tecrlve tins nloal cartjul atteulloti and ell will be welcomed lo the new premises t stathamson main st acton mangels wbeo baying mebfcms be sare had ptirobsh 1 veos i to pr o vod iu w lorf this vsklsty bas led the lil hi lu axfloultaisj collage for the pest tea pesjrs we klso have olabt yellow later mediate aiatntaolh llod oau ioer yellow liou qolden tlesh tr id tauwarj james hewer used 1 lour hiul lead 4 nlaaloanellst cuelpli burpees i in s free timj best awsele the ore- baewl in showy luhocrsitbeil quastmaentt sv ahnu- swisuajsrtfmi rwffispiu toov w atlgg b e co philadelphia uuqrmmi call and examine the merits of tlim superior shoe made in all modern stylo o labtb and bt jradei of leather all bizes aato lie idtlis igr latfu i and reiitll men tim slioe will cure callouies on the bqlcn of the feet excessive iersniration of the leet burning of the feet and itwtll keep your feetcool- u in hot weather and warm in cold weather sfil 1azill1k7uvs boot snd shob dbklba bolk aqint roraton

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