wht jvjriun sttt tft volume xxxiii no 21 hrv buuurlitlfan raid u advaat acton ontario thursday morning dbokm1h5r 12 1007 allwtllitiim 1 rl sinolm comics threk cents ffilje ctotr jfm tytsti fgunum isvitr ruuitupav uoiinino at tim vtm lrm iimm riur on lllt htlllclt acton ont trw f mnuiiiumou dollar par yiur strictly in advunca all ut- lirrltlnna ilihcunthiiivcl whn tt tlms for wii li tlmy littvu liaon ild hut ilii tim il4t lo which wvary tub- tirliillnn in i ttli is danolvd on lb ad- irtaa lll adbuihaf iialwavrtrahslsnt sdvar- ijaiiioitta lj fonts ier nntairll llnav loi- itral l4ihrtlntu 1 ril par line tor iuii u liaui ui nt insertion aaveruaainuiiih without epflno dl- r an i ton will b insahad fill rurbld ml churned accordingly tmiuiuut d- vtfrtluutanl mutt ba uald in advao aitvorllavmstil will ha charat4 ono ja i month if dlrd br ehana oftunnr than abava matitlnned the torn- position niual ba paid n at ragulnr rlf account pvalilo monthly kiillb offlci 10 klat btraat iort- dnn kl c wiiors unsure v- and j hardy a co will rarmivs for us news muhairlptloiwi and dvertlmalitm and where our rondo ra cn fr 01 chars our pnrr whoti i lnillnnd ii 1 uooku udltar and proprletrir tfusfnfstt dtetetotv npilos gkay m d c m mcgill ij ii o l kniundraii i h v ah olasoow usubi kaltibu ijxdicit alaocutiam kto dfflca fradarlok fllraat acton out pi d alu t m d c m offlne1 nn a illock acrnar mill and john hiiiin offloa llouriq to ii a in i la 8 and i to 0 im nialil calif aiiiwrra i from rildne f radar ntalilc i uirmt aoton ont a itthun l hoite m b lraduata of unwaraltjr ol toronto fttjccstiob to ijh jouwli lurdonlu dillon alrsmtadea on willow fliraat ai rsar ol maroliadltliaub omoo ilourih lo 10 a m 1 lo a v t tlohi in and rvk dkydun mis eia throat did moss corner woolwich and usher htraati oubmii ovrica llooma 10 m to pin audllolpn bvhdaia 10m tolpm j utokinnon umautam bouoitoi cawnjuiamm owv icm ulll duaal in blorali bloeli jmraaiown liranolillaln hlraal opan aduaadaa and aalurdaja ft olaik pourilidlvlalon ooun connlr of hal in oanvayanaaraaaatklraandllfaahdrana al uaula aflaiil uonay toloadaui ovrion larrymaa llloek dr j m hull dub ldd olhtut a clow offloa at hmljinqa cornr uihanil pradarlob airaaia homoa auklwitu of tohohto u it mitt ttia hlaal anaaalliallo uaad ii daalrad at rocltwood tutidajr mjsfcxllamxo vs tt1 and hardy ft co anvkbtialnq cohtbactom and nbui co hbbto pnt 30 flee slrwt london ii c england a pila of till tapar nan ha an fraa of eharjn vlallora to ij ond on to whom uim jr0i bi nlvaii ilragulrad sbit f utanoio nunan iiujbdihdhr ovw wi blor aoeonnl hooka of all klnda niada to urdw liariodlaalaflfavaryilamrlptlonsamrafuutboiiiid lullnrnaaflvaxd uromplfv dona tyrauuraoe liobhbeb a n i uoons i hum op uinniaaa linm frlvamofflaa no wllnamm radnlrad latoad al raaldanm in ilia aranlng pre rrw offlea aoon tw numbtmsut liohnivp adotiokii vot th ooiinii of walllniton and lalun drdualafinl ibopnnm ikxaa miurailm or almyraaldanaaln aston will bo ptobapuy at- tend ad to turoia luaonlila alio tuontit to loan on tfaa wo uvotabla nuand i tha lowoat raua of lnuraln mm of thooand upwardf w oolara ltl will tlia p ra aelon will fwmlva immadlala allaution jam its mcdonald llcbntbo auctionkir ouallill ualaa co nd no tad on raaaonablo tarua ond itiuraalloii iiuraulad in wry jor larm ihtaa at applv ta itoi btfc tnaiiihjor motaaa hi and uloiro iload luwtlh ont tafaidioua lit quaiili wait may ba arrauflad at vbhm 1kiu ohm aolon i kuitu llcbhiui auotionkbr potba oounllm of watllnalon nd nalton halaa oondnalatl wllti aauidwhon and upon ffls wtinoaa p o talaptaom u ajimoaa or otirlua or i all at vbbm 1nbu rm7aelon will raoalra immadlato aluuuon the old citizonb work acton hand laundrv willow street notir tot oltloe nml town hull i aiti m uiimlry man o long oitporltnco snd rive ipeaul snil lander cere loatllclm of all bl tula brought to be launilrled blilriri ironoil to itiey will not hurt our neck slnd np collar ironed bo lhay will nnl brftftli in ilia wind all ladle and rontlemen a ironing done with entire hllaachon and promptly go to charlie buoy and let htm know whan winliftl mud ba will not fall ydd charles j western eyeilf hi specialist of toronto vlklu aub vry hmjiiui nvhi k motiduy ticlcmlriatli the most exacting hockey ploycr will find that the th oourmei of qtudy in toronto ont r aroun lo ilia lilghaal alandtnl of ikcaiuhc winti it tium oikni january fiili write to day for our uro cjuiubu j w- bliblott rrlnolpal corner yonie bdd aleitatidir 8ta your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts ti10 beat at lowest prices harris a co llmllil excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread calcei pas try etc of first- class quality wc also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son hill sumt aoton acton flour and food stora and grain elevator all kinds of grain bought and sold highest cash prices paid on delivery r noble proprietor n p mooro nuuir t is it footwear you are look ing for if thats the liitc go to williams 8 hoe 8tore i carry a full line of boots siioch rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm wllllomo tb bhm ifui ulll blnai old iron rstfi and rnbbaiw wantgd good prlcoapald second baud ttove and repair for farm machinery supplied morris saxu box 4j acton oat 6 stick filfs all rhe require ments abk for the kixx otner sticks aliq full line of hockey goodn at the big hardwaro store at mat the bond hardware co luullmoil07 oublpii llnlud till jiiuiry stoki the christmas store tlila atora it a vail emporium of prolly and nuful ihlnura auiialile for chrlitma jllti a aatlafylnii wnu of fitnaaa par e1ei ilia wliolo place why parly huying 13 11ks1 to buy lnlelllanily one muil buy ojrly far comforl end lattaualon follow in it wake encluilirnoii lias el way tn a irona point at dili itoro and many arlclai nil tuiinna cannot ito reproduced not can they be found eltowliere kicluilveneia i wliai mtkasbfllft appicclable and imparl to it iliat rata value in ilia lines enumorated bolow tlinrc are many dlvhlom which rko utiiud in ulectlon and contain eomallilnfc huliaba for blmotl ariynne jou may hwt pn your waicliai china diamonds laalher goods kinfts clufinffdiilies jewellery shernnd ihony clock tollm sel silverware jic cut glaii lite savage sl co liatabliihed 1k4h gublph8 ricluplli jliwiilukrs central business college of toronto haa ilarlod ilmu saorla of ynnna tnn and woman on tlia raay wir lo lodapandanm and aueoar ial ih ata fou ilia alalia url write for catalocua and pan to itnil tlia uait li mnntlia with ur kniar any lima a lit rail u 11 ulfaw prlnela yonaa and a arrant uir toronir the berlin steam granite and marble works casper braun j- designers and builders of statues mausoleums mon uments markers and head stones and all kinds ol william hemstreet agent acton paper makers o so ii ok to if n out i1001c newb and oolonkd papisns tnordannbil short line to miskoka onrj parry soliqd palltimk tanih north bouhil no 1 no j toronto poo am jjopm wbhejo uisprrf ooopm rrry sound 310pm boutiiilotlnii no a no 4 parry sound to 00 am t waitiaro 1 1 j a m fi 45 m toronto jpopm iiiorri t dally axcepl sunday obmmtoadlntrig part6r dare batween torootoarullenryvouedliarjlng meals a oart ofllcca ah siallone alto corner kiiir ami toronto and union fllallon pliona main 3170 3oflrp ihboious name i in n in a n nun wliiua nutclilcea poll in u 11 iaihi jny ind woo dlajh 1 1 a niiiik of utrnli1y womlrotie worllit mont pn 1 1 ma naiiii of all no earth wouldnt thiiii hint niimoa vwat vnluo know llitti tvltli l lo thy i iitliur ko llnhf thiii 11 lifivy iiid wltliln tjf iinr iiifipmj imipiirdoiitui alnf in iiniil with ttul llfnt pronuninnnliui tliruiub whlfli llimi mnyit fro ur- djiiirlulini aroplliik kriittfillly tliitjoui tit ulinaiisuinrlod upotitlip cross llnut tlioti a nihdv 111 auriow nor liir wliirh ihtiu wniitdttt rollnf in plor 1 thi nu ohn who hocde it from nlmvc wlioun ifiitiiro itnd wliouo n 11 la love i who tun hiiiibilflliy wmry rond and linn for lbe thy htmvy lit 11 111 hi111 11 inuuinp in thy aoiil w hit it nil lnft fr opna control a liiiifilnu t lints too drepvnil tilu1t pur fin th riiifiitcpato atipply p mint imilrlnu ranin from llim wbo to imvolt ntori tlmn sntmlul ruct 3fomiiu kmbiiirj the new magazine lly marian ii vahfllaaon 44 jx fl iimtlicr nml i wuiit i jou til la to do tho work nftcr cupper an hint tnotliar rnn roiil it isnt anfilolpnt to any all ilrlit nnd tin it boon without do inp nn j thlnu mthara havo o httu lino foi undliif now if wo nil nro cnithldonitn nlmiit llioop ih infra our moiliit run linm mnro hnn mi wnlkir miiilrd na i10 inld he now iiiifrnlim oit tlio tnldp to r kion olutmtii mia wnlknra fio itiluht lnn in i raj d n wrnry little mnlli na wbo mimwond thnnk yon rnflio- 1 blinll onjoy it how mum 1 11 hiv tliiifto imd aim lirutld llm roitinfk thin in for limlhor luit how inrolv lind rtpp r- tiinlty fir kiiillmrtk mm nnrlng for flral priuspmlno hcnii linral inniph wilkrr mis nn imsy timing tlio dnv hint hi thniipjit of luimc nn n t dollftlilfnl plurn for rtlnxnllnn roinfoi t nnd rott nml wlinn tliori fi lb lilinaeir enllllul tn nil ita prmltres wlictlior rosprtnsivn to lie infhienron or not lint in mb wny ho dcnilv ifivpd 11m funillj hu pnlh nf clirfrhil lit lo imnnln tbn elder uiiplih r of the hniiuilmld nnd icillo tvlin nllhfilli ten yrnra old wna till looked nn nn n imliv dlsclplino in tln wnlker fnilty nn not weak nml tho rlrtu wnn renarally oliodknt nnd tiprtifii hut icrntly hip rnlna hnil hre mijix nnd ftinnlfl knew mint wlun ihm m hoi hconino iilisnrlird in ills rrnthnpt bin injnnotlnn mid ho rnelly dlhrrfrnrdod aftoi piippor hire walker qnlrtly robo nnd rarrlod the left thlnna td tlio ulfclic n wblto run ttli- without a pnnrf of roniiclciicc tnnk ponrraalnn of tbn ninfiiialiip nnd rend nn unit nn mihi her innlhrr culled ruior elow- 1y with her ovns atlll on thn story alto wnn rnndlnp runnic nt inst but vary rtdnolnnlly tvnlked to tho lilt oh en i dont aro tvhntn tlio btirtyl i jitat wanted tn finish my rtory im going to help with tbn work ivw glils wore na intlmnla with tbilr niotln rn n fun n in nnd katlf but tliry lind iincnniolniidy grown carolesa bcrnuio mrs wiilkar wna lonlciit was it linr fault hat pacb nno brenmo too rngroaiatt to notice hint she nlnno wna bnnrlng ii10 imrdona which ininrod cnintort for tlio rratf aftor piirformlng hoi vnrlnne d title mr a walknr entered tho elttlngmom in find kntlo poring ovet iho rnngn itln wna it npklslinima born of lier longing to rend tlmt prompted mre wnlker inentnlly to onloulnta tbn length of time tlmt would elnpao befnio fnnnln would lenve tn fulfil bar nngngenient nnd kntlu would go to in d hdwever mre walker appoarad plneldly content na alio conned tbn pngea of n week old nnper until kntlea lied time bom nrilved mnniimi nrn you going tn finish tolling tun the ftilrystnry p itnn an invnly of you hut night when j know tlmt yon itnd pi untied going to aunt tunnlon nlth pnpn i rtnnt feel in the tnnnit nrtw tlenr ruppnse i lend yon something this i line ob mnlher jrtnr ory nwn stories nre lietler better ibnn nny 1 linvoover hennl on toll me whnt iwenma of tho king nf tbn musbronma i thn lilt nf finitely hint nconmpanlwl kudus request nmdn mre walker a irnl ninityr nnd ilin ntmy wna duly finished tn hip intense bntlsftatlnn nf hie one nnd the relief of the other after lite little prtiyor had been enld the good night klse given anil knlhi innknl in bud mrs wnlker again entarod tho sllllngroom mr wnlkoi had inld naldo hie pnper nnd wnn enjoying thn tnngnalne as mrs wnlknr selected n niuohrcud hnnk hot rending wna fitqucntly interrupted by jlietcu to tills nifillior or hoiy u this for nn exlih bit 1 111 of modern busbies principles tho in t tor wna gnuornlly followed by rending nloml n dliseitullnti of ennsb ernblo length at ten oclock mr wnlker wound thn old fnehloiind clock laid tbn fire in thouuge in iintlclpntonor an early hronkhiet mihi nfler 11 yawn said well i hellevit ill go tn bed we lind 11 luird day nt urn office no one rented in know his own wotk 11 ltd iiiuoli deviid on nin wliluh rightly hetnugid tn iinotherllek mvs walker lind bennl a similar complaint nightly for years 1 but ulib only sin i lad a little giving no sign that hiio noticed the repetition yie father you go to ltd j you do iimii rest i shall wait for fannie ifoaldoa i want in read n tittle ntiw mother you know thnt it e iinnueeasnry tn wait up fm pantile you need iet too them le nothing tn lie gained by overtaking yourself mentally nmwunnlng what noutd have wenrled lierfcym wat for one mofnent uhsi felt fk rmung i hut hn had praollrrd repression for so many yearv that aha decided to agree the following day mr walker thlnklngihe hoiiaedaaerted uok the much coveted view inagettlrja to iter pleaaant room up stairs floating her self t th tahte she tilthen to the first article nnd after a cursory examina tion aidd half sltiud oh yee father read thh tn me him turned on and oil through the magablno finding scarcely a topic that was new to her tlio wnlker family llkl tn have other hear whntover was humorotie eotertnlnlng or lutafrestlng it coiild not im eonstjered altogether aelffsh title desire tnhaye a general laugh or a gineral discussion but tho privilege nf finding and promulgating the thing of interest never seemed tn full to mre walker laying the magaxlno aulde rather impatiently for one iieiiatly an oalhi and unruffled mrs walker communed with haraalf i wonder how i ahnuld feel if i could open a perfectly fraah magaxlne aee each article myself and read my favorite author i believe that i could eee into hie heart nf hearts and appre- clnte bte feeling if just once i could have title privilege oh i wonder if i ovor shall almost horrified after having given expression to such thoughts slm loan- ad linck wearily in hsr chair and nlnsed her eyes at if in silent prayer fm help to overcome suoheinli weak when she opened her eyes eho ecnlded heruelf i nni aidiamiul of you jou ealflsh ninthrrl ynli ought to lie e oteiit to listen tn the others and tn tin happy hi thelrhapplnoae i fannie n turning from it drive slowly ascending the stairs nnd unlllnglr renilllng thn plenaure the drlvo b id glvon her heinl a voire in her nmllii ta room approaching th door softly eho liecnme nn unwilling eaveadroppei for nn instant alio was stricken almost tn belt ny lug hur prnvhnlly then she on pt down to tho lowor hnil and mndo hurilod preparation for going out mr wntkei wna in urn midst of computing interest 011 nntee nveidue and hud glvon orders that ba was not to be interrupted his offlco door was hurriedly opened and fannlo entered hha woie n lok nf detormlnntlon implying thnt note 01 other office trials can led no weight whatever in compnilion with her important rnm ntunlratlon papa do you know bow we are treating mother p it la perfectly atro cious 1 i overheard her nctually accusing hen elf of being selfish just been use she is pining tn see n new inngnxlno mid read just one article hareelf before every onn in the homo tins read it to her just think of it it is we who arc selfish to a shameless degree i never thought ehe oared out why shouldnt she wo would i bava nn dniiht we treat her just aa had about everything else i am going to take all i have lert of my allowance and buy snnto new magnalnes and smuggle hioni into mamma room not so faet fannie you ara part ly right i suppose nnd i guess j ought to appropriate 90ms nf that reproof we have influenced katie too for i nften aea her with enpy of mothers own magaslne anil aha does not rellnauleh it elf bar or oven ask her mother if aha would tike it here i will add something tn your puree for this first really generous piirehnfle w have thought tn tnnko the idea of giving your mother a yeaia subscrip tion tn her favorite msgnalnn aa a hlrtbday gift and then not or allowing her a peep lnlde imtll every article of interest is second hand i gut id wnlt for her birthday if i were you hhn might suspect thnt wojiail overheard her if yon tnnke the gift immediate ly on the morning nf mrs walkers birthday tio breakfast labia assumed a festive appearance under fannlee dexterous fingers flowers were everywhere nnd several dainty little gifts were cunningly dlpayed beam ing good wlelies the most important of nil bowevet wna a neat package marked for mother 1 tn ite enjoyed nt her leisure anil on opening it mrs walker found copies nf three nf the new mnnthu niagnblnss ham oracr a washington divine says the star tsltu a btory of a oertaln olurgymnns family in which it wab tho custom that each of hu children repeat a bible verso at the beginning nf every meal in place of the more general formula of grace before meat one day 0110 of bit little gli u found nut in home small aln hitd been sen tenood to a much anrtallod dinner to heatell at a table by herself when the family wna seated around tho din ing room table thn usual llltlo cere monial wns performed and when her brothviu mini etsieia had each repeated a text hue hither nulled upon her sit ting boutiuy at 11 wee labia nt thn other side of the room at first she demurred on the ground that being dakaimd from tho family alrclv she saw no reason for j lining the family ilevotnns her father insisted 1 she remained slluiit fur a mmuoitt think- lug limn spoke out clenilyr thon preiareet a table itefore me in the pres ence of mine enumlos tab roll or iiohon the following glvea tho list or piid nf tho ihah nnd vuhlio hnhnola who won places on i be roll of honor at the last examination 1 hum h iiooi drr iimn t minor k h ttoor rjrjii tkariiriij juaeiw grlndel i while a harvey if oh unman class u m htolitrionil j 11 1iatuk ui ta olase i w rirowrf t i j if ticadlklli class ra hhul1 olaes kvm moffrft i oralmm cbtas ikk hmlth i huabniul o johnstone a dihe k onrvln a medouam ii orlff a ohrlen v mnllln i1vv rilhtllool class ii faulkner ii hurd ii illock class 11n wiihaine k txucu ii drown j olhliens m oltrln i anderson h nelson i hunter class mfi anderann i mncuon aid li wiles h ivaraon k plank i folster a kenney ii mnllln c hwaekhamer i moore c hbarp a flrethrook c plank o husband mmir 6 iioir highest tn doom etry w orlndeij 1 in french a hpalgltt in arithmetic i white in algebra w orlndnlli in composition a mpelghti n knglleh ftiammnr a speight lowkitsf 11001 highest in phyalrnt rolence ij anderson t in history is faulkner 1 in book keeping hunt en it oeoarapby h himl w ii 8tku hit prlnolpal miftfl m niikton assluiant hluu h iiooi dkialttafltnt viiibt nkpahtmlcvt sr iv- bertha ilrnwn 171 luella uepd 2m mildred mnltbewa 210 iel williams 217 fred mnlnughlln 2w annie poflr2ih tofal w jr ivoordnn hire al jessie purvis smi ktliil ooldhain 117 ktbel faulkner 217 austin lehmnn zxt hoy flaiirr ui0 ban cook 201 tntal m mimm a l hithhov teacher hhconir nii vlttmicvt sr ill kirl ilrnwn 870 lanle obrien hill boyd clark 7t2 lawroneo iinn7w j 1 burt 71 1 may lindsay ikk total 1010 jr iii krnle brnwn 0ui ihi11 irud white im uerlln penrsrui fl07 llttle btrrrai salvel anderson tt7 itnbln- snn rocker7u total 1030 mian minvik bitsvirrr tonrbt r tltllll mjiahtuknt sr hnnlllo anderson 780 ida young fkn km i vincent all tnoeph smith fuo gladys wnrden abo loulu wilson am total boo jr ii iline agnewtlv mnrmlllan flmlll oifl ill el ornlg oil itlrdlr porter k melfort collier hlx tlinmna ilnnimnndoto total 7fi0 miuh m n fliiitti tonchei foimlth itltlllltmknt sr pt tilaura patton 201 wilhnrt craig 300 limit pmctor 231 wlllnrd mcveigh 11 charlie mclnnd hd vlmabiit2ll total ilw jr pt iljennlo penrann 1m7 har old iteed mh polly ilentnn 22h lloyd boll 217 victor alger ifll vera forlws ib0 total ato minn m it ilniukh toiohor kivth nitpaiituunt br pt iqoraldlno movlgh i1h harold kennedy 111 hoy brown kkt delelne qlhliona 101 wlnnln penrann 100 willie bye 07 total 120 jr pt 1myrtln thomas ii mnr- garet wilson lift gonrgo andorflon 117 marguerite stewart 117 jean wllinn 117 besslo woodhall lin totnl 120 mikh k kkmnuiiv toftchor woopblldb oh bnin the following la a report of thn ex- nnilnntlonsbeld nt worwlslde flohnnl krln during the month or november fifth olnse maggie mc in tyro 101 fourth class roltert wnrno iii mary bnller mti alvln rislier fto tlilrd cis is florence hiitlor 127 wilfrid melntyre hi vlnletta mo in tyro 101 frank swncklinimir 01 willie butlorfl7 second class murgot wntsnn 111 mibh k i watuiih teacher rbbfarkaolu one day initio americans on n visit tn wales expressrd n wish to sen n oertnlu old nnd blsliiilu clitiioli the inoumbont wan only too pleased tn show them round especially na ho itelloved it would end in a donation being given to his parochial fund ho is as proud of tho school im ho la of tho churoli and finished up by asking them in there also nnd jni itlng them to qunsunn thu scholar one of tho party hccepled tho invi tation can you toll mo utile boy anld he to ono ind who gemgo washing ton wasp lie mitt enld he he wnsa a moiryciiiigonral quite light said tho amtubian and can you tell mo what gonrgo washington was rouiiiiknhlo furp las snrr o wna rnmnrkablo cos wass a marry on u nn told tho troiyth the american didnt tju cation fur ther twkntv vearb acto mallltll l at the resldeuco of tho hrldoa rutin r by th itnv j w han mi william a hlewait to margaret only daugliltr nf mr john walters nil of iuflln hlliit iti toronto at the homo nf ills brnthir ml girranlst dee 1st isaac w wi intei 1 itn or artoii nged cj years ulijh in n nov 21th jane hltjliatdnoit ngel jh yrfnra llifn antoti luc 0th ilnipb only child of wlllinilicrlppa aged ih month- at a etlng of the beaslon nf knox olnrrrfi on fihlny evoblifg it was de rldeil tulloit- thn introduction of an organ into hln hnhbath schnol the cliitlntwtia dnwiipnitr of rain fr jo hours on saturday night and sunday filled the ponds creek and rlsh rns nnd walerle rmw much more pliiillful a gi owing tree may 1n cut down made into piper and turned out as a nnwupnpci nil within thirty six hours mr wm homstwet auctioneer has sold his farm 05 acree fronting op main st to ills nephow mr alfrwl ifirillrot trifnlgir for m0u0 mr ii mstreet will nalll live in actnn special servuos are being held in tho ilipllut church conducted by thn pas tor ittv j h cunnings mr ach campbell has sold ills farm knowhriid lying both in nussngn- we a nnd nsqiieslng to mr pyfe snmirvlllo for 10 000 mr campttell lived there fnrol years arriving there fiiiitt ills hnylioml hood home ii re ad a bane hcotland on tuesday morning nliout three oclock n big iliuibti header freight train ran into the rear nf another freight pn the tnnln linn nt the east switch a gnnd deal nf smashing was done tlio fault wns 1 lint the engineer of tho renr train inn throngh when signalled tn remain at the sema phore list wink pollen magistrate young nt burlington found nno hotel keeper guilty on three separata ohnrgns nf violating the unfit t act and imposed a flno of 150 ind casta or 0 month im prisonment and nnotber guilty of a third offencot ariitonco being deferred until tho nrruat of the mnii who is wanted on five separate warrants on monday night a check or match was played iwtween play 01 a residing on the north and south sides of mill st an onrly vlotoiy wns scored by the north the players werei north john harvey o t hill d hender- eon leslie monro a b wrlghi south james matthews l lai w mnllln a v slater kdw l5yn ii about 100 people wero presenfat the opening of tlia halvatlon army bar racks ciniei mill st nnd park ave nn mondnyevenlng at thnolotin of a 1 w 1 days opening service the now build ing will ho blinked next summer mr m speight nf mnrkham has been visiting actnn friends another estimable family that nf mr jntnns moore of crewsons cor ners bavn remnved to acton mr john liwson sr nf hquenlncf has moved in aoton to hie fine brick dwotllng enrnor mill nnd wilbur ste wo welcome the family our own correspondent from crewsnnu corners reports a serloe nf rovlval services in thn methodist church now oyer four weake and still nnntlnulng in which soma member nf nearly every family in the neighbor hood professes a dealro and purpose nf a obnnged life also says thnt n portion at tho an- tranan to the only church inthe village la vory nooeusary in order to prevont the escape nf honied air in winter weather also that thn general custom of turning nround to look at arrival at thu door must gratify thnia who like to be looked at and annoy thneo who do not at tin miction enlo in a furniture stnre in teoswatsr tho floor suddenly gave way precipitating 00 or 70 per sons into tho collar thn furniture in cluding three stove tumbling dnwn on top of thuin nn limbs were broken but mnny painful injurlos were receiv ed all tho candidates fm the mayoralty hi toronto find it neoosaary to disavow connection with the liquor party tlio quarterly returns made hy police miigluilntc yotihg of halton county include 10 fines for violation of the scott act aavtand costs tt fnr third offences sontencod tn 1 months onoh in jail t 1 committed for perjury tho burden which is wnlulmnie bet cutiibillabtovld away to wibiah a ceitnln peasant supplied u baker with three pounds nf butter dully tind hftr time tho bakei itntlcod tlmt the blilter dover wolghml throe pounds at last ho anmmnned him haveynu nnsoales nt liomnp the judge asked yon said tho peasant have yon weights yes hut i never weigh tbn butter with them whyp because since tho linker buys my butter i buy his brend ami ns i al ways htiy three pnuhdi nt a time i weigh the butter wltti thn inead uowasnultlod tub olorv of work them the woikmnn saw hi labor taking fm m nml hearing fruit like a tree with splmidld biaurbi s ris ing from a huinbln root looking at thn dlhlant lty tuuiplon hmisas doniiunnd towi rs felix rrled in ekiiltallon 1 all the mighty work is ours kvnry mason in hi iiuniry tvory builder on the shore kvory nhopfr r hi the palm grove evury rntmnnnnt tlm oar hewing wlnd ntn drnw0g wnlrr rplitllng slonea nnd clenvuig and- all the dusty rmnun of labor in the regiirrnnt nfgil marnh tojfejber toward liu hllimph dnlhe tnsk ills iminlu prepare honest toll is holy mvlvej faithful work la pralun imlprayer iftmry van dyke aulbu to nfjocsimei 1 llterlt leiil with vour wmlc hmt olhera may judue it lass harshly 2 ifa miin tnujnifgew you forglvn hi 111 tn err is human tn forgive divine i vmi nnv have tn rv theprloo for htandniar hv rlrbt prlnrlples but your work will hnw the result i do not hnvn ore rl of morals in vour linnift and another in biislneas itlgbt l rlubt and wrong la wrong fl the real worker loves his work and to it will sacrifice any pleasure 0 there mnv lie plentv of clouds in vniii workday life hmemlier that the most beniillfnl sunsets enma often nfier clmidv days 7 heiltnte nlvntt giving explana tions unless vnn nrn asked fnr them apologies are often mlatnkon for con fessions of wrong fl do more than you nro pnld for knineniher it lakes some people a long tlmntnpny their bills 0 allow tenplo to rilllr1e your work nil they like hut resent any tmfnlr attack on your rhnrnoter 10 know mnro than your work demands rsxtrn rhnrge is n conven ient thing ii when you get dlsrotirnged try and begin anew 12 there nie tlinso who achieve much when they sre young 1 more learn lhair ewards with years 11 dont lie a rnwnrd the sun hates to shine on hone who nro afraid of their nwn shadows 11 recall some of the things your motlui taught you when joung thoy are worth remembering lo you can iteat n dray horse but a race horse needs sympathy nnd en- onumgement j i to day nnd to day tnnko tho to niorrowa 17 never lie honest woik is built nn true principles w1ibn criticism ib ubltxhsa it never pnvs to call attention to something which is wrong in nn others apiuiaiancc unless it la possible to cor rect it as a paity of excursionists lutt tbolr train n gently nt tho seaside resort whoro they wero tn spend the day n tall girl caught a youngor ono by the shoulder nml looked her over sorutlnlulngly swkcu alive liitlla there mint have liean snot or smoothing on the seat whole ynu weiol tile back of your dress is a sight unit no mistake oil its nn uso trying to rub it off that would only make it win so you know poor little luells i the day was spollrd for iter us whs easily aeon by a glance at her ecarlot sensitive face the wonder of tho great hienknre roll ing in green nnd mnjeutlc ami curling nvor in white foam die delights of the sandy boicb tho pushlbln chance of finding a shell or a star huh wore all forgotten in tho mliorahlo conscious ness of black atrenks on her white frock unseen as far as she herself wan concerned hut painfully in ovldonooto all tho rest nf the boaeldo visitor lltulln spont tjto rest of tho day walk ing about with lipr nbcjt t wis tod vainly trying tu sod how she really looked did ynu know your girdle bail been qno sided nil the ovtmlngp ono girl asked an nth or just n tho party was ending and thu other answeied with delib eration 1 no nnd i dont want to know ll if you lind told mo in tlmo for mo to straighten it thnt would have been another matter but now i dont euro tn hear anything about it tlio repioof was deserved such criticism ahnuld never lw offered unlose tho ono to whom it is glvon has tlio chance to act upon it oonnindtt complihatwtv all nitor told ngraopful story about helm i0i1 conrlod at a icooptlnn he said tho iobs ot tho vtiilous sen bob wns discussed nnd a joting woman a grand opera ulngorof considerable beauty sold to mr conrlod 1 which would you rather be deaf or blind r smiling nml bowing gallantly the groat malinger answered 1 dtiuf madam when t am looking nt ynu nml blind when i hoar you sing not lombbomk arent ynu awfully lonesome with out guoigop i havont tlmo tn lie i spend tlio morning rending ills letters nnd tho nfturnompi answering thorn the modlbrn drama t wont you to write me a play what em t of a ptay p well wo liavo 17 specialties get inn up enough stuff to wedge them a- part tio man who vnitta his spleen on another gets limit nf it hlmetdf thoro is no sweetening power in the swoot words thnt have a bitter heart bunk of them no heart is emptied of its venom by pouring it out nt hn lltm doino tub oavb work the suieat mud to good woik is the simple doing of tho tlayu work we bavn tin foresight which tolls us what endeavor will bo most successful and so we must negloot nothing wo ran- uot toll what need will grow nnd whit will fall nnd so wo anw inside all waters it is but seldom thnt success 1st won hy eomo brilliant strategic uinve in tho innjhrlty or cases itla the result ur doing the days work faithfully ytttbl our delicious cod liver s reparation without oil letter than oldfashioned cod liver oil and emulsions to restore health for old people delicate children weak rundown persons and after sickness coldscoughs bronchitis and all throat and lung troubles try it on our suaranto e a robertson druggist actoh ont