Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 17, 1907, p. 4

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tlltnikiv m lolli it 17 wt7 littlb oiiainb of saflnmk i title dnii of kiinwhidk u ttln kitilnu itt sense nlu the mlfflity prnhli in of 111 lloiim vuiu hid iii mill uftlk lullir lit tin clunked 1 lit n llw inluhty vi uut i nov r itutl l 1 1 wrecked iiiiih tin komi ii trlllnu mike thoftiini nr llftf- makliitf home mi lduti or mi ml lent utrut tlnod iloiibvkirjiliiu young- man do yu v x id lliftydfliinil nn sir my tililo u tidily ocuiiiiil in keefiini my none nnlnt tin- rind lone tub maid lliitrt ifiiru u kiii wtild iiiku noliurlnk tun imynliitf hllrese wio la utaila of iimrtr y erlmti 1ic in n joined dlus but slit looku f tno to bp n mil id of tt thought ov htimat husband- whdi i hud unine of those good old fashioned blsculta ilka motliflr used to ninlto for hid wlfo and i wish i hud tninii of taoso nice now fashioned clothea ille father need to buy for mo ib umbmu jacklo does your father know anything about m lisle tommy t tommy whose father u a police man yes jackie what doea ho know f tommy ha knowa how inuny burs there are in a lieat for i have hinrd lilm toll mother en easily batiarikd mr tompkins wlmio father hndsuf fdrod the uxtremo penalty of hid inw wii naturally very nnxtnn to conceal the fact he wm therefore somewhat embarrassed when mibb jenkins inno cently asked ami wiu your fathtr long 111 infore hurtled mr tompkins he mtuflrd the truth and miss jonklnv iiowovtr when ha replied no h dropped off vary tuudonly eft yieat4s wohdurb astonishing lut true twenty flvo year eft yu could not phone to a friend ride n trolley cur cool dot roonia with an tlcctrlc fun turn on an ordinary electric light send wlrelesa rosea prea to friend on imard ship set your watch hy nn electric clock pur chase an electric automobile cook hy electricity ride behind an electric loco motive do tho ironing without a fire drive machinery with motor live in a bouea without a chimney keep warm by euctrlcity rldo in an cloctrlo elova- tor take an eloctrlo hath or massage or liarneuoutof the way waterpower and transmit it in cftles o iii of hit ut vlul itoiiltmor ill ihmiiiii if woiiimii iii hiiwliii bltl m aiiiiii nh t n itluliunlemi in the woman h homn jump tnlon for onto htr u i in- tondmny of the nvirnge ulil if iiitimil rt llni iinmt and good hiliiutriilnlii to imidiiu mid rout sen undi r thn inllm ncie f atom in omce life lliun to riuuf the tone of tin en vlronniunt hy liirnun gnillit lirrd intt i in hi vu tliure uro women who xutugiod inlliiuiici in the dfllcua mid htoit u win rn llioy work hut they urn thn exception not tln rule they linvu micli nobility of ohnrnctor auch rate up i urea tlmt they would lm a powerful if ood niiywlime undi r nity coiidltloiii lllit aua i bo hverjtgti wiiniuii wiigtt earner hna only tbewver aguiouil imki nienul itikluri mid alia can up iiorn ihi n powt r for tfnod hi bilnliiiua thmi in llid hoia on tho ilflicr bund t firmly mievit that the pntuenci in hualnraa of thousands of blly lm x m r leu ceil unbalance trui la lowrifnu tbo elaiidnrd of nnilrbnod and womunbotid nil ovi r the lnnd lliirrler after itftrrlnr la going tltitvo e fore thn famllliillty of hiialiifiaa life and already many nf tha inruo cormr atlona like the life insurance com p uiluu have found it necueaiiry to ueg ukute the mlih add wmneii during the woiklng houra to supply them with aepurute oftlcea aepaiate lunch i noma a parato clovntora onea thu look aa if the rellnlng flnvallng inlluonco nf women had stood tlio teat of n genera tion of freedom anil equality in the wage earning fleldap cahada i nun nesouoitrulmieaai if canada la not to have a period of liarl tlmea the credit will not tielnng to the i rtiiadiau banka which ahut down on nil rndite with it sudden b ing anil hunti d cover aa pi eclpltataly aa iowa furiners mitko for their atorm celltira when they ico acycloneoomlng over the hill the credit will not l1ong to th wholeiakra who shortened credtta with one quick jerk of the reins and aont dlemul literature explaining ibelr action into every nook and corner of tlio dominion the credit will not to any large ex tent belong to the newapapera which have interviewed at much length every pn p uuf ivll who wan i otl to ce hie nmni in print couplwl with an eatl mate of bow much below normal la the value of the agricultural crop tbla year if we eacape a aevero attack of hard timae thn credit will not lielong to any of the agenciea ibnt usually claim credit for so much the credit will be long to the counir which baa the con atitullon of n hnrte and the optlinum of a tboroughhred colt which axpeeu to win rncta but never dreamanf being harnessed to heavy draught work if our proaperlty can stand the need lata knocks it baa been getting thla year it can aland anything saturday night pan0orh range holds fire all night the ood liouaewife always fealn like beulowintf upon the panjorn n clieorful tfood irtorninif wlty because tlio pnnjora alwnva itaa a men lied of hot coal aa a reward for checking off lie danincr clofejy brforerelirina lo rest in five nunulae kfitr lurnlntf oil the diftsali6 vtil hnve h dood atrontf ftrej should ade afetip twoor three houra lontfer than usual ihere will ahll be a lire ready or her the fire box tuea and damtvwra aire ao sclehtifically arrantfed thai the pandora can bq retpdaled to hld a ire from 2 to 30 houra pandora ownera never have iheir sleep disturbed willi dreams of making a new fire in the mornintf if your local dealer doea not handle this moa perfect of ai rangea write direct lo ua for free booklet chartered by dominion jovarnmeni woss leasee vaetale uaelraal wtaaleat vsacavr at jtla i c c bfeigiit ijocal agent il isnot the peiaoii who rimawllb thn lublilu tutlt hna the luott or beat loinpiiiilniiu hint command com patiloiihblp fipprtchiilon snllnfii tlon it a ulie who stands apart unafraid with lit r but si if and her own pur post who lrawe frlundu helpers and companion to her says ijila a churchill in thn novemlusr ibillnrac or one iiiiihl iw lifted up art apart from the coimnon place far iimiuuh for men to see him or he oiunot become a magnet o draw attention and hiurts i ami one who plays to lh low er audience ilia base fcnllujfa the low result es tlio roarso or wicked lm pulsus and diods can never tluis be lifted up set apart the belpful purposilfu iifaguutic ueoplu innvo along the witacea that yield plenty of room altil ore happy tho vloloua frlvolniia purposelflwi on a who arw frald to iwt jliougbt ruit seek the commonplace oruwdvd pith justus in tha rarer hfo tt lithe ono v4in datento aland nloijo wlto laalii giitarv who la always plilng to tbo higher uudience o in the jlfo nt tho home tio oftlce ilia studio the a tore the study it la slui who darts to be lier tiest ie1f who dues nothing because everybody doea it who la lifted up sat apart mug net urn who draws all bnarta to her we each know at mist one audi lifted up person one before whom our baser self would tieter be tempted to show itself wboatluiulate ua oomforta tin glvia ua of thn abun dnncn of her hope the surety of hir faith tho warmth of bar love hhe will tell ua that hers i no uncommon caaa that aha waa not liorn good any more than we but that aha has spoken the won kept covenant with her bet ter self played to tho higher audience and lma tlma left tho glitter for the wide huppy spaces uilabllsliad ido the merchants bank or canada montkual mo nrancbes vice ifesldant jovtiun iiodoiov eu head oitice intersil added four limes a year i raildem sia ii montagu allan genera managir e v iichdbn capital paid up fo ooo ooo oo depot is over 43 ooa ooo oo surplus fj ooo ooo oo toial atteti i31 ooo ooo oo savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an account monoy withdrawable any lime no delay farmers sale notes we hive special facllillaa for collecilns t1ieui we will cash them at once it desired it low rale ol interest joint accounts when requeued we will open accounts in iwo names so that aiiber one may draw tlio money husband or wife etc aoton branch ah untauairrcour down on n houtharn plantation the dairy bands were accustomed to do the mllkipg mputtlng down in a primitive fashion until tho ownor introduced milking stool a with other improve- men to out the initial experiment with the innovation was not exactly it u ccess tho ilurky who first dallied forth with tho stool leturned bruised anilbattorcdunlvltllnn empty pall i done my he tit anb he explained dat atool lookod all right to me but do blamed cow eko wont alt on it i womans uomo companion for octo lr bnibf a friend la a person who has enough of everything you need to apnre you a lltlle of it it la funny limv quick n womans idea that alandornttaa la lu auty changes when eho begins to grow fat the whistling of jour son la nlmoat aa aggravating as ynur dnugliur learn ing to piny the piano there la enough good in tho worst nf men to mnku worth white tho time neoeaaary to bring it out the saeret of anooobb ami popularity la the ability to listen to ndvian and yet pay no attention in it it is strange what n lot moro eonfl donee n woman oonflt place in hei a than liei husband tho meanest thing a man enn do la to pretend tu know ill i nlwul snine tiling bis wlfu wants to tell lilm nlmut it la funny what n dlffurencn there la in the wound of your bnhlee erlua and llinao of tho chap next door you can never tell how much money n man lina hy the number of ida filemln but you enn tell how much of it be kpimdu there la no nation bo slight or so mean but tt may hn done to n groat purposa and enunhled tbureby nor u any piirpoao wo great but thnt it may bft balpml hy alight aollona and may be ao dona to bo helped much most especially the chief of nil pur poses the pleasing of ood it le funny bow confident moat people uro i but they can find u great nan by inoklpg in n mliror it is eaay enough to ueo bow other pdoples young miea might babnve lietter but impossible to aen how our own could ueutttui cauuliuuotiabiiuflhauuaiilnff and restless hums during sleep mother fl raves worm kxtermimtor is pwiui ant aura and effuotunl if your druggist baa none in stock got htm to procure it for you oonsuivaioldeae nurewriesr we have the largest stock nf our tmnte blnoklierrlia grnpea and rasp berrlea in uiinadn iiiho oomplule aaam t ment of fruit rind mmtmenlul ticea and abrtib write tu iwfore placing yuiir otdnr agente wanted to in trance the famoua ilerlwit huepberry the bardleat ami beat tu lety known tv thoinaa w howuinii ft hon oa llift illdguvjilo ont q1vino valub to ones woiid many a man who would not tolerate the idea of lying is carolsae about keep ing an engagement but la a tlo nbout the future any less a he than a ho about the paat we recoil from the thought of deliberately lying about known facta that have occurred todo so la not even a temptation to moat of iibi no inducement of money gain or any other advantogo would even weigh as an inducement to tho uttering of such nn untruth vet we lot ouraewoa he turned aside from the keeping of nn appointment by the most ordinary clr cuniatancea of convenienc and th nothing of it a brokon word la a broken word it matters not a partlclo what the word waa about wo may well afford to be alow in giving our word t but once given it la worth well nigh laying down life to keep careloasneaa here worka the anmo dlsnator as nlwaya i one a namo be comoa a synonym for unreliability h h tim oi if you are having u lot of fun at it you may rest absurud it la something of which others will probably dla approve built up her health speedy cure w hiss eccumn she la made well by lydu piak- hama vegetable compoacad aa4 write ttraufully to mm ptokfaaem i the v ip ttlait sb baa found ilaucllftnii t rl hl kast hi tbouiaa ont lioluivea it her duty to rite the followinfl letter for publication hi order tliat oilier women afflicted tu thn same uay may lie ixmofltod aa aba vm hhowrilihi iitnrmre tiuklmm i lusertlly iweinincnl i ydla k ilnk bum a vein initio untumiii m a tmilo and reiiulator for ft jntile tnnil tom i hiiffored fur nilibintiiklai nufft riuir ftiowe cudur who era lima atrietnd rinr veritable lanilmiiinil ilia 1 wm fill nifeity can x ma any birn el the jiliynleal r iiinr vi itiretl me ulllilu three iiioitllia 1 wn fully riitmred to litnllb mill alntmlh ami now iny imirlmln an regular and pnlnlttui w lint a iuhiik it is to olitnlil eurh nllef tffhbnantfrnnrylnetwrlmrtw yoiir hiwltt hie u ttutier than any ilia lor or nimlloluel etrbil no other lueduiun una mieh a recvtril of eurea of femnle tnmhlea ua haa lydu li vlukhaina i table compound woinon whoanitroiibleil with painful nr lingular luirlodh imijkaihe bloating or flaiulenihi dluplueement of onruus inflammallon or uleerallon ran bo m alnroil to perfect health mid atfenath by taking livilla w wakhamn vegetable oomponnd mm linklmm unite all tthk uoinen in write her for id lee hho ban gtildwl thouaaiidi lobnakh uerexperleimfl is very great and ahn gives tbn itf neflt of it in all who aland in need ol wlan rotm flhe in urn daiiuliter inlaw of iydls k plnkham mid or iwtntyflo yearn bai ihmjii odvlhlitg hick onion free of charge- ddtcea lynii mate w s chisholm hanakor was weak and run down would very often faint away mrs j ii armstrons tort elrnaley ont telle of her experience with milduftm9 iibaut ahd kebvk pltls hlie writes it ia mith gratitude i tell how your heart and nerve ihlui benefitted mo i wns ery neak and run down bad beadnclios nearly every day and very 3ilcilwimtiljnilltflwny liifact my octet siild tlmt noma time i would never coiue out of tlui faint it waa through one of ynur travelling agent that i was hduced to try uuhums heart and nerve piiih nmf nfter taking three boxes i am rtnd to relate it has been n number of years since i had a fainting apell and scarcely ever have n hondache too much cannot lm said in praise of mil- burns heart and nerve nils for in me they have effected a perfect cure price 0 cents per itox or 0 boxea foi tl 2a at nil denlora or the t mllbum co 1 imited toronto ont a man find nut that be has a lot of relatives living when be euddenly atrlkes oil a ifbstc w d av uiv el tb aenutal jxatlve brwvhi uridine tmu nawdr uut h em m aam alav the beat kind of neighbor to have la the kind that leta you forget they nro around obnlera morbus crnmpa ami kin dred enniplalnta annually make their appearance at the aame time as tho hot weather green fruit cucumbers melmia etc and nuiny porsona nro debiirretl from eating those tempting things hut they need not abstain if they hoyo di j d kellogg e dyaen tery oordlal and lalto u few drops in water it cures tho cramps and cholera in a remarkable manner and la euro to cheek every dlstitrliauco of tho liowels a man gonerally changes hla mind iibout what ho can do nfter ho starts trying to do it uandoi la a vlitiie men linnat of whan they want to any unmet mug inonn nlmiut jnn to you virion mny lut ita own reward nil right hut the reward ii una tlmt can not alwnya imj oollooted reunttatlon prlnelfiuai plrati wlion no undortnko to iii your- aulmwrlptlona wo give tbom our undivided attention and imit care tits patients welfare la our first con awetatl second i wo guarautoo our druga to im of full etrength aa woll an pure ami fault third our ottatomora am euppllod wltlt just what they aiik fori aubatltut ing lu uover allowed paihhsj okucity comfound if you ara a aufferer frttm kidney dlaeaao liver complaint blood troilblow rheiintatlam neuralgia or norvoua prottiratlon wo onnddonuy rooonv nielid the tnw of palnoe oelory com pound thla reliable and never dla- npimitntlng hiodloliie u a info dlrieiuhi banlabor and eyateni builder we aupply tbe genuine palnea oulery oompoutid at brown aulop ont itovange lu tho poorest crop thnt mortal man over sowed in despair of spirit la there anything maro nnnoylng than having your corn stepped upon p la there anything more delightful than getting rid of it p holtownys corn ouro will do it try it and bo con vinced widows wuud could nuvor linvo boon grown in tho pardon of imon a grand cure ron summer complaint and cramps dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry it it nature specific for diarrhoea dysentery cramps colic pain hi the stomacb gholara lfotbtu cholira in fantum sea slcknau summer com- plnlit rile ilnpld nnd tellable in ita action ita effects nro marvellous nnd it ii plimmmt nnd bnnnloku to take it has bean a household remedy for utytwo yean ho due substitute they are danger- u mm wm plewelllnk arthur oat rlim x find it muelt pleasure to rccortmend dr rowikita extaaor or n htiuuiiruhy as a grand cure for bimiinur complaint my littlo bay one jenr old was very bad with it and n few doses cured him i also used it on roy otlier six children for orampa and atlll bve lialf tho bottle loft i cannot prau it too mucli kidney disease and itsdanger kidney disease romea on quietly may have lwcn in the system for yrars imifore you nusperted tlw real caiwe of our trouble thrm may have lieen mckucliea iiriinilbla sciatica rheuma tism etc perhaps you did not know these wrre symptoms of klilwy dlwase an tho trouble kept no growing worwi until ditu rlminoc of tlm wnter np- penrcd or thorn waa snivel of retention of urine or somn such sign nf klrinry doans kidney pills should be tnki n at tlio find sign of anything wrong they htrflnathrn tlw kldnes nhd jwlp them to filter the blond properly help them to hunii off nnd carry nway with tho surplus water nil tlioso tmpiiritlea which the blood gatliers up in ita cir cuit of the iwitly mrs alfred laluanc hlbcic cnpe que writes i feel it my duty to any a word about doanb kionbv piiiji 1 bitrfered dreadful paina across mv liack o bad i could not stoop or lnu alter having used two iwxea i now feel most completely cured i highly oommend vow kinvcv tllts r many men have many minds but ot mhny of ua are mind renders nil not many the same to oubu a cold in omh day teas a laxative ilwmoquliiloe tabul itrudsliu reman lite monar ii it fella to euu b w orovea tlanstare on eseh ltd sdeuu hardship is oneahlp that can gt ner- ally bo depended upon to make tho voynga of ufa all right teattd by time in bis justly cole brated puia dr pnrmeloo has given to tho world ono of the moat unique medicines offered to tbe public in into years prepared to meet tho want for a pill which could bo taken without nattaea nnd that would purge without pain it baa met all requlromonta in thnt direction nnd it la in goncral ue- not only becnuso of these two riualltlea but because it la known to potsoaa alterutlvo and ouratlvo powora which placo lb in the front rank of modi clnoa woman differs from man in that alio can generally lose hor heart with out losing her head it la a llvor phi many of tho nil menle that man hna to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver whloh la n delicate organ pomilurly auioeptlblo to tho disturbances that come from irregular habits or inok of caro in entlngnnd drinking this no counts for thn groat many liver regu lators now pressed on the nttontlnn of biiffarorfl of thone there la none superior tn pirmeleea vegetnblu pill their operation though gentle is effective and tho moat tlolloato enn use thorn tlio shortest life la hiiffloluully lung to fuel regret in there novor waa nnd novor will 1m n uuivomnl luinnoen in ono remedy for all ills to which fteali la heir what would relieve ono iii in turn would aggravate ilia others wo have hnwavoi in quinlnn wine when nhtnlnod in n sound unndultet iitod ntato a romody fnr uiatiy nnd grlovous ills hy iu gradual and judicious tiso urn rrnlloat byateiua r iimi inln oniivnloaoitnon nnd strength by tbe iiilluenuo whloh quinine exert on natures own ruutoratlvou it ro hovoa thoao to whom n ohroulo etatc uf mnrbjd and look nf i nterest finirrnisaiiweaotnrrdbjr tranqullulng the nerves diepoaaa to aonnd and refreshing sloop impwu vigor to tho notlim ql the blood whloh being stimulated courses through the veins attengthoning the heajthy anl innl fiinntlons of tho system thereby mnklng loilvlty n neaeaaary result atrengtbenlng the fiume and giving life u the digestive organs whloh naturally domaud liioruaswd sillietatioo result improved appetite north- lopdr lyman of toronto luvvo glvin ut tint public lliuh hiihirioi quliilnn ily tho opinion nf aelontlstu the wide approaches nearest parfootluu olany ort tho mm lot all druggist ettlt men who drink to forgot thoh bor rows fm get that thoy are simply low ing a now crop good blood ris so will bad blood the one inn healthy iiody nnd ruddy com pin v inn the oilier in iii lianllh blotoliih piinnlch boila and sores and frequently tn intonaer forms ns uleera abaeoaa eryslpelnu halt rlteilin rttj every organ of thn body depends nn ute- amh for force and vitality and la but scantily served when the blood u impure no remedy u ua potent aa a blood purine r or more rapidly produeea now niul healthy blood than burdock blood bitter which neutralises the various poison and restores the vltallilng power of thu all important fluid or snuvby ail druggbta atuvdealara smart suits overcoats fancy vests for young men 1 ix youri men are the criticu of fashionable clothing nnd our linen arc built to withstand cvlry criticism i also have a jmpletc rang of winter furnishing g j wallace ntcn8 outfitter mill street acton for wintry weather the keenly cold weather remjndu yet if yoli have delayed giving 111 yeiir nrdur that you can t delay it np lander our imncuoaie ovtrcnatingn and sml ingh will please the modt aartiunlar ilreuer we make than up right t o nr you don t take them 9 0s w in gooper thk tailxor corner mill and main bt auh out st georges baking powder a pure canadian food product- no alum ammonia lime or phosphates national cream tartar guaranteed 100 per cent pure government require ment is only 88 per cent sold by a t brown aoton ont titljograptiers l the david smith eng utho co formerly of rolph smllli ft co 06 08 go church street adjoining toronto hallway ohambars toronto rnaravare and llthoaraphere dank and commercial stat lone re menu oturera of high olaae cab endareand advartlslna novelties the old citizens work charlie scy acton hand laundry willow street near pott oftlce nnd town hall i am a laundry man ol long enperlance and alve special and lender care to articles of all kinds brought to be laundrled sliitli honed ao they will not hurt your necb stand up couara ironed bo they will nol break in the wing all lames and gentlemen a ironing done with endre uiltactton and promptly go lo charlie buoy and let him know when warned snd he will not all you the old and reliable granite and marble dealers whave nibmiraetiirsrs anil nlreel imported nl all ktuiuol uonutneiiial sn i heaiiainiio wnib we sell dlreol to our cuitonisri at wliolr only raebbanloaln vhs uottifulottifrfi le tmsumaue tools properly we c irtreiiees freiif bunitrsda of uur suite ilseee wuareotlierf sis prlasa lliui aavlua our eiiiwmsrs to iter eenl wi lisve the iesl emlstiem and ilia y ears iu plan ii n eaaeii alia ila uol sauavnr eaieiu euisra liy sanitltia out lanoraut aiteetsfo soiibii erahwe arenloy uimlianles only and daly oatilpetuloa hamilton sons cor nor tola aud wootwieli hu ouhbrlt removal notice lai antalne spur store ivnow located on juebec si reel sail opposite the ilaralj office v ill be open for reoulir tuiineis about august 131i1 la let t styles etc ixapoptaines hat and f store aclon flour and feed store now lb the time to lay in your supply of flour as it is advancing in price every week and be sure you get norval flour the old re- liable r noble proprietor n l mooad iiimih paflolheuiii tiiu rmiat shoo i iv rimpaiiation rou horses cattie 11 c mu on pari pan ol1um la ti pari wler ipray nlaht and morning riticu ioj riit can johnstone qo mill street acton w ginison impoi foi jmn nro like seeds in that you nnver raallxe the worth tlmt was in them till you bury them few men know their own minds and tbom who do wish they dldn t do nat doley un nitt lot a onld ur cough fasten upon you hu it will if neglected dr thoniaa keleotrlo oil will break up a eojd uutl uura a ouuh and should be reaorted to at once when thy bret symptoms appear it aan iwlsuijuml an that uuy utipuatt- allt taste fu iiy have wilt- u hbwr oeiulbi tothe dallcale try it ahd be ooiivfnotfd new pictures at waters broa now ideal in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the boutquality water8 bros guelph art 8tojub old iron ratf ndlnbbrii wknt6d jimmi rikeil pnlil smubii itund tova and ruptllru far fnrm mucbluary huppllad uorris sax1 boic 430 aoton ont painter paper hunger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors bharpcnecj courteous attention and reasonable prices w g1mson ttuumuublld bt oa iuo0ou th willinoton mutual influranck company aubuahm 1b40 luadomo ouilfu ont ikkullahalloneutaanduulual plan luf lunraom raqnlnd will unrompiiy aluud voubg hi atton ai4mrnt fo tu unlou iniarana oa 11 i at college lj ulilluii caudian tsutinit uoluocb richelieu and ontario navlga- lvl 1 j w 1 tcihnt til 11 r 11 111 il r rh m j i f luell i n jl llmilrn i ipo tl mr i r h 1 n j 14 y 1 m 11 niacara havication 60 ill ti ir bii uj i fcl hfi m ii i i ji i i i arfl t i noimh ursr hum est lao f rculat10n9 a lall n ii a l ailn iv bl ft f w r rnf llil i in t r nif rtl ui- r irtin w f i li or bjqttr r lea i ccc c n wi 11 l uukil to tt r t u i i itcb u ou4 i in i tif iiic v cuia ic f 1 r i t alqidilur everton an eden mills the heat qualtly ol manitoba family jnd pnatry fbour for silo nt lowest prlcos our own make ba pm l ne anl oxi lulled ccry da iccdfjr tie cash tor wtuunl oui henry hortop dhoto enoravind r tomes porooslscf u0ut jljorieti0 tnaoc mankd deoiqne coevniqhtoo ahvnnnionll u n 1 inwriini me yidtik i nl li ii l j i m a i rcooli ittxu win u n nya scictilific hmerican ihantt nielrlllimr irlnckl j trul elu rv l0j m linrail p hriw illo n ir iiipicmhh luleveat i ms llflp oil 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