mabbtbd fmttklumial lb brtd boat mill bt atloo on wrdomur fwpt uui by u a k hrolui ii u ur aw i tbcou of unuptoa lo uu ulllqll nauoa ilumhiiiiii at lb imuu nl 4 tone hhaphanwon artun no w1n ilty ord hptrnuar tty it j ltot h a oliuwa frwluuk iuulabi4 u kn hoalaa lollu wluwl uuumpiii nuui lath baoilr wlluaai ilulnul in lit twh yr pailunit u rtl itnaial tltwlpli h umlvta hspl rrank ibllllp j uoeawowt la t u fotbw formailr ui aotuo 4 12 lowau at lb afuodlst l lit tt na friday uub btnlr it j rjjows11 toiiuarly paauir of u utbolut cbarob aj zxxgu tiiuidjoay hkltkbiiikitsi luju oitorlaxi hotes ivesidout itooaovolt iaykod lot in- t o a few word when ho said lu nil ini- dres un other day doalro to sofi in thu country uio decent ineti strong and uie tatmug innn decont a cah ahlo uian ctf honorable prlncjplti is a biff public asset a c a pah a inon who l a law unto himself l often a public and social cum it 1 u1 ul open uuiuou when larllaornt will prorogue in the lobbies of uin house the dato i given anywlwrr imtwcnu uio itrd and 15th of october ut uie member aro becoming anxious to return to their rsspoctlvn iwiiww and prorted- ings may 1m- rounded up wxinrr uian prest nt apitoaranco indicate tin now york hun a few day ago iii nil vultorial headed the vii of uio bank a u- he wan sound a warning reardiiig canada immigration in road on the united state it my wo cannot clone our nyew lo ihu fact uiat canada attmruug a larto percentage of uio iwat immigrant who coma to uio united htattw those who till uie soil and help to dovnlop tho nwurcw of uie country upon landingiu now york they go wmt to nebraska knnui thn la- kotas and minnesota to taku up land or buy it with their saving- in tiw western statoa ujo new arrival laxns that tlier aro ho public land tvft bat bo hear that in thn canadian northwest there are fortlus landa for a aonff and that if ho hi willing u llvo on the fringe of clvtlbxation lie can have honicatrnil ho itukvoa hu belonglntpi tlio frontier indif ferent whether he u to bocomn a canadian or an american cltlzun if ho can nave what huf aul tongn for plot of ground to call hu own atllttoh i today and tolorrlw tliix town will boom wltli umj ctumty fair a vi ry ucneuaful whluuon u in kromptct and uw conevrt totnorrow evrlitng ut bo given by uw shchk mala qimilfttn will imi an titiuaiial uiat jiot ortl a utmu uw fdlitottk hrvod- n of iironxn ttirknyif who won kt and 2nd prtuw at uie toronut kxhtu unn in 1001 njid ivtti u ore again wtit-ctwa- ftil thu ytar v in tit ng ut and 2nd priwtm tim ceniuut walk coutmctonf are about through with their work on ataln ktrreu t1k connection with the county fair wtul rauier cloao the parenwtnt wouu liav liad a touch bettor chancd of tielng in good condl- uon for winter had it bwn laid throe tuonths earllur judge oorhajn ham intrucutd coun ty attorney mathcaon not to rulum chief oooatablo uradwy who wm triad for aaakulung briwoner hla billy whlcb wu one of the exhlbita at the trial the judge aay uiat the hilly not a fit weapon for a conatalth mod that chief xtradley aliould if he wantaa weapon procur an urdtiiary baton chatuplon complaint in kiuule uiab llowitru ntul ahrubu planted on grovt by ownirof lota in kvergrvtm cttinturry lutve t- cvouy leen dug up atid atoinu tba vcn archdeacon clark m a ftocrotary of th uloceae of niagara will preach tnankaglvlng avrnuina lit grace church on hunday boxl ium week thn chamion rtpjntol thai u itacy or wilton had cliarg- ad wto uacoby of kafjuealng wiui atrallng hu pointer dot that mr deaooliy bad boon urrttattml reuuaull for a wrk ami reuaod on hu owu racognlaanora the ciw caiun up yeatevday before mayor lic and waa dutnuwcd mr taeoliy waa hot prt tmt the inayor liavlng uotined hiiii not to appear aa he bad found that aaveral wltnoaaca werv ruady to iwear that dot ww gveii hot leut by ibo oooiplalnaut to the accuand that there wm no foundatiuii for a cliame of tbeft and that the caae niuat 1m du- tnuaed ohatn plon tfaoro la noaiuplclon in uu caattof tbo dlaappearauoe of jaa ilarruon lumbertnaa of llurllngton repurtad laat waok lie took bbj trunk with him and it la atippuaed that be left he did on account of hi wlfn hablug had hla liquor alutt off lu local itouila cbampuin baljlimaftraxa it u repuhud uiat uev um ultne paator of kno church on acoimut of 111 health la going to givt- up hu charge for tlw wlufor atid go a a warmar climate tt u lioped uiat imi utay be much heiiellltod by tha ttii the clitutviim day hervtcea held in knox church laat hablatui went very intereatlng tlio chluraiyf uw con- gaegiiuon abowud prevlfuudy the re aulu of mpeclal inalrucuoit for the occasion mr chla 1 milloy or new york after an abaonon of ovttr twenty year pent a few daya uott wvek with frkuula here ueutcol wm allan calairmtad mia auarhtrkljchtb mrih- lay annlvsnary on hciiulajr and useful iipbl iug lh i ighth our i ktm nhl ujviih i huvi nnrujili tiling lu thl 1u lir- r of ailo an atrrivb mimilay lug i litluy of our umu alhnv jliil ttnjur in p immoi li hlci i of d by hu hflaig friend unul c1 mc miuui 1j uu col wullaiii all hi k khtliu- lu uih t of ilili lt in military rvl of hi it roiinlry uud ni n privntn i imkii lu nrtirilil u roiuarktihlit luxljiiiru of uw tindiirnule ubluly uml noble t hul- uurlux of hlu nmliyi tim vuuraii iua llrut knw the light ill oi lruli of hnlkllk in lln roitnty of aiiiiuh krotlaml on uw 2ui kpt- 1h1- tlu notable jkrii in the worulu hlutiry uuuking uiu down fnll of npomn on lw plan of wiiurlo and in tluimfon in bin hhth year happily in tiill ixum of liu men tal foquluimi and btlll relailillig lt tk hbare or hu fnriur vitality and gen ial qurtutlt ilitx lug au inhcit nl nltibitioi for uw aniy nt the age of 1h nt wick kcotlntid on the uh of ccuiim iktl he cnliud in the utrtl ltogiiuont of ulghlandltk thru known an uw ktiuwrland highlander hut iiuw a ute lviucetm iuimi argylw nd huuntlalid highlander the colv tiumlwr in uw ngiuwul im log mid lu which in uie imaiitlme bedu-harg- nd uw duuttt of ctorjuirtil in rimmt- flwiico of mckoiixlutj ltlmilion iii lkr7 the hgitiwnt whk oivhiml to canada landing 111 iltilifnx on the lltli marih ikth h w utiaol ul varloita prioli in dirfi nnt part in wliat wkm u u ljpmr ami iwer caiuuu ulll 1hui wlwn it itunl to knglaiul init uw 1 wnminoil having formed agreeable akmoclauoiiu meanwhile and received a favornhlo imprcanloil of uw climate and other advanlagca otferiiig lilafu up hi mind though with regret ou the part of u officer and men with whombe had bocouio imllu a favor ite hot to return wiui theut he therefore obtained an honombhi din- charge for whlcb he paid 1c uteri i ng on tho dthday of may itfttj in 1b42 he marrltkl cauwrine camp tmll wjth whom he livexl liapplly for nearly half a century unul it picaimw her maker to remove her from acenr whore she wa notably uw centre of womanly klndncsa and deotcl affec- uon toward her faintly rclauvu and general acquaintance who appricuit- ed her virtue noble character and refined dlwpoeition n flrulchuw ccrtiflcati liavlng pro viotmly pabaedwn nxamlnauon in ue the uaniq iwiickii on tlw ith august of uie uanw ytnr hie ottran la bio imd uwanlihl n iikilut in rteogiilloii of hu m rvlceii duuiig uiu nlall haiti lroilhie idoilong iuiriio ilitorallou mora rtrrntly nililhl util lu lt of uw liimirtaut ilntiiti hu hai m rfornwt in military life ll lx hul jmit lo uay that tin boiiorm aro well lmrviml iii linn now re u red frm active dnlii mid u enjuylng the nui and qulelitde t hiotlal to oneof hlx yearn liapplly r tiding with hu ilaunhuir mmnrti hyluey hndui r j airvww mau lu the pmimmii village of aftjiu whnre lu her utuitlrnl reuld- rule with it tiuieloitm giound hi uutlily dieoniui with iu variety of treeu platitu nml flovvaii he 1 hiek wiui thn iunmrliig ex rtliw of he io itig nlid nftoctlounte care wluiiharartorlhtic pride and deep lunt uw col ntlll biki delight i rtcatlllig und recoilliulig uiu eventu if bin young diiy among the llroomy llratw of hi native land rv flee uon on the plenwiretl of which i uw mean of uiipplyliig tlw hniilnliwiiiiroi with h nlfortl hlui dwiut ph nhiiiahle enjoy ment mid fohuiuvto intlixsl 1 the neqilalnlntice wkmmaulng hi cnfltl- rure wikmmi goiwl hap it i to pay u htll to tlik uim giullciimu mid nt uw liome uuw t njoy uw lavluli anl oi hearted hompitnllty of hi lit kiimlugand devotixl duiighur mutrmi hmlth i imamuxav ijkctco wiuiau aujlc trip to hltw omtaulto ft on monday aftarmmul at 14 uw caniidlan ivea aaatxialloo exi uralon lo north day teuiurauilug new ij- decani and lleymid left toronto tu day waa spent at north luy a tiple- lng inado over the iww uovemment railway aa far aw tt i built yuurdy ue hfy went t ivinukaiuliig u takn a luniaden teaiuur fur new i j- the veteran col attendtnl a c1hhi1 of kaard today a trip by laiat will w military instruction at toronto dilr- made p jjlanchc iuur and on friday lug it teroj imi uud mi uiu hint tbt vaauura will attuud the new lia j hepiaudaxv uiat tnr maitl aji jtajjii pall valr starting fur luxuu i excellent vxauijuatlon by oihirge v buthar tnorulug i hancock cmumuandantf and obtained with a largo aharu of natural ability whlcb roudered him an apt pupil uio col wa not alow in acquiring a thorough knowledge of uio drill and general discipline of tho service while cooncctod with uie regiment which aooq brought hi usvfulnnw under um notlcoof uw auuioriueu fti cahada where he foil ml atnpto kcom for the vxetcuo of hi uullrliig tmiergie lie find liectmw drill instructor to uw 7ui vtt york umu which ut nrforde4l ample evidence of tho col iteal ui prouiotothelr knowletlge of tho burvlct yy lmcoiulng itotubly prtiflcletit not only in uiu drill but lu all other military movements oaseit- uaj for the ofllccja and tiwu to tusbter a qualified aohllery during uio twnlau trouble of iww bo duunguuho1 hiimuilf while acting aa coiumlasloiied offlcer in uw uallori ooinpoaod of nol and llaltou vuluntwcr whlcb went ui tlt front on uiat oceanian teaching uklgeway iii time to taku eharge of uio prisoner and tr lodgo theiil hi goal at toronto it ba boon uie veluralt civ markabla luivllrgetu have lived to no wee no iva tlvau live dlffurent mouareh grace tho uirouo of lug- land ami also to have ikwtl hotwrwl with variou dommlssluiut one u cant in the it i liatuhtil uf ivel mllltu under dau of lhui lelnlry ihgo by hir rlpioud walker head auotwr aa major lu the reserve mttitunf the luglmental hmimi of the ctiiuty of hal ton liaar data 12u february lbuo 1y hif jtthn young governor lutwraj while holding one previously appohiung him kuslgu and adjutant in uio 7ui uatuhotiiif york militia dated hmli june 1w7 autbenucated by uw auto graph of uw historic personage guv- erolng the uxt1iid uf uppcr and lower canadathe ltlght llomirahlo jane karl of klglu and kincardine ho helvi further loinmlssuill hy which he was appututihl majur in tlw utth halton yuluuuer infantry llattaliou datelxuth nov 1h7i by uw hlght hoimmhle john luiuo lirigar tfw thou cnvernur cenend lly anouwr coiiitnlaalon lie won apmlnlel ijeul i in the active mllltla of uw hnmlulnii on april uo luth 1kt7 by the ulgbt hoimv uo uw karl of dutttfrin ami laum on tho 10uiiif june 18hi by mir john hnthrtond doug las cajupliell the marnl of lnue covrriioijenerttl he was upkllited ueur col ill uw imtui llaluui ul tallou kwr nllve to the iwcussuy of koup ing hlumut of ilia mllltury duuos mas8aoaw eva the community wioi ginnlmily miii priiuml when woitl wau pnuwd around hwt weiliusulay that mr william hiuiliaiid of lot 21 con u luul dled uiuldenly ulwnit noon that day mr husband umotih lu hi tuth year had ihmjii lu hi usual twulth vimiumi torontii kxhthlllou ntld upent miveral day uie prevlou week with frieml lu nelson and the day before walked over u uw farm of hi nt ighbor mr g kingsbury where a threshing wa in progrra ho was taken with sevuro attack of diarrhoea which caus- ei lu iltath lu tt fow hours mrs llilsliand nml uw following nine children imrvlve john w and dr a 1 of aclonfleo t wm h 1l m 1 h and oho k in manl- tolia mr ltobert aklna kllhrijo and jalnos h- kden mill the fun- oral took place on imday when tho remain were laid tenderly at rest at klveneior church wlwro for more uian lulf a century deciauod luut boou interested hmiillwrr itev k i hagg ii aaalauat by llev w cornliatu h d conducted nu 1m- masivo service win hiudiand wa uw son of john husband who sutllud in naaaoga- wey about the year- itcm tlw fomi- r luul served in uw hriluh navy when a young man and recoivrd a slight billtnt wound lit tlw leg jkhua nurrish in hi huitory of naasagnweva say he heard hliuialk of losing some night sloep in chasing old llotiapart on thn uea mr henry 1 iumiuiiui principal of tho oakvlllo inhlle kchool for year and uie uu john hitmliaiitl lleevo of trafagar were brother or uie do- ceasl tlio jtidgen court of hevuion will held nt camplwllvillo on 10th oeudxitf survicu and th tt uw amerlu woik tultbtn again for month a time i would wholly tmahli wh1 and strong arter tttevbm vbarsoporkat 8uppcrino a wcoularfux trtbut to um powmt of or wullanat pink phi to cur buibaowi dlsaaamml troof upon proof haa accumulated uiat dr williams mnkwlui will euro when doctors hospital treat ment and nil ouwr medicines fall paralyaixt liuib hvtvo boon featured to btrength rheuinauo sufferer uuido well wijnk niuiamic girl and women uialo bright acuvo and strong twur- algld pniu iwuiuilutl and uw poor lyppuc glvoii u uaw iligesuou wlwn it hoeinod uhuost intitules u dskoct a ctlro hero 1 n ut of ulrong itwt uiat dr wullaiiui link iiii bring healui and strength after yeara of auffurilig mr lrfiuht hriei 1 a well k low u rvsulent of hu diduco que aiwl tell of his year of suffering aa follow iiowu years ago while working in uu bush i trjned tiiy- self and brought uu terrible llajn in my utoiuach and back where the trouble sootmd ui hicau i luul fre- ipieiitllt of votnitllig which caalaed much lustre home timed i could uiu at ul lu anything but ovoti at the umu i could work i wa alway uufferlug at ditferent tiuw i wus treatod by uireo doetora but uicy wtire unala to help me then 1 went to montreal at d put myself under um care of u doctor theru hi niwdlclna tolluvotl me while iwa iluicuvf lut a soon aa 1 attempted work or exarijou of any kind ute pain returned worse than itefurv all thl uiuo i was growing weaker and lea aue s re- slut tho inroad of uio dlaeaao then dr williams huk 1111 were liroiiglit tu my liouio and i begun to use then rvom uiat utim i began to rgalu my health and by uw umo i luul ued uilrteen lioxe i waa otltio more a well strong luaxi tlio prmtf of uit la uiat 1 can do aa liard n ilaya work aa unyoiui and nuvor liavo uw slights est ayuiptom of uw old trouble i am only sorry uiat i did hot know of uw pill sooner utey would have saved me much suffering and uioiwy a well with suilt pritof a ud that uveu npvarejitlu- hopoloa casus can be uurod thtiro call lo no reasonable doubt tikt dr williams link 1111 will restore healui lu all cases wlwro given a fair trial these pill are sold by all utedjoliw dealer or will 1m sent by iiuitl at flue per or slit laixea for 20 by wriuug uw dr william mrdicltw co ilrockvllle out hoe that ute full llaiuo dr whhftwi innk 1ill- for laln inmipl is pitutetl 4in tho wrpr mthind every box haanlaoha ail oonsv mrs mellkhinie latkei torbiouk n h write i have used mlllmiu hterlliig iluudaclio 1owdurs aud after taking one or two fult lhitterat once tuul vsna able to gel up nd go on with my work imoo lfk and 2tv all drajeia itching skin dutrrsa by day and nleht that the cotnptnlnt of uiene who nre no iiiifnrtiinau an u imi afllicted witli veiua or halt lth um and out- wnnl npplicatlonfl do not cure tluv cant the source of tho trouble in lu tlio blood maku thai pure and thuf hcjil- liik humlng luhuit nlln tllnewm will llnapprnr i won lakrii with mi lultnc on tny rui tvlilrh lren1 vry illuermabla i roiwluunl tt wu nail rlttmiiu nml liouelit a thtllo f ihmxl ftaiuitarllu in two tuya tlr i lttm ink in ll i nit tkitter and it waa jttt iimis before i u rural iikvs ulgvr iiail any akin dlsoasn liicr uit idi k wlb cora 1ulut ud hoods sarsapariua tiln the ijiimmi of all impurulea and cures all eruption b700 thrown out of emptoymtnt tho podjs ara ifopeful fwwrrtrtc mahik cut kept 10 tlw following rejfrxttahle uiiuoiiiilv- l umit wu handdl out yeilrday hy mr coyne luutuliint to the ividi nt of uw conaoltdaul company president hhh lv on account of n t having fund to nni t the pny roll and current iucountii and tin iiuntei- latrt prospect of securing money to meet uiem i unwilling to proceed longer incurring liahllith h on nrcount of it offlceru liuil or other roditorfl and comupimiuy uwlay ha hiimteud- od all oimirntlon wbutiioever itxctipt uw atgoum water iilul ijht com pany and the ulti t railway itervlce lu uiu- cwiindliu htut and uiu furry huhhiut railway wirvlco haii kiwi hut one train porweek mhall ho nut on the algoma central hallway fwim uw koojutd end of tnuk ni alwiut to mihui rtii mean that 11 ww men ill lie thrown nut oft luphjuuiut tlw hitunuon m far uu the town 1 construed la by no mean impcle in fact uw contrary iow i taken by many who haxo rrgardwl reorgaiiixa- uon a inevitable for two or three year past it 1 roudderiuy ittdlovod by uw paifmi that if the btutlne men can udn ovefuifl winter months the spring will bring brighter propped uian have evrr lnwn oicltoritmcihl 111 tho past it i most irrational lt believe uiat these magnificent indus trie with uielk great earning possi- itllltlem can long remain idle much sympathy 1 felt for ivewident bhletd who lu uitttnt the past three month lu on heroic effort to work out a solution of thl difficulty xitetoddahd at ouelrh j ii bioddurd lu uw ilounlo ilriar hush will appear in uw lloyal opera house guclph next monday evening 2hth any ordi m for ueutu ndilreuhti to c i lligginu iiuuiugcr cuelph will rect ive pmunpt ntuntlnu fn to uio iladlasu ry imly in art nml vicinity x dloa t lirovtn drugstore to il temple hi i of ilktvt lllvui lj ullly mha toitou kilk jul ki in lull ii kjlt lly 11 lh iii 1111 llm irmll in 111 nll im ul ly at ii uu iiiikkii f- riiir tliru mt 4 hm jililll h ur ilkr n m wilriiilll with ii hnflll ul v lluut ml ru lkiu i ll i t 1 nf 11 vm1u murwiy ill kymi 1 um nl inly uril eitpentjua allowka tfiotai who ont mpme pun haiing umiuumiltiil wnil of liny de for tholl leniettty plou should orthr direct fnnii the old reliable kaultu ajul luaible dalei j h hnmllum cllelph all ixpoum ullowwl to purehiu4 r all work and luaterud warranteil i oiupetltlou oallod tlie largest mid in t ihw k of liiiporttl granite lu ontario you take no risk in pdycbasing dr harted celeryiron pills we guaranto tbem to cure or yotr money cheerfully refunded tim curative fiuallti of tau hatmca ccfxuifliak piufjl rt imi ahiuihilri rtain lu ul caned oiil uf a imtuhed uiat wo iiai ha lirnitntmu in iuliiu our wrltbn guaraiiua thn i tliey ill pil tlvely cure muiii iniolirf u lluu ami watery wood lalo bl kallew cni plexloe iltiiplf nml imullon k rv oiuimk falcepl luiitmir slid dt trelin lhahl va ami rargnlhihuii oer appetite rthia ami iwi1k- uori nervoii4 hcadaclir palpititwn nf tlm hrart ihwy and 1 unit knelu mnrv- oul 1rostratkni wrulik- jctwral d buily and all illwairs stl dlwmlru arising from a vim dawn condition of the nervouri aunt or wak and im- povarhdicd hloeil with every 0 we of da lustrkb csueaiiaok vitxu oo- purcliabo at one time wo rivo our writtm fliinraiitce that if you dont derive lnniflt from their use wo will iio you your unwy bark int uiat fnlrt unlet wo wr protly nitm dr kirle rill would do what uc claim for ueio we wouldnt ilar male siirh an offer br thealnala u ui 1du mtv zoa atbrownphitjb druggist and sta honor acton ont hats and tarns imrtl importation in maes hoy ami children headweir irprcacollnif iho tcaona roale aciilevemcnt in amartnea and origluallly of lyle all inoiaily priced l n e latontaine hatter rurrlur luntul lll slock 111 lxlc siyld onlurio of um ouxlfu otrr plymouth binder twine best uu omialkbt m run majikk alulvri uu uanii tlio ukual lln4 uf flour uud food ontmoal itollod whuat graphed whaxit grujiiuil iploax qerm moal buokwhoat flour 0uu1 pot jbarley split peon potatoes gfdon seeds of ull kinds acton iflobb imd vexd btor3 all kinds of grain wanted rt aotongkanaity gkongktown elevator noitval mills wall paper garaips wh aor oricrlnj all our papers a reduced price to clear out ilia bal auco of llils year a block also lm sample of tlw implro wall taper co of torooio they have over 500 pjitcrua ui block and iiavo rctlucod tlid prcs un ni3uy o 1 lie in 1 munyons uumudius hhunter pnnb druikt ontician ths ksilaoa drug btos aoton nloht atulxj lordlrty lmnilfuiuikurthowiap it 1 tho lasd iw fmlo by 0 v ooiwltvo a cu fasty delicacies just in ahh fresh fresh kippered iiurriniti toe can clarks i beans with chili sauce ioc can boneless fish clarks coitl beef cc lb 55c can tlk gest yet banner rolled oati with nice dish in each package 25c per package mill st acton boots and shoes complete utesnooos in stock at geo stovots the la iet tkliitt u i nsieilhxl cult iumiu lur coiiilmii anwritaii vlyui lulle tinat hid llmilu bins to puaixt 1 lie w01li11k111 ut m i nyilnr tall and bod llisiu i am rumilnif otl a btotk of woiuurt diilluii llootm al ihl 1m worth upi zi mibssii uuiiouso1 lui t iia 1 aa now is lha time to uwve your mosame or yuiir 11i and w ular loot sad vluio miuiery aqd goods openii thursday friday and saturday oct 1st 2nd and 3rd our semiannual opening lias come to bo an import hit event witli the lidic of acton and vjcinity and in point of rane and tylc of goods to be dibplaycd this ohc bid fair to eclipse our former successes miss watsow who is in charge this season has made special visits to the american markets in order that our showing might be particularly smart and uptodate and w await with pleasure youkvcrdict on the success of hrciforti- 73 openingbeginning thursdayoc 1st imitation i the ainrt nmt form of lattery init many of uu and indiiwl uiot of un objnrt to im ing tlaturod in that manner a ngrutla our dm we make a hmciahy of buying our lwst walnungs and costutuji rloth 111 single wniut and ilrosa rinf only and purchaser hert ant thus ytshuetetl fnnn that form of lattery and nssorotl that their tttirrhaan i oiw which hi imttjiuily duplirauhl no uuw ij wostil in placing isifore our rustoinor all uiat lu uniat t and nfficuve in the seasonw w fabrics and a pro lialfhour kinmt lu hmtktug uintugh our drew gmkl dejiartment will give you an idea of why thl i the btuletditartiuent in the auirr our sutck t inbrace ww ttlalll and tuke direct from idhi to lfi jsr yard and a a criterion of wliat i shown uml wo in largt r place will amply repay ytmr lnxmcuon wheuwr you purchase or ik in spite of the good times there are utlll a few of h who do not object to saving 50t nnro in while and no burer or nwi r plan ran 1 preaonted than our jojmiiiing hale clothing our 10j0and lii hultu have already uuulo a reputation for uuiuistlliusand couilugauwy do uilusejuuiu in tlw swell nw gray design ami a well km lu our guaranteed unfit da hh unuhrinkaale blue alul idack surge uwlr friend nlnmdy tiunierou nru in a fnlr way to imi douhlotl you are not alrt ady wearing one drop in and look uu ui over nlul oull joii in luaying that your tailor doewit pul out imttur work ut 91kuu and m a jiuit ut make your visit to our clothing department mn intereatlng we have gathered utgether tit suit u isilow which if ydu want a knock a ittnit ituit may inu rest you menii hnlu of plain blue nt buclc uirgo tuiadutn twtmali in stripnj nml cluckii x u ut 42 w ell lined and trimmed xld suit front range wirth 5 su00 und 70t h for opening next week p4ruult ik men hultu plain grey plain blue fancy worsted ami tweed ull uixr worth regularly 7u a00 and a50 fcl for next week per titilt itrick stows anil dwelling tnr goo christmas i null 11 long woy off but chruttiah cako keil and luatiy thrifty liouse- kttttitirh art taking advantage of our hpoclol price on fruit to get tlw cake madu aud out of tlw road tsaart saloot ttmhalaai pr lb ho shut othiking yifpt l lb lie hrokeu ornckerh jmr lb 2jc hrokon hwet lllscuitu oc m tin 1u1 knliuou liv y liar cheerful utino ilc j 1u1 heal lukiug powder li kvnporatel 1 vac he mc minute tapioca 10c hliced comed hecf luc good linking byrup per qt 10c 2 lh itokro cereal coffim m iiiiproxod mop handles llc u pkgu lly voluon oc hottleil cnunp 10c slaat cimui jk1 currantavxt be lresji fancy cake 10c 2 liotue komi itatlish 2v i itotunt llnw juice 2jc i bolue itoalkirry vim gar 2jc um host hlcc r 2 call vincapttle ic a pvgjt isiro gold omii c canned hmitu tic kvaporatcd apricot lie table klgu 0c heo htarch luc wheat kernel 1 4 llw jlnaf tiugur c spccifrl prices on fruit jars and granulated sugar in 1 cwt sacks rbscott the busy store mill st acton 4 jf j tf t t sooner or iraler rb bkcwiuat joallly of ou koojsj uiukllwaunaappnbt uyoo sail wihoi yoo aea uioklaa o a watoh tturcltu tbe tuora utaa uia satkjcs i 11 ty i ban una tbs tnrut aomlliy knocs uiu uw iftnf vjita ukm ooda lho to bait yoe 1 g d pb1nglb qu1 jawalor and optician t s j j sj to dress tell is more the result of good judgement than the mere lavish use of money our stock has been selected in the leading markets of the world with the greatest regard for quality and tastes in trousers we easily lead it will pay you to come and see us b e nelson ono price only noxt tradera bank gueijfh ilrui vuurrlisrmrnts oiiiiiicrrinl hotel atoii i ok ual1 it 111111 1 11 li uli mil ki ill on cl ilia imi iiihi lauin acton i rtl 1 1- ril il in 1 ll urn lunur 1 11 a k l 1 t ilrl i i ti rit i it lty will u wl tiiouait ii nhutt tlm llklllnklul o kami pnpt kor kale vio i it ilil lt-luik- un fin ilhiutkiruriuiini pmhl ituslt ii udi nn1 iy hilnc rrwli hood rinoito imu- 10 imiiii ftnl kilo iucjiiki tt liiitmty i i uillm fiin ijutlmusl to 1umwni ulwrl ail uu o t it kor uia kfthv t joiit iiiixw i hml of j4im aeun i o out i so for balk inllt ofti yrs ud llux ubur tlm iiitiiiiiiaii wui u tuuuuia on nllliajtv loodnutma ff frvm oil umlini iliuiu unyi 1111 as ma kqulluctf yantei til tduuvscloaitttl nur- f iii ul tubtl tl arumi klxl bartcmidll iill wo uijh for our lludy trait umm koiall finua ora- vlitv hdtoutau e nl im iron han joh 1 1- itioo tor tba rlaat dmh htosba wkujsqtqn lllt k ttur m un totdbto oot- deslltable pkopebties olbalu cuualk iplik tluj u-ui- j a kiult u tm u- j inn niijly uuuuil uii kul ui folloalac wlll iil h to im iluhd bt al ut low lrlcotarj lukltxt isatiiaauvutsaja 271a lllljuy ul iktolly fraouaimw wnw willow sud akdm ftiraul aotoo wiui tb rmihrj an kitiuu ullcltilnii mm luui two full lot hatd ami blt okuc uo ui fwm 0 cbarau and jolill luwu uaxttoiu 4omvlh obordj 1uu vroprtu mciitj1 at a toad twu y will uu jrllculjim t you 0lr lateftin iu ii 1 uoollkt admhuauau or do of lhn jwlgch court of bevihion w oti c e 11 li rla thai a court ui u li w pur uanttouoiilattuura ijat aot by bl or ui iuli at ibk county c oty toflu laaw acto b h i tin or ui itfti at ibb county court of uw i u fowo hall la lb tl- ivrlday oct sntl 1003 altnii ut trttimiaiid duaiula uisrl fumllallit uf tormr anl nuualoa la lb vaure iutt hi kludlclplt of uu m1u ol acunifur luaj all tm liavlak 1 oalo sl ui cauki at kijulod to suodi at ut ald uiu alul i lad daujat attoueuiitlllh 1eoj auction sa le 0e tisibeb berths puhlic sovlci lritirolyelvil unl htinii a atit inaulliixlty ef onlts in couuell ui iuiisimi whlu im tisuaa in lh tollostoa lowtiililt biui4aud aiaaj tmuaaly im tku dinruler ay hiitwtin u tuwsablp of uultne crluiu 1ukln ayl i11w ucklacali ucluttby uhok uuhws liurtbi vtvooti lit tu rt rjeiurl utoh ukxw tiit oil kburn tt oil awlimll aiul i blp4 ttlel imttlt ilihtitlot ov aulouluwlb koj 1u6 aod ull uw uivnalilp muoww aud uob- srt sad bloelt w njr ltililnjj iai im fill 1uimy u1vkh ulhtluct lukb lly oal litt tlj and i3 and uia fojunrln llwllbs mlui ilia lltliu to cut as1 rnun lb liiii u uw lll iiix ou liuu nim uih u iuhi hi tlt b doiij lor ul by lubus aueuoaaltba 1al lumetit hulldlnr to wkdnkhday lii i luca at ui wir sllaiuboii kbi ooatalaluit uim saif oathlluoaa tt ufcl aud taloiiiiatuia s to aka aod latd anj 1 vuua aucuiui ai uia laruaum lb city of tiuihitn on wl ninth tuv of 11 t fulllclf 1 uf on il o oloak lu lb sllaiubol imtlmf ui um liiirtinit j giun to kuuwu uuu lmt atumril vat i vtalio v j uavw oamutualuootfcrowu tluld dariktusv or cmaw 1uuo toronto julytexli lbui w l n11 utiauthoditel imbluauoa of thbi advfuiuul mill b tal4 fur s ready fer fall you tnay thlak it arly tu order tl all kill i but bslior lohava t uodcc way tho ajvaulajj in 11 ojaojotf ofcnafawf merd jaid or aurvfulwark vtitr eaae lot iuftihi tba firui pick coal no niod and you ard un 10 ba utlaboj wm cooper urcbjut yllor ulll strut acton 3 the 1steekl1t qlobe canadas great iuustrated weeklv r a leading feature of the wuukiy giiiik to he jdiled this full will he ah eightpage illustrated supplement on stirincalkndaheu tvfltlt mill straot ceo stovel 1 v 1 or tli primluciiuit ul thl k spsi so imraoom aow eloctrotmnt photu n log and pilnlloic plant lias lwo addei la tba glabsa mocha rtkal wpilxueut 1 liu will rttslo he wakkuv gloss unueslloaably i no mutl uealrmhla hama x lo c arraoanineola hav bsea made wberaby our nudcra can aocuia iliia kujivib wasbly and i hi fasa tuapociiilly lavocablo rata ol 73 par annum 1 w paper renqqaqts rcj8 bs bauins to clear out stock a t brown clutul and sibtlutmf aclon acton hardware store 0ir motto i til do 10 others ax wo would have ol iters do ua our prices ulll camtid fayoably wilb any oihr placa tjthcr lit town city or mwrauiijiuii country wo xa a law liuus that wo ilo not want to carry over ibai w ell at cou id clear i awn mowuru bcrocu door iiihii lly oil llirrri churns improved blil ttlamlg lt iiuoutlou ou tho uo uii iwfix buylu uhmiiuh 1olilo 1 oilh 70c siudlii hoc 1 huiuuit apiilo iurr 35c ultlo bur apolo l4fur siul corr 310 il will pjy you to ut ptlcs liolow buying the mtjlkr article in tlio luitlwaio am uilan wu canadian t 01 on ww white cheap hardware store iruir mill ii i main klroatu nun ih tin tiiiin t pletth put in gtmsl in guarantee tuitufm tin fuudifth lt muraludl ihu jowullei gl itiur tin uiuig onhr or inmiey bfaaattaaia