bank of hamilton tflai ol 1 icli hamiiiow kalabluuoj 1u73 capital paid up 000000 reserve fund 700000 total assets 000000 j- u cihujs piritutil tun ill 1 i lid curia mjliljrr georgfitotn branch 4 agonoral bankingbusinond tran8aolod corrpapondonco solicilod haviiikh department lolcml lluwl 11 aunu ol onlt doi lah nil uiwail iioiii ay lfjwvil lo l ol wululm n fimiulllkn ami mi deuya in drawing money farmers itumno- boliciiml nolc ol okjiilbid larincf ijucountca oiki hunn loalmxl iqc cjltlmt our cohtiction department h avcry facility for making promjj etum solo notes handud and lnoimy advanced ou account umelt low rale ihittertsl c l laingtoknt goorfiotown u ran oh 1q per gt- discount for tvfo weeks wc will give 10 per cent discount ofl paper hangings now is time to do your papcrlianking a t brown will be pleased to show you my sample books of all the latest and newest in wall papers ir nemxes guebph ijc xtolt 3fm jnfis thukhuay otttohkil 15 1ixu brief local items tucmi are dclikhtfnl autumn ilnya thaiilurfiviiitf today a public holiday uiw railway inttm to all canadian imiiiii tduy there hr many happy homecoui- ingt for tluinlajtivink ti10 liortlunl iiriiu u ere uumuully brilliant on monday ovrilintf a kinur khik tocitat nlwwllihoo will 1m built in iwlill ibhl fall the full tuuthutl will iki hfthl hero ltl monday llth lnt itt mil til 11 1 glvu thanuu for thn ikuiutlfill lurvnttt and irood tltnea in our hind at7aitlil uvonlntf n thunuuiv- intf hottic will 1m held in ht alluuim church a union thaukakivintf ttervlco will 1m held in knox church uiu iiiomhiu at 1 1 oclock loilu outer huwarl of milton off cm tor nal hit hue fit mi of ino arreii in rdpielntf school rioted yiuumluy afternoon fur thakulvliij kludloa will lu rrt- humnd on monday several of our local olf players will no totlunlph jhl tnnnilntf to nil- joy u ilny on tho link thero the hoard of kducatlnn met on monday uvcnliitf hut there wiih no iinoamthediickotrejpiirlnkntum- tion tli krvlei of tlm methodlt church itt hiloum no it humluy morniluk will m rnmluctwl hy mr 11 1 motkrti acton kir urimlt luui inrank foruuirunnuhliuumiiiilily to lw lum hi thotowit hall on krttlny ovonliiklh nuvrntlur luv it v wmulmwoitli or tortniui will ptvath mhulmuiry an- ulvcniury krvicu hi tlih mutluullht church ui hnntliiy ui hut in th lutf hik hcliool uxuiuln- tatloilsl puhlillhl liutt wirfu thu 11uih0 of annlu corry ulioulil lutvu kpuunl indujui ii luwtcjul of liuui iii tui 1- ikiruxl v captain a nnhli f n 1 co aitli ijrti hifu huvlntc wrvxl uil yun wml ualillwl for nihl ofllrritj ttiulpilutlou ctrtillcjiurf liau iwwin guwttaj hm hrtivtit uiajor mr j k moixhttt ijiu hliotv wt kom mr colllim n tlut ukvllu houimt hu qualtu of btnwlrrltti laut katurtlay uiul will havi thtvo ipiaiu mom for him uwluy how li that fur oakvlljc bur liifl luinilrti lilmtlln of artnil llraltch lullhlty will lut held oil moiwuy 2tuh octowr uiv w w wikri of toimtji will u th uulm of uui wtulikk thu tiuuiik will im hmln tlto olwlphclilirrh mumtr ihkiuiilil jolilkouiuh imun- ti4htl tliirtyflvt or forty k ut a hirtlulay pirty at lilu futlnirri lioitni onmunuay wuiiimk 1 w- yotiiw uitluall will hnvii attaiiittl t4i iumuiu ihtau an utjnyihk ovwnliiif wan wimnt amiiiiiii mlllmiu low anil u at tbuthiutilntu jul complotiiik tlii tw hlockmuf inii4nt walk altmnptml thin yr iliollfthiifr iuiy4 luulikohh nuii all ahmrf tin ilrvl ur 1 oniplitiikliik of thcoonilion tf thn htivl ut tin itxlkht t uiu fall traihi auction saltt ihfioiartkll mikmuay iltli alour halo or ttutxk uimi hitpuiitioiitx thi pmimiky f william ha-r- uil 21 4nii z lctmiiutiiik y inlhw fittui acton hulu at 1 oviock trnw 12 mootliw o rrtllutmikab imiua auctlonmr ntws of local import now a tiisuuimathlltan thu hiiluluitf trtlmti t it inlimi lmrt li niplrttl mxl ajmi iuhr ua iouvl into it rinn ho i u 11 h ht mh ii i iih 111 rr kim- hin- ilifntiitlnii un totxl- uiuu hinulok motly niktl uilily llu- i within uiki without untl th uniting or 1 oiufoh ably i li fcfir tlardmorar buf lumbi- i6i a tluimuh fnni hitllfav mrt h of thi lnnlnioii lumlt imuiytf tlmlmr llntlbtut ht mariiarctu iiy t lulw miuit iho tu ottlhli iimthiir kiii inm foinplibd hut wk tim prkikty ihmikiil 11 ri n hdlmk w attntiiki tho punlnut prlrn wah cikmm mr w 1 iicaii inoro li pnitlnnt and tblf ownrr of thi nonilulon iuinlr comuiuy tnw m mowink- vkk th li lutri lufn it tuovinu wtmk uittonif iiullt a lv of honuholuyrl mi aix itunihhuw li now lll in hlx fulltnrmhniitii on vninik ktnt il-v- a k hmlth hihi vniiiily in mr ham- ihawijrfii iiuiiurii on juolph htiii antl mr itolh auw iiiin ut iat count into wctijwaion of tlio hi ink rniibiic4i on park amiiuh whirli ho pnrcbiuil it roupbt of uioiillku no from mr john chubolni jr or kiiaiiihw mtrlilkuii 1litiui clmiifffh airuti n liimilmr of other raiuilit4 alo tha hetfaodtat bpodurj sorvlom ltit tvioikhttlc wrvlnut ill tin mitluwllut clmrfli continiiti tlvv 11 hiurlimk prarhl vm h ivuoluii hntl wmtk mul tho uuitor nu kumuy on momluy ovouttik luv j c wiluoti ii a of knox ohm i- rurhd from iuk ii h u fofvtint btirmmt un rort- fthiitik chriht iwiforo inun ilia topira wtiii i thu objoct nf our conffkilon 2 tin niauncr of our rotfvtloi uml thu niward of our confcwtlou it mr kmllhpivachtml on tiuuluy and wisliit winy v4niiik and will conliuu lull l tho wtnik kllllotcoiutfh counsrt comtmtny hu alluinu church huit otikakwl thi ulwivt coiniuiny of nitcrtaiucru for a concert in ik riven in tho town hall nu tikmuiuyfvinhik li7th oltolmr tbn company include mrw alira klllin- kootlkhf prima tlounn uopruuo mr juimm potutr koiikhrlkaiw cantatiu mlna maud ij llrowu plaiiixt mill mlbn atiun howrt tarry reader llie prokramtua will incliulf ojuiratlc nrhui nonj duolh pluno unlcw liiiinoroua and decriitivtt readiiik etc thu concert will no doubt iktoiiti worthy of uilronikte aotons knxllah colnoy biirttii llu iautiuiiiiittr a latki uuinlifr of kukluhmun bavu arrival in acton to work hi tho tnutuirioa a nu nil ir of tlnuui urn family iirii havo ttnttled down here anil mm uiakint very diiwlrahlti cilijuhiu an addition of fourteen nrrlvod on riturday and tliein iwlnjr uciiualnled with u nuinlir wlko luid ninin out previouuly tlllrt waa qillu a jubilation tho eveiilutf of tlm if arrival 11 10 laut ojiuthikeiit rv- port a iiathutic incidont in ronniwion with their voyage out in tlu coiii- pjtny wan a youiiff lady who wtut ho- trotbed u u youutf man who came out tuhier in thu year nod thoy weiti to btr ituirried uvou arrival on nhlji imuird klio wuu taken til and diod antl wait burled at kea and thn uul fuctn confront thu cxwcuut knwni uuui arrival of tlu huainer ut montriuil an aututnh wdtilrtif a ory pivtty woddlni tk placu hint wixluesday 7th luul at thn hoiun of mr unij mri thoi hlorey niuij- kawtyn wjiin their dauuhttr utitt jantiflxicaiiin iho wlfo ot mr thou mlcbit of kwuiidik- 1bu housn wuu taitlefiilly decorated with ilowew and evtiryrihiiiii for tho oceanian while tho utrajui of tho wtldhip inarch were played tho bride unuued the purl or leaning on her fathera arm and tho bridal party wore tnurcbed iindnr nn arch of overfmun and autumn bcrrluii tho bride was uttir- h in a biindfcome coatumo of bibculto coloied eitniinine trimmed with rll- hn wild chlifon nppliqueof thouanu hhiule and earrhl u bouquet of white caruatiomj after tho reroinoiiy wan ui formed the company ulkuit eighty jiinunilkr itiwiriyl to the dining rmiin whoie a ainnpliimiw reput wan bjiread nfter which thu happy cuuplu inft on the iveiihif train for a few wueka tour through the weuuru jountiek thu lieut wuhcj of thitlr many frlumtn am exteudid to mr and mru mirhie for a louk and proupeioim lift the hrldn received many hantlimiuo atid hkoful prewmth tim itnv a dlilr ii a iwirformed tho rtriiiiiitiy mm oiiiiia of mlltnn playiwl thn weddhik inarch and aloenuirtalnetl iho frienda with kinniophono wiletthiuu ortwakavuiru oalttif tn wlnnlpatf tliiro will lu ingret n many elrrloa when it ih known that dr h a mukcajfuo haw wihl out bin piopei ty and pnuitlco and will loavu arton in a fov wwk for whinuitf dr mr- keuk muceihded dr w h ijiwry wiiiiiviikimii togiiiilph elnven yearn ait laut atlkuul dm inif hlu rtoltlenro hem hlajifo luu ihhii a bony nun thn atluntion rtqulrml by a lurka prartlre ui i4 lk en euiclhitf but the doctor hut alwayw fouiul tiino uiduvote to public liiattem the lutereiitu of knox olmrch and of acton lnbllo heluud liaiii veuilvml much tlinnht from him anil to luith ho hau ylvnn the lient iir- vicch of which be wuu capable in wuliil uuitteih dr and mm mrkbuktm have alwaya been pioiuliieol utid in tiiaiiybnintfl they have i ulluitid fi leml- itlilp which will iwi eiidutiuk diuiuk their utiiy heiti they bao exjwi luiiccd ixtth joy ii and 101 mwh and hae 110 duiiht acton will aluuyti hiue a miiiii place hi their ulfeetloiih in ltmiovink to whuilpew they ko iiiiiiiuj fiiendu dr and mt4 mckeaitun have eat h a brother reid t lit in that eitterniuliik tenteru tity aw welluji uiliiim thwiilluf filtiudti itutl thu futiiru irtuietti are hil dr mekeukitt in it me- mmiimi by dr ault or jaiietta or net 11 111nruiillli- foimeily tr anita villi- lirhtotiikont county the ijitler rome to amjirt with htltkii ihouj- liututlatloliu i in in a k dilute of mt jill college montreal uul bau hatl u1i1 ty yearn txpci lend uu a ph xlelaii dr uml mm alllt will ixuiii fts1 at hoiun in a itm and iimiilv u iii llnd tbnlr humiiintllnuw pleiuiiit ami ion kciiltil tim ti aiixfcr utltm pirn e lut thu middlo of next month kiel vl nid km win ht sao to it buppar txnlalu tim kiolt b hiimt with lb luihllbflil tmkl ullru 11 1 ht i a that in knox b to 1 iiltuwl lii iiu ndaiiiu 11 rrh by lcv j wiuh ii a the iitiimlumnl by irof join tlm male gomlle mim mhililn ii tad ri muiiay uill ii unj futtr v irow llddvrui rollabla the im p11k1 i in of rnllnwllik note mm ucv d h lil hull an noditihiate of qnni cnivcrity iciuktoii who ioim jni miunltl totl- ariermodiok tlm oei- in inimioimry uml for the ivhyteiiitu chimb mt tomtktowii antl adjacent 1m1iim hi tin tcuih- rainioi lulrir am plml to at knowlc4ljit nipt of a t opy of liikh i ullh iehh t of your tii hvmlouni amiiblk nay not oily tlint it li veiy well wiltteu but that it iaiiiltiiuirxl allalum mitnw uuuof tpitta jomjh tulhml a mkiitn law of pclei yliiiineiiiijiu of vuiiiintrmiuia lloud itutliiitttou unit convicted mid nurd jt antl eou or thrtm mouths in icon for uellliik hard t idr to four lutlbina me did not iultlt- and ti now in jail county attorney mathe- uoti inim 1 itteu to tin kiivci intnikilent of the indian deprtiiicul ottawu for ilmttuuioiiw im to uhtber till- hiiitltdinuld lm momtutiil under thu iinllnii a t a 1 iinvh tlou under that iut would iiiiuiu a line of not chu than or more than tlm with vimlm or impi ihtniiniiit for from mm to d inonlbw or iwttli linn and iniphkoit- uieiit- riiamplon anowonuhowc ilu- lioni thn wiibi- iou huir un learn tlm follow in in ivutltik pirllculirt of the ami t u ut mi alox kumdy mm of pjiui lvenneriy lq ftirmurly of miju iiiif on wctlnt wlay ovtiihilf melt u nl the 1- ldinceor tho lirihi uihnti diyden minn ijiiiiih orviu eld daughter of mr and mm a 1- orvin wan miitetl in iiuuiiiike to mr- alet icenuedy the hi itln wan difiui- ed ery daintily in whlttillkoiandle with tulle veil nml oianpe hlotuloinu and cariiod a uhower boiwpmt of white aitom tlie reitiiiouy wan perforiu- wlhy the itiv ilhaiii hull ii a of ilat portage jmit au the raya of the 4 uiu lliuuled thu room hit bride wuu attended by hr hluur miui minnie orv u xownid in white orjnndle rairyiu u chmter of pink luttorij tlte won uttendeil by hlu brother mr donild kemiedy after the r ception the kiietitu alwiut vi in iiuiuimm amoii uhoiti were tlm itrantl pnrnlm of the blitle iidjourned to the llniiik loom wbert an iinnt hiiliper una iei led tlio uiual ttuntii weii pmpnicd and rehiouied to hy dr illulr miuirw a u oivu a k aiiuim uov mr niukit uev it j idniinutoii formerly of acton nnd mr v wire mr kennedy reflpondd on iwlmir of hiiiiiuir and britle tlio happy eoupln htt for wlnnipeh liilnruoii and other poinu in mnui- toliii tho odd follow rt colrumrt it wan with uilpiiruhlo iutlvpidlty that acton iodk i o o j- vitfnwv hutold jarvid the reat luiritoiie 110i0- iitt of detroit at unuiiial exienut for their ronrert on kriday eveniupf the ihuli imt mr jurviu it known thu fontiueiit in it for hlu uuptriorlty ua 11 ocuilut and bin tuunlwrh a- louu will piovitle a treat for the people of arton never equalled liere mr jarvtuwill lie nccoiuianithl fitim de troit by miiui heleu w hhafor an nlocutioniut of itire merit wbtuu- 1111111- lieru willow entirely new and iure to plfam notkuituhed with thene f inln- tint enteituilitira tlta oddfullowa coui- nilttee have alii eiifiiped mikit helen wat win of toronto one of thn leading eoutiahonof the city miwi margaret tielhier daiikhttir or prof zoellner orjlerllu will lw tin arconi of of the ovonhik inatetid of miui jean kiuithahmlvertiwd elmvvhere altwi xoelluer u a mukt uktlfiil iiiiihi- olan and her exiuritmcn luui been wjde thin galaxy nf talent will ptovudo u pronrauune which wilt uiulouhteilly have a undaiiuvd in- fi0111 utait to unui thn plan of tho hull imipen at iltwunii drug htore mid luata are nlready imiiik lapidly mtiired a otii6k acton litdyj suaouui iroin ihlljidelphla iauri wu learn tlutut tlio competitive exhibition r the veorku of american art iatn held in thejrtdoiutmnt of tho kixat wuu- iiaiuakm- htore pliiladelphia mm clara k iiuuilkerttoneor newton- brook out wuji iiuccewifnl in whl- niiik piizen on two tuibjectu in oil piintin ciyuantheiiiutnii and rtwea a htill kivater talirfartlon to mm htpnlicrotonn l the fact that her jialnliiiku have iuimi purchawil by waiiuannikeiit uiuk her uumu oiltlwl u their very cxcrhuivfi lint of artlnu uhi an to uupply their paintink mm llmiilmirttnmi vnw one of very few iirtitttii who hud more than one picture utcepted at the exhibition acton filondb will kladly extend rou- latulatlonm to mbu himilwntiiui for thin blkuat wurcei wn iirxi iilfoi mel that thin hkilful urmt him juut com- pletid 11 veiy hue oil portrait of tho late w h htorey ivotp which in n iquukfuk uueiieau it would ihi u kvacioim net h- the council of thbt iiiiiuiriiulily would ticuio uuch a mr- trait of acuuiki chlefinahlhtiute and ionjefitciii tinned uninlripulrouurlllor from tlm biuuhif thbi taleutivl in tint who iuu native nf acton toudoin the coiniell chaiulwr ami p4ikeluate thu memory of ono who did w uiiieb duiliih hi liiuiihiiu yturu of liiu llfn- tliue to iidvam e a ioiih lieut inieithtn hiuiilar lit tiiiini aie rietiuenlly tulen by other 1m1nirip1l toiuiiiln anil hi woithy oftminlatlon in thin rm social and personal j ir i olllo 1 hmilny mr mnllll of minlul nu ol mr j 11 miitllv li t rny mmiil 11 iluy vl ill liufono imio mi v mmnlllni 11111 u tiiiil nt 1iilr 1 im li iii w ilio ly i koll ol thn mi ill iii 1 ml ml nolllo ul willi nil mr vim kit 11 nli llo 1 ullh ml ihi1iui ll illlllu r hullis olllh til ml m re kti lay mm k ttmrull 11 uniwn ar mhiiilliik moda in lrl air john hndditlf who timk uatlon in toronto a month movd lu family to the city mr w h htiwart leave inoiniii tor hhinvnle to tqkuod dil at bu fatberv home there 3 k ivna mtriellaud and vniink nf lliniiipton umnt honda with mr and mm wm wbiu mr i0i mr- ale matthcwt of itiaiiipuil uirlvd on tutbty and am kiitnla nt the home of mr willliin drown iltiv i dirk ifffbuumniuhiy to at tend thn annual convention of the dhtrlplu of chrint at detrolu ho w ill ulnuvhtit bin old hoiun at hl thouiaa mr wi liirk who rmiin home from toronto a couple of wonka ao tbreatemsl with typhoid fivor in now rapltlly eonvalnttliik nml hoiic wwn tn lm iiim niktirktir nt u hknin mr t i m hocord ban purrhiuml u re in ourqili nntl u pmikariuk to reinov t there tlitt reiuoval of- thlietiiinhle family frjiui at ton la m kretttxl by their nunummu frieuda h uev it j trtleavtili pjeilornf iark- dale methodlat chinch wuu liimnl- mouiay invited to ivmidii 11 fourth year at it mcl hitf of thn hoard on lrl- day oveiihik laut the inviuitiou wan acciptd mw lwlw cook of lahvlew at onlertahied 11 nuuilair of elderly ladlea of the tout on monday ahmnimni in honor of mm h ii cm ku ieventy- ulxth hirtliday a puuuuiit time wan enjoyed hy nil mr j c matthews who luui jweu lining a ultnutitin with tho colorailn innl nnd iron co thn jutut tu yeani arrival home on haturduy foru niplo of weckw vacation chester hai done well in ihnwhtand bit uitimtton im a lurmtlve inn mr krntwl wiuou who left tlm iliku phujui a couple or inontlih ayo foru trip to maiiltolia baa nana farther weut and lu now employed with nr veyhiff party on lb lino of the new jt it pacific within throe hunditwl inilen of port klnqujvn ii c x-i- j x carving sets dinnor nnd too knives rogora spoons pockol knivos razor bcissors i lni bkt ifliiiptil itiirl tjiw ceo hynds jowrllfy mtiilfiy oiakalthml arnm our x alma college youma wommm m uwl uttut to tbo darslopuhin l or nouimt wgnuil vlit wlilht iii ctuuu sttaomas ont thanksgiving sale paiirfi istoisissi week to week lor intnthtliik store nexvs the announcement of our ial it of ores goods at the end of last wccu toolc o wl thit we liavi decided to greatly enlarge tbt m opp nf the offrrint all ibis week uell hold a ijiinksivn dresj goods sale the bargain counter spirt- lias ikth cnlarrvi and enornionsly attractive additions made ut lay out j price 25c j ladies coats hplmdid him of plain knltliik vbull want to boy a mw coat tlu iamy mixtun for children nilr- wct dont full to tun tlm lnnutir- nltr iiiohm wuiht matcrh1 lukt of j w off mmi ul ul 000 h7ti and it idtiii to tlie wblte him jeffries roberts fjh wyndham hl luiph bjujtd filter tooth kvery iiothr known how much liuby hiifferu whiln cutting uwtli hwollen tender tfiutiu cainwi a fnvfi- liih fretful condition luimetimcn wii- 011 wly uffectlnt hahy11 health thin can lui overcome and the teething proctuui ninde oaay by tho into of llahyu own table tn proof of thin lu klveii by mru j pickover new iu kiurd out who uayu i am tho mother of nix children and i ran truthfully wiy that llahyu own tal- inu l utter than any other medlclnu h luive over ihmmi for the illrf of little nnen i can imperially rocoinmeiitl them for teething rblldruii and would ndvibti all inotliem to nc thorn llmtahlou euro idl tho minor ilia from which infantu and youiik child ren huffer nnd are im ran tend to contuhi no opiate or harmful driih hold by all itindiclno doalmii or by mall at si ciuiu a imix hy vvrlthitf direct to thn dr wilhamii mwllcine co llrockvlllo o11u the white house in thoroughly uptodate store with a fall rtock of dry goodu millinery mantles and suits tliat will compare lavorably witli tljc bejt itorc in the best towns and cities in tlie country a viit to the store willbe profitable and well do our best to make it pleasant if you cant come yourself our mail order department is n i ways at your servicet samples sent for the asking it fceeiuu queer but uevtirtlieloa lt11 u fart that illumi in olten tho renult of drinking vell water absolute security cenulno carters little liver pius must br slsnature of rwr mmu fem carters focicjlbicstu ft ditflhftt rot iiuoiiueu fottqmiluvu roft eomstlpatioh fu tutcaartuum core blok headacru whim any buninewi homui luowu lo ik vllnbln in oviry riiinct timkeu mii uinikiially itwl lkuikht offer in thew coluiumi there u muti to w quirk and hltf returua frtim the advertlmiuont tliu lainily herald nnd weekly htur of mouttial two wtsiku uo nunouueed in thiu paper thnlr new phinluinij two ilellkhtful plrlnr entlllml heart llioken and hunt to chiurno tui well imu lare roloured uluary map of the dtimiiilou with an enlarged map of thin province mid the publinhem rhiiiu that thetr ivhinn fimiu tliii unt of llu mi tlou have iweu far autl oitauiv extia quality tiui bur uile nwuy ahead of any pieviuiih year nnd byc 1 oo uxltcnfjtfh allouuu tit 1 it j who t onteuiplate piirchaiiii- nioiniiueiital wtui of any tlcmiipllon for hull einuteiy plolu iluuild older dllvct fcoui tho obi tellable k uiul uutible dealer j ii hamilton iuelphalluxpeliirtalliweil u pill- iliumtv all woik and uiateilul war- laiititl eonqklitliiu ilelhd thi- luirf and lkkt a k of imptkl niiulle lu cauadu 1 tint deuuiiid lu tfrowiiitf dally ilveii olfrt rvitulnly imnlla bl ktuinn for ktich it liberal olfor ban never ikfore imuii niadnlkfoie the publlr it in a dolluiw worth that would he hard lo duplicate t lveiythliik new aikdti iced to unit tlui tlinea at maruhallu jewellei y ku now ta thn time to wt your tlin plet put in kmh1 iiiniilii oiibr i puirnutimi thillhfaetliiii or money 1 runlled i- t makbull llm jnwelt i special gargaiqs for friday and saturday dress goods bargains fancy neck ribbons 1 piece illyda xclcliuc 1 piece lih ydu ntlvy hmupun 1 piece wurranutl all pure hllk in all new yda heather mixture hoiucxpun all uhailea itejfiilar2 yd friday and ptlred rekiihitly at wk- hhtiu1 friday katnrtbiy uiuclal anil haturday 38c yd 15o so white quilts hultuhli for hlnie ihia triif 7e kqkciu friday and saturday 87c jeffries k guclplis mo1cpo dry goods store neckmehr vc arc showing a splendid rangii of blackand polka dot tien in bows fourinhands and puffs these goods are stylish the year round they rnnpe in price from iikc to 7tic r enelson tsiloh kmd ceuts fuhnishsh cixjetplhi suits with character you want your tlothew to ru- ihwt your iudividuality vim can have them uo only by plucink your oixler with 11 tailor who known how to put ludlvld- ullty and utyle into your k uieiita thn stylo and fit will suit you we nro num tho nnw uuitiiiru iiinj more than ordinarily attractive wltfl cooper merchant tailor mill fitroot acton- nlvtlul tlvfttt r food tu drtn titlttnulj irfi lucuhjjy 06 iv amy uumnitn ov xavn kamtly imimtcft rlrvrrn urwiujuormu 1 rniiij mruiaihhuy hf i hn yhuimi ummim 1irirlliu twcrdly 111 oltjlikj brothers slvfiyt lafllrnf fuoil tu drink rur- iiutw-iu- im mi mothers ijl ul o drink rur- tiutwju 1 w joftull uln6t tlwiula ciuu dress qoods fall and vintgrj90304 many paopla have ulreatly iuiukiii tlwlr naw uruui yl llure are frai immbor contlilfin ibo fuji anil wlair fown nnd to hou vwtio liava uot ktlrcuuly bought ilwjbf imenloii u what iori or tha it w gowna wbcrr to ket it uiul wluil to tiy lor it ar iiuwltaos wiih a dn antwtir and if you would ut ui sukkci tluit aiuwf w would uy uolo mbe llou wa can tall you wiilcli ara ilia av fabric aiid what to trim tlmm wlluio proiluca ilia bow eifjcm hira ara loina of tha bilc la doainj tat thacomltitf senoo voile holliwj twlua cioiiih ii read clntbii itnly iirla rrlctuyi cauvo cloth orpatla chanaa vtmailauii ci conu sjtlla clolha ioivlla wool and illlk itaptiua coru ilcjaw coaitiinu hiulorua soliaia aad a full riito black soil wlilt data from 30c lo f j 00 par yard w oiur 1 ha foltowlok tlraia pood at yhi iliwit of little lrlj gruy navy and ii h a hompun 54 in ulda worth 50c 011 ula now dukcrav and navy ilomeapjn 34 in wlda woth 73c on la now l drown rtkir 51 inche wlda worthy hlic oil aala now uimiiiis in lliimm cretan nnl capiet worth hc mi ula now tlc iilriiqgs llm i tiilnutt limit vlul fjctor lu wnaiiiilil wujr jul b cata klioilld ul taken in lblr filoction llbyinif imi4 you run uurhkof ualllnif thfhdarior for wa handla nooa but l lid uumi tltaiul4bld iiualftlim 1 liay ara macully low pricd tio d e magjdonaiid bro 5111117 wyiumiuiut 3 hntrnirr jj m jonell st thehion- guehph lltillnl- 10 ut uk- kimmiii lit iv 50c- uriilil iiil liiri llulr kiillliiuk llisllnl willi jviiii mill clinvl- iui ukimiil oirilii r uihuiii win iii 7v til 1mi ril- vi- 75o wi huii lulil mil 11 lib mil ill 5 sll vi jiiiiiiuiuiutliiy 1 j childrens coats iiiiuh k i u iplinilll 11 ji nil kmi utyliu nil iiriij lot uml milli all ill hi uihlvii i mllllnory ku 1 111i niiiuliiilvliiif nirriiik f 11 ir lyttiiii mllliniiy in hfulyuwutr imlijliilol li lit il livily ltylu t kid glovos ilylll k w llhr l k llkl hlll lwl niru ly nl ijuinf lii iiunk if uiu nml li- w ii iii y t m ymiw t wc pnlr tlilii wiil e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham struot ouelph oct 15 1003 the bight house hutanrnin uij hamiltons 1avokitu siioiiinc ilace hlkciar val1ius in niiw jackets for toadies and girls a particulitily haiiditoitio rollectloiv now h the lieut fiver wen in iiiliiiikjiu ilnimht in k our foreign buyer direct frtnn tlm nialer tb eat that we run et anil have t hat illntini live i hlkht hmiho irariuenla and then alia pi icen much lower than youd jrciifrally evpect for jrn tliiiy romti in varied klndu of inatet ial ar ierfet fitting and i irhly trhunut with capen liiotant them pijet fitting and i irhly trhunut with capen ailk atrnpnliikti fanrv application nni iriei at h0 dv 7iv hmi sltrlfc nreund without it douh iropeii mantle centre by iiitvlei are tlui very nw- itylo that la uoeii only in heiiiire very reiutonaltln 1 nnen in mirh mi wnuliow e thnroujthly well inoda idtilo cnlhurf tnlm onm- iiil hraldu wo liavt 1 vsu virofimul i un 4hu bqh ii klm vaauatltt ut u8 nd r ljjfniriiiht uiul tr at id laalamulmriito ai cliiltrom umlrwur in klm i l t- caxlna m1 vru li i i kt ao to toe- oli ml all woalaltuukmo emui1- blkour valiik9 in ladies and misses underwear our kloelirt of uujrwmir tat fill ktvl wlnur a now bfimru w lmaa otxf mtw idaalla wbui idhh itrm rstbilnl you vat tl kliiuiuc iy blmt fcbl lo bay your unarmjr haw tvl hid nll rtk uoltom irio womnn 1t11d lltflorwor tumbull- tihr wll nntlikl tr- uil hlai hi4 ov all wimi uiu l1iiti ttul wi wj tor wouiil nt tv uiil 41 00 kinill womo1 whji1i u1rwr tl wsiohu inatf hr klnrl uvhi ljlural klifta tu 1 tutl lu wlilta h co1 uptovlld uxoklijunt valuko in black dress goods lly fir lit lntl abd nint iihkiiim tlou at nirwlrruly iiioi ulk dram qoad tn ulqdh1 lu ilkullumi ttiu kutrd rnjaya lilijli rdkiuuoti uul jutly h or ihllutllluk ukluulm atfif vjtlinlliajli utittcjoih hwi lulllrllu tllllallfalcullutm 5 loohm whir tml milunlli vlu at koxm twin at tlo yakdjim ktwuut kun ol laiurl mliruiltiif cuiu hail- inc llieli twin oloul cukm vom aul othr tin- lukm w luoha wlle ill lutxlluni wlilllm v4u alu tlroma vaat kt fcfl- and ubr yauda vrl1 lm at uulul flrui ii ui is liirl- ullf au4 wmitflaliuf llln luncuii ofirla atxt ioaliw ol wool ctiovlnto nil won li llultiui rtt1 m4 luuk ullu clotlm tn uaci wl tat 111 ml win ur whjt thomas g watkins klnu gt gnut car iluuhaon hkjutllurom glhsgom house seasonable offeriijs thetm hnnuch truth hi thu old uiyhitf that n bird lu the liiintl in worth two in thohuwh and in the luimo way a uavlntt t ifected on iioinetblnp that u useful rlilit now in worth twice juj much an mi aonie- thitik that will not imi ueiied for muutlui those goods to which we art paying sp attention just now arc goods that a necessary to every womans wear at the present season dress goods special at 50c a cotujilotfl collection of the faahiouable eoloni and vveavuu in full ijmay gooda incfildiiikzuiudlnih fiule iirttt iuliet flotbi h rnea etc both llht and heavy woijjhtjj jurticuliuly miiuililu for tetitate ukii tn and nilaada uulta special vulun ter yard ue hosiery special at 25c ladlna altea only purj wool tlinhin 13 nnd itlc spocial valuo per pair 113e vvitln and nimow illu rtfuhu underskirt special at 100 illuck hateait uiuhutikirta iniitle of aplimubd tpiality of hi luht mercerized ualneivfull llounco nntl throerjihi of ianio uiiiteiial vvtu tb in the regular way lcd each buvclnl value uieh gtltml kid glove special at 100 j our colfihratod panllue llovo of fine liench kliludoiuecolom huck ilrowu tail oniy mill white fvcry mir kuariuenl to nwit aatlafoctiotl the luikt iiiiv for the money lu tiuaila iei juir 81im silk waist special afc 375 madt of boft ilch juiianeiio rill ulvluhly miuhi and triniuied iurft lit tjnpf kiiarunt6iul not to cut colnni llluck and white hiieclal value each l7fi fashionable millinery if you linvo not yet minted your fa1 1 ii at you aie no doubt klvlutf uitt matter umio thought now uml no douht you vi 111 loot to the denartinunt uiat you can feul iuim will attend lo ytiiirutlta in an at tint le ami ulylhdi iimtilitir it hi well known in iitnttyaclon nnd vh uuty that that dkfaht- mknt h uu1ht ii1cui v wo have iweii catering in tho vvaiita of thin t niiinnnltv in tho aiiiunichy tu vpk for yfaiti hwve nlwayii ulven thiu dupai luieiit weial siutly uiul utuntiou nml tho ifult iu tluit our milliueiy huineit but imiumiii ihuihiv yicau hy vhaii htruwk kthow wiiilii way lbawinil hltmu and the fin i thai the numlier tif owleia ahvady eiieeiitthi thin ieajmi in fat abend of inn nunioiiu ivwoul rmi- vlncea mi thai thla fall u iii lu ui ek eptiui v 1 t hit viim ami tltivr- wi imililllc u villi kni ullui 3n mm ulkllll altu aiuavll to ii u 1tllml i it iii 1ay turn unumtity niivunikvr v nut or vmii j in imuwriusn yitutn m imutnwr von imii vmiu henderson fe co clhscow house hctom r in u j 11 l- hiwl jjtijf ii aj w iiul li aaitiatli iix ic riwiiir viiiiilf