tt 4 vohumic xxvi 1 no t ajron onattlo tjiitkhday luhvllh l0l vlllcjc tllllim ojsnth mht ttan jxtt ress kvkhy ihuxmpav moilnino ir ma isnuaui 1rlnllnjfofnvr aoton ont uuij hthkkt tutimt litimm uurnm duller r yir alrietlylii kdt all iuumii tloii dltoixi uiiue1 sheii hi time r whioli the liv leen psjdtiu lirod tit iltu u which etry ubmjrlpuon 1 11j is ilnm ml ilia address label autithihi lurti- trait mont jlitiru meobt o o i n nnai-llltii- tt flt in eertioti 1 belli or una inc mail ulh4uiil triaerii oovrmatrr ultetie folluwln table ihnwi our tals or the liiaer tloii t edvaruaeuienu fur bpeelfud i liwrai eonno 7o o3 00 bo do i vq0 hj a4nru wltli hi be huit1 ull fori 100 i 00 mioo direction til nhargadl anoord naittrtnoirkriiiiff nu will l ehatifad red vur ehan ufu r than tueltlen must be lajd lor o advuoe adirtlhmi month if al reulj ut- uhensne for oontrejit advertisements idui ua o ilia uluae by uoon on tuesdays account ayhle iitouuilf tri- uoonu editor and woerlelor fiubiiifsfl fiiwiary vstaijij xt xxjr jtiixvi nlfo ingrulu iapcrs tvlth borders and ollng la- march at ioc a roll 1 ioc 1jpnra for ijc 7jc papers for 5c 5c lapcrs tor jc j5c gold lapers of jcnnd ioc ijje cold aprs for ioc a fin supply lo slrci from lid rfrom day and mivri i ho jo per cant ultl o papcrlmiigcrs window shades days bookstore dkv dullu cllbmp merchants bank ol canada johnm macdonald m dcm offloor treels a offloo hours uio law a j v uiuin m d 0 m uoeooroer uiii vrederlek o o v ti i lo a ii in end rpiios gkay m d cm mccill i it o v knimmimuii ixj 1 ir fjiasnow maubku llftltlbm uuilcsi aecllyicx i tc uckkhfiu to nil kkixr ofllcevrdelck llrl aolononl d h dltydkn htm eam thwit jmd kuk romgf wftnlwlilt htl lll r l ciuuuu orrjc llouiut 10 in to hi la kiij s to fl p ju bowojv10fcia u lii in cimou11itowx owtuuo jm dkll ddh ldb dkmyim aotox onlcovr itfowu dfua i or lioxon oiuttuitm ow totiauro uuivkiuirv vikitlhu div tuoijay ilrooltvilu vrl dy uitoktrooj tin uuat uiknulvlid usoj if tloalrv juxoal a j uiakinnon lulullbtvu boucitou couymvamcmo ormicklflu fuit lu uaiuiw litock jh mcli0d tlduurrttll ilalioiroh 1nd couu1ui0m kuotttllciku avvadlvita ufclaturimt omflowtl cnoyueiiiii ilaua fciul di0ny lahl oil llrit ltitiliib cu fkflil 1 roiily at tkt- r j monauu curbvuuiuidlvulou caurl county of itj loo cttivyuorataulliuuidijfiauuruw mama ylum alitll jjouy u lbll fcw oriclo try tutu ulk aotoh ont mcxlhnxo us b r a i husband v s uojubldoilulrla vurlili ynsunancii aglnt w u dknmy j lattr autcotijwiruoullfauolatiou afant uuuu fir luiltuo comiiuua onlo vouu rl aalou aumuv aitiur 01w1 oamibl baliollar of kkuuui far iuvbuuoii la rlu alpllouana for ui gib4auil auir ieiiajidliuroihu 1kitiloaltm jii for uia luwtutirtlm of t4ju uuka lliitl far uju piiut tliuty two vu4 siwiluoj f uangiu hunak llookuiudiju aooout liaaka of wi kind uiul to order itnlojio of ry j3ihiuouor fully liouuj rutlqfbllvmii tuomptfv jou m aiiuiaou ciioknhko ii i uoouu luilhh of ulkilaom llclcuka ki rvljio lu ui vvouluk vtm 1rm oalm aotoh capital r02t s6oooooo 20oo trad bank of canada capital paid up si 000000 assots ovor 9oooooo cuelph branch nxxy iimiii to iiiatitrrtm 80 vines bank dopartmont illdllkht lullltlcnt uatll uv intki1kht lli on butiil liwltol of pi bttil uai intnrml ilojf 1 rimi lit of ult ut ut of luilw utij 111 or 00111 ikumul half ad me ii y nilt l unnr no their own tiun kl ui luwot cikibiii him no liars liu fur thuootlllu tlk lulo if till lu lulili a bxiukl i iitlmj ijuiiilbu tratimuu1 wa want td supply- yonrwantsliroraiirtilff a cunmtal hanking ilusinuss tltansactud inlerott al moit favorahlo current ralfc hllowel on savliik bank occounta and deposit rfccclpln letter of crndlt itditwl available in nil part of tlm uorld siiccul atlenllo j iven to runners sp bun 1 monuy ordurs van xuv cuu ui to 950 payable- at any hankliln point in canada ouuulo of ha yukon jorrlfory may now bo procured at tbd dank counter without any deby actont branch 1 i- warxach mounter any pictures to frame any riclurei lo 1rama co ob dcijo to waters bhos g0elph aoton machine and itcnair 81ioia uuhllyqiuhdlitx iroiirutor a hu wall juithj wltb bll til blullllliiry dboary loaut ail oiil to utfcohlli try mid inrlouhuml liiitilaiaauuajiii to do all kluaof tislil alllnif liorlioltiuiindttliiil blukaiullhliitf woodwork rfii ikioruij a atiaflry biauur wa ua irapair any m mlil ii or iiiiiimiibui of auy kuaka rw nuuiiulu aud illlutf dona bugci6s now that wa ard having tna weather and jjood roado thera la tome encourage me nt o buy naw bukkii i bav a full aiorlmam of ibem which you iliotild ed boforayou buy alio market and lumber wagroha alllinda of carrua and i era repairing dono on ihortoat notice a full lino of agricultural implements and llindar twino always on hand j n oneill succcsior to culp mckenzle c b o r c btown w w numbtlusut litaxmaao auotioukha vur tli nouutl of wlliullon id lullou utdarauital lliaauhu iuhuu onlta aolou or allayvaaldattoalu actoii will ta idobllilly at- taudal lu tsfuta hamlblj alo tuooay to lou oa uia innat favoihla auamaiid at lb lowaal tkta of ibwrwl lu autdauf w0hd ywjj buiihoulliuu i1to0k calltal hlkjx thii wkllimgyon mutual pluh inbulianck company autdbllahj 1040 udadofflod qpblvm out ho jd iw ulilioo id will bv tiroiiiiitly tuudad to r johh layilt alaiit iltlalpli nabsaqawifiya saw and planing mills lumr and shingles rt ilosnilbst pricos lllll lul cul lo oroor wil at ti ao u load al ilia tillll sun savings and loan go htiad olficli toronto on t aufaowarfj cajufaf 8000000 oo taryoar njalurlly khuru ar paid monthly ltmlalmeiiuof juo jwr aliarti for laoinonlhu when yiitniila cejw o ull in maturity vulun f lull oo mono to uun ui st kirulnhr liuu or remtyabla in liioiilhlylualttlinoitta un appll catlotf 16 r j monabb agoni aoton t wnilm you want t and oatmeal i out ouu ouohton knd odon juiilus bhknd t lnbfc in ilia mirut t all wma awalis dalra usa it x utuaiiuallty irlcu rlubl a f iiehky hohtoi t 14 t hcton saw planing mills jutkilni st kfuviltfaoturura and doun in all kinds of dkusbkd and ijndrhhd ium iikk ial ii and shihgllb sash doohi and ulinds t window and door 1kameb all kinds ol indoor andqih- door pinisu llavli u uiriltkutollomuj on imnd order will lu all comb iw promptly lituber dioiu1 und wall ltlcai kid ui llkv uw uuv pill tiji uui walk epwl i fiitnly culoiii iok tut ul uuy tltlld chad whl id yitu jmo xvjhh jjlmkx bhowtt waaaxwh rwjiwor all klnda uf wuod oil hand and vromplly delivered tu any irt ui hid town alnioil every projicrty owno ctilroi more or icta lllo for dra und uthor piirpomta jiullty ci in tile the twm6 ae lu uikylhlu wo oiler tlio in- a i btliglaiod atllaii and amerlcin tlio in 4 c utul 13 inch i iillna of all it tic 1 1 aa ya t u iluudii knili nibown crostica aud hand irapi cbliunoy i i tic and inltinalantl round inliilf aunt oluj can 9 13 linda iccra iioib huo iriifj iivi tuajnh tlnnrl tiln lctltp hi vat iii lti 1 wliaia til alaay howat blow an t luoliir af la tli analnaar alia ilia bt utiglia and mow tli balaaa cr la ilia itvotltar a ajnna tl whlatla a low awaat atrajn i til tajuaiif ar wiukaalld 11 cm i ajid blink and h9a to alaai on tlia uajil attn uia naxt train alula for 111 1 aaaaul land tur tim ktiuniiaiia ujr falla on tlia r i all aw for ilia alaaflna oar llut what u lla far to tiu tltil lutd f i 1ih it la hot too dmt tli la tlila lorlntf klaa- ati1 it la ralil to tlia aogltisai- llo i tuk of mini wlio uia oll iran took on lilaklivrin kliitlnabrmt tko cliaiga t fay of tialua atuill day tli i taava at u atld al kaei watoll uia mau ua x iiayl for liay at vary daajr and liava ialaj wad 0 arcoua ford oar 111 baotlaaaglilaar jartuluj jjttl john 11 bond st co iimndwxntl gu 6lph binder tjazine 9 10 l2c a lb standard and mjjnilln the ctilcbratcd mccormicic tli c best twine made for length strength and weight guarantcld alao their at dltider mover and steel hayltnko call and mo litem hay rake 10 and 12c each ilanest gloica f ao and j5c each pari grcon aocjh porna dukinirfrtcjb i iollebora 30c lb slug shot toe lb inalant louso killer 35c can lambrta death to lie 35c pkj alio sprayers of all klnda geo j thorp stxox anxitf jitllxuxhts 3ctc cuolph sl hockmood w barber bros paper makers georgetown ontario ngdiis colorgd php9rs john r barber pure paris mm 1msegv pbw0er and hbimbgrfi k t broiazn the ontario seed and grain separator go limitid iiuaua ont wm hdmstreeit aolun lla tecurcil the agency lor hallon county artho perfection fanning mill and grain separator manufactured in 1 erjui ibis lu ilia mill which u crealliir no much talk idttaeltit4thl atiioitlm ilu4uuliif uruicr who have wllneiitd lis uporallonu in clean i ii and uturaliiik ull vlmu ofyrato mid hood ul tbn ontario arlcullvrul col lee uulpli during ihucucurkbuu llirotih llid month ol lunfl it la tin mill which took 1 hitf and a half tlniolhy ail cliutild liv 0110 of the d inlllt rtiady for icl1 latest impro- wlnti laut saturday during ihn iiallon iarniera lacuraloii und tmrniutid over a iiock trtmaoftniirioiitia ttitludlntr lumba iiuarlur ia ihlatlu hwii mirrol turui iiikl plion weud cildi lly bind woj uitd l1u0 hun it will pay fjfnwi hut mr lleui root ahow hei ihu mill llom inarkalluk r pirparlnn iholr umln und wwid or crop wahtl-allil- lallhlairi hi tvry ttounirf tu kvptinmiil utwn cmitaliy of mtl d wit i i lwr day abaulutafy ame and all auaaa atialgbt ixma lid daanlu aaury no bumiilabltmi i aafarv ld lulurdav ail ailianaa lutmay ajfaiiel aaoo waak htan ualluiiouttalthlbaabnmu uumtiow supcrccdcj by g 2ouuin vtxlauhcit i iui1ku a 111 1 jf mamma aald tho tall dark balrrd girl drawing up a ralliar altabby chair baalda bar tnothara aud jlaiolufl it hug pllo of alookiuj in tbo maternal lap why haivo you all thoaa to do t aim fjuarlad mra alitou moraly nodded being appar ently ocoupiad by a knot jn bar darning 00 1 ton row aorry i m for you t aald th falrl olaiplilff her hantla ballluj hai- baaj liar inotliara itlanoa want from ilia re fractory knot lo lh laxy flgura opdoalle with a fjulxxical aoilla i aoppoa tho bulky latter you raoalved till tnornlajf baa hoiilatblnit to do with your with to apaak to ma aba laid eliaar folly ktin- tw uf ouuray ridtuluki tho lovely slrl who a pan i a weak with 1110 hut aufiaau i raiuaiiihor ktbel plemlng raplll mra alalon ralhar dryly oh you ara prejudiced aajnat har mini ma 1 forgot that aha dlaplaaaad you by making fun of bar klatar awkward waya bui really abo did uot akajotatn nrn bit i onm tnat bar ulalar and aba la th tuoat my dlaplakaum waa uot baod oa lh aammpllou that mlaa ilemlnfe wan xu- kratlnf aald mra alaloti qulatly ob wall mamma i you ara mora pay tlonlay tlian aomo paoplt you know but juat reaoulu latiai x km aura klbal la caniroua anounh flha aud bar molbar bava lovltad ma to apaud a year with them in now york mm aliton dropped bar darning imple- diooti and took the ai tended latter with a f tot of grtva aurprlm laying a yr my dear that would ba rather a loutf vlalt i think of oouraa it would b a loan mother dear and juat think what a ban fit it wouh lie to me to snanitall that lima in lbs boil tba vary bit aoolaly in naw yorkl walt juit 11 ma rud you what ktlnil aayi tell your mother darling that w will maka a different girl of you nothing noliilim on afur jraduallon uka oonlaot with the bat aoouty and of ooaraa thia fi impoaaibla for you lu your alaapy iltlla town bafore mra alalon oould ulva an opinion an to tbla aaaartlon thera wu a up at tba door and llteoa vole aald mlaa efaun will ye pltaa to waib th allvar aa aoon a ya can no i may awapa lha room 1 ii avail t you waahad tba allvar yet ilolan aaked mra alalon glanoln at tba olook wltb iurprl bother lha ailvar 1 axolaimad halau sinos bar urajuation from school four months bofora bar molbac had ankad liar aaalalauca inkouaahold affaire elba road from bar ohalnrelaotantly well will you raad tba lallar aud think it over while i am dowu atlra mamma t mra alitou a mooted and huun lift tin room ac aba foamed tba soapauda into a ho wywk maacbblo hfimrubtar whd bad baan draaaind a doll lu tba ball oama to tho labia and gassd into tba llttl waab tub with faaoiuatad ayaa now kwp away loulu i im buay ualau aald aharply i wont tooob anylljlnfl plaadad tba ohilj but you mike ma nrvous go and puy with ada adaa ona lo marion bouiobjactad ijoulia whoas wining vaoation aomatlmaa bunu heavily ou bar bands helen drop pad uvaral knlvaa by acci dent and bar faoa looked go vra a aha plokad them up that loulu burr lad i y r- i i rul yob naver waut ma to have any fuu i aha callad baok aa aha raobaj tba eulra iiatnlni oonr in liar ralrait a faw daya paaaad during which halan freijuently made impatient inqolr of ber motber and wai told in reply that i am thinking lha matter over plually oua avenlug llelarta father called bar to him where ha eat reading iba papr nrlly ho bkn laying t dawn your motber in talkad with m about your pun for making a long vlilt to your friend in naw york we xhlult ft obaug may poaibly do you good in soma rpou but- do you thluk you oould ba happy away from us for a whola ykr v ob yaa jvap i i mu11 hauu added lutillly aaalug bar fauwa kwyromhful uuuna that it woold ba impoaalbu for ma to be lidmaalak with auoli poopla a hlhal jiuitng and bar tnnlhar 1 thotigh r f oonraa i should mlaa you all sb flnuhed ralhar lamaly you help your molhtr in uia bousd work id you uot 7 uh would mlaa your abiletanue i praaumst luqulrad mr alt ton with a kasi look ob i dont thluk so rpllad huu oaiutoaelyvbaaduae of the damming ad tn h ion 1 r titers uaa a motueuta allauoa vary wall my tlar if you can t your mothers nouaertf jou hava iulua 1wluig vagurly dlaappohilaj lu bla iuugbto mr atalou taturuad to bla ppar to llulrva akoral aurpdaa and wjwii joy ithera ootiwnt wa obulnad and pturous irttara paaaad batwaatl htholaill l ada aud iuulaa uuu bauta to lb door x of ifalana room and lltierod tbero aa tho preliminary packing pruroaaetl on tho afternoon of liar departure i men ulanaad up from tho troublsaoma taak of foldiuk bar one ailk walat ao that ll abould bo found froa from wrinkle to n ioulaa walolilng ihe procaaa kly while ada looked on over foulaea ahouhlcr do un away oblldran i aha exclaimed palllahly f declare i shall ho liui wb i get out uf taaoh of your aurea i i dont aee bow they hurt you tortetl ada biding bar dlaoomuture tinder a toes ol her bead uomc louies leave oroeapatcb to boraolf children are ao impudeul 1 ilelor muluiad aa tlioy dlapparril ilalen departed wlu kethar aupertlcial leave taklntle aid soon alter this latter oamoiromjjcr l ltuititr vtii l uaiiinui arrived aafaly lul weiluaa day llal m fnnd tfia f t ffl if r- walttuilfortilest tliaauuou tlio uoacliiiiaua tlerylsbuparl kllil ati urs haullns wai- oouie1 tna vary ooidlajly od f fa ltille at i wlall yoil could baa ktfcala lallltitf trmu i hlia liab oltooo daalanad by au artlat oil how lioniatnaillali my poor rhllfou jookal llut lllwl la iioluif to have bar hi aid filve it a fw louallea a v raittll lilald jou kltow 1 liavas baullful room hare ttiorua biu bedstead will uia daaraat taea dratrlee aud a full liigui mirror i don t tiave to lroji back uia ftu willi a hair liruah now iain bolotf loa lit u iim with lilliol bo iuui eloaa hullly mors letters canto much afler the same sort and this is one which her mother wrote lo hev ulhaauifxiaw your mttji are rad with tiiuell luuraat you baeiii lo ha havluif a df llabtful uiie i have a bit of new for you your oomlu aguea lludaay whom 1 ballava you have never seen u vial u11 if ua for an ludannli prol hluee har inotliar s death alia lit be 11 in u oil alone and now lmr father la obliged to ifo to california to look attaraoina kuahieas lutereata tliara lie wrote to ak it we would take eharc of bar uutll be tattles dowu agalu 1 haaltated al ritat but as your room was vaoajiu i uioufclit we might tuanana it and i am am very glad lndej uit i decided as i did for aanee la a aweal ulrl and baa iideered hsnelf lo ua alreajy i do not kuow bow lootf her ktay 111 ha as her lathers bualueas is rathe eom piiesuu lie hura of our hiureet in averyuilua that oouoeru you tny dear child and write as oftait aa boealbls your atfeeuoualo tnoutr it was nearly two months afterward that ibis cams from iiuu vabruary daxnaar lfotiiau i bupitoaayou will be aur pilaed to hear uiat i am couilud hauia iminadl ataly uvorythlud la ovar betwaau lllbal aud ma i uouoed a oltautl lu bar inaunr and lu bar toolbars aouia waaks ajo but now they show thalr feelings ao plainly that i can t hlay any ioufir ut4 vutolug tajd yasurjajr hi a roundabout way that ihe daw uot think luhal and i are oobxcblal i luppoaav ulbal la dlipleaa w aauaa leould not lialoboowlim uiat har behav ior ou oua or two oecaalons abockad ma flha laughs at ins and ealla me provincial lul i dont tbluk aha ilkaj it you were rujhl about har uiannua aba is uot aueli a uloa girl as i thought liar i will ho home tu jay your affectionate dauuhur haum tba dusk was doepaulugon tba day wbau halau rsachodtbeboma alio had bead ao eaifar to leave six tpouibs before tba lamps in lha hitting room were lighted aud burning auadlly helen bad a fanuilla rdmerabraiica nf tho way they bad ottail flared and smoked when thay had beau lu bar charge a sweat faoed flrl cama forward aa aba entered tba ball ad and louisa wars oil either klda of har tbelr arms intertwined about bar aleilder waist i am ao ulul to aai you cousin ilelen i ah aald with a cordial kits ad aud louisa followed bar example id aileiim tbkuk you helen said rather coldly where is mamma t mrs alston was already coming down tho stairs my dear ualenl she aald softly aud ilia pressure of hr motherly arms look a little oftha tore feeling out of luious heart come ada i come loa is i called agues ually ltt un carry sisters bag age to bar room j sha must be tired aa she spoke she took the satchel and prepared lo lead tba way while ada fol lowed wllli the umbrella and louise brought up lha rear with tba lunob baikal helen watched them ascend the alalrs oouslu agoes seams quito al home she remarked la her mother mrs alston iguored the tona iu which tbs- wbs said iimnfiinryotiwlil like her aha aiuwcred hut coma up dear and rest awhile before dinner tba irlo of bgtaarrlar were etill iu helens room when its owner entered- ada sidled toward lha door as heltn oama iu mid louisa hsatily laid down lhaluuob- basket tba was rximinlug with a childs ourloilty akucs was busily engaged in pouring water luto tbs basin and iulaying out the toilet articled they all went out soon aud htlen as she removed har wraps looked about tba room with a fesllug of oon ten ttnwjl that surprised herself tba glrlub treams it ooutalued bad never looked so pretty lo bar before perhaps it weu because sha felt that they were her own a fueling she had beau a stranger to of uia when lbs dinner ball rang her cheeks itraw red i euppoaa papa will make jokes about tna sbo redeoled oefore that agnes too 1 dut mr alston mads no jokas ouly there was au amused look ou hla faca aa hs kissed his daughter we are glad to net our ulrl baok oh mamma t ha aald halaua oxparlanosa her plaasaut ones that is for bar unpleasant ones were uot touobed upon muoh to bar relief were illleusd lo with flattering attention hut helen hsraslf fslt dull and sore uoms how bar heart was strangely heavy aa a uotloed the lillu alleulious paid her par tils by ber cousin iu tbs mijil ol her acoouuvof the opera helen was reall observing how daft agnes placed a shawl ajrouuij liar auulv shoulders when mrs alston felt a allnht draught bbe tiled lo smolhar a feeling of jealousy at ui look which thanked bar the description of labels birthday feta flagged ft lutle as she wfubsd aguee rise irom her beat to carry mr alalona ooffeft cup lo him he loo ibauked har wlllis i didnt think papa and mamma liked lo he fawned upon lu iel way she ihoufht reeviilfuuy after diuuer the family gathered in the billing rooninir aletou with bis avulu paper and his wife with her knlltlog in bar every huty fiiikeis heleii rtlid lo a dalb turner and hat htoklng at the family kotip feeling ilka dleooiibolata uhoet tavlalllog its former haunts over la ft nomaf ol uid ubii oozy lajfii aiunnj w bearing ada and ixjulao recite in a low voloe their leeeona for ilia next day by and by mr alalon looked over al agnee howe ibis 1 he inquired good humoradly wheres our rauelo to night i with com in holen would play forua agnoa said oordlally thank you rplfd lfaleu with dlg- nlly i dont reel like it to nlftht no no remarked har father lightly helen feela insulted if i aak ber u play my old ravoillles and i oonfcaa im not up to bach or bccthovont agnoa felt uncomfortable aa aha took bar plaoa at tba piano but ah did her beet and helen bad to acknowledge that her ooualns voloe was a very sweat one tbjrel what do you think or i bat nllltlked mr alatouwhen tbo aoob beautiful 1 saldlleln briefly but a jdgeimawaytaoa duut see bow annas can play while yoa lean against her ao oh itdoeauldlaturbmo at all thank you aald a fin i julokly looking down with an eooouraklng a mile at tbectilprll for a weak or two afur ber arrival home helen buffered jealous pangs aa aha saw bow agues was relied upon by the houee- hold vinally from a mixture of feelings she resolved to emulate ber oouafn and be kau one haturday morning by applying o amiia al ber cualomary lasy hour for the mop and hot water hura lha silver is all doue was annies an aw a r who did ut helen inquired rather uuneceasarlly miss agues bleas ber ewata face i replied annie with real feeling wllb an unooin for table senas that bar help was ralhar superfluous helen want to the lamps and dlacovered on examining them that they were fall of oil abd had been freehly trimmed completely daunted she sal down in front of the fire and rested into it frowning- ly in a few mom ont a loa lee came into the room wltb a ribbon in ber band she atoppjed short aa nhs caught eight of ueie what is it louise t asked her stater making an effort lo speak plaaaahtly i thought agnae waa here lou lea ex plained bealtatlngly i want bar to tie this for me come hero ill do it loulee lookedoverhershoulder agnee makes shorter ends aha aald wllb h dlaaatisfled expression i like agnaee way the best hsleus face flushed and the ulurnem in ber heart willed over baaubhig off tba cash she thrust it in louisas baud and ptiamber away 00 to aftuee then you ungralsjul child l she exclaimed pahalonately and and as loulae with ft beared faoe left the room usleu sank back lu ber chair and burst luto laais of jealous ftngsf and remorse sha saw that she had flung away lha love offerod to her only to long for ll when it aee mad tobe given to soma one else a few moments later mrs alston pass ing through the ball beard ft aotiudoi sobbing and cams to team tbs cause ilelen raised bar bead aa abe heard the approaohiug fools i ape and tried to conceal ber tears but it was of uo uaa they broke out afresh as bsr mother bent over her pwbat is it diart mrs alilon whts pared and tba conviction so close lo helens lips found utterance 0 mamma agues has taken my place i no oua cares for me now 1 mrs alalon uudorstood bbe said uolb- ing until lha paroxysm of weeping was over merely smoothing the dark bead caroeiliigly but whan helen wan calm again aha sal dowu beside her aud drew ft letter from bar pooka helen dear before i ull you about this lttor i waut lo assure you that some day you will look back aud own how much hsp- plnese you owe lo your oouslu bite baa taugbl you i think ft laason that perhaps you have naeded my child just aa much love just aa much admiration as she bad jainaj from us alt la walling for you dear if you will only fill your place for no one has taken ll nlan it baa only stood empty this letter is from agnsee father he is settled in california and is anxious lo bavaauuas join uini aa- soon as poaalbla tbs dear child is very happy about it aba u writing to our uuola about it now i am sura you will make the remainder of har stay here as pleasant aa you can a week afterward agues wtut lo bar father a remark made xy mr ale lou a few months later will perbape show that helen had learned her leaaou ll was called forth by soma slight service bla daughter bad roudered blm slight but performed with promptnees and the hearti est tood will mamma ha aald lo bla wife with ft euaaning smile i dont think we mlaa agnee half ao muoh as i was afraid we should thoin advan thero are soma tbiuge in which our kuftliih oousius have the advautage of us au amerloau mllkoualra accustomed to purobaau auytbiug he wanted tried to obtain from au oxford uardener the secret of the beautiful lawns wbloh make the pride of england or a portion 0 it tell ins my good man how you manege ll ha said ooudeeooadlugly pulling his hand slgulfl canity luto bis pookal ii la worry simple sir replied the gsrdeuer quaintly you cati it as oloee aa ever you out and you rolls ll and outs ll for sly huudred years no intuiiuot in it home people saeiu to be incapable o looking any mbjet-et- xioui-uie- poltil of view of property and of their own properly au huhiuii paper says that last summer man and his wife were sailing ou a htoltuer at blackpool audlb isle of man a little gale oama up and the wife was frighlsnwf o john i ju i hlie u pee the ship is golug dowu t well never mind aald bar huabaud lntimrsl j onu manbf ttxiultltincu liral iawyordu ynu relly lnluve tblt truth really lies al the bitloiu of wallt itkoond iawyor it wuuld seeui eo judgiug by the amotibt of pumping we bftvdvu lit to get k huit it fiibddikand mis exprbss take your iltllo wajou and run do to mr bolls for a few groocrus freddie if you pleaae aald mra unow one tleturday morning itot brbakfaat here la the ill all right and taking ihe plcoe or paper 1 raddle wont out to the abed for hla red ox prose wagon of which be wee ao proed me go too freddie cried utile b or tba getting up haatily from iho corner where she had been drnaelngbor dull with many admonitions aa to its conduct during tlio day and now dropping it on tho floor tifa bar eycltarocul all right satd freddie again i gnees tboroll be room enough for you aud lbs grooerlaa loo wont there mamma gb yoe tdoniyii only want a fow tblnga veptied mamma tying tlia utile girl a bonne under her chin lwrtb7pcit- ing up her doll feet furmnoat atij olamber- injf into the wajon wberu she was boon holding dolly vary carefully right side up and calling oet up pony i get up i fred lie trotted of kicking hla beu f rant lordly about greatly to the delight of ble pasaeuget mr bells a lore was a small our wllb ft rather light trade and bis only aaaitanl was a strong good suad boy who helped behind the counter and alao delivered by band the greater part of the purohsios aside from thoae carried home by ottatomers tbqmeelves this morning the clerk wan abanl and mr bell was looking glum wheres dan 7 delivering gooda luqulred freddie just to bo sociable noj iwiebhewabrpllod mr bell lo a rather u nam table tone hes home sick fevor of some sort wbal im go- lug to do till he gels back is moron i kuow have to buut up kuotherboy i aappoee but dont know of any one that woald do that id waut iradee slim now be continued en oauraged o talk by froddioe evident inuroat and i oould rot along tolerably weil atone while if twant for delivering tfr haw oh 1st me mr bell with my expraesl fretldlaorledoegerly dropping the pack age of lea which ihe marobsudisd juat handed him right on top of berthas head instead of into bar lap i can just as well as not iwaiittoearu some money for healer like everything aud id work cheap mr bell looked sharply at the animated utile follow whoa snub uoae came juat above the counter aud considered a fow momeuu before abswerjug then be said slowly well i dont kuow but what youd do i guees you oould carry moat eyerylhlug if there was auytbfugyou ooul lnt mauage i oould hire ft learn ft little while i have to some times anyhow you might try it today but youll have to go to school next week wont you freddie looked rather sour at this and bealeo considered ft few momeuti then he brightened again ill oome iu the morning noon as your store i open ahd work till nlilr ha said than ill coma at noon we have au hour and a half aud ill bring my diuuer aud eat it when there laut anything alae to do and ill come again when leliool is out aud stay till dark could u i wo get along that way doul you think mr dell j why yes replied mr ball whose oouutauauoe bad now iwootue very cheer ful thatll do aral rate you mean bualuesa i besi huu along home uow wltb lbs little girl and groceries and be back as soon aspomalble if your mother is willing the express wagon made excellent time on the bomewjtd trip with its paeaauger and freight hmd ww bank agalu amply iu ft very mlnuus ready for buslneas 3rddia worked with ft will flndiug many little thing to do about the store whu there was uolblug to be delivered hes no shirk thats certain mr ball laid to himself more than once during tha fureuoon old mrs line aent for a sack of flour well i must look up soma other way of tending that said mr ball yoa oaut msnnsge it theres several stops to ko up ao yoircsnt wheel is irt nd woul la anybody lo help yoii oarry it walla minute replied vreddle aa be rati out of the store ireeently ho came baok wltb a boy a utile larger than him sair toms going to help ma with the flour heauuouuoed adding wllh ft bminus ilka air will you please pay blm ave cents and lake it out of my wagae mr bell mr hell ftaeellled vlll ail odd smile aud lifted the flour into the out the boys started carefully off freddlo pulling and hie aselalaut ubiud steadying tba sack while the merchant want baok luto ihealore chuckling aud saying to blmeelf that little chap has a head ou bis shoulders now i tell you theuexl tbrua weeks freddie worked according to agreement uo got prelty tired some days hut ha never thought of giving up and mr bell never thought of looking for another assistant when dau came baok ha waa not quite strong euftugli at aral for hla usual work so freddie and his express wsre retained a 11 1 tie longer aud when ibey were not uitded any more freddie dancd gleefuly about jing ling the money in bis bank and shouting hurrah i mosl un dollara i itaougu for llaalar and astau icavard my bloycle into the bargaln and mr bell thinks hjji want uu agalu blmehy llurrai i tllill mouth tin j who hta ii at noun the family giowa and iiime inuit qo var from tlia alie1urliii rkf wbareehuu aune burn 1 1 00 m wlude blow to iiald the fo aloof llul while uia many forward run s and great ahtpa go and oume 4 yel let ui auwetluiee tblllk of one- thsuito who atera at home htout haarla have they who d roaa the aoaa and dlauut perils face wbo wuh u vae from ila ease or aaale lo lilgber llaa llut valiant ton la he wbuae heart like theirs woold breeal ua fuatil yet at tba old hearth keew 111 vrt- the nu a who leys at homo ww oounlrlua lav great nl la ui loaf yuung and vli ro hralu hut uotliilaid some aona lnuatkai to sow and hlud har ulu the old folk loo ub4dioii thufti tliey call lioftirtller ioii of alt the dock theres uim to trii the one whu alay at huuln v jiwajeah hits imckbo ul the rain uiuugli ralutnif every djty uou uie juat a hd unjust flur tails clilafly on the juat ueallie tli uujoat takes tile jotte umbrella a judge in croaelig the uriah channel one stormy night knocked against a well- known witty lawyer wbo was suflerlng terribly from hlokueas jati i do any thing for you aald ihe jildgr yes gasped hid seasick lawyer i wish your lordship would ovurruln ibis motion dr oonau doyle aya that ihe salute tlon given him by his utile girl when ha relumed home after his jefeat at ihe parliamentary aleollon was oh daddy x am so aorry you did not pass 1 dr doyle says that though not strictly apeak lug au examination jet lo stand for a uoolliah ooiiblllucnov is a liberal educa tion de trcubtowlf dls hyab church aald tha daaoou is de contributory uegllgeuoe of de oougregstlqu de oonlrlbuujfy lirgllgauoe ob tie cougeiallou repealed the pastor what yo moan by del 7 i mean js what i sc replied he doaoon won the plate am pasred arouu liekrly all of detti ueglaoks locontrlbeiul juel ksrl7ilorlbliouidlliingtheao tloors aud concrete walks would hurt ijte feet of ihe poor prlaoners quardi yeam but you know the way of the transgreuor is hsrd afler i bad watoliud colored man flshluilln a boulu- carolina brick yard pond for forty minutes without pulling up bis hoot writes a contributor to the waahiugton i kaked him if he thought there were any fish there to be caught no sab i reckon not he replied but you seem lo be fiihlug yos aali bui perhaps you are not lliblng for flab no sah i waited ten miuulis fur him to ex plain but as he did not i finally asked blm what particular object ha bad in view de objiok sah be repeated without taking his eyes off the pond or moving ihe pole de objiak of my fishing fur flab wbak defend titany snyls lo lot de ole woman see dat i aint got no time to pick up da hoe an work lu de truck patch an knglinh army surgeou in booth airlcs tolls an amusing story ol au uugllshwotuan of high rank who was tn groaaed by the chsrmi of amateur nuraliig oua mornlugou approaohiug tha cot of a soldier to whom sha had glveu apeolal atuutloti ebo found him with bis eyes lightly cloeed aud a piece of paper pinned ou lha sheet on which was written too ill to be uussed to day bespekfulty j l hiq othuii pahcll btories of ahsonl minded people are cou stanlly aocuinulallug liuly one lias beeu told in oounoollon with a beuevouut old gonlleman wbo lives in a suburb of boston he waa aeen by one of bis neigh bors slioflly before ghrlilmeu seated in the train bound for homo bla arms flluj with parcels in reaponse to a friendly greeting ha turned a parplaxed face upon bis fellow towuamsu aa he made room for 10 bit down how do you do t ho said absently im glad to see you but youll exouse me 11 i seem a little dlatraughl for im sure i va forgotten 0110 parcel i waa lo gel before coming lo tha train but i caut remamberwhal iho oilier errahirweh3 i teamed to haio flnuhod all i bad lo do so bore i am he counted and recounted his bun j lee until juit as the preparatory ball rang and then bo sank back lu hit sual with a elftb i shall have to fiivo it up i he mur mured probably it wasnt of muoh oou- scquqo0said bis neighbor iu a comfort ing to no toll mo bow layou wife mercy on mo 1 cried tho old gjutlo- niiu rising hastily while his bundles roll ed under tho seat and out into to the sulo aa ho clamberetl over his companions frit uhoa jltu paroel i forgot i i was to meet bar i will you kindly leave my parcels with tho station master 7 aud juat as tho train bean to move the old gentleman sprutijj nimbly fro m tho baok platform of the car and hnrrled off to gut bis for parcel lekvfug a earful of people cpnvulsed with incrriinunl mom in oandv ii is kalj uiat a oarulu koglleh portrait palnur has ftlmost as great ft r ror joklug as tor taking exoelleiirilkeueaaos que avntilug he was speakiug of a beautiful youug girl whose portrait ha had juut flulahed her features are exquisitely moulded i have heard said a friend wbo bkd neither been tha portrait uor its origins beautiful forehead and eyss returned thenrtiat onoleely baudeotue nose flue chin mouth like an vlopbkuts mouth like ball elephanlasl echoed w iruiurhrdlsmay- what ft terrible mie forluuel dir- you teaii that it is ay auurmoua and what do yotf mean t only that it la luol will supberb ivory madam returned tbeartlt wllli bis usual gravity true greedue llltle tbiuge itialsls lu being great in we nigral to notion how wliteuprskd has- recently become ilia ovll upon wliloh slao there iiaa ben uot a utile comment in these and other columns namely that of tbo una of inlotloaiing liquor fn confections mom particularly in cbooolate caudles i ha police of jorseyclty recent ly made a raid ou some oaudy shqpe aud aslaed somo ohooolata drops filled with rum and one promlueul oaudy aud fruit daaler was arieiltkl i was noticed that tho bays and girls who bought many of t hoi ohoeeuteiitiropa bef orertng to- sohuul would iiivariauly aot very dull aud stupid in the olai rooms iiivbstlga- tlou sliowed that tho oliililron uoro ititoal- oaled dsteolivo bumated was making the rounds among tint ilealers in lha liiloxlcal- iug caudles i be dsalurs iwsre glveu uotloe thsl they would bo anssutl if th6y fcuflilptjfluq- oaudy lu children calibuns who was arreetad gavo bail for hearing i lie psulls oflhu obiuitui wbu are addluud tu ihe use uf lha drops are gruelly alslmdd tvur the duvulopmeuts many of the uhlldruii have ilovelupud a atrung appullle furtlrllik lnmmfteurr that llrtil feeling 1 a btrituli you libed tint tarry hoods jbtssparllla will rid you of ii and renew jsnr coiiisgo