Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 25, 1907, p. 4

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tinnmiiav jmyffi mi oonotilvb mut htb im fed u of utiiml nt hii lil dointhy hluli of muni 11 i it i cull liu kmiii i nrly nun n till tin- i una of day i hem it iihiut iil mill novel a wiiy uh vim ii i u i nt llu thcio llkn u alnepy iiuhii i anil von imil ui ult up when it a tluut fui iimii i vim unlit ntrry whon i ciinib ymir curl you iiiiwt ui i1iy with those imliy ulrl you must nt llint wlimt spoken toi you miiht nt clmttur tm piuriith ilo yoli must nt import mill you iiiiiul nt im proud you mum nt okkl ll nloiul i you must nl rumple your nlrt claim dress you louutjt t nod in iliim uf yen hii nil day lontf tlm imiat n lu go tilm dirnni tit nflit or on indluarow of goblin irnmt hv wjlli front bltf thatatainictino in chocked biiipilad o i hop i bull huiloaialllvduy wheti anini one idtl sijy to me lieer ior urn alru ot must ntw ld mrotliy ot nick at jiuiiat n tv tin i caiiiiiv 9 kll wheal- wllcom a oood wav the wiy id would ho li urnud plnco indued kern all to nrik tho ood fortunti thny iiobiioiii tbobmnitniannrr that thn nowaboy aoiilflit jfood lck hvonlub papei elrp hilcli waa tltn fnmlliar quitttlmi of thfc llttlo ftllow homo oliht yeara of nir aa hs extended tlio printed aheet id front of a gentleman the man atnppcd mid began search ing for tlio needed nickel wliau up oatnu anotlmr boy with a lnrffor bundle of paper under iiib arm at which the first hand tlirunt out wai withdrawn and tho lit llo fallow to whom it belonged said lease air buy lila papor why i nm dealing with you j wall air lie haint aold one find i have it ulwnya riven inn luck to help n foliar wlmt aint had a chancel and who will deny that tha uttl fellow phlloiophy waa of the right tclndp w only noeit mora of it in avaryday llfo tmk foot ov a hohbk the foot of a hone le one of the meet ingenious and unexampled pieces ofnteohanlam in animal atruoturo the hoof contains a aortas of vertlclea and thin lainfnaa of horn amounting to about flvo hundred and forming complete lining to it in thu are fitted of many laminae belonging to the coffin hone while both aata are elnatlo and ndheront the edge of a qulro of paper inserted leaf by leaf into an other will convoy a sufficient idan of tha arrangemant thna the weight vf the animal la auppoitod by aa many elastic spring n thoio are laminae in all the foot amounting to about four thousand distributed in tlio moat monro manner elnce ovoiy apring la notail on in an obllquo direction illuh1natino niagara effective me haa huen made from thna to time of dourchliglita at niagara for illuminating tho oorgu and the whirlpool oltueiie now proiioao to uake a regular installation for light ing thaan wonders including tha cat- root and an expert 1 mqklng tho plana it u thought that the beauty of the kails at olght cun be enhanced a hundredfold by u play of many colored lights upon the water and andapray klcotrlolty is go nam tod at such alight oast by the water powor of tha river that an elaborate ueo of it fur beautify ing thin great natural wondor would not ho very exponalvo uhtbilpltlse op indian boy at tha ontrnnco to the gronnda of oarllsln indian tiohool stands a now battlemented building of ati iking de sign it in a monument to the affec tion of indiana for their home and the peralatenco with which they follow up ofo idea the building la an art aohool nd muaeum of indian auilos and wna ttullt hy indian hoya from tho prnooada of the football games last year in which the redikln playera did so well with the gate rucalptii the boys bought the atono lunihor glasa and olhtrmaterlalu wlitto thoaarpantotlng and plumbing woio done by btudanta the painting and decorating whs tho work of indian artists blant tblls this wkathun a plant found in cuba belonging to lb pea family u smii to be true weather prophet itupootml ohaerva- tlonahave ahown that when a branch xtanda at right ahgloefiotn tho atom with ua leavea pointing upwnrd it la n ign of fair weather when tho leavea point downward rain la indi cated i aoiue pointing up and othere dawn predlot a atorm in short van the mlnuto variations of wind nd other oondltlonn may bo rond by 1 aloh ohsarvqi a halimthito are giving the plant lorloua consideration prof kowaalc is nliiklng oxporlmants to see if it can bo grown in the vicinity of new york a dav op rbokonino korall that wo do good or hnd important or trivial we ahull bomn day give uooount that would aoom a uffleient reaann for living on roful i y aiiardlng agaluat ovnry wrong thought orut hut many of in forgetful of the day of reckoning nro oonductlng eunelvea fooluhly if more of uu bould remoinber that wo nimt all glvo account in aoiue way porhape aiidden- ly it would atlrvly hmil ua to giavo tboright iratltudo la all rlglit hut it it a mighty poor aubatltuto for real friend ship p a time for kvery thing tho time for dr tlntas jcalaolrlooh la whou eroupy uymptoitih upiiir in tho nblhl- rent when lhaiiinatlo pnlua hcibotthif old whan luinhiign uhiiiiiih onugha jaolda aatnrrli nronranhn attack either wroitngov old when lmiin boam bi-n- lona contiialntia or apralnu comt to h inomher of tho fun illy in any of theae allmenla it will glvo rulluf anil work a out o duoatiohali woiik an ldo fr tlio i vlt u which tin- peiaiico vdulutloniil gonca mm oparatlug in frent urlteln may he gathered from tha june uu of tbn teliipmance llttcnrd the oflldlwl oikun of thii nut i i im i iviiinrtiro iingun of oifat dillalu aiuoiigthn impoitunt mimtluga r porlkil nu buld nt london dining m nuiiith of mny me thofullowlnit aumml iniutliigf tho hoyal army tern pi ra nro aoluilim in cuntoii hall auuuiil iiivulliig of the nulloiml com i lie rtl at ieiiguu in oaxton mall a recaption by the inltrd kingdom rand pf llopo union at thp mansion iiouai tit unnuiil meeting of the htiptut total alihtineni o association in llloiimsbury central church the annual meuting of the anglo indian to nlpc ranee association in tlm rouiilli chamlwr nf canton hall theaitniial mooting nf thnfjnjon 1vjuprore olleklate amoclktlon thit wiiijien tutul ahstinailae inlou ttio cliihoji uf iogland tmipsrance bocloty thtturltleji urdlcul auoclatlim uhd thn nation lliic8 and wijuor tiafrtfl coin mlt le t tliic are only bufmtof the gmllun logu to ilibciiaaor prniilou vailpua pbatiu of the tampfiaivce reform all olvhlob wera uttdndml by tnou and women standing high in the rank of moial refoini wnrkors ami many of tlioui prominent in public life fishery production alnost mjinjlled romhlnad gold hud coat ppotluctlon in canada innt year to sin against pui ity is to sin against oaeu self against in hii and against cod j bit in ooda sight the impuie heart and the impure life are one castor i a 0t tlio klml votl xlavo alwuja ilouglit mid lilch iinit lmn in iiko for over jm oarm iiom homo tlio nlflrimtnro of mid linm bemi kiindu tmdor lila iir- moiinl hurtflrvlnlon alum uh infhimy allow no otto todcwivo you lu tlilm all oounuirroltm itnltatloiih mill ofiihtnagoml ar hub isvperlmonts tluit trillo with mid riulmitf or tlio liiwlth of luftatita mid children kvporunco nguhimt isxiiohmont what is castoria cnatorln im n linrmleam milmtltuu for ciwtor oil loro- ttorlr jryiih hiul hootlilng nyruiiav it im imciiwuit it contiihim iioithor opiilmt r moiiiiuio ifor totlir uun otlrf aiibatniido ita ntfo lit ith rlntaiitn it dcmtrstm worum iiinl nltnyn tviruhiiu it cutm ninrrhoun und hut col la- it retlbvo torthlnnf tronblon rur oanutlkmthm hnd vlntiilency it ruufiiilhitcw tha food reirnlihu tho mtonmrli mid ilowol vvln j iniiltliy and uuturul alotiii tli6 ohlldrohu ftiuacon tlio mother frloud genuine castoria boars tlio glgnature o always the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years good blood kk so will bad blood tl otin inn in tilth itody mid ruddy coiiii1iviiii tin otbir in ill he it i 111 blntrliui pinil- bmu ami hnrm mid frpiiii ntl iii iniiinr foriih n iilcim nbuirnmx fijujnliim halt rheum etfl iir irriin nf thn 1mm j di pendt on the hloml for forco ami itahty and is but hrnntlly wrvrd uhru thn blnml is impure no riiurdy in no potent as a blowl piirlliir or mow rapidly produces now ard biiildiy iiiihhi than burdock blood bitters ulikh nriitrnhiea tho mirlotiu pnlsans end rrttnni tlm utahiing juirtrr o thin all impart mt fluid rorunlo h nil drunftutu mid ileatere travels op a bottir numbera of nxparlmante have been mado to test the spaed and endurance of corked bottles thrown into the sea in varloua partn of tho world the moat romarkablo of recent examples was that in which n imttlo travelled 1000 inllaa in two and onoholf yeara roughly speaking it lloated at the rate of six and onehalf mllee n day a plaabaiit medloinetherf are some pills which have no other purpose evidently than to beget painful inter nal disturbances in the patient adding to hia troubles and perplexities rather than diminishing them one might veil swallow aome corrosive mater ial iarmeleee vegetable 1jlla have not this diungieoubte and injurious property they are naay to take avo not unpleasant to the taste and their notion la mild and soothing a trial of thorn wll prove till they offer pence to thgtt yspoptio loving out neighbor means roipoot ing his rights it la selfishness which la hack of taking for ouraelvoa what belongs to him castoria tor lufents and ohildren the kind you han always bought boors the ggnataro ntenllng money la not the worst theft idlo tongues are sometimes more dishonest than thieving fingers home poranue have periodical attacks of canadian cholera dysentery or diarrhoea and have to uio gieat pre cautions to avoid tho dlseaao change of wator cooking and green fiult is sum to bring on the attaeka to such persons wo would recommend dr j 1 kellogg dysentery cordial aa being the beat medlolno in tho market for all summer complalnta if n taw drops are taken in water whon tho symptoms are noticed no further trouble will be experienced a valuable penny if uiiynnn has a lord ualtlmnre penny it la woith 9ui on the coin market but thero hi little likelihood that yuch a coin enn bo found outside of the nn onllootloim it la tho rarest coin of a aeiiva nf dunonilna- tlona atrunk hy cecil culvert for muryhmdore in the anventiienth century and it enmo very near getting hlin into trouble hn was summoned toanpanr bofmo tho council or inn- don to una we r tho charge of nam ping tho royal prerogative in issuing colonial money the only h peel men to come in light in mount years whu found in icnglund the mimlwr of dealhe ocomrhig among young ohilih mi din ing the sum- iner nioiitbu la iiinpty appalling in tho oily nf montreal uet week i7j ohlldren nhder thongo offlve yoare dwd and nearly all tho doutlia were ivoro dun to htiimnoh mid howel tronblfh with nrdlmiry nure must of then j uli lives might liavn luiou saved walnh tho fond given thn little opes do not tewd meals i sen ihattlia mlk glvwn ih iiurc and ahii mt nmihaloital dose of ihihyw own tmh- iwtu n nied iii i ne wlitoh snipnmrs all olhora lu preventing and curing stomach and bowed trouble cbarteiedby dominion government libiimliod 1kc4 the merchants bank of can ab a hkad oh icc momtklal interest added four limes a year no uroncliei ireildent sta h montau ai iv vice president jonathan ilonnnov w general manager l v ii11101 h cspltal paid up iflocoooooo depoills oer 300300000 surplus if 000000 00 total aitels j 1000000 00 8avinob dank dbposits one dollar or upwards will open an account money withdrawable any time no delay farmers sale notes we have special facilities for collecting these we will canli lliem at once ii deilred it a low rate of interest joint accounts when requested we will open accounts in two namot so that cither one may draw the money buiband or wlfo etc aoton branch w s chisholm managor the trium of the time canadian national exhibition 10o7 toronto 1007 awlust 20th to soptcmbor dili our countrys canadian progrcu our countrys resources illustrated industries 400000 in now buihlliirfs 400000 in premiums 45000 in premiums 40000 in special auriiclloiiib 40000 industiul activity national and hiitoricnl all thats bem in exemplified portrait collection agnculturo arid in art tinkst oftlli worlds hands magnip1cbnt hatti himctacik unrlvaixicn rntrrtaina1inl fkatuhks slnftu fusi uf itmhd trip anh munlon ralai i for all inlorroslion sdijicu w k george j o n tvfiy line of travel orr mt mil iwrtwy oirtuutonavro fsels i canadas mineral production in 1000 reached ro inllllonsi iatalllo a little more than onelmlfi noninetalllo a little less tlmti oneliolf poundatlon principle flrati whon wo undnitako to fill your hilbsoriptlonei wo glvo them our undivided attention anil imst care tho nntlonfa wolfnra la our flrut con- aldoratlon second 1 wo giinrantuo our diugu to ihi of full atrongth an well na puro and frouh tlilrtl t our atifltomora arc uuppllod with just what thoyauk for j biilwitltiit- ing ib nover nllowod patkua cjcrkiiv compound if you aro a auffercr from kidney dlhooito llvor complaint hloml trouhloa rhoiiinntlam neuralgia m norvoua prostration wo confidently mcom mond tho uho of palmva celery coin- pound tills rollnhlo ami never illn- nppolntlng modiolus la a truo dlnoaao lianlnher anil nyatom hullilor wo aupply tho rionulno palnos calory compound at ilrown aoton out canada haa received 710000 immi grate in six years itflooo from great ilrltohi 10000 from united fitatea ovar sixty percent of thn immigra tion of 1000 into outuidii waa ngrlcul- tuial in he character kidney disease and its danger kldnity dlwnsn romrn on qutotly may hmn wvn in thn ayslimit for yeora hefom you minpfftrd the real caiiwi of your trouble lliem may haa iwnn intrkfiolien iieurnlttfa nnliitlra rhriinta- tum eln lvrhiiu you did not know thim uem nyuiptiiilh o kidney dlxenuo mi tho trouble kept on itmwhik uonui iinlil illnlurlmnmm of tlio wator ap- luinretl 01 tlmm was gravid or retention of urinn or aoiun uilcli sign of kidney t nml do odium kidney pills should he taken at tlioflrht hlcn nl anything wroncj tiny htreiiitthiii thn vcfiliinyw mid help tli m tn lifter thn blood properly twin tlmm to iiuhii off nnd enrry auny with tic nurnliiu uiilei nil tlwmo impurities which mm hlniid gnlheru up in its dr ill it of the body mih alfred lnlllailf illnek cape qiiii m riles 1 i feel it my duty to say a ward about duvnm kiiinkv pimji i milyered dreadful pains iieross my imrk ho had 1 could not stoop or bend after having used two iwxen 1 now fool innst eoinplnloly 011ml i highly re- practically nil tho valuable mlnumu nro found in canada nothing loake more ugly than to aee a person whoso hands are covered over with warta why have these disfigure- inenta oa your peraon whon a sure remover of all warte coma etc can ho found jn hollowaye corn cure canada hide fair to become one of tho great industthil storehouses of tbe world 8wa slensiur every box ol taaisaulaa taiollve bromoqiiitiirio tabuu 1u11 rmedy thai e em im sm day it u mighty eaav to convince nny man that he isnt nppreolated at lite trilo worth oaovnia dura tb jfto kind votl hm ithniri bat ioanv kinpxv pifcw heal insilt doesnt neod the services of un ndvanco agout to announce ita coining thum nover wna nml novor vylll lw o unlvorual pjutacoji in ono iiunody for all hih to whloh flesh ih heir what would rollovo ono iii in turn would aggravate thn other wo have howovor in qulnlno wlno whon obtained in 11 aoiiudi unadultor- atod atnto n rcmotly for many and frilovoiia u1n ily itn giadual and jiidloloua uao thn frnueut ayutonia ro led into couvalohoctico nnd atrnngth hy the in hue in e which qnlnltio oxorta 011 natnrob own iiialiiiallvos it w iloveu thoui to whom a chronic atutc uf 111 01 bid ilohuiudtinoy and lack of interest in llfo im a illmoiso and hy trnmiuluxliig thn norvoh dluimtioa tn omiud anil infiitulilng htihplniuitla vigor in tho notion of tho hloml whloli iwlng htlnmhitiid couruea through tho volnaalrengthonmg thn healthy ani mal finicl ions nf tho nyhtotn thorohy innkliik letlvlty n nifnofiaary reanlt htriingtheulng tho fiamo and giving llfo hi thn dlgcatlvo oigftiis whloh nntiuiilly demand inoronatd aubatnneo lesult improved nimtllo north- tap a lyiiuui of toronto biivti given to thn publlo their superior quinine hy tlio opinion of aolontlata tha wlrfo upproaohoa ueiuest iwrfootlon of any 011 tho maibot all drtigglsla soil it timulatimo a dull avmmr please ulk eald a pretty amerl- chii girl to a ehy young kngllihman ho wna her uelghhoretdliinei mrs lllvltm inn hern perlally to minima you nnd ahe will iiovar forgive inn if you look bored tbe young man laughed what the young people mid lu thus ritorded hy the new york tribune i will do my liest nnawftrtd the kiiglulmiati butlem n hllent rbep i alwaye elt aa muni aa a rhurch niotiso why nven now i havent an idea what bo aay next i neither have i responded the young woman if i rant make you talk or at least beem interested mm a will think me stupid tint it le hard i do not lielleve we have un idea in common i biippoa not aald the young man cheerfully then came a pa me thn kngllsh- man beamed content to apply himself to th food befm t- hluu the girl pond- red i t do yhu know nnjf imwtryr the aid uddenlya if struck hy a happy thought not a 11 ite said her neighbor hut surely yit know bomethlngp flow abiut iiiirnery roymebp hickory dlrkoryi doak 1 ehe cngtlniml pir kiiaslvely tub face of thn stolid young man brightened wasnt it homethlng hikiiii a mouse v ho asked why of coiirs encouragingly ioit you remeniher what he diilp lllokory dlckory docli the mouse ran up the clnrk i exclaimed the ihiglishmau and lie finished thn rhyme without assistance end with considerable ani mation thats porfeifty aplendldl cvleil the young woman eoftly clspplug her hands wo are all right now i you auy one line and then ill say another and mrs a will think it la all conversation i suspect we both know enough mothor coosa doggerel to last through dinner what are you two laughing at called out the hostess a few minutes later a the young kngllahman utter- ad a truly lrltah guffaw over his version of baa baa black sheen have you any wool r than turning to her next neighbor abe eald confidentially 1 mllly drown if really a perfect treaaure i can alwaye depend upon her to make a thing go off vfell 1 ehe haa atioh a faculty for con variation a grand cure 70 n summer complaint and cramps a dr fowjlers extract of wild strawberry it is nnturoa specific for diarrhoea dyientery cramps colic pain in the stomach cholera morbus cholara in fantum sea slckneu bummer cou plaint etc ilnpld and rellnble in he action ita effects are marvellous and it u pleniuint and harmlesa to take it has been a household remedy far slitytwo years ilcfiuo mukftltutea they are danger ous mm wm ncwclllng arthur ont wrilct i find it much pleasure to recommend dr tawleue kxtiuct or wiin hniawnennr aa a grand euro for summer complaint- my little boy one y nr old waa very had with it and a few doses cured mm i also used it on my otlmr six children for cramp and still have half tlie bottle loft i cannot praise it too much when a men hoaste of hie candor it la a sign that he think that knocking in a virtue to ounn a cold ih ohb dav take a laxative llromoqunine tslilat j nruulsu rsfuun ibe uonav ii ii falls in sure ib waroveselibbtoreoa eaeli llaaueiiiu hepplnese increase for you the more you shower ib down upon your fellow mortal chamberlains cough remedy always conks anil i fluainl and salt 23111 amarlcfttii hava oam to onnada in pab 1k yar oaavext floventyflv par cent of the immi grant nf 1000 to canada apeak kngllsh was weak and run down would very often faint away mm 3 ii armstrong tort elmsley ont telle of her expedience with hilbdrns nbart amd nbrvb pills fine write it la with gratitude i tell how your heart and nerve illla benefitted mo v wn very weak and run down hnd hendaeliea nearly every day nnd ty often would feint away in fact my doctor said that some t lino i would never onmn out of tho fnint it uas through one of your travelling agenta that i wna indiuwu i trv milburfiii heart and nefva 1iiim nucl nfter taking throe boxes i am gled in relate h hioi been a number nf year alncn i hnd a fainting spell and scarcely ever have n- hoiidnaho loo hurp heari and nerve illls for in m they have oifncled a prfeotoiim 1 prleo fio eents per ikix or fl boxee foi 13knthl dealnnl ortha t milburn co limited toronto dot are you in the rut if you are not wc have a good job open for you what jtinil of it man are you haa your teaching hern nl suit or ere vqu familiar with all i lie new loose leaf ayslrma and modern office device whlrli fttf usi by dptodatn uusineas lious 1 tile directors o ellialnnsa syaloma cmiite vvlio ejre cloaely in toucli witll lusjnean hotiaee all over iho country whrre tnoderri iheotada hava leon fnslelled arm cohlihually bring asked id recomrivthd eompelenf oflict men tlii gayo trn an idea and the rsufr ha that arrangement were niade for thff dpfnintf ot duamra syatema comitievrial school buaihfia systems comniercier school teacliei praotiral uirihod aliclt b are actually in usn irt commercial houses inslructintf only ly eipert leacltcra who have lied practical bunnes experience and aiming at tlie in 0 lie at standards of education buameaa systems commercial sclioolileexliee retail as well wlioleaale buaineaa methoila and ion those now occupying position and who desire to improve themselves liters are npeclal uafctht coliraes inasmuch a lite director o tlio achool are now in demand liyllio lartfcvt business house in tlie country lo deviae new lyalrma and improve present accounting method every atudent haa un opportunity lo ttioroofllily acquaint himself with the latest improved ayatemainnd moat modern office devices by ttiia it i not meant that tlie work of business systems commercial school 1a confined lo tha form manufuctureil liy business system limited the course inolndea all modern accounting ideas going into the mailer ao thoroughly lint every graduale is capalilo of filling the lest positions and the men who till the licet j positions are thn men who draw tho artiest salaries i that the kind nf a position youwnt lo tit yourself for and in that the kind nf salary you wnnl in drnvv iflao wriln fur further particulars and booklet on the courses tall term iopeia tuesday september 3rd u the wand trunk umiwav iatinoiriiritaina mo s so ii nil j ho id ijjla 11 idnlau s1ili kctom li v3r v ajd busum6 ths 11111i4 minn luilimi iluii miunltthifjisuaii auaoltliil ulhlo mllliluriiitluuiiltiat well caulppedami otylltli mrs did nlwayubolisoured hlaaulitn aciiiflla t in turi- a laintil alii ntlaiivi uiiiiim rynr llu wvl ijirtimivitial john mrilliktucs pofllluton coiw1wjbtgcwoo 1032 sradika avenue hr kf toronto ont perfect gontcntoicnt comes lo ilia man who is comfortably ctsd ihil means hsht welnlil nenllgce bhlrtji cool straw httu lor warm weather its astonishing liow much tbe shirt will do and we are prepared to astonish jou in just that kind of slilrts i ml see our values in shirts and btraw lals r b nelson ou9lph l critical txamlnatlen ot ill plele goedu la our stock nlwayu plennefl us and rnrely falln te plcttio the ether 1 fashionable goods properly cut properly t p priced tliene thing we guarantee you daut order exam 1 thingii we guarantee you dout r any clothlvg until you have lined our stock wl hooper thf taihor crnr mill mil main si alton ont everton eden mills the iteat quality ol manitoba ramlly and paatry flour ror solo at lovvost prloes our own make chopping done and oils rolled every day teed for sale cash for wheat and oats henry h or top i ajtijjiv makers ikohhbto w ii ont nouk nkwh and ouiiun papiciw jnoiiatten 35 acton pump and tile works o b- bdbaob proprlotor our premises are now fully equipped with til the latest machinery and appliances for mtauftcturlng pampm and ramp suppllv til9 to vrmtlm olmurum eulvru to stttta jae rtttiar tootm mad pipm supphtm orders promptly oiled main btimrt acton tltlograplicrs xa the david smith eng be lltho co formerly of itolpb smith ft co 80 ob go church it root adjoining torontoirallwajr chamber toronto engravere and llthonrraphara dank and oommafolal btatlonero menu oturara of high ola cab ndarsamtl advartlelne novaltlea new pictures at waters bros new mens in framing artists supplier oil and wator colors always fresh and of the bti quality waters bros cuelph art bfrohh hats iiair iltici king hats si vaiil ilid moulin ifiiw all lugnhir 8300 all our cuj4 from m to vt no m liilf prim clcuriu out ny irdlai of lost on ulcoumt of not riiiui to movi winie moth ikooi liatib ut bit rcdiiltioiih mtli win 1iiml full directloiih filc ih m 10c and 50c al lafontaines fur store gulxpii hffiisfl tho old nnd reliable granite and marblo dealers wij aro 111 11 mi fan hirer oml illrrot linncirleil of sllliliiiufllmiiiiiiiiiiiiialatiillluailtilniia worb wo mil dirt ct tminriinljiiprt nl wliols ala rlrua lima aavhiu our ciirimnpra hi kor oeiil wu liavo tlm ihmi ainillaiuic and ilia only meoliaiiln in llm uoinluloii nliu can oiih btn pnoumntln 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