bank of hamilton georptom branch ageneral bankmgbuuinosa transacted corrspondonco solicited savings iv par timing inlorcl allowed on urn ol onkdolv iail and upward from day of dioalt to day of withdrawal no formalities ajjd no deuya in drawing money news of local import solicited nolo of roaponalhlo aim discounted and iiiiumy loaned lor cfcittmate dutineu pulptne- pur collection department ku every facility tor making prompt mturni fiafi noun handled and mutiny advanced uo account of tamo at low rata of intercit- travrller arc notified thai the lunk o hamilton and it i irene ho luue clrcula nnleaoftha provincial hank of un gland llmiiod which can bo cashed wlthortl clutk or iroiihlw in any part of thn world ii had olficii hamilton jtatabuahaj 1b73 capital paid up 2000000 reserve kund 1600000 total assets 100 jaw a- turmull cashier- b forsayetii agent georgetown branch tlie big bookstore guelph chas l neues send to u for any of tlm latest books w carr a big slock nod will mall them it you order for wall i ape through werskiob our acloa agent will re celvti oar best attention toronto price and now york style chas l nelles ti1m ilia wa hh pa mil stokk oublph b jlttntt jzn nss tiiuiwilay apouh u m brief local items of school vixa- tlu two wmiu tloi splfitdid hurveit weuumr wwk taxed urn dim in two instalment hrpt lluii uml novemlar hth the high court of tlm indepen dent order of foroatera will ikt hciul lu guelph iwxt wek attlmmoetlotfortlmw c t u mi monday evening mm iltfv a e hmlui waa ihictod ivmddent of acum union tim guelph ttolllng mllla train which urn machinery waa lkning removed und taken to london worn dtroyed hy flro mi haturday fore- llooll j k ylllanii cruml orgnixr a 0 u w vuited acton lodgv ivcwilt- lyzor u few day- und kiiccled hi securing the gratifying rumilltu of twrlvo iii1w llutllllktrw an luurting lotbr front e councillor murray who u in tlui mariuum provjnreu u crowded out uila woek uu i- nlu tho editor- third krijrui oti two rtiouwilnl mllfh wmtlwmtl ilillirthnlvtt rtftirilcd wortt madii in um vhhoud cliurch on buiuluy to kdwiml vii mill uh- hlnt of loy mihoni unit invohon of tlu koill of cdtimd 1 wr 11 ltli il y rifirrtl to i i miutiv ihmiioi of mmrrlao liiiuut ui viiku puvom onico acum at rttiltltairo in ivtnlliui no wltimwi kiulriml uv a k hmltli 11 d wldwl a vtry hcctntuht iwft to the iurvlet in tl uaiuulut church lutt muuy tnortiliik hy h tuhjliitf uu a wdo tlu imtutlon ttw cnwui i not onuiun liiuu llin ortuv with chortui ly tint ohttlr tliu roilkrtiiltou will ulwayn widconm wlmllur iniiovutuuix ny urn luutitt who imn nn okrunt volctt it um 0 h ooir tou ijtttt lrliluy wooing whllti imvlnrf tt kaino on tlto tolf hiium luukr wtillie drovr it which ktnick hi caddy vimiiit lotulovt tl urrilk hlow hi tlu fuc llto lip uiul clh3ak wurti ko ludly iiuiuum1 tlwt five utltchrri worti riinliml lu driwjthi uio wound und 0110 ttwiut wn uxkwutml thu nhirky llttlo follow uiouhii uuhtiul hy thu hlow wuiuimi uoiivh ttftiirwtird ilti u tloliik wtill sl or if oumhold brwat mr william kdmuttmi who irnvm nxltliiirwlay aiat hud fr uotdmi nwi t wihliuui uumuumi il of kin houlxm rth u iut htuthy lrurh 4 ovlm k m hrmk htohl a1i011 win hrin- atmut autthxumir tl bll mot out of tin loout nxrltlnf h ixill tlutt acuiii lwu4 tmmiu for h lori tliim wim tliat of katimiity iriiriimh whhh rohtillil ht tho 1 fot o tltt hoi trntii y tl ft hi muryt thlh o toriito ly mom- of 11 to hl n utilotdjijpi ktl- artitn wiim limtlhi up to tl- ninth inning whmjiy n hit nod n touphi of miru tliu vliiltorm tlm th iror tlxt titiith inuiittcl wax it hit hltd hm for liu vuilon ku1 imfoni arutu not nltlil down tlm- i1111 had rrowutil thu put- arumdul iwirlmtil ui won lu thulr part of uif inhltikh und uluioukh umy kot thrtt loon on iihmim thiy wurtt tin iililn to ucon tim hlkk i rowd thnt han atundiil u iwtll mmit thin iumiii wm out it ihiiik tlrfunmn of coroilalloil n alton klli u prouiimkil for noxt tturduy wluu kitlalhirk thn h taiil of thf ihrttirc jjvuuit will try roncluim with artimi hi tlikwrr a faub kl i hboknd for 1 inurwuii bubil mtoh tonlht hlnnt tl ttliltouucimiioiit of thn rhatlmikii and iicc of h 1mum1mii luttuh imtwtu tint council and thu j hi hool ibuird tlnrtl lutu imwiii ii k i llk intnriit oil tlto pari of cltltuiilm kiivcrully in tin imltpnt tivunu tim match will take plain thin nvinliitf in tllii park kam to im calhsl at hix oyhxtk tlmcaptaiuhof tlm rnnmtl twoni will placo tludr intni mm follow onsen tkvw clrk mmim ikt h cikuiirulor arukw trd h auditor hurtling 2jui h ll4hvt wluiaitui cf khthui mallu rf councillor iindiirmjm if oftlcir tintluuii m councillor hytijla p couiirillor hwacklutuuir c hcitiuit xuixuatuxui clutirimm kmintty c hocmurv moort 1- truatrn maf pllntou lh tnmtok ihiuhdl if truatmt ivnny rf truatntr mckikui uli ubry ird iimdt i p rate struck at 2j mills only till- miilm ailvatio notwiui- undlnfftha kkorbltant smaul- roit tcpwwllturi couiillio il on monday fniiik in tl lll4r muhi prhn lh ir tin- y r prnmniit on ml it provl ui u iit iiiiimiitnut ihlliik aadltliiunlitllitim for uivfuirnu wiiv prim i1u1i and iftiintiil thu town uolit itorti opinion vhmlii t- lulility of toronto jttniliou in tl ittnt i-nudl- px oulhn- and tin iuinn of lh rauuiiiua and tlxlun of hie tot of tax ation for lint fiirt fiit yiar wimiuiuiiiik thu inmrunt loitt ru mil osl ttit cviiiiuiiltihou kiumuco piiit ihi tin ir blxt4hutli nmrt attd toni- mndwl pmyioint of at ouutii au follows 11 w cliulinhiijlco ciul7 th il t h fnikht anil duty ml ci ci jdonaldmi in u u inning canadian h ijiik tpiui ouurio ijnu amm iatlon kmi af lou kukii lnkjut imnlhik and atlvtttuliik 1 a cauadlwu jftural killlc co wipplui h personal and social mr jidtii hmnin of clnolph ihdu attoo fiiiodh lliu wiik mm c h smith vuil1 jhoimim in liorkton 00 tlturmilay mimi uly nllnou hi himmidii a 1 mpj of wvkia jhni iark mr will lviwoi- wau up front tor onto for a 1 ouplif of daya loat wml mril jifiuim wilhoii u mpimdltik n fiw dnyi with frtwalain wwnliwi xluri m mclhaai- nlurnwl u lur w htmd ihtthu at loit hlnunrt oo tuitt- ilty th mihmm kuilllj clufmtj out an ij hu at tin- iarwiaki- inrk mix john simmhutatul hlldnu chviland ohio an- wltlu trlu ijirry iri mckluiion w ijurmry caliwron cf in view of uiti ronitiolty of acton coruikt llnd in wlrut really to piny on tall occatdtma thlu match will w ulllijul uu u imtittlt for tho latnd a allvir colhcllon will im takn in tlulr miuh it u cumntly buunl that if hirt wiumi provalla um atumdnncn at um jiark will tcllpf tiiat of ny pmvioiu uvutilu thu tui inuu wlio in utmiflfiiu kp hia liituil aluivo watur nwr nalliuhl latfom how unuiy putplo who htautl ml tlm think llln u tarift wlmtkikt okiukcktd kou biphiwo dkljvttnv ju llaauuloiujiuauuij altiliu nidiital workti at liulpli uiv now tukluo oiihttt fm irani to anil math mnmiuuuth 0 1a mt up thu uprluki at ivd11il prln1 with uio fcplud id uiw vu trh- nhd puiiiiuallo uuuidiury thin itahllhiinuut u ablo u iikxcuto fui nion uudvtut work jlian luri uturv and in dnliy ui kp uut nuuhhwry ninnluu hliuilly jty hiw pijuh uii lnliik k u woik oidirwl now call at lun worka or diop it raid lo j ii hamilton jllidph kiluona pioinui to invent ail alito- luolilln ho fukt that it will uka inan hivath away will imi a k luuui to iiuloi iaurw uroirxiiic couaii amd workji ork thk tjold 1iltiv ogul 1j clvlo uolttlay and itumwlon ttui wtiautcr laat thiiralav nioriiln waa m and liraciiik atul full of pmiuha ah a tiault acuiii waw ajliuwi fiutindy dinmiihiwr cltiutia ttmk kdvauutto of thu civic holiday to vult moodii ami tho cluip holiday farita rviidinl thlu pi it inovpfuiiivi kuuilmra wuitt ut torouui tl iulph and otlmrkintiral polnta lait ly ar tin urkvrcouuiikcnt uwtk in thn fltv ih kxcuralou to htratfortl tin flro hwit id- looktl will hldmxl u uuy paraded from tlw flnt imll u tlio c t it dipnt and uny worn ndmlrivl by cluuma ktmiirally tho ajafclal train jtttariiik ummmton vir iwouil aitd ucoupl of hundrtxl milton puopu and luilf u doxoti from gorfttowu arrivod alwmt on tltna wl waa lautrtl- tal horti hy tin acton ilrikado uiul cllhuiuj tllfty arrlvd at blrwtiortl laitwiu uti atyl iduv n ami upitit tlu for noon lu uiihtaofiut tho parado of tlto varioui rrt ilrltfailimi and ilatida to uii prk waa a very lnttrmt- ik ffaturo tlia uniform and march ing of acton itrltfadu wmt admired on all kldna ami it wu re nondly thought that if acton kail rntorwl in th coin- leuuon fur laat dmaawl hrlkada tilt tlratprttf ami 100 would ltavo count their way milton i land won lutphxit in uh unl compouuon and uoaforth aocouil khortjy aftnr tlm prooeecukiip lu the park had comiiuiiood audavtwy uortfn coucourtmi uf pooph had lfitutfr- ed rain lbtnti to fall in torrvtita and thdyahtln-ifjjioiiaywiiricouitiditr- ahly mama n ruinalnlntr lialf doxru houra until tho train l4k tlm chuwlc city won atttidid wlui a kaal dval of dlacomfort a comknauon wwlditta a vory pmtty wmldlnjf in which unuiy kimb ihuhh rvadint art in- turomtiml waa cidohratwi at ijuwood tn waterloo county ut wtahualay fllh huu at ioplar ldl tlu luinia ofalfrwl hooiuur kaq chrk of thu ulxtli divuloii court whim hu utcoud uii4htor ailiui matvart advlhif wua unltl lu tin latnda of holywtxllork tu mr januw campwll huthirford lmnrlpal or davuvllhi 1ullui hclnad tin c4rinioiiy waa prfomnkl hy luiv tlionuth amy of wtdlaiulport uiudat ial hy lutv hlxon hharja of llnwofld intho vrrt4iico of ajwmt ulxty ljufttu from torouui london mllvorion lalt ihrllil at ton rlom clltfoixl khhim iviaoott and idnwotal tin wtmldhik ttaik placo at high noon on tlm lawn which waa uprvad with carjhtu und artlnucally d with imntliik fhia and wuiuumu ull appropriuto in their patriotic tlavor to u coronation wialdlnt tin hrhh who wan away hy lui futlific waa iiinwmumi in a ljowu tf whltn orkandh lari und ithlmu and carrlotl ttlwaupuit of white voaia hur oing awuy drtiui wuw n lauutlful coronation hhm with whlui wulat trliuniod with laatllno aitd waun vildwui mlaa kllth lhuiiur kutar of tlu hrldi daintily ltownil lu klk lwituui ovur nlh nrwn urtil tmvhdtamaid and ly j allairt jurkaon of yomuln utwlhtod tin krtumi milmui can nan irliiuu of milvoruui utplmw of thn hridi kifortiuul thn dutli of pam liujkmwimm lft to thi hriihi waa a rtavutof laarla und to tlm hrldtta- liuilda rlntf with i parl jttluk mr utoix mm jtutlmrfor1 wiv thu niipuiuta from thtlr nunuroutt friuikdii of many liaiituonm and useful uiktti-tor- love und catrjii at th ronvhjiloii of um wmldhig hrrakfaat toaata wtm drunk u ui4i ami krimirn aiul hla majiaty klilg kdward vii ami lu tlm accompanying kikh llta tlm mont 1 orillal tikpruaalouit of nwklwlil and kmkl wluh wtro ulidrrnol tlm happy louplijriiiy ilnivn to ilirlln ami tiaik um uvutituif train for f and aro uvw cont- foetahly atthl in thvir imw iioum at uaviaviuu ioh uh mihtsl hy john a uiiidiwm bccnndwl hy horii ilyntlt that tin- inth ltwirt or th 4onnnlttim on tfunikn jtimt ictl im ndiipt-d- ctuxtihl vtllldllh writ plltullull mm i franria john matllmwu and tlm authorltlia of knox church muiim praying for th muittrurtlnn of a pttuiiituut pjiviiimnt four fnt i id umhir tlm pnvuloim ut um 11 liw ami htatutt ihpt thik total luipi c- tiuitta 011 thi jiorth raut i of willow kt from ihwr aw i tlm itiwrr iioiiuo lot and from miua 1 knillh and tlm chnrvh wanhm or kt allkiuw chuifh prayiuj tor a four foot imniuitmnt put i in lit on tlm mirth w- kid- or wiyt utmrr av- from willow ht to main hu movisl hy ii kw lhatnr mcomhl hy john aiuw tl at tlu ptillonu for u wntrncrrtw 1 k oil wifl o whtt and wikt ilowt r a iwt kranu auch kllllniih iklitj m u fll rim lly hikiumi and that uueh work lai priw with nit boon aa pomkiiuv curril a httr from tlm hocwury of tlm puhllc hchim1 ittatitl making tlm annua rwpiiniunii for uioimya for currviil cxptmillturit wan htd it rpjtuwi that 2aw 1 valiaxl hy taac- ttunn rudlcluir mrljati hiihmlttthi hla tiphilon inhtiulluk tlm opinion or thi count 11 or toronto junction iidativo to tlm ntc ut umulliunc outhrcal ho bald tluiti in no ovldnci kiihiulttiil u nw that um modlcal hiilth ofllvr at toronto junction culhd tokithcr tho bmrl or hallh or couunuuicaud wltlf tluuu thu la a caa in which umro aiv prchulw und atur piua iilgumai i huvdcoinntotluconrliiklou knowluif tho ipcat hanlnhtwi that it la to um muulcljiallty of acton with ktviit ryluclanr that tlm municipality of acton could wot inululuhi uu action lulpiiiikt toronto junction or umunurd of health of that town 21 211 00 l7 ml h ttu tuilicluir uiiiilo nnonitma cltn- tloiiu ami jtiouxl jiulgiiutita hi uiinllar dtw and tho council fdt linpl 11 to coino to tli couciumioii that ui tako lital action ugalnut torouui junction uiuhr thaclrcuniktancfri would lai uu- 1uki tim kollcltor haw hnwivr inutrucul to procimtl uiiiint tho partita intrturtl to ivcovir that portion of tho uxpcudltutv in connec tion with um uuialliwut ciimu which tlm htntiiui provlihti ftir at nlno oclocb upon mot ion of comiciiioim hentlirou und ilyndu thn couurll mitit into cotunilttoo of tlm whob on tlm tiniitu afur cariiful coiiiilditiillou tlu- i ktluiauhl nniounta for tvciupta und fxlmmttlltuiiii for dim currmit year uro fwtsl aa follow u kxikmiutjjitkjl flnauiik ivltt ll- und iuurit puhllc park int ami mhikhiu fmul cmcuiy inu and hlnl- liik lmd lilw metrv llkht do do imhllc hcluml do do firt lructln do di 1 l comity llntc iuhllc kchikil mulnuii- anco jrim uhniry kutctric uulit fuel ami anpidlih halarfrt fijm hhjrudi mid wpjilra in uiriktoiicurriiutliuimi li inuuk iulvrtulnlc and ioatan huvothmul walku cluvrltiih htuiwlpox kximmiditunii tmtiiik- htakiitm urmtuu houw 100 ihltrhmk j m foil uv j doif u w v liiw town hull ivntm r j lia ml cmuouiry ulo of irttu lol xi icupulnie towukhlp uhuro of uiiiulliunc ciaila- lilwtrio iikil tunitit luluir ami aalo of uupnlha 2ivl k htroota and wulku aah of u jwiir pliw tc tj k flim park ir r taxation at 1 inlllii on tlit dollar uuki ia movmlhy john a lliiidoraon mmtoiui- imi hy fliortp ilyndu cliat huvt lui ltriinunl to intrtulm o a hydaw to ptttvidn xuiikou or tlu njuukipjility of ac toil and for the uiipiant of tho puhlla sclnail for tho ciirtvnt year und that thnhyiaw lu- now m4ul a lllut riiiii ilyluw waa intnklillihl uml road and hliiuatfpiuitly in limmittco of mm whulu the rril for thu ytar wua tliul atlil mill i thu miidtinj uitea iuiuk alliralml nu full own floatiiik iwht imi mill kalarh- f- mm1- lhihllc uihihikii kchtailtm mill- vnmury u mllla kliwtrloxlkht pulillu hell tail ihht puhllti faik flni pmlof lion v touuty 11 to vrai ulr4 cnuunt tv kmluuu cnmial ki nw- rivitnuj mr iiukh ourh of karnla in kpcildliiif u fnw tlayii with artou frirmli mm a x mnitay of ittwkwoiml wiui tlm of th mhih rtiuk um paktuik i- k1u uild kmiua itoyc ut wulkiitou vlklltl aruui r1atlvri lilbt w4k mra kammd k wo lu llanlo dur iiik tho uik vlulthitf imr motlmr add olhut ftiomlu mr- jauuia flrulhraik ami maatnr ait hur of iviitttuiik uro vmuiik ailoii fitindx mr w v cainplall or tormto uau in town rvuwlui acmialntatirca thu puat wixik mr cluirlto mcliui hft lukt thura- day to kaiul u wok or with n-ln- tivu at midland mra t janmi mtanu and rhllduu of cuidph kjumt monday uu iuihatay wlui artnil frilalk mr and mraklk and 1ta ktlml mllla of hikir cwt xultil artou ft iiitdk o r kunday mra hhryand hor winofiiuiniluni wtni ktuhta during tho wiuk of imr friend mr john aunw mr a k fiiinui if krola i ma-nd- i ok a wik or an with manila in artot and at 1im falhiiit hnum mr nhhaum and mlaa kuu toronto wlro iiittdu htut wik at tho liiiiiw nnut juliu cameron mlaa powell or cualph luta lult lfurtut tho homo of imr aunt mra t k mth4orrtlm pant wtnk mra dr mckcatftm kjmut a few daya laat wik at cmtknukwn the kuitit of mra h it hiintlenau mr j ii wallace niaunir of mer- cluintu i itnl i- pent coionatlt u day at hhi fatheta htiiuo ut namtnh aiuu mulajl ctaik of tint cmeral houpilul frle pa in bjundlilk a few wwku vucnlloil at iter fatlmtu homo mr win iminlktou wint to furkiiu on monday to tuty komi hye to frhnida thero ihfora having for tlm far wtu mra hi rliert mtkerrlhau of toron- j to wua a lpmit at the houm va hnr i father t t miain kiap xhla wk mra 1 jotiea of ottawa and imr j little wm art u4ata ut um home of arch mcnuhli hairfhwir ave miuah annie ami jennie itjduirtjtou of waumlown uro vuiuiik at tho home of their uncle mr john harvey mauura hob and bcott kiur of toronto ore kpiidlio holiday- ut the homo of mr hx kenimn church hu mr cook of the cuutoiiui uepu of toronto vtaltivl hu brother ur ailuni cotik und oumr mendu thifl wlhlk mia w ii bpeljfht and clilldreii left on thuitaluy for clorravlllo n y to vluit riutteit them tor a few weeka- mra ii crindeu and mhat ida were ut torouui butt week a tte tiding tlm wwldtnp of miiui wataan u niece of mrs crlndell mr frtl itder who hau lan otcupyitik a atluatloii in wtualktock klnco june butt waa homo for a couple of day- tbla wfvfc mr and mra i himderaiin m p left on tuewluy evenllilf on u ton ibiya trip to montreal qtuduc and thu muiltliue provincea mr und mm win hnydor of klonti upuit a couple of day- during thn wivtk innoiik the uciuum of their earlier duya in thi- lclulty mm hirkt of toronui und muaeu klhii maililock ami ktliul vnur or cuelpir have iumh gimatii utla wiwk or mra a nun muddock mr- and mm jmnisi ttmhliikhmiii jin ancient foe -to- health and happlnma u hcrotuls ofjly an over ainco unio immomorlal it cauaea bunchca in um nrck du- hgurcn um akin inflamt um mncoun metnhrann wattra tlm muaclra w-ak- enj uio bonaa rodticnsuin power of reautanco lo dlaoas- and uyj capacity for rcovcry and davclopn luuton- umpllon two ot taf children had arrolula rra wttb iwpt krowinx dapr aud kept ttieiu jrom foinm to bchool tot tliroo nauitli ointment and tnadlcltmia did im good until i becan flvlni tnam ool hririll tbla mwllclna caused the xirea to liral and tho children hava liown ui alnna ut rrol utaalnoa j w utkitam woodatorjc out hoods sarsaparilla will rid you of it radically ami por- nanenuy aa it baa rid uiouaanda turnip seed ltc vanellfl llmurf o rape seed iwr hmia imkwinj mitaiil dinner sets kt i th motod tea store mid ouikxvalaok 7k wccreh ouulpil iii iv i the right house ktyafclmkt ikj iixmirtons kavok1ti siioiiinc llach an august clearing sale clearing up lima hau for tlxwiantl ncntioka1ly illkpoud women will lock hum lo lnko uilvuiiuk of ill- otterlnu i lui collection rmbracea irliua cam- bric gbulean tickhitfu bhlrihik clnuhaini wrarperettca ftacy lullna etc and lit aiery cju ihn rrduciiuns from furmr kulllni prlcun have twwn coa- uurahl- w would hlroiiyly uii upon you llm adviubllliy of coining k lowhat lluiiicd lit nuanillv and you earlv fl polb ku koina o i lie lol ut iviler cli3ibliik hy khopplnu nirl on vala til wnsi alsl rrouiltl iloor itciyanl inrnurtj tip in 15c ih plrui hnululi ivliit uml amrlcn i ltcalr jl bill id li-clli- vi pink uhlle 111i plil llhc 1 purput 1111i while t j ohr tu r iikja wllll locj lrfw ui ilofm illrni l yard fwmilv up in hu 7 plrrtunid m tlcri ivrcjl in pinu with wliltn in i whltu nilll itlnkirl- 1t1 vol inriiirrlv 3l ij hrctu o heit iinalliv i r inch cjiulirlc j litcheh wlrl lu ii moi u with tincy hirlkkt filiirn aiul dii ittf ynl iiniirlv 3 q pltr only 1tiiiuh ciulrni ht tiualliy inclutt ulit- luht itrouiuu uiih dine pink a il red airipe ittr yard formerly 35c h pirc only american gahma in pink lilua ami trry uiih uhilu tirli also plniii atuile of hejtvy and fwrt islc ard fornuly up 10 inc 35 piocea hnclih onion shiriinu tloublu warp twilled finitli varied colnrtni in clicki and airhkea aluopuin ruilali thr jnl foriiioi ly 35c piece- inlv aniorlcail satiwit tkllnai ihiui jujlity rrd untl whltu alrlpml i o y nl formerly prlctal at 1jc y liicjjcasailcli-vproii-cuuihanur- liluu clircka wlib fancy bonier uof jrd fooiirrly up in jjc scotch ginjjlisui shining nw fiucy tlipcii lilurt pink and black with whltaairlcw ihciynrd formly prlcrd at c4 iiiecea irenck mold on in fancy aiahty afrjpa and njturod pattern ly up 1017c mpl wrapiairolle in llglil and dark coloring black njiy and red willi at ripe and figure 8c yard formerly up lo laic 7 puced only wappfatfaln black pink and red with whllo and black at ripe and figure otic linen iuluta also ilalti cham bray in blue only regularly up to 35c yard ii5 formerly priced and aold at ajc yard col ion cheviot in ahadc of reodaaud blua only jtiioiiiasc watkins king- steaot cor hughoon st hamilton wehther the tvot weather make the rainproof coit an in- dispeiisihle necessity if you have any idea ofoing uway dont o without the protection of one of our rainproof wc have them in all sizes ml ch j 1 h5 lechr each j 75 fjullr alica jj lo a iiinnn nach v 00 iibibcrnulnflllrplonoloinib- ixtrlra tcarincnl blllo and tuvy s lidlo light wjijlil covcoxl clolb fliililnn i irptoitelln hi fawn drjb vy kill hroiiia bss fadicaolcgaiit quality urnuine heplolmillil wllh llorilird hul- loiu lit hwii liruh gtay and hronip ut tio jo lis 50 1750 mens waterproofs another lot of those splendid s5-c- coats for j 50 in all sizes also line covered cloth waterproofs odorless and guaranteed ijfrtao e r bollert co 2b ami 27 wyiiiljiam st jijkl1h 1 nesr qoods i goods great advantages for early buyers early shipments have brought us an avalanch of new fall goods wc are thus in a position to supply you with all fall requisites much earlier in the season than usual to dresscoods hu ers this is a prcat tooon by the fact of our hi- in j tlihtn rt the very best selection at this season ol the year when drcshinakers are not rushed as they will be a month or two hence nfw hometpuna ftituu uonclottii venetians satin ciollu and zlblliaei new sllku black and colors alto linlni nkw ironcli riinneu irlnled caihmerea wrapporcttou and napkin new lbiati 1 tahlliirs and napkins wu alto contiiiui pricai our cleat inn sale of tummer goods at greatly reduced zi 12 20 hi tkhh ik iu5 mill- llri mllla k mllli i mill- 101 mill- hi ml ilk am miiu a0j m11u council adjo li tied at elfw vtocl hi- wet wiyi unit ihe ikttter ilkhlew fh uu- binxhetw itlhtliiiluiyrtwh will u up ltrlluhbvtbjoiui nai ipaiiv fellows mltw np nviaowitli ioikam u mr fiuuk tiwlihiklmnu utnlmih5 jjnlple tf toronto luive ikteu lfiusitu of aclon friend- tho paut weik mr john ihlllot who luiu ln in mior health lately vent to george- tou u tin tuihilay to umid i few wwu with hi- tuui lr a c flllol mr j it cook mnauv chirhri uml mlwt may cwil or humluon pent kulurduy und huiulay with friemlu ut hethel villa torouui ihiiiuil miwm aiiaon hmlth hr und allan mann drovo laat- tliuraday from haunoii mr htniui celebratil hlu ehtyhlihtli birthday that day and lu hub uml beurty und in excellent hualtll a- mra win mcmacktin uml childieii or uldne town huvo laam iftmata ut fyfo villa tb pawt wiek mr mr- muckou urrlviul yealerduy und will upend a day or an in tlm town or hi- lioylnaul mr uj 1 unuiy formerly of jumey ilrou of arton and now of thu drc-k- kiumim departintuit of t lia ton ci hna ulcepual a luudtlou uu manager of the dreulpwulu ile pa rtu itll t of thu howler co luelph uuelph mireuiy mr win william- rotumiul un mon day uvenlnx fmm a very enjoyable vllt ut tlm homo of ida daughut mrn leo olkirue tonawuiuht n y the advent of u luuty duuuhtet in tliut boilte a few wetik- yo gave him um right to thu title graitd father agrilu- mr ortlou ileudron who has lieen eiigalp in the ilkink of hamil ton lliitiitlum thujatal twoytara loft ontiiewhiyenmntofof wltinlpgwheiv lubiiu laieti proiuounl to a piadtlpu in the htuiuli of the- hank in that i ity mr hendtraon u ui la ctnuratiilattsl upon thi- pre e line nk nina mruiifghlhi of th ninvltig- uthome branch of tlm toronto mu- hlou union baa rvturnihl from her hollihiy- aftor amnulbttf 11 couple of wmku very pleaaatiuy vujung hej brother llolart ut huntavllhi ami at other pobiuln muakokaajul mra 1lu allan and her fathi hugh mel-aukh- uu rjajkihguutivu mlh- miioiughllu 1- llinlhig inmh kutlkfiutlon in giving her ume and 1 net glea to the hoor and tieitly of theiltj to coilhs acota lnowidav tkkri 1-w- i n-uu-tlulniu- rbl a1 1 uuuu flui il u- u ooy ii ii til- lu ttiirf wi itrvtv k uiw uu 1 tab imh vu wuu v all our ijc glnulums iiquas and muillqs a ioc jjiljcaljitahijludj bjixnasolsjor jic ditm r ri5umbrwllori will inu oar and ihjuwi at lata lhancoti dont lorpet our buny shoo bopartmont gruwry dtpaitincii spaoialu fof saturdiiy- a very larua kuortiiient of fancy ulicults and caks cliolcfl laiuioiis and oranges iclngsuar 4 lbs forju cum starch 4 pka for 35c our ouvti dlrtid ceylon tea black or block and green mined pr lb 35c 6 iba pdirl tapioca fur 15c salt in bbl cnarsa f 1 05 fina liio all dry stored 10000 lbs butter wanted produce bojsib aa oaah inf belt buckles ro allowing thu liliit ileatlili noveltfo prcmlucetl thi a ton thu boh is ut imiircd summer rnvhlin ntvirjl will iki neceaiary for un nb tlm ilifkienl cuiiurim rnnlul nl atlnctk dodim in halt 1 la li- am fovalor ill cohm- ulvtr liurunbtitd1 nnd ltntin a in- offend ai such l u pr cn ihtl lltey y in 11 not vjhirliva lone o d rri1ngleb issuer op maluttaau licenses guelph lh2 western fair sept 1220 i902 a modloy of spectacular mortt- iror hutchltikiiii the hiihiau hoiuh in u tlnilllu ibdloon aacotiklou ami pauprhute drop tim nuirveloim cycle ibixxle the oauatoa hi a tmuuaitnn noveuy- the great uuy the iluiidoiiff king tliu olifana continental icccentrupufi muuuiugund duciovv thefniiioiih monouiha itoaii nuynpli wiui hur tmnpo of ii4liiwl tropical llirtla tim hani llro- acrolvatir womlcra chrtaaln m jon en cornet virtnoao mng- nlflcenl iyrotwlinlru uml iminy other feature- mtaiclat tnilu wn ice over nil uuea kxbjhlta further ahead tlutn the tinier troumluftmldlouhly imuiiitlful hulhlluk- rrealhtuhly invithik 1rtaa luu uiw lroruiui auj tufornmumi for the aaklng from ltcol w- m oantshorb j a ntfllks praaldant saoratary next post office would like to inform the public that they have still a few summer muslins to be sold at costt thcyhavcirfihvrliiu ol cof sets in for fall now is thctime henderson cfe co 3uvill st hcton black underwear tirvr rstnrri t a special jine ol black balbrifigan shirts and drawers fast colors to sell at 50c a garment onepricconly r e nelson merohlun tuilor and btfonv punlmhey 73 wynclham st guelpu page metal gates wku s3 all oauabur uwnl pi wiijfutuiuu jauaat with uuihoow war ami aralt acuac- pnruuaia w ilmpl tbeaae hrf for your furniture needs culliiud inuiwhtthoiilocl j m struthehs cuolph i you will imi umpired at themiiiely u hikio from uml tlm ery low auh prlceu iivllli tixeeyes are tlie windows of the soul but even the yenii presiding over the eyesight ol mortals recognize that when they are defective that a new glass has tx be substituted at no place in guelph can tllisbu done more ellecfively and with such perfect knowledge of 1111 in cassities if deluctivt vision than at sryhge co linu watch c pincr- quellh