Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1901, p. 2

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mmmmibd i canadas guests here itwktnjthkal li how of tha 1 litl oarenla on utdwufuirrat by i i- t j ulllyerd ur wllliani udum ip utm i 1iu v elihrouier ail ol copanueam out i imihu ol 111 utn aoroi tha conllnnt ftbe ttatx jxtt flrcss iiiiillbuay hbitkuhkitluoi itxjl uoiyouial notes 1 lo eleclun pel woo egeinet thotnei lluu m v dtmlad at oluwi nt monday with ooet no evidence offered quebbchovailv untuntains ilojal tbolr death op j u phahbon an aotlvo mil uaotui caror b dny turmlnnlod last baturuay tb hoeiv daja of grao granud by lord kilohnr ended on monday llo far tha unmy hu taken little notlc of ih proclamation nobody mini to know wbukhobaiikibttliup wlu bo that ik will have the effect of aooa andlog th wmr la th ro oat lo be daalred ily tha death ol postmaster ilennant tha milton poetmaalerahlp a veoant among tharnoet proroloank dusm mentioned lor th billon a a air j ii- mcgeliom w lit llodaay and mr lucbard whit ejilor ol th lltform klthar ol lba gentlemen would creditably all lh poluon and b aallefeolory to th oora- roonlty all loyal lltuan of that dominion will unite in cordially wwloominfl oar fatar king and but ooaaort to canada it la iba aerneet bop that th visit to tbia ooantry will b onaol nnallo7d plaaaot tba bo untoward incident or accident will oooor to oaue tham qoaasine and tbu after tba journeying afa orer thy will carry bom with them pleasing taoouecllone ol lb brightest gam in that crown wblob wa bop tb dole la vet deellnad to wear an anarohul plot to aaaaaeloat jopb chamberlain baa baan unearthed la london utinunjautft jeweller aotn- moned on pargeaoa to blfl ahop two or thro day ago and altar expatiating at some length on tb misery oanead by tba booth african war lor blah be id mr chamberlain wjl tpoalbl told him that be and hi aaaociataa would mala hltnrlail ba would kill lb baoratary pargoaon rafoard uu offat wbaa j no aaolld biro and u kluad lo tba flght that followed tb great stoal strike which began on jane 80 w brought to an and at aoon- jilaasc hapternbar it tb yacht ophlr having on board jlojel hlgluoeeoa th in and doohass or oorw1l and york arrived bar about nine ofllnok monday morning eoorted by poaerlul waiahlpit llfl llrltlah nry a th proild altl approaohad her mooring immadlaulj in iront ol tha klnga wharf uadaf doffain trro great roan ol war auohorad olo hy kwaitloft bar arrival lu a una cxtandng dp lo oppoalta oapa piarnond th cwmxni th irofcrryiiu lb fhycx and tb 1aliaa roarud odl a wloomlron lb month ol tbalr oanoon which ww taken op and rpld by au anawarlnh aajnu ol twanly on gooa from tha bat- taxle on ahora tba walooma hra ba ba moat ao- thouatloar way thai aranlng ol tba vull to quvbao wa cbaractariaad by a brilliant lllorulnallon ol tha warahlp and taarnahlpa in th harbor a ponrlrig rain had partially apolld th tnoblllaatloo and nvlaw ol tb troop on tb 111 o a of abraham tody and toolaht th weathar wa oold and raw th gloom of tha bight bower only auqaiflad tb tllarnlnatloa of tba bajrbor aud olty th firework mak ing a brilliant roregyotinoba loky atting of the aky tha koya tralo atartadoot on the toor ol tba oontlbent at 0 4s tb roorpl pres mc dead notwlthatandlnir vorabla byrnp- tomi at flrat hi hart action watkonad nnd h dld on sat urday a nation ork qhier linrvilo bpt- 17 tha bop whloh had aprodg op and ukaa auroait growth in tb braaau of tha people that tha uuid bnltat bad failed ol lla parpom ud that prealdant uoklnuyfl ik wa tovbaaparwd tha ooantry which tevorod him pro vlr th baluf whloh had ooma ao jojlolly lo oar amer ican ooaalna that a pedy recovery wa woold follow tli wk ol patient antforlng exrooaooa early friday morning a and- do urn lo th wore cam oar the ptinu a day of racking aoxlaty b oama a period of dull deapalr with the eeltlog ol tb ton it wu evident that lb and wa at hand that ilia dying ilhoruy altar aeveii oolook li hurday rooming aoton an flared tbo iota by doath of a dlatliitfuuhad ojlaoit wh peni mora urn and took a depr titlerat in nuf rouillaipal adaira tban ny tlr clll eliioe luoofioialluo rjuarler ol a lentury go with iho aliinl icoplli ol lb 1u lamented w ii htoroy tl iut ue l aolon onoattirday morultig dtb aalud our ulaamed ex iuoo j ii leon altor but a law houia ocndninenl to hie room for nearly two year mr irateoo had boon allluil d it wa eventually du- ooiorcd that crlrru dlaaaa had faattned lla fange upon him but ao vlgoioua in plrlt waa b that bo rarely gave way to- paln and weakneaa hut kept his tlaca bravely and trauaaouxl both privet and pnblln buelneae when hla aolloud body and trind ah on id have bran at tepoa ii waa in uia atom a week ago yoeterday but on wedoaiday wa nnabl in laav hi bed and gradually and peacefully iii ebbed away suicide at m postmaatar hannknt shoot et him- boir through th hal on monday dbath verv quickuv follows i qrbwbon8 connbrs famooo bald on batorday boto ibe uader ol tba amalgamated aaaoolatlap audoffioera ol tbo aobaulaxy oompanl ot th united btetae btael corporation ao agresmant wa algnad qndar whtoh tba toon relarnsd to work in lb mill thai blva ben idl on monday morning tbi antumbeepnent waa taoalvml with aatlafaatioa throajrboo tba oouotry generally and especially by tb famlli of lb 60000 atrikar the following olaoa afpaar in lb pnambl of tb arnold urea- 10000 loan llylaw a pobllabvd u tba uaorgatown iloau laat wak ind wbraa tb aaid oarporalion of oeori- town uln -trm- that it we and la tb uurmlttailou of anoij itrotbara glow u ajiu- faatotv in any oaa to remove from acton afor iaha mini to kobmlt lor tb approva of lb tjoilaj klaotora ni tb vulag of uaorttoin and to anally pa u ao appvov by tb vat of tb ld lotora a bjtw to il to tbm tb ald klanniaauirvr a bonna by wy of a tout of th tin of tn ttiouaand dollar payabl in oaah and to pea a bylaw to exempt tb aaid uannfaouum from all tale and otbr a mania upon tb fatoiyallaboudinatook and plant tbarain nf tb eald manufacture exoept aabool tajl for a pwlod of alataani yart a brinartv aet out and to pcovu tbf au mabfatarr wltti watr tn tbalr laotory tre fttxn all ooat upon tb term and condition bwjtt men umd the ooadluona are that mr urbrt t arnold will employ at laaet forty henda vu twantyfoor girt tan taa and alx boy daily bandaya and ugal holiday ex copied tba member of lb armor their f am iliea or uavellaz bob to b inolodad la tha above forty band that b will carry ou bualoaaa in gaorgatowd for alxua yra tbatna will giva hi pwaooal bond and a first mortgage- for amooal nf bono a ou tb alx dwelling houeeal b own la anton and a urat mortgage oo tb property ba i to bebdr la georgetown that hla payroll khall aggragau at laaat tljxo a yaar ex- olualvo of ealary or ronianratian to roembert of tb flrm or any marobar of their family or thlr traveller that b ball repay tba loan at tba tt ol j100 pr yjt until tb expiry of tb alxtaan year wbati tb fall amount then rrnlulug uu paid aball b repaid to th oorporatlou tbd vou on tba byuw will tak iklaae on th 6 lb oolour bext w aull th and ha oomal a mighty uatlon mouroe and lb world bow th bead in eymptbllo grief all that la mortal of wm mokinuy u epeading to it ll rtlng pleo at hll balovad bom at 0 anion- th nation ba officially and with etata oeramonle paid it trlbuu bt rpcl and tov to tb oory of iu etriokaa chief magistrate this wa elmoel th oloelng aot u tb awful tragedy whlob ba drawn tb olviuaed world to laar milton juelus tl loanoii wa burn on hlatorio grouud ua the oh looambr ibm hla blrtbplao being th old windmill farm on the ht laoreno near mallland which in novemt jhj7 ugurod aa be atrong bold of- lb iattiol and which they hlvforaevrl day agaloat tba llrltlah foroa ondr col dundee but were with tba aid ol mr iearaoua grandfather at but rooud and compelled to eorrcniler mr iearooa father wa andy iaraon who aurvlve him and reside at clifford midi the old ron llama k la eighty flv yra of ego aud when vlelllng hie boh hi last year was strong and vigorous when a lad tha aubjtot of uila akeloll waa appren- uoed to a printer almertlokvlll but put in ily nine moutbaat the art praeervativo of all art the family removed to haalone corner and br th youth grew to manhooda estatr ani eventually en gaged in a general meraautlle baeines in may ltwu be wa marriel to barab lucre lla urowti of allien mrs 1eeraou d six oblldru mr h my hi wll uf mr v ii bmylh mauagwoi tb av jiwn toxoato j j- of tortag la irslrle urneat of lb unllod uuculo co uf toronto and arthur william and mia una at bom anrvlv hlra mr 1earaon dlapoodof hid buiuee at haaloni corner and look a poallloa a wboloeal traveller for tha flrra of woodruff d lientuy uanutaolurer ot proprietary medicine at brom ont lu inti thla bualuees and the patent medlolns butlneaa of tb let dr htgyard which wee vtb- heb aiasw pnr th ooonty lawn wae ulrred ai it he not been for years whrn it learnedlbet hoi llannanl 1uklmailar bad ootnmtued euinidjr tba lerribl deed look plena about ilaveii iolikk on monday ruorulug in a room in tb rvar of lit poet oftce and t of tl lr event wnt ilka valid are tba bvjlct went through th head and death waa auetentaneous no molva for tbo deed on be aeccrtained aa all hl bualneea tlre era believed to be in a atlafaclory ooodttioo ioetmaaiar iinnn4 we about forty year of age and leave a widow and six yoong children the rldeal bring ouleleven year if r if a eflotnud posl- maetar in iflm by ur v inuderaoo m 1 lla waa one uf iho beet laoroae player ol tba town in bis day wa a very actl to ooneervativq and at all times book a keen inttreat in the affaire ol the town ii waa lo the beat of health and and attended to hi tlullea th morning of th tragedy a uaual a private funeral wm hrld yehirday morning at ten oclook 11 corn culling and alio ft ling le now lb order of tbo day vueh borrow la fell bare at be death ol vreeldrtil moktalay tile flag bar was ball ma itll or tha aunontioament of bis daatb julio a uurobar from br ill attend ifatvret tlom frallvl l lle ilrlk churoh on thursday eonl a lr number from thi vlolulty will lake in cuolph kehlbllion lbl week mies j uomlllan relumed liom from call or ii la ou baturday aooompnll by her nnole mr mcmillan of newman cab who will epend eome time with friends mis i c tompkins uorglown ie vlelllng at jarae gambia and other frlsudein at vicinity mlse aunlouok ol toronto is visit ing st mr hubert ilrop r itobort coleman 1tt laat ihureday for auntavill john ilayar catnpboll villa is vlalling frlande bar mua a coleman lalt laat week lor gall where ehe has bog red a situation gentlemen itbs imbtrtisfintnl properly tw sale c i your aiieniion i my urgn and cntnplolo aaaorimeni r i and ilomcetlc sullinjy r ht mitbunie bbarllng llrjadaobo 1owder aroay to take barmloa lu aeilon and uro lo cur any headach in trotn b lo jo mloutes hlmmlnk and wuruiin invito you i tlml it h i yu may 1 puwd lo oercollnjs lrge i laieal and ranm up k dala goods i mfwiclally ii iwiip xirge and vicuna 1 bey aro ebsolulolv last i rjri riiaianlro coca wllh carh plrui any arliclo of itnl ihiim any chanjjo ol color wllbln lu- years wllh conslanl uy will tnreflndl all ilarn mftrkfe1 in plain figurra i employ rirwrt wolkmru and uan nolhlng but the ixat uf ii nay drtpitnd ujijii polling all clulhlnff correct in siylr fit l ll you hatn ncvr txen a cutlumnr ol mlnn cordially jx i niysitmk my wtlrsman aro courteous and ubllulnu ony troubla lo khow komiii and you aro never ured to buy itrrbicl frrilom lolock itivonnti my urr atock i shell l your iitder anil muurn you of jwrlcct aallsfactlun siiuiikit it ri iliac- prtifi lly i i miitiikict ft e nelson ndtkjk sicv rllli u ull wlillu ii tlitl i lia will i 11 tlatl iiilml m uulwllum 200 altk farm to hunt led ouimi lu ll unllenry iii wlui ono prlco only gxjr 09 wyndham st 1- f1h obo oaargelown u jabllant ovr tb vlolory won from lb kxoelalor of ur am plan at tba nbatnploaahlp maloh at mlllou last friday th atna showed thamalv u per lor players atid a again the wluner of tha penuanl tb ar th young msn who now wer tblarli do mnqaw 0 urwinlluld g bomrvlll h urwiu a 1 ureduy w luld f h wuou w bpnotf w cooper w q lolun l lrutu j vorgrav m coop oeo a llatuadan th uolf player war not bo sutefl at aclort on tialurday but they bad a very atljoyablafteruooaand deolar tb aoton goll olub know bow ier treat it imaal boa pliably a tie tar furuab of tb tuoat hjiprovn typo will shortly b luatallej lu lb melho dial oburcb mr w a vramt author who wa operated upod lu voronto lalt wk for apimudlohl toaklug aatlefanlury pro- urea toward roovry tii oouuoll ha kodd to defend tha aaa aiklubt than lu th high court blue tba aruold qlov factory bylaw ha beil publlahd i her bnli to llxv epruug up oooajdarebl oppoaltlon to tb ralalug of lb 10000 to aour th busj- naaa mrv puller ba bu elacud lraaldenl of th epwurui itcague and mr ixarry o day foot of th uapuat voung lvpl union th itruu le brglug tb oouuoll to re pair th daugecaua plaoe tn th ldwelka at tb town mr laohlau gltaul baoraiary lvjuaelng agricultural booiaty be been very bouy man this weak aendlng uul prli tlel and othr m attar for tb exhibition i babald la anion on lb srd and alb october- th fellow wboear he uooeer tutu ad up at tba bottom vldittly buvt that uub good thru deaarv another thr i du form of kidnayj trooble from a back soli down to bright diaeaae that dueua kldaey illl will not taller or our u you ar troubled with auy kind of klduy oocuplalnt uaa doaaa rilla tbaaad vololdof mr b ifenbaotpost muter on monday morulug wa a shook to ihu coram unity general sympathy u fait for tb barafi wlf and ala littl one all of wbom ar under atavea years of a tbar ar a number of applicant for tb vacant poatmakurablp mr b v mortlnnon who bold lb patronage of th ooauty will hv an ample cumber ol vary exollnt applicant from wblob to oho tba county fair next week promlem b a big enooeaa tb melton old boy from toronto will make things bum ou friday nabsaqawsva tb raoalpta ol th ebsneaer barv bora wafa llbojli john icltoblog eeq and wlf ar oon- btmplaung a trip lo adberu n w t to vlalt tbelr boo inlaw mr o moffal mra hump from firitlah ooldmbla la vmtlng br molhr mr t llober tb llbeufeaer miaalon circle had a rjollllng at tb paraooag on day irul vreob mock ol tb cjolll brut a text of eoriplur beautifully worked in it th iu fill b aent to bile k lalng mis- alonary la japan who weal from uia beneer chnrob mlaak klatobar bej ba alecud dale- gat to attend tb womens missionary booiaty annual meeting to be bald lu gall aooa grow g occasionally rgquluu atonic mboicinc chased and opera ud her by mr ttio mllbnru wer united and moved lo toron to th be w oo partnership bing mtlbura uaiilley a ieeraon lb bitsluea con tinued far four or h j ears in this relation ship wlieu moasrs llenllvy and xearsou toll red mr xlaraon ihtu settled lu aoloa at lb luvltatlon of mr w ii btorey who was a inliroau friend of mr mil bum and through him formed a warm ecouiu- tauoeahlp with mr xearaou during hi first year lu torouto mr ieareoo and hi family eullerd lb bevernat blow that oould befall a jitpy family dipbthtria wai raglug lu th olty and ihejr bom wa auioug th elrfokau one within three weeks four children war uku by this dread oeaeam though heaflfolt sympathy waa x tended on all idea the eveut was a orueolllg blow no to be forgotten for lb past twenty years mr pearson ban conducted a bucoaasful hardware grocery aud crockery buelneee lu actou though a quiet doinaallo life was beat aulled lo hie taste he took upon himsflf tb dull of good cllfkeiistiip andsltr repealed rvrjuasu on tb part of tha rale payers became a member ol lb municipal council after several years of faithful brvio a councillor be wehauoud heave and wa also a member of tha county council in 1176 be retired feeling that he bad contributed all that wa du of bis aervlow lo tba public upon the death of w ii btorey whil holding th ditto of uaave la march 1603 ha wa again put in noraluatlon however aud ou tba mill of thai month waa agalu elected iuv ii continued la oftled by aoalxmstlau until tb do oflaaiyerglviu fivau luqtfl exacting allentlou to bis dullea than lu hi previous term of ofno thla wan uooa- altaud because of th lusullatiou of tb municipal ouotrla lighting ttyeum after tb favorable vol of lla property owners lu november igotj to 111 poraouat at uallou lupervulou and luvosligittlon ie du th fact thai aotuu has a superior falectrlo plant at much lees coat uia a oould liav beau uacuted wlhout this oloe per sonal attention aclou la also largely liidsbled o title faithful public servant for tbwaajtlypdilebl j m qqi esquesing agricultural society 55th annual exhibition kt kcton on tlmrsday and friday october 3 5d i splendid jrcvised and enlarged prizr list speeding contests large herd prizes tugs of war for ilalton wellington peel hall open and illuminated first night grand concert on tc second night list of special prizes it will kel th blood malt ioct and purj8trnathn tin nrv and prevent dollno mr iilram luuklar lb wlf of a rs ptd farmer lu south 1mb em townuhlp weluud oouuty ontario says it la wltit great pleasure that i glv this tribute to the b1lbratoriug virtue of dr williams lmuk ill la wheu my daugblsr itua uow thlrlu year ol age bageu lb ua of your medicine a tlttl over a year a sbd wss luta luoat wrlohed ocudlllcii lu fact we were seriously alarmed 11 aha- tulghe uol roovr tha oral aymptom were a felinj ot uuguor aud weakueas gradually grow ing war bh bnm pel loot heel had i title or no uppetlt and wei apparently going into a decline ftually the trouble boaiii oomplioated with a perslsleuk aor throat whloh gave her great difficulty in swallowing i gave her beversl adv mvdlolnte but thay did not beoeflt her tbeu bows puoed udr tba oar of a doctor who said her blood w- poof aud waury and her whole- j onluttd a bilf sarvlo at ayum bsdly run down th daolori matt war then i traaluieut did uol help bar any uud thsu acting on tli advb of a bahhbor i began to give her dr willleins lhik i tli th oouduanc with whluh this inedialu wu urgad upon us was not luiaplawd an i soon holloed a dutluot improveuleut- lu my daughters condition th ua of the pllla for a fw waks longer ssetnul lo oomplu- ly raator liar and from that tins sb has been a cheerful light hearted girl the vry picture of health i will always reoonl- taeuddr willi u- llnk pills to other sufferer feeling sur limy will prove ijulu a eluoaolous a they did lu my daughurs mother with gruwlog daughters will tuak bo to la tak ii they luelel upod th oooaaioue ua of wuheme pink pun they will hatp lbm ui develop proparlyi r and thus ward otf dlas and dsollu th knulu pills ar sold only lu box bearing lb full bam dr william pluk pills foe- pal people on tb wrapper around aoh box noa oibr i genuine tio matur what aom eelr lbtratd deaur may ey if in doubt send niic to dr willi m uadlolb co uiockville out and tba pills will b msljed poet paid ai-aooatii- a box or ilx box cor isc0 for ilia inauguration of graucliihla pxve- meuls mr ieareot formed tew alas frleud- ships but tliow whom he counted as hie frleud oould bank upon his support under all olroumstauoeti ii wea a man ol de cided opinions and when ha oama to- couolublou upon any subject he would not b gainsaid nor persuaded to obaug as has been said ha wes a man of itomsslla preferences ii m hums wsj hu cm lie atld h family iutaresls had hll warmest oo near ii sud beat hiyeotlons wluu not at huilue or altsuding to filolel dulls he wis invariably fouud with his family aud look eepscial delight in lh oompauy of his grudeou masters peavaou and luilnh h my lh ii wa a couwrvatlv in pollilfls aud ao adherent uf ilia pre- hyiarlan churoh tha iytiipathy of lha criiiiiiunlty lu with mrs iv i son and her fw m ily liitfiulr aor tseaavsiueul tha laat sad rllee war performad ou tuiilay at 10 a mhav ii a u th dsrly borne to ilia heara hy tha four sun mr hid j lb sou in law and mr wm llrown or georgetown brother ol mrs pearson tha members of lh present and pest oouuolla and uoejd of kducatloli preceded th hears to tba g t it depot end hundred ot olliaeiia tidluwed a iiumlur of old frlatide tb 0014 at turoulo aud accomnauud it a til jsmee cemetery wher uioiit waa iiiidf ilia veusrsbl ibav alx williams llecur uf 111 juhus cli torouto nfllcutliig et the grav limumousu dr geo 11 moorr of vraukforl ind spiul a few daya at th homu ut hie fathei mr johl moor the past wk tli special arvloa lu th mulhudlat jlnjfohhavbo oiitiuuel this wwlt and ar well attended mr john moor hsa returned ruin br trip lo th pu auterluen the bunday aohool ubddreu at to hold their plo nld nu vrldsy in ur lindsays btwh weathar periullltug children cry for castoria j speeding horses etc a 40 trot or pnc tipeed nnd vnluu coumdercd milo hcah 3 ins iktvis hklvio 3rd5 3 oo vi each teiitry nlong with inentberahln ticket will iki charged lu thlt race 4 to enter 3 to iturl lormcn unco trot or pac ipood nnd value con hide rod mile hcula a in 3 opoit lo hormjj hint imvcr iaoii money pn- vioua to ixt soptenilmr iooi and to bo the projicrty of a farmer actively working not lea than so aerrai and owned hy hint not lcx1 than 3 month before tha 5th october ior and lie driven by tho owner or hbt son provided uio driver in uclivolytjiiyaked in farming iktio ami 7 3rd 5 33 oo hou vyaarokl koadxhir lit hurncss xpeed and vnln connld- ercd hi 3 i mil lieftba ikt 5 and 9j 3rd j 10 w slow unco runulntr half mite licata lt a in 3 i o inir nor anythliik for tho puntomt of whipidiik allowed horacrt to bd ridden by owner orliu win of nnotjier compoung hors nt pair pallia value 4 by w cooper tailor actou aud sooiui valuo 3a 00 bv johutton jk co furnlturo dealer ctou j 6 00 hcstdoublo turnout road or carrlaga clais s by rolmrt akhbw acton s licit sliiflo tuntout carrinkd rujf by j ii matuiowi acton vnlun ilefit lady driver blngla rijf rdotcn cabinet photos byll kamxbuw acton vuluo 3 licit colt or foal of torn hy swallow service of swallow for iqo3 hy joint williams acton bcit carriole colt uny ao or breed tervlco of terriiibtoii hoy for iryia by c head kramoaa lt sucklnp colt from woodland performer ncrvlce of the cnrrlag rlallion woolland performer for tooa ly andrew liltlc izijiueitluff p o cattle sheep and hqqs hcfit herd of thorouklibrod durhuma 1 main and 4 emaleit 3 of tho retnaleit lo be over 1 year by ueardmoro co acton caali 00 ileal herd of any other thoroughbred catue 1 mule and 4 females 1 of tho fomulwi to bo over 1 year by j110 r barber u p p crudi 10 00 lloiil pat ftoor or heifer by nell puttoruon butcher acton best peuoileiccnler sheep t ram and 6 ewci prot si the eyes at forty require assistance when you are this age reading or noai work becomes an exertion and fjlabses of just enough strength to relieve all strain should be obtained we are experts in this line we examine eyes free of charge and guarantee satisfaction q d phingble and jeweixer vx kj jll jjx jul 1 r ur 1 uularlo uie lit m in ri1l luiiiaein kuu1d acr iiaia are xi hoim 4d1 iluwu u wly plo rrall lil temea klhii1 liiajm lll u th- ilylaahi wteii wlaud iitii 11 i l utbultllniij hate ealoi hat at it i barn jolll watwoh woprleuii muntcipaiiltv ojf acton new hailwav in nova cotia mann jb mokonxle wiiibulld new lload from hnlirx to unrrlribrton hibrii h h bepulo tboj icra bcolfa government ba tlgned a con tract with mackeual and mauu for lb oon- abruption of a line of railway front halifax wood scufller by john mcqneeu agent acton value is bent pen of llacon llogii three each not bstf than 160 lb or more than sou by a p ii jones ksq manager ivador hank guelph ciuh dairy 16 belt 10 iba uiitlcr in 3 lb rolu by the t kalon co toronto lira cajml prtata 350 i so i vva 17 beat 10 lbc ihitter in jiquiid prints by b ii mcgihboruj georvetown donor to receive bulbar cash ib hkt 10 iba nutter in crock by mm j j holland acton donor to receive butler caili t 3 19 heat 10 ihu butter in jsmmtl mils wrapped with butler paper prlnutl by tlio acton fuwpaus by ii p moore acton 30 u 6 iba ilntter in pound priubi by kenny hro acton ilonflrtlocelvcjiiutr pair loobi or ahoes value h a 3 1 hct 3 liuupoimda butter in prints tieatnwa and quality by r v warren publlaher utfu georgetown butter to be donors caih fruit grain and vegetable 33 held barrel northern spy apples by it agnew acton donor to receive apple caaii 3 00 6 00 heat bap snow apploi receive applea cai by ii uoor acton heat halfdoseti pall apple by u d warren ku gcojrcotowii utrmj the tltrm 1 year value donor to publish e f 3jiet sualiel cap sheaf pull wheat by rnoble donor to receive wheat caali 36 heat a bnaliel turkey red pall wheat by r noblo doner to receive wheat caali 37 beat sqiluah weighing 150 lb handaoiua cutter by goo j thorji soodsjiiaii guelph value 3b beat squash to beat the record of ioo via 333 lbs beautiful botoi itlugle harneaa by geo j thorp soodanian guelph value u 1 30 heat hquash weluhlug 300 urn or over larite kit saskatchewan huffalo robe by geo j thorp koodsmau guelph value 311 llett squaah welghiutf ajit iu or over king waahuig much- ino by geo j thorp ileedamun guelph value 31 heat squouli weighing aoo lb or over a lavorite churn by geo j thorp soedamati guelph value miscellaneous ajmrut attractive exhibit in hall by merchant manufucuircr or agent by ii p lawwin w fatewarltowu cobii iit w3 and a 33 ikht collection luduu pttncy work mutt liavo 1wmmi made by eahibltor within lanltwo ycam artilk in thlii collocllim not eligible for society priaoft let i3 and by h p 3p 3 00 7 00 5 qp lawuin zu bent pair douoo wool miitii by pretddullt donor to receive tho niittn caith hefct three pits anplo cream und pumpkin tl sou acton uu iced cake vuluo uot collfctlloii autubeur ihotoa by c c siulght gimitu to llid valuo of heat letter nmilying for avituauoti by boy or girl under iu yeata of uge ly h p moore actou taiiii lkt 10 potindrt honey htrulned by c w kelly guutph donor to reculvo honey caali host hlnijle hlifu htapiier muro or gliding by h acut llunk of lluiiilton geurgotowu cauh by t ttlalham actou ornayelh 5 00 5 ou tugs 0 war purse sfsolst 10 2nd 20 3rd 10 0rkiiila1lifjiiifitlira hnmftn w pe and city of guelph tinjdvwau ruir sk feobof n draw fioni ftutto ti uldu iiiiimiu poothold allowed toanis in lmtirlwo alkmeu pltll to iw ileal two in tlue culiuilustmliaw for plale rnpelo iw one und oile hjilf luthes all flic hien in each learn to lie iwlfluulu of tho county rout whkh they uiiuu but ttny ihimlier of teams uy ioiiw from each county a iitlr t hail to to iw uiveiliuth tuaiu henry wllrjon proaldentl i grant cegrgotown 1 stoorotary to harrington willi a branch irom hiw germany to caledonia corner a toul of bout 300 mile tin government ar toglsa maokeukle and mann in oaali or in provincial uods 413606 a mi charg ing them hi par oenl j they will alea traooiuo from lha domlgjon government a auuidy of 8200 a tniiel thlsamounla to atoulof 110700 a mu the contract promlae that mackensi and mauu muil not ian any seoorllle on lh read for th purpoeaof ralslrg funds and the government take a fit at mortgag on lb property tbu is tb blggo flnauolal under tak iu nova beotla government has grapplad with and will mean lb payment by them of over two aud a halt millions of dollar th oama of makbuttle and manns oompiny is lh halifaa and bontbwlern good health is mpoailbla without regular kollou of the bowels laxsidvr pills rcgalal the bowels our constipa tion dyspepsia blllousnoaa stok headache and all alfeelloae of the organs oi dlges- uon price oenl all druggists thk fall talps list of kmhlbltlona whloh will moat lrtteret pra press headers ceulrajqueluh ttepl ww woitham walkertcu hepl 11119 moruiyork mewuiaikt bant iflbr bineuvule lupl ss colhiiwuod tteplww ualuu uiiuu m ueptmlrf tinffwinoraliiivllu uyumw waurjuru ll rata ij lou deuth waurloo oooa111 owen hound s-rafalnarluivula- huiiuealug icilou woem valr lloekuu malaou c- oeutr wellington rgus tutitplllvltlt vreelloii krla urlu oeb 1 oeblsl got jb get 0 oct oebae oeb s4 oet 00 oot 0 oel 1111 ool is- oel 14lt ot lf18 soft f harness n oaa bull vnl bar- a as of a a bio d aa uhictt awtr by i a utlublfjsjilar mil qll i tensuiaaua uat tce a ereuaaruy w eureka harness ob 1 makes a pom lmk in u awe like twrw uiul pun wy blho1 oil ge ieetj lu w m nrvh- kali t laruu ait usriir new telephone directory thi nicix tiuiphonr com- lahy op canada will lsuo a new bubbcrlwu bireclory ar tho dulrict of weueni ontario includliik the town of aclou early in uctolwn order ir new connecllum clianjjc o firm immeo elc slionli be placed nt once lo liuura appear- anco in this boob kt broirlzm ijooaic mamaqku w ba11beu bros pap6r makers i georplown srlhtatorio nows colqrsp pkpgrs john k uakbhlt wuen voo want ilour and oatmeal- uutou1l i ouerton ttlsid eoan kills tba beat in lb taarkel- all wldaawak dealers uae lb usua quality prioe rbjhl hknry hortop notice ru udoor uie jud ut uie county county of hal ton at ue town halt in th vlltaaeol aoujuoii wttdkehday betpt a6lh 1001 at 3 30 oolook in tha aoaraoon to bear and datermlde tlie aaveraj com plain la at error and omlaaloos in the volar jt of tha alunleipalltr ot the village of aeton for 1d0i all lieranna having liualiiobs at lire ouri ar required to atutid at uie aau urne and piaea ti10h t uoohi clerk of the villa or ioloo dated at aclou llttlh ju11 dyenc gkmmlills dyking and clean ing works cupxph 1 he place for gentlemen to have tbelr suit and overcoats and lad leu garment and hauuthold col cloaneti nnd dyed ostrich plumes a kpcclaliy miss mlttlyvam agant anoy- 3 oodv- a bread confectionary fruit store h i eel kctow mills lumber lath 8hincleb and wood diikssed lumbkh nouah lumbeu 1ath biunolts and stove wood ov atx kinds kept constantly on hand jaines brewn terrnb gasli talking abaut 11 if yonare lalintfaf bjall suit we want lo do a llttl talking too our jw goad in jmmt ht lo we are interesled and wa think wa can lute real you by showing tham ulcgani sulllngs i1500 and up come in and aa them wm m cooieil muucitawttailoa mill stxwbt kotqist it tale lu tutlfy acme people it tales vry utile here lo get the best of aatlsfccllon from our puits now i hie tints to save money aud get the best values also lo have your furs tvnudd or remodelled at bununer prlcos wtmlaul ud hot all i l n e lafontaine cuelph avingpurchatod the bumneas lalely carried on by my brother j c mat thaws i beg to solicit a con- hnrt-nr- rf th rtnrryiin nalronape accorded him i will continue to supply all customer wilh webtomfl and willy am a debt bread buns oajces ito will loan a good assortment of con- phctionlity and ikush pkuits in season i will endeavor lo give satisfactory nllenllon to the wants of every patron mjos anna madd0ck mill syatrnr w actqm t p smith mliaiiiio fit bmtuauir uwllula nw vk 11ull tou10 call early and avail yourself of ids valuable acrvicea as this is a rare opportunity to have your eyes proper ly tested free of cluric no gueci workbut tt srictitific certainty litffi- cult catfcs iiccli ratcly fitted abt vouk juauantiltl ajrlttavtr m at lla imi will iih at agnows hotel aoton onbdkv ohlv thursday october 3rd pure spices per pickling black artxir white ivpher- 41lmaicri gilmer muainrd white muftnid kcrml curry pow tutnrin afktcn ttud clave sea our aejled toe packages xxbxllxmt wltoim mixed sp1cx conxa xouitr ijw xtajc you itrttx ttvaoxu saxas you jatm 7x t broiftcn chumibt acton ttia ontario seed and grain separator co limit1sd fmtquji ont wm hbmsiprebv maw haswocufed lha agency lor halton county far llxfl- perfection fanning mill and grain separator manufactured in tergui this lu the mill which is creating so much talk and excitement among the thousands of fanner who have wllnoxrd us operations in cleaning aud aeiurdllng all kinds ofgralu mid seeds at the ollarlo agrloullvral col- lege guelph during ihu excursions through the mouth ol luii li is the mill which took a lug and a half of timothy seed cleaned hy one of the alleged intent improve mills ready ior sowing hut baturday during the lla ton punnets 1 acurhlou and teinoved over a tieck of toodu of injurious woods including lainhs qturlur cunsiu ihulle shoeii wirrvc curlel dock pigeon ueod calch ily blnj- dandflea- it will pay fiiriiierii to have mr hem hlreet show them ihu mill liefor nurkoiing or ueparlng their grain and eeds or crop wahtk1 tutableleliabu oountv w tewiiit ijw ooi nualiulai hhutlull ukl hii weealy s3 per day autluuly i him aualijlil wipelu lnmy suls lallabu iwauu la ee ml ijw oomjikuy ol aolld year paraltle all sure and anuiu salary no iry wl 1 aaoli ualunlav atid wliauced eaau wee tam- itlaiaaoakltr lntioaim a vw tel11

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