Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 19, 1903, p. 3

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bank of hamilton hhaij opilck hamilton capital 1aid up 2000000 reserve kund loooo total atsuts 2300000a how wliilau ghuw prealdent uu tubmuum vk etidcnt and ccnel manager georgetown branch agonoral bankingbuuinonu trunouoiod coiroupondonco solicitod having depart immt 1au and upward fium day if dehmil lu jy ot withdrawal no formalitac and no eliya in dikwityf tooney- farmers isimhiesh solujled note at reaponaltda wmcrt diounted and mooey loajied lutjegitimato la la m purpose 0ur collection department lls every facility ur tnakjng prompt eturna sale notes handled and muoey advanced a ucuunl 31 uim 11 low rate of interest c l laing agicnt goo nio town branch 1q per gent eiscbuqt for two weeks we will give no per cent discount ofl paper hangings now is time to do your paperhanging a t brown will be pleased to show you my sample books of all the latest and newest in wall papers g h neiifces guebph thuiihday novkmi1ku 10 100x brief local items hwvdwolid wlntiti wealhur now chruliiuui llw wtskn from th hutrniw tli dthr huutire uni nrrlvlnjf thu tltuu puioaj until tint uml of 1001 for slou ah vukvc 1itfciu kuiiaci ipllnuj tn paid in ndvaiic tin nutichuntn 111u putting their auvcku in onlit for tliu chritdtnafl tratlti gurlph piatrict hpworth lajfup convention next ttmnabiy and prhlay tlm county council mclw unxt twsulny tli u will iw tho hint tvtfulir mitlnff of tho year tho chrlatmnm hnlidnyn urn ruptd- ly appmaihliitf hnm with cari our luorchahtn iiminuuciuuiitn a iiutllii of nit inuimtfcd will in iwu mnndny tvmlnj u cn-an- l- a htmky cluh for attou tin vilujii council of hiiiliituton urn coiuldurl ntf u bylaw to inctnutu the uviru llcoiuui fi lu ooo attur tho leu atomioii moinjrty momltiif tin iuivciiuitn nndnldowulkh wni in h very trvmcliirotui cmidlllon ltov mr j m cooly of mlltmi will prmich oducntlnnul hjiiiiouh in tlut mtthodlnt church uuxt hundiiy mr i whimdllmii hitn ilupotud of wtmo of hln lluilmr lialdlngu hi niuui- imwnyu lii mr murray omwfrml for ldwk tim oinployvcw uf iwtoxiiunrvj jk co ami anuin tuuuliijf co nru r- rtfliik for mi at ilniuc to lu liilil lu urn iifur futur ttittrn lu talk uf orhitniiin u ikmtxl uf trmui for acton kucli nn oiaiiliuitliiii could im of incjilcululilo leit4ltt to tilt towii tho 011 hultou iloyw of torunto will hold their third iiiiuunl athoiuu it tlui kiutf ktlwjthl hotid toronto on tutttduy nvtnliik ivw 11th juduihx from nruimiiit iiidlcjitloiiu acton uitrchmutw will hhow th nuut ktiructwit bttwkw of chrutiunw munh thu yniithoy huvti vor olyitrii thlr uutouurj vhd uniiuiil numitlnjf of ujirhirw uuii htiuhiitu of thu ulyh hchihtl wtw indd on mondtiy afternoon mr w ii huiwdtt wttu uictihl tluilrtnuii nml mi dluifmuu kivcrotjirytriiumihmr tlit iwnlujf miumtii u uluttit over hut lutfom nnolhcr nrrlvij tin council wl ion hi jiau it hyluw tvulatliik tlmlr iuikiiu muny ncltiiuii hint unlnttii tloimlly dnlfori hl hut tliu uuniinrr owliitf to the uvticlurtuiuly low oiuu in town mttrku ilitw lutiijiiiht tho town hall monday lidny tout vwliuu- hiy vmluiu uiul had full iioumh nvury ullit their jiit tonu wiy thry nt up a hrvtrhiktiiiuitdfliiliiitnmlt itild tri worthy of tho khuoioiiu biipktrt tuiy iirilvt fioin tint iuhlli hnv mink juy louivc otljuidon kiik- pivrhwl iiuuttirly wruionu in lnlili dm hundiiy to nvorfluwhik ionkrtiillonu ittiustliik lfl icctntv ou mondny twtnhiktln- mtivnry uuymi n dllkhul u11im mvtr lllil out or mi kwmuy hull hi linliih momhiy witm tho ilmlwt luy r tho yar rhifi wmii it un ninny toihiilalntit whii uim kltctitr runout nwt tiiriml tiff at hisin tho looming imii thrtlikn to mr trull tho flittrlrlnii wow irofiik whin it went wimil oh akahl atflhi in tlikbltfrtumiti news op local import auoilon blof thorouibrwlb aurtloiiiitnoiiibtrrit will wll at tl fann of paul komifhly lot 2t mil kwiimuthitf niixt tuihtlay 21th iiihl l tnni linl hortlmru iittlr tvtuty two yonii rntth mid flutytwo wit anil imiiiim kjilt roimtuimn lit not mlmk an appreouted tqmilorynucin tin rnrmiut4ra nn putting on tin lluuhuik uiurhtiu to mr hnrviyi ihhikh on kmlrrirk hi hn rnrtaloly htui trftiibforiuiol tin- pniulmti and vnutly iinjiruvid hi npmnratiro tlui town iiwou mr horvoy a vu of thiuikt fir lonvrrtink nn unsightly hhiuk ohm nuihimit londlty inu a 4huforuthh houiollk- dwolllntf thtikalotie appla orovitrh mr adam cook who nlnady lmti nml iimh1 1mm urmlx of applet hi thin vhlnlty nml lot to lilt t iitoriitnwii nay 1 hi owh k lal tluinkh to tho apphi jrowitrt for thtilr kind trtiatimnt of inn during hu 0mi ntlonfl thin mnwmi 1 in niim- licit minjum to hnlitllo u luili ll latkr iuuitlty uf npplou tlinn thin yar ehuilav culu arwuni knox cliurrlphundny hhool will rouinninco their pnirtlc for tlmlr lioluiay fiitertalhnmiit on nw ynntu tilbb tinorrv nvmiluj tlmy will pntunt thlu year laiiu ouiw jnwt- liik a ralitiitjj wlui a vury dicld 1 chrtntiiinm flavor thhi hiimluy hhikilri ntrulnimnu hav 1h uim fhituix of nw yiara hikiii attmctlonu for yearn om v not unrurul homo pople kayn nn ikrluinnf nr4 nlwiiyu tnklutf txcuptlnu ti what tin ipaper hav to nay nlmut tlmill au u inatur uf fiict thu man who ulu load at what tho nawajtapeim tuty hi tho way of imwm ahout hhu u kimrnlly jut lh man who nhouhl return thauku hire thiwi n day for tin thlnnit the niiwpjpem know iiimhil hhn and do not piiul them u not u man in ten that the newhiiier umii ronld not pi hit wmiolhlnk nlwuit unit hi doeu not wuh tho world to know tim idea iu to imi tlmnkful for what tint mpr known and diwi not ull blooklnaf utrailwy crommlnx tim nuitur of tlm hlockliik of the railway rroanhik with u dkv nf iniptiktilty hy thu o t- h trahin han lieen u vextsl iunttuu hirv for noine tlinn coiitplalnu havu liwtii iniiin-r- nnn mid tlm matter hnii imm takiti up hy tin local liuthorltlox and iiftur rtimati1 tfuthiu it tihh iwmmi found that ruhii violations of tho railway art which fiirhlilhn train nr car or any pn t thurvof iwln left ntniulhi on a hmd crtwalni for moro than llvo mlnnuh hnvti tnktm phici informa tion hiu imuh laid lufoiv local uuitflu- tratim and thi riillway authorithi nr 1inpliiytmn will 1m cltisl to itpkar uhnrtly to nuuwer to tho ehnrti tum lafm o fcl trtt ump cninpluinu unt uoiuethiiii nindo that tho electric liimpti uupplled hy tho ccirponitloit nave not tho durtihl ity they khould have in nlintut mury howuver wlmh roiuplalutm like thin am made it in found that the hiinpu arc on hat ratt eniutrurtm nud allowed to huru eonltuiioimly when thflciimlit lubiipplhml khttrlr laiupa havo it hfo nf hut n ihulud imuilmtr of houm and if thuy ait allowtnl u hum mntlmimudy tlmy naturally huru out much uwmer than if tun led out whim not ntsdml nr they lnvcoino inciilihle ofklvhik nn lirillunt h light which hitter defect in often unjustly laid at tho door nf the clectitc plant ivuiy mrnnn making a contract hluu an iikroiiuent to 3prclwi oil iluu euro uo nn to prtivent any wuato of iikiii and u switch all lamp off when not in ukc many fail to live up to thin plodft and nn it nnlt tin ir lump art uiiohiivmi iid fvotul in trojillttn kttahii on tueulay fomnmiu mr david knyder of lot 1 con 4 irlu imt with it inotft painful nccldeut ilutlern thriuhliik outfit had jiut complelikl owratloun on tlm farm and thu trac tion eiiklno wan moving out of tho yard when it ran into n mini hole and the friction whed wllpjutl to uu to uum power mr hnhx wan in tho net of throwing u hiinmul of uttheu on the wheel when tho engineer ttirtifl on steain and mr hnydrrii right hand wan cauht iwtwmii the drlvu nud friction wheel ho watt thrown off hln feet nud tho inoiuentuni uf tho euiflno throw his iwwly upwnrtl de- mrlhliik n rlrclu the engine moi proiiiptly utoppjl and it wan found that the hones in tho ccatri of the hand wen luully cmuhed and tho wilut inul nrm fcoveroly uprahuml dr j ray whh rallwl and drcfuwd tho wniiudetl uuinlwr it wan at iint thnuffht niupututinii would lui neceh ft try hut tho dr thinku the hand au lie tavml thu dirml touk- by vknk yili arrangenientu have luteu finally completed for tho melhiwllut hunday hclnuil onurtnluiuont on chi utuinn nlht and a rare truit hnn i wen horurod for tho frlondn nf tho whtud nud tho puhllc generally mr 1iiink ytlmhmf tomntn who tiijfiyn it con tinental reputation for utpiihtr enter taining uiul educational plcturo travel talkw han hmii engaged to give hln tlruud tour through homo and foreign ijindw mr yulghu picture tiavel tnlku nrtt illnutrauul with the lhut hleihaptlcan vlewu over khowu in canada and are omiatid hy an expett lauteruut mr c j ileal of the duudau htiiwt centre metuwlut hahliath kchuol of iiudon unt up taking of mr yelghn iinler- talnment fur hit bchiuil uiyu kvoryono who wan premint wnu not only enteruilmwl hut groatly iniilt uct- mi i think it dun to you to aiuniro yon that your ropuittul vl have ikhu incriiaulngly welcome and it lu hopul wo bhitll have the pleaianii of your vultn for yem ui come tho hupt uf the llnwniiuivllhi pivnhy- terun hundiiy hchiwd iwyn mr yelnhij plctuiv lecture given ajt our hahliath hcluwil eutei talmnent luom than fultllhxl the higlteut oupimththiiiu eutnitalnod the vie wit were uirtkul- thenu the iwut wo have iwer mcii her- while the lecture lulf wan clear com iwe eiil t taiulug nud at tlnien ehapient the two houm hllp- ksl away au hy imigii iveu tho ytuin ihltdreti weio kept hi ciomi atuntton ilie utm in a hue ln no love of king and counliy nud tahnnld ui heanl uilly through canada dr aultnow ri-aotlalna- h it aull who hined i mi kugii- h taken ovet the prai ti ami u it w hi roll hargf or lie nfll torioerly im eople1 hy hi mckiagu the dr hfi oilo weeku iml i- i n nulte well a ihii in town ami ouiitry was it cm of cunaolinavv two or threw uiikii ago hint hunday iirutui whliet win auden rroiu 1 igu ktaiidiug in knox ictmnh u1hhi o day htat wik u huialle oouilll- lok the lift whljm wan found hi tlm himii the golhy parly llilixt have uh oomleimehinltlell luid itev mr wiuui lu mrririk t the tnatur frooi tho pulpit lat hunday tylnjc uio nuptial knot wholmau itev i a marpherwm u exhlrntly in wry popular demand hy young people hi toionto iuitliaim to enter mntllal lelatloun hlnco tho hint or july he han innnhil fifteen couple hut thin rate wan dulim ed tast vk hy a eoinddeiahlo nmoiliit within twentyfour houru he wan thrhe lulled to mufoiin tho uianiago eenmiony oakvllld pin hw ko oblw 1ontuuihler young niul hln eulclutit hlult moved into their now jimrlm in duvu lllmw thin vk the niovo having ikeit hindu wlthouutho huiut inconvenience to tin puhllr the interior in llnliu1 in ininlwiuml and everything lu a neat an a pin and inwt convenient mr inilh utntf and puhllc mr young u juntly proud of hu new iplarteru unit the ptwiple of oakvllh an well an tho onverilluent hiiie ivumiii alio to fim1 tho lutine jiow lia knjoyou th iuiurrj ilcupllaltty on monday eveuli the nienihem of the quarterly and 1ruiuo llnardn of the metluulut clurch met at tho iarnouage on jnelph hlret uvnu tho invllitloii nf the untor i to v and mm hniltl very hopluihly unuruilu- ed them nud nn evening coiuhlnlng the coiiuldoralloii of impiirtnut toat- tern of lutereut ut the church nud eu- joynhle luicliit lntercniiimf wnu kviit a cordial vote of thaukn wati nifived to mr uml mm hmlth for their llnd hospitality niahous ctkk im daj nown camo to tou n ycntenlay morning nf the ilea tli of nicholas clark at iuelph jeneml hospital the night imfom mr claik wuu triuhhl with cancer in the throat for wnno time and hud pcnt koiiio tu inonlhu or niorii in tho hotpitnl he wan a iinl- dent of acton for u numlmir uf jeiiw for u ihiio he ronducud the jouiiiier clal hotel nnd afteiwardn whh eni- plnyod for ioveral jiiim hy mem w h storey t hon mr cditk whh a iiiemlu i- id tlu- wuoilnten of the world uml mr alfk kikiuii one of the pilnclpil uftlrem went to iuelph yetnliy afteinoou to arrange for the fiumuil cheweons coiiheub the ico ptoriu hau made tho touiili rondn very muddy mun k mckenny of iliaiiiptou deluorel an oiccelhuit aihhvm on lettjioiui iiirued from tho lafe of chrufat the kpworth ieiiguo iniiit hiff nn ivlday evenlnjf hint mm j ii mppa wiw in calt during the pant week nttiilillug the wedding of her nelce mun kdlth i- coleman dnnghur of the hite air h colenmn to mi j ii ilalley of mill creek miko k mr kenny of hmuiplnn in vultlng her cnnulim mi w y liny and mm v ijuuh mimi mina thunhle v iiil d filemln in tumi to foi a few dajn dining the week mr wm kitehhig of hockwuod peiittliunalay last nt mr m ciiw- honn hr mr arthur hwackhmner nud minn minnie ilurtou or chutrlilll uuiit hundiiy ut mr u ii waunlioniiighm mr and mm o ii hinlx and iwilw of iliwlwoiwl urn- nt sunday ut mr jan hnnhlnw oukclpiiooobiiicll kxtkhbkon towtim mm uludlnjr loe uia ouslph juhduftct 1 1111 way jtkmll nn 17 a nieetlng of delegate from huhrlch illylh hrnn- kel luhol hutuwel klinira and other placen with the hoard or the luelih jtihctlou ilallway company hao riolvel to hriug pivuuuin to iwar fir tho puipohe of mining fundn hy hy- law to huy the tight of way for the jodei ich eitteiitiloii of t he railway ftoui oimhuleh to tinelph liy the northern route via kliolla ilhtiwel umiwicih and ulyth muni incv china to nriive this week c i thmiiikvi k co tlwpiilw of tho eiiviinim in far lena credit nhhi than their ceuuun- they pralne only that which they can iiurparui hut that which iiirpawe them they couuun colton social and prrsqnal mbiachua k mo m vlnltitl trltuuu iotoc wek mla mctlolloiu or klmwtml vult- xl ai uni rrieiilh during the wk mm ulit kr up lit mverul ilnyn tlil wek with rdeiuu in llenwll- llan- muu iltl a mooto hiu ueu vuitlng tho luiht week with memu in toronui dr w ii lnvry f jtielph wa in town on tuendny ovriilng tailing uoii old rrlendn mian hnlllumko of mllum wan in town on tncoday with n vlew to 0a-u- luhavlaa in tnunlc mr and mm win lleinareet were in mill m hint week attending the christening uf granddaughter dorln hewn linv t aiimtl mimtre imielary f the ivrr- day alliance tft lnt week to iii a moutha engagement- hi maultolwu ltov ii a miupheruu vlitxl acton lat thnroday nml imday he wan u wolcomo guent at tho high hthmil concert minn jnnet klllnt giaduato nilfio or hailllllou mjhtllt hevrlal dti huhig the week with her father j t iiiioiiu mr and mm hnliett olhlioun t mr uoimh hnyder hno removeil fnun cnnvooun corner mid are now comrortahly bottled hi tlmlr homo on mlllhtrt mr krnetit ieamiin whn hau lueu doing ehtlhcal woik nt niagara falln n y hi- pimt yar wn homo ye- tenhiytoaav nhlhye pilor to leav ing for kt ivouln mo win r he han imwhi engaged for electrical rouatruc- llon on the worldn ialr hulldlugn nt a very haridaonio anlaiy wan teem i oca i affcnu mud tfvclllnjt salcitncn for ilia uui of kiull tiocs oinmeiuatr t ioc small iuii clc steal orfc li ictiiod ijy weekly i on oulhl ovkit coo acitls under culllvik out atikk incuiei jl tlm lien t jiiellea well mirvel vad elles not ftett y oiltor tirnis we ruj nineilbjivry til nil mck in itoodcnmtriljn it will pay you to will uf ju or wliole ilme lermi an we fkfhif tha imit imluleinrnii in the imil now apply now polham nursory company iokonto our i x carving sets dlnnor and toa knives rogors spoons pockot knivos razor scissors timi twst nnmul itlce luw x- ceo hyndb y slailofey ojmlcal goods acion our furs tcjriiii a itohcilk dry iooilm mamies ami millinery absolute security genuine g carter little liver pille must biar blenature o very wh wa an hsf iubacic rounaj- roi nirontku nitotaount roiewanratkul rmluuwmll mi nccompuiiei roni cure big headache farming for profit every fnrmcr iliolild keep these three word contiintly in mind nnd conduct hit farm on trict budnc principle gucbk work nnd hapluuard mcthodi nrc no longer used by succctiil nnd uptcdute far mers hy rondinrt tub wkukly sun the l ilu paper j on will jet the very liited and inot tccurnlc in formation rearliiijotir bnsi- ne tin suns market report are worth ninny times the ub- cription price to you kverj farmer in canada should realize the full iiluc of the cricc tin sun has ren- dured him in n public way it win due to the action of tun stln in ivinjr voice to the opinions of the farmers that the law relatinj to cuttle puards dniinnjrc across riut- wms nnd farm fires caused by railuny locomotives has leen amended we will send tin wkikly sun from now to 1st jniuinry 1905 in combination witli the acton tree- press for 175 hitiihiniu now hvuriit iou tin ahuimi you take no risk in purchasing dr hartea celeryiron pills ws auaranthi tucva to cure or vou mouey cheerfully refunded tlid euratlvfl qiialiua of ho luinvi cxlinvlkiih ilijii nra m ahwihitrly rsrtnht hi do raua out of a hundred that wo hue tin licitatioii hi gmni- our written guariinue lliot lliey will wvl- uvcly euro audi trouhlci un thin and watery wood loh and hallow com- idexlan viwplei and kmitloiu nwv- ouninti kltidrmiiici ijihptur and i prluu llrniu lug und rorilftiliwnn poor apiutllii lynhpiia ahil itulljpen uini nervoiu ilcadarlici mltllalhm of tli hart hiuy ami lalnt hiwlli nerv- oun 1rontrntlnii wcalncs lencral p-j- hllltyv and all ilu- ami dlrdir aruliitf frum a run down condition of tlvn itorvoun aynlmiu or wak and hii- povnrlttlwd mood witli every 0 lwxn of d hifcrncij ckjnvlatim ihjji j ou luiruhaw at oiw uu wa tlvo our wrlllfu luaraiiteo hint lr you dont drlvi uiihh from uielr uim v will jlvo you your ininiey back iwt that fairt ifiiumn wo were rhly mirfl r mnruivl vihn would da what elahii for ik w wuulilnt darn make nitcli mi olfw hy the olitlfla io- tlw idu mn wm a t brown phmb brublsk quel tulloitcr acton ortr your j to gaglpt7 will b a matlcr of pure egonomy il you take advantage of the values offered at this popular tore we dont think there any place in guclph or vicin ity where you get the iamc real value for every cent you spend the huines we s in doht our enor mous turnover hai uijn ifinatter of surprise to all who knew this store as it was hclorc it came into our hands wc start ed out to sell great quantities of goods at a small margin of profit and were sticking closely to that policy still friday aid s wc oftcr special bargains at the dress goods counter merc are ramc of them 3j- yard niw american vlistlngs in lli very iwiuett alikilesllm moat utli onahld el ill thou n or wuula i uu rrguur uica nf tlieio popunr cooda l anc pir ard truby nnd saturday ili ko at per yard ic piece e o 1 uk oiford lljnlrf and llrnun eltrlln 51 inched wide a kdendld cloth for suiting th tejobr prlc u 75c jvr yrd ffldiy nd silunlay our kiccliil lculll he 3 nil tea 51 inch homnpun regular 30c d ktiiv myrilj and lumtheriw mix turn social irc 3 pieces ulpuy ierle ilolli coved cloth cuarnltscxl notlo sikol or alirlnk in three kood sliide 4k iocliex wide regular 75 yd pacta 33c a puccn 36 inch flaked suiting- all wool colon brow a and inyrtla ilreular ft n per yard q peclal hic jeffries roberts uiikil wyndiiau htithkt goclpl nuv ih 1003 ttlrraulllp iiaiihltons iavokite shopping plack lxccllcnt values im stylish new dress goods plain ziqblihlhfl u imiim vu lu uu wvr hiill ue uoje 1lljll wi huj lolubu lor ixmrtlt tw laur wmt tuj al 1a1 wj fancy zttmllnuu in lajuuu wsloto- uajth aad in u urt-a- tprrtn nn1 enllua utulurm vry wylub aod dmlr aaj twld ok all t uia lu kad ulum1i bcotch bnowflakb chkvioyj u tat wu kl liaan j tiamix uru uvy uj vi laurj llb wblu twopuaid qal lu t ij3 i1 flvh jrt tmhiloidrbko cabmmkiils u t dian la wbiu ilk oiuury w ttmiuuo taavy urj mmintl uihi nti tud kay vsy imiiumuu fcbd mjluli ti lluoae wiuu numl kt vd j onowftkb buitiwob w lu uwl a wta la uak wlalta- odonl tnir ubj bavy liuw ud ilu bvy eivuu fcos wubm v- m v ndarajtlkuj imu ljw 4 spaolal uhdrprloj cure ha sale of ladies kid gloves itmt imw wakaa id lulau klu huak anj ojwrf uur nulnrly worth 1 oo i2b and wiko one ikdlaa dlribli kid and uda qlova wa hatwajuiticwawlulu eakay trt aofl pjw at r b uw atoj pttmmt aloy atully uia lu a lull iwtmul ul irtul tlal w aur tbs d krtlu llo at a imltdttttaly uw wuw knj pun tbu ou u at klt toltoj ul wreuuiiiuj ibamalbfm m toltoly hj av4 a kt bju kt lb lu emu iily kayatimb iimh do ul ka t4 lbiuid ty uatcjy lt uluju- ylikf bi itacooj xujkjiulfia toa loisjj ij brtsi un kwdi blua ballotroim buok hlt ud wtilta kuibn4ds wutbrolland tnti 1 eukp auj aqi a etui ladies and misses coats gpotl importations of very ninwaat stylus llialour biaitllmaraibauioal bebby catrwtt lu tu luuraulily wji uajo tkaafvol nllliin aud ibat ltwua 0 11 ea idfit tuuluu ut u ummi ly lbau baslma w kietlulug only fcucltinatiuuka v ibluk wlllklvakod1 lioawtwirtjraaitlynj kowimiaueju ahuj ibu aa ut ovirloak ui utb kbowltuj awl kkiwluut hiiulvluw rtrj by tn iubl lloti thomas g watkins klnii bt eaut cor huho our iur section on the second floor is worth sreing year after year t his section has shown great expansion k j vou an ahsolutely safe in buying kurs v from ut as our guarantee for wear goes with every garmunt we sell absoluts satisfaction guaranteed or you money hack qur stock just in is at its best jkqkets chpes mtd fur iirsd cokts many diftcrunt kinds vtry special values in nil tlic novelties of ruffs and capcrinek wc have tlic best sable loii stole ruffs for the money tliatyou will see anywhere e r bollert co 25 and 27 wyndham slroot ou8lph glksgom house man wants but little 0 but he wants it good ur showing of the different articles o mens wear just nowis particularly good and as in other lines wc devote our enurpy to securing only reliable and satisfactory goods and as a rule they cost you no more than the cheap kind i mens undbbweab an immense range of kinds and qualities vjbhtxjk xinkd cotlon nd woal flocra pr bull froa luul ij unioii uncy ktrlpc nofl finlh ir uil ioo wooij toalliiniucljililjiafull irjo u1un kkd nl ilaik 0iuy all wool tul colon per lull 50 pknuand i1kavv llilinkojoo pr ull 100 stanyikidh unhiminkahik j ot lha ll unjtwojr iuj per ult 1 50 vikk imfotrrxd natuual woolnoiid uljlil per ull y wolskviicjivynilurjl wall uuliruiliibla ur lull 400 wobking- shirts of all kinds cotton flannel flannelette drill sateen and knitted all weights for any work 25c 50c 75c and 100 half hose light weight and heavy weight plain and fancy heavy allwool sok j pilr or 3sc heavier wejuhu plain b ribbed per pair 30 and ajc htxnobiad so hand knitted per pair oc heavy weljrhl ca ah mere son apecul quality per ilr a ik klbhed woralel so vwy fcrrvicebl 3 fancy coiomi woraiod so cnjduli nuka jjc iancy silk enihroldare caalmiere so rood wolhr 35c colored shirts a new lot new colors new patterns the famous tooke bros make all sizes 100 neckwear the newest maleiiak the newest colonics the newest shapes and patterns puff tour in lindb knol i lowing cnil howa an 1 sinnf each 35c 33c inl joe gaps golf caps tietops cheiftain pulldown light fall caps an immense assortment every one new 25c joe 50c 75c and ioo mens clothing specials llso m fancy winter waistcoats dark blue and black ground with small red or white pin spot neat and stylish worili 3 times the price at the tailors sizes 35 t 42 jtg oo mens winter raincoats made of heavy watcr- proof cloth and lined throughout with good hlacli italian cloth regularly sold at 1000 all sizes 35 to 44 3 very seasonable garment dont neglect your coughs and colds iaxat1vk qliinini taiukth will clifccu a cold in a few hour do not uuu ilrilii in ill haad jjc a bo 0011 pound hviiup of w urn pink ou compound byhupoy wiiiti pink wltu talt ulll have and cur your coukii itlaatam 10 laltd 35c liotil all 111 slnlird plul medklit in ll hghdnter diiijifjitimt a opliehni thai favhao bkuaf btoia aaluki nioiit hull ir inv mimttkh or yotnt rxinhv immi l be htuivvsd tiiiu kivlnmtkmlbw kswkmlrta f- lt mothers ks22f hs brothers wives ily munkm rirrrnc szsx sisters uxikcnuud allowed llinwi wlu cuiilmiiplulo piirclmidiik iiuuiuinontul wink uf nuy iluuitpllmi for tlmlr ciiyturv plntn uhmild mjnr direct frnui thu m ivllnhhi uninltii nnd iiuirblu dinhr j 11 ilttniuuni jttidph all ukpikuhlhwthl l pur- chuwim all woil und ninlkrlnl wur- uiutwl rminwuuun didlcd thu iur- iwliiud ikikt wlmk nr luipuitcl urtiuito lu cauhihi i jlki ty u 111 nut ihrtid to ti ptpln u iwnph uiiiut ttihw tlmittwivh tu ills ity it in u hhwluu ihnt linn i ui vurnwl imfniti it iiiiijnt ilijnywi culuii uuntiiu ijiuihi udulitu tuhuu will iliw l u tuld in ii hw hnuin iht jv ii i lltmhi iiukkm actuu le88iire sntr xx v ix xx yh croat houaohold clnor ask for sample package tor wbjil1k linen silk lud waiiaeli kii c i mil uioiiuln slkr elc llucipiahd uv 4 clcaiur irr soiled llncij lor aald hy a t brovw n cuiuu wl suilmm- t xctoo jd7 so mens overcoats the lashiuniblu long-loose-fit- ting style made of heavy dark grey cheviot wehiined and perfectly tailoted sold most places lor looo all sizes 34 to 42 1 1 henderson fe co glkscosnj house kototst sawts -axes- ll vou aim riunkina op oitiiino a new uaw ou axk thiu vkall wb auu h1iik wi can ihiitvtltl 110x11 in quautv and pltlok wk havu ki0i1t dill imiint iiini13 i11n0ino in p1i10k vltqm iu to 11 35 ilia lalt i jilioi 01 ft 1111171 llli lull huriil fi t lit iki wohui iihiuii1 uni mmitriil1vl finni mi to 1 12 inch ill amsiwnliavil i illttvlmiamliil mill prli 1 fl mil lk til 1 11 incllulluk thu ut iiuilii aua a full hukk of axu llaiullia kuw hiuullw wudkia hi la hliillid hlia ciial till liuwlwmti uaiiilmaiy uilvaiu lnjr in piln fitlii uml fw wvlia w wii prvlanhl ruiit uiul liavn ii laii htoia uf ull uluin uf ml which vi will ludlut ilkiilii puoa cauadull ii ual viunl av iinl our hlih hnmla ivjiiiioiiimi aliitiicanou 27u ua jolintong fe co milij bt1u5et aoron

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