t bank of hamilton georgetown branch agunuiu1 butikiiijjburiiiouu i i trunuuotod corroupdndenco solioilod savings diparliimnt iioo iikii imoi oni nor ialt hlll lliula llil luy lt llflwmlt it lay ol ltlilivil nulmiallll and i dcliy lit iu awliij intjin farmers ltiijiiiiisi nkws op local import pa vimnt pltitions increase i i cfmaolonca ly mr 1 in liiil monv t v t ii loll i 1 r t i im- 111 ill 111 1 1 iii 1 lll ml ul i 11 1 l lull uii4 111 to the solultod nlrul icaimiiratiui fartmua difaroliulnd and liuuiny loaned lor cjiulmato ouuims puipoic- our election tsavlmiiit han cvwy facility uif making pruiupt relurns kalu noth i land in and tnonoy iulv inm at low rules of inloi t hamilton fin lla i lonely imuo clicula not of tl lvivhcul hank of hug land limited vxliicti cjh lm cashed wilnth chari or ikhililn in any iaftnf llm vniil hliad officio jramiuton kaubliahda 1u711 capital paid up 2000000 reserve fund 1600000 total asset ioqpq2 jauiui tijbnuiju cadilcr b forsayeth aoiint georgetown branch tlie big bookstore guelph ghas l helles solid to ui or any of lli klct hooka w carrv a hig block- ami will mall them lo you orders for wall i spar 1lrqij4l1 1 werskine our acton biicnt uld r- celva our het attention toronto li ices and new york styled chas l nelles rill lllo wall paikil stork g0ewh sijc retort rtt jrcss iliuuhuay juia ml ilt brief local items v ltd thi r imki iililpmc at of ntnck wiu made hy drover ilnhne im mon day wuiuhiy afternoon ruimlorm decimated thi attendance ut the kliu- djty rehoolu the wellknnwn hwi homo- wuiulat the fool of willow kuvel in otfeivil for wile mr win kliuhtnti linn wild lilu triihiico int mount catupliell to mr wrluml hmliiuc or krln hntmlny11 hlif mill filled fairy llkv higher tluiii it 1 lit lilly in when thn upiiiiktltne fretdtetii tiipjumink mlwlitlluull iilke aveillu- thut- tuined v cry hntpltahly lite lurtulurti of acton trunin club huil thtirulny even- llilf 1lie tiiiilpli jvuniiit o ituoi ciutlvurusl witli htihtfiitil tur lny- tn wiiilh tt tn ceitlu mt tuium fmit knw for muu luir visit wriitlur ut ullnw the hoiihlnk of the lilu ciiju witlruhlrh niiuly nil tlte fnciiiett are fuvnnl- an intereitliiu 1ilhlrenn urtco wan wiiuum1 ltyllc a 1ljjinluu 1ulkuml1y in- uiuk in the methiulut cluiirli x jiuiws citititieliir him the witllmif thiflilu fxten to the acum tiinttliiuliuihiiy wnvtrriirettywit tulvunrcd qtuitterly siiriuniiutjil wrvieeh will lu helil in th methmllit clmrli lieict kumluy minnitiff coiiiincitliiiu ut jtiuiih n jteiil nr iliiklmlie krln tnwnwlilii tlltsl uu suiuliiy llix ruitiiml tin tnemlny ufu nidnti wuii birftely utteiuleil herviihi iu luiluild in tin- uumim mithmlit clnuili next miinilny evun- lnt t 7 ueliul mr ii 1 miuw will luivu cluirui mitm minnie hitluicu him rerelvml the riuult of hec recent ekuiniuiitinni ut the nlituirtl krhimil tdniiitn klu jmiwl with lutuotu actmi liiihdiih cluh u hllleil to ilny ivinietwtna ut iciartu touuirmw itiliiieimtiui cltuitni will uteiiil their fmphnlwuy ut klurii there wiw 1117 chllilniin tirleu mill u iiilulu mil- 1 ut th c t u on tiuiwduy for knowniwlnjrtinliii u uchitelitiiiul idylwlm puil llev a h hmith ivwhl the lliut ur u mrliii nrkoinionimin tlirul setuion on the momit in the mlho- 1ii1l flnnvh hut kmiiliiy tveitliiu uev mr uulilcii imt luiit mmiii1- liik 11 iliiiple of sel with frleiidii ut ihvton hit u 111 ivtuiullin week in time for nekt nuniuy tet i lien in hi auwuirt climth thi- iiiufiu thi uiiil iiionth una lteit ly in ire the uvetnie for july imroiihd the uiitlixty yemw keuily ihe imliiu fill here the iiwrui iuhtffttniraam tiuir dulivuiiy j ii uitinlhonh klxtihul munii nnntal vorln ut lulihjure uow lalliiktuiliiri fiirtluinlui mul mm li muiiiiinenlh o lu wt tip lhlrt hnriiik ut rnluuil piueh with thi i tliw vuh 1 1 ie und luunuiiutii- juurhiliei y tiilwentuliluhllieiix in uhlc to ekleute fur limn timl lielter uiul thun heie tiifnrf und ill iiiilci to uep tlie iiltirhliiiiiy iiinniiik ijtjiiilily ry low iiueit lire ihiiiu uen for ioik nuliihl now tltll ut the uoiki or illoii u euhl in j h hnuillton jlmlljdl mi tnwt s folly lit him i wlil 1 piooiphil the tloitrttli of ihli loooonl uhidi wi ivldcntly due him h ioiur fitly tmmixioutlf iln titht io tl- of lot mid inult loukti llknii coal kiimlna lniliikiuinoiik thr iotl 10lnni hiln liner li ikiimtxly jumutl imsl uhitiv tiupply of ewl liili ul- uilihle to 11 lo ihiir uinl 11ul001enuj0lay in u inppfy ut tliii iuimiiiiiftlieeiir for lite ivjuum thit they euiitiot pv mniiii ciuil l lllllirileti jlie prlri of wft nui miii 101 u lliul lit the lfrlr jwur hiviimi und ut the imhlic mhiwd hi iiipiilly rn- jintfup in priiis ntul lur- iil the uihl wk mlvuneid llfty t 1111 rvrftnin thti vrccutrtndtrnitttnfjirp timl fmil uu- iniliik wlulr ulll oinniimil fuiiey juhrw flut wlin of the rlly toronto rninit ti town oh kjtlnnlity uflvinooit font tiiiiteh with the luo- iwll uutii her a kwwl ktne m exkelisl hut on ureoillit of the lulu mnuiiiiih itliul to lie rullwl olf on monility iviiln the rluh umiiik l ul nilrli und imuil roiirtl ut tin park tin- tnauli uiui iuvnii hloryn tjiimeiy mid 11 tiiitii plckisl fihtm the tmu unit uftermuxu lunlnuw the town hud hie lit of the w 1110 thelimiil fiiniuhm un nijoy ulil ronrrrt to the rjmdrihle croud u hlcli utteudtil the teiitn fhilt on kuturduy to pluy 11 niiitrh with the luill teum of tlutt ulwtl atujanua vuunjf cmn ili w a filfortl u youiik irurher who in uiiiplhlf the mlplt of the auutt ktmt mntluului church lining the iiueiice oil holldjiyw of the itor in dniuluk in rue couifrkii- tiouii the yomik ntuii in iuuuuiui of 11 liimirkiihle fund of luithuuiiuuii tito ivarnettiii ultirh cluuucteriiieu viry thoughtful dlinurri hi refrcih- iltk and whin nipt attention tmilnti itie ivwi the yonijk preacher nfirrrd to in the won nf hev dr filtfordu former tntor of a ton methnliit church und wtui thn little avihie w hit wan itltout the lutruniuiko the thns- yeuri of dr ciilyohlm juut orate huri am irhmiim downtmu the premut lutinuiir luui iwiu tlte ucttet exmiieiiiod in ontario for yemfi hut the titortu of kiutfit volunie wuu thut of katuntuy ufu-r- twwii during hj two hourn of iu coutluiuinee 11 try 1 1110 amount of u atcr fell the 1 ton n wan uc- rothpjuiiivl hy thunder and hjthtnltitf which here very ivld duhwk dime at im iiiyonlle wlnu but thin vicinity ewjijiihlwitli very llttleh the reiildiiice iit ainii iiitxio miwue avilhur htiinl wiim iitrncl the llnhtn- ittk ltnwlliiji of hhhiklerf and rldie imuiciiu and entering hicoukii tin roof nuil the room imiow and iailuk out through a miiull hole through the phutir to the conductor plf the luni of mc a t mann vn itliu iitrncu hut idlulit dauijik wa luihtulmil the crop uvm wnnewhat injuriil hy the downpour hut the elfecta mi very lightly iippjiimint now a thoroughly isirooyaibl ouuuit it wan with joyouu luuirth that the neiuheni of knox church kuhliath khml iitul their frlendu tnarcluil from the ciuiwh to the g t it ilewt oil tueuhiy inoniiitu u entrain for their annual ixcumlnn to ilritpclcr uiui mylwlld iurk tlirwi hnvc lwen w fiw hntht wurm duyw thin nimtth that the clear uen ami lorlomi iiut- idilue were thoroiikhly iippiniutel tlie march from the church wtui uu eariiii1 of the enjoyment of the day the lirllii faceu hnlldiiy attire merry houtliik ntul waving of fhik wore hiifllccil in ciint very one they il the nieiiilkini iff the kcliiml tverc mronlial hi their welcomn to frtmtilu luiuame l join tlumt utatau tliu-4iuuix- hiinday schiudu in toun were rcpro- heutel und the lliuulkcr of iccimuoii lita ueiv hwellwl u tti7 kvery event of the da mcmiil to contrlhute to the euioyinent or till pai tirtptffrrm-t- 11 men und porui at the pjiru the ttii4t cur tripa to and- front lleiwdir ireutuu and halt the plrulc iliuner and tea under idylwildn leafy iduule ueie all contrllmtarj to the dayv pliiuureii the uiicrcilii of the ex- cuntiim the highly cnjoyahle tlnm uiul the entire alhuiice froih ucoldeitt of any kind to nuirtho outing u due u the caiul pirwinal miiwriuloii nf tliu lmtor hev ii a macpliennt tin uuurlnlendeiit mr george hyndn und tin tcachcrp und ofilcem of the tlim nimsriocal itum ueiuemlui ijulii aid hocluj ut themethmlliti 1arkave nefct monduy eenink church htiwt it likely utldwl tuuuhiituf huiith to lu laid ullh giuuolithic pjiveiuenl iuemeiit will eituiu front main lo gilelpll htleeti lllaimntmiiiully will lui pleuiil lo learn that mr laiiiet tjickey him itccoine a juopirty owner he l plutlwiail the leii ijuuluit propjily on thurrlt htnttt cn all 111 luui kindly liuuihid the lltllt illutn eopieii of the dllllwn houth africa advertlwr the xtln deuiil ilf iciuhiuciii kiue neujitiu- tloiuiuropohliiduil in lliex- inuulun the lleeuw ruuniiiiuioieiii hii jjiilie hick 011 their ipleinlid recoiki or the pint flw yeuru at uijm-rialiuwt- iliir 11 couple of urckii tigo 11 llilor llfeiiafwitirlfm lilkmitf the lhxmte hotel another puit tif youiik iwophi inftiil uitckwtmhl luui tluinulay uuil iipinl the afternoon und evellluu utuoiik hi nukit uml on the liver all enjoyuhle time uiui tlmlit though the fismiliiit hhowera eilteifrtl willie- what with the uriuligeuieutn the wimh of the inuiniatloual hunduy hhia4cnneutliiuut oeiiwu und utiip thi ou the himkh u ill the milhiwlul hehoid llnnu lul thuimlay evenluu wan nnjoil hy thow ilvwiil a oitliul vmto of j thuttkt wan uiovel hy meni a ic uowir avb unlk pnuwu wosb uownravowiilow at nortli ujmi ctiupotiuduoitor cotliirttupn tiiictimaliiox accountlj auain c ejl iiui 00 momh ewonju igiiln tin mi imih iijii pjiil lthve william hi tlie utir tho lit m rir iil1 uuirutoth ivitrint x oimieiih- il oioenlofieountufoltovvi it mi allll ml htoo ue higco on ihviiiut yflnn tlixlmto ik whi for ilmir hon i1iw john luvy rivl uml it 1 l t co mipplle iciu worj it k- mrorlithmil uuddeaihu t t m iotige 777 uu jcwiih mikiii hy john a- iltiuliuni twoithllyleoj hjndithiit the 1wll of the committee mi fiiuillie jintlrinljpmliipi rmihil ljluutlouietviiintl fro v h ktovy j kenmy jr jami itrown ami othvru for u four fiwil rein- fiituitlkvtii luivirr ave rrom willow ht to wllhurht uml from the trmi- tivanfsl alknio cliuirli and mk utule kuitlli for ji four foot uihk ou wt liower ave fiyim willow to malnktnit mnvwl hy ii kuuckhalner mconded hy john aicuew that the ft it inn of mr w a htony john kemiy ami otluni for thecniodnutumnruriinent roiwnlii walk under the local hnproe- innit hylaw fill the s01 tliwisif idde tit lionet aeekl finilil wjlhlw hi to the ind of the pr nk walk at wllhut- hi micli pe iut lihillg innieeiitly iljniil lu- giiisl and 1111h u01u to lu- pr iwln with axtuvoiritlmihle wfmlivrchiiieliillie vnt honer ave lutitlon their iteini a idlght in- coinpieuluw in the jliug ir the f itltlon itiiui decided t leait over for con i id e rati on at u f ial meeting when the petition for the climeli st wnll ill expected 1 11 lu- prmntfl a itclitlon svihiji piewutfl fnrji icruiancnt pimuieul 011 willow ht from 1 lower ave to the 1ouer ilnuw tlila wan iignefl hy meumt irancin and matlhioi it nan itiileolhat the anthm itlex of the pvjj teriau chinvh lutdalmiulithm1fl lhit the ktitiou ik feigned in inhalf of the pirunnitg jnof rty til in will lie coinldered when the other mtlllona come lifnre the council after the adjoin timiltt or the council a general rnmenuitloii took place wiuhtlliglhiimii11pox tietouuta all pismnt felt that the line- fnr lellnlte urtion hud eotife in nil pmluihility the lnuiiliiial koltrltoi- will ticeue iniitructionii nlthin 11 few dayn to prtmriffl iigalltit the pjirtien who ure llahle includllmc the ton 11 of toronto juintioii a new dtipairronk tlie chiingo miiwiillveaht ianl hallway haii recently put in ierice mi uu phmeer ilmiled traimi the largest jindhiinihiiiiint tlinlng cur ever hitllu it hi ft fict in length fiixn tip to tip and itv twwly i t iiilluu wider and higher than the irmal din ing cur it ienji kl u0de coiufortult- ly i it uto aide chiil rii and hutia kitchen large enough to permit the working of iis cmiku which with idic wiiiuru ami a co nd nc tor make up the crew the iliiiingoaim heietofoti in idtice did hot provide luifllcieut iipnte to inf r- ly can for the laige nuinlui- of tat roiiii of the pioneer mi that it iwmiu neciwjiry to lime alurger car wteuie valt in oolu tin ciiiiluluitt etitduriimtvo urftuitltv horn alout lboooo lit ottawa july it nearly cttlm hew iiigllxli miverelgniihne jiut laen hrouglit intocauada under lunuenhut mculiar rircitiuhtaineii when on june 2 col kviinn recelifl only four houiv uotlre to entrain hi men for duilian ami home there win little titite to procure iittppliemtil illicit itnntridl thfrol onel wuii aide to douuu toptvmjit the check for the regimental juiy at the liank in durltan the ntaniiger had no lunik nntc and told col kvuiih that he it in gold tlint phrsonal and s0cia1- t mu iim iiriii i ii ii r iil i in tliirimi ml ll tliul li u i lljlhl il m ii ii i i i i vlllhik ik ik llln mlllflvti vlllm a i111 1 iik ii l mil- iutiiii iij ilil in ii i i imt mij lli miv ml ui iwiliiur 1 im 1111 ukiiiiik aiii r i1 mi- i iii li i11 kiulinit 11 uil in- uiulll fiiilulu in t mi w j k uunl hliiuluy with f i liiiil in hli 11 iiiiiu ut toltiiiliiou hi uml mm j k lull ivil iiiiiii lluli- lilitl iiiiii 111 tidiiy vi- ll mm anli mrnnlil will lo c 1111 iv 1111 hulinliiy i it frliulu lllliv mr w tlii if inrt lltii iiit uiluy iiuilt ul vvlli t iil in cul miji j ininy nr iinuiui in vlhllll illlvl lllllllullt lid tj uil ill luuinl uhlp inil ii- uitli lliiin lullllllllllll iiiiiiin miaiimii tiuiiiiikiiihi ir rnln luiiiiilltlk it ul 1- mi will atii wiiulii mi luil minim r lulpli im luiilli ii if alni minilu tli lul mni hev a 1- kmllli nut it imilil nr liyi llilu wt with flul in ytniuitii ml muiy 1 1 1 nr ciilpli in vlullhik r iinil 1 ut tin ivlli mr jiiiiii llliluiui ml j ilym f mh riiknl lu u kuiiit ut tin luiini nt li- iiiniirillh hiikii miiiiii luni mm hnlu1 kluiln if luilph i tin ktiiiit tr mm jinili ii vi iti ut hum cnltiikk mr john rnjii uml mlui luill lirt nil kiitinliiy 11 11 vlult in tin- 1 1 1 ill invlnrih mm milutnuli nrlniflilln uml lur ilulihtir wtn km hint wrrl i r mr jnlui mllli- miiihu muntir tlljtimitf wil rtixinl i inr hiut uill aftir lniilliik u iiiniith with txlittlvf in tnmiltu muitvr llurnhl kkklln in ull n rnilili nr wisltu with ilia rilnil clur- iiili iiiikuiut tint ihivir miij j a khnrllll uml miniili lfamilitt wo iikiii liit ut nr mm h z ilrniiilt chinvh htttht ml ilninlly wliolmulumnilltllik 111 hiithir nl mniitivnl lulu rtunuil ti tin hiinii nr ml cliiiiinul ml ijlll kul llt nil wliw luy tn iiimiul 11 uifu ni ui with mm lltivu ktliji ut ouili hnmiil miuai myrtli iliiil kilim tlirlii r tnixililn ill villlik lit thn hniiii if mr jnlui 11 triuiu ilnuir avi miuim arthur b uml jnlui h miuin ir tntiutn nr- huuillnir u inri hnlliluyu in till- nhl hniiii ainniintmit cliirlt ut iljmlintiri a tn uml riunlly hit lljnylllk u tlmiili r wiilii hnlliluyu in mu1ih si i iluliiy mil- ljlt nlrklln llllm lk- hulllllik till lulilt twii wilii with rririiiln in mtmiit lmvut ml mniilli suiiif nr timintn unlmi in tniuluy iviiilng to iiwnd 11 wriu nr iu with lirr kiuililiiihilth hiiv mm t t miuin- uml mlui mny r tutiusl hnt wil ulrr uihiiiiiukh wl or mi with rrliiiihi in tiinintnutiil ynrk cnuilty mimi miilklimmi nfliiilimi ilriul n w t- univinl on mniuluy umjuiiil 11 rw ucli ut thn iiiiiiin nt hur uiirli mr julin ilnrvry mimi uinni liuy wint ti tnrtintii 1111 tiumhiy iminiinir ui inint hrr hntliir nniinr tlir vnllltitftm nf thn imnth cnutiiikilit tiiknuth arhcu mr w hnililliy of mnntniil iiuut 11 iluy nr twn hmt wrtk with lilu imitlur uml nthrr frlrmlu nt thn hnlun nf mr inrjt tliuinnmi cliurcli ku mr im hnllilimi who luui nrniiiittl 11 kiuvil imilitlnn iii nruiluiiy nhlri lit dnliitli fnr muni tluii in hnim ml 11 hrlrl vlniu hit ifiivin iilmrtly ui ttlkn it ittutllni in kitiimih tllty mr uml mm j t hhitw nr kmtr- tuy uml thrlr littlr fluiihtir wirn iiitii ut tin- hnini or mr t w kliuwljllilmwin tiittliltlrt htuimi- ilnnithtii rriiiiiimi fnr 11 vlnit hrr minx nfllin mutthfwu uml mm miiiii f lllnninriim n j mill mlui mil nil mnlthrwu iiftiinnitn nrrlvttl itching skin lislrrr it fitly and nilil tltitn the comelniiit f uioiki who 0 ci niirtiiiiili iy to im ttlllirud uh li a in 1 r hull iii- uu und igut- wvitd tippln tliioiy io nut rnro ihv rmit ii irre f i- tiouhlf in ill tho lln-l- iiiil uml puie mid thin nrat- til limning itching iikiu dim umi will di i htilili ulll llllii iy il vrry ilaitmall ti rintn1 uml imxikli ih r h i i rlitirlltii in twoiuy 1ii1 1 i li 1 ktui ll ull ih tlrf anil it i i nit lai 1h ore i w niint hivn in hill 111 klilll illwaiur bliuii uu jiv wai ivh ivtit uu leads sarsaparilta n lliu hlwnl of nil linpuriucrt ntid cure 1 all enilitlniifl g4 klcoaluia on nv f til itm iiulih ixnlivc brcur ininc tji r- tu w n w ua amy turnip seed licit vilmu- fch nd inic lu 1 it- lr si l rape seed dwarf hue in lug ttkpewivh ikitw dinner sets n tiiir iplikl iiimi iiki at tho noted tea store and oehka palace ouklpu roouiitcacolu imor4muav tik- 1 y7 vlxx 1 wadaoii blicciat icxcunsionq on july lath u itli round trip tlcketinlll he iohl at hihaii the one nay flrlehua fare to titcmnit wauh imtlaml tv victoria and vancou ver ik c gimnl to ret m n any time lufor1 hpteinlur 15th aiigimt hit to oth round ttip ticketu will mild to lm angle t iui1 han franriwo caliroinla at leui than tin one way ntelai fan goml to ri- tutu until heptctulmr tlth ticketa are good going and returning via direct roiiteu hyeclul oiieuuy ami round trip xj fnrklouu dining july augimt ami hpteinlur lo culm nun utah m tana und other nchtcrii polou titiietahlei und ruui from from any agent m- j a hichaidmiu dintiiet iakieugcr ageiil inn tlieaut oilier king und young htti toronto naujaoautuva the aceoiiumuliitimi train to ouelph oiithetuelph ltiuuchutthe c it illday iiiiuuiiig met with a konimhnt iiiioun liiinhiip a fiieght car jilliimsl the truck dnigglug ullh it the lutg- gnge t at- and cnmlij omltmnilig into the ditch none of the tialu hand neivhuit ikyood u few luuhci hut wveral of the iaiiengeii got luully ihtken ip mi it i- mckiniiou lmthtcrdtimlmrluuihiulijhirjiiiuii hroken and una olhrrnwe lujinvd a ihaihtilkig eoiiitueif ial tiaveller of htialfoid iulfmsl unlit injinhh to hial and klimilder mm itlalr nlfe tfllev a llliiir h a of nuiiga- yeiiterdjty niiniiug to upend a fw ihtya at the home of mr uniwil i main tit reel the following fi uudii from a dlhtanre attendihl the funeral of the lata tliomaii kmueruile hiht thnrwltiy mr and mm ulchurtl houiervllle ijiudim mr and mnl john malthewh mi w i ilron n and mm k hnyder toiuitii mm j i llrown nugiiru liilln cjipt wldeiuaiiltudmraud mm k hyde luelpll i uml hud her cut hotgelluit of moitit t linger jammed und hi uei i alwtut the luud cj kittle ankl- upiulued mr mi kliuion hi the only one that nun tever1ly hint hut iii piogrekiing faor- uhty the main ktreet mieinent will notonl vintly hupioxe the appear- uiu it of v tluiifiiighfaiiv hnl nlll render the priifuty udjin illt lollmoie the wu rithei- nill hyu 31 lug up mhiahlc no ftienent hitonn nill do huihllilrii in tho way thut luikluaihl men for the piopeity nwiieim llifcil have gone i oh m hlieel v absolute security genuine carters little liver pius must boar 3 lariat urn 4 july nil the right house lktrakltlllllku ik43 1st ash goods oxijj2 for 3 days cnilnlii 111 mnnilny mornilik ui l iiln k uwlll tiki iur nli- tk fr wakii otmhh lv 1 ii i ii l ml ii t wr rnhl in luh ti i nil rulii h ny hum iuciiihi llll hl u lull nf hull now in iii i y hi lo wur i kmkiuuii1 iw lnlliy npimttiiuity lo w h niultiul fm u ml knin wnlt wtlhrdithit jiitiilnul hulf ll iv ltul vfillly i following luuiu 1 d i noloult you iril- tlik tluuu lotily hi t animhuu orkuiull hint w wihl ill 7v w1i limy uiv lu ul mn ti ut iu il kllkktilnnl livnh l hull inlil it uif i1y kiut 1hi you will ilkily iiiiiiiihi iiui tluu ilnliil y ami iuu miimiun in ihlnirvtn timl wn wililnl i wll llirv ti ut iv nu lt f li llimlll w li- uiul sul m- llliinuothajr iulaoauirull3l r 7 ajt r liiy lriklllil tinrlhivuiiilrn loiliiirut al wliltii miii cnuirli lliili wni 1 1 iv kali in li iv i jit lull lint iut u int nr milullini llliillll uiul a in i i loituulii inlluy kuumhu uortlllii mill iv holt- i in- 7if ltuluiilili iilu ii- thy ruli uwuy ul urtil iwtur inltlr inljuiluiilu lirnri hamiltons ravoihtis shopping wjick a july sale of jjinens tho only way loerl what ion liaio lo ilv la lo w i ha i you uiwwitand nlty our iitlid lo treat ynu well our otlcrlucu kr jjattic witli a vlow lo mi vim llwlujil return for your money no dial yourrliiylcrl mi inlernl hi cmlnif niiniii just now ue uraniallni urniu very trkocuttirtclrikk in tallin clotlia nd kinmia which arc eoniuliii imrwr irtish 111 i we fcoi ilietn ki hlg rduclloa from rljuiar pdcs uo avallid ourtrhb ol tho lnp3rtunliy ami wo plvo our 1 utioiiiiro tlm iwtkrt of int hij die rwkjii ui fijureu that limy ar not likely to io iijaln in a lonjr wlillu these xn table cxothb a splendid aiuifiiiirnl ol nru nd unlo iimih pillrmvio choui from and twitorn 1 lio luiyfjil public ul hjihiikvii 73 tjuiu cluilib rrjiubr ft 15 fur ttiui and regular ii350 for 1 1 fio rch h4 in uu si s for 135 fj ocloilm for fi 73 and gj aa one fr fais h 10 lu mid 335 cioilih m si so fjoo for 3t fj aj for ja 35 ntul jio cloili at 5j js fuel 1 h 13 iirilio 3v linda xt f 1 r sj75 unrm ut f 300 5j soipiilllie- l i50 53l onn v l li nnd 5 su cloth at 4311 each h 1 1 in hiji nuiiur t j 311 fir 73 s4 15 iputliilc hi tj co tnul 1473 omi ht ft33 ft if in klin vsjo cltilliu at icioo and lteno rpnilwe t y 50 uli ami oilills a yards 104 yardu loog at klmllarly hit induction txiesf in bltifao0rd tablia iiinehb- many hanilonid pjitern to njltct from mid all of tlism ut u hl rcducllou ludow tho regular usiiiiil nriut 3c yard regular 30c 34 hiclms 30c yard regular 60c 60 inclmu 60c yard rrjiiur 73c 63 inches 70c yard rrirularksc ji inche kcyrd regular it 00 73 indict it 00 jard ifular stj5 73 inclidi thomas g wtatkins king bteast cor hughson st hamilton 1 tor your spring furniture needs call and hiupert theutock of j m struthers cuolph von will lu uurjiltrfj at the variety to rhowi front andtlieverylowcaidiprirea prevulling tiik setikclion of myrkb lit not on in which punoaal tatie and fancy can ttlana ill talk you 11iuu allow your opitclan air a ihorouitli tet of your yea ti ntv you a una that lultn your partlcuhr caw i loth oyd imy ttoi la xatly alike or bontd other lmpaimicnt ulll inlsrure iut your am hi ilia hand of savao s co culph atul yoq will fcet iim rhdu ufainunt shizkgg 5t co fine watch repairers ookipd e h bollert cfe co 25 mii 27 wyiulliam st ukijph room- room larjiii shipments of noods for fall trade arriving almost daily larger shipments 00 tlm wav fnnu across the water w must have all tin space ivulablc for new oods by the first of august and during the nfxt tlgr dvys will spare no eltort to accomplish this inl milunuity s1iapu5 amo tltlmmint- sviujus xikns ano hoys ctuaw hats coijlftlin shirts nhckwialt and genkiiak cknis rusnisiiings kadius- skirts im ihjcks and sttlfi- goods curtains cahihits anp taull covkits ah must be cleaned out during the next ten days our grocery department alwayaallvd to ilia tooulrenwnto of llwi cliaihik ft ton uo aim to tt y food first la jiutllty mid valim uolhlnc ulwi ulll talisfy i a jtew hot woathei lalm and money savois lmuh corned litet 3 lb tins nor iu- t golt chili sunllius 3 tlna or 150 good domestic sardlnea pr iln 5c item iim1 salmon 3 thin for 23c orantjbmsrmalatietfvivjitr rrrrio caiithml sirawlwrrlra rhsplkme5 ivaclica lxn llutiihauj chonlci a very larna ranje of fancy bitculta all iha more wpular hnca force gntrw nut a and shreddl wheat ilisulis nil a paclacs for 33c cloui quolatlom on fruit jam aiul suijar in fpiaiilitlcs 10000 lbs liuttci- wanted ilmluco yumo ay caslt henderson co 7utill stsctom in belt buckles li ti and cukim fr llifi adurnroonl of the sliht wuitt wa aro allowing i lie niott pleading novelllcfl producod th it uauiu tlin imii ib un atiured aummer faahlod sovrl will bo licccuary for wear with llu dllforent columea funcilul aud attractive dckins in hell hurtdes un delorod in colon- al slucrilurmah gold and kulan iznamcl and ihcu hx offered ai tuch rcmarlahly low prices that they uy lilly itie in lildt fcedilctua liilles g d pringle ibsdk ov marriage licehsus guelph sergce suitlngrs vf 4 faj mf ret iubuie roitoinmat nil uutmius ftlltdinduvai fu coiitipatlol fuuum tu i re nccoaruuim nikllii uml a a worth cure sick headache 11 i xlunv huuiur nf miuiliiitu lliui lluliiiciiiliumllllii actnn at ilthuii in kviniliikk no wltiuui- ltultl kt the lion fiisi in rani comes tlicihmousbelwarps tttth irij ljehtclothenqbtrinab mm specially prepared yarns from selected pure wool pjuaranteeil to stand any sun in any climate order popular serges in blue and blade from 18 to 25 see ihem in our clolli department window black- underwear a special line ol black balbrlngan shirts and drawers fast colors to sell at boc a garment one price only r e nelson merchant bailor and lucona vumluhor 73 wyndham st goelpu have you seen them mhkt the larfit assortment of fancy china htoitj thw couom amu wokktt kir tulfl oo lo r iixiiirtiguiiii p e macdonald 3c bro the lion cuelph teapots cupsi plates and general crock ery that c f goodeve lias just opened up if not you oiilu to tin- largest ever brought to acton u vrrost w nit