tt mncouln knowing ontuwiir nd ml atuil fcgoll aad 41 jaan ittaulli ntaaagawaya im huixlav fifiilnd itui no alary wllll- tl i ltlt uocwy a w jrmn and u iitlulbs j tiiijthiav novkmiiiil i iime kditqillal ntxllt ilun i w it pii ut ontario tjjh lie luit nt wllig cm prthllilliil on it iiiini itli ii willjmultutil km til iijih 111 sling in foviir of the i ill uxt week mr ir i mailer- into hdr of th cntmtvitl v purl in ontaiu nijvmutttirw ui forget polltl a and viu n a their torn lemi dlitnt- 1i will vol rnr prohlhltlon ill ill addrvu hhmtlllg tin- twenty 1 1 rut annlventaiy nf the adop tion of a pmhlhllniy hiu j kmnuiu joxmrhlulyhjil vprnhlullou l hllw umjl will in u pnhull t ull one wha ulll tlae through k11i1h41x and thluiigh any of uihriiiumuuthul ily bo wehsl- ni mill note the illnvrxiu vn th tya uf young tinii in tin- tw ttltutj tlicni nf thnimauda if young mii in kaiihom who ttovur hjiw u mjilfmtii- twl who nlwaya will avoid it if fox m thrr rvtvtn ixtaiiae it im under the ban of the law t1ii rniim to atuilhual tin ur ntiil thotnalbigyidni by the vnunn th- 4th of lwmw h going on wltlt an tarifintiii hw i dignity iind uii lu- btlltffcmtt worthy llu- rm through out th- pi-ovlnc- thn liwtiiimn an di uttm ng the pnmltou tlic tuuttoru nro prvnchlug imprtumlvo tminnoiiu upon it und public nnetlngwof dwlora atm ixlng hold hi 11 very ron- ntltiumcy klwuira nn iiillunrl hot hy mnt of cant but hy thought ful oxr in i nation of tint rilutlnualilp of the ihjunr trufllo u tln flmtiilftl morl hihimmu welfare of the ooiil- tnunlty and ho prnwbllity of tiflvt- tlvo ithforctiiitunt of tin projakwd pro hibitory uw and juut anchacanikulgn im ixilnt carrltxl on delegauze uquor traffic iotflot ull ic smith ndny tv ve srnian by nlnif- tilairfic cannot di iibqujaticd v y k luhl 1- th tlmt 111- plll killy of tw jiio- umor oiitiiiiinniil otii iihkiy lo avoi of lh 1 ilillln of tu li tmlllr 111 j iiiuiv uuritw ii himim illlvmil t inlim in uhhl noiiidrnon will win nav di- chowbt oen so of morl nefortn nnd rv ui maoonalil 01 th it h iroph- vll ii il-llll- 1 1 11 iii 1 1 in mil- ih liu mi ullml ihni iii iii ilului iii ikiikumii nil iii inutllill i ixifo nil t ulii- hi u iii lent iitlx tlio nirl minn of lhn pouucun or uit unwulom of iho onurlo auuiiro ri nnltlior iutu tio thunt it lhl riiiptgn tho hoio tji nation ut im hcidr1 on tlio 4th r lvcoiii k 1 u loh f thlx iroviuru wiuit u rulnjii u10 iwiim iuul tim tritttin nyatrtu howovcr thlw qiitimljikii cjuutt to ht mitiniuunl u tho cltctorm it u ufoo lhin now for ilsuloii tlnn n nothing u ht 1ik1 hy iulf- in how tim hmuti cniu u im nulimit- ml lu itu prtuhiit form 1tu ciimi im ih- for1 tin jury iiil th jury miut ivtnni vtmllct hi u row tluyw whul hiiiiu tim vortlirl ho am tlui ihunw of ootnrw ui diur tit tht mill tlutt thny rointldur tlin ikjirroom u wuul inkuuiilon tlmt i- tlu fnuhtlon tu itoiltmrulmoii iho4thof ijociulwu- orlllu tinnw mjultow vuui for iroliihlllon tiul forr ltit u wuip to whuliy hhihk on hun- tuyu in milton it u i ui holtlmt kuch mccnu will liuvtir im wltmunul in illluin for till tinut to coino liijwim wltncwm on hnnihiy wfumorilwit itifornwr lr tturt wm tilitcttnl hy urliiiiu- uon at hum ii ton hut wtmk um rtprttuiitntlvit u uw mlicnt council for no 7 uutrlrt comnruiliik thu cmintlc of iuu011 1m1 nnd vnt worth win mckuiixhi lmhwtll out hu twllorlntf hiuiiuww on mmiii hl to j- tlftrnutt of wttlkirtim who u now in j ii lwtck liliipikxl to colllntf- wood huti wmk u4 liopjiiayiitk to ux43 farimrm uin halulonii minn of fisoo for the ht- our 4ihh1 in hnlluiutf l fo mectlon hy ndtl turf tw w kuxii phonic on kit mul out- 11 to nor uwl tin- mom chuhomu making tlu rtxttl itctlon lohtronk thbv beservh bucoebs kiut himi wit a imr for youiiff oftiuulinnm in the mttroctlvn tltlotifm liaiuliioiuo clflht jwigu llluu- tratml wikiy lurl from tlui 1tiw llcatlon office of tliu 1nwhyuruu church in caiuuia tiironui h woll tletturvtiiiiucrithii itt llurnry kihiuihi u high mtul tiir prlnlirrt havo buirwl no pht lo uaki it ii crtxllt luiteliaip icjjiy tito 0mmlnt coutluuinl tor in hy 3 mttcdonida oxly mliutruul hy j k laiikhlliu ituth of urn in cjuuuiuuui utitl vmcii well kliowu lu hli own nmmu1 fluid a utory hy itulpli niinor hi utmii1mim1 lu ail ury nuiulr liidtied uit wholtt mtinmc phont of um pnimir hi wliowmumly caiuuiuui atul wo nhouul uxpct unit kjtt him1 wuat will inht u wtttiti welcoimt onuldn uu will mt wiuilil tlu ivntbybtun hnmhi u v it doukimjj ruimr uud ittiv j m hun- 04ui rt tw tutitrn a maqazine thinty yltahflolo hit oliritmajf 1iiiimij kiitiilwi of umi liilliiittuir ih himi tn thlruoth uinlvorwiryiiinillwr to u jiuthii in thin mitnur which foe uuty nud wthlty loiuluui thn hl umik it wnld im niy to lulut tltu tiithv lut ofronunu it uiumhiht to ututu umt in it out lumhin wilurw mid hituu i- tlic lok uonulnnovoi 2n ihifv with lit fiilllwkiitlltihtialtouu of wlilhat uh lu two or ttunii fohrw tint iiiujiiru of thu ttimtilitr niiiiilm fr whuh tjh utint of ikiimjf nail ulx luim of ink imvo lkii umxi nuty im uudihntiul from utti fiitt that ttl pii liiunlutf 11 hoiint u titty lm uti itiiili4l to print it tin- hluihuk uloiu of tim c lit wi of mudo iopl ivph- ovoraiolkmwt uou- whuli hud to u tpttliitiml indlvliiohlly hy hiniuni k sirromnotounbouiltv tn jury htuod tlwt vwrdlot atuw four houm daubwwuoa tatnottrl nov joafur four houm of ildlllwnuloii tho jury hi tu or jnbv f1ttttfrnld hi f ton t hari4l wltli tho unirdrr of i1i1 fatlur on juu h 1000 ratnrnml uuit nhn otl hut- uruwy night with a vrdlct of not in ih- mitlindhf cliimli tt ilny ivtnhik uv a k hniltli d-llv-r- ni th m nod or w m or iiiur tnnwluoiiiv ih tjt win mtt hi lu and now 1u0 tin- x i laid utiti tlifwmitnf tin trmrfl ihitrtfoii iviry lh ulihh hihiclliwt forth mmi fruit im hwn down uud t inu tin litis krjm thu milptni in iimpulhd loklnilly mid foivnfullj ih toiwt mh htitntull j lull ui tin wjthtt v tlntiiitllr uii lhhi piolllh miuh- luld rontinit ihii nt ill th- liiiflln 1111111 ivniiuwl rwni our iniiiihy thy kuiooii uiiml ko mid it will iliilur- im tint hiwalt r it lu innvolhw umt lhim in ulmll mml initiit or thin t ountry will allow it to ik- ruiitlmwo wlmt xtf u it ly which iulmomipt ikiuwm down v many wm oldfioililoiithl luiplxii iluk klft ofllciw uwli try ucmiiimi uw in unwilptur- t hriu forth kwwl fruit iiikdiily ut iktlrpjiti not to iv any nijiti who vou a for ucoiimfhiul iitculliat piidilhlthm la hy- inrf in th fact or hod ivdiihltlon hullouur- an envtu ivniwly llrnw iioim not avail to nilum or ui ahato tho llw of the liquor truffle tliiio in h uhuly inciimwi in tim eou- biiniptlon of liquor in caiiadtu honm think tlmt wii miiouici ronllno onrwilv a u ninril mtuimioii thla arjuiiirnt would imv jiwt ua afo with imirtlir unci rohwy moral auiwlou in to u rrtailn tmuiit ihlndli hnt httfal uiiuetliinnt iiiumi atrompaiiy it it la a nntorlouu fact that llcmiwi lawa urc uymtinatically jmil coiitln umialy lolatwl tim only inntitiiuent to imi uiuhi in ciitthqf down urn liquor tiiimc trimi tlu kwiiwlkd of t prohlhltlon outlnw ti i- ulna ilthkallui ititndlt will loa lb tvmpactithility honm uayprohlhulon i uucrlilut- al tim hlhl alwamda with prohill- uon and lu iliou himt nnta am dlnahd iikaiuut ull wrouk lolik- othrauay prohlhltlon l inuifivnco with proiwil lllwirty hut hutoih not miy mom intirfimiil uirotikh h ui in otlmr lawa tlio pnhllc ihidth act inurfma with pimiiitil hutrty for for tlit protcctioii of uirlitty tim knutoat u t k nidwv ih tho watchword wo uk4i to lai told prolilliltloii ia uiiiouuttmtloiml tin hlklieit court of tint iinpint luu declmil thla law to la- cooktltutloiiul lliolosaof 11vuih ia a kt ll1 jmiartuimi rbinhiuvii by tuif oovoininiit mpiirt howur that 10mhud0 la oiciuiidixl iiiiunally for liquor in ontario tim prtvjncfl uud tlu inunhiiialltlth rw ivo jhw316hw of thiw ultil tho llciuorhnimkakttlht mnialnln i h n0c humly if tim mph havo tlu ilghtihiii million dollar lu thlr potktu wlileh la now laihitf puld in addition to tim hvniiiii for liquor thoy could very wihlly con- ttlli ut ouotlilrtynfth of it ut niakt up th rttvunm tim wwmw nrkumint from a moral abindmilnt lakiuiply odlmiu kor how much inouiiy will tlui mull in trouhlo nlmut tim mvoniio uk for hu lrlnlt- uyhl lay v it la tinivutly atntl hy npwmtnitm of tho law for which w ltittud to vat on iw 4th it eannot lat ouroiviwl if uudir tim fontiirliik earo of thn luoliao law a tttinlt haw jfiown wlihih iwlltui all law wo am in it uirloua position indtmd and fiiitdy will lint klvi audi a trafllc djico loiirtir in our country tliia luw can ik miforctal aiui it will imi unforcml i ikiiuivi in tim fact tluit tint liquor trafllc luui uiurml from tho platform llurn ia proof tluitlta uuoruira um luhaiml of tlml r imaimnd tiul dam not iipjuar imifomtlio puhllc in ita dufnce v0u1 out uuch u traftlc nt tim pdla on tho 4tli dioiulwir at th iimitliik toiontu miiffi il a nli1 m in lt ih howiikilaiyr mmal llfoi of ih i 1 cmf in- id hml 1mi i nuny point i luhout th 1 11u v id hij iiikuii fo mi of irrmlui l w ih 11 vl vn imii hy iti it ilohlhllloo uoild u to th otoftl vilaid thmfom it u to lniliil thqim-iioilofmtmi- wia not ily inviknl i tw rum hat of ooiimiihidloii u th hinium in- kiutd lor a y m tupl idl will lomplite thlr tlnm thoiirl i nini a into for- dr chnwn piophixl n vl tory for llmtmii fona lu th- n tituqutikii thitt wa a kmmi tho fa t tlmt ulilipiohlmioiiuu uit holding nuliuli tiuun tim tact ihy wtin tuiiwutiuk hiihliu uhlih 4uld uoluoiid 1hult or day a loktt nuinlmr of viuv uonld havi toll polhdilo ciimim tim pjit o thhuuri ui- ulhvl humihoa toiry uuiiilk1of volouhl lw qwill 1 in vw of tim tuu thai the ihtrtoia hud turnm out in auchiurk nuinlwia ut voto for wifb phatitoina aa the two plhlmelt4m which lud 1mii likm ulorlhii tiik luiihimlu wo mut lay inphoiri on the fact that thla law u ilmwl w tin- alailitlonj of urn lar nuini wilil ho v j a mac- donald iditorof the irliytirlim t tim uilim ineetlllk no one iitteilpta lowiy anythliik in dwuc of i if- lliiixwimuy muiilhir k lo tb ph and ou for uila law wo will have a iwaly of public iitlmont that no political iwnty mil fiiniv tim unlit will im a hard one hot a laruo voto umaiih kolchu oven if io do not mt a majority hut i imhvo wo will k a itiinicliiit ninnlwr of voua aammmm wmro wm wmmmnfromwm wiwte i millinery iuuliiiiuiululuiuiuiuiululltiuaciuiuiuiuiu uow xo votb tint followbik l u copyof the ladlot lolu uwd in the election mi the lib deceinlar premier ross votes yes m011 mr ko uox mo on will b tnrtund by rpoltuom1 con- kid mtlcuna tu tku votb on dko tii a iiquirtoi of thn toronto olidai callwl upon hon loo w hnu on krlday ut ukceituin ida intentlona with mkunl to tho voto 011 the liquor uel which ia to lio likon on 1w i mr luuui mpllsl that he had voumi for tba kcott act and for the two plehla- cltea that ueiv taken tim 01m hy the nominlon loveiniimnt the other hy the outailo jovurnnmnt and liav- lutf the iitinout contldiiico in tint appll- cutloii of thla nrliiflplo in muarl to lokuuitlou rap4mtluu tim liquor trafllc ho tiiiipturti voting on doc 1 hi favor ot thla act huuuo expiimal thn hom that no phlilhltloniit would allow any politi cal iomlilmatlinw to piwi nt him v- pitmlliu ida vlcwa ut the judlii iih he prnpniad dohq idimalf ahhtauovx mr and mn j vilkklmnilh apht u fw dayu laut ueek with fiiiiuulnchnuiii mr j ii nbnn vultl hu litlmr itoluit nf hhelhiuue lat uovk mlna lwh dick ia tqtemliiik a oiiploof wka with her cuualna the mueamidlll of krln v mr hniiy wiuin v on monday fioui a two wivk hnutlutf nip in miukoka homy uho u a eraok hhou uiirml two door a nhnilkn- of young people fiouilbe lltivu attended uimlvtrhiry imrvlej in iwrolown on holiday illunt hlu 11m aiiuh traiity arviea of awb- h mth dusobimli utll hold on hutuluy noveiulaii lnl hiiiih will u imld at im awd 7 p m hv it j lrydale of looikotown will ptvweh nt it1i arvlea hmclal iumio will la furululuhl by tin choir ul tim mlmma tyodall of fh arc you in favor of bringing into force of tficuquor act 1902 yes x no if you am auxioua that the prnuc- tlon of liiful kjinitlon hould ik taken away frtoni the liquor trafllr you will maik your ballot in tlmvii colunui ui ulwive the triiitiuf luthit priulln in pm- juirtlon to tho opmirtunitl a for itu development and the iutitutliiiuia that mirihunula thoui opuu tunlt h 14 tlntluirrmin in the opportunity aur tbv invitation for uvatiiik- trthik latlm opjmituuuy the iimitonmnt and tim cuiihii of drinking- drliiklnff iu the umnt of diuulennewi and dt liauchery tlio auppnwlim of the linrmom will iwt an iuiiumim atep hi the advauoo tnuardu the auppivhulon tif tho iivila of liitoiujaranco tluiontjirio liquor act ir adoplwl will make liarwmima illegal if luir- rooma am mado illegal their cxlwul ran only imi uiiule the liitnlt of lack uf puhllc opinion aaluat them or wilful coiiulvaticepf oftlclala at law-hreakliik- kllflit public opinion wilt tuuui mmmy tim ovll of falthleu ofllcera under urn ijqnor act public opinion will luinlah tim liar bittyhllok too liitomct taken iu tho hfiuyitlilit kunday kcluwd uiui ury clearly nmnlfetited ut tho ivnt annual enter tainment held ill dulferiu acbiwil hoilim liikt friday ovenilitf the buildbik wan rrowdetl to thn jloom and the roriiuuim wiui highly onjoy- uble itov ii a mucplmrwui wan nil turn ily tho leading up bit but lie wua ably iuoudwl hy meaara andrew aythura and i mckachmn the auocl- atohuporhi louden ta tim premutation of mime uixty voluinea of cboire iwmkn to tho bcholaia uau a mtwt arccptahle iait of the piokniinine i koilpanmbhs to think about an bumrtant hittor from mr ii u wade of tho dominion hhorthotu ihoodoraauiorlatlon appcara ill the kamlly herald anil wrofcly hur of moulroal thla week it rendu iia followu it liua iwan my prtvlhh to mad for u mimlnr in yearx from time to time the familnjf paiwhi not only of our own country but of the united ktatia and great hrluln and i iwk to any that the ot icultuiul imu in the family heiald and wik- ly hlav la almm wrtb outny tlinea tho aiilwailption priif your- akiuiii- turnl hdllor u a mwi one and lu av- tuuiiu to im tltoroiikbly voiwm in alj iikibultmal matuia hikuwi ii 1 wtuti ofllce hoklatiarof uve htock torinto mr waile ai cauipanied bin letter ultb a yiara nidalilptloii one dollar tim luinily herald ml weekly ktar h ltirojjfiilsul ua the iwht ukilciiltiliul uimi m anierlca and aa a family pjqur it exeelu hi every dejuit tuient itaulj rl to love your uelklilair hut love im ihiukhtei ulij get the most at of your food you dont mid cant w our muiinnrli li wvaka uuak btouiucb doy uotdl- licut all tlmt hi oidluurlly tubeii into it it kuti tiled omjilly hlu wlldl li iaila to diljiu hi woatud amoiik tlui ultcori o uueak btomucli mm mnamewitifur eating tits uf nur- vouu hfimlacbu uud dlaauneubla boluli- iiilf 1 havu bii truulitthl with tlytilu or vcirm unl trlhl ocry vpiuimij 1 ilbij ut but iwvtr ma koyuiloa lliul vo iimj iolll uulll i lhk hood harmprhu mim trtlu tlu iitwlkiua uui lil1ly loi- 1 imi lhhi it iiiji oim o f h tk it in hut prllut uiii rll and would not im without it w a muumr ilellovllu out hoods sarsapariiia htnmkthfti ami tone the ntoiuach and tint ubolu ditituvo ybtuui conlliia diulii u ilarutullnif ublclub olllnrk kcilil coumli in i on monday ulht lu tim fouiiihijiinlar momlwraiillpiemut heeve willhnim in the chair a deputation iepiautiu tho arull hulwu club vtltlouwl the conn ii for a lefimil of tlm money paid hy the 1 lull for the ue of tlie pik the piit iaaion jmovd hy if kivm khaiuer taroiiled hy john auew that thin conutil te- fund to the hall conmiltteo the 01111 qf wkmm imiiik amount lu full paid hy wild cinnmittee thin uiini to lat paid w it mrlntohhtivumirercaiihd thin imiuk all the bmlneuj iwfom the uukttown fauiein they then tub jfuiued a trying time is the peniod whbn vouno amuanb menaino into womahhood tfkka by tl fwom lmrt -lnl- tatlon lom ofatpuu mhd dn- rj ijlmmlltxtlmhoms to ovmonw thu condi uon after liabybmal the moat peilloiui time in a yountf klrla jlfo la when aim iu juit outirlnk woinanhtmul it la then that alto u mdiject to beadacbea dlxiueha heart jialpluitlon ftshle hjmlit7 nod ithaullk cbwka and up 1 thlu condition may enally thf velop into conuumplinti and to iw- vent thlu to keep tho youn kbl iu ktuux health and utmiikth niothera ahould inulut iqam their takhir ll hlooliunkink toule uuch aa dr wll- llama plnkimiia mra utlvy mc i nt pott dalhouiiie out lvea laiuud advice to other inotheia in cioiiof thin kind him ways about thni ypniii ago tho health of my daiikliter heitha laan to fail him buffered fioui dlutrewilnn headaclieu and fiiiutlimnta her apihtltolert her and die liuit lexh j iqamt imuh intmey on iiudlclma hut they illd hot help her then i took liei ton doctor all rtatth nuirllthnflti rt nrvrtitlw v iiltited in for 11 nt time aim mteiiud to lavrouiiik itorw and i iwtfnn to feiir ilie wiui koliig into conuuuiptlon then i took her to a kmluliat but hlu tivutiuent wan llkeulki uuuucceaa- fut piually upon tho advlne of u buly friend a doctor pnictluiuj in chicago hoitha lakan uulng dr wlb liaiiih pink pill 11 uud lafuim ioiik there waa a dccld d linproveiient in her condition and hy the tluio aim had tuked nine luixeu hbe waa otico more enjoying the latut of health und bad gained fifteen poumla in weight i woild utrongly iulvhu all aliullar uniferera to give dr wllllainu pink pllhi u fill- trial aa her cjiue mieliied aa hopleut 1111 could la all wuilaud ailing glila and women aiifforem from lu adachea backache iudlapoaltlon to woik oroxurch1 who uii ou by their jwilu and willuw chmka that they am iu iu health will find prompt relief hrlght e ea may cbeokii and urtlvn health hi a fair uu of dr wllllimu pink pulu you can ohuiln theao pllla from any iiuhiicjuo dealer or ly nitiil iauitjuild at ouc u hmc or ulx laivih for io0 hy writing dimct to tho dr wiuialnu miallcimo co hrockwiie out never accept any- thiiitfeliai which a dealei may wiy ia juat an good caijifonniaonuaon icycun- oiowe jwry day in tho year the chicago union pacific and nnrtlbwoauirti urn run a through flrat cbua puliuau and tutit jut uleeplug caw t polnta in cali fornia and oregon three through troluu dally the route nt the fainoua wlveilniul llniitiml luuiionally con ducted excmkjoiia from otliago lo han luiiiciuco loa augleu poltland nod other par kb euut uilnta leaving clih ago 011 tuewlaya wedneialayh thnrwla a and lrlihi l lou eat laleu elioicii of ihiuuii llueut hceneiy mith ilbuilratei lohlora ac rnrnlwh- tl fmi itnlea quoted addr wi ii 11 i ten ne tl geneial agent j laat ring htit toronto out home study r kiill oaur f u klw 11 hy uaii uiq uujum itu1 r riiou ur lliailulu yuuuj iuo or r woattu wliu wlliw lu traimid ur p iwlltr imflllmi 111 hid lly eu1 u im f iiii hi llurltw valalikiilltf uufab r iiili li noiib4j uiiilulith hu iiiolirulr f wlllor ll allrn ouituuhionu r knob iulau1ilnv i central business college tdhonto t t w a uhaw principal i lfllul willi iwuink lllllllhul blll holt uvry f a hlramit w i vflliuiianllhv iuu plvluimlirttlu llollllllo 111 too uuuiy nihih uheu qyoiiiig uouiiui imia away to gt mauled be tiiliu away a laaoml lime in get iaiiu- ullugto at the halton elh hbi tilal uhhli wai wrt roitiiemtaydld not com off the pit iteil having imeii dioppd aa uiih the noun ptllllou itifaiuat ih nlxou w dinner s6ts imlkcclveil ihnucrttlb- j n dim in primed ulll mid ihiiiiliihtel lo kolj nl so 60 510 oo 1 00 11 oo 8 00 13 oo 0 00 dried kpples w ulll iy lilulirl ild lir lir uarlcrnl ilrlcl jpnictt tho nolod tea 8torb add china palace j 7k 7vcgrk q0mlph giotiiina jjkn tn oiip you wulit n winter knit wull give you 0110 for ten and 4ffurautee you ajitiafaetlon them may la lhtlr clothing utoma than thla hut none whero you can gut the mime atyle and quality for tlio imme low phre stoves tinware craniteware eavetroughing etc etc c c speight imi new full posieitluti of ilia panaalctrc biulnei and u prrpired to ml tho wihu ol all old cuilonmrc ami ilid puhilcjjeiierjlly in ntijlliltij hi iho alvova lines tit pdec which ar mailed at only a air living pro fii caurlcoun nnl prompl atlculloa ulll imi jivan all ordom and having hid twontyfivd yars of praciicil otptioncf uiltfaction la tiiirwl ioa1 call gut iiupect tuuikiiiuiylliuu hen joii want any g speight mill uymttbt wcron piotuie framing j all tidnm for iciuro franui- 6ft at 1i10 horn will recchd ailentl n wallpaper bargain for the nex two months we will ell our stock of wallpaper remnants for half price ht brojsazn chftuilat and elallouar aoton tok tho boat quality of flour co to ev6rton on bd6n juclllls alunyii uuv to hit tho ukst alltiolk at ihoiit luiotll ilnui mlimlliikx wnp fnhi ktc for null- iuiipliik donii iuul o11u iiillil fn limu vfiy lay ut ikith lullu cjihii for uliiut iuul ontu iiknry ii0kt0i vllowuitto h great clearing sale qv yticowdhano iiuaotlo mai1kkt waqokiu caut sybils carriage works qujoilgkaown i ihikklu icurlu marlul waejotib 1 tild uat carryall wacon u siwliiu lira all mcoii imni and in lirki rliu rupalr i will trll llifiu rhejp conw and ket a larjjaln j m oneill ououoiltown na8haoaweva saw and plaqiqrj mills lumber and shingles xt lowb5jr pbic9s ciifdwoo1 lour iret loiitf 1 5 ir tuiil ljut i ouu- ill w uuul 111 lucut lo oul xullvc bmm quinine tu ruwmiy umj i w m m m r ooyors proorletor k ulll 1lioll llllllu it i ulll 111 ilriu dlrrtinriiifiits mass meeting wkdnksday evkn1ng uutb noveuueil wlddislji lo audicaaikl lv n wrowell k c of toronto aid others tliu u tho vtuy ue lak flung if yon miit rnnin ullh argal mug if vmiiuiit room good a luirgidu bent i aa ilu hoy luiax hi h luyn uo4tl or h-4- umd ihawera from p ivci hiija- beavydinl hum lu ibvy p i iiairmle hnya heavy uoihd klmkhlga imi ladfi hnva heavy hhm m vatm iiahl each av hoymuewtupkhliui iby puin ullt- m hnol hindk-i- ehlef i di hoy hrnvy- to plhuitx lngii tlltliniililijiiliotibutllittiiji jj1 v iloya hviiu v-i- in the new laix biek hv u ly uiauuh 00 ho4himling cuim in a uinuui of new mid atyllli dwdgom za itoyn mufllerw black and navy the auell thing fowoar with iniiomty unt ui for katurtlay twi sutaidiy gociics in oiiler uihiutmluii um riuitn knit wl city linking powdo h will givo with iuch pound on haturtbv next one llrhubuia fullaix tabh toimla neatly imxed iii iu itilliil oata 3 paeliigea flrap nutu 2v 1 package mhiui viu ua ruga hwla vtuvl ia i liackaga hie plnka 2v i ixea7diruhd wheat liv l latlha wi iw hunhho ham i liottla homemade cauup z ii jam jain all flavor ia- ii jaramumahideiv vlanafaipi 0iirkv4lal h ii h colf i uk haturday liiic kjaclal ceylon jr ft a r gular haturday 22 honey 10 lh tinavlho coinh honey 1 lb wclluim k- laney llwultallklh aetou klour l uf ckhv aeton lloilfi lh kurka lo llomeliiado catuup hi tltia a clothea pinu mriloi ir kaht llljutiltu wr lh 7c hyrup genuluo new orteanw jwr lh 25 lbs rodpaths craliulatod susar sloo salt flno or coarse sioo 0or bbl youll fel und iook aa well lu mm of our 11 huklmka holla aw you would iu a mihtoinmade 8f unit youll frel ladur for youll lutv that 10 lu you mmkel if you wmit anlt or oven if you dont wo invltryou to call and tale a look through our ktnrk it will intetiat you heavyweight waktt wovn womtod hnlta allwool immntifullyuiloml heavy hluo wruo hnlta elegantly- liulhi tailored utliiiliuisl pre neb fncil allwoo guaraute tnai cotora and uuithtiiikalile a hnniiuer for htylo und flnlah 10 now atrlpjuwl wonbd allwwd el- gantly tliimnwl and tailored 31000 htllnlbie4l a uwell hull wortli aoy- wlmrii ioxhut our leader at 10cm new roiighlbilahisl alrlix twel hulla thla uraikma utyl hi cloth and nil a very apeclal line at 91000 any of tlm nbovo hulta wo think air aa unail ua tallorniadew and wo will rofund the money on any purcliawo of thlk liim which prova unaatlafaruiry you however may want a back fcillt wnjitivo thorni uwi and hwturdny wo mll in order ut luaku intonhtlng for all coiiciiriual 15 mknm ukavy twkki hu1th jill alia lu light and dark check tait- uiriim well talloiisl and wortli n couple of dollura tuoiv for each lo min iikavy twkki huits in giaal ataplo patterna a ault that othfra wll uoumtimea ut 1j0 and make a pnit at that unturtuy wik0 ioo guitain supples 2xc each aucciuful in geuitig km more cm lain hampb for tai late to iwimflt hv lay thnao who cai to hatiify thiiiniekea thla time iiuual prh t iuxt katilt- hutciirutiiiknleulioutd latablo satuiduy wolleiis het all wool hlankota all wefghta and all iii ilk- ar lh kjm lal heavy all wool hnx igulir 21c value and giaal value at that on haturday only inr piiir 20c uidle heavy weight caahmere hiwe iitia h rfl 1 uj 10 our regular u forltxlline hatiulay ilic eggs 20c ikavv weight all wool kweaura hi afl color combination very hpoclal value rfgnlar uj0 liim 7fic coimi weight thaeel underwi w ud fleisce all aluh vloo priiit ibht hand hcouttal canadian yai all cotora ric ar ih buttor 17c r b scott warren bik mill st acton our motto monoy down our guarantee money hack what p e macdoxtald co are showing in v furs i t bftuy o our fum i ho vast lutaartiudiu and llw cheapiuas of thom have hroujlii forlh words of pralw from hundred of peopla who liavo jryuly vwled our fur 7f i ia wi h y nbaoluialy ruardi a mu takd hy thla lllral policy iwit it mow aaluiaciory to buy fur ai alord wimm you ca uur your own judtftiimt of depend on ii aauanuuia advlca whew you ruw tiolhln either way you can do that bora bocaum bur eumraulm auurwi ulkucilcui or your money u youra asain thu acakon w tiuko a particularly ur fcliowlarf of ladles astraohan coats in eyry bmmh and ahe all utlahl aud new from tlw bct aourcea ol mnjy couiracied for durlnji lhn dull aeaian luntf madd ly ilia uent furriers hi thd country cnahle ua lo ly ilia bent furriers hi th country cnali that will iav you from onquarter to a third on h yooj jacket furlined capos of heaver mallauatec silk ilrocada and corded silk with a choice of iha different ur lining 10 astraohan jackets a choice lot in all icnglhi ku t muffs and ruffs of sabl ilejr and mink capohnes storm collars grey lamb tauis fur tiuantlets a small defoill will rewrvo any arllcla unlll december isl e macdonald bro the lion cuelph a quarter r- of the time ukually uwiiit hi ilia hot ecllcii o jowcwv can be aavod if ilia mjecliou ui inad d hero and a quarter of hut utfi too 1 iia aiwmmoiit of wnlchom and chain 1 rnmar labia hi many uaya hut llld liioal inlsrettill foatuii u the vdrv tnudeht ttrlcoa at which thca rnally lnuullful and eucallanl k g d pringle i83ubk of mauriaoe lioenbeb cuelph jam mmmr w j hiiaffiiuika prehlihmt hfhndarj god s7xu13 th king wanted- larrigau juakoih w 4 irilm jrrrotidci i lijl t jdfa in ul mlr mu thu 11 if iikalt ikltllkllfo latalfd i4ndy brick storti and dwelling foil ualu- x ixuauu fit 111 kum ot ulll icm humu wll bdlllmnnyamua ukod lul uodr uia ullrt buluuoe wlui brink uuchw 0o0uj kr uoodoxcuwd fih um all uduaibrktux frurutay br1ioalara uuu appllcatltui o uia promlaaa la uvu anna ktoiilbon choice vmm 1011 sale 1 uim lo m eon b h tnlld frout aelon ii- a uaa txmttotltp ctiuicliad arm otlauum w keboof limlu iron uualpb food rocu j i buiuvok1 aokdad ui knarj anmli idtpud ifl mimml kitd atoli railaa l3 billed unib aar- lullna nwina ia cra la ytrd imliui i ltd lun i oiodui inif farm jfoll sale plie uhdl for ju u 1i m luam uecalm uouihihj lot uoo 1 klutelnif cpui wuim uood orobutf rrtjilipl r wltfala lull of u ttouiiihlug town or aatoo iomhicui couu lo dlta uii ml vo it- v oul ppv pum orbyuiutfla uiujuccakn gffl new eiijtniture at cost tiik kloek ol furnltor bioolna to liio ua ol um lu j a upitt will b bold by kil bu at prlom iwiow ttw auwk cliulad uoboutmad 1uloclkollh badrootn hulua kidaboanb and lhaiat tafalaa dinlntf and llocklotf clialn hofaa aoj cooobaa tablaa and clialm lladuda uuinum and bprta tba fnrtillura bbou will ba opta oat vrlday attaroooua liom tbraa to 3 o clock dull u wbouuaoul if yoa baad turnltura yotj cu lo it thara at lowrbrloa for caab than row any daajarauy wbaia n tax notice 0tick baraby jrireo ibai uia utaa at lbla tonnlelpajlty ar now dtm aad payroaol uat ba tuaila at ooca tba baooitd inatajbiaat all duaotllutunlaybuiloat homaniapata iiavaootyat paid tba arat laataliiiaiit 1 ua vxiolrad by lia couoctl to eoilaat all uxa bow dua wltboot tuiay will all kalapayara baraby taka botloa tuul pay atuouuu dua aa raqalrad aetobnoyl0uilbol 11 u flit a am odlloouu- oil smelter miiich acton aoncy douglas lacey co bankexa and llrokara kw york itaokmakulmourktatmfal ia lutf um iiauoa intkiltkhth bd pltokith of lualiluiala uiluln ml aud aiualtar lournt mat tra oa apllouta uarakatfkti tlv t jt monaijm wknt6d good apnaautauva lot um aaja of inlt traaa ordautaatal traca ahrnba u lu aatoti aod baarby tlatitoti tarma tibanj bo kalary or oonimlaaloa baala w baa on fed aura bndar nuluvauoa and oar slock la ruaimmtaad to ba ilallnatad in food ooodlufl fraa troui duu wa bava uia baat and tuoat cuxuplata lut of buraary atock to qanada to day apply uoar pelliam nursery company toronto ont good shoes seasonable prices we are here to serve you faithfully and well the whole system of our business revolves around the central point that we sell good goods at reasonable prices the day of large profits is gone sudden tortunes are not often made honestly we are con tent with the moderate re wards that come from a large traue well managed come and tallf shoes with us we cant discuss politics but we are lull of ideas on foot gear we sell all lines and suit all customers- w xrtzillijcr7urs- tho shoo man mill street acton furs he buh ui ull ol llieui all lu nj comlhlunu 1 liy all cast moiidy whan mid up intiiuturluk apparel llw irtuli awill as il uoo on manuluolurcl ami 10 ills iiiiliiiowlni puhllc rkild cluapjiul ir uorl no lrjr wry ily luo who ulll llol liuy ihelrjut iron y rai but for oiitf mi me nml thai wu2 fur huywiu hi iklpi haio niiddutiiun a rolit liny from llm fallury tllreci in kiiiliontame waoiaaaj frotic una tfrntrntt luttr ua iirria uuxuu m