ixtfyhuiiailulfqllnmj oamailu aunul narua ur tufun u n a7i cjtr in ullun on tuaaaar lull annual ulalianl h tf xd i yua unkahitr in ulluiti ou tulunui uib a usual william uotullilr wnskauillli lu hi mil wlmnon tuaattuf u t allm-iuar- li nw wj krmk ium yiunni bom outirt u wltli loly of naaa iimwmln riall on frluy au imi i ifluk fajrljalm tuv j a it illnk- jhulthiav auouhf ai uno editorial notes ttiiv lfiiijnth of mikhii tlifiw thron tlm provlmo iu rnrdhik to itilum thiilmo coming mr j mill- a dpnty mlnnlor of iiuiuntr aimintihmn rortnr-iii- viihomm dutrirbj 1hn uhortitk wiiiif in ik- k mr llhr wty nod tllllll illto til- lllhl- hut i it i nu wii u unuu iccntly imllwl mr millar ltrlhutw uiitmlimtak cliutlv u tli ow uiui i pnld i l nf tl opinion unit if inui kiiliirli im offered plenty of tiurhnru lbn lu wimvri die tvnmlhiu ahunifartumv awmc- utinii l wry much in nrncd in iu droit to indurn nimdkin to iimi cmjndliili ninth utmuhi it hi prniwmtm to iiuink nitw1uiniliinttl cnirn- luiln unil lo ikimi 11 fund of llfty or uxty tliolwtnl tin turn for tin piirjmtm 0n jiljt nf tit insulation i to u- ono of ih pollth uirtlc to ulopl ciiuiullun ktuwtri fnr caiuuhitiitt tui it nhmu of it pint form niiothr iibubi tint tin luumuiiitlnii iihould hufu tln pwipht by iniiiiiu of unwipimi ruc hlltl public ndd tho unnniiuciount hiul utu unit tint dltluli oovcumuiit inul ilwilcd t hllll mvllill rvpilmllltntlw iiocrh to cnuiulu to i ia n i fanning in a trlklnp trihuto to it mull nil utfrlculttuv i wouuhulvw bupmmcl thit nil hint it viu4 liitvuimry for tlu dticgnlim to know ulwmt jitfhcnlttm could u luid in tin old tiind whiv u-4- ntxi ll to uiliivn tlo nuwt lntiiodvo of farinlnkf u foniul imywlui it lringarrrtl on hal tlnfit tlutt- urn lirltuli uovirnniimit iiiuj i-oni- iihimiihi ll vitdtlo cftiindnrvrttidd mctiii to lndcnt tlmt uonittlilnif l i inlrvl totlt tint llotirw for pnirtlciil mkhcnlturo in honth africa tlnin tlm fnnir in tl liomii land can k tli vitrmhiif world jln oivkwo ijmdu dpjutnifiit toronto i lulxirink lnimfully for tlm uoldhiv finikin to liind kiit tin tmoiinoiiu numlxa of 1h0oo clnimu lnvvo i wiui rooflvisl from undent and mimltrn vtitnuui uuil itlmukoptuhudf of iivf clorkw ntiwyin wwdinhmifelhp unworthy atnl prvutrin dociiiiintu for tin tlfturviitf tlt viuriihu who horn urninduiink tin kcnltin ltniddayh huve nil unit hi cuhnu hut only tho4i who wmiit on active uirvico to tin front will ut k1viii land it y oimct- 1 tlmt aw 4ibwimlitwti hy tho dipartiniot in ti fnwdayti thi nnmltur of locniiiiinta uhin now rijidy for ultf- uittuii aloof witli thu 1ws1m tlui ilitikirvintf vntcmiih will reciuvt mnch liturauim itinl uuifnl in format inn con- cfrnintf tho liiu country in which thulr fatinu urn to ltd locatil oncwsona cornkha mr j wulkur 1m hiui flrit in thin mlkhlwirluhl to onipht4 havivntln- mr chuh jolllfi dtlivurl an ix- coliunt utirinoii lurti on kiuiday mm jim ilunihwiw mid cliilditii ithint liut wfk with fiindi in linv- viiui mrmul mw ii ivnny of chnroh- hlll vfiit kniulay nt mr jim mooiiru mifutrtf 1 mcliin hint chuit gmnhln vlull kloiti frifindu ovir hnn- uy- iiv diluuiilutvuclujrt jtlurtiu mich id vmtinu fri4nda in thu vicinity namaoawbya ilui unnlvirwti- mrinonh in klwne- juir church hint hnniluy were lurgly nttrnflxl rhrntonmi4w tav jiickmiii of lllorn wim uppropilntu ami nnili fiijoyml hy tho coujovkh- tlon monday nlht wiiti a rocoitl occnuion aw far iw attiiidiincu wim ronrirncd tin woph iikmiiihlitl in rroudu ami from all point of thr nmiimw tlilu will imi iiiuhriunwl uifii it in ntntid that iwii ului at tin- k tin uiulhiilhitiilmiril ilnniik fhi djiy i tilt in ilitriiid in in m miik 1ut jn tui uio nrr innirvfl flic loildx iirl tiul lln i sm i i uniint lln iiiiiuiiiihr of tlivwnhik rtndiiiok i ntunly liniuiwilhlo to carry out ihu u3clhiit piiik a nn mi which hud unn provide thiu im un inc tivii which klkiniii- him had on niortt than unit pruvloiim m4inlin two thousand millis west ward tho ilooiawanl joumay urlth num- oroui iia4mtnt sid trip and vlmltm looliltlmafrundii whoare quitic at howe in theciil adopted countiiv owiiikt tho umihiihl hiiioiiill of lo- j ouur minliuf u in in un tliithimlaiuclltiptlvf onr r llt ilipio iii wiut ua aflw avliik adhil u ma- filmlt in ttm itt ainuniml kpthikoo tliinniniiihor ihollihui day in- him- pnlhiialiof tho diivi oinl llluciilln hmi to ii tat lajnlal ui luaiilwl and tin- itinn filpthrontch tlimliitlliri of kmklo uaituml uaa ronmnlnil tln iv- liiin jonrmy wim in many ivihtim nu imviwhitf cirlihik mid plctnnwpn aw that of tho tilp u turn i u ffv ilaym iwfnv tho irvit tjdi of all thi mvniiy wuu piouiitid ami now and attimtlw lamlakp vihiiiii- rioni tint kovtiw iovioint jjvaiuuui lumiiutil viiiluuuiiil liltx i anon a iitw wtiic nnt t hi iimloiiixiiii umi iwu vluloii at almo tvry tin n of tint cr wiiwim fiiti tainhik nil with ionflml and a nioinont lattr n ith v- tiiitaiif lmui lor a liniment tlm wulu on cithr uliln of tin- ilvr nr- lipiiullcnlnr then hiumt on ona mi and rolling on tlm otlmr at llniiri in iu rapid imh up tlm nlih of tlm inoontjiij tho train wtiuwl ahont to dauh a gal nit t tho faco of tin clltf hilt following un- inuvy utod rnllu it tnrmi wiuldioly ami mmi hy in tiahty ttniirani iiuinyoitjoyultli miiprlwh an tlm tiiiiit caniin yon fintlur and fnr- tlui onwartl ami rovcalu tlm kiamhut iniry hut tin kilt- hkiku ha nimliln ivtrw tlm fort ii iihitauu tin rioh inlmw tlm lofty uummltx tlm diudilnktnkithtrfuniu tin my rltlol towmi and uiinlntf nnnpw the tiiiincln tho fulut tho k tin mountain iiuik nil tlm nowapp4hl unkh liavfntlnwttill nmmwcliirkriinihin fold ing panorainaand a iwrjirtt fund of exclamation imil tlm tt nlifriiahni into tlm union dinot at denver after lui m inilcti of mountain accent denront and curve at 11 inihn mi hour on time iimjihivb n jikxvkji half an hour muiiicoii to umine a 1 ih in the hiyoimr of a unliui idrllle train foe omahn trail fr iwkkiu atnl uiiit hy iiiiwlntment kev w h mcaipineria and sfrrhivir ren of the jioikunvn ilcnud who wrm to lnonr tiavilhok couipalilonii ui the wehtein iwndem if idwa wit left denver feeling tlmt our vlult in that wealthy himtllntf hoinehle mfwlern city and itu environnifuth would alwayu imi renminlwivd mi anions the imut enjoyuhle ami lu- ulrnctlvi of onr nxpeilenre durliik tlm uliht wo travejwml that portion of tlu journey which lu liuwt cluvjirhu uuil iiiouotonoim to the trav ellerthe ahd kjind phihui of luintern coloiailo and wenum nehnnila tli uallinapad f itiiv cloore milne paw tor of tho 3ivjihyurliiii chmch who han lh4n biiffeiiuk fn u very heveiv attiuk of hronchltim for twveral weika in nlowly jioveriiik he wiuj uunhh to lako hu bervkeu the nott two wwli ijihi halilmth mr hi i mimiim tif the iukb jitlw acton occupied the pulpit lwth her ami at culednn for mr millie him kewuium wein inurli en- joyoil by tli toiiknkatloiiu tlm frain cioiw iv nearly all iiohmhi and in fnhly nuu condltiiin tlie farmer hjtve hhundaiuje thl fall khu imulluuuiuuulujuuvliuluuu- in nil direct hum l-ivivilih- iievy lunik itarnnhavii ikmni tiheted thu uununei- wltliln two or thivo lulled of heri tin hlllwhnr jwim p weii iy juhilant alwnit their vletory ovei acton im hatimlay hm they rulhsl on tlmir way honii itkllkiily mminlmtuf thu ptobjhl- ttoiilu oftliu vltlnlly will attend tlm convdiituvt ft milum thl- ytenuvtt1 mr mni cihkk tlm ca1h1oii church hv jnl llnuhtl tho wrtfctlon of a liul tone feuie laid in cement and flnlnlmd with cut utiino yat imwta ami cophmn- f children cry fo castors nirunitia aro however lieliik made u hlohwun luitheroiu many mctlmih through the euterpilw of the womtem lvdidenunnd the aid of the htato ikulutinh colorado and ne- hrauln ivalinliik the nuinlfeit and wldeiivad imineilla f irrlfiatlou to california and adjacent utate liavo imkiin to put in inicutitm kyutcnm in all dlrictiniui ahvady colonulo him 100u0 mlleri of lrrlktinn ditvlien and liuilclujfij mid kehrmikn inm 0m nillew to un in the emit with our hintv rollhiff country the principle of irrlkiilion k novel and little under- uujul i uterioration and con verna tion kiive innch intcrcutlne iufoim- iitlon however and wo may impart home of that kalned to the edlllcatlou or inkli pniinf reailerw a ciillforu- ian eifiurtfiavo nu the inout intelligent incplitmitlon of the feature of dlu- trlhutlnu the coveted aqua pin a 1 1 iiii i ati os tllloi j an eauteru farmer coining to mi irrigate valley llndu overythinfl nu different from iiih iiccmitoimjl life im ho can well imagine he mint tent n nn entlixly nmv iiiiikujw of farnihuf and ivimw wt of fartnlnflrrnleiithtir netglihoiii ifixmit him not with the iiuirl it lookw jlke lain hut have you heard when the water iu coming ink or tliedluheu him low today ho lemuu to uu4ik of miner ti flichtm mid aero feit of uator and he ciiu uuiit tell at 0 kl la carrying t0 or 1k iuiiutm incheii of water he imam uiw dluiinwlmui of headgauii welru lateialu and imnjcu ho llndu tlmt ho in under a certain cailal uhich hy ami hy will come to fciiliitulillii like an luexoruhlefute he uill very pruuptly i on i i the acipiaintoine of the king of tlm inig- ated laud tin- xnnziiii in arizona oil il n u u i mil alii a utiinea lik i lj mlj tlie uator immter or ditch lider u inoiniod man en over- nllii and miinlntio who dikeit alioul iua twowliiwleil cart with a idioel and a long crixiked thied fork hy hln hiiil- mill plciuuu keyu in lid mmkola he in the yea anil nay or the mid laud themlilterof fate the dltpenier or goiwl and evil to lie hlekmd hy tin na and cuiwd hy turiiti and to lie iihle to receive luilh with the utter un- comertof a uiuall hwl forlt in tlm wnijerohho dlhtrlhu vvnuh- lie opeiiu tho headgate of inrh fanner m canal und when the uater hiin ruif the iiitcebuitry time he lomh it off again and locku it hcruroly if the waterihuhoit ho ur that it ludlvlded prohrly laitun hinith and toneii iindllroun ininally uith hinith and joiuiiand itrowu uatihiug him like iiitn it hi a hiuil plan twt or zan- jeioluthe valleyn luhjeet to aicuim- tiinih tiunptatlomi heal thin ningu hut u it iiajd to the cimllt of the aluriluin there iunuiny a xanjeio vut in unlverually rtwj toi i h cominunliy iihiuthuuemt main with hillmwln mklinvukv the nevt iiuuuing utci- leaving diiiver win hi ight and plrnwuit lnrlnohiwhohi w itatelmtt through hunilrida of milen of noiu- flehln with hen and thetm huge laiu-h- hik aivah where thoiimandm of kheep crttlo and horui wkim glaring hut the monotony of pmiihi laudmajkc and vety ifltjn diveruity in tlm ciopn u tlrewnne and tin wiltor win ipilte relieved uleu lie aulvl in valley neh a junction point from which ue took tiuiu mr uucoln the huite capital and alienee to itenlilce thla t the eve of thu kuiirth or july and the hkiil tiallin wertt oiihlailtly crowdxl with loyn ivfldent who tovk excuruioiw llete uud there ul polnlii uluttti xjulvjaindimm- day dn looiihtiatioint would u in n ogn- on th irrow all appeniil to in- happy wcudroiutrdnuiuull of lojnlty lo lln- iiitmlrym hadlog hltoiial event almintton o imk ue anivd at lh pulty illy of ittyuihi- and u i- int ut tin depot hy mi itei m aun- kliookwho luinryiwo yeai n hade faiewll to alton and mail nehuikh 111- home ijhidme i- in he adjaient hiihiirn uf ileiuovr wluie iehomlfolly or mo- pleauinllyihlil in and many ueiv the euiuhie for icideufa of alton and vleinltyaml leniliiu em ed of the evenln of a ipnitler iiilnry ago weie full of lltllvil 1uo or three davu ueii uunt in onmha the chief city of nehmflun with mm j v whldden anj mum ounly arnimtring nlwi ftrruier alton- laiiu and iheklay wan much eiijoyisl al kyiiimoi- iii we vwted mr w ii itohhtkon and family who have pio- pr4lhithatweaithymctlouofillhil hotlmlytitiht4 svwt of jhtrnrt mr hohlnwiu in a native of itradfoid out mid emigrated to tiiuue li father when a little lad alunit tlm tlpieortlm mckeiule itolaillon ho i 111 han very kindly feellugn for can ada mid clmrhillc1 luemotlen of tlm old canudlan home lroin hycanion vee ran into chicago and from thenco look a tlip up tinappieton wlu via mllwailkeo which in one or the pivt- tleit and cuhliimt aineilcaii citled wo have ever vihumi 1 arflfvwvntlhw iv wiuclimlls wimoiihiii iiiore niarly lemiiiiliiih onlai lo in the generat contour of the country the ttyln of fanning tlm lunik luirnn comfortahle houieu and homelike uiirroumllngn than any other date ue have over viidted a lun lumdril mile jomney i nought un lii tlm cjieeu ilay dluhlrt uith ita upleiiilid watii- pouer jirivltegen anil t tlcluu ttnultl iiiviuk-l-lutilaiijltttu- neeuah and meniudui a woieucheil appleton hev j k karuier d i wait nt the car door with h cordial hand chmpmid very manifent welcome to the line little city he ralu home dr rariner hrit wtw the light of day in acton and wau for yemii a resident with hiavathera family next door to mooreeroft and a ichoolimitn and chum of the hi iter hln carr aa a met hod ut niiniiiur the pawt twenty yeaia in illlnou and v h iweii a wrlen of hiiccenh and hln io today un pitnuhn klder of ilia iliorlct mid truno of liwroiice university have lawn won hy faithful loyal adherence to duty and wilf- uicrlf icing elyort during our utay in appleton we vuiuhi tin univeridty and ituv dr plants the hchnhuly piwldiiit very kindly ahowiil un over the line ciunpim and group of college hulldlugx here too the iniprcmj of dr fainuin effortu in vei-j- uuiiilfitit pointhig to the inagnillceiit hteveuwni hall lieaidwu-wiltaiiamll-hulld- lug to dr farmorn active elforta in ourladialf- after having vinited the olhurvatory wo came to the gyinniui- luni u huildiug containing all tho tuoit nuwleni apmlntiucutu emctihl mid furuhdul at a cant of alwint jlio00 liipantagaln vohmumml tho infuluiathm that dr fanner wan largely fuitruinental in the erection of thin building inwrenro han lanne im to j0 iitlldenu 11 puifeaiiohjlte of akilleil iiiuciiilliitii and n curriculum of meiit and high n tan ding appleton han ujacial attractlmi to newhiwilwr men lwing the tocatlon of flftjcii large pjijmr nillln it hail alno line golf llukii uuni which we enjoy- d a game with leading hiiuinemt men if tlm city who are enthuiiiiiti of the game iioinvv aim uoirm tliuruhiy evening we left hy tho c m jfcht p ii h en ioute for home reached thicago early next morning and then took the wnluudi for dotmtlt after a few liouni in that telightful city with iu incuit attractive waterfront we wended our vny t the liriiiilihtijmtjfuktlii old ivllahle 1 t it uud ui a couple of- s imiuied tluxnigh karnii tunnel and wimt again in old- own fair province of outaiio which haikisl jint mi at tractive and more homelike uiau over after thlie vveekn njhiit in truverwlng eightjiijit ccmiy and many jmilntaof intnreht after ii few liouiit very pleaiunitly npentvv ith frleudu in iondou we took the lm train fin the hint utage of the long trip and m lived at acton ou haturday night uith very thankful feelinga after having unveiled itm iiiiich and over teen dlntinct nihuay jiviitiimi with no accident or any uiud at any point on any of them uadv3 own tauivbta cue all the iiiai a illttu natilsu and ulif clilldtsoi i thin medicine h good foralchiidiu fioni the feehlca infant wiiom- life iieeiuii to hang hy a tluead to the hturdy lioy whoe dlgeittive appinatini mcahlooally geu out of oider theiv in no ntoimich or luiuel trouble that ilahyu own tahleta villi not nmdlly iiliev and pminplly cnif aiul do it in u natural way an the medicine in guai nnticd lo contain no opiate or haiinful ding lvpeiletiwd iiiothem ryvvhmv piaiue ihihyn own tahleta alwive all iiuhiiciiuii miii jim a xviikiiii uyoiuinu ut aaya have iu11i ilahyu dun tahleta for lioth my ihltdieu and onnlder them iiiiluiumilhlo in any home where tliiuu jui young children one of my child- ivn wim very hiliul and i aluaya found the tahleta vomfoi ting and a nplendid regulator of the uloiiuich and imweu l think tho tnhleta imw uo thonntmof prmotinglitrjauulld iilghfi rent for imth inywiriiid chlld- boer gknerals visit the king dvt doth mul emjujt al ila- mivm by kln tdwwdon uib iiovki yuhl him auk i- 1 hllui i i ll ii 1 lwl y llu rruu liilli a hli ii ijiiiiimii ut lllmivlk l oil iiiii nil k or j il n wikiii li kinit kll nu ii i th iiyil yhl vll i lu mill all- i th iiiiiii tin nrmtiiiliiirtim willi lt wnl ulkiniiimiikk ki1 i tin vlultom wfii uiiiiiii nil imiuii lln jiiilliliiiilmlililu 1 1 ulllll hy ijil klriu mi i il 111 kllli lniiillity ii1 tlliy vuldl kilik llwl i- i hi vlrl mil all i inul ui- tlliii i4l1 iirnlru 1 tin ii i in hi willllh sliiy- ivliiimil l iiiilnii hiin viillik 1 ii liy ijil- ulu mill liiiiiiil 1 iillii r wim tmil l th in ut wlilrliui hkillllil tiriurtultviriv li lijiruiti- tivi nt tin awiiitiui i cm ibitliuu mivtniy lillil l in iili ti iii miijily h 11 mint ith tliiy lumivliil tin mynl yiilil iciiik 1iwiimi ciiiiii firwatil mill iittci tin inul ikhn liilruliiil ulnuik liiimli with 1iuh tliim alit hriuf mill ilidiiiniil lult n ii uiiiimitcjil clmr iirti- with kiiik kiiwhwi tluy wim illtluluchl til qilvii alifiillilri hiul lrllich vlcutrt mom deaths door waa an tha vtrja of cotnpleto- niv- uivi jtii i illllllk 111 1iiui 111lltl himlill i will lllilflll i mil i whmi niily iniiili iiniu h yniliiii il th- i ill lhll lrum ll ill ll iiini iikkiiiii aliii ymi i- or wlllliiiniilliil llllii fin pill- piiili yni ii mil hiumiiiiiiiiiik liny nn 11 tu i ll rl th iiiuilil iy iiiiiliiik n tllr ivil iiliiml mil imllilliikiipuiil iivi- lli ihli wiy lhyuill inul tin tliillhu iliu iiii iiiii ii i lumiii lliui illli uluiy nn- whii uiviiin if llliil unit thiy hiv ihilmx ilii miy lniwllln ill tin uin iii ihiy uiv lint mi ikillllililliint iiiiiit inrll illluiiir mju wit 1ii1ii ii fmil s k itlsiii lln iillimlniliiillk tlnll hln lui at th for the boys chlldivn take thote an candy and i tahhu lliljull hfveu will ponder they call a i wo ute iinfcty to the youtigcit ueakent iiifiiut von can get the tab- liu fiimi any iliiiiur in iimdltilm- ur pontvdd at lioceutrf a iuji hy uiitiug the dr wllliaina miiliciim co ihoikvllle out or hclmiiectadv n v thijoimtnhi wenv-lilghly- phmi with their reception miss ataklttel altcslonation dom amlouon naohaluuxl thi lllrmttof ui vmry entouot tatauihav of th llhrlt ho hoot daprt knnl it wan with feeling of ku recent im- gret that the nieinliem of the public kcliool hoard learuihl on tlunilay thnrrowinu to thirmriniiirltlnrrof henlwtor at tluii- home nl newmar ket mlkjt hannah j ktarr the teacher of the high heboid depai tnmnt had found it jutctiary to reilgn that ponltlun mkti htmr had proven her self a inout rapahle tejicher and wan laying foujidatlomi in thin lieu d ivartnieut of actoun public kcliool which fiuaired the inout gratifying micceui kie waa thoriiughly ullvu tc every detuil f tlm two yearn high kiomii 04urmof tudy-and-hcr-tntrh- lug wtiu nuw elfectlve added totuii wau h slanulihuilokijidiwiu of heart amt winning vvayu which won at oncu tho rcuract and con il deuce of her puplln and her rare gift of tour mou ichun im ohmmitlnl in one who lu given the important duty of lojullug otlmrn lu the formation of character and preparing them for the nlem dntlen of active life wiui iniperior a apecial meeting of the hoard wa held on imday afurnmm at tlire oclock to coiuilder the ivalgnatiun ol miui hurr mi mlw noro ntrrvtntvvimey nluiiriiian ho v h a macphrrunn dr mckeague ii jrindell and w ii denny movil hy ii a miicphcrkon wcondwl hy w ii denny that mb ktnrr hnvingundered her reiilgimtlo im tacher of tin high hchool depart ment the ihial regretfully accephi tlm uiinu and revpicntu the kicimtnry to ailvertih for a teacher for tho pmltinn applicant to ntnte uilnry ftc carried in concluding imr letter of forum iviilgiuitlim mimi htarr nald it lu with feeling of iiincero regret that i wivit my connection with the uchool for i have learned to love my pupiln and my work may i any um thnt the kind connlderation nod coijrutiy of the hoard luith collectively and individually aided wry mateilally i making my connection with th acluud exceptionally pleaaaut i wml yon abundant uucceiui hi that lojuirt ineilt in the fntuiv the hoiird will inert ou tueiahiy evening 21th imit at hoclmk to con- aider appljcutioun for the vacancy- aicoiptetoxxrm afuti long jverlod of illnei death came to mr i w iuodcuow ei pout man ur at hil homo heio on 4aturlny of acute pcritonitli tin reiiiaimi went laid nt teat in fli-een- yiikkllvuintcrj un ilnniluyufumiouu mr goodenow wan u citixii moat highly ruteeirtcd inul fur many yean wan a leading public mnn he wim an active liienilur of the hiptlnl church until incaiiacltated through illneiu laiiiu yearn ago the iiynipathy of tho coinnuinlty giwti out to tho nftlicunl family who have been for u nmiihcr of yeari the inibjeehi nt a ancceinlou of lurcaveiiieiita and heavy trialn autun kcxiiihitiona mmpieiiing tleoigetovvil jet i 7 haltnit old hoyn 7th tininit4 hipt 1 11 iuulon hepujl lu ovwii uouud hejit iu 1h thietph kept ill ihl walkeiton hejit 17 1h caiknvllle oct h korktou oit 7 h ukummt oct 7 woodhridgr oct lo hi centre wellington hvigim kept itli and ait h cowmutlcial education tlm new cabdogue of tlm ceiuial huiiineui college toronto wlrch ban jinit lueil fumed iellceta t uiine ex tent the popularity of liiunmuui edu cation mi it kiium that 7117 puplln registered ill that college dllhljg the 11 montlni ending july iut thin very lllictal patronage iwatowtl npnrj the win ml in ijuttitliin nunt- ului lu taken an un imycatl of the exc rlpnfatloinian coinage him wdll forita thorough work und for the inuiicewji of ita htudenla and graduauw v uhoyld notyiil to ivh tho unnomu ihuliuiirlifuiliitbii advei lining iohuuiur fioiu tli time imgau to decline in health the olor left her rhcoloi her apitiio failed and ihe ioinialued of heifllarhe iu a weauiei or th llinl her liealfh givwuiliad that ut weio roiced to take her from iiliml we tiled neveijil ieiueduii hut they did not help her anil idie kept gi owing weaker all thortinie khe wan very pale had uloio1 coimljiul headiiel und uiiu on the veige of complete ucrvoiimpronttntlnu in fart ue feared that deutli would take her fioin uji one day i wiw an account in a neutpa- jmr of a giil who had been cured of a uimilar trouble through the um of dr william pink pilln we decided to try thee and iwfoie thive iwncon weie ue4ltherwaiideiidedtinpiovenienv in allwitan condition we continue givingher the pilln tor pivdmhly tu uionthii by whlih time nhe wan n heahhvnnfu of her aire h appetite hud returned the imitdurheii hml dinnpvear4l and her rheikn had legalned their rony color it in now tienily tuo yeani idnce alio took the pilln and idie haa not hud a nick day iinc we are very grateful for what di willlaiun pink pilh have done for her and would iiiivim- all parenta whoue daughtem are ailing to give them a fair trial and not cxpcihucut with other nulllclnen dr wlllla pin pilln will cur ium troulileii tliat4niiai from jwivei ty of tlie htoiul or weak nnrven among inch trtiulnvii may la claioied aiiauinrn head iichu neuralgia eryniiulunr lheiinin- tlnin heart ailiiieutn dyhjvipnia paf tial iwuiilyidh kt vltun dance and the iilhnentn that render ininerahlo the liven of m many women lb umo you get the genuine with the full name dr wlllianm pink pilln for pale ptople on lliiru tapper iiiound every imix kold by all medicine dealeni or tumt hy niiill pout paid at vie a lnx or ti iwixen for s2v by writing dhvet to tin- tr whlliu uaaltdiii ullu ihockvilleont im doyen meuii collaim new fll atyle himi wing und idmight ayle a niwrlnleanlipurehrtke all iiwn from ii to ik to the window lily mi saturday for 7i each mms wovliu shirts soc- 1 doyen only mack and white ilnck vhlrtw donhle front and rollar attached heavy wright uhcltil value fitlc 0ji ncxv dicas goods with the an ivala which thin week will bring one of the urght md l- anortjl nuwk or dniw jowlu accemort and triiiiniliigw ever hiwiwii lu acton will bt nearly complete hwcul mm had lecii glvnii the buying of thehi linen in every wrhiuartiid itln our prld that nodiigli line of thl miimiiih iikw elothn uientlonid in the toit fiuihioit lnoliiimd id hwit honienjtuuii hroailcloth lrhiun udhuii viuothiiim grvimtdochnnrd canielu hair firectu hx elothn krge nil nro hepi lu new iliiuhemluid rjfrrtn ti iuit nil tiotten and it id himo a hotirro of eaucla nntufnctiou thnt in a ittock ho large in the higher prindf linen no two suit mugtlu ore alike our tupiior buying facllltlen enabling un to buy altogether lu kiugle imitleiigtlui novelties jast ftilved aiikrleau kogluh mnhfnch ikdtu in ullk tuitln wbunin und ilour fancy gnlter leugthn new ciijihlon llnemi iorty dilfeiut pattermtor new walnt tuaterl aid in single waint lengthn xjulii halnydaynktn extra sp 10 doien only of heavy wright cotton luign full nlxo ilnd govul value nt siiv for neift kntunlay only 2no hardest mhts i ilnii nnly liinvy wiikii t tiwul iiiitftli ulni 2zc viitui ftiivliiy lvlui- jwilr salt ilt quality linn and roan si 10 w lb narki dairy kjlt lioc per barrel iiocuwood the home of mr p lit in today in mourning owing to the death on tuen ilay or frank the nldoitt 1011 for tu 1 yenm thin exemplary and popular young man him iwen iaifferluf from tnlmtculonln hi wuu 11 druggint and had a blight future lufove him but death called him at the early age of 31 yearn the funeral will lie held at the it church at 0u thin morning after u libit tho remains will in con veyrd to guelph for liiteriuent mr t hauudeni p m nf ouelph ofilciated en kt jolmii chiuvh on kat- urilay in the ubtwnce- of the rector ilv j 1c gmldeiiwho in in pmn- health and taking a rent 3000 to thb paciftc coafirt frtim chicago via the chicago tnorth- weiitciu hailwuy every day during kcptcuilwr ami octolnr oneway aiconilcliuii ticket at very low rilteu fioin cjiicago to jwiinti in colntado utah montjiua nevada idaho oi-e- uuuwimuiiigtun uliliuh- cuhuiibiii california mid yurioiri other jviihita atno iipclal rouudlrip ticketaon hut and third tuonhijn augmit keptcin imtiind oetolnr to pari tic coant ami thewent full pm ticularafroni near- ent ticket agent or adijivui ii ii ijcie jutt 2 itjuiuvitikht turontoont the pioper thing ir the man ulm in tint ttupid in nay auv thing bright to do in to get a goiul repiitatlou mr lning reticent- we heard a man talking the other day alioul atatting a 11 u inner hcluml ho dont nuod ucluu uumiuer itcluwil enough t iirr arc a lew fines for saturday next that should appeal tqjnoihcrh who are fitting out their boyfor school lnoifolk kulta in hlue givy and heather ulum for inyn frnn 1 u 10 yeitv ty wrviccihle for m hind wear rigolur 27r vlin- for slm k 10 heige itloum kulln fin ly of from 1 u ll yaru inily k mlund milo w it h heavy blount f- im ij it wuih kuim for ikyn of frool t to k yeam old regnur value of whli h ueiefcom sllitosik ei attractiv ami ihmign nil fast colon vvllh fancy hlou4o on katunhiy next7v bys -shh-ls- nohhy mannupatteiin hi imyd noft nhhtn with and wllhonl colfarv katiinlay twii boys huts any lmywiliau hat in tlm place from eior to 11 on kjitunlay fur liv m cjgolliits- clve iihacull und bring along your trodice rbscott warren blk mill st acton the dowler cos new advertisement the dowler co of cuelph tni uowlku co tiik dowlcn co t0k dowlikft co tdl dowleil co tub dowlbil co thi uowrin co tub dowleh co tub dowixil co till dowlkit co mi oowiniico tub dowlbft co tub dowlbit co tub dowlbu co tub dowlkit co tub d0vfbil co tub dowlbit co tub dowlbit co t1ju dowlbu co tni dowlbit co tub dowlkit co tub dowlkit co tub dowlkit co twl dowlkit co tub dowlbit co tni dowlbit co tub dowlkit 00 tni do wleituo tm5tawlin co tub dowlbit co tub dowlkit co tnk dowlku co tllbdowlbit co tiik dowlkit co tdk dowlkit co tiik dowlkit co ilib dowlkit co tub dowlbit co ooelvn ouklpn auulrn aukliii odelln ouklpn anklvn auklrn ouelpii oukliii ouelrn oukliii auklrn ouelpii ouelpii auklrn oublpn oiiblpii qublpu quelln auelpn ouelpii auelpii ouelpu oublpn ouklpil auklpiir auklrn oiiklph ou elpn aublru auklrn ouklpn oukldh guklln auklrn oiiklph for dress goods for millinery for boots shoes for clothing for mantles for blankets for shirtings for cottons for groceries ilrln iabbrrlisrmtnte ioit saik i lit llrllllif filil- tv 1 o- ii w 1 w w 1 n i ll y iiiiuk j w liiiil t i altkntll ivantuii ulvifb ii iiauii10tjlill j hrick srorn mid dwelling ftm hali hiiumi fhci- irw klimil wojj lulltumii riu titi iuf nlr ll- or iiilllli tjltl il miiliia oi ntlti birr u1 diik ytm farm kojt salk ik ksqlkhino tnlutnxili ffun tut 41- tl wall- know unl mi 10 lot iu con i uwlhaaltiif imaiilwialiiil hit in lxxl iireliarcl liar uliliim fllna i tlia mlan la wlliiin a tolla ut ui- t nvutulilnif tiii of acuo lnuwalutl fulil imi ulvii oil ull vnt lorlliar iitlculala tily lit tlm tahat iblua olumi ii kh uooakh aclou tho speight homestead ioii gall ilfarrm x wtllo j iktila rilaii hi ilia aml aina iihu wlilti i ay vm bu 1 1 liuiiialaad if ilia laa jijlm litmiulit ml fainllf tli- rue tiiua imivhii u hiki llilm lulat tli iiouia latialj il njvaur ofnliioil bihmi unlti wojjli1 la aail plvaii liiiltllauiy if du vtf taona lil lllluull afliy it iuooiil actoo july jtjuiijv iliriidlia kiu cuelph central exhibition sept 1 6 i 7 1 8 a full and cornpldtu frlxa list ih evorv dopartmont spocntl attrnttl3iiech afurnoonl ispdlnjt j italltioti atccatloii and iarachulo leap pool hall i hi clai music and man oilmr feituref iromenoja couotim tuod4y und vod naly kvnlng tha hftt holldav of lli wawni sltiglo frcihl anil pamiier rale on nil rallwaya prha una and ill informailon irom hcbcholphiud wm laldlaw prbiuirit aoorutary lion 479 gtlelijo education i muit liavti your allnoliort tha t new cvuioku of rli central business college ronotiro will inlercal you it uxpbltii about tli hctt uofu roqnlrod lor a roo1 poyhiff thtiallon it idllu you why our school in tha ltc plac in canada 10 aitcad avrllp for ll fall tlirm opkns supf a hut you may hart at ooc ii you wuli ho vftcaiioh we hava 13 i uic hers and too typewriting ma chinal to placet al your dupasal good results certain vv st j w irluplpml yonfl iuid arnurd qt toronto toronto e uonjay tupl li to umia h mxw j3utlpjjfoa xw rxatunxa jtfrw xxmurrs forbig values want you to watch this space want to see you will see it pays you to come the dowler co s acy5 gcnttv on cleflnst effectually mitnial uxcunorow uavuu vlit tu cliirntco inul kt vil itillluruy i lhvilcuionuli hiiriiuiu illiollu all il hut hpriu 1 ihwluikul uiiilliduuitiitliihiikjuu jiilyuinl aiikiihi a 1 niu mull wim liui iiih uiiihui lln i iilty i ijfawil fur mi iiliiy whii uliilu uiiik limi iiuukl toouiikacolu 1kun1dav run lluiil 11 uu 1 ii 1 a lilut u mu u y ll 111 hvl un tlliniillv i lllllulluii lllllll illltilillll fiiin ii ii o uuitl llll a khlk hi it unto out overcomes bttuatco ration permanently vests i1uv the genuine mankobv 5lrrnlatgrvps io wi biii imiihuri iw mc fdhwrru chinese 1 lhundry in- iearuonfa iuildlti willow slreo acloa laundry collected andrcturncj 1nmlly vajlilii ai rcaiouahlo ratea all worl montr hy tiaml no tuachinou or chemicals ucil tow q lki lllno ivorir inter kcton saw 3illls 1 wiiim- illlilil hiul iil im iii wi o iii iiitnii in i ut 111 tin vol of 11 i1iiii kill iiy- lug nuuilioi vuti 1 lulwbfcrtrtatmahimcles and wood d1u5s9ki ltjmheu uouoii iumiikk iatii biiinclm and 8tovk wood ok ali icinikt kept constantly on hand james browti termb gubii higli grade tlmt aro ujitodato at pop ular prices we mint tell all our liau to mala room for our summer itpek of lum fciul slim whicl w ara nu unatfjtiihliit lilca quality choice reflt workm aiirhip a hri sloe tlun mauy yofoaia heuuc carry lo cliwad from if yug bvi culi you cau kd a blj illuuiuot fur nuud ovoi- al bumiiiof prlcca fbaj alai alykittra hdra v s35000 in promluma s30000 for attractions ohilliant yaoqqq bphotaclb all ui tfmturowi nf ntnr ukiou oooouy rjtte jloi musi iuiuo4 litt on i ul 1 cou your butlou auiit ttmrihaa rr intoioiiinaiiil ltck aoton mchiiio and kcmair shopg ilmniiyauihuuil proirilor lv btuwuliitl with al ilia mkjsliluary u tuvvaduluali riara to tnuitilo try a il mirloulluf hiiilf iijuiu iuid la lii aji kiuil4 0iiiauiituuui au1 bmibi uaiikaiiiluiliij- vohlwik4t iaikalu iiifoniij nmeblim nt luinltubiit of uy tuajia tuw auug kjj mlu- ion amalradies college st thomas onfc tlm arlicsl rnlli bii ona of llm li and pgi ellipied in canada 1ninaraiory sliidleagrailliallan courull 11 u a m e i- piano orsan sjiibiuk violin rinc art iciocmlon and iliylcii cullure doniolic science conimarclu- heallllleit licatloii moderalo cliain mfiilyfecond jeir will- lor calalon hiv lhin waunuii ma id public tlephne stkti0ns placalllo vast fjcillilen at tha tchplioiid systrm at luadlspobil ofavcry one aro convenient for iid uo ol noniub xrllira l e ufoktwlle lowklt it vnduam etilkalt oueljh tiik iikll telkphone 00 if canada a hot wdaitier nectissily i a greemv530ii spirit stove k llillliiil 11111 1 n u ntfi- liiuikiil uliullt willi inn- iwnuihul silitli mill lini lln iu1ii ililuinilrnl 1 mix iliicul und iuiii iiiollllh of lllllilltf ll lllllll a luiilllld wlltm illlllillk iltlllh nil e5v stove only 45o okodnwaod rrtpifltu only uoo u ul 1 nil iil 1 ll mm ktbrown milll aoton-