h bank ofamtoflt- sdoin branch georgt ageneral bankingbuiiinoks tranuaotd qgrcfibpoiidoncusojicitjfjd saving ihpurhiuiil i in lau nil upumtill day ul withdrawal delays in thuvdlu farmers husinrw mi- uml hot ul liny wl lpot i jofiriimllln nd bolkllod note uicoulhkl and mo liuftliiei piupv i our collection hii iniiiii hah wiry facility in mawii fiiinii alum sill klltlk l lliiiull- anil monoy tuluaiicml oil nriiiunl ilium al low mica ol llllnmal hirirtl ih itm hank o nrnm local import n 11 nl l in hi 1l i in iii iv ill i li in auu aauaoolttuon i num i llnllui hi iii ii mill ii nm iilij i i iiii i ii tlntlim iiiilly ii inilttiii 11 nl nhpil hi ivivlinui ilj likli roiilu in a hamilton j 111711 sjsonoooo igllonoo lqqo102 cuhlr iiiad oiiici kauaullali capital paid up reserve lund total assets c l laing aoiint georgetown brunoh actoniacns j and actonte make guelph and the store of chas nelles your headquarters for books and holiday goods it will i pay you to take a trip to the big bookstore chas l nelles 3 uiiwuumiuuau fiiii i in tiiniiiiii riiiiii i1111i iiikiuiiiitliiii ml i iiliiiliitil in k11 ti ii t 11 hi r 1 f ll mull 1111 hi in ii in li ndnptni ljtlii uuniilfnrtiinm nml i lnir l ly tliiiciiiiiillnii m111 lhn a- lull hutluan daut ol noll haaruiur illl y uiulil nly tiul i i ly oli i mi k ii mailhlii- if i i i i iln will ll- mil mill ai lull ti 1 miiliihliiy ir- ml miarllini liuil lhhn in lil fcinlj inllir iik in uuuliiliti iii 1 iii lliil iuiiniiii il li illni1 i 1ln 11 inn h iiilly nk iliutliiiini iliy tin ihiulu wili lull i il in kiilrvliiw a li ii mniuliiy iiiiimi uy ii a mlu iiirmiii ini inline ri t yh f m v the court of revision personal and social jffl stuffed up p illi dim mia j ml hin ml j lll brief local items mil ymiiivit riihtr ul enmity newn ivnl winter tpallicd vou ye kor udditi ilntl pu vnu eaily next thiuiday mid voul yen vniln your chlldrvuw future de- inuudn that you vnleyvv mxtthiin- day the drat uuut uf weather caimi yodurday liy un inch or mmw htunlluui chilli 41 will introduce it jtylaw or tin umiimlkoty kirink of ci1h04 of tlllutclluwtu yi youll im rlkht if you hwiwl your vote in tln ytv column of tlui wltotthn4tli iiiilhf it ituuhvj 212751 oltuu ul vol v to tlhf tin- luir lu ouuplo i4- iiiik of iiilprul twi huiiitnl uioohiuul tito luolilmuoii wotkfim lit town will ibmi t tin- rtplut clmrfh ill ily 4vuhik t h uoliwk a full inihithk uclfslnnl tii uquot tmhlra cull to chrlmtlatm mill kluirw will lw tlu ttulijict of tllncourw hi tho m tltiklut clumli iwxt huiulity ivtiilitk mm win curoll ulikl ht iwr lmntui on hailuitlny ivtttiltik mu ftll forward to tlu whil niihuiiiuik vr kiuvcnf mpruiu of thii hft whuu hit- wiuiuiu mioounll mont- hui hioj kivii mi luliluluiml wiwi to- waixlrttlu- sliictfotmlil iiialtuu itt tlu- ivtmto akiumltuiul tjoluk ouilili itln muikiint j kniltli of hinnll- ton ihliirlmik allhim uuui nt llw 1uhlu- k uoul mid ulll ihrfonii ll iluthx iluwi until tin- ciid or thu yur thi uluwiifl on main htiv limthof tluiu t it ciunhiiik unpiv- clittw vitr iiiiich tin- litw niliwull mmiitly hnllt imiiily to tin hunt of tlu urniitioti iln y iliiuwl lvihldimt r tlu- juilui cinrriiuiiihjki tliuuvwildk in tint muimlut obllnili uu hualu itnuluh with a fiu lluttinv mid will lw found v4iy intoivtitltitf ivu 1110111110- ulmuiw of tin ttuoiito hiuuhiy kchimilii will winuh tlu ktnmu mi mutuality cmrylnir lyuiiifnlniilukthowow vou fur iia mill iikiuiiht th luii itmunii hu-itoi- lmili out fur ttmuuiol lltituivi on tlui 4th iwomwr 1 liiiunr uitiii will utumit to inlhuiuu yotifvou wllutntouiunu thli vlnulty or wlileb iiiuy iafily lw qiu jtloiud ncwcliiimtiiiiiumuuuulmw holly laaiih inulon nkiv uiwl ialiln jiihtlttclil ul a t ihowun druk hlurc t iv hiultli uyfunwlullt will lk in aitiui tltukwluy ocuilnti itli oiu iluy only uiitlulk p m wmww iitanutwm lintel if yim liv any hrt hi yum- y l it t nil iint mo htm kxmnluutioii ti ulall 4ily nr yiur limy uiulu itiiiioiiil- luuituat a t lirowitu ilrtirf hlorxt wintkk ordehq vou hphlno dblivuhy j ii llhulllt inniiul wiulm tiiklukoi-jh-i- fo umiiiluiiuia to i at rtkluwd uiui ilu il- trl ul moiiu it tlurlph utit nuw liaiilto and marh jut up uiu trln wiuriiio fpuiutw lltw tliri fur ti tli4 tiiu midpiikii xuhlmiiutfut u mivuud utr and iu inli ntiik uatlc in ihh ul k tl ui k idlty 1 uiarhhiry low prl tiro uiihk k v ordcrh now cull at th woikw drop h rtiril to j ii haniilti uuvlph nry iuu hum tlu vry ivork 1att tlimiliv cuut conwtahh ilmdlty mivttxl jhi- mknulf of t k h h itlm k im u h of for- it in ullkd thiit mclcfiixlit for aniu- un wl urnttf to iimih 1y thou m- k-ul- mulltom llull uiyiilih u lihiilf and du- nmll it ill a lunik ml hnlph knht unddll v t- prottitor m-k-iwi- won hiuuxiitwfoiv a iiitnii- j i- and uii ivlixl on luill hlm and lii- hrothr thonuo- ut tho luvlliulnutyhiiuhitf will ik- lld nixl monday iiioinhiu iwom mayor ii iiiimplnn mlwilonaiy oil f untouch llifltvvl muwiiml mrknxic ir hyuiiau mihitlouiiry to lloimii china in lunlhitfh uun- of iiirlph irfhytry u im unihi liauk to china knox aim inn oilier t liuichcn wnw fmtunat ouoiikii in msiutnff hu m i iccii tur an u lil- i on nllmi woil on thij- day i iiliit 1mt hi- huikn mr an hour on hih wml miioiik lhiluathn and iiopimin pimiit uluhwl him u flop much nil addnf ran iciircly fail in prodiilhikk n ii ii iu hi tlu thurrhim aniritulll im- dim or tin- phwiiirrh t uhhlinll who wirt piimint will liwil iwuk lptriro r laoor4tad with loynamlto ijiht tlnirwluy at iiikui walur luur tin- twkyrarold win of mw henry iltniir arthur htru had tin- ihikoi lmt liaudk wt lotwly ilijiml whllo hnuhiitly pit lluk with a phi what pmrd ui imi h dynauiko rart- hd 11i fufct lln of th lift hand wau lilou n olf at tha i iroiid joint mid pnt or the llrvt iiuki of tlui tiht luuul xijnly nil tin flilmi wtio pjilyfully toin in conikiiiy with mvtid roiiiiuiiiioum waltr had tlu cv i iiinu lnfoii lhnn playlnrf aumt tin old lunu un tlu ihardinoni failu arlicn tlny round four camidmwj tui 1 uljn a iid luindxiina liiiudkitivhlof tluy dlvidkl tlu ilnd hut foitunauly wruim wan tlu only oiu wlihh cautasl danuitc- atownlju om4tiidiml ruitorfc tin roiumu iihh fipuntly luiii miuh in the piut thauvcloii lu not u iiuikhnl loun thin m hiwihoi not ti ui to fait today in rnivtrtjitloii uilh imr uf iriuntly lit ivinurkl that tlu-h- nit umiv p4rmiuk uiulnjf lkhoum in nnu1- hi acton today than ovir iafoiv to hu khuvvh4lfc acton iu eeilainly nuijicil an fiuf un tho pau- tnrw of liwul clunilum an- coin fined iiv it a marphiiwiii tin oldeil alton lnluikhr hau for uni of hlx liuwt popular h4tuivii iliwlc kiv im ih it kiwnyw licii iwriton volru ulth iu wealth of oluiiu u uluuyw ilijoyiililt huilnnrh wivlri and luiu ofuii ikvn vtmlfitoiuly applaudid in umlal rlnlrx un w h mralplm h a in known far mid lutir for hu uwistand pathetic ttmditlnnnr iuipiik- kilvt ojkl wuik with kiiitjiw arcouiv uiiinr in uv a k kuiith 11 i uv imvo vmrtllil nf meht who taliinur rnipuntly in demand eiy willliihly put into mlvlre mid invar- iulily uppiitidnud i whllii lluv mr lkk thu lauvt impiultloii to our nilnuleiliil iiuikh linn ulnmidy ry acceptiihly en v deuce or ahllity to littler u linn intiipivtatliui to winiil mui ikith in liuhlii- athiiiutik mid in thikohal rlrrh truly acton li un iikiially favnifd in tlu poiiw wdou of tlum uiukhiil clcixyiuiii dialh of adm ilalntf c alter many month or uutfetlni death ratiie niddelily u ihmut of mr adnni iwiltik at hik lioiiu lu hiiinipton on kuuduy initrniiik ulwtut ten oclotk iiu wim coiiiiiuhi to itlu lul nu thu ulli juniuuy lawt and though of a trook f unite mid rukfil eoiiktituhau whh never ahlu to iw atuiiit iikiiln tim nieuilkii4 of lilw family iuhiilr4kl to hlu wantu with lovink mid couutant iittiiitioii ii wiiu in hu fllitytlilid year i i- tainrd kurtpaiwer nf vilee up to the oud mid up to kix wtski uo orten wiiuk tin tuuinl wuihw liu lovm m well mid kiivi itpiitmthiuu nr pialiu mid hope mr 1uilutf wan a native or keotland ikuu nt holydean uear klduu hill- l puiuli of llowdeii mut lvl 1k1 lie caknu ttvnadu in irll upriit imwral yiuir in teachlnu in nauixawrya and krantiii mid uhm teacher of the itorkwtuid mihnol when the 1 t it ww in coitr of ooiiiiluuitlm utfoiikh tluiv he htumled olkrlln ooll ohio duilnu tho pivwlilency of hev tluuo 1lmiey who pivaehluk waw mi k lkiwir in thow lnyf he wiui hluimolf li local pivacluir in the mathoilut new connexion rhimh a uuiulku- tf yeujiitiku mr ijiihk wttlwl in arton und wan for yeurw a highly iteeiued tltiuoi while her hu lliit wife died the family haw over klme ivlded hiiv mr ijtln wiiu auitlu uihi ilwl wiuie hair a dniteu yiarw ao lllld llull tlwlk lli hiu mlden iii itrainpuin miu ijiiuw itiuvuiu him um tllwi the followllia iiuuiluri of the llrjjt ritnilly j i- prhtrlml of kum dull puhllr ikikwii llyntii and auwrt whoaretravelletrt arthur dj ihnlluk- uil and mhux a i lie and luieinla who tvutdu niv mr iiiuk wio for foity ymn ontieited wltli thu wntrrlo4i fir iiutuhilico co and hiun tnrni- eiiuneitivi with lluuttvi ll wak a hurlhik hlktiaii nentleiitn mid lutsi luiiluwly w1 h limluvtol hu ku4m1 name u a hei lue f which any fmuily intkht well im pjuid tlie r- liuihu utiroliruuglii to acton on tues day and intelred in fair lw otiueury luv a k nuilui i coiidlltuml ih i lmpile- tha aiimiowm lor niotoi mi- pra nanoorioq3 connrraod i thichrwau uut onk aipical tlhioltf ltevmiu fi the j ii null ii f the kiikiiiisim eki t iimiii ihe lindn uhhsiihli mill or ih honniv hiu t ok nieamm- nu-ot- and thtiioitloo hi whmi nu h muiil imv e u a inaile foi kmiit i tlui wild luipriuumimtk a hulu liy- luu-uu- tlii couoil hi monday in at olkk thouiinlni wrtv all ami iti eve willi u hi pi- iiled hie kiiki i k ivpai i ui pi fouutl hhowiiik ineauriuoli and ne-h- luntkroi tlie new ii uu lluwei- aveiiil- main aviiloiv john u id kikiu klnet ml mcdonald wiei tl ly apkllalt he lahnd the kl iueaiureuleit oil the ploperty oil weut kowei awuue lmlnlehiltf hlk pnkity mm one fool inoie than the limit of hik property m wan allow n that illi lioikifv of c madilork iinnt tuuy uluhiduelph utilir lulv of imikhtown lay ulth fiieiuuiu town uie niomin vmiil mvenil week wilh liletidtfntftrurkr nf mu upl of la rk in w im wv lonn than tip- that only oiu kily wm 1 ii llmlltll to u r n lol m iii mi ir feet and eitl mr dm ltd moved ly jeoie ifynd wondel hy h mwarkhautei- that ihe uppal nf mr dumilil mi dnuuld ik dlkiidxl mid that the lehllt nr the kuuliieer leolrnilcaiied mr medunald un pioumtinl iikithml the iiufalr nfiiiut put upon nu tier lota whei n jiiveineittu have iken hullt on the taiji itipive- ineiitphni the cumril n a uh le adniltud that thepn1tioti wak a 1 nd- hlp iijmin thof ouriiniil and limit wuaatiuit niiihnlaudlntt thai tiew would lk uikfll hiru tile tuutter would ik inicdlwi tlrcotut wak luljouiiiikl and the in uilkik met an acnunetl v moved hy jiilm hndei win iefond- ed hy cuoi hymn that leave lie ttratitl to iiitiodiu a hvuu tif uiake mhclal ioieknvcira 111 leipe or t eitjiin ceuient waluk heretofore run- iitiueud an imal linpioveinentk and opnivldefor the inue and kah nf delaiitiiti h to pjiy for kaiue and that uylaw ik- now rend a lliwt time crrhil the lljrlaw waw itiail a tlrwl thue tlu cuuiu il then udjourned mih iluiniah iuiir of ki iu hai ut vlltln imrkuut mm ntihi umiiv lhe whk mr n i m-i- l mi- it tl o illldnil mpellt a few da thlk tvinl viitluhaunfri i mn ji keiuuhly inl ml alinh kennedy of horkuiwii pent ltliu day ulth arum friend mi wui jihlhinu who uj hnn- ti tm onto a t ouple of u -l- un thf iek iut1turued uuivvn ontuobiy itev k k httitl of vaiimrver iu v iiiim aceepuhl ul invluthm ui the theihukwrfthemetliolitchurrh oill thru tu condition of monv iutfmrm torn caurrh cipecinlly in ihn nkirnnig orrmt dlulculty ia oxpenrtirn in clear- nil tlm hoad and throat wi uohdrr catarrh rantro lieidnrlio itnpalm tho unt4 ntil liraruir jmlliiwr im hroatli ilornur 0 the nlum- bcii antl iffrrln tiin nprwtiui to rum catairli irrntment imihi ho oiibtihilioaal aluirntivn nml tonic y iltta41lit unit inunlli wtlu nlnrrh llw liriii th mat mail n i nil i iijiii tiool r lirul triiiiifl iu 1 liiialmnid imiii h ullln juirlllbiit i mill ralril hlu imracrd wliru r 4 llihxla tlatai ui ii hi uo ii j tfcl tnrux uoii hi luilih m ii i pjllm11 li nu- or m li i laveve itiiiiii ilatinr wlm ukk a the noroiwht hi aukunt tiit irtv l much linproi enieluli nt a parlor court llztalhmy fe ilnif itll uilinli it at the irkeuiwti mootinir ct spaywldo- a lueetuiirof tl lector of hpey kideaud hiiitiindliik couiitiy will im- held 111 the liall titer next tuesday livening 2nd dec ulum tip uqunr act nr mfc and the duly or the olec- tirkattluudlun the 111 dfrcudur willlkdlkcukatsl hy llii h a mar pheriu mid mr 11 i moav of aricin and olherk tlio luxlloa aid boalmblo a dlitfht an the kit uk 1kkim pnthtetl tit iitliek aid nf the metliodint chuixll pro vy led a ituwt eujoytihle eveniii liulthinkjltiy and they were fnvutid with a liirji- rnupany nf lmtu the itukd mkini wan well lllhd at ei oclock when uev a k kutitli rullwl the katheiiitk ui order tlie liymii ilft ho the tie that ulniw yn mine mid lhvv h mcalphte ii a led in piayci after u few very oulial uoiilk of kieetiuk uev mr hnilth calhwl fur the etectlin nrurliuir iniiii u leu exdteive nlcklln wau elected to tie uiiilou mid liiadn u iikmii 1 pre idinif ofll ei the piojrmii vhlcli rulloucd wait ciuvdtil with a varied and niiicli iippivt luted hut of- tiuuilui mil- ilalli mi i ik with a ttoiin kweet voice and wnw very cordially iicekl misu mklln in lu r utauil iplcmllil manner wiiik a do which ull fitjoyid tin miuij mc- clmtt mid meiura jeauu und hiuuh coulilhuusl tun nuiiilkux which wcro loudly upplmll itev mr mcalphui hiiikhmiio very kwitly with uoltur accniiikiniiiieut mid ho und itev mr smith miiik hietu tluir vole 4 hlend plettdldly mid their duetteti lire alvvjiyw in favor itev mr dick kciuuouhly riiderl tuo wilo which were very inmiifmtly cujoyeil mr ii- i mimic iad a few nf the pilthetle illcidenth from that poputur hew voluiiu mru wikk the oali- iwk patch the hiiiulay kchmd oiihebua contilhuuhl a cuiiple nr mlcctlonx and um played while the teii vv uh imiiik served at the of the prokimuiiif mlmik jennie hnilth mukkic hiikhfll mid mamie maujilai wen the iiccuiiipjinlilh the refiwhineiiu apjkinid to le cujoyeil ttu thoroughly ii4 the umulriil mid huriiry ueltiou of the proceedillkk the ladles an klitllled with the kiicccka of thix ev cut und w ill pmluihly hold otheiof jlntuitr cha rafter durluk the winur absolute security genuine carters little overms itevw a k hiiiiiii ii iod mr flit k went to iiork town ou m unlay to attend the nieeth of the mlnuut lal am4katloii morh ollvir if c mid j il arthiim who vvettt to the un thwmt iii keitemlhi have wecmcd wltuntdum iilloiiji muikltartuiiiwu of the yukon arikod hi uiwu ltott week ui ujund a rnuph oonouthk with hu father mr john uiuuietl iake ave mr 1 imcdouiullinuowcniiirttrt- uhly bettled nt cutvvh mhh mr wfiuki uu ant all well and llki munltolki very much dr 1 h mercer who hak imter at kierro n m the ul two ycarw ill kliottly uikii a uiic iiiouthm trip t other iait4 of titat far a way ktate mr oiwirt dlack returuwl from u ttlp to mnuludui ou haturtlny he eiijoyetl the ouliiiif v ery much and thluku the wnt in a weal counlry suhh may harry at ilarrle wan vuitillkold rrlendkluartnillatwsk hlie au v iit1 her 1ler he lie who u uachlnjf acjto il at hi iilvport wau-r- itui county mink dalty xlckuti whu haa lnuht at rwvl1le the jkit year hau ksn appdliud uacher of ijrne mditmil fur ltut miimnicklln ulllthuklkiihleto lietit home mr leorpoulhiiu of tonawiitda n y iwul ii conpie nf ihiyn hiut vvtnk at the home of mr wm avilllantk mr otdmrti hrt toovaou tliu wecl ui take a food nituatoii with the tieneral lctric co nt kcjieuec lady n y mr kvuii martin of viunouv ii iu renewinix hw kiilicrlptlon thlk week uiyu the khuk 1iiuhu imi niched hlui ivjidmly every wenk tltln iiih- the year the family u well and dctdn to ik remeiuliere to former frundk and nciuhlmira mr jimirki ktlvvakiln who came u acton to vhdt at the home or mm lolwaitlii pan n u mrtkutthiuu mid wan uikeu down with tvplmld eiht vvikkh iijeo link uo far iwuu reil to tut lie ahv to u take a trip to vult hik old htm in at caiiiilniuiti mhk amelia iiuhiuiiui who uwnt litre uiotithm with rohitlvoi in mtuil- udia urrlvfil houie via torouto on mnmhiy kim luut a delightful tlim and during her klwy lmd xcuitiual opiuirtiiiilthu for mviiij tlu country diiihiklim iklt uhu drove nver uk nillii over tlui pntlho inotly in thu vicinity of oxlkiw mr w ii- iniiii mm of aitona mimi who iiacuountjtkit for one of thu railway count ruction deiartiueiitu of mithkra mckenxi jk matin ujmult a couple nf layn during tliewhi reiievv- iiik uciuirjiitiiucek hi tlm od hnuui mr flrant juuvtm toronto thlk wok fin nova heat lu whero the fcnilrrtf uirn nr now ftiku iry ll i ivii mirml orn1 bill it nu up i mm wrat ijacnutb k h hoods sarsaparilla nnt ratorrh it soothe and rlniirlle n ii mi inurou iiuunhraue dial i ml ids up the whole byvtom itmiiilddauiitulrriinpfau il miim fai e4ln ihe mle nf tin jiiili iy to vhlch theuiuty h atk t p 8hith hiimiiria tit ttiouuir j nw vi inuii i cnllcarly nnd avail yourself of he valuable service- as tins u it rm opportuiiiiyto have your eyes pmpi- ly tcitcd free of c hu irc no iin work hula ciciilific certainty itlt tall cases accurately lutetk al i wokk ouamantkltv tir w i li mi at aonliiws iiotkij aoton ohk day only thuitsday nc 41 t a v p in icrwnd exhibit or purs the right house v alulll 11l1 i il hlhltl r im 11 mi hi laluii i 111 mil ill ifwnli 1 li i n ui- 1 litl 111 li uia nf hiril kklii nml wltl iiuril tif 1 inil- iii 11111 ii ilia u ml iii inn- iirliutilij fii llli 1 w iinw ilnm 1111 1111 1 li l iirkiiiiniiiuriii i11ii1 ml k nil ii im im u ii iiiiriiillmii ilmii vvlnni lliik 1- will i- lilil nut v ml iniii ii 1 yim illi inv llwl uimh- hi k mill if ynu want in ako aikinhik nf hi xililliiml iiiiiiiiriiiliikwiluiiiliikl if iii yim mi jn u ulim if yim 11 in minl iif ill jvmlui l1111i1 mini 1 all ll ill jivll lfillll urcnlliirnru miiiii li iii ullil 1iml him iii i luiiii 1 a- kiriiuinlii iviiy lull nf wi h hint ullli i un k rill- aiillfiiitniy ugir special discount in nnlnr t inllli 11 liit- iialniaa 1i111i11k iu liy nf ll jlillill vyi uli ill illlnjy u imiditl 1 iu illarniiiiiiir tlm riuiiliir nun laul li li i nf iiamiitdns ravohltii slioplimc iaci bargain chan for outoftown readers a tircat bl ksarqqln in drcm hklrtui lulancc of lots from tliuaeaona most myllili and faatilnnalild btliu and all ofiliam wrlcil u to iuln imula frum frlnza aor c lined stul unlinad troy nvy blue mack and oilioc allele lenll jh to n nch4 pica led had cirtlnd flouace ua aaila bin iltu nnd tnc palnto imnco tho urmer prlcoworo frort 15 50 ia7 jaoach whllo limy last ilia pdea will b j1 l je formerly 7 nj hjc ojch oc formerly life anil 13c ach 17c formerly 3jc bjcii aifi ormorly 35 mid jh acli ctrat hrdruota hair of xkunti uaktflkrrctilrfu 7cfruiarlf locaacli 13c firmerly 17 lo 31c oach sic forniotly 31 slid 35c each jhc formerly 43 to scnacli alluoodsndprtrf hniidlsrcliiab irlli and hwi mvltou mudln and unn limliroal vl liomailiclie and wallojio1 el ltcd mibwi and drawn mock ju 4ucli luadlerclilor- an you w r price f l co ol weeu- lim cmiw nt one ami buy lor clirulnus haadltrchtola cnuniar center aui1 tuuiiil mlu clear in- lu rrlt kliajcn uudmulltaery trltumlhcn luunca ol ianionn jollu mouns ureaalb et will bo oftorchl al lldlfuloua pticei u ckr ihem oui cpilrdy uniallml wer mirle1 10 vll up la ioo will bccuwrd ui ly uauuce allots thai won marlntl lip to tl jo will bow im cleared al 3vc 1elt slipen la black navy brown catlor etc and thai wore- sold blihertoat fromili up 13 it 30 cleat hik now at 30c and lulancd of loin ilul wero mirle1 t ll 30 13 j 35 tach to jo ow nl s100 lli- 41oot vcathrru wonted tlioinas c watkins king st east cor hughson st hamilton clothing local batikfxttxel kcquircmcnl- iru receiving special hands juht now evirythinc in mens overcoat llint fasliioi dictates as beinc correct wc show in all sizes special atlentio is iivrn l itny- and youths ccus including liiula nelles chester fields and reefers the prices will speak lor themselves if you will let us show yon the eoods but we have tjood servicahle uptodate mens coats at noo coo s7boaro mm 1000 wro it will pay you to kve this department a look and get posted is lo values before you buy mens boys and childrens suitv warranted to fit and wear attention at nu ladies jackets childrens nr blrjnntuwi of vawy a n iff roc icabicatl ffildlzumeil roiuudotiuix fqb totpid uvul foi c0m8t1fat10m rutauowsul ft tkcc0mkex10i jfilu por e 6 1 c k h e adache cuf i ho wouii 11 quutcf thelr living utikally lu fx all nf leinmuy en ihelc nwn uthir wmk tooukuaoold in omb uav iia- iiiuiuiigii rbut illa olutul lx utioy if lllallaluum m um igtlurfuu mill u unui- katherk tlm wtrety nf ynur minn iiiclpidxr- dnnmiuln tliat ymi vou- y wa thurmbty whenyou t ui the jwtltn mr it j mcnahlf clrk or the iourth ilvi court kvt- rlitnt kite- a very wvertt npnilu while kdiljf down ntroet lnkt 1hday rvenlinf he ii able u ut alwiilt nain lenripulvvii yuilllh wwpli illtro- durtl a nnvtdty in tho ulutpo of ltallroul hivrul 11 wk hi coiimiu ticket ul wan a inchiw in length and theri wero thirty kbit low on the hue tliudph isiwhyury appeau ui the uieililkri of tho prhyurlaii churrli to prount ukihimt jie evlln of the treating wynuim mid the harrmiiii hy ciikthik their vote in favor of the 11111 ui lk voted upon tiextthurnduy the lioulkisprn of tlj rmiuty met at hartmnnn hou1 here hint week u dlkcuim thu infiiiiidum nitilmtloti we iiudentlniid tluy decided not ui take my a hon in thu iitatur mi far im an haluiu in roiireitiedl to former anions the miuuln tvoni a d i tit lice who atuiidih thu iniurnl if tliu late admit ijiiiik from a dulaoct uu tu-n- doy www uuau4utiilum ihuuum tan mennin kilward kcuuiuh mid thulium k mclvuniiii jalt mr walter iluu kutftu and mrj a j mm ray of ltorkwnnd sloulu mm umuii a imitw intdhiwiin heltl in thu methtklut chltridi lant humluy uvenhik lit the clow of the rvtftitar church burvlciw hie inivtlntf wau largely atleiiihl uev a i hniith 11 1 thtpikuti prealded forceful aildiitwi a utiichtiik the duty of chrlathum and ehnuim ueueruly lu rtbitlnn to thu voui oil thu impair act of llxfc wen ilelivwrnl hy hv mr hick ltev h a mncpheraon uev ay hnilth m h i moor k- tim laru audience luhnxl with lutmt utlil evuteutly fult that it in a duty which nil ii- u u4t4uwvuullum atul4ha comuilhilty to v0u1 yew on ihe 4th iweuihcr a ulinllnr tiiwtlnu will ik- held 111 kiln church liekt hiuuhiy evening are a preat line with us these days mao your selection while the ranpc is good and sizes unbroken some very special valucsin children long and short coats y stanfields unshrinkable underwear ute to ct the tkly wuluiula vrlulu i uca alielcti wili wjrur ilillitl wllb vrailauf aiwa j a qixifcct cl nluny com tuilalu htmiifacluif ly tl ymrokit lulus uiiu co in iu tlie ltit lhb fi iui coiul1 kind lxaii mud tlu uihii twin anti h ru i rwlube twulrj on inuil ui tllr wtil f lie mult u a wilr wore flrxuae and far niiiie dutnlku nucnl tle uunil ajaliikl jiiliilafc la hie thpmnl pruttile hwly vikir taiotly tal thdtalerwhiaelliyl llawbua j hah linkable uwurwrrir wll ofuoa r miy if it alulukm tke utauufaetamn kuiontt ll ta itltu nukicuituictkaafr mthint jo por com thin discount winonly ik allowed dm in tlu- nclal d iv nfoiir evhillt and not thereiftm we will howuvei mikn thin olfer up at p t inul of a depoidrpf lrri i t of tlie phe of miy mth le yu en have it itld add- 4111 i take itnil pay for it at any time lafoie chi iulilil- aal the haiiulll of the llt p r cent dlhcaimt e r bollert co aiid7 wynillmm si tkull a quarter of thetirne i uudly tkm hi ii taion n i jnwclirv ui im ntved if ih mlnriiin i uiiielu- liuru and a tuanr nt il i prite 100 i im ubvnruimm il watolmu ind f hiilnu li rniiirkliltf in i4iiy uny liui llit lunu inlorcilll foal 11 re lit ilia vry itinlr pdec which tlti fun- really imtullhil and turdlcitl rfioiln ljw- ai lil g d pringle is3der of masriaoe licekses cueuph a staple department that is a good one our huple heiiartinent ik nne of thu lai uelmiitht and lklteililnivr1 departmenu hi wekuru oiitarln itk lltlel with ihc neiiei immi i htapht haxlk thin yeark nukk hi far mure lilteretln tlu the one or a ear 1140 f hroatler in variety 11 wider won nf pill hik mid an even lntler iaiiiv 1 culorliikm lldn nuirulmniilwaynlkhii a krcatnloie for staple hualn and w inund uiinalnuln thattvpuuitiuit if by wllliinkool mw n fair nuivln of profit and the lwt utetitinnw can uive ynu w ill do it we would iilno aak you ut war in mind the fnct that jitdicliuin huylnir ik mynnnyinnus with thu fniidiitncntal tiriuclphtn ofeconomy and jafood hiun it ludionvea vnu ui uet the hltiient value for the leaxt money tiuiih w hut ou 11 t when von deal with uk all liinjketoil nf our tmhortliient w ill du moie to cinvinre villi than vohitihn we could nay hi print r i11 table ijneiin ue have unhlenche from ih ui 72 lnche4 wide at from li- u 7sc yd hleiichil tahlo tjiifiut made hy llddell the fainoun linen uumiifiu turer or ihiuant ireland fmni v to tfilmt the ynl turkey 1u1 tahunif keiiiilne rant colorn table napkinn in fl mid v wueu fiam 1u u wlu ikirdoum tnvveln lieuwtluhel and fringed from ai- to klui pr uato hluthikn hlwirlukt mid unhlrnched from 19 u jl wide from 3k t kc kluiiuelelto hheetiiijrniii ftv white ajn wide fiimlvta hie wi apikivtlea a full t nillii hi mtrip and che k kiiitable hu- wiapiwin ami wiilntu at kw- llije lit- idv yaii hvy flannehi finin v2 tii ain u eludliik the natitial wool of tj celeluatid majtle iaf ihuid riucv navy itlm k and fliem rtaiiuelii apr111 ilnchainn cnttod- adea and vicklit hlilrlhtkn and klnimileluij 1iliiu whiu amujrey cnttoiti and ankvil fivatn klaniief- ette h incite ulile vwnlh iv at 15c d e macdonald bro the lion cuelph henderson co sole agents hende rsojslcfecjq 3uc11ul sthcton weak i lungs lead to consumption yhou8andsoc persons ark ha8tnlno towards their graver ao a result of thi drliad di8eask a crt it wtiry aiilfniei wllliln lhj ntaili of pulfvlo dlu t4 ana if uwd as ilimtel wlllibeik ihi prurrii of ililafaul utawtam aiul iklmfl die ntllu t- ed to htrtht lien illi i vo not ijo to ktwid madelm fnliou monnour the llueky uooulalan uoajiui ul homo with frleait nod iioum coniltmin aioutd yoa and um 1ulmo whhh in tbo nliioveaiiit of iv enlury lu iitedlcal m leino iulaio u a akbtolula curs fo cooaumtui tiiim ii lunu trouble 1otiahn colds ami ml olhnvr cottauavpf ivn ayiuiftoaia qhristmks yeslots0fit you allknuv of our repiitnlloii fori litn riilni m cliildimt tliim itul tills year ia jon lp bat it all- 1 here is tno much lo detxtthc minutely how can aityon- ilencrllu clulsusiis china onywaj tha ben i way is in coma and teo or jniiridf opened saturiljy alko lots ol preliy glastwam at the famous china store j hrvr rostocrnt boots boots bopts where hoi mo lniun ulofwt ihn uu of any el iter mmlu1110 as an assiataat is hoi aeiohury- kat jnkt plain uoorl dilu footli ifiit plenty of trvnli mir and out door oertl and um pmimo an dlroctod ifaat ts alt natorrrwimdotherrwat iulmo u liien beuiit sold by hiicuialn ut yioo w lario botll- or you may proiuini a namplo botlla for ij cents if oer diukkal ban tul ifot lulmo la hick1 a nanita boltla will be delaycrod to iy address free of all chaftqc- aodrsna tt utur a u tb pmm c tarmli otst at the dominion boot and shoe stqpe jwtjtini strogt kcton nowlbat ihoulltsboinaiidiliemuddk roauuilt find tho lnki h ii lllk you will im umnn for phr lo rl a koi pair nf iiimiih sullnma for iha uvvlhbr vnu cannot do bottai than lo mil and nvinthin our fiwiivnnr im vin mo jwnhlvn we caiihlvnyoii ulltfjctloti both hi rrtird loipulliy and prlcn w have full liao of tadiust mkjis mi3hicariloy6 oujldllknll vjoiwhah in mac uiul alo a full 1 1 mud 1 ll g uu uit bluri for every prii our cualuia und rejvjlr ttidd it w 111 luilm hctil kennet bros l