v t vom mk xxvii- no li llry lolrij arion ontakio tltutfhoav moitmx aimuij im lixhj slnijijicjopiksr tiihkk jcvln kvkuy thuhflday mollnino t thm j arae iimihuui vtntlne utile uiii titllbht aotohont lullu t tkkmi utotlylii fclvjir all auttaartlutoiia 11muu- tlniwl whu oa unix fif wliloli lllaf lnv laaii rljil ififllthikh iula talialaiit jiu idrau lonu lt kiilillllu- ii wat in aartion s iwiu r uh- fur mjjii uuawjuaul inaaurllou goiroirr tututlia ftluwuitf ulila atiowa imr rataa forth liiaadluii i ulmutiuitauir biolal imiiint ii j i- jlk iqltulttm 5 laohaa 1 ineu itfldo 1 wm i 90000 1 jta asm aoo iioo jm un lion too tuw jmi bw ioa loo adwuatnu wiukii aiwslfia alraauoiia ill b lnaaru1 till ofim hi chrd mworil jb1 ttmnalanl dv liaaraaota nuk ta fm s3 aararuaattauila vrltf olilivi mouu if daslrvd vof olijic nfiii- uiacl oa a tnonui tits nomljoa tau tj lor obfcngaaforooatrmtajlvaruaamanu blliit b la tba afflm by poon oa tasauaytf 9aaijfjabta monthly ttnsinfflg tsutdaxu j oiw m macdonald m d- c m huockaaob to j v umn mdo m r uin rauk buvtaaobhl offlaa ourtttu lojioant 1 to ttul tbj t tooptu iiios gray m d c m mcglll 1l g 1 kliiumibaif i li 1 lau www uimum llarrnu ukuiiuii juaociitiow hto auociuaau vo nit kmixy otto viwwufa lirul aetoti out- t d it duvdkn fcik tuhtnmutuiii no oofmc woolwkt ajj llaiaf 8umu tiuelitifi ottusb lloou- 10 w to 1 p td hfe4 i u v u howmv u am u 1 ptn ijjcvrxl ii uknnett ldb dentist a sxaiuiatowi oayxsja jit ukll ddh lb8 i dmntiir actqu oau- or uckui drutf fltara 4lw umaklultx o touomto umivkiuitv viainwd juyh vlnl aiirt tllra tui4ija drookvill rrulay luwikwiwul tb utaat lliluo uwl iftl lr1 a j minklnnon luulm boucm coxvmyamcmjt otwic aiu hllwl lu ualulua lllok rll mclkod uikjutrfmm iu1uoi comwlafcloh- kalmhltmtlta aw 11 uxiu blthu uaatkalowl i flial t j monaell ui u- xkt to aototj omf mscxutjixxo us d k a v husband v s araduauonurlovauhttairytjal- hon uambaj- vataftuary aljioal hoclatv offlwot wordaua liajd- hlioii bt 060 itaad hto af 111 ulnat atwh rnsukanck aglijt w lldunhv 0w jluotcdnraarailmlufaauuuai at- uauj irhm loaatmum taulaiiua ofiim yuuuf hj- atuti f 1ban013 m0nan wrndbamatl boouuiumui auajliouujiia otaj- wlllknll utor llottll of ill kuja- u1j to ow utodlouofaaiyiahuitliauamf nulaaaai 4tlnlbtlwdod maimiaflli lioenhkb vamiffii at mamlattm kwaj irri-aaaoiu- mo atltnaa- tjulrj- iauj aj ntuu it qm vxtln miltf amrtiammhh 0flnuflaltbvuh ofllm itou ot i7wtaljalu aeuid will u- ufuy t- attdtl to twtua u iotliip upwilf- john jt maekemie uildkh and contjiactoh 11an4 fi7alabd abvhwatm llvii on a1jilact0h hubuoiuhkd btoclt oav1val tlhjfaal thb wkllinoton mutual inwumancu comiakv eubiuhi luio uj qdp j auiciau 0ht jfaw0m o oiy it mil fj ut t1iooaa 6- will u- imutlhtiy acion liveky1 bu line wll qlipj ktul ulylub ltu am uit lhux- mtv uoull tilia ulftaui i yahlt tmw2j 10 h ul fcut k k i- hi lulalt lloiliiaituitiviryoija tbtbiutif tkiuatiiamtial uia fully tuat mill n williams saw and plaiinj mhls lumber and shingles jt loinibst phic9s kill lull ml li only bll i lubl ami ilu mill p 8ayer8 pronrlelor wall paper sale rt days bookstore flno now toclc davs bokstore dhv tlblld cllqkf merchants bank of canada traders ranitqf canada capital paid upsloooooo assole ovor 9oooooo cuelph branch nkit ixm vt htoiucm savlngr bank doportmont iiiuhuhl ouiiuknt uatk oi1ntkukit ta11 mi miii i1ualat if l ai4 kiiala lilml fmi 1uui itli tata if wiuxliaoa1 111 ut eolupciunt1 balf ailval ulr t hncum tvyabu a r- htuu u lulijl rl uimlowmlnuiwitliataa- flc dla4llltltf him notaa ii liualuaad uwiaaouil u hjohkh capital rest 6ooocoo 2600f300 a genkual hanking llusinkss tuxmsacthd inloresl at moal favurmlklo current rata ajjowal on saving hank axrouala tfottors of credit available la all partd of th world leaued at thu oflloa srvcui allriiiloi t i veil lo iurtitcm lit uulr honev ordiirs von jnv luu ur to i50 payohlrt at nity liankliijf point in canada oulaiiof itm yukon terrllory mny wow lm procitftd ai iim lutik coutilnr willuxil any ilelry acton branch j wallxck jlmar fraivies frames pictur6s xt waters bros akt store oui3lrh aktito cu 1i0um amateur cameras hnd suipplis premo poco ray magazine cyclone prihtwo sramkb 4 a 3 ftnd chlnal 35 ni priktimq papers solio aristo velox y- photox h rhmshkw mora kmv kovon ewerton and ederst mills fjlotjr d oatmeal mills lint quality of flour and oalmal at- riwln pilcfp lirau miiidllni chop feed lilc or cash or wlical nnd om clioppuik every day at iwih mill iienuy lloutov phopiilwtou sun savings and loan go iicad oikiou tp10jgt cwt auuawjf c4pjfa nsooooooop tenyiur ninurlly altar r pd moiillily iiulftliiianiboi joe rwir lntw or la itioiillii wliru iyinmii mwlfujoq uld in tiuiutiiy vilud vum 00 mwty lu luiiui 5 siralnlil ituii r rouyablo in niomhly liuulmeiili 011 akll- ailoa lo r j mcnuhb auoit aolon the joro you aro in to rest gd in this list the more wo centre our interest in you what you require of these goods see or writertfs-beforo-buying- portry fuzzdnq menu kntuki a kli1i 11 a dmld li iirhhiiik hh urb wlra rma wlrm rncitu cmnant uoraaiidoora jcraon wine gardontiol frmtoou chum tllwl llnolaurn oil cloth and nil uulldlntf hurdwura auton uochhiti and uoitair sihh hathltyuulnuvil iiuww auuall mulipad wltb it u uiallllry baoaamjv uiaacut- ajl tlfl baolil atv ktid aaliuultutaj lmplauiaula bjmi ui jo ll alula u ataajit flttlurf uucm ahualiul auj mllaial buoaauiltbiu- woojnoa rtalra wifuiuil iii a wuilmbfr biajua wa eu kmymli any bshl at linpta n of any bax iuuiuiidv kttd alliuiuat- john jl bond co auklpirsr ltw ha now alia cuelph good shoes seasonable prices wc arc here to herva you faithfully and well the whole system of our business rovolvee 1 round thoco nt ral point that we sell jood nods al reasonable price the day of large profits is pone sudden lortunes are not often made honestly wc are con tent with the moderate re wards that come from a large- trade well managed come and talk shoes with us we cant discuss politics but we are lull of ideas oil foot rear we sell all lines and suit all customers sa willikws- yho shoe mpn mill street acton hcton saw mills lumber lath shingles and wood diiksskd lumueit hough lumflkll lath shnfle9 anpstovu wood op ail kinds kept constantly on hand iperitib gabli janies brawn w barber bkos paper makers 6eorg8ion ontario nouns c01ob6d pkpers john k- i1aruku chinese lhundfiy ip tiron ijns wn sir aclou tawulry culeiil ait tanilly viilllhil bl ieimlilo riln all woiu ioilo hy limiil no iimtltliiou or clicinii unhl kono 111 11in0 inl 01 tll koup it a hulilicr iil- liiit il llikinill i jllil kioiiiui lllljl li 111 ii ilhll nlih litiimlitini a1ivluuintcf o- ill liw iluluf humiwiii imi an iiioi ijill iiamk all liijiiiiillnn in u ijv wmkliik a lliillllik ullii 11 lliliu uwit a ki11 yi imikiii a ulilvinu1 ln hlirlliu riimi dutiicr illir 1 miiijjiii hk hoaht mkara a illl ill 16ik1iu1i autlmr ailvli 1 1m nil ailllllrlimtll 1ln cniintiy cr tlin ct ut aihililu ulfi ill ii11 lll kii iiiii uk am tlio uinul ibiiiiltuf iiiii iliilf o1111 uf nwliu hiii awnmnnvllrlwrnpon vkijiaahiim ln hliiil rilily ciiiiiiliti uiwu wlmt hnritwill umulliliiud will iji i1lll lllll two klliilu oftiwm not k011111i mi mini cil- liuut kkmhiikm a tlutliiiml army kliviiuvl lilhitij cinulejil lirfiiin- iinr iuflhiiiilii hitiiiitlnnii luiuinh kxuilly ptrimiiillnuini tin mimtlii of wlntt wlml w iii not ukn to huy to our ciilltorw pi eh t11 wult iii nil altreuil mnnnit tlomilyltiliiui tlltllk limiil illmtvollj piiuith tin illutnrliiii iviiglit wntii- iii motlnii hiimll hliot plural hniy ii iiviitaiii tluiivcrhaililnwijiilliikvvictliijut 11li tnlvkllini lliiviii a courli of oiiitli pruinll auliy in or ikilymu t you wi only iii fill rltd jfimili rmahtrj t 4 t j t t-pattys- l business j experience j 4f tfth it ih luiil hh tliutw milml mm ciiiiiuuiri wikmiin flihinay kvtry ult iii mil imhjwhhn til pttlty with it liruvti nttiupr t c iufrfiilnii whfii it in nil nvn- i will liu imiiu m nnd tl fund turv dnr mi limikht mm wilunn inul iviry nui thnukit mr nnrrln uniimirh a flm iniiiiiiiiai iimii hut ithutlltl iiutxiiruithii dimwit nhi kiitiw tin nmn iiynlty ti iwr iltuul ftitlmiv pntty ulm iniilly ijclliiiiiutl in tiiumph thit aro thu van aiuti iiln kiiilf nliniad tluir fatliir in 11 wittowrr iiu uitntii a cmnpitnicm for tlirin you 1 now thn contlnrnt huit a iruididuhik nnd yon would in liiful thny api ipw to tliimtort of tlitllff yni know pulilcu nfittla tiixiw lutiuilf tip vry ittttillrllt connlii dont iiuciil tnpvjnllili tlihikh i jinuitivoly rfuw to tiikn n mtultton that hiiwmiif cliarlty im kiihk ntniight intotlm huidniiiti world to ttoik ivyllywork mii wlliior afficuil hll fill itcijiinutiiu which tdiu did not fixt im tik hoimtiow my tlciir anil think tlilit over youll hiar fn 111 ini omtirrtw and of cnnnit youll mtcctivl wlinuvip you umurtaki mnt wilwin lutil luvn pattyn v- niintin thinliiyn whan uiiuh u thing on flniiulhil tuioiitulnty wmiwl fur rviiinvtvd from thn norriu inaniiioii now iilii waa liituuiflcrlpt rttulor for a big puulhliiutf concirti when uhu ruiclul lur dimly hirhutl iwhlnwun thirtl wtory iwtrk fit 11 nolny iwwtnljng hoiuif h rttvw furth u hinittl hjuik- iwrnk nnd uluiim it arfully at u ihbiilt of long twlixlinn uhimllniutthiil thn following 110u1 to putty my ivnrcilil ilcfiiru wo do any- thinu ilmi wo intiht llnd u home i am hicu unto tliath of imanlliik hhallwo luivn 11 llttln hat toutlhcv a ciinniim apartuiimit with what- yon want of your ilwtr old thiiik furnluliinuii lliin will fhiil you thn juwltlim iltit flnit it hoiui- for your iuiico nnd iniif hifvn inn from thn fati of a hull ihwi- pfiih miy lhri h in ui rhinum i illtv rtiinui of for yiwtw vlujrly onnli tlirtm wi4ku luur mm wllwui cauiht patty frowning nt itnr itrniui a dlmiir tuhli- that wan horntlikiand dainty couuli- thtrtii almolutily iiothiiik irft for in- tii do thn tlnu iitu iiuuk btuilklit in tin icil4hin inul 1vnti n tin- hi-y-bini- lu invty ronctlvahh- jitinn liuiot i lu put ofr any llhik i h lji liipuiiinirllitit tin- tnt lint it mm fti jl fnin uivtlm lutilnht ni ilu i niuni thidiwi hut mimi i- 1 nlni thiy faciil th iilluutlon ui1it mrs wiihuii hud mmi uiih touiliik nnd uiiii pitpiifil thnv huiluiohiujy inithikoknli pur niilrri ipi i had hijmhl patty and tluimly ihdi whfiv i would imtn iolliiinit mo taipillril uth tiaihiiu 1 hut nivtt mm iy or din hluuurtcy fd th nhl tlmuuli it ill uf initthnd rum l the pressure of business u ikdy rclldyei liy lir ii m o iu couth yin iu ill j jit cfia 0111 in and mucii111 imicconiillili imli1- liiiaauu lumhlr 1 at cm al i lin w ivuplunin co of ciliimlit ni itnti i lilolfllha u nly lluivy huh- illy pal ty in hh mdirl tothitiiil hlml inaitiufiiniimlflk mliiiiwilhirhanihtlhhlc iillllli- i k fill 11 mm avlli ly nui nvurily hmlliut i hiurtl minituhlk to liny patty that y riihlililowiutll niutii 1l mill pulty hut uilh iuui iilukhiumiimilion lu hiihiiirt at hihiiiiithoinm thny tant 11a inoihl to uhpw oirthnlrjjiipoitiil hiiltji aiidyoiii- thviy oh patty dout i00l at in- ulf that ti liil u iul lo in a mhoihi till kit im mlfl lllimh wih iihntd lu r uik iooiio- ixdiiivny iihall lltt hmiiihi mow mihk only ulliwiii wl h nnl liv iiul niiih tohmhnhutdorthodtm a ikututy you wiv hiiitttmr mimwntl patty lth a imikh that m111ud1l mor 111 u uh ho did pkiiiiiii ninilx uik inr niitiy into hi- liihln wmtd it vwu not imiil wot k nnd iilin iiivr uuilnl of liandllitk tho loiuru wnqv- nnd fifuka i fur idutuhptht lnnlily it thiin olf to ikifttloii niuuho hd of thmhjiartiuont npimivnl of hnr 1m- niium iilin iintvi kt k nor wwild thitlnoorouirnniployi hy rlul- iuh with tlwin an inr iniliwijuic hud don in fart uh liim hinnlf aloof fioni thn othr kihm in tho uhnp k wiim mi ld nniiiimonlnv juldn thnt they rould not undiiht4ind if thn kir in- ului tloiigillir proild lind known how nho fiivtl tticin hy mlklit liiivn flt ditficntly tlmy woiknd with thilr handx nnd uho juitb ttord ifcwnxmjtlrrnill thnt iai mil iii- wihtiy hut it niuti luuhln of pliyukul iufiiotiou and idio tnanntnd imwit of all thn ipilnt iiiirchlnw ulatiriii of a youuu fnl- low whnwnrudtolmilnthnihjihltrhdn- ini lnimit oiicn wlinn ulln wnut to draw her wilary hn ntooil nmir ilia wlu- dmv and handtl forth mm mmdopn without nvnii luiklliu hir iimiiii sim nindmd ullhtly nnd nftir that hln rompidlink khtncii ialhil forth it ntllf ilttlo imiw uhnii they citinu facn ui fur oun noon whnn tihn wiut thnadlnk liif way through 11 nlriitiu of ruldt cum nnd dinyii idu- wiui almoiit run down und tho kntyiyis yonntf man fioni thn fniihliuii ihuiitniint riarlnil iut iwrom the jwillciman two nlfthtti latnruhnniilinand mm wllwin ludnlk- tn in thn mctntviikanci of tlrkntn for it fauhloiinhln pluyhoimo uuy omorkl 11pn1 it uiiddmi ralnutorm oh i witilil m111 wilunn niynrw hniinntr jimt then iiomiouc arrayed hi nlotik coit and lialanclnif 11 comforthik nm jirlhnjtjiclililjhriiltki llwmituil yoiiiik mail fwmi tithituiirhori cimii hark inu thn ohhy mimi noiil uhlln i rail n hnmom for you a iiiiiihihii pnltyi llciuild a han- honil nxiliilnuw mrg wlhion ahnout iiarfnlly what ulll it cmtr i dont know iiiiappntl patty 11m- vmijily uotiuinmchiui a now iimit- a lew inomnntii lutnr hn thiortil thniii to thn walthik himioiu rahil hiu hat kavlyrlroktil junt ruin into pattyn liroun nymi and nuuy thny whlrlnl in thn hlacknian of tin nluht at thidr aiiaitmnnt mm wilfum rottliik hir liilivil couritloi of chiffon and ron uli u liniidlowhlnr rtifihml into the hull ifhvhitf putty t with thn hill tito intlir wan iitnuifr ly iimnut until thny wito hrmhhik their hulr whnn nhn latddniity hurnt forth in wrath it in liad ciioukii connin to rail lu pilhllr nvnr n nilmil hat hut o ho- wall thn prirn qf t hluliim in formlv- nhhi why why tfajpnd mm wiliuin ilnjutldthn hark mini thatn all kvoaittil patty and uin- throw hrnrlf facn lfiwnwnnl tit hnrplllowm uiiirmnr- hitf he nihuint think that junt lw- canin hn iuivhi niy llfo ho ran pity tny hack far ami ynt inromlitintly idn uik n utrutik phiuatm in nialliiin tliu jcwik ft hixhirk uruy nynu whnn hn lnaniml forward a month latvr mm wilnou cainn homo radiant thnmii an nptiiink pitty dnar in our ofllrranl you nnuit tiikn it iptlok tlmni fint ilatiiiu of application hut i hitvo thn promlnnl and thnnnxtday putty handil hi hnr rnkikiiitlou to sihorinnrhoni co to ukn ijfiet on saturday with thn lant day enmn wnnl that mr fruwhy would llkn to ww mlu nilrrlu lutorti uhn infl por imrn idm mlaxil tho mh itnd oakul onn of tho umu who mr ivawlny wan oh h n ii tho company rtiiomhii tho irl cawlniuily aftnr drawing hor hint pity cnvidoju patty croknil to tho ittnln offln and wiui tliihnnil into a ninullor room tin iihliiiitottm younir niiiir of tho ffrty oycti rihurto iornhc her mr intwlny linn will for me iihi imikidi with junt thn ihri44tion uf n hniih in imp oliookw i mil mr ivawlny hn replied and tho k oyoii danil at her roiifiuilnu i wanted to toll you minn korrlit that wlillo wc romt t low your vnl uuiih wrvlrmi wo aro kind to know you am kitiirhiku pyudtlniilmtteriutll nil lo m your tjiulim and nhllltlin i tuht yn will md forkt tm thn tty oymi won looking imuit picnihpkly lot horn tho llmih fnpt cioh1 ami chinnr to thn aiift hrown hitlr ilim ufiuld pvo inin vnryrudn unniuthnnim kiawlny idio 11111 wiiudln nhwwilro hot you knn it whh all imiiiw o iii ami i flti i rant toll 011 junt how i fl tl ihlukl uiiilcnihtnil mik1 nmrim i- 1 hope i tdiall inn ymi ngaln may i- wo flvo at jliiiiiic itiwut it- mm vllwoii and i- and uoaiinhva houiotlinmla nvnliih tliouray thaulnl hni-iloipinnt- ly ami uhiv- witlkil lapidly fmiu thn ofllro tli at ninli at thnlimii- tuldo mm wll amldid on happily i mally donl think it linn hint jun dear voil hud to kalii hniiiuum oiipjilmn onulurw ami no upllixl patty itlbuiitly it him dopo no harin hut nho wan thlt llignot of tlinnxhiliir hut of thn kind huhl i thn utay oym wluit ilu luiil tuk him hiinwht tall llllll uilll lu ilian what onis hoy dlo mtul nm that lo n ha in n luiid thu hti l ty ilull why 1 n l of twk wliiku- i i tlu jim 11 11 111 1 in ly loytmlf ruinly 1 hohl tll youiiumt it ii wtnu fainlly houl 00 th in miuthnni llfoniiu mid almmt nu thn kimnhi in tho hoiiw wiv llw- forth whltr wn had iwiujle hnll aiptalntnd amlull lay i ko- la thn wonl for it ho w dillil that it wan urn inmh trouhlu lo ilr- for iiiluiii nnd dropkii into thf hiihit ofcouiinkin jiihtiw wo umliil ui 1- fivini ioiiiikih in thn hauiimwk or hhiiiiik 01t thn plr or hryrhiilliiw down ttn imiuii our loaiimm uut hml liioiii alkiut 101 raruliwi an our ihiria wti wen thnn for it int it u1 tlinr iiul thou llttln thlll didnt nmltir uo hmm ilutonmliiy thw uiiii a now nriivnl mm1sii u yoiuikumiiw imiritcr llttln miif itolwh it ntuiily hilght faril lul of twdvn iui you iih is- thmlmt titnn h raiut into tlm diuiiik- chc iuiuuyvlth hiu tin und rollur and drtim in luifut ordnr orilng hlnhipthnr iui though nhn had luim a priiircu und nlnidlng until not only nlni hut nvry duly at tho tahln wan watiil wo all flt that 11 hmuth of now lr hml rtmio iniloog iui and cvry onn thor i think itralglit- 01111y up a little however wn lookiil ut onn another and nnddul our hnndn an niiifli iui to nay lit wont kip thin up iohk wn worn iitnuikni and in the fainllliirity of overjdny llfi wn did not douht unit it would mioh wotr uway hut it did liol itoh wan full of uf llnd nhlvo ami huny an it lioy rould atiiu lu at tho iuiiiio i inn- uheu twenty minute lufon niouln hiu iiiiiuiitliiewallltlohilver whiiith nn matter whniti hn wau or what ho wan lining every tiling wau droppn und hn run in to nutkn hlmuulf iiuly and every thnn ln cumn to tlin tuhln with hiu clnun faro und nn 100th hnlr und clothm cunrully hrningul or ehmigil he wiui hlmiulf u wrniou -tr- i n t n d ml f im jiect w h i r lr thmiklj none of 1111 lutld much ulmiit we felt all tho name then hy nnd hy ouo and llliotlnr lugnu to reiikiliil to tho little fillvar uhihtlfiui well iui hoh ntld one lull ituldo it hicyrle dnui iinothor 11 halfinvalid uogllko till you would hardly huvo lwllnvil it wun the uamn compjiuy of n few wekn lufom it wiui thn imnio with itiaiinern itohu polltjiienji idmplo unnffihunl and unfailing nt tho tnlae on tlin eranda ujion tho luach v he rover you mot him hin ivadlnef to ln lihprnt hin dorhmiro to thou- older hin thoiightfiihicfui for all wan tho luut loiojin thnt of nitaniplo ah a coniuipiiiico thn thniightlciut imgnu to htneiulur und tin wlfliih to fed uiihanied nnd thiuu who had iwnn fihnply caroloaii to knp theiuuidvini more in hand and mi nu i iiitd in tho luginulng in inul than iv mouth tho whole atmon- phom of that hotel wan rhnngiil hy tho influenco of hue luiy ami thn only one them who waii uttci ly uncomioim of thia wiui roh hhnaolf tliln hi truly it ploajumt incident wn like to think of thin liny who imuuuw hn wan ut heart a truo llttln gentleman drew what wiui kindly and ctirtnouu and gracioim in tlnwui iilumt him ti tho mirfaco an hy a magnet in like manner it in muwihln for every luiy to ih ao truo nnd kindly and tender iui unillluh of action u iviipomiivn to connriiiire that wlinre- nver ho gimn hn idiull carry an inspir ing utmmiphnro und infhtnmi with him nnd whoever ho me4ti uhall lunuiu of hfjii uiiconiiouiily lie dmwu to liujr thoukhta and nohlor livimr tiiaipino a wltnuss a utwi wumiwiiik med 111 a iunlry ouif a lmi hud 1 t a llill i11i the ideooull plntil 11 rulli douhtfid chamrur of tin nlkidwrl hin guilt h- luwtet tl ll thn dial pmililne rlr hlpiit tlioikh he hul fonml a hrtuko hll dfoe at ilefndunti e iu- ox- iigy in iryllig to oiifnih und frmhtm thn opjumlng uili uhtlly u farmi who- tihlhuoiiy wiuiiuiiilnulailyujiluiiklng lite hiw- y-i- ktt up 11 lirt of miitlnnti uklug many foolh ona no i rehullng hiiu- a jmd n in the hom of de laying ll wllueiui into it coiilrullt- ion you nay that you en i mm mudlv on lie day in an iiomic polkw- m1ollul w 11 hat air i tome iipla jul llwmmmlry il inotry ijit t 1 lvhmolelhl i hlloekolt kin alllnmwup without 110 of their mm theyre jdi urn uai i tho lamver went on uweur to hiivliik yi it tinnj piui your faun t tliinv for- ii plliil id ah the witn ady am cipankkd yhk utllono hoy 1 1 11 1 iill 1 ir lit rioinl tllllll p i anil not ilu y uuiik n iv 1 i ml tlnu to lu ll llmt il hninwi tllu ullmtl tilo iii tin m llll lliil 1 rlnin tliu 1111 ll xlui a dotrolt limn wiui tmvijlhik wltli hill iuiii ami uluhlllk tt tranwirt miiui hlliillliuui wlttl tho roiuluctor hoiuifil now wlillo im koiiik ui lwi junta fowininntjil yoxiiiltrlghtjuro il dont inovo a hiu it you ito ill iiiauk you kimui and hanl ho dont iitirk your hoiul out of tin window you mlklit liavo it utill oly if yfui do thiu you wouldnt hao aiiyhoiu and youd pit a iiiuililill kiiidu tho fatlur wont away to find tho conductor aftor a tow iiilniiton lit iauio liack tluim- wau llttln wlllli junt hli foot and tho iru or hin tnilluni iitlilluk 111 throuuh tho window ho aiijuarl to imi luon ouliddo than iniildi- anil whonovor a toliifranh mlo wliluoil by and luokod ouiuicially clow in would lliakii a hlllko ufr it nn if trylnff to rulrh it tho fallui- did not honllalo ho 11ndo n nab for tho luiy junt an tlio jnttor uiitdo a liuiijo for tho toc 11 liulliil him in hy tho ii- inld him nw hin knooii and inknii lo fulfil hiu luiyliu tho ilttlo follow yllil and yolhml in ill ho nlinoiit hud diiwnod out tho iiolm of tho train hut dining a lull in tho uproar tlio rnthor hoard a nnlrkor lulilud iilin ho laid thn luiy iliiwn ami tilrmul to i inui w hat it there two matii lulilud and iirrynn theuhlo an hin noil and two lliikm tuuydiii hin mouth to keep hlmmri i- niont in the man iiihlml hi ninhookil again- hill there was no lnlnhil me looked at the luiy iiihlnlap h- hiud tho toam uaua fat e ho had noer ejn lufoiv he had ipmke1 ioup 4ior uiauii noii llnlveitoii dalk neun little thnejarold philo had lueu utught to iuiy to hin liiolher 1 u- you mom than tongue eap tell he lull tupuuual lhlu uilu lay ut thn ad- uihatlon of iuiiiio v i ui to mi u lieu looking pulil lie ankil mainimi w hat hi tiimuil a few earn nftir thl i ho had luiii ut eliiiit h om mmluy und heanl thoihoh iug tho foiii lut ed vfuui id hear on th wly hoin ho impiiuil mauilua what lu n on- ii iiijii erowtej ml liear y hi lion u whal time wun hin 1 yijjt wau hluuit tlminimle of tl foivnoou lint i dont want any aluinbi or tnlddleu i want you to tell tho jury exactly the titnn why laid tin farmer i- dont ittwayu carry it gojd watch with 1110 when im digging iiolutoen ihltyoiihavoi clurk in the horn- havent you yen well what tliiin wun it hy tlml why hy that rlwk it wan junt 10 minute juuit ten yiaj weis in urn floll all tho morn ing y went on the lawyer mulling mig- geiitlvely i wiui hnw far f mm thn houu- in tlio hold r almiithalf it lnilo ymi uwtiir do yon that hy tlio rhurk in thn homut it waa junt ii inln- nteu pjmt teuv i lo tim lawyer pjunutl mid huikul tritimphiiutly nt tho jury at hint ho had entnippil thn witiicnn into it contradictory lutfcinent that would gnmtlyvijikeirhhrey hi once- tim fanner liutirvly plckil up hi hat and utartii to leave tho wltue iitaitd tliii turning nlowly aluiut ho added i ought peihap to nay that tiui much ndhtneo iihould not lu phtcsl on that clock mi it got out of gear aluiut ulx uionthii ago mid itu iuimi 10 ntln- tttti jinul 11 ever uiurn ilinv tle so au willi u pol plou kv ll in till whet li nlueti hit fn 1 ever illitu i uelmm lillm jiiimii hut mil u d on eiiilt i u id i ui hrv ii lnpuu kit iwn mid ken eounryjak vheu eggn ii t you ipoi vni- when you i vhrelu lleidorilrt t ou mi their faeeti hrighl lay heuveuii luui night t yin hear their iiouly 1 anunhikihimuetolhenr anil adlmi mod their laiighln e e a ftmuh and iliiflimiiiholngwklej anitnint you wheiithivgoni uwav haklnl jin f and idenii fil i iuimii iy uichainentiirjoil in oh homernlu youiv th at ruilgei thin teivit hill h e luin higher iluti i home in whereyour pialwdl lu 11 r went at your lnut itu home itu honm your fareu uhiue itiuunder your llg tni and vine your family and your lioighlxtni iwiut yo und the lutchitilug hangln out hoinekolkiiat hmm i know o ono old feller now ut huiut git nono intltehiin lminay hdl lwck miiiii hut you lin he him ami lnll come j iuii wnrnoiiii itukv foumo to tim when cnptiilii xv w snow ulu refontly ivliml from tho iloiton mid philadelphia line after a cotitlnuomi wrvlcn of fiftyunveil youm tiuik com- iiutlid of hin vewiel un iriuhuuinnaukol tho capbtin if ho could employ hint well wild captain snow at tin njtiikttiinit hitndlng tlio inaii a plecn of niju if yon can hid thro endu tii that ropo you nhall linvo work tim irlnhniati thought it monient uml then tojik hold of one end of tho nnw thetvh ono end your honor hn iuui then ho umk hold of tho other end and iihowing it to the captain nn ln foiv ftalil and thatll two riidi your honor then taking hold of luith endu of tho rope hn throw it ovorluutrd iiayiug and tlintuaii end to thu mpe your honor uml thatll three nndn captuln snow engngdl ltitii una wairrihe ok mr martin wan talking ut tho din ner lithle in hiu uuiml clever imtunnr nlniut tho inromiiutency of women theiui young women who protent that they nw never going to marry 1 ho broke out kvnryluuly knouu they wjll luliothoir our word at tlm verj unit opportunity ifi uliuui1 mid evidently hojuil that mm martin would comn to tho reine of hor nox hut that diurnet wonimi held her tongue why mary ho rontinuil joti nmoiulut how it kvaa with yotinudf i hao hennl you wty more than once that you wouldnt marry tho lwut mull allvo well i didnt wild mm mnrtin 11 bi uittiho ittoom dn ah a who conten thorn r calliil little willhvthe- mlitry in thivatenlng toiiiii an ho hrought hiu deadly wimwi- eu gun into nhooting uinition a filnlld luuuwerul llttln touiliiln from behind tin- roekhtg chair adviim and git n i ho countemign hiwuil tho iuntry or ill uhtuit the uoad off you an omimiuh idleme follumsl thin teiiibln threat then tmniuio naid pijiintitely ln forgot it you cant tvuunilwr mitliiii cx- elaitmil wlllln u dirgmt throuing down luu gun- tunl oer here iui ill uhluhrltt iiuiikln wkiat uucamtc of thk klttlch- utdy ahotiik n thing an aged iiiuu who had fought at wuterloo uml who rvuidori in a nniot villago in kiotlund wau one day inlt- til uml hitimviowil by a pirty of gentlemen lieloiighig tu literary cluh having iiitemil to the old liiunu utornluiut the fitniomi luittleuiid hin ahum in the conillct they thaukul hlll nfllyriimlwrtvnlmlt to df- lunt when the veterutt nlilurkiil j thing gentle men that i run kcull toinind ah hid nil what in that- they eagerly iuikil exu to hear u iihmil inter outing lvnilninecncf oentleineii idiid the mlenin in hnpiilve toiieu i wii reuiiinlur that 1 wan junt iui thlmty during tho wlude of the imttk iui i nm now tim putty 17il the iihtit tlia wanting adjkctiv1c lining by a mhoiil huijutor win exam u tnuii in iiimnuir and trying to plnin the rvlationit of udjectlveu giving un evumplo now foi iuiilaiue uiiii he what am iv that was an iany qtieutlon und all the ehildnn iihoiitiil a man ami then looktil aitiuml trliunphaiitly nu uiiiih an to mv ank another yen but what vm i wilil tlm ltifiuftoi thin win not io nuiy but afteru imiim- a luiy ventutiii to tiug- get a little man yen hut there ii minn thing in ore than that thin wun a junut for tho younguteni but after a niomentii puxaled idlencenn infant phenomenon ftluuut ieapil from bin wt in bin ingernnwi und cried to tlto inierur pleiu iir i know an ugly llttln nan the hew yohh oints uatjast pad the pinirhinglwgachich in aho known an tin itrikliig4mg tudven tho problem of indoor exeiciw for glrlfi und in the reigning fad among new york girln at pamul uiy the march ladlou honte jourmtl hy tfie u of thin it ppi rut un yvery inuilo in tho luuly hi brought into play and the ntotit girl groui thin ami tie thin girl grouu plump hy the daily iiwi of uf thew liagu lightneut of fit graceful juiiw and a upriugy itep do- velflpeven to u greater tlegni than by utniiun of ditiiring lnoiui the wult and aluloinlt an- nd tired in nize and the weak muiudei of the tlunk ore io itlrengdieiied by itu mu that the amateur uthclnte holdn her- lfhtralght with eaie and comfort tho liug hhoiild hang ulmttt the height mho nhouldm iiiotknuniaof opkicic ho youre going inker in puilinment- wean kuriiiorcoriitiwl w him anniiid here he hillhuliktm- umiwenil dont want an ia ullck that ho didnt gltemiyluuly auhow- hi u ho ji trade or nil thin ebe an ho got m upphdi that it ground untoliavo to travel on the jimoniud uith hint you kin lut hell muy in paillatneiit weeoitldnt judiet liiuiuorhao hint kldnupjuil an heogol to get rid of himioiiirliiw wunhiiigtoiintur vluilor to httlo giil what of that little kitten on had iui wli h nn 1h hornnu little hpimir liily yiniloi ed little iiii i nly vihiioi little oil i ni utdy vhitor littiolirlni ijuly vihihu auinorit lillln ih i it grow al wau it druuii- imlt tlic diamond dves the only kind bought and used by wise and prudent women tho onlv lllv lllllllllluli dullo ulod luirkni il to iv ih lllniiioiid h karl i iiouuko roloni frni i in oijtllt 1hiiii hiiuplo tllnl lltnllil thiin dmivd iliudi llliiuioiid lljou uml hto lion vim inn fildiul llvuon iilllln jcu lolu lalmti till11 lililu finlloiu and oil ii a rlilltl run undor- d oirdly iniitrji any iil th llulli mill d up lulu tat was na toiia ijuik horo mr llojiul luild mm ilojnk 1m llko to know why you iukiul mo what i wuuuut roi a thilut- liuui iuvmiii if yon inlonhul to k thliik iiliily dltroiviitr i waiiltul t rjulmt you dir wan ilojaoku llllkallhrarlory rolily 7 uk huk ild ml hlouio1 huilory y liil iihnuotiilnkluu tlioiii look nu nuu llialiiouil lou nil iho lu1 and hlroiikout roloi uitfudluir in wunhhik or tniiilluht you tiro ulwayii uafu whon nu uio thoin no dliaiiiulut- uioiiln or falluiuui whon you uo lo jour di 1111101 or pi 0 lltlllt-l- 1 lint tho ilinydjou do lluuioudll liuuiun uul iuiiliim