Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 20, 1902, p. 3

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nippjs 3 barfk of ham beorptotd branch aqeneral banking business transacted correapondenoo solioitod sayim djipartmnut intarost allowed on sums of one dol lar and upwards from day ol deposit lo da of llbdiawal ho formalllun and no dauya in drawing money fanners business solurited note of responsible farmers 41ecoaofod and monej loaned lor egttlmalo the news at home mantjxof m looaj oriaraoter ant vrv itam intarwallna- oar collection department has every facility for making prompt rotoro s handled and money advanced on account of hum at low rates of interest traveller are notified lhautbe- bank o hamilton aod ms branches issue clrcuu note of the provincial dank of england uml which can be cashed without cbargw or trouble in any part of the world hkai ofhce hamilton lartibtiha j b7b capitaj paid uj 599575 reserve fund 1500000 total assets 17071759 javmn tuiuboh cashier b forsayeth agent georgetown branoh i002 wall paper and decorations the new season find us with mora wall paper than eve icxuaoa bolls in slock w erskine will show yon samples bar from him and too hi be ttptodate kootn moulding to match chas l imelles v7 7r wazx jatxh otjxlph 7jt5rss7 thursday lunob jo- 1mb uttle local bribflets vwhlasti oatustht the pyae or eare of i u 4rirwjfr rwortarthu wastt 9exfc boodaj la palm bonder- th venal eqoloox tonorrow a ut o winter again this weak uf aj vtnris nf weather ere being supplied 4hiajaro lb aajr little shamrock was quits pro naif worn on monday liflniltwtokti ere anaooaoed for tgcirtianslun y ttb ptowlnj wathrot iuhii has tjejabaoe aaal for a liltie while t ijocdabofly tie to aipuln that cing tway la noaxjhloeea unodryman j tstytt ft wpm doming ivmte4lookruv in moat homes l of mwt8 was lilatftse4 by the township council leal li ioat poaaibu that the ural robin arwrtb tbawpriegltrtd psid township council lrrwf ft npcttl that a dambar ot farmera lwawjjkwt the cnaaty ootamanead plow- lghdty att satnnuy r lgm asf oonofrt glsen oadu the twltlipi ot the baptis yojnm paoplas ifcmob in pra ea wa go to ptwas abapoitot anew ill on ftf ctday ailar ato cflorda anpply foe themaplaaojtar bsjtilasj in proapaet on oood friday nlhl f iff bu 8- modonald ran a maty gjbjfl fri hu took awvatnl weeks ago and la jsobuta4to dm oaaa to gat anoad a- i sjqboet when jroolt learn to mska a jivm mother osed to makar jlpro t- irlljki wpefl jtm make a aalary snob as remba ftwad to sasjl a9hap iatnurthl and lay dalacaue jawawiltrf the praabytahal ooofanaoa in v xasoy obnrofa monday and tuesday ortat- shrihown m 4 jiaw xsooatlfw of eaimidg babbatb lafl sjn- will meat in lha hatho- i oaontstowo neat monday at jjufrsnlr tonrranae the procramnm for tbe gnonsanuon ilnk p sweat tmodaoo baa uan aiw irjnlwkta v orawn two cueeaa of moalo efatetabr matbod her atndlo at raraonaela n vary inta h adnesday end satnrday af ur- jvw kf ir of the firm o iwir i8owaedwaxe nwohanta brampton fapxfijithi borne 00 saturday momlntl l ttf aots ol the inlnrlm he reoalvad lskirapwlonof aoanlaurof powder lo a waraboose wn mooll evangallsl praarhed in kooxohonjh last hnn- and in tba methodtat ohorab lla ha lo adttraesad the h toanperanoa mass m al4akxwa obaroh sbool ttaom ijfrcljlv- good parlor cook eud other wood jtwvw lao plnea for obaap b a hfto ilnr- the su siore aegood door from kopcnaas vuather wllb large kwfufng wad gsdu ti a bsooa lpfcualltlloery appreniloea woud gi p t la itwar of marabant uank stttymt tpmptmfm e tompmrmmo mr wm mooll organhur for the grand oonholl baa baeq wotklng in aotoo the past weak in the louraau of anion ooan oll r t of t a mseung of all the friends of letnperauoe will be bald this evening in the ualhodut school itoom wbeo mr moull will dallver an address no prohibition tbe prraent jane tors in tb history of tbe prohibition mo reman i is an important one end- ll is deairable tbat all friends of tbe oaoae be on i led and in a position lo dovttsouve work oread sooftajp camort a eraod soorrisb ooaosrt will be glvstn la the town ball on good friday evening with the follow or attraotive array of talent uarry m donu torontos popular oomlo alngsr miss emma t iroo torunloa favorite looullonli and drs- matlo raclur mise mae dlakeneon bootliah bingsr with guitar aoooropanl toadtrfdlsses uaggie aol jsnnle btallter who will appear in the uubland flfn hhaan traws bwurd danoe lome end hqotob keels iipera murray and itoas will render boottlah aire on the bagpipe the ohslr will be taken by lur u a maopherson dbt ruaaaf fnr bmth atrlam -r- foot members of the staff of anion public bohool made application last week for appointment on the oonttgant of fitly oanadlan laaobora who are to be engaged togotobonth afrioa to teeob tbe utile uoars in the oonoantratloa oamps the laqiee willing lo go oa this adveolnrona mission are blisees alllo oorrie uowee and yonnf these yonng ladlee woo id be the eqaal lo point ot ability of any that oootd be sent hot ae only eight ueohera are to go from ontario it is not llkaly tbat our leaohlng staff will be seriously vadoced through appointments on the oontlngent thzchassjios itockarjate osorgetown prouated tbe last hookey match with aotoo bat tba protest was not sustained tbe splendid ehamploc- ship oup isespeotad u arrive today the oamse of our boys whose proweee won tbe victory are bert smith goal jim bmlth point fred ilyder obverpolot ed ryder frank mololosb ij wtleoa and joe boyd forwards daring previous metohee w lalnj jack arthurs and f oreen played with the victorious teem dig kmmtar jstoelr shpntentji meaare 4j j holmes drovers have had a remarkably bosy three daya this week shipping slock for the kaeter market tbe largest number of hogs and cat tie that have noma into acton for a long time were delivered at the o t 1l auuoo oo monday a doable deoked oar of bogs was shipped and yesterday three oare of oattle ware seat forward tbe messrs- riolmes paid out nearly wooq to the farmers for the stock they broeght lo to aotoo this coming and going vleltore to and prom acton and various othwr porwonal notosj tliarasalsaeeluiresiluvetoeaav trlbate o uos oolamn it vo or yoor friend are going away oo holiday trtp o u too have trieoda vlslung jtm drop a card to the ma rasas u lee moqsesn of moaboro apet1 boo- day at her hornet aid j ii hamilton of gtutpb was fn town on toeeday mk oajefr woddm ja tomato- two of our popular aod wallkoown young people were juuuy wedded in toronto is wednesday ur joseph agnew eon of mr hober agnew of tba dominion house and mise ida ughtsr of mr william maeoo church blreel the eminent presbyterian divine d armslrong lllaok lied the nupualkoot the bride was attired in a pretty travelling oostume of blue doth with hat tomstob bhe was etteadod by bat twin aistsr mlsa mend whils mr frank molntoah soled as groomsman tbe young ooapla will lake up their reeldeooe in lowr tbe beet wishes of their maoy friends are si lead ed isa miasithoooo cnmpmmy this weeke oo4artooesette the incorporation of the menu company limited wllb a capital of toooooo tba prouionald i ran l of the oompany are wllllem meokaoale dooald d uann z jl lish etnt w monalllandllojaita j mskeosle ell cf toronto tbe business ot tbe uaolucuda tit mann company will be teksn over by the new oonoerti wbioh la addition to oairylogoa the basinsss of a eontraotor will promote eulerprieoa tbe heed offloe will be lo toronto lo the looorporatton it is provided that the oompany shell nvt be deemed a mining oompany within the meaning of the ontario mining act- superior flour mt jtotttm atejfer afuis mr w moefaier the new proptutor of acton flooring mills is bow turning oot a very superior grade of hoar whloh ts being reoelved with feo both by fttrmere end clllisor tbe mill ie now in slndli shape end tba patronage of farmera and tr many ooeiomere of formsr daje la reiornlng at a rata vary eetiafaovory to the new proprister the naw obopper recent ly insulted u doing splendid wofk eotl larmera find that the obop u tarns oat is fataopttlotlm feedliituiaatbalwbloh has been put ihrougb the smaller choppers mr uoehieie dew floor ie oa eale at the mill and also at a number of the totes in town a raifecf states visitor arrotj aiponliuuiiollobtofqbufoi 1olioe w m oleary of bj dnej ohio con tained lo a state warrant issued at the instasoe of frter jeakeos of bydnejrt m it ulee- aoo of pleasant illi tean was arrested by onlaf laweoa oa monday mr olea- eon was a goes at the be cue ot mr r j mens who cams to anion from oblouat deoernhor tbe prisoner brought hefnr h p moore j p in lb gooooll chamber at two oclock and by blm remanded to tba gwoaly goal in the nuantiroa euaditiou pooaediugs are being taken mr oumeoo clsims the whole tnaltsc is a mlsondantaodltig with his ublled states friend and that it will be satisfactorily cleared uj tjvsvolfj fwlls toaijhe tbe fire brigade has engaged the popular jolly pulls hypooiu and vattdv vule co w l three unique entertalo- toente loolhiilo onowand halurday olght lo tba town hall this the drat appearance ol the jolly pulls in aotoo bob they have visited many bf tbe larger towoa to ontario and are highly spoken of ae popauu aodenlertalnlni frof tbeo pall ie one of the avast tunotsefal uypoo- tists of the age lie is a natural hypnotist la bis owa peculiar domain be is not equalled the short leunre whlob be delivers at tbe biglnalagof hie entertain ment la highly instructive and l is aald is worth tbe whole prloe of admlssioo foe prof poll is a bolentist todviemuu tor terytbing that be dose upon naural baals there u no aaperetltlonor appeal u aaparstitlaa with irof pali he is anooaipanled by bis grensfal assistant mr joseph pall who lakes an active put lo all the work each evening jpesaes saieno jofar the ladlee of anion and vlolulty are to be unaoatlly tevorad asat wesk through e vary attraotive sjrangemnl made by the women loetiutle of the ooooly the institute has eeourea tbe ssr vines of mrs b m torrance of oheleegoay baalu que to give leotura aad dsmonelr attune u jomesllo eolenoe in j o hills hall on 8 and balorday of nasi week mr torrance is an enperieooed vjlpaneilof thsouhnery erf her leseons tu oooksry held to milton a couple of weeks ago undsr the eusplose of the institute were very lergaly attended tbe lutervet evinced was highly nujs but oooflflkadto yoong ladies alone for eoots of ederly udlae eleo aluudw tbe nbeml eel oompoalilua lit foode will be espltlaed end tbe reasons why osrulu methods of oooklng will result in tnute riourlsbmsal being dsrivwd from bm wot only la th theory- es plained bot a praotlol ut is mad of recipes joom poeuded ao tl avevjbody may saejait bow it u done and etlerwaidsexeuiine aai teste tbe pocked tow mo torranoe ouuqase hetaelf almost entirely to lb preparing of the oorarnonett dlsbsa amoo wlob are tbe oooklng ot meals end hah tho bonlug ol ftjaltbe maltiugof salads and ielllee lbs making of aauoss and tbe oooklng u ffsleaber flvp bmjlh eye peolalul will be lu a7n1trs4y april rd one day only uiupnwnoul ffyoa bw any uyotuayseigblt will pay lo ealf tgsenhin bikpsjimtloe frar 0u iafjljs tu niwiapolbitmsl m a m a dp biotw vsr prmt for our ooym sad iltrla last wednesday mr lloee a commerolal uevellr called on the fur passe and axplalord that he- desired to express through onr oolumne his admiration of tbe good bahaviir and reepeotful conduct of tbe eouours of aotoo pobllej bobool mr itoee said he lia always made it a praotloe to speak to the boys and girls lie meets on tbe streets in the variooe towns he vmts- uls cardial ealotatlons have met with varying responses in some plaoee a bold stare or an impudent or lllmannaved rsply have been glvsn in return bat la aotoo said mr nose i bav always been met with coo rise us reepectful aod kindly reoognllioo by the boys and girts i have beea palling here regularly lor ten yssre and bava had plenty of opportunity for observation and i consider the boys aod girls of aotoo among the moat oortsoas and beet believed i have ever mat their good msnosra and respectful bearlug r- ing proof of good training and oarafol supervision of i heir conduct by the teachers in the pabllo- bohool the fsss pess has muob plaeacre in maklnn publio this ootuplitxwnt to onr boys and girls and aarnastly expresses the hope that their conduct will stways merit such kindly recognition tbe scholars jssaqael very klsajwyabl ths banquet tendered the scholars of the methodist sunday bohool laat friday even ing by the officers and tsaobera was a highly enjoyable affair tables were arranged in octagon form throughout the school tooa tbe teeobera and other lady friends o the aobool apeal the aftsmoon in preparatloop the response of the ladles of llobngrsga tloo for tbe supply of provisions was generous indeed in addition to the 3000 iwtnbss provided there was an abondanoo of all tho dainty things in plaai oakes and paitry and tbvy ware ol a quality buby oredttable to the cnlloaiy skill of those who prepared them at fl bo wo1ooewfcaotbatvblesrwoty long eheelebed event they- fairly groaned ttood thing the primary and intermediele claaeev were drat served end when thlr wents ware fully ihet the lor- the home department and the members ol tbe cradle roll and their mothers took their puoes at the inviting board aftzlseavery nsiltorloni programme was tendered by scholars tea and the orchestra brief ad- lee were also given by the pastor and isvattgelut tfoall h p moore superin tendent presided the bobolsre ere of ths oplnlna that the hanqast was a vary acoeplebu subatltate for the customary school sulgb drive literary notbu the new work by br a oonab doyle entitled tbe war in booth a trie its cans and goad dot has just been pub lished by george n morang a co torontr h is at once a defsnoe and an espianatlooat dafaoc ofbrfuak polio y7 british eoldlete and the british treatment of tka boers ao sxpunatlon of ths obargee which have been i circulated in foreign countries by emissaries of tbe lal boor government dr boyle bss prepared tbupasaphle people ot tbabmpirw andureoelsingno profit from its pabuoatioo it baa w may add been translated into all european langoagwt and is being widely droulated in every civilised country bo far as george m morang dt oo is concerned the work has been lssoe4 in canada at tbe aolhotai raqoeet iq the interest of a tetter pabllu knowledge of this graak qosstlon an item of lnlsrast to the oanadlan book trada and book boy ere le tbe bewa that lets george n morang di co ltd of toronto will hereafter be the sole agents la canada for all hook pobltshed by tbs manmillanompaav of rf ew york ms era morang a co will sell the books at tbe earns prioee lo canada ss those a whloh they are sold by the manmlllan company new york and the same discounts will also be glvsn to the daaadian bookseller and dealers as are given la the united plates masere morangdi oo have bow la the drees a complain nalalogoe ol tbs manmlllan companys poblioatloos which wilbe uaoed by then immediately one material gain to ths bookbayer by this arrangement will b the saving ol the two or three days time whlob la bow taken np lo the transmission of order lo nsw york mr robert agnew spent laat friday with friends in berlin mies angle mooann visited friends la toronto during tba weak mr job o matthews and mlsa fsrnlsy returned to toronto oo toeeday mr f w brown of chicago was ah goes i over bnnday of acton friends mise jean monabn of book wood u visiting at the borne of mr robt wallaor mrs walter got ting want to toronto oo saturday to spend a few weeks with friends there miss be lacy of toronto was a goeal this weeks th bome of exoonoolilor francis miss nsllle williamson of berlio spent a few days during the week with her friend mrs a t brown mr e j barry of baalt bis marts mlah spent a ooople of days this- week wllb friends in town miss minnie nelson of acton is spend- ing a few days with her brother eamayor b e nelson- 33 oalpb j7rit mr jonn freouee of kinosrdli agneet at the home of his son j oaotlee park ave laat week muabtera afbasrle will take charge of mr boot millinery opening- this spring aod has ootnroenood preparations mr welllngicfl bmlth accompanied mr will btelbam to paris oo monday and will assist blm in bis new lyaoqu i rcj buej- neee there mr jt jv marrs and his mother who have beea reel dents here the pest three months left on monday lor their former bome in tennessee mirjmwallm several days during the weak in town tbe goeet of his aoo af j b wallace manager of merobabk bank mr jos ford who baa bean employed as buokamtth looria3all machine shops tor some time left las wk for grafton north dakota where be formerly resided attbereceotmaeioaj examinations held at th metropolltlan bobool of moslo toronto miss ida bate intermediate piano and john b- moore junior paseed both of mil too pupil of kw lee the montrael if oil to lis portrait gallery of oanadlan legislators published an eaoeusnt- pot tramofmrijl lleridsjwmj m p last wedneesday end rt sketch of his life and political uarser at tbe meeting ot lil clair chapter n- 76 0 b c at milton last week the following maeoo lo brethern from aotoo weresleoted offloers a- j msoklonon w sletk j lawsoa anrjub m uendsrsoa mr end mr joseph boper and family spent a few days last weak at the homes of bis brother messrs george and alfred boper before leaving for mitchell booth dakota where they intend to reside la the folate mr fj campbell tor a bomber of years manager of the oaaadaaper co at toronto has been eppoioggd general mausgerof the oomnr with headquar ter as montreal the paupssasoongralu bletes mr camplxill upon his marked pre- ferment mr wawelcieof cartwrlabt men- recently took a prospecting trip through british columbie weaning loo end oregon xnalanlbydeflriptitettrofljils lb the oaitwright fltvle be advises all who are settled in manitoba or the north wast that they are much belter off than if they removed lo any of the other territories above named mtssrr q uoblneoo and u ksstns of palmereton spent a day laat weak in acton visiting their- forma townsman j b- moahiar nf lb floor mlua tby war wall pleased with what they aaw it aotoo andoooslder it a thriving and attractive barg meesre b neon and kaarns were on their way bome from toronto where they attended grands spring horse bale mr llobinaon burchased a fanoy ladftr to match a fine drlee h already auction balb rkqi8tsr tudsjuuv mlaaa sorai bale of bolii goods the property of chariest medley mill street aotoo bale at 0 oclock- term cash wet haasraxat auctioneer tnuasiur miaou strd bale of ktoob tmpletnanuabd lornltur ths property of adam cook aototi bale at oo oclock terms w 00 and aighl months james moklwvuiabctlooeer fu miacaslrt bale of airm slock and tniplements ths property of alex ball lot 10 ooo h naaaagaweye bale at 1 vcltab terms ho and tea month wm hemstreet aucllooeer dyspepsia protn foreign words lnoantng eatf cess baa oom rather to signify aad steeaaca for th most common cause of tbe dlaaaae la predisposing want of vigor and tope to that organ ho disease makes life more mlserablr its sufferers certain do not use le tat they omaumea vronder u tljey shoaia- troabledwllh it for yei oears eaa claire wla who was so afftlctm with it that ho waa ncrvoos sleep less and actually sick most of the time obtained no relief from medicines profes sionally prescribed they ware completely cured as others have been by hoods sarsaparitm according to their own statement vol tiaiarlf made this brest medicine atrenshems the stomach and the wbots dlgesmf avstsm lie sure to get floods- rbls alcoaior is en s-sr- box o th ralm laxative brtxnoqirlmoc toui cheap gbioceries it ralglit mean poor quallly bo i it is not owlth us specials for this week shirt waists blouse 7 lh palls of jam for 4 5c eacli lis 100 u heat granulated augar for- araku cold soap 5 bars for ajc shoot this soap g packages salmon trout cheap no b dinner sets special snap tyco par a si tho kotod rjca 8tobe china palace- a 7x 7wycorj57t cuelph i cahsrul mothbh0 should always b trparej i promptly trtsat th minor all- mnte of their llttt ones no mother nan bop that bar children will escape all th minor ailment that eiot little ones nd ah aheold be pre pared ao treat thee ilia instantly whan tba smargsouy arlsse at the earns time mothers cannot be too oarafal what they fftve their tlttleotes in thewayof msd loins doctor bae long protest- agalnil the as of the socalled soothing preparations and they are still need and wllo alarming frequanay by mothers thee preparation ulalo opiate wblob drug end frequanay b luvrlbfy t stupefy lbs little oae luto umporary qulst orslesp forsll the minor ills of utile boe tbste is bo tnedioluo ants eg speedily as babys owa tablets and they art sol undsr a guarantee to oootaln bo opiate ur other bsrmful dray thbasaoas of molhecq use bo otbsr tsedloln for their little one and all who have tested it pea ot its prompt and eate action in the warn eetterms mrs geo 11 kilgore well wood out aaya i have need baby qwo fableuttttdy trons for some time and i sincerely say that they are th beet medoiaa4 has ever need for my litis ones they act promptlv and lbs results air alwsye benefiojsl i think motbn should keep thee table is oooataauy lo lbs boner babys own tablets ere a positive our tor snob troubles as oolln soar slomsoh ladiseeljoa constipation simple fevers dlarthfka and worms they break up rom rovent oroup and llet th irrita- ll rmitipanvlngth catling of tetb tm bt kraurliu at cents a box or abt post paid on receipt of prloe br addree ins the dr williams tied aloe co rr0kvluoai absolute security genuine carters little liver pills huit foar il oe 5e pan l wrapper ao infallible abaracteslello of nirewdew la ornaly rat auucii rai uuwiittke rwttmmiuvix rn eotttipatio fiiuuiwiiia ours u3k hkadachs t makes tlis dreamy le lb want of motiv stops thtf couqh anowoks off the cold laureiamamulalaetabuaeeeraecld lo oaedvv mooorv fiofaf pries as eents mcl 30th the right house ustakmlhsd iiauittons favoritiisiioiilrlo ilaxe early spring underwear we havo devoled considerable care to providing tho beat slock of under- armeot we aell is reliable in every way and for women and men kvery gi warranted to eiv the heat of safisxacllo medium and light welgbta lor early sprf lcor womon- cart wright warners very fine nstural cashmre veals premier rinlah high necks long sleeves nd positively nohrinkable a variety of prices at from 85a to fa gsrment natural wool veals uuglish make medium weghi7uh nnfc able rail k venlilated gu seels at 00 and it 95 per garment fine balbrwan vests spring weights high becks long or short sleeves and balbrlggaa drawers in umbrelu style fancy trimmed or ankla length at 50c garment or men natural wool underehlris h drawers cartwtlghl a warners make suslxes spring weights ami unshrinkable al 75c and ii 00 garment mens unhrinkable natural wool un wear penmans -make- all- sires a first clan garment and priced st poc each menb roc ha tiual wool under shirts and drawers- well ftnloied and wlib silk entllsied luau l complete aasoriment of- slics and priced t from ll to hjo gnr- meat we invite your all en lion to these ig wearing oddments la xaoo oartauas all ueslrabla lot la every per- in the chorus of claims and clamor and hue that get into the papers regardipg waists just before easter dont overlook bollerts we have collected intelligently not whimsically and selected the best in materials models and workmanship 1 he ranges arc now at their height not a popular effect missing price marvels oiue dlou3sb erfact beau lie at 53 moo and 750 ilalner onesal ft 50 and tjio beautifully tucked alhalrou waists in blacks am all colors at jno wabhino-blooaxa- white muslin wsislb with uceern- brulilerey i n ten ion an 1 lucking for yyiltt ij 00 each colored musilns and embroideries leauikully mwlo all hnv myles from 3dci0 fi 5ooach such prices are interesting to thrifty women who want their easter and warmday wardrobe rig and complete before the rush days and they are within hailing distance e b bollert fe co 25 mid 27 wynuliam 8t gublph perfect but not a great many airs of a pattern marked st special- tlcuei airs of a pattern marl y reduced prices to make room for newer unas now arriving nottingham laco- curtain- 3 yards long by 50 and 60 inches wide good lacey pal terns taped edges roodvslueat a dollar a pair to he cleared now at 75c no it ingham lace curtains jj yards tk by 50 and 60 inches wide very handsome and rich designs some left overs of kinds thai have been selling at ij pair clearing bow at a 35 and curtains that were hitherto priced at i4 50 pair will be cleared now at j73 fancy swiss wnsllns spot and fijrrtr- ej auitalile for bedroom curtains n joto40 lacboa wlde- very special value at per yard 35c f ha uplioulexlng wo shall be plcae- od to oootc you plces for fixing up your furniture for spring aba ii he blsuil to lvnlciiuttlsfartton lu 01 very cnm thomas c watfciris king st east cor hughson st hamilton d kopmrns gbre at spring sale try the kor sale at the mill or at local eaiorti lvllvered at any part of th town on short notice cracked wheat graham plour lsiln meal for braakaat foot all lines of iced je no rally lo slock al usual pplces iw moshier kcton sweet blissful joy w11l l any amount olcarkiog prejudice entertained about i he wearing ol glasses when ouco u syes are gliddonod with a pair from our op iclan these glasses nro of a particu larly highcuis iuallty constructed oo scientific principle by lite moat aompixhod skill skmhg6 st co fine watch repaiicrs ouslpb- vot a number of years 1 have given my customer an annual spring sale which they have appreclstoj thu year i have marked down my prices on dry goods groceries boots and shoes groceries crockery hardwera to the very loweal point many price are at and below coal s prices in hardware tinware aod crockery if you have not hood tl m beior come bow and 1 will quale prices whlclt will asioulsh you feck ly low iilltig with dkopmkn rcton jvciut hndkkin sts easter miiliiaery display at- the lion- march 20th march 20th the ladies of guelph and vicinity are cordially invited to coiyic to the lion 011 thursday mar aoth and following days to have a looh at ojir trimmed millinery and millinery novelties owing to our show rooms being a little crowded on account of alterations to the store we cannot make as large a- showing of trimmed hats op usual hut we will be pleased to show you our leading styles easter conies earlier than usual this season but our order department is most complete and were prepared to execute all orders promptly d e maconald ovbro the lion ouelph printer sale saturday morning the 15th february we start a clearing sale of all lines of winter goods l wnsistiliglol clothing mantles furs fur mantles heavy dress blankets goods everything cut to cash w order to turn them into money this is your opportunity to buy goods at your own price j a mcintosh cfcson 77 tjppeb wyndham gu9lph st 1ih month trlemnantb of dress goods flannelettes t linings towelings tweeds linens cretonnes sheet ings pillow cottons silks bto also a host of odd lines in ladies childrens and mens shoes hll at greatly reduced prices la clear before stock taking we have a few ladies jackets natty new garments which we will clear this week at prices which wiu insure imrnediate sale come early and often hend6rson t co st hctoh jutllsl ivv ki a 1 k rv totuih ivlsi

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