Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 26, 1907, p. 1

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voiivmk xxxiii no 20 mwv wlla w adrane acton ontahio tiiuitay mottnino thgobmllkll 20 1007 suwrttuon pric if oo rf anw sinoiib copies thiikk cents iilbc jvtton jfrw ijrtsfi hiuthm kvuilf riluiibday uoiimino at vmm vr lra im lltuar olh i1ll btiteht acton onf tavuia of balmmriptta 0j dollar dr yaar irlotly in advance all sub- tcrlpdon discontinued whan tho time lor which thay have baeu mid haa x- plrad tu date to wbloh ovary nub- wiflpuin fspald in dsuoud on tno nd- jraa label aamlbul itmlaa tranalent adver- tlaamsnt if jnln par nonpareil una for flrat insertion eant par lino for dtb subaaquant insertion rebtlons will io inserted torbld ktiitoliarajad kooordtnalv tronalant ad- vartuomanta nuit bo nald im advenes advarlieamanu will be aha n ad one oh month if daalrad- rot ohoae ofunar than above mantbnd tbe euw poeltlon must b paid tor at raular rataa channe for eontraet advertisement must tut in h orfloa by noon ort tule- aoeuunts payable monthly knkirah omee it meet hlraot lan- tfn at c where meaaro v and j lardy co will receive for u now subscription and advartlaauanta and where our raadarn can fro o eharsj aa our paper whan la knalnnd ir i uooiibl editor and iroprletar sustneflh fiiwclon mxd1cax t iios gray m d c u mecill l it 0 p kdimaoaaw i l p b oumow uamiaa haitiia uinitui ahooutiow mm 3ttee rdrllf fitraat aaleaonl b d ault m d c m omee hour 0 to id am i to i and t lo 0 nlahl sell eniwtred from mid oar vedr lak htrel aotou oht i rtiiub l hottk m d otaduata el ualvenllf of toroau aoeosieon vo da joan ii uaodowilb l m 1 to i p mi and d r drydbn in aua taaaiv uro mo ooniar wool lab and llaliar bursals aoblpii oman tloaasm no to pm and i to p rtwdlta 10 am to 1 p m ft j miokinnon niuimi ajouorroa comvctaaeaa orrioaulll itrmt la towtu bloek ftri i oourv ooaaly el hal raaaniriraaailuiaai haallsauu aiani nuoaay o loan aa dxmtju n j u dbli ixd b l d a jlf dawnav aotoh osim al itmldanea oorntr ulll and vradaiub iraam uouob ombdltaj ov voiomto dmitbuit tba uual admilhatlo md ii dailrad lt iiochrood tuisdair l jiennkttldbdhntibt vjbcwlljutmovs ni and hardy 4 co adviatiblflo cohtiactdii and hiwicohxarownintt 30 plt street london e g england a vila ol uu papar nan ba irfa of ahwi byvltltorato ijouaoo to whom edvfaa yraua will 6 cltaullraqulrad i ranoib nunan iioubbimdbb aaaouhl boeif f all klnrfa mad is urdajr iadoduiafawarydaaarluottaaauybottd m arria0b moenbeb r p uoom ihimra or utaauaa idmunb al raaldanaaln ttia avanl vraa frail omw aoyoh vttu hkubtiibet ltoahkd aootlamaaa vor iha oeaatlm of woltiagtoa awd ballon dirdaralalt aliba vaaa paaaa ooao aatoo or aftmyraaleaitaalnaetoa will bo pveaipuy landed to taruia ileaio aleo uebmr te lean on the mmlfavorabu amaaad a the lowaafrataa el latanatla ana of mm and upward w ordari lall wlib tbe paib raai aebib will neelva imntadltu attadtloa tames mcdonald uoimbid aueriogiuib omipb alas aoadoblad wiufaeuen aaaraul naamabla tarn and en naamabie l vorlvmrdvi ola applv wftwi baaiprmfimcor uatutda hi al r- llcttmud auotiohxrh varlheooanllaaorwallleitanaad htlua bala aondntad with htutaouob and upon raaaoaabla tavna ovdar by utur to mlmou v o uupboee u hraiow or omrlm orlaft at paali htaa offlaa aelon will iraealve mtnadwa auaatlon charles j western eyetlfht specialist of toronto villi aciom vry monlli for tlma nf nilt visit vnaulr t hewrn 8 lrutf th tjouni or butdy in jsxxxorr tokonto oht 4 at up ip lh iiiiiimi nilril ot ukcium wintik tiru oiiins januakv6ch wrll lo day or ourlarfs ulltogua j xt aiiuott prlaolpal conuryonjauiil auinrtrbui your chopping will be done quickly and well on either platen or stones if taken to the rookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harri8 a co llmlud evertott eden mills th ttaat quality of manitoba vamtly tmnd patry flour for at lowest price our own mk chopping dona and oat rolled avery day paad or mia cash for wheat md oil henry hortop miss j druiomond teaabw o vole prednallen open for ooneart buiabt diva private iamma to paplla in aelon every ttiaaday nasoagawc lu mills tluhlbar lath and bh1njla alajtyt oo hand ertaap bulituflouuo p 8ayers3 80h8 tuuaomtj0 is it footwear you are look ing for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry n full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm william tba aba if mi uuiitfht aotsn new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros quelph art stork ulieuld im uaeful ibli year muck honey each yar u pnt on ornaintjtital in lead of uiefml mahay aliorlagre make uu fu tklajreor a aim ourltit la cartfitd cullery tlpnonh kniv bkafea hockey goodiio hweetr lamim v coflea ivta hllverwaro j hlelah uhowskoiu our priceli ark always right the bond hardware co umlled ratal phone 07 odmlpii ttlu qulliry store get it at savages oar bamilltll nrrjy of gift um brallai kbony good apd pino jewelry ol all bind wit meat ilia refiulremtnli lie ynur lift ale gent and etaborta ormodait ahil practical our comprhnlve nock ctnnol fill lo iatufy every dailro 8ucl your oooda ami tlmply ay lay them ailio we wvf hof ibem lo your order 1 you wlili until ilmeod very christmas specials in diamonds las so ijs oo jo o- 7500 f 100 00 it will pay ycu ta inipect these value solid gold real tkarl brooches beaulllul foode front i 35 lo 173 store open every evening savage de co llllllixl ib guulih8 huuilllh jbwhllbrs cmtral business wm of toronto baa etartad thou and el yoang man and woman on the aajy way to tarupindeeaa and umm lat u alv von tbe ibt uri write for oaialoaaa end plan to pnd the nail li wan lb wlih us eamr an tlma addraaa w ii itfaw prlnelal von and oerrard hta toronto the old and reliable granite and marble dealers are pi an ureal u rare and dlraat imported of allaladaof monumental and llil 3rk wetaildlraatlooureuttiii a paaa uina aavlna laaa uiua eat wa ttara tit bl only maebihlaa in the domini ata naaomaua tool properly maraiiaa from bnndroda ol ol torenw and other plea wher other bay to uod tew anlu in erdar to oollmt we bavr be luteal and lett etoab of iranlta n tli of ell kind of monumental and llitann iildlrmttooureuttiiniaraatwiiou utiomar 40 par llano and lb a who eau opr- w oan ni onr eutomi in a are by iandlni ar we empli onipatluoa of iranlta ly tbrtre tlealai 1 daaur and annoy or imt eu- taiapoluu iildly ant eaapt 1 dio only hamilton sons oor koriolk and woolwleb ru quulpii kcton li er v bus lin6 the underalojned reepeeilully tolldtl iha patronage of llin pub llo and lnfotma them that wall tlabus a comforlabla bua meet all iralm between loooim and 6 10 p m careful 111801101 riven to vary order tba winla of com mercul traveller fully mat john inziluihtuts fnorattabtqwj georgetown florab co umud georgetown cut flower growers funeral and weddlny ordert 1 specialty all onura puo wllh mr b a rolwrlaon dnimul aolon will mctlv prompt atlnllon aoton pump and tile works 0 b jbbbaghb proprietor our prmlfb era now rally aqulppad with all h lataal maehlnary and appliance for ftianuieciurlne uwpfjudttfeaii mupplti tiltttwltmeutrnm to jtieam ftps rttihtg tool aauf rip thtpptits ordera promptly allad klain strbftr acton short line to parry snd winter time tadle moitiinouwn jjoflru a islarmhl etunll and oiinitrtmao ifappinttaay mtny cliiutnxial llx mid and wiiu marry and oil day true imppli llioimh their limiio wmt 1 tut liiiinbli and lliulr llvulilinod li 11 illy gwlnfd and lltonuli tvtint iniikoaii lriiililuaoinn ni lull hi ir and tltili hnnr wo 10 wrinkled with r in yu 11 liuppy f tat dy wna tli it uln ut- iiiilu por tlm ppliltnf chrlat w tl 1 1 mtii 1 j clu utmiiu i ttntl yol twit tint nurry atiicitlahi liixnrt on tlm bill wlitrc cnlil dlllniuiim imtdnvku and tnvy in rncb vrniinltt hull ovlt at itt tlicio vcto pi oipnls licit rift for melt pi 1 huh in riotl thing lo cntnndtoppnr hill 1111 liiipilnr ciunn nn hint cliriat itlllb tbo spirit of cltrut wna not lliorv i m hut toronlo jtffo 1 tyoo a m no hjoptn wahiso parry sound 1 laasam ompm jtoptn bflutiiuotmrt no a no 4 lurry sound wuhan loooam t ifjim 043 am toronto 300pm 10 to a m strltcl nmil shrnbliig a story of ciibistmas time liy amy raadelnh nuxt wcoli u tiliiiutiuna i oil nail nrent yon fllttdp tt wna llin unft lllllo volcn of mttiluu nocdlmni wlii tut nb llio vowlnp- ninchhip nikt to ni 11 ovirlutone tid in kill turnrd tirmnid ylia lookwl into tbu itliu apiiiklluu fycu of tbo yoiinu htiiniotiog glud i slui repeated vnguely ob yie i hiippiao an tlimmli i dont know why iliinld lip particular ly joyful blio nddrd wltli a abort bcnrnfut lutiitii miiiimii luukod blioolod dent ntlly nnlil fcbc dont ymi ulwaya koip olu ltd mnv v i imiihlit u five cunt wicntti to linnff up in my room lust g in in tump anld ntll and i liollovo my landtiuly iilwuyb buyu u iniktij nlllx uifb it ir boniltltnoh intlitr tniil i nt wltb tier i nit t olu ut iiiiib k in do her nuiikotlnu hh uli miill nftoi nlno oclock to luuu lliu piko tif ptiiiltiy gdiliiun ob deai bow wt nnd ebippy nnd dlunnil it wiib i no miiilun to lull tbo bonnat truth clirletimib nniklti but illtlu rtlfturonca to mo one nii 01 tbn ntllot 1 and itui ntwlnii ki iflliod involun- turlly nu bliu uttitid tbo con fowl on it una 1i1 taiy nnd cumfuttloul oiioiltfti tlint nlifbt itu hiib plodded boino tbiiiiihli hid biiow wliloli wi jnil turning tnaliot nnd hiiibii wblloa raw bltliiff wind nluwk bur lliln omit na if it would tun it from hut abuul dera tbu wimp windows woio llujlttatl brlllluntl nnd lbroiifrli tboriitblrlna mint noll ovoilinjlnn coubl wo tbo wrvatbuh of bully nnd tuj rlttt and prlncem plnodttipod hikuo ibn riijeat warea us if to olmllenao popular utton tlon but thonru no tiuoinnkliik inln tba wlndowv ttlubod null ono only irnigu fm tbo piutty tiling nnd wtrto la tbo itao bo lim na nun nover hna a ponny nftor tlm tmiud bill in piddp ob i wondor how gltrlutnmb ninit spitm to pooplti who aro holt ntil itnvn plnnty of iunn p and nnco innto a utionff uouao of discontent nnd injnblic auipt nvoi tbn pom blldu soul iilo n billow wna alia tint young p wna alio not pniliiff full to ltfk npoup why wits it hint alio wna f 11 tod tbut to diudun mid toll when ithirn of her ngn wrro enjilyln hfua aiinwiilnup alnal there nro otliora uian inall overlnaton who bnvu found tlilit t n rldtllb pnat anlvlno dut wliffti aba readied tbo dcioj or tbo tbukby jontrel brlolt bona wedged in lit twoon drug etnr nnil a grocury wbloh tproaontetl butitu to liar tbo binillndy boraelf llunp opan ilia hu in u ltd eager lm 1 ulanovailiifftnu alia wblnpor- at bliaklly ito liaan watching for you thla long llmo unit nuytltlng biulponod alia uunkuttt npl nakod ralbei anllilonl- iy ita nn obi kcittt inua anld mra ilhokitlt lift oliloti laatltvtl breath tquohliig nolly obobk with llio pro- found aeoiooy alto nlttcted wiilttiv to aap yon in l ho pjirltu wlib n fur lining lo bla ooiit nnd 11 all k but and i stmt urnco up ut light tl flrtr in tbo grate nnd tbo ohlmhly amokfld tlint dreadful na bo oliokod nnd aunexod nnd aont down hi ouiiipuiiuint nnd bo preferred if it wna nil tbo riuuo to nimo alt lit tho cold it tba alnna muaoira ftiult uilaa nehoniiahttobavu conto bermo w an old rontlamiiu m- hucketlp map ii ut 1 mil aura you mtiat ulan m up mini tbo rinn obalr aw ymi nail ovwlnutotj 7 v vlrv c iel tbo glil i do nntknow wlm you nro l 4 fault that la iomi jarli muwi anld be cbeorfully j am lliwltor d iln your falheve cousin we id l 10 g 0 fruio w jwa wlra hoj tnrly yar ng lild ha vvararwal of map nail lo kl nwed i do pot miuyinthii much about my titbtv wiltl ahr ho died whon i waa only a child nop aald tho old fen hainan aeriitlnlalng liur rue with ugl kton vyoaaa be talked tlmti a ilty ho waw n fine mlavr wan john ovorlng ton ijnt i dam say you nro wondor log what hna brought mo imre ah luthor nell replied wlib a half a 111 1 la i ii ml you 1 vegntat nloca i ni going to adopt bey fur my own i noll ttll talo face fall tt little for a moment ui two elm bad almost iwlluvod that mr drirley wna going to ndopt her anil want nn mr dnrloy na i dniit knrfw an very niucb about glrlt wild lluilr wttjn and ifli uhrutmn la ancl u at band i thought id just nuk jon to help ma eeleot n few littlu preaenla for bar nice prolty tiling aiioli hb a girl would bo likely to pro fur i shall bo very glad to ba of acr vlci aald noll constrainedly na bo pan id fur n reply 1 want to buy bora nko now droaa for chtbitiuna ton sold mr oarley flboa nlmiut your build and si m vim could tell what would fit her ah t i dam nay i could wild noll slieea nlreghl sold mr dnrloy nibbing ida bit ul a very nko girl her minia la alula i llbo oluoitiil young suiltity uboitt llio bouse nnd im qulto stiro 1 shall lovo bur deaily null sly hod anflly why could not alio too have f illon holreba to audi an inhoriurtcu of good furluuo on thla p why waa it that tho llckto goddouu of luck always paawid by ou tho otboi aldop uut sho uiuaterod a bravo uiulle nnd begun to ak qiiustluiis nhout hi unseen aim in shall wa go to buy things minor row p aald mr dnih y noll ooubldervd a little wa nrej vory inuah hurried nt mud u 1110 uaallugthroda just now add ahe hut i ditni any that i cun gob laava of absonco for n conpto of hours hoyouroa wot king glil ohp aald mr darley yea im a woiklng gill nits wit ed noll i aiippoao your nlico marin la n lady p ob yo alio a k lady eald mr dnrloy to morrow then nt tun oclock ill ho bare wltb a cnb madaino ilnellnglhrfd grmnbled 11 good dent but win 11 sho llenrtl that n now ilroab was llkuly to hn nrdored alio changed lior tuni nnd mild that it waeonlynatiiniltlmtmlbmovmli t dally ewoapi suntjay obwivat on oinlag parlor oara between toronto and verr mouud 14x11101 tnaeja l oarte omchii ah allonaalw corner klnu and tonwlo sm and union station fhtfw matn 31 tt 1 iw inlatnuen anld null lolnnoly ro iiinvlngboi lint niliuliiiwl i know tin nun in nil tho oliy u la aottiobmly elao lilt iiieima heahked foi alleanoltoveiliiglnii 1 tlintanll 1 nan idl nhnitl ii lototted mia llmkoit and numb wuudotlngi ntll wvnt inln i bo nhllly ftuuky littlu pitlnr ntul tba nil ft ii dllty nnd vault like a limit pieman t fncod tilil gontl- ehonld want tn go nut a lltllu with her aldarly rolutlto llut im gbul im leitdirly euld mndamn nuatlugtluvd i couldnt countenance any jouug men coining nttor my gills it waa a vary plunanut morning hint kelt spent with mr dailoy tluy drovo to a glnvo stoio nnd b inglkh glove kiid tnafiinoyhtoronud botibt inooi and uickiit bnudkerohlofa anil rainbow rlboua nnd to n utinoatoio und buleatwl thu pretllesb llttlo fionob kid boota mid insoltud allppoia nnd to n ikiok atoru mid purrhiisod nil tho nlco booki that nell ttinugbt mi diuley iialoe mai la would like tn road nnd tn k confoclloiioi wluro they luight bnuhnna mid kroiioh cliocnlntop and lunched ufttiwnrilnu frlud oyatora nnd coffoa nell bad not an ton h filed oystei iu yeum nnd fllinlly iwtook llieinadvpaluajiiwoluia nild oidorod tho invelleat iluga nnd brttodme and paarl studded lco burs bud cunning luiuglea t youi nlooo marin will bo vory vory hftppy aald null oarnoatly 1 hope an aald mr dartey and now lot go tn liuy tho dreai so to madmnn iibttngthreds thoy posted and worn roculved with tbo great eat gradoiianeaa by that ihdy and noll obnte a lieaullful wluecor ml allk ki mr dnrloy anld that bla nlaoomuiu waa lurk to ho trimmed with uicurln lace ntul alio bnraolf wna moaaurod to make aura of tba fit i whttt it to bo in tho latest fash ion said mf dnrloy ulwillaut it after tbo nioit roctnt design from worth a anld mtutnmo doatltjgthretl how anon emi li be dniiop sld mr dailoy maduuao itaahnglbrod lliutight tlint alio could prom i no it in nlmut a wuek vuiy welt anld mr dailoy aorlb bllng duwn hid orderv iet it bo aont by ohrlatiiiiia day ho lut tied to null my dour aald lio j 011 liave bsen ory kind iain very much obliged tn nu quod tiiofutng 80 be vniiluhod out of mlsi ovoiliig- tonaaiiu dny ii to us if ho bad boon a ohuptor hi h novel nnd aha might bav doubt oil wltether tltq whnlo thing wna nut nil a dream if aha bud not ebon mmhiiiio iliahngthioiujmoubuihig off tho lliumoee of tho glistening wlno- cnlorod yllkj a vory nice utd genlloiimn anld miiibiinu nnatlugthrid tliero la something qulto princely nhnkib hni i duolrtk l null ci let a llttlo when alio got hum ivilinp in nub na bo bait onjueil ihnlliilu eplainl it wna not wjoy plain cold watt r pille so much nftor n gnhbtt of nectur on clirutnirt kve tiuwitvi r tin ru mm m tt leurani lo hie slmhliy md brick bouse wlm wn to mini iiimvii to hurley oiaunn nt once malt n it omforlnhle for my nlee afurln snld mr luily kvpllolt dlnchons weru adihd nnd ben nell got out at tha lull way titntlnii tt linniiliiiin sh igb hoed wltb wldln fojt rohef wn walling fur lir with h servant holding ttu iin down in the valley tlm glu utipes twln vera ilnglug overhead the atunder cieicoiit of tiu itw inimtu gllnimuiid fuliitly all i ti earth was folded in royal robeuof jwarl 1 ittt tfie sky was hputigttld with staid am t golpg into a now world t nell askiml hersolf old mr daihiy mot her on hid dnnr- atej welcome my duarl said he with falhorly kits hna abb cninof hiked nilf brent b leasly t yes she lias eonie anld the old gunlleiiuin tlomo and see her lie led her with old fashioned com t cay to tho great drawing loom hung with holly nnd eparkllug with wan candle and only paused when they had readied u great sheet of mirror let into tbo wulls hero sho i said he ntll gtunctd tltlu way and thai hut i doit t see anybody uald eh dont your suld mr darluy look again look straight hi front of yoo now what do jniiwip in myself only sild piutxkd nell well said mi daily chuckling ihata my ndopt id daughter it cried tho glil yea you noddod tbo old gentle mnn hut gaamd nell my iiniun ian t mat bi oh im not at nil paillciilar nhout tbo inline aald mr dntuy well flhnngp it to nelly if you chin so tbo truth p tny dear that nhco maria nil 1111 invention t i only wanted to tea how i liked you before i decided o adopt you for good and all found you swett willing luibelflah isvorylhlng in fuct hint i could desire and now my dear if i eult you wull iiinko a partnership of it you shall ihi my daughter 1 i will do a fatbuia part by you now como in and sen tbo presents 1 ho dross camp two hour ago you must wear it to dlnnir to night and when nell oveilngton enmu uownsttilfu in the heniitlfiil things that sho hnd selected for mr darloya j thlco nlcco mailn she felt evnot ly as if alio wore living hie paragraph of a fniry tulo for fortune instead of panting in i itornbly by on the other side hnd taken hoi by tho bund at inst and thla rndlnnt chiutniaa eve waa tho liiginnlug of n now und bnppy 11 to for tho poor overworked llttlo sowing girl nt madnmo llaellngthrcda eatnh llshintnt thlbollltlbthab 1i3it bii1t cnpld to flip chit pmtnpri until ily wtiy of bring pleasant how would yon like anute foil mi heart to bo your olu ut nm pi nsent p hid vory thing lepllid tbu innld but kindly pins ntinngn it in onsd i got a luplicntti iarhnp i might exdiaugo it on aaonaiba blatb deto flanly wenn u kupi nlnng 1 with ililudviuw nilly uiiuaa ationg- an hitoleva goni 2 pull yoro sledd u ii dud mo blnaiilng inn ml ilodd unit on the lleddatcdilu will u a pair of soi 2 bigg for mo lliitr papaa for uuonii wna welt ro i ynied bla now dont forgott i 1 dont want verry inenny tlilnge 3 injun bona rh with strlnga and nnrrere nnd i of iheniin there pop amine that hhools itiself with air and 2 knvnlvuru i with kappa a sknlr tliunun llttlo jotiauu olinppa and i that shoots u reeul llawl 2 ptny with icntta nnd puppii hints 11 wl oh yea i nrroly pbiiutn forgott i wnnt n knniiun shbn na wbott it lining 2 jimmy smith hist yere it nmybe illuuor- i dont iforo 1 of the m m kan 11 mi with n itoro tlinta inund nniiff 2 uhalk tbo tlore and mnlk tbo unyhurs shutt thur yeroe and any dont piny with hint ml dorea yea and aiitn inwdnr and n annrd anil aknlibury iff v knn nffmi 2 loev mr thninui it o im gnn 2 ii n soljer wenn im groan and go nnd pi to tln nnabiuia kitwe unlmldhtg frwluma wholly inwai tbn impaaea i wnntan orgy ornbye around the itnwao twibntv vmattm aoo diku in acton dicamloir 14th william itnlierl infant ami of mr ilobt creech nged 7 months nnd is days diki in ii vckwnod dfceuilmr 14th htrlckland duftldd aged cfl yenra itov frank w warne into of obi cngo a former krln township loy waa tba editor a guest the other day he ha lieen appointed to tho pastorale of tbo dhiirrnnitnllnh hb mntbmllsl hplscopat church gilciitla india the targobt methodist church in india aeulliig 2000 mid coating sift 000 x y or ltockwood anya that mm john niack krln town line fell down her collaratalre breaking bararm and receiving other injuria and that noll molean blackamltb kverton by tbn running away of hie team coining from quelph waa thrown from the waggon nnd hud a leg broken nud nu arm put out of joint and brok on and farther that the fine new ivee- by tor inn church at eden mill waa formally openod on sunday december 18th five tramps in tbe cells 011 tuesday night oakvlue wotu haa- opened a reading roam for young men for win tei evenlnge the sunday school cenaue waa larg er tho laab two hundaye titan over be foro in the hlatory of acton obrlat- una trees are looming up win dahlole of naaaagaweya died suddenly lost week he bad worked in the woods the day before taking 111 at night ha hail a at rake of nnralyela 101110 tlmo ago mr adam cook baa surveyed about 20 acres of hie farm into some ninety iota und will otter thorn for aalo nn saturday thoy are moitjy on the mnln stroot aide of tbo farm but eomo nro on mill st root two new at root a drock strjiet nnd victoria avenue havo boon opened nnd church and queon ex tend oil on saturday tho young hulea of the glovo worta presented their superln tondont mlaa magglo kennedy wllh an ologanb silver cake buakut she waa much aurprlaod but heartily th nuked tho don ore nnd then of jmutatvthotn wna u ctyingspttllalt a round tho beat of feeling evlats lie tweon tho girls nud their an per lor offl oer a lump ovplodod in tbo hallway of houdotaon mcltno tc ooe store lie- tweon tbo mnln atnrc nnd droai making apartments on monday and there woro fonra of aorlotisoonsi quenooa tbe oil saturating tho floor nud tbe fbunea rapidly spreading it was soon smothered out nnd tfio will cover the damage itov d tl oanferqn now residing at point kdwurd pn ached in knox chur pnbuu congre- gallon the shod oreoted by the seott a penplu at georgetown which was burned down after eevoia nttentpta to flro lb h ytar ago baa been rebuilt at a cost of 700 itov w s mctiivlah nf fit george nu old nnssbagnweya h wis very plenantilly aurprlaed by member of hla oungregntlon driving a fine new portland outtor into bis barn aeoom- pun led by n not from the lady mem bora of the congregation tub nmwjbanta oxjillas boy i my w eaya at wliun im never bad no toys llko what old hiuta brings aroilnd to all tie llllhi mys pa navwr hud an engine that you rack pa navwr hud an engine that wound up with a key nor cars it nulled around tbn i fumed 1 in blocks ngeel im glad i wasnt him liack there a long long time ago when nil he il get for christmas ud coat twenty cents or so pa says old santa never brought a tuuglo hintem there when tiu was just h little boy nor soli i lent things to waar 1 ha never had an nelephunt that when youd pull its trunk would make a scary nolso ab though it tried to show its spunk 1 they had nn hook and ladder trucks nor anglmve long ago and nil tbe sleds thoy got wliera what their fathers ins tie you know the things pnpot for christmas gifts wara mostly things hed need ijkocloen liooka for school instead of pleasant tilings to read dut nee i i guess no wonder bant clans does better now oausa hes more ssnsabnller and hes privatised to learn how im glad i wasnt pa back there a long long tlmo ago when all his toys v candy ud oust twenty cent orao amhnt mindald a etory la current concerning a pro feasor wlm is reputed to be slightly absentminded tho learned man haul arranged tn escort hie wlfo an evening to tha theatre i dont like the tie you havo on i wlah you would go up and pub on another said bfs wife tj10 professor tranquilly obeyed moment after moment elapsed until anally the impatient wife went up eulre to learn the cnuao of delay in his room ahe found her husband un dressed and getting into led habit had been too much for him when be took off lila tlo o l oratbalb bfld he writes in cases where tbe cunatlve influence nf cod liver oil la needed i prescribe vlnnl whloli i find in bo far more palatable and effl enolous than other cod liver prepara tions i aid convinced from my nwn sk nnd from q knowledge o 1ha naturo of vino that it la a worthy cod liver preparation in wbloh physician may have evory confi dence c i dreoso m d goshen ind such toatltnony furnishes further evidence to the people of acton that our delicious cod liver preparation vlnnl dues all we claim for it aw imdy bulldei nnd strength ore tor fur old people dnllcato children weak tundown persons after sick- nesa nud for ohmnlo coughs cold bronchitis wtiil nil th lung trmiblee vtnoi is unexcelled title is because vlnol la made by a scientific extractive and onncontiatlng proceae from fresh aodb peptonnts of iron all tho inlalnal healing body building eleinonta of cod liver oil but no oil ws ask the peoplo of acton to try vlnnl nn our offer to return thrdr money if lb falls to give on lis faction k a ilohartsnn druggist acton ont corns nn your hands will do more for the good of tbe world than crowns on your bend ynuree 11 lie wish littlib will ik miimnin said hllln wllllo na lie hold 111 a big biindlo in thn onr wlmts in this box p nothing for you willie anld bin mother well wheroe my ohilalmnep sarita ojmui wilt in lug hint well if ha glvoi mn iinyhihig big mad oood hooks a daulmnro mmi tells of an address muda to ionio school children in that city by n memlhtr nf the hoard nf tristeae my young fi lends aald the spouker lot me urge upon you the neoosalby of nut only reading good hooka 4mt nlsti of owning them an ih at you may havo nooeaa to them at ull times why when t was a young man 1 used frequently to work all night to cam iiiouoy to bitybooka and then get up before daylight to read litem i iiltogollier bxh fiti her nobody tike hila bon ill kbilw ityou a heavy heart does not prove tint you have n burdened brain many a praaaber would ba esldora nt ehiiroh hut fur the sermon the beet way to maintain good utitcr le to comfort ilia tiwrlms no man oan be grent until be ean aee greatness if there is riotltng heavenly here bora la no heaven there a word is a winged seed none can tell when once lb haa gonn forth what iu harvest may be sydney jobt ajj intsbllioknt a aohool girl in a massachusotta twn had often iteen mado to aoknow- ledge the superiority or bar brothrra one day her innthei remarked upon tbo apparent utbsr luok of intelllgenca in lien you cant tench a hen any thing she suld thoy have ruined more of this gardou than a drove of oattla would you oan teach a eat dog or pig something bub a osn never t hint wvobilmihl the child indignantly i ihtnkthey know just an muttb am ruusttira 1

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