Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 26, 1907, p. 3

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our mmhod of roaatlng j mr perfect bland of mocha i snd j vn coffee twvelofis and rfwwrvri lli rich enmnliollof tlis hrru hrino out lh folttom mid richness of lbs flavaf thais why grogs whit swa coffee hu uch a imlcloiiipmlliir hrnmm lifllp dtfltilloii musius i wlillo j in parchriwnltlun placed in prtmrvina ll full ivoranil fmilmsm a tueuurtctjcs ulujt santa gluts flcudrjunrters ipoolal forxnraffi lndui gold flllad watahae oemts qotd hld witt oh 0 off i k parl sat urooqh4i3bo 14 ik pavi sat- ninae aoa bolld qold cuff llnwa 3 tto sterllnnrsllvertaa and coffee spoon antf t wonderful afctaetlon of fanov china and olm geo hynds jeweler acton ffilje ctatt 3tre teats tirurbday dkokmdkr si 1007 in brief localutems get ready to write 100h christmas greatest pleasure lvln single fnro on tlio railways fur christmas knov hundiiy bchool entertain ment on now yoara night nomination of lloovo and coiin clllara next monday ut noon christ mm bolls ohristnins urcee christmas odor on tlio hrecuj flood morning i have you renew ed your fit it k phiwh subscription tito fnitit pituhh wishes you the bonniest kind of a merry christmas homo coming nnd chrlstmastlda festivities will bo numerous this week how cony it l for n man lo think of tlio right excuie at tlio wrong time messrs m p durry 4c co are still alilpplnp largo quantities of turnip here timely nnd impressive olirlatmu sermons were prlinched in tlio various ahurclios hut bunday pro it y all in crowd nt tlio concert hut friday evening too umny func tions for tlio holidays approaching honil tlio punic phkhh to your mends ns a christmas preaont they will prlxo it for fifty two weeks of 1000 bchoole bore closed for christmas vacation on friday hut ite opening takes plncu an monday uth january milton laid slfl70 fb of dement walks thla yonr nt a coat of 91701 02- thlrtcen and ono nlntti cents per foot thoro a no stormy weather that luia not ita shiny hit v havent seen n skreter blnco tlio cold wave lilt mr john mcuurehy lias lieon en gaged na principal of norval public soliool and commences hie duties the first at january lomt atoliutclilllon wednesday ovonlng last a plain gold ring finder will 1m rewarded hy leaving at the fiikic phichm ortlco as next yenr la loup yonr ollglhle young bachelor should he very ear ftil of their behavior under the in u tie- to hough this christmas th rnynl roots concert christ mas night will lie well worthy of pat- mnsge tha methodist sunday holfonl orehoatra invite your presence the sunday tohool enterulnmont of st alliana in the town hull last thursday evening was nn qnjoyahlo nffalrtiriio scholar wftroospeclally delighted when banty aomoannaoootsdown through the hole thats in tlio chimney flue nn hops out tore i hot hell bring wholo lots of toya nn uverythlng that little gliu ilka bout dont you p tlio services preparatory to com munion wilt lie held in knox ohuroh nn thursday ovonlng next and the sacrament of the tumis supper will be nhsorved nn sunday morning the family of j dandono shoe deater hud a aarrow escape satur day night whon their home was damaged by flrn aamed by the up setting of a lamp tlio three cli lid ren were carried out in their nlgnf cloth ing it u stilted that fourteen of the young udy npnratlvs of the canada qlovo wmke have been married sine may inst messrs storey ft son will lurtly hnvo nn difficulty in getting plenty of comalo employees in the futiiro give of thy love nor wait to know ihn worth of what thou invest nnd mk nn ro turning and wlinnnovr thy pathway loads on nrth tltara tlmii slmlt find the lamp of lovelight burning milton dlhlo snolety raised a5m this your tho officers elooted at the meeting hut woek wero i president it ooatoa vice preshlents dice secretin y j s deiicon trent iirer jauies ilnlllniiiko kxoontlve com inltteo dr itohei tunn j a frauer o s bower w 1 dlok and the resi dent niluliiers 80oo00obubiibl at oodbrioh neeofd slhlpmant or aiwln at thla port thla eeueon r godoi lob deo sslrd the season just eloaiil iihh eeen mii record for grain receipts ut hie port broken at the goderlch kiovatcrv nnd transit dnpmiys olevntor forty two cargoes were received a tntel of 11111 1a7a bushels of which 22881100 buihsl- were wheat tha western canada flour mills reonlved about 2000000 builieleof wlirtiit iniiklng the total re oetpteflniiilduiahly over 6000000 tiuah- els the oluvatnr has oonitnenoed shipping over tha now fluelph nnd dodsiiph line news of local import th durrwhnbvmiwold the dnlfiirln post iims boon piihiims d hy mr ifdward jhukis dttrrngli tttr over ten ym foreinnnnflheiikwhiiiil el deuirtiiint hut ulteily wlih i in ooeland chattersnn cnnip nj jlremptnn tha publla stohtxil biiianilnaitlona the examinations in tlio public school last friday wereallendikl by an unusual numlhir or passnts nnd frit nils of the scholars ilia efforts nf the teachers and their pupils wore vnry ma nl foe ted ly mpprsobitrd tim vmloua rooms wra decorated with clirutmas favors thla attendance or those interested in the education of the rising grnertlon of the community miiet have a salutary effect a hsmmolh staw im one of tha large skw foga seen in aelon for many culay was leanieil to the ottu yarda ror a a dlfikson oi fiaturdayi ft i an ehti tiieasuree ex feet in diameter at the butt u twelve feet long and contains lhjp feet lum wr iiioaaiire thb tree maduldgs niouiirlng 7001 fwt it allows ic growth rings indicating its ago nt that number of yvars the tree ws per fectly soundi it will lie arnt to a saw mill at quelpli to imi out into barrel hoops bey killed while collti a sad accident occii ml hi kingston on hatimlay as the 4 oclock train going north approached tlie croualftu kenneth ifuglios aged seven with two little glrle were crossing the track the lad pulling a small sleigh the wind was blowing in a direction which prevented tho children hearing the on coming train the girls how ever got well across before the train arrived th hoy was ovei too but the englno caught his slod which ho 1h id on to and iio was drawn under the wheels and mangled into an unrecognizable shape an kulnar weddlnjr on wednesday afternoon dec ihlh at 5 oclock nt the residence of the brides parents mary st milton mr homer b dixon only son of mr nnd mrs a dixon lsiiioslng and mlsa laura k karl second daughter of mr and mrs k v karl wore united in marriage hy the llev 0 t bennett i1a of milton in the presence of the immediate relatives and a numlier of invited guests the happy couplo left on the evening opu train fortoron to hamilton and other points on their return from their wedding trip ur and mrs dixon will mlde at tho grooms homo in kquoalng another v preaaavad in bualneaa a few weeks ago tha winnipeg saturday post was laitnchsd with vory rosy prospects of gratifying sue ooas to the company responsible for its advent tha oft leers of the company are knox mageo president i win s kennedy secretary treasurer i nnd w j sitndorson advertising man ager it will bo remembered that mr kennedy served hla time with tha frtbk pi i lout a number or years ago he is n son of paul kennedy esq who removed to dryden mr ken nedy is a practical newspaper man and boa great fulth in i bo future of the saturday poet tha tiikit piikhh wishes ita ore twhl lo employee and his auoalatee abundant success happily wadded at wlncham a pretty wedding took plnca nt wlngham at the homo of mrs thnny nlohol sister of tho bride at high noon on wudneeday iflth inst when miss julia link inter who has resided in ac ton tha past three yenrs was joined in holy wedlock to mr null monabb youngest son nf arch mcnabb ktq rower avenue tlio ceremony waa performed by hev d perry presbyterian minister ilia bride wiia given away by her brother inlaw mr t nlohol she prose n ted a charming appearance in her travel- ling suit of blue venetian dnth with hat to matoh many pretty wedding girts were tendered thorn the happy pair took a hoheymonn tour to toron to and eastern points thcv have returned to acton and will reside ror the present at no 22 dower ave ah opportunity hot mllloa mr kastmnn or toronto visited milton last week and called on mnynr anderson ho is a manufacturer and submit tod the following proposition t if the cltlxons here will subscribe 29000 the firm or which ho is n member would erect n factory here nnd employ 300 hands for tbo manu facture of hatchete augers jack knlvos utile knives butcher knives can open ers a now kind of raanr strop raxors olc none of those articles being inanu faotiirod at preaont in canada tho firm havo discovered n now process for making steel from iron which place them nt a great advantage in tho manu facture of tha articles above enumor ated the firm are at present loon toil ut weston and the business is capital- i ltd at 9180000 no bonus is naked ror hut us above utated all that is asked is that tlin town subscribe for 25000 worth or stock reformer another taaahar haa raatamad with the dose of the schools for olirlstinne holidays miss norton teacher nf languages nnd moderns in the high school department imnded in her resignation miss nm ln lias n very fine record nv h result of her eight or nine years experience ns u teacher owing to tho death nf her father who resided nt q leu will la me during tho year alio resigned the prlnolpalshlp of the unhnnl nl metoair near ottawa to nnnin honiu nut lie with her widowed iiiothei atmetcnlf she had full charge of the continuation olisse nnd tho fact that two of her pupils graduated with honors speaks very highly of her ability as a teaoher 1uit week inspector cowley who has th aupervlalou of the continuation olaaee of tho province telegraphed mis norton offering her a position nt oarp similar to the one she occupied here ut a salary nr m0 hut she felt she could not leave liar mother to accept it ur cowley was well acquainted with mis noi tons ability a a teacher having been count inspector over schools in which she had taught for six or wven year her sister miss ida norton i principal at oarp at n salary oj 0s0 before coming in acton mts norton was offered a position n iheftolioolat kenora nt n alary of 000 for tho pupils sake it is to tw regretted that kite did not remain hero unlit lb clnio of tho lohoo ydor at least will slell out slumk kta mr 1 a duok has nrrhiigod for n claming auction anlii of tdnck anil implement on ills ftirni iot2flron 7 nuasngnweya on tliursd 2nd january tim stock inrludns twitnly horsun torm i nine months nt six per rsnt interest flsle nt mm oclock jumes mcdonald auollonrrr u meekay olub nsevaanlsad at an nuthualssllc meeting in hi acton house ro fling room lasttliura day night the acton hookey club was rr orgatilsetl for the coming season the fallowing nfllcsrs wera ohm ltd i hon president d d minn i irrul dent a o beard mora t vice presi dent w a htorsy i captalnlc rydsr hoe tress n ii garden managing committee c o llenrd more j itokoy n patterson mrril in hew vark a quiet wedding took placo at ho brick presbyterian church fifth avu- nue newyoik on- wmtnesday dw ii 1007 whoil mlsa mamie k imvlli ehleifdaiightsr nf rv it foivhe of kiln odt whs marrlwl to mr john a morion only sin of tha into mr andrew m4rtpu andmra sforton nf xlchitr kngliifid uho ombnlony was conducted by tho luvwni it rlahawls d u mr and mrs morton sailed luimpdlately nfter tiu mnrrliigo by the liistlnnla for tllr hnuin in kngland judden death of dunean taylor death enmovery suddenly to duncan taylor in his room at the dominion hotel monday morning ifuluid got ten up and was nst finishing d resting hlmseir when he dropped dend hen it trouble lielng the ciiie he had imt bean in good health fur fun era moiilhs and quit work at tho acton tanning co s works in tbo rmly fall ilia physician vlullod lihu on hundio imt hlsdomun was nolnntlilnatvil ait sum- mnrlly duncan tnylur was imrn in nassagaweyh nhout seventy yenis ago fur many yenrs ho hss ik on nn osteon- 1 1 otldont or actnn hit wna of a very quiet disposition nnd was iimnnirleil he was n inoinber of knux church nnd a charter monitor of ivanhoo cnmp sons of scotland tile ft lends hem are awaiting news from relatives in manitoba leforu announcing the tlnm for the funeral oetunsr ohriatmaa buppltsm ohaap mary tasker u farineie wife fiom milton was using partlouluily in genious tactics in tier shoplifting opera tions when caught by deleutlva new ton on saturday in eatons store shu carried a piece of black cloth and her husband followed with actum clous ling when aha wlshod to abstract soiuo thing she would drop the cloth euro losuly over it and after bnrgnlnlngfoi some trifle from tho nswomiin would pick up i h lih nnd whauiei was under it thla muthml shu pursued for some tlmo wltli success and when alio wnsnrrrstdd she hnil a pidr of wots two hulhia hi it two goldoiled watches bottles of pf if unit five packngce of ciimly three pair of stockings two pin in puddings two handliorclilefsandsevoriilotliorsmullpi articles it waa when alio wnn taking tha second plum pudding that ulie wan caught globe olorobtowh thn paper mills iiavo closed down until after now years the jolly load of seventeen members of the congregational chinch nnd choir enjoyed viry much thuli drleti churchill last widuesday night thuoltlxolia inguoappfluia tolinvn stirred people up to reallm that gaorgetowh folks want to iki iiiniivod wo are lo have n skating link n howl ing nltey nnd a thratarhim the fco for nanresldcnt puplla nt tho publlo school has boon lined nt w cents per month tlio school is paying 0 b0 per cord for hardwood for soma time the board hnao ihwii considering the advisability of chang ing th heating systoin of thu schaol because of the high price of wood lint have been delaying it an long na pos slble becauso of the nooessary lnoronai of rates to pay for tho change vbi1ton tlio ohrlstmav sunday school onter- talnment held in tlio matliotllst church last friday ovonlng was n decided success the evening was fines and the house well filled a good programme wn rendered by thu sunday boh mil scholars and others a vota nf tluinks was toudored to messrs gnno nnd anderson mr and miss fletcher mr- roy brooke bliss wilson nnd mlaa mltchor for tho vuluahle aselstnnco they gave toward the programme much credit is duo to miss patmorc school toacherfor tho oxoollont man ner in whloh she trained tho cnlldron in drills and motion songs miss farestur also deserves credit for tho way in which she taught tho soholnra to sing rev mr smith pastor noted us chairman in his usual capable utylc tho christmas tree was loaded with bag of nut and candles and books fur the little ones tlio decorations or evergreen were neat and pretty the centre representing a wheel on which was noticed tha words ptlnco or pence tho proceeds amounted to 921 baxillmapadt tho christmas tree and entertain ment of tha methodist sunday nuhnnl last friday evening was a mngnlfloerit miccdis the church was crowded in the door nnd the prettily decorated christina tree formed an nllractlvo sotting after n bountiful tea in tho ball the progrumma was given icx- county councillor f s near thn utile superintendent nf the school perform ed the duties or chairman very skil fully the programme embraced splendid ly rendered aoloe by minnie holmes acton and mr frederick white nuw york with accompaniment by miss thompson acton a nuiiilxir r uhoruscs nnd rcollallons weie given lty the scholars and the acton mnthn- dlst sunday bohool orchestra romlered u most enjoyable sorlee nr orchestral selections the christmas tree bore pretty pree- nnt for all the scholars and also n pall nf furgauntlots far rev o t watt tha pastor and atuiklsh rug ftn mi aviitt a mealing nf the wmtianu nnd farmeitf institute will bo hold ut bul- llhafad on juii6th the christmastidf visitors mish my i tin miitlliawe fi mi calednu lut mua 11 vn hnilth la homo from iow- vllln muu curilu kuilili luia riilurnnd to torn n to mih mnggli llniinult lu hoinn from ketthdiy mlsu riiiii ikii hnhiies la homo frmn itolluny muumjitli wntrion finui htaynar hlgli hhnnl mr mid mm willum menabh urn nt cn i morr miss it milt smith is home from for the hullduju mr 1m i muoialshumi frnn to rontn foi cliilstmiis mr j n inyjiy is njunnlflig the hofldnyw nt hhlthy t sir juulftn biovnr finui vlclmla uiiivrtlty toronto hnv imirmra o w ijukr and murul irtj ni oniiuhig mlbaniile hikleiiii is hlldiiyli ut ik i hoi ne at llnnuoch l miii wild i aciuiftht u spniiding chllstiunu lu till onto mlim unlit tm 6hik u iiuiiil from jul vis fm thi1ullihii miss i nn ivnrsou is limne from liulph ror the holiduys ml i inrxwell ofgiietph bjuit a dny oi so til 14 week lu town miss katlo mcijonnld of brucedeld lulled acton friends hut woek mr nnd mrs w ii ouiuuy ur wlngham nro lam fr cliilstmns mrs c wlthiugloii wcnltn guolph on hutiirdiiy to visit hei uon there mr nnd mrs t b aklna iim spend ingn month with filimdn at berlin mr i w iaiilknor linu rrinovod hla family to hilii- new home nt bramp ton mibb daisy nlcklln la home from bin llngton mid mlua 1 dlth from to ronto mis gluda black of gml1i is cpenilliig thn holldijs nt hoi fathtra lumiw miss clink im via nr toronto li upending the holidays with a lou fi lends mrs itauinliuw lift acton lust wnek to visit hut riiuigjiur mis hnnilln alllslon mi ailhiii 1 monro bus urilvid lioiiiu finui imiuiiiitiiii aim fin the hullilrtyn mr john hteplauson wns tnkon mhniuly ill ll 1 lluy ho le slowly leonvuilug mims m i tie miurtlght i spending thu dliilstiuiii holiday wlih kin catdlnp fihnds miss mmelnud of oitr was the guest during tho week of htu uniiln mim di hlou mi mid mr cnldi of t no uio guiu or mr o a blink ut wjniidittte im in mi will nea i wu bus hceuuttinil ing chiitliliiii biuhics unlit ge inntid fur vnratlon mi nnil mis d ilemlirenn mp reliiriiil fi oni oltaun on kihlay for thu ohihlinau rtreus mr and mm 11 iliti t htatham mid hildrun of htialfini inn liolhlnjlng ut the old homo lime mr a m hmith lift on muihihj to spend thn luillthju with filendu in chicago iii nnd inluln ohio mi iiml mix niiiimt iikiwii or winnipeg imuid on monday to spend thu iinllibi m hhii alton ft lends mis iilxilielh ihiniill httlitt fil dny fni ingouoll u i io klm iond the wlutii with hei mim mr it n tlimull mr iiml mm w d imtk and dimglitcra nrilvnl estoiduy to spend chihitmna ulth reliituus nt cruwaons cninem mrs wtnvei milted fiom wlnrton luut week mid will spend thn wlnti r at tho homo of uk itihe will in ma hor son in tiim mr hobgrt mcplinrann nnd miss dliinnhi dills noio quietly married at thn queen hh methodist paisnuago toronto on tuonlay of hut meek the piiki piuhh j liu their many fi lends in cxluiding rongrnlulntlons mr john j ounnnort ot clilongo was lu town lust week rumnvlng ncqiialnlmicus in his boyhooda homo mr oconnois father nnd tha family lived in n bonne whero the dominion hotol now ft finds fifty yrnrs ago mr j j ooonuoi is ono of the moet tiiutcd ongiiieors on tho qhlcago a northwestern it it nnil line been in tho seivlco of that company cou tlniioualy for thhty eight yonia wo tllrtot tlio utlentlnii of our leudorn to thti inhoitlimnient of tile poputnr ullldtt hiisluehb onllrgo to ronto tim opening of tlio inter touu occurs nn jnn oh whan n large nunitwr of now students will lie enroll ed thla iohonl is under ery able innnngoniont nnil hns n constantly in- crenilng pntronngo nnd la training hundioda or stiulotitu on oh year for business positions tim coilegoliiis an excollont reputation for flrstolava work savings accounts invited interest paid quarterly georgetown jbrancii it j jibwat- agent 00000 to be sacrificed arhathsyvhhjmhti suitar tram llils illit lially iihii r erml nta rlftosho wiio am trftlwunwlll rmajhw ii tla lls vain ache 300000 in furniture and carpets at j m strutliors old stond upper wynd- ham street gjielph between nouriind jan uary iat j908 buy jour xmab prcscntb in furniture and savo 20 per oont call and sec f g- brpoiigl7es go -s- guclpli feeling bad yak an na tablet tonight vou wh lta tn ui u ut 11 m tktlr mtua u ju uw mi sinrnuh nuduiwi mfrlpuf mtlikikuf umjilmi thtyntilii yfcilil ivj better than puis for uver lut htivtt 1 xtimtit na toun u ih wiv kid piuilfum c uwt cmnplill si1 dfuut qijh mluu lulauuuu dmtc pimfitt 4 dktuhuiilm all l iklw 1um u4 4tuut iv waptf lai mu4u ditty inj uimultllaa u lanu i 0 l lk a- limlv ini milm so turvtfywlmr for sale by e a robertson drulsf acton to our friends and customers we wsli you a and a hipy prorperotis n year ry tq r f jolinstoqe go actoi h h tins worth mstmmmhmmm wo aro rifilit to the fiont uith the rifjht roods for the holiday season ill urn rill ww fwll uuawiinihmni ffllllw 5naflpri uillsi collars an i dlu si 33c 50c 75c and li 00 each ladle olovei si jjo to fli on par pair furs ituffs colurt mufls an t caunilsi at lijn lo tia qo filmwls iaiclnalors golf jackets isilew skirls 3 so 1 ft 00 ladles wstsrproofi ijootoliioo wool and silk wsillnas put up in uncy boiss just the thing ror xmas gilts nl f 1 on to is 00 weill or dress lengths belscl ulial you with and we will prolde tree ol charge nry hokss for ssme toueli riirs mala comforters table llntn and nspltlns tjidiei hsndbsrclilflli nl 3c s- a oc ac and 10c each mrns ncckwban mens and uoya tloi at 330 c men a ti01 nnd sllli ilanduorchlars nt 30c lo 7iconcli mens soli drsaa shirts poililvolv hut colors and hen nilinn shins on ilia tnarbei nl bi 00 each uoya boh dress shirts lail colors and bait fining at 30c each mens nnd llnys scsrl 50c lo 1130 each moos and hoys glovss at j3c to 330 pair groceries new raisins and currants be it quality 1 tbs for 730 new pcelh twit nutllty alitta a ll nev dslai 1lgi prunes nuts canned goods compliments p of tlie season r best wi8lieaoi prosperity- for 1008 e r bollert co wyndham street guelph the right house hamiltons iavorite shopping ilack our great january sales of linens white goods carpets and home- furnishings begin on thursday january 2nd with the greatest bargains ever known no one will want to miss it for full particulars see hamilton papers of tuesday december slst and watch this space next week thomas c watkins oonmn kmo st fer huohoh hamilton ont all ready tor father and mother pringle guelph santa claus with everylhlnr in the jewe llery line great millinery mmmbmmmmm el h unsworth scton opportunity jor the next tendays wo put on sale an exceptionally fine showing of trim med hats ladies misses and childrens in all the latest shades styles and trimmings this lot comprises over two hundred hats and nearly all aro specially trimmed for this sale prices in most oases less than half of regular prices and an extraordinary oppor tunity is given to secure a great bargain in millinery hendebson co mill street acton

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