hlghaat vr i mocha and lav cooathalrrowa i wontl we blanil lhant to the i full tt ron flavor erf ana and th rutt i mallownail of lha otliar mlnu tar i factl third our nroc f roaillna brine eul all the tlsltcktui quallllaa of lha caftam iwati greigs white swan corfee packnl hot front ll roaaura im lcil pnrchmanl and again walotl in in u il kaapa frath ami into aib fur wtilu swan coffw pooldf for xrnori l aold w awht oolcifhwd wat oh sb oo 14 k ftak- 0t brooch sj3bo 14 k prl bet ulnae 4900 solid gold guff link 3 0o bufjlnar3mvjr tea and coffee bpoona and m won dr fill aauotlon of fancy china arid oiaaa x geo fjynds jeweler acton ffilc ttort ttt ms tiruilhday niicbudkr it 1007 brief local items prepare for hnnta olnut jolly winter weather now christmas in j kit five daya away hutnrday will ho tho yeaie short- day wedding bell arc ringing merrily already whip foil ml may bo had at funic viiuhh office i tlio woods nro roll of amateur choppers this winter tluit wai an unusual bluttard for december last hat unlay public a un ml nal inn in utu high mid public tialionlu tomorrow hundreds went from acton to tho winter fair nt ouolpli last week thd snow full of batnrday ami bumloy broulit splendid sleighing itemoilihor your poor neighbors when providing your chiletmu choor tim noxt number of the pnkh piikhh will ito limed ou christmas ova a local company u doing organis ed at ballhmfad for n telephone una to qoorgotown tho itnyal boole oonoart co will entertain you delightfully at tha town on christina night a conceit will bo given in lha school homo of b 8 no 11 ashgrove nn thursday deo 10 ii il nil rod or fiiuh pntuut sub scriptions oxpiro with noxt weeks number does yourap mr j d mckonulo in building n niiit fmnni iioiibo on miiln street next to mi n p mclumn real donee mr ii o ii ni tor la now com fortably sottlod in hie now drug and stationery bualnobb at wnlkerton lis has excellent projects thoro ootinclllnia john illnghnm tlins cm it t mullln mid win thompson nresitld to be willing tn continue in office na township council lore sjimi your distant friend a receipt for i yonvu subscription tn the fiiuk plikhii no gift ulll tui more fully appreciated at 01rlutmiiatlmr mr i olnvii haa jiiit improved his pen of piirtilflgn wynndnttos with a ptilr of thoroughbreds from the chris tian poultry ivrins nt london mr o a olaok iuib fifty wood- cnttorschnpplng in hit huah nnil en- pecta t iihvo ten or a doxon leama hiiullnr nut thn wood in a few dnya joliiibtuii ac on hnvo hud tho iiidtal cltid fnrnltuia store nieil at their f oi inn ttmid i amoved to a position btlil ii their now hrlolt block oltlxena generally dhl welhn olonr- ing off tho snow front the prwemonta nftoi buliikhiya big etnrm it hi h comfort to hiivu thn liylnw thin well observed at n uipiitliig of tho kpwnrth league on monilny ovnnlng the toplo look up lift up olioer up double up wau dealt with by the different peako hm mr und mr a jumee llenderion who hnvo uxcd in nauagaweyit for mnjrjrrtiri and uro hlghlyteipootid realdenti are giving up farming and purpobo moving to acton willi un hnmbtreot auatloneer 4 will icll by miction noxt imday 20th i nut tlio hnuiohold effeota lielonglng to the citato of tho late j henry flnilth main street dale at one oclock moiare tonranco 9c wheeler the new oxpreit men have dlipowd of dick i ho hlg dray horto which did uoh eplendld aervlce tho naafc ten yanre nnil have put on a fine new team or black hov olmrlce htalyord or preeton occupied the pulpit of tho methodlib church lait sunday lie pronchetl tlrrlngiormoni which were much enjoyed rov mr stafford waa paitor et hnakwood thlrtyilx yeure ago hev o w dilrker preached at proetnn on sunday oraremlxed foi mutual improvement itftffyftuutf f the oongkga tloual olilircli georgetown have organlseil for mutual improvement intellectually booully phyiloally and iplrltuitlly iv title oml it holda devn tlomil literary loolal mltilonary and v tenipemnoo nioetlnge nnd nperntee an athletlodoparlniflnt there are now over fifty momheit nn the roll pol- lowing are the nfflaero kev it a g wllhmghby preildenli mlu m mat- tltewa vcoprealdenti mr ii ii uodgbon aeurotnrytroaaureri iter mr wllloughhy duvntlonal director t mim bobbiq mckay ltefary director ml m miittlieww nineloal director mim aititlt plulrty temperauoe direct or i mr ktinuuth mcdonald nilmlun- ary director i mr ii stoekford aoelnl director i uibi v wllloughhy lady athletic drcotor uerald news of local import hatuiralhtad bubjaxiu of canada mnauru morrla huxn and joaeph rmiclnl who a urn fimi uiulu iiih flva yoari ago and battled in acton have taken out naturalisation pnpte and have been admitted tuit u hip liicaundii leoal option tor krtn jocal option la now 4 llvn luua in krln townbhlp nud krln vlllaga the probpota ara very bright for the paa ae of the by law iti the townahlp and a very energetic campaign l being waged in tha vitiligo the vote will take place on thn 1th january when the uiitnlfllpnl olecllona nro in prog- re im county council walt on ooverniant the county council a whole form- ad a dtdegatlnu hud waited upon the government at the parllajnaift ilulld- inge at toronto on titoadjiy and naked that the govrrnnicnt ahoidd include certain wprk already dntier in the county rvind aclteme tho master le recolvlnp th consideration of tlh gnvornmentklth good pjoepeeta of u0mja if the nintler goes through acton will receive over 92001 if year aoton deamatfe piub tderaratown tltohoclul ulaatf win the tltlti of a wull preaentcd diarna at tho town hall saturday ovunlng by the acton dranirttlocluh ifiern waatiiltna large ttendanco ami nil ut il pleased the quartette compoaeil of meaare jeahi haywood mcclure and smith gavo niue excellent mualo that aildvd vury much to the auccoaa of the evening well pleated wore tho people that tho acton dramntlcclub received ninny re- queati to return and may do so herald death or ivlnolpal bteworta rather mr w ii stewart or llluevale father or principal w ii stewart pauedawayontholoth inst after a lin gering lllnoas the old gentleman had reached the ripe old ago of eighty eight year mr stewart wna homo to aeo his fathor a rw daya before bla death hn wna unable tn attend tho funeral owing to the meeting of the board of kxamlnere last week tho venerable gentleman wae for many yeare a highly eateomrd tesltlont of huron county nnd wua n prominent woikor in tho church nnd sunday school for many yeara did vou bh the dolllea 7 tlio kpworth leaguo dolla wvro on exhibition in the thick pit ictm wind owe nn irlday ami saturday lief ore iwlng shipped to their destination tho ladlne nrrangod them in becoming poiturer and thoy preaeutetl a gay ap pearance indeed it a long time alnoo any window display in town at tracted ao many person and they were not hii children either thoro wore hum rods of children of course hut there wore mother by tho score and grand in othura not a fow they came in tho morning in tho afternoon and at night same returned half doxen timet to etudy tho various atyloe repreaontod the display waa much enjoyed chkiure in teaohlnjr buft genuine regret will bo felt on tho part of all intoreatod in local educa tional m n iters that miss mntllo k smith haa sent in her tcslgnatlnn ae tonclier in tho third depurtmont of the public school muff smith has wen on tho stuff thn paat four years and haa lieen n moat efflrlont tcuchor nor mothoda are in ul reapecta up to- date and iior ability aa a disciplinarian is exceptionally fine as a worker in knox church nnd sunday school mlia smith line ixion highly chteetucd nnd hur intoresb in local literary chelae hue huo i wo n much appreciated miss smith la to be congratulated upon iwlng ohobon for thn prlnclpnlahlp of nnn or qravenhurats waid uohoola teaafeauuat atoenliibraby there wua a large and unusually pp preclallvo nudlenco nt tho ton meeting in tho church nt cannlngahy on tues day evening tho dullghi ful night and the splendid alulghlng contributed to tho pleasure of the evening addroases of a moat help till and interesting character were given by ilov ii f stillman of ohllllwaok bc who la visiting in tho tielghhmhnod i ilov it fo of e in and itov g t wntta tlio pastor tho musical sucnonutlho programme was provided by tho mothodiflt snnduy flohnnl orclieatra this popular organlxntlon excellod theniselvoa nnd brought foith most gonoroiib plaudits from tho nudlenco anil cnmplhnontary remark from the epeakoro a cornet and organ duott bfrthn mlaioa mason was enjoyed ii p mooro wits tho chnlrmnn ohriatmu ntght entertain man t for more than thirty yeare the method ut sunday school hue hold a christmas entertainment in tho church providing a delightful pro gramme us a climax for christ maa dayv fcatlvltlee this yenrnn innova tion la being made the bight has boon hnmlod over to the orchestra of tho school and thoy havo provided for a high olaii concert to lie given in tho town hall by the royal scots concert company this company le direct from scotland and is on a tour around thn world tho company includes mim flora ponaldaon qneon of scottish song mr geo noll scot land greatest tenor 1 mr fred how aw king of scottish ventriloquists and enteitalnar and mr leslie col- borne solo pianist and accompanist tho company bears thn reputation of being high class in all reapecta mr george noll has had the distinguished honor of appearing iwforn member of the royal family and is spoken of in most complimentary tonus by thn press of great diltahi canada and tho united states miss flora punuld- son has also sung liefoixloyalty it is said her enunciation la so perfect that not n word of the favorite soot- tlsh melodies is lost ono press orltlo sayst her interpretation of auld soots bangs sent u thrill direct to the heart mr fred howard has also obeyed the command toappent before members of the royal family he is referred to as refined humnroui enleitnlnlng ilia performances on the violin mandolin and japaneso violin are wonderful the orchestra has been fortunate in sueurlng thle hlgholaus company for ohilstmaa night oonovrb ouo of the popular entertain moots arranged by mim doty direct res will he hold early in april mus doty haa also bcon engaged to provide ah entertainment fd ohrlitmaa night uext year lduf with canadian dowlara in knlad acton jwn howling club la likely to hava m roprsenlatlu on tlm lliiln of canadian imtwtera who are tn tour the old country next auminer mr a m smith hns been given a place on the bowling lut he will u a a good uccouul of himself if he plays officer of walk lod av i am the following ofllctm of wulknr loilge a f ac a m no 1u1 wine ulectetl on monday evening ipm f malntoah wm c it mclntoah sw dr j miiall jw robt hhnw chaplain isaac franc 1 1 tieaa j kenney jr secretary w stink tyler j kennoy hr broke hi la on ft may t- p hume jvwa woiklng hi hia feed atore with bla aaalutant ohinj klllu tltnj were eh ia tou pllo of imili ahont lght feat itlglt whuiu hud lugun to hang ktir 4 hlllb to tun side hiiddenly a number of bags fell mr iluiuc juiujkloy mid etead but mr kill was caught and both thn bouts in onejif ijhi les wet hroki a hide he low he buca hels doing very wht but viii lti lafd np fop a long time milton olmmplun anothar ifajlon hnfaa jcfwmlanoa mc f j croso tbnelecttlcalexpeii has n uriird by iho h team or aoraugl from smith sua ilumla when in waa sent by thn uiltlah urivirnutnl tnexaiiiltia ihc pouuhi1llly of ealuhlmi log n wlreleaa tetegiuph servlco ln- tweeit vuiloouver nnd aitatialln and nuw oaliiml mi crots carrlrs bla report to mr wlnvtuu churchill hv consider the htlitiue fensllilij ami thinks thnt bj ulog the lir iint islands as cointultlog btatlriua tho system may 1mi cululiluhul a a cost notixcpedlng do0ftfl mi crasa la an old llaltoii boy n imtitu uf oak- villa unarlntendant over boo men a copy of tho coat an interesting illustrated inagnmlue publuhed at seattle wash haa beon lecolfed nt this office it glvea prominence in the current lasuo to spokane nnd ita nil vantages as n great centra fur tint giaatur noi thwout among tlio many industries re fit nud to in its pages li the washington mill co or which mr judson w cook la thn general superintendent this a dresued lumlut company nud employs 100 man mi cook is a former acton hoy and spent his boyhood daya liore he la a son of tho late rov it p cook mr conk went to tho neat nliout twenty ii vo yeara ago and hns propoied witli the country vehool olrie of 25 veare aaro a pleasant yoclal gatlim log nan pent by obi iii ml mutes nf aotnii school nt the rmddoncu 4 mis ii t iopage l02tyndall ave torono wednesday the lllh inst the tlmu passed very pleasantly in social con vcraatlon remlnlbconceb of old limes music and singing and tho serving of dainty refreshments tha reunion or tli ttjtjt somo of whom had not met foruter a quarter or a ccnluiy made a delightful evening for thorn thoso present in addition to the school glils wore mrs t m gray mis t a moore mru s ii moore mrs a brown miss bertha snyder and mrs h o juqulth tho gills piouot who altonded school wbllo mi t t mnoie was the principal were misicb mag gie moore kmnm m mnnie kiln sltnlght niilii hill kmnm j mnuc augiiatn ilydornnd marin armationg as the proceedings waiciihnut tn close hev t a mooro diopped i il had n meny handshaho nil unind aftti holiday g routings to all the compifny dlsperaod home from brltleh columbia mr w a rubboh of thu okauagau valley 1 0 nrtlvod homo this weik to spend ft couple or months at l lie home or hia fathur john russell icsq laka avi mi russfll baa been in tho prtolllc provlncn for eight oi ten re and tpenkn in very high lei mu of its climate resoiircea and progieua ho thlnka the immigration question will soon bo satisfactorily ndjnnted ho says that a thouannd or bo of jap nnoae ohluoso nud hindoos can be advantageously received by tho roun- tty ovary year no mechanic nntd ever bo ont of work in the ullloc nnd thoiolaabiindnnooof work for itibor ers in the country it is trim thoro art timing the wlntei many pcnplo out of woik hut not necnubiully so last wlntor when it was repoitud that fioo men wem out of woik in van couver the city council decided to put down extension to the sewerage system nnd edvortlsod for men not a doxen of tho alleged ftoo out or woik responded to tho call mr rinsell says the bar room la there ns it la here the hnnn of thn working mnn hvery day thoso places nro crowd rd in all tho cities and the mon squnndor tholr money for ill ink with tho utmost profligacy mr itussull will return to thd west in tho spring ho le engaged in tho fruit business nnd la prospering dainty dolla rov pootair11ea thd work of tho thirty flvo young ladles of ihe epwortlt league in dres sing dolls for christmas for poor little girls in hamilton was comploted inst week nnil nn wednesday avonlng tho dainty creations wero on exhibition in the method 1st sunday school room they wero highly orodltnblo to tho young ladles and gave evidence or artist lo taste oml skilful noddle work every doll was dressed in real under clothing and drosses i many of them with cloaks and numlier with taste ful hats and bonnets almost evory cims of society was represented from the blushing hrldo lo the cute llttlo plannlnny tha leaguo made i ho occasion one nf special interest by in viting mlu mccartney superinten dent of the deaconesses homo nt hamilton to lie present mid addresa the ideating ml mooarlnoy gmo n most interesting resume of thn woik being aoeompllshod hy the deacon esses she emphasised ihe joy that would he brought into poor little hearts by the presentation or the dolls on exhibition at ohiutuiiisllde tho admission to tho meeting was a doll n toy or a bundle of wearing nppurel two cases of com for table ololhlng do wer thus secured a numlwr of tio ladlw are now engaged in dressing doll seeming clothing am other articles for any children m- thulr parents in town who aro found to lw in need uoo rrjtwrtsbij ndvoitiointmt at tub moddl boiiool tlio following model subiml students linio leeched oeitlflcatea tit qua 1 1 ft ca tion as public school tenchere thh- i nthem lecolvotl thu requisite umrus but hy a leeont iiguhitlun of tin education department they must lasa ihu mm prnrctblonnl ixamlnatlon in jul 1ii0h ttientiihilheiutnisceuo from thn minister of imucnllon n third class teachers certlfloato two of tho students will iccelve certificates on reaching legal ago i maijnlu vanfloet kllbrhlepo iu1 stautoy cowln hornby 010 bessie kay gnoigotown hfio a mos newell mlhon will only fnui lonowalsof ceitlflchlos to tonohei a win o granted on of them by iu pasuliig tint modol school examina tion and tine by regulation fi7 a j h iwm board r d coutth r a or w ii stkuvht kxamlnore tho forest fukh puroh has just moved into a now dom building specially oonati noted for itu growing business mr h j- poltyploot thn onnrgutla proprietor has enjoyed prosperity luita huuleiiti nifl light whet the heait a young absolute security genuine social and personal mu- anuu l uulon vultod frlrnde intoidoto llfla wilek mr hohirt wallttco visited fi lends in wliigbnm last week mr warner ihohfy of klom vlslt- ad fi imitli iiere inst week mru alfred hoper vlsltetl friend al hoapeler din lug thn week mr holier wllllaiiia left on monday to tukit a situation in parle mi alfred g kaston left for his homu in chicago on friday mi k a itolmntson spent sunday nt hie former home nt stratford miss beitlu speight spent severs days this week with friends in toron to mua lotllo camuron nnd miss mar- gaivt mcnabb nro visiting at cree- inorv r j mastr alek mnnro ami w umv- nra h turned last week from tha north west ajisagorttudy walters left lnl week fur ottawa whero she will remain for n time mra mccrefght wnaat paisley flllr- lug thowoekattjndlur thu funrrfl of her step tatbar ills lnwruiimi iluolvr of t ronto waii thn guest or her brojhei jr w ii dminy last wuek j sfiu jamee ilaiclay of mollne i llnolf visited nt thn home of mr itolieit hhnw over sunday mr tlmoma stewart of bluerale tlultid nt tho btiinu of bis brother imm ipal stowartvlaatweek mi a ii nlcklhihnslieeiluwinnl p- g tho pant wei k ui two iij ex pcta to return hntiio for chilatmas mlsa rioruueo campbell or new voib who spont u week or so with fi lend liore luft yctuiday for klmlra mluuclnia i moore as the dele gate from thn womans institute at tho o a o guolph laat wednesday mr willtnm plank it turned last h eek from a business trip to the mniltine provinces for w ii storey hui mi ii a hcinatroot nnd eon of coilnlli spent h few dnya dining the week nt thn home nf bla father win ileuifitriot c q messra alfied smith guolph and allan oaiumon or annan attended tho funeral nf lha into j henry smith last filday m10 gefitgf mldgloy nud olilldren lived hciu tioiu manor sunk last weok and will spend u aoupln of ontbuwlth ft lends hern mi jou m mnoror maniigor of the itoigutoivii herald was in town on momlaj nflemnoii mr moore la a cnndldiile foi tho hi cethlp with ex cellent prospects to- success at the poll- hu has in en a meuilior of the ii tm a number of yeara and haa glvun npp1ilutid setvhjo tlieie ns a ctllllllllloi to hurt tho town vou live in fight on tha streets t oppose im- ovementut mluti nut public men i run tho ton n down to strangers i go to soma other town to trade- refuse to ndvoi tlflo iu your paper i do not invest a cent lay nut your money somewhere oibo i bo particular to discredit the mot l us of public spli it id men t long i li en j our fnco when n strnnger speaks of locating in your town if a man wants tn buy ynui piuperly ask him two piltoafoi it j if bu wants anybodys else hileirno nnd dlicouiagii him i roj fuse to see itieilt in any srhoma that itikiu not exactly leiu lit jou t rundown your nawspafo i 1 i nn ilo il your officers run dim n l li j thing and verylmdy luit number one talk in be ion m dlf pin ccs of how bad times lo of how everything and r very body u going to tho b iw wows a bank which hns conducted a conserva tive business since 1872 and has steadily increased its assets until thoy now amount to over thirtytwo million dollars is surely a safe institution to bo entrusted with your savings bank of hamilton georgetown branch it j he wat agent xmas in our mens store it isnt pomlbla to ge wrons in choofllnjr gift from mir iiiehh ftirauhlng mere the lilna llmt sensible particular man choose iur tliamselvss nre here in itmail kelef lion smoking jackets nj to fi io hllk unilirtlns jijo silk munlera joe to si jo kxoeldn hand kerchiefs a forsjc hilk handkerchiefs border too t gloves ooc l3j 175 noo9 jo sweati 300000 to be sacrificed 300000 in furniture and carpets at j m struthcra old stand upper wynd- ham street guclpli between now and jan uary 1st jrj68 buy your xmas presents in furniture and save 20 per cent call and sec f g- broiies ga -s- gdclpl to 3 so per pair 40c too rath robaa gj a tn li 75 drum hhirls 9 m o si 30 linen llandkerchlafs ijc anc 150 and jjc neckwear nj jo 75l nud f i fur cotw si j to y 75 fancy veals 05 lo 195 ulc etc wnkiiffl 11 as mt yskkt uu yu lt aj awrilua ik wo smi ki wwli ummusu- ui abiwatv rri wmmrfham wkm w tult4et4aviuuy milkmji utt btur hun pint per uvr lib c milwli liiniir wihhhh ttrtu ur w 11 1 w m 1 one tablet ovutmlmt for sale by a a robertson drurrlst acton a a christinas gt siltxr plau that wean certified silverware k a cilad tkcu i thai euut wuh dura n no iiihili tif vititt lo ilit caiual ofvr i nr1 aal lha laillailnn nawadara ar m aliaa auluiituhfiia mitii known lh lied milof a lluani llhrouttlly mllabl auautaclt jiianltluc llacallon thai i jdllhwiuujily mllatila auaul lkalaiiallluclibrnatliuvlmualla 1 1 acai ion thai lha ankuiotliwpad whjt immmmm laillcau and u atthwhaifaatliadfarll thuum t curtaa hat tl a gbrlstuias gft that plonses for 3050 days and mora rrobibly the moat perplealnfi problim of ihe ysar la whil lo buy as a christmas kilt lull will re sure to please and si the same lime be one ihst you can buy st s bmsll price if you want somelblng list will pious a woman lor three hundred and slxly ave dys a year far ten jesrs and more nothing will meel ibis requlremanl more fully than a litest imprrneil cyco dearlng lllaaell carpel swetper iu ui how you our eejiam chrlammis biiorimenl ul cyco uairlnp liluall swee an prlcei 73 j 35 lj 73 4 oo 14 a- r f jolnstoqe go jutllu st hoton h h itns worth mmftmmtfnmm grlstnias novelties we arc right to tho front with the right goods for the holiday season beautiful christmas handkerchiefs an opiortunie ofpisrinqjust in timi5 for christmas buying at 50 itfrtkaif of loe iniuev lawn handkercliltifu iiemaliichedi with fancy tiua eoiuer seach ai fr ajc j at loo imhteap of aoc f lodwxineri henimltcltsd haadkirblilefa wjtli biiioii inhlat iu ciiraer loeesch orj for sic at isu inbtkad of sjc- ladles 1jjncy krabrohlsred handkurcljlafa beautiful fculgini 13c tmuh or a yor ju other kittra flue haudkarolilnfs priced front aio to ysc complele stock nf kllk initials hnbutkerchlefsat gjfj unit 50c attractive tollars for christmas gifts kvnry wotunn appreolataa hie addftlon of a nice new cltar to her cellectlim we have very prqtty ones which we hnvo placed very low for christmas belling 35c collar al 1 sc er for 3sc jje chllom at 30c or afar 35c 0hsru at jjctaf 133 hnndl bflda have jiiut received torn very novel deiwgim siuuu uu u ladles i land ilaga thry will make very pfntty xmas qlfbl teddy dear dags at 33c lndfoj llfailod llnjh jje fijc to v130 75cl hugs sac other- 73c tofi 73 e r b0llert sst co jnyndhhm strbbt cu6lph all ready for father and mather pringle guelph santa clans with everything in ihe jewellery line here are superior values in men8 and boya overcoats nowhere eliio in giielph will you find a better selection of over coats than wo now odor itll a allowing of the cream of the overcoat htyleft netlilng but the beat and most desirable fabrics ml in tho latest lines the result being graceful perfectfitting overcnals in every detail llioao overcoats arc perfection they fit anug at the neck tho shoulders are broadnndatlilotlcthefronta are reinforced so that they do not sag but hold tholr alinpe aiunoth and straight there are plenty of styles to select from so you can get just the overcoat yeu like belt wo give you tko beat obtainable valuea your money will buy here mnro good style quality and tailoring than youll obtain at most any other store tlltfo bxtrh big urlubs mens overcoats at 1000 tliono coat or baullilull itrtv incho loot out on marl firacoflll linen mwt lmt black ark at lor one varlk nlnnall lio aluolutty 111 lmt cat you ver bought nt tho low ptlc t bovs overcoats at 5 lloroauptbovreoat in lw to 111 all lxiy up to n year o uk extra romi quality matorlul tra wall nud anil llnocl warm unu atyllah in fat black thlmt lloy overcoat in canmla tor tho prlc w other lnurpamilvaiiitllul3soil i6so 111 in d e macdopald bros tlie- lop- guclptj qreat carter littiexiver pills must bear olonatur of 0m ryv8iailu wrtwf 0 very aaaau esv as aara- roknuubmx ron dinimut ron iiuouimtt rohtmmduvtt ran eonftyiptioh nnsjuiawikii jroji tmeeompuuiom ml jlfjbauobtpsbsbe ours eiok meatche ladles collars an i 0u- 33c 300 73c and ii 00 each ladles gloves al 330 to t 35 p p pure ruffs collars muffs and gauntlets at tjio tolis 60 shawls fascinators golf jackets lifjus skirts is 30 to to 00 ladlev waterproofs 3 00 trjlu wool and silk wautlaaeputtrplb fancy bonea just the thing for xmas gllis ot si 00 tofs 00 walal or dress lengths select what you vuh and we will provide tree 01 chsre funcy botes for same towels rugs mats comforters table linen end napkins lsllet handkerchiefs al a c 10c 130 300 350 and 500 each mun3 nuckwear mans and hoys ties at 330 ekcb mans tiea and silk handkerchiefs at 30c lo 730 each mens sofi dress shirts positively ait colors sod beat fining shins on ihe mukat al tt 00 each hoys soft dress shlrla fast colors and beat fining st 30c each mans and hoys bcirli 3kj to ti30 each mens and hoys olovea ai 330 pair groceries new hillnb and currants best quallly 3 lbs for rjjo nsw peels bast quality al iha a b new dalai ilas prunes nuts canned goals millinery opportunity bthmmmmmbtsl h h uiisizsrorth lor the next ten days wo put on sale j an exceptionally fine showinr of trim med hats ladies misses and childrens in all the latest shades styles and trimmings thia lot comprises over two hundred hats and neatly all ore specially trimmed for this sale prices in most oases less than half of regular prices and an extraordinary oppor tunity in given to socuro a groat bargain in millinery henderson cfe oo mill street acton