m t vblumic xxvu no i8 acton ontario tiiuubdav maitoii jo 1my price tliklslfi cjcn1h lt xtnn jfm firm ia ruauauau kveuy thursday mohninq fre preairlean wtaung osoe ftkp aq qmt timi of hamokuniui- on dollar par yaer uloujrln advauoe all aubeorlpuooe dlaooti iamd bu lha time for wblob uiev have been aid he eaplred the data u whlob every ibeerlpuoa ie paid i detuned on tba addrae jlbvnranii llat trenetent edveruae- unu iqobbu par nonpareil hoe fo bret in i oeota per mt tor ub aubaauanl m tha following labia abowe i rata tar tbe insertion of edverueenqeute for bpeclned period wall paper sale ii aoloaha i u0 f3un 1 fldjdo atao uunehee i 9ao i moo i 1100 1 4j0 lahel i aojnl laool tji leo ijoab j i uao a 00 i l- lotllo direction atvertlaementa without aneol will ba m rtad till forbid awd at tally trfcoaiaat advertleemenl moat be paid inadwiaa advajrileemenu will be changed oom aach month if eeired o cbun oftanar man hmknatui lb oorapoeluon to oat b paid for at regala rata ghueafoteaauaetadnrtlaatnenl tnca d alba ooo by boob cm tceedaya a payable monthly o p atooh kdltor and proprutor- pays bookstore tlno new stock big values days bookstore quelph drv odllb qhdrp bttsiium jmrfrforn foiinm macdonaid m dc m j f uren m d 0 m offloa and raeidenoaooreer will aradarf ire aetoa ottee uoora to vua a to 1 to 1 pm and t to 1pm mhos grav m d c m mcgill xj 1l0 f ttniaauami iiil abglaeuow miwi okitwi alaniuai aaaocuviori ktu ipcqi to ba mxy offloa jrvaderick street alon onl tvr dryden i tmaoat axb no oetnar woohrlab and ueaar bttaela auklplf tf ovncm bocna u ja to 1 pan audstoapjn soxdaxb id ejn to 1 pan l bennett ld b dentist j u beiii dd hldb actom oomdni af ekwa dreg blore hoo qaaixuta or toaomto uaivaaatrt vwtttjro da- lmt and third tueeda a j mackinnon luuurxxa soucitoa oomvxyljicsa onusaflu btraat in uatlbawa luock bpalain t d mcleod sa an tumra iniumi mala buaat qaormaiood chmhaf atinl if doaa and mtur loanad i on oiai bmictaxa oa tarai proparty a jjiohabb loaktb dlvlalob oatui ooont of bal- itrrymal anlfyia ht- miscxhtajtxous tv i- husband v 3 ctradaatooaiarlavaaalnaryoollam bon huabtf vatarlnary madleal boouly ofaoaow wordana barbar ubop bast 4 ao taad btara mu1 straaa aotoa tnsurance agent oaoaaal jlaak ooafadaralla tatm aaaooiauod haal ttrn coat offina yoona fu aotoo lflauflov ottawa oi g of fraiaota lor lavantiott ato praaraa adplloatloaa or iba ca atnar uastand karnpaaa liunt otooa and lor ib- bit ottrada afaaaa bao4 tor pant phx tbirttwo taa azpailanaa cmamolb ntjnam boouuhdibi ahlbanib4 ooalpu oblailo wjtni t0w biota al hooka of an lo mad io ardar aala of aarydaaertplloaaajralally bound 1 5staliaaalirohipwylona rmoaui limamu of i idcxwaaa rriwauofnaa moaltnaaaa raqnlrad lamuad aa raaldari rr to iba axaaln kraa traaa oflloa loom w rm hembtkekx mbmmmmo aaonoaiasa to tb oonatlaa of waltincton and llallon oxswalatlatumfaaui raaaa ofaoa acion or mluii iilanntt- aatou will ba pronpuy afc- irflt- to tarma jlaaaoonbla alao bkonnt o ipaa on ua moa t aralla axnaatandal th lowaai ata of latataat la ludiof mooand pwaida merchants bank of canada capuil rest 56ooopoo 2600000 a gunlhal hanking uublnfss tliansacted interest at mot i favorahla current rates allowed on bavinga uuik accounts loltora of orodit avnllablo la all parts of tbu world loaned at this ofqoo tlcntlo 1 ivcii id rarmera s nodal a i uualnes money orders 0 amy uuu u to v50 iayaula at any lwuiklng point in canada oulklo of i ho yukon territory may now bo procured at iho hank counter without any dolayt acton branch j a wavucb mmjir frames picture waters bros art store autfvt kurilv ii0uii sun savings and loan co head ofk1ch toronto ont aouorimd cajutai 6000 000 0o ten ycar maturity ihares are paid monthly inatalmenta of 30c pef ahar for 13 moothj wliea payment ceao too 00 aid in maturity value lioo 00 money to loan at s atrajglil loan or tepayalilo in monthly instalments 00 appu r j monabb aent aatoa kcton saw lumber lath 8hincleb and wood dutsskd luillleit uotjoii iiumuuk jarhshlh0l13 4kd fitovk wood of all kinds kept constantly on hand jtnies brown john b mackenzilt foilben ad contracton add acton ttubacaiiuto b oa iijo thb whlunotorj mutual p irb 1ksuranc compjatslv toad offloa axjmojfjx ont thsubamomoooaaband klutual plan any i painim- torwanud b y addra fioa w or ttltat lxjuiyuy aauadwlo w barber bros paper makers georfcetoifl ontario jl is9ims colorsd php9rs 1 john r barber iperms eabh amateur cameras premo poco 1 ray c magazine cyclone wuntiko tsambb j mil cfcblitali 33 ciit rinttno pakrbi olio aristo velox photox h r7t7tsh7tia hovo rtiit rotom r auton uasuvauikukll lroprlator a us wall aqalupad vtlb ail tba tuaeulnai tiaaatiaryoaaaabu all lauaira to coaaulc hi and agtlaulluraj lwvlaniaota audio do all ndaafataauvatuni biraotootnraiid laaaraj blaaaawtumofl woodwora rapaira partorutad in aaalufaawry mannar w oaa repair any naablna or implafbani of any maaa saw ununia and ouita dona trader bank of c capltalipald up 1 000000 aesota ovor 9dboooo ouolphbranch it immitt to roarorrica qavlnfita bank depart mont iiiuuuut cu1uiknt 1utk ov ihtkileht paid on auina 1aoalul of j and upwanla iiitarait alluwol lrw jl ul loli to ilala t wltikdrawal aid or nompoundad half yaarly advanoaa uaila to raapui all la 4artna uiau nan uuiicm at ul idwmi durrani utm ho nl ftrgn i ado for nullvothiif aalaa noloa 1 pajabla in luall i lmiiklntf liuklnua uanaaoud ilottcij tbalia elallada moian and yuolltae aball no i walu thayaia au anfttuaard lrat beds whal ihc a more cotiif irl able lixk to a bedroom ttioii n fino tlrass mouniivl d wo can supply yuil will hods in lrasrt nuiunled or iron ul pkd from s3 50 ui wards utrong well made and wry ileal wolino a very laryo besortinont 10 cliooto from also child cribs in iron hods o li shipped carefully packod our prices ulwayu rlblii john m bond co julidwabh cuelph sprinc field seeds tlmoiliy lljcloicr manitoba clover alalba clover alfalfa clave mnndicltuci darloy jilaclcllulless uuley while mullets llarley biitingllya xlaornn 0u 3oih cenlury oals iaanettooals jultlphoriwa eakeleld white teas second early 1cas golden vine peas and other peas geo j thorp p mar tot biuaie gxj l ph drancli at kocbwood nabsaqaweya saw and planing mills lumber and shingles kt lolbibst tbices hill stuff cut to order bhb stove leiioth 01 33 a doubld cord at the mill p7saversr j a speight co willow bt aolon undertakers and furniture deaierst undrrluldiik iti all its branches attended u promptly mid quietly 1 umliuro nftw slock sura to puaw our customers our prices aro low bread cakes confoctlonory oytore cab nod goods mro anna maddcou hunt her numerous an tome r for their b trol patroiisru and announces that shd madded cannld goodsiuhiiuumi oybllliblo her stock cuuu1ii lirduao ltc utead and cakes bji received from guelph bvery tuesday thuraday and balurday loronio jmiap lorouto hread is recelvod every fclonday wediiestlay i rl day luld bolulluyj mils anna haddock mh btmllit actoh good shoes seasonable prices wc are here to serve you faithfully and well the whole system of ou buinebi revolve around the central point that we sell good goods al reasonable prices the day of krge profits us gone sudden lortuney are not often made honestly we are con tent with the moderate re wards that come from a large trade well managed come and talk shoos with us we cant discuss politics but wo are lull of ideas on foot ear we sellall lines and suit all customers tho shoo man mill street acton ttif out rot tin 10nuinoh u ii l u tt uiaatia lothf ur i all hut lay in your iuuim to nlgtit daily younalr to tba frlu 1 ibal call llidaauo1 long uuar wrlla wiu loll arwtbha alliouia wboalt i iiuiadarladoiir willi ruldad ban la and uosnaaat ayor add tltlult el ilia alaul on i0d t aalflfctily aorlblita u aoua 1 ta aaarealy uia lima to rtl fjht tbalr bioodlim tliougliu iiu bok to titatiy a tr sou lij t wtiail t r loat tbalr bdad li ail 1 ral a li j rofr braatli tea a piapn- tl i umi woul 1 uava llilr mil i aba tti tbalr umur lorn and car ttou i ut tliani foal ttiat you fa ba t iota tl awl of tlialr iot at oouut vof tha liaart ioa alionuly aaattlva- wuii aa liu illtuuiwl uib ojoa li bllubi bawall tu al 1i ullava you livr toruai ttiaua julta tlil you laatil h a plaaaurr ha t far aar iontf tatlara hdtua to wriu don t uilek tliat tlia yeuutl an 1 l ldy iiianja who uiaka your paatluialay tuv half tlia auilou uiuuntiu for j0u tint ii m u j folka li uday tladtily at taiittuadoliot j ut orf 1m alapr itaakura wall la lh ultor for which liny waltad and louilei a day or au hour too lair vor lb o j oik at hotur with itwka faat luroltlk whlu ara lomiotf to haar of tha ahaaoi on tlo writo than a latfar oulglit eucx ijfmmln juabing ricll c s jntlrvcritiori iv cllll buicukty h llaaa 1 quaaii llaaa i ho iovly jou look iii your plalu black bratiadin mi1i bo maltar bow i drat 1 atn a i way a tba tatna litlla dotty 1 nlattla mallln aaya lhaaa word a as we all talklnit toother in tba library a aorry qaeao ludaad nlalua i ana war lor whara la my kingdom i anppoao you man it is la tba aobool- roott now baaal nxolalttia ualtla in bar oay hood nalurad voloa you know vary aulbaualiyanajljiaitituodajlloa u alwaya a qaaen over baarta i uttblly oloaa tha ipaakara 1 1 pa with my hand huah mallu i i am only llaaala alwyu your alaura uiuala uaahar and japandanl upon yonr tnolhar a klnjuaaa for a homa no don t oalluia quien lleaa any mora that waa all wall aoouxb lii tbi old daya jual now bar mothara voloa oall a mattla and i am latl alone with toy thought whlob are aomawltataad tc tihjhr vha year ago how wall i rratnbr ba oral day i catna lo mar ma imaor whirs aa juy raturu from board in aohoo tny father brought baa lo puoa tiioln bbt dear frlanilaoarr loan racau uow jut how cordially i wu walooroad i waa alxtaen then atiil my wealthy father thought no lb in j iao rood or too habdaoma for lila little llaaf i remember bow wa enjoy ad ourlv i tlitea maltu br brolhar kel auj myaalf what doll til aalla and tfrwaa wo bid toathtr abdliqwtbi lime flew for qpoahortyaar then -nell- went away aoro the ooeau to enter a lrauoh bialloal uulvaralty kbd uattlaaud 1 wera lolt alooa ti i tnlaaed not vary a neb for be bad grown dearer lo me tbau i bad ever imagined than irttltad that it waa bot mra frlandablp i felt for him but all tba utvqtot a nul flrat lova abd that be loved ma x knew full wall hut then eomelblng oappeued lbl dr0v very thin a viae from my mind the hualnaaa iti which my father wealth waa lllvetled failed a dliattrou failure auj then thluu oama lo me hl molberleaa latlmel7lhtlkehcika7rbrootbl on paralytic ilrok then oh the aiigoiahot it be wau dead before i oould o lo hltn flo i waa left aloua lu th world and poor though fairly adnoaud 1 had uo par lloular ulaut av for mmlo kud avad thai waa mom a ihiutf of inillnot thin of praoufta or atudy for an aoou aa i aelaed tha iiul of au id luy fin bad alway readily followed my though ta abd x had not pa tho attention i aliou bava dona to lbt rule and imibbloalllua what ihoultl i dot then uri martin my father g friend in br kind womanly wy oot wlahlutj to hurt tuy pride by otferlcw ma a homo for mare charily aakedjube la hay and overaoa bar litua kthale ludua and ulv liar muilo laaaona h well 1aoi lur lo pity as well aiyoudo ueahla ahe aald when i triad to ihow bar how much interior i wen toiolauatua hu dorf ulltbla prcaabt uaober aud i iiu ore i ehell be atufied bo i at aid biiio than four yaaru have paaaed aud before luuy tha abaeut aou of lb a houee la lo ooitii boma ii will return to u with tin wall earned lll of uoolor i wauil if lie will be nliaugail abd if bd will remember ah 1 buk thing are v aryd i ffaieut wllu ma uow 1 am uot the uma lively elobul1ydrmmd llth of old theed are tha thougbu that tilt through my mind am t alt lu the dmk i am arouaad by the door opetihitf and looklug up i oau uvl aaa tbd outllue of a manly form hre lu tba dirk ayiid alous ii4 atwyn let me- it hi up for you it la- ur gbatleanartli who apeakioua of tha illleeu who hav baeu ulakluh murllll 1laoe ay for ibt few paal week xba olhara had youabul ba allll ftuyi await lug nell e ralurti rrlaeauj aland bllaittly under tha lull glata of light x kuow mr north a eye ara cauulufi uiy fao lujeed be aeldom loea au opporluuity u dolus o aud thai he tdust deleot the lear uaoe wball orylnjj ulu alwyn t uuraly leata are uok meant for thoea lovely eye i uafore be oaii boo i in ua bu oompll uieiiury alralnl make my aaoapy the bail morulug ah j alt in the eahoolnjaoj with ethel ai my kne trying lo lutllala her luto thai bane ui moal girl a erlthuietlo uattlaoomae u me and plaoaa a bloturei la my band h la aoarude vlalba taken lu terla and repraaenla a bright uaue girl face with the head draped upaulah faahluo lu blaok laoa whole it i aek admlilnuly ibeu aeudlug kutel away who le uoui- lug loath tu aeoape from the multlioallon tahl mattle aita haraelf dowu velwbat aha dearly lave atory to ul if alio i a pretty ae 1 dp ieture when ehe oomoa lth nell nit week why malllel nail ian tmarriadt no uleirud uul i hueea he le nam an tuthal ivi uil itul ahe aharmlngt iillmalalloij a6onrmaliiairlmpirmty writ ll tegular ralnlio- aaya maltu ifarfathar waa a pliyuuian in 1arla en 1 be hirb nail and took a kfeat fanoy tu him and invited him in hie holier 0 cumree nell waa introduced to hj dauhhter uabrlolle they nail her jtlallf 1 rom what my brother aaye ha rnuit have npout lota of t ii lima iharr lly and by tha ol 1 m died and what do you think lie lf l 1 i lu alt tr and all her itmneuee fnrtuuo in our nrll e ho nell writte to man aha raoelved lo day ibet hltnaelfi we may exniol t dj bloraii and bar uld b my beavt were not iille at the b filed m on my admirer e rria lo the latter lu addition to tt week ulaa jiieakeeper who u to come with bar now ilea for onoo haven i i had all inlereatlng a lory to tall t very intereelln i enaeier and my voloe luntid alranttely lo tnyaelf but uallle i not very obaerwln after aboli none i wander down the face lo tho lake and there in a qulal retreat think it all ovrr uow 1 laqk tlm approaching yaara aeem i me i nell a liohle fnoa ootne before my mind can it be that all tbles tlmo i have mii foollahly dreamful of a future in blob he hall ahare and that he baa forgotten uie if eo i mul drive aueh thought awey uuw ltilld what a aweal odd nam aiii alwyn 1 i hear tome oim ay who ooiiiinif dowu tha uraiey lerroa ilry ilea ontiht eight of me in my dltnt nook if there le auyllitrij i bale it i a ule a tete with ur north i coma down ouk of the ititoiiier hoimr whluh la juit beeida lb uvh aud ale l rtijj into the liny bou whloh i alway moored there for the aoounimoda llou of the guoali of the houta with a taw vlooroua pull at the ore am out aome way upon the watar before mr north reaobae tha ahore 1 ao heavy i ahoulj ei dlaappolnted aipreaah faor whywlllheprelat in foil iwlqg mat i am never auylhiug but coldly polite to bim but whanever he ha been at merlin imaw be ha auuoyed ma with lovr ilka wurdramd looketi hyliap plla and loorulul gleuoa 1 kuow that aoma would think it lumsi in me for 1 not mr north liandeome ol good family nd tlnli monday arrive aud nell ha oome i laenovar thvbkiplaia and walou tho group lu the hall below nell introduoa a tall alender lrl lo hi mother and tlater and than a utile elderly worn a- boon i bim u whor a tteea 1 then x go down i make up my mind htimtdlately that i do not ilka mle xa moren though 1 have to acknowledge eveu to myaelf uikt bar portrait doe not flatter bar j lie i jjraco fully tail with a llieul willowy flgare with dark hair and glorlou eye whlob a ahe lay her aoft little baud lu mine oin to read me through and through bo ibli le yoar friend queeti ue bh tumluu to ntll and erolllutf lly that i im thai be mutt have bpoken of ma to her i walolitlia to all tint ave and bolloe with a great alnklnjf at the hiart what a perfect uuderataddlbg raleu bet wo 11 lllm j atld i rrfl that mai i la la igbl if not already encased ibey boon will la no oua muni think that x am alttluk qulttly by while thinking all the thing far from it i am mora than dinallygay mr north al flrelbeetu earned by my unwonted frieudtluisi iheu readily ra pondv i oaub nell u eye turned in my direction iwandlbenwh a ijta in tlielr depth hut my fuu only waxa errur aud when ur north propoeee a blioll throuiih the garden i rlaa and take hi emi uoddlnu b gay good bye to tha rel ilia next wek la a whirl of plenum 1 am wretchedly uubappy but i do nol ihow it ur north i aa devoted am aver and i laugh and thrrt with him all tha lotirf vanlu through tha day i am buy with my hill charge ao thui far i have uuqoeeitully avoidedtaaitlb i keepaloof from mia da morau too aud ihooftb we have for boma tline beeu under the earn roof wa ara uo bettar aequhloled than at ftrl whether tha ililik i feel i raolprocatiid i w know tbouuh i fanoy alio litoo fndltfureiit to tba subject lo klve it a thought there 1 wld d liter no btwaen a lovely lulra and a poor uaoher tha day go by i am out walking tbl afieruoou with lthitl we havj un lo lb villi j and ard oomtiii iioma buddeuly a quick up appiobobe and noma one comae to my bida aud llfta hi hat it i nell i bow coldly but tha baud whlob olaapo illhel iremble i am ao klad lo have met you haaay 1 baveti i had a chanee lo bttaakloyou yet axoeut before a roomful i anawvc aonia douimouplaoa aud iba couveriallou ug deeplta all nell a tfforu to the onntrevy oh i i eiouim euddenly tiara dome mr north 1 null tuuuaraoiithfi under hi breath which i do nol oatoh than turnlug to ma ha bay abruptly ueaala tell ma truly ar you engaged lo that kaututuaut i flub a haughty look at hlo lly whal tluht do you llefur i can flnlau my atiiuuoa llltlo ilhl ey in her berloui ohlldleli way ilrolher nell i have heard mite dbaela ay aha can t audura ur north ah i ihaaaouaervlngohlldraul mr north le uarliijj ua rapidly and nail ha ouly time to glveotv ilolok lautie uilo my fane befoi be turn the oouvoreallou luto other and aafer obahnel w have been home aoma time when i ko from lb a aubool room down to the library for a hook uf refeuo an i aula i m a boeua amaeiitlmaoul a any 1 have road of tu the bay window al the eud of tfaud 1uiii uo m willi eeob oilier my ijoiot aulrance bee not dletoiued ihem and paaaing quickly out into tho liall agalrt 1 my lu ufeaclkxil room with burning obok and a bead throbbing with pali in aha will oome lo mo and eipoot me to irjrtmtntattitrt opporfblt bm toj tier oljblaforaur affaolioo for mo- and aba feu a aaooeeetul rival a pity iherei la a kooak at the door and llhel aay the i mlea le moren wanu bar lo run lo the village on an or rand for her the child goee and ae i expect mlea ue moan dqidm in then aba einkalnto a ehalr with herown peculiar grace of notion and begin whal ahahaa toeay have boakbl yotj mlea alwyw to ull yoq aomethlng j ae 7 thought my dear friend nell ha told me eo tnoob boul queen uee that x feel aa if ii ware loo bad we were bol belter kotjualolad and i have made up my mind that ll hi bol be my fault if we do nol beoom i do bol interrupt liar and ahe goc ti isirhep it a beoauab x am eo vary tappy today that i t a oonudanle and feed that i moat apeak to aome one ibal f am going to tell yon my atory did you know i wae going to be married tbi yearr i atari what i bo boob ye bu yeat ago x waa in amerloa in a bohool perbapeyoo have holloed how oorreouy x apeak ngliahaud though i wae only aevealeerj then i rift my ideal whan papa heard be waa very anury for manrloe wa only a poor tutor and thought to prevent me aee my lover again by taking me bok tu frelioe with him i uaarioe and i corresponded and then uia li xarl and did manage lo oatoh a gllmpeeof meiouoeln a while bo our love anrmounlad ell ohaladee nail le acquainted with maurlo and baa invlud tu meitlu tleoe bo you bee now why j to happy lie oorae to morrow nail reoalved in lettr today bo it la bol nell ehe le engaged to after ill i i liateoed in a dream wondering hy bbo bpeaka uto to me who have alwaje been ao bold lo her suddenly aba rleae and lake my hand ueaala did you ever hear ibat papa ado nell my guardian lie did nod more than that he wantod me to take him for toybbabelidt but even if i had want bd lo i oouldjiol bhe break orf wit a gay tlttu tiogb la you know wht xuoaaaeliebad toldfala friend ilielle hi beoret long before that all hi heart wam lu amerloa thai he loved aa truly an i lova my maurloe a ultl bemad cau you hot guea t xteaale alwyn a ehe bpeake tha aoand of her voice grow faint tome ans then everything a dark and btlll when x telam to con boiouime t find luallea litlla warm hand chaffing mine ixow blrabge ibal aha whom i have looked upou with ao much dlellk bbould have proved bereelf my beet friend tbed ah ulli ma that bar quick vomena wit read the bulb at oooe and thai whan ahe baw how unhappy nell waa becoming over mr north attention ahe bad made up her mind lo apeak to me a aba had and iaka thing gbl lelween u when i meet nell glance al dinner my aye fall abd i leave tha table a aooa as i conveniently cao lief ore long nell follow and hud me in my favoriu kaueatrlnvtbahuu tvuntf hotiae by tha lak aa wo return hand iu baud to tba uouia through tha aoft perfumed twilight wa meet mr north ita turn lo no back lib a i wa coming lo look for you mia alwyn hi iay ju hi languid voice nail relaeaed my baud and draw my arm through hi abd there i a alguitloatiba lu hi tauaba aaya you ara too ale mr north you aea i bava fouud her owu no man debt i a troubleaome factor lu human 111 it i aaalar lo get luto it lhao it le to uetoulofll wmom aeya avoid tl mm uoliuto it baauly or auddanly or it it baa beeajnaarredupay it olaaayt aa poealble and keepoulof it everyman hnk ba i judge cfblactrobmelaucee abd doe uot take kindly to advice from otluldr but tba wueet of u would do well tu bead ilia voieepbl eirrienoethoaeaudbbava buffered beaaua uiy thought themaejve wur than other itulned reputation abd bnalnee followed headleaxteaa ajtef going lulo debt number contract a babil or borrowing ind with the wullipl loat ion of their want larger and largor euma ar oblaiuad unlll compute dlaaalar ovartaka ihem or if aotne of thtui manage tokaap thing afloal during their llfalluie by vilou aspedlaul they lava bankrupt btulu boblud ihfeuj aud ftuauolal ruin to their dependent debt 1 oua of tba ory ing avlla of tha day oburoha aud bomea buffer from it ah wll aa aoolely aud bual uaea iherei uaed to nvbaaua abew xauih praotlcal pdnolpl owe no mau bay thing bul to love cuaauolheir thu imiiok poixv 1ayu to uxphihbnctf lly pel aheak bra buffueed by charming uolur i liav read of luoppor tune bulraticea lu iba mldel of fervent deolaiatluue but i uuhy thought thai aub would averue mv patclo play i liear what helll l ajiig dear i neil 1 ahau apeak o uaeaie today i a apeooulor cau home kecenlly wbat ba bad a uaw wlfa just from a oouutry town waiting lo raoilve bim ua bad baau oaught lhat day aud wa uot happy 0 love aba walled what baa gona wroug wtthyout 1 hvaryutlug ba ahawarad dijictedly no not every lb log jarllug for i m allll tru and loving y you are alllhl but it that look exohauit 1 xha block axohaug 1 i v what la ablockaxobaug lovt it a plao dear where auy fool oau axejiaunhuato6k of baab for aoiue other mau atook of xparbuoa why dear have you met a fool to day 1 o no love tha other mau tuel lb fool bul ul talk of amu- thing you ii hav to wait uutll uexl wlutar ur your aealakld value of an honest eyil a jjualuaee had eald ibal he once dovu d half a day to birlog a man whom be needed in hi oftloe in ana war to ba wdver lie meal a great many epllcaula called ua rajactid the ftral hcauae ba wouldjioljoojimjtatbaejajlrb aecood man aald the merchant waa armed with a doolie bamled reoommanda lion from baa pa tor with leetlmonlal a lo hl bualnaea ability and good oharacler bat ihoaitb he lookrd roe in tha ayr i eaw that wa oould never hope to gel along well loftelher and au i diamleaed him the ihrd interna led me the moment ha a top pad inilde tha dper he wa poorly daeeaed and lhonbtiualolhea wre art ua two biaaa too email it waa evident that hi altlre troubled blrn not the uaal for be held hi bead high and ae he approached my deck locked me vquarely in uio eye ixoaald that he had no reoompieudallon t be bad bo boalnaea experience hut that be waa willing to do hla heal lo puaav in au uatant 1l dawned upon me that before me wee iba men that i wa looking he had nothing to reoomroend him and hoaeat bright eye and a pleaaanl faoe bat that waa eufflount i augaged biro on iba apot luatnot might be definitely mnlllplled of the value of an honaal eye that idarful window ol ihe eon the eye i a acre index to character if yen have it bet cultivate a bright honeet eualght forward look it will more ihu rpay r effort look up and fearleaaly meet tho yi of tboea with whom you oonverar mny a oholoej poalllcu ha n loil through an indlfforeul 11 u oh ing eye aud uiatiy a ocvoled poeltlon haa been on through a fearlee houaat ya that kind of an ey i belur llin a hund re1 re oommeudatlon he oaught the cai after xha man daehod dowu th ui retreating- tlleta etreet car lvery mbaola waa btrlned hi breath cam ittfjolck keep the be ij uf molalura blood out upon hla forehead ilia fe t wire working like the pedau uf a bicycle he ly tocched the ground in the more altl- t nrt i no a r pi aoe x ii catch thai air eel orbogep- ed br dla faalar went iheaueel car feeler waut the mab lie overturned mil aland aud aged blind fbaa hrb fjwknoel down ehudren abd trampled upon ihem bol onward be ruahed he collided with a baby boggy 1 be baby waa knocked into tbeatreet the mother of the child picked ll up bbe pointed a linger al the dleap peering man uurderer i aha blaeed through bar clenched teeth he draw nearer uia oar nearer yu he reache out bl hand he louobea tha rail on the rear plat form he give on la i oonvuuive atfort he i on the car ii alnka breathuaa tnlo a mat and mop b i brow ithacotiduolor louche him on tha bboulder ju off bar epaaka the conductor were a joiu to the barn no mare car lonujfct with thu 8aoe8 a mah that bath uo virtue u hlmaelf ver envltb ii lu other for men mluda wileitbr their own good or upon other avil and who wautelb the one to prey upon tba other and who i out of hope to attain to another virtue will aeek to come at even band by deprea lug another forluuc luooo vallura i in a beuea the highway lo auooeaajuaamucliaji avtury dlooveryqf wbat i fal4 lead u to aeek aameatly after what i true aud ovary freeh ex perleuoe point out aoma form of trror which w aliall af lerwafd carafully avoid kail what au lutereetlug tbiug tba dlaoovery of jove tmknowti and unanpeoted it may wll aofut aoma of our hard exterior unre may ba a louder feeling which if we knew it would and through ua a thrill of joy o w ulakle blrmj ll la and bad that a bumau ufa should ao often ml iba one bumau pre- ol6anaet iba proalouue of lov with tlljlia tympathy all tha oompaealou all tba 4uauoauoalhat a worthy love tuolude maryxluiklll li thb oust wohko a atory la laid of oua of lbs old time pillar of a new lugland churohfwho htld out firmly for a loug uma agalual tha iti notation oiau orgaubul whau ha finally yielded did ao without raaerva jrtinyiouafctippoattlorrba bcam th tiioei btrenuou of all iba oougregatlou a to iba fluauae of tha instrument lo j purohaaad 1 boem to ma you areul vry cotuut- aut aald oua economical brother r proaoh fully here a mouth ago you oouljn i apeak barah enough about orgau tnd uow yuufolo advooauugaxlra axpeuad in gelling tha beet tbel lo be had i baa here aald the deaoou grimly if w re going to worablp he lord by uiaohlntry i doul wau lo putter arouud with a booond rata ruualiig nar i tfh caukvvt wh vov fijlv in apaakliia o a parson a fault 1 ray don t foro yoar oy0 ileuiainlwrllioaelii lytueaa of glaaa llbouij never thru a eloue if we have nothing elaa tu du hut talk of ttioa alio aln tla hattar wo eoniiuoiiee at home arii ffprn hmj nil t lienln 4 have ito rlftl t to u leu a liiall uutll baa tuly tiled hbould wa hot ilka 1 li o iuijiauj we itw tlw w rl i la wide llouia itlav have faultaeud wbtf haa uot f the old aa wall a youuij wsiuay iahav for u wd knoer llave nfly to llialruua iii ull yuuufaulurilil andnudlt w ik full to ley my own dafcu to our lief or of othara tall 1 an 1 uioush i aoiiialluloa ttoh lu ixi p ho wurao uiau aome i ki of uy ou aborloi uiiiil 1 ul la let ebf otllaitc tlbau lot u all albu wa couiuibuoq to elaiiilar tiloai or m tblnw uf the haim uue wod may du toutoaewlolltuwknow ltilaiubar qui kjlilollliloj like our oblokalia rooal at u t la uoil t aixak of olhara taull uulil wahav u mia of our owl practical chkmlsthv young genlleman bald the lecturer la ohemletry coalixpoaed to did olamont loace leu per cent of it waiht and power thle le dbe to the acllou of tho alkali coo- lituonuof 1 hut what if there le a dog alee ping bear the coal 1 rofeaaor 1 1 none of your uvli young uil ibla u a enrlou maiur rhal a whetjlad thought when 7 j per caul of hi coal dlaaj paitlvd during three bight of expoeurr ihel be aaktd my ad vie aa a eiudeiilln ohemlalr and i bold bim to buy a dog he bought a dog with bay window tbtb and uow wd dont loee cue per cent of our coal a mouth thai 1 i radio i chemlalry not k common kallmtlt willi my daughter marry you a clod of a farmer young man you muat b oraxy remarked the obolerlu old mat ilo looked to bee iho young mab in the overall wither up and disappear but in itead ha em i led faintly aveuheurhtlly in jingling a hunch of lonaa uhana in hi pocket paueldaly ail 1 1 auttd 20 acre of potato leal bprlug audthc crop waa a buooear wbatl cried tho old man aurprlaa aud ramorte in hi tone 10 acre of potaloe 7 and i oalltid you a farmer t youru an agrlcullurut air ainhm proud lo have you aa a aou in law hjn and frolic boma year ao a uqbicu woman died and her huband who wall a atronj bplrlt ualla deaired to hold communication with her ho aaktd if uhe wa happy oh yj waa tha reaponta im happy ibtt llul after all it unt lloalon do uia foam aulo i uq aired the man who had jual ordernl a ulaae of beer ll doe aintwurud tha mlxoloiat tha mau afur drlnkiug tha baer btarted lo walk out whu ihe barumder oall bim back to pay for it ohuo beldlheman you aald the foam woul i uotllu inteiltluptud honevmoohl they bad been married by tba reglatrar lu iba morning an 1 were enjoying tbalr evening meal with oua or two fritu 1 prior to rellrluft for the ulght buddeuly a double knock aud a ring al urn door auilaujudivitual arrlvedlu breath lee ha ale from tha reglalrar offloa abd aaked tdue the bridegroom i xleaae air x in very aorry lo trouble you but ilia rglitrar bent nia lo ull you ihatnrytnrbaveii i oomnieuced your honey moou ynl b liova ygu wou t at b find ha gave you a dog iimum by mletake th morning tho mwn w hit tin tvlio whan trluoa george wat lu guada lu laiulielrt4d niagara aud alt ended tha fall fatrbald liitheoourtbouiytb welland trfimut ua admired lomaplumagreauy aud tuaohedover to bauilla lh frull wbed a a bhirprepovar the knuckle from a con auiilamadehlmlqilroptbeni ibeooatble waa bob htid iu chatting with mayor ueetou blauil vuit ha aakej if hob wa allll lu town on belug loll that ha wa hla utghntaa akaj that ur ucal bunt bim up which ho did and tha duka had a pleaiant chat with him ovar old little an hafav qraft bmll boy iguifloanjly i heard you klaalug alilar in thu hall last night youug uiau whit s that you iillia raa oil bmall boy im ll x hoard youktaalug buur lu uia hall leal ulght thai what youug man wall here a quarlad now kuep your mouth abut bmall hoy outbid que waaut that ay t and i waa dead akliep in bed jtt troll v ivj tmv it theroom brand 1ui1u xa morau aud by bar aldii t nell ha ba bar baud btld i j i wlah i oould ihluk of bouia taw alld uau bea be la preealug ll warmly and her u blithday reeeiil to uurprlee a wllk tbl year ald ml da uulr wrlukllcg her fair brow pel pie uy a uowdu yuulbluk bhed like a aou iq- iawt hcataely wbupemd ouug rjpooue more tailing readily lulu tho only hue of th might that aaaaiad tu auggeal ileal f bhoppino in hcotland tba hootch bava tbalr own idea of a bargalu day aud ibalr view la uot with out a touch of bhrowdubt a loudou pa per devcrlbe a ooovri4tlou betwaeu au kuglleh malron aud mr augua uolvar i auppoe mr molver held alia lb at they bava bargain daya iu olaagow t ua ootiaoleuo uo t ll wad ua do ava i iudaedl tetlled lha lady why 1 thought baigalu day would jul aull your people i weal aald be tbale jul ii h wad bull them over weet if lhuy hadurgalb day baa bod j wad buy onylbiuaroti the olhr day ya kn i contiiadictohv bomallme queer effeot are produded by lecture aunouuumeut a few yeaia age wheu a bertalu popular olrviiau wa delivering a leeturw abouk the uountry blgua like tbeaa ouuld of public hafle wera ooiamou i toauliu tobitill 1 laolmebjiuy ur t- til word of uod la rae lo al haaualjxl admlaalauueeou x- t uuuiora of all kind at proltfla of wore trouble 1 bey may ba aull rely expelled by a thorough court uf hood a rjareapar 111a hit hkabonino ll beem to me dad aald tba young bopelul that uia proper kind of preeen tor ohrlatma la a tan dollar bill iiideat aiil why 7 growled uia pi rant llaoautd iu teaionb usually bptlled iiia llul ba uavir louohsd hlui a new dress for ton cents the price of a package of diamond dyes woinoil uf every euolal condition know from praolloat experience that 1 i poalbu with the aid of diamond dje lu make a tiew dree tor teu miita ladle uaa diamond dyee to ibalr cut lr ballafeotlou advantage and prnqi there l no taaaou why you too will not qnd la diamond dye tho bam aid lo eognotaloal and atyllah dreabing it yoa prefer to get a uaw dr for uu cent luauad qf buying a dew ona at a boat of from five lo tan dollar buy a package of diamond dyes ipd wllb vary little wok yqu dan maka your old draaa look like a daw 6ue naud a oatal voard with your addna aod tha walla dj luohardion co llmltod soo mouduiusktwit moouaal v q will mall you fr tit ool full range of dcalgua ol dlaojaod dye mai aud uug 1etteru ij meju aaltatlona from i p