Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 5, 1901, p. 1

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mi xt volumk xxvii no acton oktahio thulfflday ihmjismjtldl lildl price thbisb jknih be xlon 3fm jjrtss ib fouulhimil evkuy thurhday mornino at tm vrea rreaahuarti vrtnunjcoatre lbt htubbt aototl out tlnm of hu mom mow ou dollar per year triauytn advanoa alt aubaorlpuona dleoon ttniiod when 111 lltae for wbleh they have baen paid ba expired thadate to whloti every abaarfpuou u paid i donated on tb add ab a tmurne ua iun- trenal an t ad er uae- tneuia lqstnu par nonptnllllni far aral mtttoru a sdti par lujp for aei iubgunt oaattaaof ltt the following uliu thol oar rain for tbe lueerllon uf adveruaament for specified periods i al wo s mo i no 1 oooo 1 tatux 1 woflo oyoo mj od0 jl 00 w i 0 00 i bb0i tjm 1x0 advrtumeiu without apeelbo direction j will ba inserted till forbid and obuim uoord injdy traaaunt edvertleemetiu nul be pm inadvanee ajsvwrtieament will ba ohangaa odm each month if daalrad for ehaajt ofleoar than aooe a monui tbe composition muat ba paid for earaarahu rata cbeabforeobrfeatadvartlaroeiiu mill oa nib ofqoe by noon on tueedaya aaooobui payable moo lb it wuhiwbb fiirficlofy j ohnm macdonaid m dc m christmas goods days bookstore toy books childrens books fancflldka camos toys blblos etc- pays bookstore quelph drv qd1is gtiattr trader bank df c capltalipald up sloooooo assots over 9oooooo cuelph branch mxxt ixxiu ru ioatomux savings dank dopartmortt niohbht ou1uiknt uatif of inthuhht paid on iitu rferoafui f i end npwimi lotaraal allow njtn dile of d posit tn dal of withdrawal paid of com pound ad lialf yearly adreiioe mada to raponalbl firman ou their owuriatuee at lba lnial our run i ratoa no charge mado for oollecllng asiaa noias if merchants bank of canada j v uiusn m o m omoaanuraaldatie rjornar u1u fradariak treataaotou offloa uour to 10jbj w i lo 1 1 tu and t to t p aa t hos chay m d c m mcgill li ild 1 eiomoaou ifjraoalimow uubm liftman wamcll asaocutiow krt uookaaoft to tuktxt offloarfrwlahak suaal aoloa ool d r dryden xti ham trnftoa ikd noajt ootopt- woolwich ftod rtakar 8traw oueltif qmimaoiauhlfl soxdxb 10 am lolpm li bennett ld 9 dentist dtomirowv oirrxkio jm dklx ddb l d 8 djmt aotojf omotfovar uokaaa drag star ilojfo dftlnoitb or tojumtto uititt vuirmo ditb flrat aod tiilnl tnasdftta drooktllla friday ilockwood tba utaat anxiathatln hbb if daalrad 3 mackinnon lujuubrxa soucitok oomtktijicuu jd mclieod lubfturrm boluiiroftahu oommiuiom- umatuua awauatrra main btraat aaontalown ooorayasftlnjj dona and monay oaad da drat noitpii u rajrta propavty t l r j monaub clahaoiirtbuiujon oouri county of uml- looooaayaaor aaaurajtaa tiaaj katia asant lioaay to lon a to ornoa rrrymana dlook aotom i ont jj3cxxjurzo us d r a v hu3uand v s hon hatubar vatrlary ftcadloaj oomortr wordao a uarbar bbop datt door to rad btora uul trat aototf ynsuhance agent wuqienmy aaar4 xeaal oonfadantloa ufa amoelatloi aeaat union flra inanrauoa oompanua offloa young fun aaton h souoltor of taita for intaouoa at prpra appllaallooa fortlia outadian atnar- lsnadtaropaaii jataniomoaa miux for tba naataaratlon of tida uarka band for pn pbtatt thirty two yaara asparlassa f iranoib nunan wvndbftixa bt joalpl onltkho 7 orr wihuwauiora l amwt boois at ail kud tnaja t ordar jfortaaiaala of avar y daaerlptlod oaxaf oil y booud roilnr oail promptly dona m ariuaoe moensku- u r uooub imdm a uijlxaa luianafta frltauoaaa ko wttnaaaa vaqouaj laauad t raaidaoa la tba ataniug vnm pnaa offloa aotom w m quubxiuset klimxd a0ottoiixka for tha ooonllaa of walllaiton aud kajlon ordawalaflaatbafftsh pnaa offlaa aolon or kamyraatdanoaln aoton will ba promptly at- taododlo tariua l auo teoaay to lda on tba moatfavorabla luniaod at lb a iowmi rataa of lotaraat lo info auoud pwajda aubaouibmd btock cavltiti tlwifiac the wellington mutual pirh in8uranob company bmtd offlm atndlrfl oht f nbuttahoat on cb md uatoai plan auy upbchta jouh tiyllolt amat rstiowitw siuing houuhcluajing and moving iuafjivjiy gluo furniture mattresses simiingseicl aod johnstone a co q coiiftjoiil tboy cn fill your wanla vory aailauctor- uy tad ml tho uvwl living vf spocuiatlanllotiurlvwi to llphoiilriujf elibr in now warc or raoairlds i rtciura frmmlug u ajwculiy ml order reclv prompt lloilllun tho now uayawml sawing macliloo l tuo uvorilo beroabuuts nij jolmaiona fl co supply tbem croets matle up to onw nd jlotiafur- tsfaituo lo variety uouw llllnda o alulmu in alock jounstonb qo r foroitoro daior a undertaken main atirvetw capital rest 6000000 200000 boncj co c uelh ijoulru w l our atiara of frouli2 if bilavlnf and fiftuiu paln ara oftan ouh ud btaaf aud liaatl laaafaat uiylall tit at tba daya am nlihry and ullil hilnutrait wlisu waary laumaltuw tlilaoll puuat laa uonl wudl jlarajl tl 1 tliajoyaara hlaawal tl uiistil uislr llaarai to fall tliaffauaalu mtiowtlull aartlt lay baottr u011i1u ra than iloubln oaid and ilia laal til lo tsels a gunkhai hanking uublnjisj transacted inlorest at moitt favorable current raid allowed on savings dank accounts and dcpolt receipt b utlora of credit uucd avail 113 in all iuu ofthoorll ial atlcntloi ivcn to 1armera special buawa money ordeits roa amv uyu ur 70 1 50 tayabla afony banking poinfjjjjcanada ouialdoof ilia yukon rtortliory7 wray now b p at lit hank any delay acton branch any tmctures to frame any picture to vramo coott skhd to waters bros wynjaan mrl guelph exoelsior bakery and grocery in ajdll on lo our dally knpply of firat- claa dread catea iluoa ulc of our own maunlacture woaro now aupplylng lmh oyatert of the best bran da 4 our ovate parlor i now boon and palrons lll find tlielr orden filled wllli entire satuuctlon a larger atock of groceries and vlalona llian ewer bofcro and tho public know our price 1 are alwaya reaonable c3 t stathamson main st acton ia wukn 100 waht iloujl nd oatmeal eiiefiron xnd od9n jwtlllls bbhnp ytiutltiuttajukat t all wtd amwbm it bu llmlliy wl klut ilknky iioktoi 1 acton- overy bus line a of tba public aitd lofonua tbam tj wtimvjttlppa4ajl a4yilv -bl- al ar b sauwd alula aublaa a eomforubu bu tuaata aj ualtta balwaaa id a to and 10 i uaraiul attautliiu gln tiiavaryordai tba waiibl uf llouun ars la itrava i john williams chin6se lkuisldry lu earaoiia uuitdlntf willow sut actou taundqr collflctod aiulralumad family waablos at roaaooa ralaa all work dono by haod no nutcbluai or obofnlcala ad lmm vlxh bi i limy ara ijiiariihecil uccuralo oui attmli includra mlcromcltka cut ii pern i bread ganc llackaawa coinldiulloiisiuarch centra gsiicea uiuci etc s special loola procured on btiort notice eiuiulrios promptly allcndtsd to our prkra ura nlway rlkll 0hn m lioni co luudwallx cubiph new cutters season- 1 oo i 902- jutlt in all bargain common uealcd term caabor on time alao ucbea blaiiketi rtia kubltar aprona wlilp halteratle slrapi klc all at apodal prices geo j thorp oppotlle market gublph the country 1902 gentleman tba only agrlcuifurajjews- paper iwi aiiuittxiif v tuu leading agricultural jour- nal ov the world u varyidapart ui buuaattutboritl noothar papaf pralaada to tomilala wllb ft lu guaufloatlooa of vlltorfal ut ulaa tba andoultural nbwttvtui a itift of iot avau aluuibud by otliaia lndispknaabrb to al countiayresidents who wihh to kief up yjvfu th tlaleb sbxxl sulxoriptian 4xb0 two 3ih3cxiptiaumt2 of jrt suba 0 oo bfjcotalinduoeukntaioitaiskilfl os- iia o jvu utiath t t bo otnu mkoiuuh coriuit will u biallad fim ou viut it will tuy attybody luiarii tmv way lit onuutry llu la aand for ulslil ajdraaj 111 publlabaia luthkr tuckeh a bon albany n v kctow vcllls lumber lath 8hincleb and wood dhks1sud iumuuk itouoii lum11hr jatn hiiinaua and ht0v5 wood ov all kindh kept constantly on hand ipermb cabh james brown amateur cameras fctstd s premo poco ray magazine cyclone pkintino jtrames cbinol 13 cenl pmntino papers solio aristo velox photox fhoto kffttfit rotol pclotsr- l4ruj it tmmwi oarln 0 julshudlutfaud roiwloi woiuaiia iovbuj bold ua oloaa aiil k ourliartlii thrall tliarsa homa to abaia togatliar lu cilia ur humuy waliiar wlillatka tiaartli najna bum it la a l world artaratl tha lliof eblldrana voloaa tlia nbatioa uf bappy a bill cat luilaaounda of liopa and faltli foa and tulabi uiat call tbl tbataualobaaotr tba batur daya bafuia m all cbulbloa u lilaka utu aajl world afur all haiunut u humuutf ou com 1 suod 5eltci family juatting 3ohn srangcro 0pportuiity uv w u koua jvunwood wa not a promlintf j held tor an aralltloua younj lor it waa au old town ootiaarvativr dull lion nroftreaaiva it waa a paltloularly ulipromuiutf eld for jobo grantor paitor p uia dullaat and moat oouaorvaura oongrauon in all dunwooj john flrangara bandi ware had ao to apeak ua kuw wbat waa expeoud of bim and bo koaw thai ba lomtot oaraup tba una tradition and precedent go orned hj board or traiteca tbay bad aaleoted blm beaanaaaaafa man badraoom- maudod utu and john bad gladly acoapted tba oftr uoad baeii tba malatant ht an aad pa tor wbo had parauud in holding fait to all bli prulleaa keaplod j oarafally in tbe biokground and jolin bad ootno 3 dunwood in lba ullaf thai bare ha would ba ma own tnaiter that bera be oould oul looid and try bla wluga new 1 a man mora tnlalakan wamlgblaa wall itava a oar under lain at tha atari uaaoon lllodgatt bad laid to blm aa tbay walked op i mm the railway atatlon wo are a quiet paopu and wa think our fatbare waya of doln thltiga waa juak about aa near right they could ba wa want atralglit goapal earmona nc the rood oldultanci we waut am without frill ami we wantem carefully praparad too and wrltlao out word for word and road juat aa writ tan 1 1 at j what wolf payln you aavati huudrad dollara a yr to do and that ll at dr bklmmarhoru akaurad ua you ould do aud u coura if i joqi uit add john you will drop ma at ouoe t but yoo will aull aam tba deaoon it wonbl uavar do for you lo hav ui drop you without a rafarauoa youll fall fight into jour waya aoou auougb my uuola johabod uaifardua itooiumauly raakouad one bf tha tuoul uplllthi of all the praaohara weve aver hid ive jot a alack of bla aatiuoili 4 bom aud ill let ya tike aoma of am to look over for modal a if you ilka it will very ih ika i auargatlo man of twenty blue yt john balj on ijaxbapa be felt thai i waa a moral siiolpljo lat ba baadad no daubl ha raallaad tlial it waa wronu to tbnow up on poilliau until h waa tjruln of anotliar thau ajjilu it la rjolta poaalbla that tha br aya of mry dlllworlbbtd bouiathlntt to do with ida uplrlt of vaaliinatlon alary waa a toaobar o ba lowu high aohool and john boarded at br tuotbara home terbapa tf lba board of truauee know how tnuoh of bla tim that tma for wbleh ba waapald ao liberally waa apaut lu mary dlllwottha company tbay would hare oallod hla to aooount in aport order ih abort it wag mary who finally recon ciled him to bla aurrouudlnga no doubt aba aoou okh to raallaa tbla and thaibouiiht worrlod her you muatut lat youraalf vaalat baw iha a id ta blm one avaoluij rhaaa aomathiutf in the almoaphara that ftdla ilka tha fahlod lotua and mikai the dunwoodita julta foot that tbara la an outalda world yotl tnuatnt hiaatba it too loug hut 1 oaul hold my braalb much lunger aaid jobu 1 feel that im u- boinlng h datura bef tbla will uavar do aaid mary you ara wattled and mttmud alee w lie r im aura of it alaaaald john wllb a httla aniile at athar vobouiatio im kfrald tbat thoaa who want aod uaad hid will baa difilaufly n tltidluij lh uuuu that ara bidden beuaalh tha dun wood buthal mary waa allaut fuy a momaut i think i aj a way to hslp ihluga ftloiim aba priaanlly aaid my falhta flnt partuar in batlua waa hfohard oanuody tlia inaiiufaolurar ha j7 a laad 1 11 a iiiambarof ou of ha forauioat of tba oily ohufobw it would uladly do ins a favor aud im golug to write aud ask him to 1t you fill tba pplplt tlira on a fluuday tliay intva bant lhair old pi tor d bbuyuol tiaiu putpltlabaliia aupplled durluif tba aprluu by ail oh ulut aa nan ba aaourad bare and tbora i will wrlta to mr garmoly at ouud aul you ahall poet lba letlar john a yee aparkt ob that would u dual ha 11 than ha baiuuj ilul bow can you a pi a lu youryuut oontldauoa lu ma t allttu liu i tinted marya roundad ohaak i atu not writing tba lalur lu tny own way aha leugbtugly aald aud the man wbo la tu raoolta- fl la a rland who baa known ui blnoa i we a vary httla girl i am aura that h will b glal to trual ma and favor raa and aak uu quaatloua and jobu bad watabad bar a aha bonl over bar writing bar gentle aya inuol upon tha wrk anda new ambition orepl into hi baart tba ambition to prora worthy of tbla dear glrla truat aud oou- fldauoa 1 83 tba letter wa aanl and lu due lltu john raoalyaxt n iovltatloq to fill um pulpit of theouy obuieli for a 001 lain hunday tba trualeaa bail no objtotlooa to bla o inr aa long aa ha arranged lo fill hi plaoo during hla brief abaanoa tbjy area fait a utile flattered in their ahiw way at tbla mark of recognition from hie oily obnrob at thaaame time aald ujojii ihod- get ii la an nnnaqal thlog fur ooaofour paalora to gu gajlivautlu rouud the oouiilry and i abould jud- ll tnlfihl not be aaafo tbltiff nalther it oould happen tbat the congrotatlou woald taka a fanoy to thaaubatitula an1 forget all aboyt the reglar hut john laugbiutly aald hed take hla obanoaa nn that for juit thia una time thai eveulnit ha told mary that it dldut inland lo wru out hi t ny w 1 uiun im faolng to try my baud at the unluoumbared alli- ha aald it may mean a breakdown but i dont expect it good aal i mary of coo raa you will not breakdown you will u loo well prepardknd to aucoawd 10 fear any anah cataatrophr you ara not only to pleaea on your aocoant bat at lba aamq time you aro- going to prova the exollriioe of my judgment bo john eat lorlli on bla htt pil and pioachd bla arrmoit and break down tlty were kind and aald plaaaanl thlogj lu blm and oar rood y wal aapoolally a and tbuy all hoped to bear him aain so ho came back ute alalad and ahared hlaalatlon ifltli mary who abouk her fair head lu a maimer that plainly indicated that aha bad aald ao all alomf il waa the eeoond woak altur jolina returti that a etaluluj tragedy ebooked lh town ooe of the oldeat and moat prominent oltlaaue waa killed in a brawl lu the dlareputabla ectlou ol the place familiarly known aa lba inlet us wa not a mau of the euioteet morality he bad perioda of overlndulgenoa lu inloxl- canu and ba had fallen in with the gang of rowdtaa wbo made tba iula botorloua the aaaanlt on blm however waa entirely unprovoked and title faol together with bl prominence made tba affair the groat- t aanaallon nf many year a memorial meetlug waa called by a the deeood looked dlaappolnted it too bad ba aald i apoao tbat waa tba onmmlll i taw you talkin with altar tha meatio of ooura i faooy youre gelt i a a good thing out of art iltut im real aorry yu ajol going lo alay wltb ua ita a good oalil lie pauaed aud turned to mary cant you par auadahlm toohanga bla mind mlaa dill worth t mary bio bed a bill and laughed i duot aw how i cap mr niodgal aha aald you ae we are lu ba married aoou aud i bava promlaad t go with two womkn him i waul to know i a cleveland plain ywrr 1 1 tbo ilaaooo at the country 8toiih cluu rrt d by l tbo leading local journal and a programme of apeakar waa oarofully arranged the ifiat apakar in tbo hat waa john granger ha bad ben eboaeii beoauae be rprnud a leading denomination and tint through any belief that hla elojuenoa would aid to tba auoceaa of the mellug tba oillaeua aaaembled lu uiagreal ware room of tha agricultural wurka and lung before the meeting upanvd the aeala were filled aud i hi re were many alahdlng ii waa a rathtr long maatlng and tba great audlene grow a little uneaey ilurlug the oloaiug addreaaa tbay ware crowding about t door when lh chairman briefly inlroducedtbo luy john grauger john walked to tha front of tba platform aud paiaed a moment bofur he oow meuotd he bad tyj uiauueor ipl to reatraln him hut be waa full of bla iubjct aud be knew juat what he wauled to aay ilia voioe waa oalm and a iron j and at bla flrat worda tha paople who were putb- lug toward thedoora paimad lie waa not rapaaliug what had ben aald bafore lie made no alluioo to lh iflaa tha town autfarad by the lmu nf thn liberal though i lmn inujuldfd illlaoii ilia addraaa waa h cry fur lba m ral purlaoa lion of tha puoe uocallwj upou all good blllimua to awake aud join hand lu thl worlr the paetoraalon oould do nothing talk would aoooidpliab uotblry irayer without praalloat effort availed nothing ilia aura of vlo waa ibera and it muatbe removed by herola treatment ha had begun bla addrae lu a quiet tpo dutprnllylawanmdlo buaubjadvajul hla vole iraw louder and tb worda poured forth mord rapidly ha cai led upaii lba poutlelaoa to ua their power to abcuh the plague apol he oalled opon the town o facial tha aervaula of tba people to do their aw or a duty h aeked good rnou and woman of all danoig hnatloua aud oreatu aud raoe and oolora la oom together ahoulder to abouljr lu thla oauae mek thla a aubjeot of dally eon- varaallou he oiled to lham take ii wllb you to your btora aud bhopa dairy it 10 tba poll aud mlugta it with your prayer aud when ha buddauly donf up hi band it waa au if h had a bheaf of inviaibl wir tbat led from bla lauaa flugera lo avory heart lu tha vaat audience aud a alarm of appuuia followed again and again tbay applauded lba aulbuuam riahtg a ba prooeadad until an atoviuaut cllnns otoeed bl uddrraa with tha aujlouoe utudiug and vlg muly crying w will wa will a ha aleppad from tho aid door ha eufiountered thrta gauttauiaa who war waiting for bim on of them ha had mat bafore tha other wr btrauger ilul they shook htuja warmly and war ohat- tlug in lb moat friendly way a tbay blowly paeaad up tho etret toward jobua boardlug bouae tha people who overtook bud paaaad iheui turned aud looked at jobu aud many of tbetit uodded aud boma bbook hauji it waa really an oval ion an ouu of lh gentle man with jobu remarked aud johu blub- d aud aald it wan rather etubarraing aa well aa uudaarrved aud whbii tho four men raaohad u dlllwortb gat the mau wbo bad mat join before aald aotualblug to him in an ear no at loon aud juhn mad a brui reply and ibeu tha tlireo mauahook liatidn with john and bada blm goodbye that avanlfni johu had a caller ll wau daoon lllojgatl tha doaoou aeanml a litllaauibmaatod a be tt hi tha parlor twitliuu thaliallliatlm jiaj ratmadto yield into maryebauda mr granger bo prediilly aaid im a ootmnlltee of one to rapraeeiit lba truitta of our oliutoh they hfcvd eut me ovar to olaaaadeal wltb you it aouithlu that abould have beau at lauded to btfor au they wan to sy tj you that they ara vary wu i laaaad wltb your afforta ye all i want today for mylf that your apeahih thii afleruoou waa au aalotilahar yaa air i didnt lbluk you had it in you why votl fairly leotrlrtad tbafulkw youve gut am etlrrad up ibey uer waa before an htod vlh oome of ll aud how mr granger i waut to aay tbat im anlpowared by the truatee to oonlraol wllb you fur two year at ihoo a yr an ita tba moat wa aver paid a paalor with one ur two eaoeptloua john ahook hie head youre a llltl too late mr ulodet- be amulnkly ld i ajiraad tbl after bo in tl baouuie aeeuolale paalor of a olt oburob 1 1 ull you hlah the only way for a man to do i lo make lit pile quick and have all tba fan he can aaid hank thete what wa kravnad lor home of yuarellgioua people are afield of bylia good time maybe it wouldnt bo a good time fir mo 1 havent an7 particular appetite for it thai juat it suh you baveut but of ua bave and what ara our app for but to aatlafy tbem 1 aald and what are our bead for exoept to mako em aohe and our brain to bo fudd led and our china to droop like aa old oowe wall liow arter all there 1 aomotbiag to that qarallon of alcoa aald martin ive oftan puxxled ova il man le a queer orllur be allua feeling ilk doing tho thing ha didnt 01 ur laaatways the thing be think he muatut what tba ua it natural i aay do tbe way you feel and hav lh fan you can you atari lu by baying you want lo be rich and lb next moment you bay you waut to be poor a lad how do you rack tbat oul j you want to make your btl aod you want to have your fling of tun and tbay dont g together man can only make tbemaelvaa rich by bard work of aome kind a rn money in juat 1st aarae way ab ha makaej manhood by flgbl- ing down bl appall u aud inolinatloo kvarylhlog tbat elide elide down when farma go tba way they feel they go lo weod and ao do men yoq have trot to flghl jour fecliuga all the lima it la una in blmoet aji tbluga that tba way of puaeur i tba way lo poverty and bavlng- fuu lanaver a fanny a it eeeme you igbt a welt break tap all your bit and burn your jrldle and then axpeot to iepe a amaah up aa to take the bit out of yonrown mouth and aaoaba mlaery s a 7i thewhono lkg tbara wa an eminent ftargeabt atlaw aom year ago wbo had a oork leg that wa a triumph of artlatlo deception noue but hi inllmatea knew for oaruln whlob waa the teal and which wa the abanr limb a wild young watf of tba ouler bar wbo knew the bargeant pretty wall ohm thought lo utilise thl know ujga of uia aergoa aeorat to uk in a geu had gad young barrlur tbe eergaant waa addreealng ft bpeolal jury at weatmluaur lu hlj xaual farueat and vebtuiaut btyla and the way wblipervd to bla neighbor you aea bow hot old huxtus la over hla oaaernuw 1lt bat you ft aovarelgu il run ihupin into bla lag up to the baad and ball uever uolloei it baa ao abaorbed in bla pacb ha a nioel axlraordlnary tnati lu that way i tbla waa more than the gruhora could wnontrleloavnb- bejftrhewartooar a large pin from hla walitooat aud leaning forward drov u up to lh head lu lb aergaauta larf a yell that fro lb blood at all wbo beard it thai made lh hair ol lb jury fcund ouand end lb judo wbj atmoat fall off vang throagh the court uy jova it tbe wrong leg i ive loet bty fcnooay exuhumad lb dluieyd aud bouaoiano alrlokeu wag quit regard 1 of the pain h had inflicted upon tba learned aergeanl tbo old lady waa abrltl of volco and and garruloaaof nature and aha drew tba aluotiou of lb other peaeauptrre in an lava lad iraln to tba yooug woman wbo waa ailllng beald bar tle ooog woman waa acoompanled by two email olilldren tbo old woman grinned ingratiatingly aa voxel limea at the cblldru wbo gevo her no anoonragament aflar awhile aha inruetl to the yoang woman an i akai in vuloe thai atlraoled lba alunltun of tha other paeeouger what rio hlll ohli i uuw oh j are tbay dear 7 home quiet reeponaa iby i bo ultlo what thai 7 i dool bear vary w tiia youug woman r4d br yoloaae aba blot bad baoaaaa of tba aluntioo of the other paaaorigara one la three yaate and the othor la two imy 1 ara tbay emere they ara brother and aislar wbloh on le the older the boy or the girl 7 tbo boy well wall i how many moqtbe ara there bewoaa theta ibo yooug woman beamed much annoy ed and ana wared aborllj 1 vlfuen indeed i are you tbelr aleter 7 no t jiy thl time everybody in the oar we looking and eom pitied tba young weman who faoa wa floabed at the peraooal quaationa but were obi i gad to emit at tba peralaunoy of tbo older one parbep thalr couein or lhair auutt ab heurded not hut you ara not their root bar are you 7 yon ara 7 well well i and bow long bate jrpo bean married 7 you are only ft girl yourself two young lo hate two audi big children 7 tba train drew up at lba italioo juat then ftnd tha young woman gathered her nhlldren together a ah auawerej with a aoap of bar big brown eye ive beaa married loog anough lo ba able lo attend to my own bualoeaa hava tuu uovsd vsau tlia aecret of te boauty of iaoainbertmiw tbe under tuna thai april baailn i love 1 love tba txaali up u lba oratt nl june and than lba wbla high iusuat bake type ol tlia ropbata vail wlileb allll tlia lot ami drana uimtiu aea ioceiiilliiu rum tbo heavenly bill i lova the fall bi katlailhr c octulmr nutlifg 011 a tjwr of cilpad uraa autouil lba abaavee tlj whit winter i i tba 1 i lova i v an diont flnti hkr honev a you beeo married a long a lhat 7 and ah awapt oat of the oar to wait 00 lite platform for another train that would not oonlajn a neb an unweloom queatlouer well 1 aid uia old woman aa the train alarlod aifaln i wonder what wa tha ietur wftb lhat girl kb- a mad put out the still houi1 wall roundahlnaaa i tha hlghtal uvulaa and veraalllily will im hid moat valuable vlrtuw lu llwe ixtoilug tlm it i im portant to know bverylhlutt about aome- iblug and lu thai aauaa to be a apvolallal eomething in particular but it i quite aa well at tbo earn lima to know touch about many thing otbvrwle lba poiel- lit le in oouetant danger if batng an intellectual 1htlao wbo abov all ihtli- aae i lb moat deeplcahla ii1i1 buey ag will not hall loug enough to haed the peulmltl plaint and lh little mn lament it la a lood world and wharelu you nod it not good enough mako it botur and do not oontaiileut yiuirlf with whlu- log beoauaa il le bad my bwoataal memory i to remember lying awaka at nlgbl on my lil in my utile room hraliug tho voice of my dear mother who for twauly flva rr had never a ulgbt without pln aud iiovar a blglilwllb twohara unbroken elep and through all lhat quaiter of a century thla ujihtaboua till it hrobght in lh ewrll ing day my rarlleat and leiidercat memory ia lylug awake ftnd hearing her botblhflngibntlryl n forget her pai by reading lu tha altenoa of tha nlgbl with all the liana a eh ibouuhl tleaplug around her though i waa awaka ami oan hear bar lu a woman vole and all baamorie hover ovr it for the awlaal voloe tbat call fall on man r a that bl mother yea thou i walk through lh valley of lh ahadow of death t will fear no vll ihy rod and iby utf they oomfortmal oweet mother i may your child rlad up aom day and bar a like taatlmouy for you john mcneill a young marrlrd woman from the aouth who wa vleltlng new york with liar bu band left blm in their hotel roooi oua morn ing wble aha wool on an errand hh waa dot acomtomod to big houla nor to big new york but aha gut back without mla blip hi half an hour aud knocked at tha door libera waa uo reepouec iel mo lu bouey ealj the young womau knock iog more vlgoroualy still ho veaponao r honey lot me in called the young woman redoubling bar exoi lion honey honey lat mo lu ihe rattled tbo knob and ahook tbo ddbr and pounded with both lid but there waa tbe allanoa of tho gravaori ihe other aide bul lba young woman voice rbao to half a cry honey arent you them i want to gal in honey opeu tbo door then aroaa from the othar iue of tha idoor a deep bac volo with a raaenlful nou in it madam it aaid ihle la bol a boeblvv thl ie a bathroom ivrw yofl oua thb lowly eeatitmvvonm ibo porpetual action of the earthworm 1 oneofthe grvaloat faolora in improving aoll an acre of garden ground will oon- lain morelhan 50 000 worm through whoao bodlca tea lou of 4it annually paa thwel uf prooea hid il hilneral oonalllueou aa- forniill which ibey ara oaally imilalwl by vogatallou vormaaho ooullnuahy obauge lho aurfaoo of tbo aoll by lbalr uaatiuga at tha ate of about an inch in five ynar tbo new mold tbua got axpoaed lo tho varioua iuflnauoe of heal light and fttmoapbare theaa 1m- poruul funcllone do not exbenal the arvlom ol tho lowly worm lly boring the aoll hirfkll diraollonu i liny upu a way for rain to pmielrau and 11m vogouble mattar wbloh ibey draw lutj tho earth oaraaac iii fertility other burying anlmalo nuoh aa moln and hwtlaa anralao helpful in tbo grtftt work of utlrrltig aud renewing ho aoll but lb pari wbloh lhey play 1 iiulgnlaoitil ki 00 tl pared wllb tbat of the earthworm tb appheclatiotm wa are all fellow trevtlur journey of llfu it u a hard journey at uve beet and why ubou 1 w try l rvpraa our fevllnga aud knp bail worda of apprecia lluu wliati w know how much good they would do ihoaw wbo are borvlug ui t the help in our kitchen thai e j cor rjfllo the fiuuda lu our haaiti would all be belur off if wd would hut giv is hem mora of tho worda of priae and apprecia tion lhat wa fctl but fail lo cxprea itjinauibarrthatuflniiifia a linibwbnu il doo no good lo hiunuur kiudl faucourage liful the heart lhat would oboe reepoud with vagernee l the iiole of lova will ii cold and molloutdea bonoalb the frame tbat brokodowti trying to hear ufue burdaoaajl won hv his vtilt tb peraiauuoy of ft street urchin who wlabe lo aaru money 1 bomallma annoy ing but rauarmlly ftxouaabl now aud then tt booooio abttitlug aud ajnioat irrlaliubla 8v mleur do you waul your bag carried waked a boy running after a fnau who waa hurrying along to tha rail way station no i dont ttuawerad lbs man a llttl ebarply ill carry ii all lh way for a peony poroleted lb boy i lell you- 1 dool waul it tar 1 lad per- titled tb mau qulokoulug hi pw dout you 7 bald lb boy breaking lulo a trot to kap abraaat of hla vlotlui no i dont bald the man glancing aaroely at blaimall lormeutor wall tbeu touuc bald tb urchin wltb au axpteaalou of anxloua and luuooaul inquiry on hla round dirty fatw what at you carry lug it for t why dout you at ik dowu 7 in apiu of hlmbelf hi mouth twllobad and wltb a thar take it h paaaad th beg over to hi pariunt compauloii who btaggarad rapidly along wlthoul auolhtr word uulil tha alallou wa reach ad whir be veoalvej iwopaiie wllb a taminu amll tj jut aorga george mind 1 your hat will blow off fow laau ao far out of lh wiudow i taolalmad a fond father to bl bla ulluaod who waa traveling with blm id a railway carriage qulakly snatch lug tha hat from b head nf lb kafrcbtory youngiur papabld u beblud bl bank tbara bow the bat ba goul ba cried prauudlbg to b angry and george mmadlalaly t up a how after a tim the father remarked oome b 140 ut if i wblatu your hat will noma back ftgalu than be wlutlad and uplaoad lb bat ou tlia boye hetul there it baok agalu you bae afterward while papa wa talking to mamma a email bbtlll vio wa beard aaylug iapa papa i iv tbrowu my bat nut of tba window i wbleu again will you t uheumaliaauffrre dud llooda haras pat 111 a a parwanaut our fur their lu flamed and awollad joinu aud btlut maaclaa ov the little ones llltl harry csmo rannluc into tits kllcbeu wltb both baud claapad tightly ovar hi hlomacb and exclaimed mam ma give in a plaoo of oaka quick i ive got ad awful pain lu froul of my biokl qiiowinq badiuo aid wutohful mother to pravont ovrrdlni aind tea hvll that follow all oblured al aonia period of thalr lu- febey brtiubjaol lo eudigeetlon luarrhoe or ooueltpatlon while lbs ayuploma of the trouble greatly differ tb orlglu of aacbje du to tha aatoe caua improper food 00 feeding thla rwault bordelm lu diarrhoea aomalime in nolle hpatlou iu allhr the treftlmeut i lo remove tb can and thl oaii only be tpaedily safely and if actually dou by th ua of uahyo own tablau a purely vegetbblo mad loin guarauued to oonuln no oplata nor any of tb polaonou lulfj found in tlia aooallad aoolblngmadlqlntu moihar whnonoueiubyowii tablu for their llltl oui never after xpalmaul with other madlolua and alway bpoak of thaiii in tb blgheol ulhtl mr gaorge it jobuaton well hlrtet urookvliu way i have heaii ualugllaby own tablola for ovr a yaaf alway keep lham in tb houu and always flud lham aatiafolory if my hhhb07two year uf ir u lroullo1 with coballpatlatiludbvatlotj or diarrhoea i give him tlia ubuta and b ie auon r llevad tb ubhu vulat tbe bowel and do not cause alur ooiiallpatlon ha many medicine 00 i bav also found tvout bauenclal tu uelhllig harry one day climbed up in w parlor chair iii order lo raoh eomething he wauled dun i get lu that chair with your fett harry exclaimed hi mother i juit leave tu mamma r tb utile fallow i uallt uke tiiy frit off uhl- oagow t habyaowu tablet are a oaitalu cure for all lb minor allrqeuu uf llttl one aucb ae twillu aour atumaob oonallpatlou ludlgeetloa diarrhoea au children tak tbem readily and ornabed and dlaaolv ad in waur tbay oan bej b with good raault to the youngeat infant hold by all drugalat ur eenfpoefpeld aluovbaula a boa by addraaaluh th dr willie aiadtalua ou xtcookvuu out a loocwfitnever a bj7i7iairdtirgintr mlwu cheer tb way 11 member ibu urxt yuwfvi inclliwd in wprta worda that are worth far more than you can aallmata vbltadelhliu vvmy oivino thb couple awav tli era we a lot of fun for hoyid who wara on yougo uud king itreeta weal and othbatrecla isajiug lo tho unlou llapot about five oclock tlia othor avenlug a cab drawn by a tuam of wldte boroo daahed aloug with a ooujla of old bboea flying in tho air behind aud largo whlu placard on both tlile and far of tb oab baritig lhi lallor luaoripilon in llg black just dhun maiihiedi meanwhil tho happy cuuplo tat imld apparently ohllvloua of the oommotion tbay wara oraallug on tha ilrcola childrun dont unliimbtand a llttl girl who in frequently bant to a small aloro to make nu rob rue iia enaral- ly imou glva aomsctiiily by th woman who keep tha rhop tha otbar day her mother told her not lo aooept buy more oeudy ab they wru not goodjh lh child wan longer at tho awe than uaual and on returning htr moihar sstl now i bomou did not tak any tuiidy aud st it at tba suta oh no iiiamiiib as tha reply i told bar tbat i wouljnl toko any oindy a you bald it waanl gooa fur mv but thai i didnt apoe a plcco l pe would hurt 1110 and ao ilia lady brouuht ma a ulcd plcca of il- j vaulutina lliokuipurorot japan u a toat aooor ding to iurou lakaaakl uoarcoly an evening paiaub lhat hn dues not omnpoe from twonlj 10vl11 ti thirty of tht thirty- uu vyllahlud ooiil lj ualhil wi ka lui ulna year ho baa wriiton jiy1kh a woman btu tffvred iha now york public library a remarkable gift ll ceullbta of 1000 mvnuaiauh ttoin i dlfferetil boul ur rvitauraut h una wre from hungary chiua japan biui kuih1t lb donor allpulatt that thu uiuniih are to l kept aoalad until dm nu 11 li bur ulr tbat thooomilig geiierallbn may bo wliat lbalr ftocaator ato t too much or it uadlumi uauull you about a burl ml traaaur wtrou- luaw dont i my husband la ajway limitlug lht hi id y oirs mad lu in toa lm know snylhliig about a burled waaaurar 1atiiti ye hlalwsl wif i ilia wlue uu i alwae rarrainli th parlur lurnluuu altur a kftliing man ilea calloj

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