Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 15, 1903, p. 2

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ar svo r r u jllnwh iq llartlr i jgta o mr alii rlauillr l uauumiilt lomu uletiln ut kamiaalui i i ugbtit of tloiiu iiuiiy ii ukiiik utatr day tilt fliir inn tiy tbomu dai kimiiki oavia- vi the tluiia ulnar dryinn u ontario i j llav llliaui 1 ijryiun ual 1urusr al itaquaalua lo ixuall uti boiii ufuuil wliijj hull i a tnty timiihday otrwmkic ir iwn kditohial notutf hyoehclloim will bo hold ut hniilt htci mario uud mniiknkn on turttdny 27ali hint 11i iciiitivo tin tigth ot tho pnrthm holtlg wo unully rip fill iii tho provlmlul ughdittme u100 on- toatn will nodnuhl lie minimally kn and tin ronutltueiicea will sen lively tfnicti ho next two wooku a enmmgn ngninat i lien tt itrk k lit tnudi in likely to lie vigorously promooubod in uui hour futim tim flghb will lie headed by nevond prominent inlnulont of dllf cub dimniiiliiatloiuf in net end pi vlnron itnv dr muhkih of tomnto im tukbig nn uitlvo interenb in tl miprosniou of thin form of gambling lie porta from tllii ontario nnrinul oollegont hamilton uithnkducatlonul pxpartimnt htuto thai there l thin turn nil utlomluiicn of 1 hint niul j women it in not long ugo that urn iiiim in nltondancit ul thin college exceeded in nnmlkom the fair ux judging from recent llgiiivit tlm in- fvranco nmy bo drawn unit the high hchool of the province will noon lm in tlm hand of tint duly tonrhoni mi ant the public ttclioohi now mr ci iiyndn rhnlunnn of the kicrtrto light committee ban locnlv- od n eoininuiilcullnti fioin itolioi t noble nuking tint cohi of eleclilo power ut equip their proium gtuin elevator to lie tnvcuxl ilt lint b v h uiblon ililriyilvii ii p will imi qiilrod thii mutur im ikiltijf cniililiir- vd by lliu fluctriclim uutl tio fnictloii will catuc up for illciiiwlon ut tlm council inthiunk ixntci mnniluy ovinliik tito council mnl tlio- community urn nrpahl to kiv mr nulilti nil rtnon- ttlilo nitouniiiiihiit in tllu erecting of tlio oltivntor tlium in h nioviminnt in vitrlomr mrtj of alihtrallutn nulla tlio irtxtby- tvhnii mhtlnhliwt hiiptlut nnl con- rrrgntitmnl coiiiinnnlinik no tut to form oim nonivolnlldul church of atutnilla lrcuhyterliitih tiro ii rut with crooo mcthoduu luxt with aiuxml itipllnlj 100000 cmvy k 00000 tlio iiviinnhcnl church of austral ih would thuu tun bracfl it tnuiiilkiptlilp of mm million una hniulnil thoutuiml uotlu a rti- liutrkahto tiling itloul the inovoiiuint u that it him iwhui wttirtl by thct trfbyittrinti church th htrkt itlul tiioataticluub nnil coinuirvatlvn tim question of ortfiullc inlnn bun iihio ixiconio n llv huitio in ciiuiulnmul hbttt tui in auntruiu tlto pnhy- tuhntiri klv ftinotiff tliu utrongtut iliuo- cmlcmot tlio proooartl tha wlnnljmrf vre prou unyu i no pruipootlva tootthir whh fonr tlmt tlio unj runply in wiutturn cainultt will hot bold nub in munltnlui mid tlio northwmuni torrltorieri thoro qtor b tba prvmiit raui of uottlominit tmmih enough for ull thit nrwcotiium for contury to conic tlio wltolo of urn uuid that luui ikmn homwulod wild tnuinforrvil to railway itnd col onisation couipntilim tlmrt nob iiiiiotint to onivtwolfth of tlio vtlitt bind iitvu of the catuiduii nortliwent moni tlmn aw000000 acwdnfler niukllik lilturnl deduction for whto hmd ami witter www yt hmmlri tin pmiperty of uic uoiiilnlon oovernintiit thin would glvu hoimuuiadti in mllllouo of farttitirit of tliiii uuoccuplod atn ii rkt proportion rankw with thn lxt whont luiuuof tho world an blxoejtiowat vfftk ontvwnhuiiuttdatatandtf ut v4u of muiufiuitiirm mnd vat to thtti oitavuxuuiurr out oct ul tho byuw which wau votwl on yester day in ratify thn ntfrxiiioiib lwtweon tint town of oraviiiilinrut und uinby irluulon for thn euuh lulling of u factory wiuj cimlod hy a ihijjc major ity tho voting ihiiuk alinoht tiinuil- niouri viz 157 fnr ami u kuhift tho vol wiiu oxwptlonnlly lmgf iih in tho tlmwt waixlii only cllit iwinoiiii rvfrullkml from voting tb r obry uoahl iwuwou th montiily tludat u tlualltaiam tint lixm library llimitl met on moiidtiy wnn lit thn call of tho ohalriiiatl miourt prewnit thiw t mootv ohainiihtl john cumeion lteevo hwaokhamor and h l hfonie tlhiuhriirlhii reporkd mi lniiva of tbno liiouiltatri dining thn month blvlnffii toul of 2l tho hook coiumltlio mpoileil the arrival of the new lumlu for tint yearu addition tojrnt ijbrtiry that limy itnd ikfii clhwlheil labelled null cit- aloifoinl and were now ituuly to lu iiaaiotl to the rtuidciii ttipcomiiiltteo 041 iliuiiuo pl-ehcnt- imi tholr third repot i inwl leeoiiiuumib d pay mold of aceniinth tin follow win ihlkh- t7 vol 1 1 u ion now hookm for mluaiy 10 11 11 1 mimiiii for ihtiihikiun uutk nlklu uui s 7 u j no- jiarvwy fivlyht mtld ur- l lilpnii iho1u ivi ii m mm t hy joint puutxiii miotukid by ii hwuikhiiiiier that the ivimul of tlm committee nti llnanrn jumi read ih odoptl cu iiki movtsi by jno caineion aw oium1 by 11 i mmnv that the tieahuivr bfl iimiietul to apply to tho muniei- pal lmiimumi for the ttalnnett ut the ywutfkrontwiofmii iiwlor unit ihe aoooiint for tbo yoal t purvbiiimt of book in tjiwh un tvtpihtxl hy lhe uow lstalallun may impald carrhxl thu uoard umi adjoin tu i new ontarios attractions pupunr haptbuura olyan in ii- ponu to tho nqumt or fro frmmrn ilaadarm a district op o flle at ihowihic kin hur tin o f 1 th-tmihlun- in iltri l71n new onluun ii mmhi of quntillouil lehituo 141 the tolllitiy are iwlng proptiunhtl to hi- oditm of the iuicii 1iiluul the following fix tn will auwr a nuiour of lh ue iptn hm the jviilkiiuiliik 1 mini ry forum he ttoutheailerii islrrinlty of tho ifreut clny ih the otutotli e of whleh w01 euhllhel by tbo oxlhhuo eplm-a- llonii lliklertakou 1y tho irovlneui joveimneiib lh 1000 h ub thl imlnt lb tlrtrlnn in a not th-wo-l- itrlydlivitlnn with a itllght break at tho height of ijthd n rni tho ttuti i u of nlphuhik und alnii mid into thuiubr ihty dutrlrt rotitpt mntf 11 tobtl atva of uomo jlui iiiplnte mlli or lilwoooo urrrw the teinukamlnif uatlonionl iwcu ploa 11 lnrtftt valley roinpiluliik idwrnt 1hiw hut of rhoho mahlo land atwitlt half of which ban imoii uuiveyo1 and laid nut in tnwnxhlju the laiul uhloh linen iihruptly fioin the lake iihimi toahelkht of alwnit lifty feet u1ohu tt rtdiiiilly towards the itidit of iind which it about fifty mlleh dis tant from the hike the noil u fully mpial ii feitlllty u thatof any pnruon of uotithei 11 onturto ikjiik a rich rlny with a nttrfaro of black veketahlo mould it luih lumn foinid upon tumly- hih to imi oxroodliikly luh in pboaphorlo acid iiml polnidi with 1111 iniuuiuil it mount of nltiogm roitulllmmtu which render it highly pro4luclivo under cultivation and milk it pouidhlo to mocnro li4ie ciiip fioin lb from your to year without uiatoi tally iiupjiirluit iu iicbiiimm tho uoll dikii not 10 leportil the fat mom to nu when vluit- llitfund pietlonlnx them like nome cluy uollii kuril 1111 wo have in the lower pui b of ilallon iwcoino harl whim cx- puiud to tho j 1 if hub in friable when dry and enully worked they nie few rock mcpnumoji nnd tlnwi nm princi pally of llmntilmie very uttlo loono htono hi found uoino of tho local ticn ihiuii iwiiik ontirely without rock or kbone of any unit tho oiote with which outletit can lie obtained for mirfaco water by the cou nt rue tbm of ojkni dltchorf leadhie ui the lujoriut xvaterconrma iitmblim the imitttem to drain their farnin whero thin in rwpimui much mom econom ically than n motcuomjofontuvlo the laudy are all tlmlwirtnl heavily hub niomt of tho timber in of acmnpar- nt ivoly mimll njxe oxsii to the dlntrlct liuvhitf ihhtn hwopt by im niahy yearn oko thl however facilitate tho work of clrariiik the twttlnr in thia district iinjoyn n rent lulvantaflfl in lkihik bio to iiihjuma of tha wnod which it hi necookary to cut in cliyirlnff hlm farm ut priced which am htiflklunt lo pay for tlio lalwjr tliemby kocurhik acanh inconm until hl hind prwlnred a crop llio money lu paid on the iu- very at the tlinlmr 011 tlm lutiikm vti the iioareht iluutuble utmam cedar llfrowh to a liirk iw in nome nnlhlilior hooilw in utralklit and tiouniliuiiuhhi for tolotfraph polfw which can lie o taliiwl iiihirhoipjantltiorf thoy nu hoatl down tho ottawa ulver to market hallway thm r fenco pou 11m nhio dupouod of in the baiuo way hpruco nnd iuiimiu in incrwmliik ilmmnd for piilpwiwwl tho wood do- voted to thin purpoiui iwiinr cut into twolvofoob laqgflia the prlro pnld in hutufucbory timre in not much phm on the niont deidrablo iambi but upruco of a hisui and quality which will yield good inmlwraiid building nmtcrll hi found everywhere whim tho bottler lttu itcouhw luontltu in rnaldoricw upon thu land and ihh two cre rbutriml ho in allowed to cut hpruco nnd all titular other than plno from nny iwt of iiih lot forualo fnoof bovurnment duett ilo may cut plun for hu own uw and plnociitincloaringhiud may iw wild on paytmnt of tbo kowrnmcnt due or 3125 pr 1000 feet l meamiro the pine pajwoit to the nwuonditp of tbo bottler wbon ho ohtninn bin patent tlio fertility of tho boll b imllcaud by the profuno nnd luiturhint krowth of natlvo ftraabou wild fruluundotlmr imtural voftetation which flmirlh wherever tbo foregt ban lwen burniml away under cultivation all kindti of vtkotnhlftii bmaji fruita nnd jcralmi yield in profiutlou crnln era pa maturo rapidly wo mvw novum chuirhihit doimlii tho it print thin year 011 which there wimii rrajwi 1 twevn the ntumrw of oatu ihii and potatoes one inntauco wiiu related whom a lutthr miwihi oata on the titb and ilth dayw of juuii and reaped a crop fully rlpomsl in thio t hend bouio of the grulii fttr oxbihlllon in toronto on the lioth of hepuunlktr tho dlutrict in dihtlnwl to income a rwnt uuickirthtlntf nnd dallying cniintiynuitiwiuutmathnll tlm requlh- iteh for tho uucfmurul ehtahlhtlimunt of thowi important braiichet of aiic- uuiirul iudiutry th cheimi of land and building lualeilul k it n groat advantage aa eomptuikl with mout of tlm older itettlml p of the province loll eiuty tho plentiful utipply of pure water and the irellence of the panturage furnitthi by the hivurlanb growth of giami and natuial vegnui- tlim niuimim u choice pmllly of and a gootl yield of milk while the wojhiu nlfmil uholtor front tin- windii and htiirimi which inv fieipietilly h diiiwhiirk u imitowful itockmlniiig in a prairbi country the elhuato of the teuiinlmmlng dutiut u biarlug and mttieinoly lumlllty mi- hi uhown by dim low ilenth- laut and the iiifiitpieney of heilniin iilhuenui iiiuong tho uetthih the hiiiiuner lu noliio hob mi in the tyuith- eni paittior onlmbi hill the atmos phere li eloaior and the iiveiuge miimmitdf niiiubliiiigi4nur the effect of which la tipjiiimull th e rapidity with which the eroiwmiitiitv tlm wlnufri au tiuowhero hi lioithetit ontailo 1110 chain leiul hy htemly old laivly broken by the thuu- nnd although emitlmioiiu tbo tiimi u kel- ilotil itttemh tbo whil r tainjtoiatuio imliig hlgbet than the more 10iii- ly dutlleuof muulola and imty houittl and rniimhloiuhly hi hum that of wliuilp tlu know uuuiilly overu the kiuiuui alvoitt the lie-in- lug of noeonur hut it hi never eep and iiipihioih et y lu apt ii the loiuutloiimof nettletuent hi the twmlatulngdutilet me aa follow i the land la for nolo in uk mr at ao cntm wtr w-n- on veiy torini niihjoi t to the iioinil iiottlimiinnt eomlllloio of four iuhlonco uihu the land having u hihluihlo hoitm- 11x21 feel mid hi iwrw itnd-i- uiltkotioti iltltty live touo- hliaie kin vejd mid open for-ttle- uieilt and mijm a m n knil the town itiuhi nu liocicwoou eifuw looo m itnaortl vhi in mmbrwlil itxbvbltm ni attandkiioa loml fotlune otoinly baa liooti with iiuinoi agi iiiilliiril ho lly the pioatib yein iiml the dlntloin have ihmhi rocivlng 1 migiidiilalifm uwii tdl hatidii thim ik 110 tm loty 111 the provlme with 11 more intelli gent and oucigitlr ollulaiy und thelr eifoiu mi itlwayit laidatoty they have had vailed exieiieueoi hub their progiomu bun l iiuudlly for- waul and the nhow hi deiiervidly iop- ulur iine weather iucoihi th exhibition lm1 wedneiiduy innl ttiufulay and tho attendant o wmt tho gtiituiit in tho blmtory of thohorlrty ixvry- lwwly pu iienl ieemiwl to enjoy lhi-m- nelveii mid lo enter fully into the iiphibof the dayn anroeiueil v tlio hull wait nniihuully attractive the exhibit of fiult mid llowem wojt mpttliilly tine while the dairy de- pailiiieiit ladloi htw tlniiti grain and roou vviui iiiul to any former dis play the tihow of fcbock wait giwul though in cattle the number wnii luilnw thatof liuit year the ckthlhi- tloit fit hmien wen uiiich adinlrel thn inuulcnl feiitineit provhhul hy the lyith lugl ut hand or haltou wciii uppivi iuud hy vultmii getmtally for tbo oxcellenco uchhved under tho hiulcriliip of ilanduiiiiitor aldeiuou mi colin campludl the iuilefuti- giihln neciibaiy contridhd the nta- clllnety of the iioclety 10 completely that not a hitch bo the prncoodlugn watt u iwt found anywhere anonotrrown ifev t g wallace ii a ban lioon invited to tltk curacy of ht lpkeu church and linn nlm jt in wild ikhin citllid to the lctornhip mr walliice baa acceptwl und luui retilgn- nd the ricumdiip of fit- oeorgett tho ihio now primilueii of tho georgetown kloral aiuuiclation iienilng completion nnd the rovtumoi of the grvetlhouiton will noon bjt flow lug into tho companys corfem tho outilt l built upon tho mottt approved niodern plaim and promlweji vttry pro- iltablu relliriim two largo houueji 210 feet long iuv tilled with roiwu and carniillomi and two umaller hotucn uri devouit to gennral cullnre thn yew premlhaii are worthy a ioit ab nny time the quptit young pooplo11 union will imvo a public nocial on monday nov 2nd an oitpenclvo accident occured the bridgo in kwpiftfliug near mr clwiplinit when mr uolwut mrcul- lougirieiigino cnmhod through the bridge mr mccnllougb won hijuiwl but not horiouitly annlveraary hormotm will lie preach ed hi tho proflbytot inn church on sun day oct 18th by itov w g wallace of toronto a format panto 1 the inutile will iwt furuhihcd hy the choir mr w millurd mcciiinnion tenor kololnt nnd otbnm from toronto the uunlvnriiary uervlcea in connec tion with thn mothodbit church will ihi held on monday octolwirilth when kev m i- mnrnliall ii a u ix of norfolk at gtiolph will preach inorn- ing- nnd ovening kpworth iunguo bociiileveningmxbmondny at h oclock herald boo the latent in g until tleu at c f g gmhkvk a coti auction hale jmalstell ritinvv octolwr ioth hale of utock and implomenbii thn property of wil linm lyml acton halo at one oclock uhnrp teruu 12 iiioiithu 5 jier ennt off for ciuih over 110 tuuti knitvxf auctlonoer a cure foh mibuuatfllu uvsiri th mot btubbokll or thlu ilnful mhluly cn uo cura ubeiiuintinm hi cauued by acid in the bloiul tlmt in un uudliipnuil mcillcal truth unimtmbi outward appllcatiouu and nlleged electric treutmont can never cum what in rooted 11 the blood a blood dlu- ordur like rheumatism intuit lu curtut thrsiigh thu blood thla in why rlieuinutliiin ulwayit yiehhi like uinglc to dr wlmiatiih pink pilliitltey nitiiully itiulo new tlch ivd hlooil thin new blood rnniicru the painful poihou itweepu out the aching ncid aoothiit the uervva loosen 11 the luiui- luh and liauiuhiii iheuiuutiiiui fioin tho iiyiiutm pmofofthiu in found in tlm cjitfii of mr clmrleti iathinilnh a popular young driigghttb uuiihitjnit of tilbury out honaym i know fioin ihuonnl oxperhmeo that dr williitiiui pink illlh cum ilumma- tiiun beruiiui they cured uto of a wivoio attack tlmt for inouthii eaimeil ine many ideoplekm nightii and uiinfiil diiyu i had tiled a uuinlwr of otlrer inudiclheu hut they failed then 1 decided to give tho pillu u trial he- foro i had llnluheil the uecoiul box the piilnu began to leave lue and by tlie time i had taken two mom boxen the pjiinii were all none und i felt like a new man tlilu lit uioiv thuu ulv uionlliu ago mid i have imt had a twlugi of ilieiunatlhiu iiliire it iu my belief that 11 fair coure of ijr william pink pillu will diive bhe inuht ktuhlioin tnui or ibeiimntiutu out of the ayhtoin and aa a rounlt or my own expeilenee i rheot fully re- i inniiliijul them fomhlit trouble the pllhi eiiioull hlooil und neive tiotihleu hiieh lim iiilumalliiinhejatleu initial puralyulu nt vltuu ihtni e uniteinlii uouialgla imllgejtlou heud- luhea liackaelui kidney lixmhloi and lhe iilluieiith thal make tho iivom of ho niatiy women 11 hniiroo of almost eouutatit uimery iiullatloiei and laib illtutci me ioitietiiueii olfeied anil the hliyoi should wn that the foil name r wllllulnl im11l imiit for pale poiipu it tainted on the pel aioiiml tiveiy wi ir lu doubl kvnddlrit in tint lb wllllmuf mmll elne co itinhvvllkt oit ami the j ill- will ihi mulled at id iltt a 1mx or hu uixia fur 12 f0 jin indent foe to hoallh and hapiilnniui u bcrahdn as ugly an ever bjiico tlina iutimuuorlnl it cauwti bunclit4 hi tho nock dlu llcitrcn tin kln bidaiupa tho iiiucoun inniiihruioi wanun u10 iniincl h vveik eon un boneii wlmr- the r of teniiiluiico to dlneano und the capacity for tncnery and duvowipn luu con- lllltllptioil two of my clillilirit bail refnu sorcri jlilcti iceptcrowltiif tlreir anil krpl llnnl rront coles to atool fir ttfj moutlia olohiiriita mil iomiii luufl dh no iphi uiilll i tccnn rlvliitf ttwiu kooda hrnnrlll till iiixllrlitff cauanl tlm ir to lnal il lliq clillilvon isvn bltowu lie leu i rof- ulaahicm j w uhliifh woodatockoot hoods sarsaparllla hill rid you of it radically and per manently an it baa rid tliouaalitla auction walk nitaifcrreit julliw 2h oeuilwr kiileof uloek and iniplomenta the proieity of poimii tllhboiei lot i mi 7 kta- moiut cievvuiitii coiiier male ut one omimk tor mil ii inotithi tipimau ishiivu auctioneer l bad fatat accident wu wnjtio foruori of ttiulnif klhd atoonnuwn an eooty byaa y o irxpi- mimi maggie ivigiirtiiu whoie pui- imlii live in klteliinrne wiiu htiuck by the g t u oxpreuii kdug eiiht on holi day ovening at gootgotown the young lady wan aged 21 ycain and iivihi ut lhe home or mr john u und- uay of lliiiehouiie for two yearn and 11 half mho wan on her way lo church in georgetown atong the tiuck mid uppjiteiitly beard the tialnlkhlud her but either did nob get far enough off the tiuck or idlpped luirk after getting olf hhe wan utrurk hy the etigluo and lluovvii n idioib dliitance him died imitantly her neck bing broken tlm heevo of jeorgolownjntervlow- ed or john m mucdnuald coronu acton 101 to thu cje but after mo uldering all thn facui or tho cojio or macdomtld decided that an hupieiit wan nnneceiiiuiry dr hartes celery- iron pills the remedy wc positively guarantee will core you oryour money refunded tlmre lins never liecii a retnedy offered to tlm public 11 itlt mich an hornet jpuirnn ua of dire limit it nn dr ilartrn cvi- or iron 1 il- i m rruidy ia tlm lcit trcnlniriit 1 i iv uorlil fur mirlt troilhlca a atuiriliin clileniilii nr crcrn rirliirm pnlo nnd snllmv imiilcxiun nitvoiu- 111 hi hlccplimnca urn m 1njli liupaircd memory utit of apjiluto ujaihpiun nnrvp lxlinnitinu ncroim hrailnhiet htrria kt vitua dance kciiiiiib vk- uraa iiiiijiici anil kriintinun ilrnrt ial- pitatlnu sluirtilfaji of llrmtli diizinctn uiul iniiilnrbi general wcnkuetfjiiiil ijchillt it in a ijrcat boon to wenk um out rundown men ami vmnicn nviug tlicm that lkoroiia licaltli that jyakca llfn wnrtli living tlinro a iintliinj licltcr fnr pale lut- liaa hnllnw rj rd jlrla to mukn llirm roaycliwlrd anil full of iwmnilliip liralth if you nro ntiiioua lo try dr ilartoa ctlflryiron ptlla wo mill wll you 0 lioxea for 2z0 with tlio umlrmuiidliifj and with tlio larniitco that if you feel you nro hot ilrriviiijr iwncllt from the ua of the pllla nttrr taking tlirco lioxc aeonlliik to dlroctiuiui u may return tha 3 empty imjxhji tootlirr ultlt tho 3 unorwiifj ouei and have your money reftnulivil uy tha aitiulo box tlm pdla ar coa a t browtf phm b druggist m ond statlotnor acton out loiinu hohool examinationd tito following la the result or tho ijirnn hchool oxiiiuinatloiui fnr hint month hhowlng vercntiige oh- tallied junior iii annie mcdonald ho charlie plnnlc 7 minniu urnum tti horhlo ilrovvn 57 keidor ii jcrhio mcdonald s3 mngglu leavemi 07 intio hnyder 17 martha ciownon 1h junior ii kntlt plaiik w annie crewhon 0 delia crlpph ti lilllo dilbim 4a honlnr i mnggle crewnon 0t ktbol damper fid inu i clnrenle gamble k0 ahwrl gamble 70 junior i hertlo dnvtdwuii 07 mai- gnrtl hnyder kl dvliiv niruiiv teacher nookwood a meeting id the ijirdu day alli- 11 nee will lie held on tbo 20th octolwi tlm meeting will ikj uddnuuil hy hov mr ilmue of ici0111 und the ivniileiit mlnluteiu union thunuugiviug uet viccn me iring held in the lrenbyteilitn chinch the tin mini uhow of thn krainonn agricultural hoclety held heio on wednitwhiy nnd thuiudny of luui week hltd 1 recordbreaking ulteiid- mice notvvilhntjiidlng thn dlwigree- iible weather d the llrl day the exhlhltw of iihilh fiuitii fancy vvoik ac wum quit extemdve uud 11 inn day tor the wcond day reunited in a gooil exhibition or ittoek the gate likelplm were very largely incieniail ilmbly owing to the preenro of the geoiiplowu hand whleh illuctiurucd uvvet ituihln dm lug tlm nftei noon ilut muiely wethl very fni lunate in thoh- choice of luleiib for tint concert minn kthylo powell who nung here huib year uimln her iiocoitd apteaianco iwfom a lloekwood aitdlenie uud wiui llreceivetl thowellkimwii donald mldivgur wan piolialily tlm dtnwlng til for the evening and wnu riithuit- lawllcally lecelvml will j white comic mippllcd all tlm lighter vein of oiitei talnmeiit ami pi oved 1111 nrtut in itu hue mi c muhkiavewanpiiiiiid the itoekvviind uhow uud 1 mi ei t ion tlllllo to he theoveiil of the eur and piove by ineieull ut uildaiiee that 0111 1 nunti yellow al any tale hi nut on 011 the wuujt mme kleuiio uiap lu have yoiiiimd llot vonr iieluhun iiiim ank him about it only 6v a un p gmnikvutlcn j wanted i mj a ond iravrlllnx ilmti for thn uar ui jrull i re 1 onutiicnlul inc hiiaii i mlia u steady wurk ii ilrtln 1 iay vvrrlly i im oftlflt u um acin iiml r rultliiiiln our luiludru jll ibn u vh a urll u hiiwavrd vul illru mllliil lj nlliri- lnuui w kiur ioilrclrlhriyol ml mi l iii ood comlll im it will luy yen to wrlm 01 tint or wlmlo lloo- icrin 1 vo ll ut1 liidi- lo lm hiilinxfl apply now 4 pol ham nursory coiriiiny jouonlo jit for the baby awkhlinitvii milk loon no 1 tl 3 waufolun hiik 1001 nibrlkr milk lood iuptoaunic milklowdllll noulickb uaiitiid milk wyeiiih illllaiiud 1ood iiouinhonh tat iiauluy com pi mb kl milk l 1 i d i n a uottlkb nirpli aouvoiitb tixtiiina and rooruino rovdiitn avi iivniirs hhanler pnmb r druggist optician tho falno diuif btoti aolon niout hull acton- livery bus line tha uml trktjiiibl riuilfuly aollnl kits titrn uj ot lli tublle oij i u oriii uimu uit wall kijulppod bjld blyliah illga oau alwujab bcurd attilaaiabua a eomfortabla uua bimuil tralna imtwoau lo am aui s10 pui crolul ntunuoti cuoii tnavaryonlar riimwulldorcouililamultiaval- li fully uit iolinwililtams wh paper feriqaits big bargains to cloor out block a t brown chemist and stationer ac cutiiery- we have a good 1111101 liiient ub pricch that w ill fiurprluo you pookat knlvos tablo knlvtib at all prlcoo table spoona curwlna gata at ooo aach urond and cuko knlvoo not of n obc uutohor knlvoo 20 and 2tso doduora stools coo oaoh mcgitryn iiiiikumi steel ranges call and teo them for coal or wood ami get price t lufoie buying american and canadian coul oil lump ooojb intornatlanul tltock hopej agtottu choa hurdwuro gttara wwi white corner mill and main ruilu dmltig the dihciihiilon of the new gimid tiunk pm ific hill in tho hoine of comitionii a meiulier or parliament leinniued hovv very few up todato uiiipit of tlie dominion woio to im found am a matter of fuel veiy few bunion 01 even 11 hool lioinuii pojuuuu nu b a uiaiful mtinh it remained for thj ihihllimn or the rumily herald ami weekly htai or montreal to take uitvnutagii of thia und it will nut ie their ian it- if owiy home in cinadu lu nut noon in pimeiiilim of one one or their preinluiiut thin yeur in a targe 22 x 2l in eolnuiisl map of the dominion with n luithnr enlaiged ininif thin piiivlme ll 11 uilhd a jmicu uermvmo mui and in well named thelouttion mil populntlim id ovnry town and village la i ub a glance lvoiy inllroiul route in- ehullng thu giand tiunk pacllle im won at once lt oiittbt lo lie iu every home llvety hilui mjiuuii hnve it the map i i huh id the llnee valuable puiiitinun with lltut popular miul ibtm enr theotheni 1111 pl- tlllii mitllled llrailhioken uud ibud to choose nnd me without oxittfiiciil inn the giuildcd lollivitioii of pumlninxovi given uih u now- pawi ut one dlbn iiei eiu that mi mm h 1 an im kivoii foi a ilollar lu mm vcllutlk i are you hard to suit etnliuiiaps the huu indication o tilt hold our mil t- cry department lian on the trade of the vicinit tlie numher of hard to kuit people wlio have dilliculty in iindtiif a stylish and becomm hat here milie a point of always having something new to show an have thii week stocked some very natty rcadytowcars swell now yulia eitcetskoc o have thu week her ui04i it rullljit if v linked mat tialii thy come lu the 1 itnv y myi tie and prelt y brown hbuib oreil tlukol full lliliudiid wide niul pi ice wr yunl ry bnnduitno deliiiu iu now ow green and rid tdiiul 1 black 1 with ellhor white or te1r col- xcollenl vtilue at our tmiial 50c 3c hoc ncv d goods uodcrpriccd on hatnnbiy iimft wo oftef tlm lat drtnai goodm hnap wo havi iweu fortimuto unuiiuh to her urn for miiud time 2d pleiew irjo yanlii of how drtkn gimkim labrlril in plain and fancy material nnd zeudltie olfistm all giwul wolghtii raiiklng in wldtli up to 50 luclnui and in k pi ico from jo u ikv for hnturdny only pn yanl now os dlhllayh silk wulstlors 2sc ifi iatteriiii of now bilk wnutlng lii now fancy htrinu nnd dnwbn nf- fectn very uiiltabln for ovening wear regular 0c and lin value fc kaltmlay per yard t 8ric aliwool gapct for soc i piece of allwoo mverhjihln jarub full yard wide in now ojji hluule uud wil coiiihlnalioii heavy wolght regular kjc value cut and matched fiee kutunlny iur yard tapestry rbjs fio ilavo you a i wire pot around the iioiumi one of our ku72 tatwtry uugii covent iip it largo liare iimt in new animal dculgmi at our pk miechd price encb rv jfi4w faqcy collars aql ts rcdliccd 5 dozen iiihei col hint tirid tien to lie moved hnturdny tlie col in m nro ijlion hllk nnd mtutlln in plain bematltcbol and fnncy effictu tlie tint um nightly ami tervlcenbh and priced rvgularly up to cc hutnnlay t neb 1bc gowfoitable jjidciwcar por thoto hulion who caimot wear njiwool gnrinoiitu comfortably wo aro um hhowlujr a ajioclal heavy weight union line of vou nnd dmwor in nil uuon from mlium up nt jier garment 1 our litock of uiiderweur in now complete ami etubrncea nmong our other good uolloiii n lino of nit wool uuahrinknhlo vihu und drawim in j rod white black and natural nt pot garment 1 vo 11 lhaunu foro wia tlmit sauot niln t lb too ihit coiikitijr plgti r lb 2c prokmi cnuikow porlb 21c ilroketi hweet dihciieta tic 2 thin llod kitlnioii 21c 7 kim chtmrful bono 25c 2 itexl stai linking powder 21c hvaporutod iaaghei 0c mlnubo tapioca i0c hllcwl corned ilocf 15c iooil luiklug hyrnp jwr ql 10a 2 um hokco cmal colfee j itniiroveil mop llaudlna 111- 2 plcgn ply polwin fie pottlwl cnuup ioc fukuimi trtamuli efio bat c1om1 curranul lb he lrtwb kaiicy cakei we 2 bottlea honiit ludili 25c i lklttleiljjnu juice 25c ii imftueii ltaubenry vinegiu 25c t 11 ilont hlco 25c 2 cwna pineapple 25c u pkgk puro gold com 25c cntllioxl hoots tic lvnpornteil aprlooin 0c table pigii 0c ibmt hurcb 10c wheat konlflj pic 1 lba ionf sugar 25c n b wc have openings for a eoqple of bright girls in our millinery department rbscott tthii busystorei mill st acton complete stock latest eoods in boots and shoes at geo stovels the litem thing is knamellod colt boobs or centlomct amoilcan alytcs ladieu fineal kid dooti auro 10 pluut tlm working ma na ltituf call and u i he in i am running olf a atocl ot women button dooto at hi 0 worth h gs i h 1 so mluea dulton and pal at i iso now la tho lima to leave your manure for your fall and whiter boots and choa geo mill stroot stovel g f goodeye go i everything for f i cleanliness 1 aki a look at our grocery window whtm you uu and wa what we liavo provided orj our sanitary riulrnieiiti i ok wash pay we havo the folluwiiik branda of soap ivlcano ftc a btr co 5c a bar c lor pure tfc a ban sunlight tic a bar surprise fie a bar lifeb fie a bar soap chip tic a package tlifil baddoa soap ttiero ara tho lollowlng itorav tjc a lh clolhea lliu 3 doi for c washlnu sd3 3 lh for 3c clolhaa llnea 10 13 and joe irllna 5c pjcltaita 2rhi ijvblifrlismimts auction kul all lliri ll f kfox rut rn till ill oltih iiktlnu luunn ii ii 11 b iiih lljllu lo ll kw illlua tuu oiiia nllibrilvly nlil i kliud v lrial luav aeton ioh uaiac icluv ruumrftl li1 u llrl k hj u whtliuml lnr ttility yf will u ull ii- i i p ulliii uht uiuuy oultloiiat 3c gllloui lye 10c 1ulu uoolf joc tullu aliro 40c wmli itortn ylaj 45c wakh jlonnli glolio wash 1uha 7a ho r and it 10 hcumlinld anunaula 10c a bolt in clothca ihuldu 13 lo 90c lor peruonal clennlltiekn und for tbo houihihold wn run y n full hue of toilet hoaivi hroouih hrtudieirmunckliig mopu etc etc but hjiuro will not penult of a detailed hut ot thiw hoii we will lu phvue4l to uhow thoin to you when you cull rumemuukwe deliver good promptly ga f goodeye gotartonivn czt in canada giving full up luvu llver pllla i fnvmlte utlmitlr an giikiimr tutiii iilekeu the idlghr e the hidlh they do nut nr ueukou or ilteonvetiionio pi lie 2v ull iliuggliilii j1111l licaiue tvomen huviian iniibn- htumllug ulvteeit thein tbry uto not um ewmit ily balfvvittihl takeii an enuuieuced uiidm taker to uuik iolfinn and cone al bin tutui- factloii nt u ftinetiil ktoiti tlb couoii anu woiiku ow tub colo cold hi lino day mjnlii no l i tablet cum a 110 pjy tries janii property koi sale ii iuitf u ii77l 1 -i- l und lil alio on tl ihwtfl 11 lull tout iu1iu4- u u 1 n vlllf a1h oil 1 til vor bimi illy u joiiu i1iuw ull 1iuum o uuibu a 0 lou 1 o out notice nay iioil tht bptiuoa lu ihla u x uu luui in tn f cluioy ktul lluiiilua fat tl- vhub- arti tui l lllr uvxi 1imiiu id allill u uiaklvlicaudo will li couiluti ball uv hiotlnljruml thou all ilkvnordh acton uto till iju iitwiiaa inafacto ou uat ii0usk and lot votl bali brick storts and dwelling yo aal that fllm iwoury 1u 1 ol lnra ult riunr kt ll romi uui aod wir- leb itl u vvkl kullt m ym h 1h1 oollair utijr thu kulir oulloin telul tttlck wklliiih on nllli mcim uimltuum vim i mill nil tliruillirlr- illruif lruoalaj uthin ijilkillaii oil 111 iirium u ultil anna uouihos comfortable dwclliii hon a alu that ramluiuljiu t roruia ivotary riuillioxl iwolilinj on cliarcli bti jilllv mcuiu1 liy 111- ullufjth klt-1- luui tllr tikid mul xfl wtur iull nnhud illm l-i- tlunin nul mwtl fnuj od kuii iihi biii cuuifnrtll htatiu lo lliwl o kiltilrl on int th liie liu ut kmt kl ie fur furdibr ill ppl to wilhkuittitkbt orwuduunrv ac ian ospiincs wanted auam a rsprnt rnu otmut hut- w lu ilia low 11 of ac inn kihj mnnoiyl- littf country ml nba onlwi fur nor lludy lltlall lu full tl v iwall frulu oma- hiaatau ilimb rojt vum a 1jtalji a huxu trua to uaina nul f hau jom tald a iwuikiinl luilloti tut tha ri tuau ou aliliar uury nr oniiiiluluii btovll u liujxfltow yontlilll kurewiaa ovr im arra toroulii out auction sale op timber berths pu1iuic kotichuliarly cuao llist iiunu- aut toulliorltyoporura in couiicu ua 1uj wl wlilt- itkufiumiu lu tla lolloiui uwnlill bailln mil jj uaiiialy 1w thu nibtkicr ov nuikhikq tba tomihiiil nt llullixi crasluiati iaiklu ayl- uiar alkcklali uccaruiy uairlek iiulock ikalloit illioll llurl lit kiaiaarv frfxiklwit lirtol larro artbi labor n ljl ot llamtuallalul ltlalt halloi ihtuu dlaxlllot ov 1tuuaiuu m iu uui iu1 tha uwthl ul kltdiaom ajul hob- iu ami llook w uaar ouapldif iaka in tiik iuwy uivkk uibtuiotiuku ow onjcliu um mj 13 and th folliilt llwtlu mtlilha klstiu lu eul oj kanaka ilia jna ituo- lauiarac tlar au1 tmilur ii 414111 iih tlaloli oil ifi uatuxl tal lmtis1lxj uui ull 14j i1u kajtha koa mij kj mj hi will la ocja4 tut kal4 f iullli auouoo ml ilia iarliaiuiit hullliuirf iu tla city ul trtroiiln 01 wkonkuiuv tha kintk clay of i dzc ull huh luoj at ui- nour of osk a eliwk lu uia aluriioou hiiat ouuiulni uiuia an j coullkjn of rajakkhl lalariiiaunu na to ataaa and laid uul uoaaaulliri e lu aaoil llarlli will la furulaliaj ruiatiikallaiialuir ljual at if lalur ut uia 1 la hal un aul at crovu lajwta to- trunur or tli cruwii tuuim aaucua atotuoa nult hta kurl 1uat arumr ut iojtaua auj voit vrauoaa i j dimit oauitiiiailotiar crown lauoj dayiktukkr av cuavs iimim toronto jiilylmtli imj- n ii tjo uuamliritftl iiublicallod of till a4vurtuiniut will la eu lor chocolates ionl jon hlc cm wo have put men in n complcta ilock ofslewarta chocolaiesdniiiiy delicious and delirlitful tticy am likely pacled in indlvldud boves jll invura and qualities juil tlio thhip to tau to thn kok links or on a drive try i bc sometime when pissing our ice cronni lawn la always open itnd v oil 11 ico cream sodu and cool drlnuo our ico cicini innnnfacturod in hamilton and is thjfouijil pure and whole- some wclunula li tilts potted goods and confectionery i toili llrcail nnd talcs every djy miss b wj8llar mill si aclon r w philips plumber sleam and cas filler 1 oueiiph plumbing and sthamfitting ih all vlltsill iiiiamouuu a full irnpplv of ttq ilulialll tulrlaliu btciiu vukuu aluat mi haik cwlph busikess college up- toilitr rnnimcirpil tciio- riilnc penut liiilili ivoncli corinin and span- ill co lire nil lnfrnmllii uiii i i m h coi1m1ck jja- iprlnalp j i 1 lvjj

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