Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 22, 1908, p. 1

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flaaabseasbbbi i lht jvrtim sttt ft v volume xxxiv no 17 mvary lutmcrlpllom raid in advent acton onjallio tiiuiisdav moiining ootollbll 23 1008 aabtcflpuoa fic j rr aunt singlb copies tiibbk cents ft be ttaii jfrte obuaiisd kvurt tiiumbdjiy moiwino v yutf vn im iimm prislua os ill srrilicbt jlotoh oh f kulinilmom dollar er year mtrlolly in advance all sub- krlptlone tlleaonltnuimj whn mia lima r wbleb they have been paid has sired tli data v which every aub- exlptlorije lit id la denoted on lbs ed- atiblu male tranalent edve- ilaementa 19 oants par nonpareil una or ormt insertion 4 nfa par una for sob awbeaquent ineertlon advartlmrlenia wiriout dee i no dl- raauona will be inserted till forbul and sharped ooordlnply transient ad- j vartloamants htuet ba bald la edyatto advertisements will im onanaad one sob month if deelrajj wr phatutes eftaner than abova mentioned the dvm ealtlon jniutl be paid or at raaular oha net icoounla paya m tfnallsli oraee 19 me street loti- on u c whara meaars xl and j lardy co will receive for it news bubaotiptloas and advertisements and it p uoonn bdltor and proprietor vttsnusb filrrdorp t nog gkav m d c m mcoill lb0p hnimaueoe 11 i u clueaow msuaam km uaomir ateoouviem ura ap street aeloe oat pi d ault m d cm satee rearjinana mock itttttr mill sod n aureate ofllaa boaraa la ia bm i loludftot pin mlahl all aiwrl from realdaiiee pieder- aotom out hit a l noim graduate ol uulvarettyof toroeie ofllaa al vaalaene on willow fllraet be tween utnhuii hank and vowa hail rhaemefd u actoh out lxoajl j maokinnon uahanme bouorroa ooavsvamosa owieayui iumi in utavau bleak ot areata am ilraaeb lfatt wedaeedare aad aaidrdaye j henabb imvoaribduulon oourv rjeuaty at hal- on qeavereaeeraaeat plreead ufa am uealbeteae aent f bney to loan ate qmoawrarrytuau t llloea aotom dmtttjll d h j m bell ud0 ldb daanat aotoh offloa al llmmanat cjainar ulll aud vttauiek iraata haaoa omaoaits w vobomto umivhuutv tb taiaaa auaamhaua uaad ii daalrad aikaakwood fotadaji lj ix bennett ldb dentist mtscwlxommovb i and j hardy co adviktiiina contkactomamd nkf cokmitrowdinti 30 vut straei london bc england a vila of tbta rapav ean ba aaab fraa el abavia byvialtora to laudon to whom ad visa at wuibi ilvaa u raqulnd ptrahqtb mdnan boojtbihdalb i booka of all hlada made w urdaf bdioala of avary dmeriptlonoayatally bonad inroaati ptamptiydana tshs m arbuob liobnbeb b v uoonn naoaa o humauaa luwaaaa mnuoflm kowltaaaamiaatllkad bettad kt raalainia la um ataoiag tm rnaa 0 aoyom tktm hembtaekt v llcbmibd auctiomkr urln ontario oraata left lib tfaa paita paaaa afrhifl will vaeaiva intaaduu aiiaauon tames modokald llukmd auotiouikr vot ua munitaa vt watllaiton halton watavfoo woniwoflb and lb city el aaalnn m aoadaaud wi vaaaosabla ufui aad aotloa narantoaii in ayary e auru70at 0 1f ouajpc ta way ba imufad at vaaa vaaae dcsm r ltcrnibo aucttokmkit fm tba oodnllaa of watlluatan and hallow hama aoddaetad iut aauilaolwo aad upon jaraeff of iattar to mlmoaa p o ulapbaaa t btlllvjutop will taoaiva imnaduu auanuon ifcubaomioltd btook oaftlalj imwoo thb wilunoton mutual inburanob company kaubluhad 1840 0aa4offlo odlph okt jitloluxqriauuaitbaiiduataal plaa aajr iaaarmmra4iiadwulbapionplyamabd- wbdbmkvaffaai vouogalaaloo ajaojuimt fo tba union inaarama oa the aid and reliable wf j grafcite audi marble dealers alia id m itaad baal www ib iia odrtfl vl s iiji i your chopping will bo done dicky and well on either platen or stones jf taken to the fookwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris dc oo llmlud thb ykt6s hkt ihatatmtalyl ilucbtililonly raculae is oo on uli lor oo thla la lo inlroduca li lo guatph w uha thla tnaana to ad van 1m iha boat mill hat ulllfia al lha popular prlca ooma early and gat a aantpla for j oo woara aouannlifoiriha houta ofllobarlln laflora lo iha ctna- dun canilamm toronto lafontaines fur establishment 957 quebec street guuph ont georgetown fboralt go- u georoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially allorturipltcivfllh mr b a hobrlion draiulal anion will rklv prompt tllntlon wteodeoravinc photoengraving halftones jjtal0cufjman3 frc jljnncstnpv j ajrer makers olokomtown out dook nkwh and oolorkd papbhs jnobba1tbeu try j n oneills carriage works georoetown ont 1 h for mecormka lilodata mowara hayraltm doara mamura hay loadan daln 6ldi dallvary hay racbt londn and wortmtd 4 waid hay fork and sling out in hay pork ropa mtcormtek bloov twtna hay fork track and all klnda of track hahjian slona boaia and hay kacha ooekahutt wllkintoa aid elaurt vtowa alao rapalra for all iha abova maflhlnaa in iha carrlajt una i hava a vary full atoek of duulea surrlaf ankfuarkm wannt all ihalalw ailai my own and ifoladihtla coi naaufactura at right prieaa k awgoftd mcatldbaad bngglm and wagoca will ba aold otttap coeia io ihtat ahopa f6r your carriaf lupilrlag i j noniils h0fc9ayof 6nt dlln i ihla mnrntng mils you ililnb of thai brolan pane ol thai looaa hinge that board thai a u llnl vala li fim hit lock which wonl wnr u bat brolan knob lhai mllri bc ihai railllna window and wliti nnr yaa and ll a galling lata wk ahji headquarters ior olast rutty locks illncs nails screws lanterns weatherstrip han t puj off lhai repair any onir alld batura lo let ba aunply iha hardware our toteae ara alwey ullit the b6hd hardware co umlud luullvhon 07 rjublni zmixi your eyes our glasses to thota who hava triad out- jhi no com man t unataasary to olhaia wo vould ay that itiamarhaofoururvlca ara worthy olconaldarailon waarlnd our lanaaa on iha pramlaaa by iha la cat elaclrlo lent grinding machlnarylhl iniuraa altaolule accuracy lo our lanaaa yourayaa will ba axamlnad by an oanart optician onawhoaa wholatlma ladavoiad to upllcal work 11 yotl hava any 1 rouble ullh your oyaa wlilla at your atudlaa conauli a d savage 0itouutrist nd oitician 31 wyndhim blrml phone s7i guelpii the first step pttan maaoa ao tiiueli ll baa mean i aueoaaa to tbaua- athla or yotio paoula wbo wrote for an oatateiua aa the drat aup toward a oond aalailndpoaitloo taka the up today addraaa otam tkabllufllhbiulpniilieull mu yoob biraei torouto j ho cniiadian jnnk dopot payi caili far old iron rafjij rabbera and fowl second hand tova nnd ropulm for farm rnaolilnory uppllad morris sax0 troprlator 10x430 tacton out acton pump and tile works o b- ebbaqe proprietor our premlua aro now fully aqulppad with all i ho lalaat tnachlnary anil appllancoa for madufacluhog fawpm mid jamp supput tijttwrmllmclmtmmeulrtm afo fffaata ajx jvloajr 3volr nnd pipm sapptt ordara promptly flllad maim street acton our work wta bear inspection aoton hand laundry i clavel having rapurchaaad iha aclon ltundry bualnaaa from mr jamaa wabaiar will take charga next monday i had iha aallafacllon of pleasing all ooalomara who palronltad ma during the thro yaara 1 waa in bualnata bafore and i am now in baiter position than ever lo do tallafactory work tha lauddry work 1 lurn out will a way a daar inapacllon i olavel mill slrkal aolon the way to mskoka this slimmer is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail- way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and the best country in bijc provtnoea for the holiday maker and busi ness rriah opened up by the six railwayrof the canadian northern system to- the in formation bureau head ofl- ice canadian northetnjrail- way system toronto ilortrrj auavflolabnt unto thb day only oiio ility at a lima dtar heart only orioilwy at a tltnei onodayd aorrotrannd raraa and joye tu wtiavti into thla aoulftil rhyoaa oihi day i mi nitty hlonjf iha way tollmomtt and rttugli and dr4r cnurmto ilour heiirtl afloi cointli thajlilit thtd will cimio tml dont faan ilrfght and clinary iho aim jny rlaa ovr iho niflrrowa way tu nil up tint rocku ta mittmum if iom olmaliik tlio yliridow awtty olvo ihyatilf to ita ohvorlup mwer uuthor hit ehtriliik hold ytorrt it hway for atlurbpy limir whati aiiiinyauuu urow mild onr duya biirdon lliy band may tiaar nay tl vnoujfh iliimr hrt i llurrow not aught of toiimrrow enra ghiorlly iwnf lliy part hirnutti ahall lw tilvtin tlirp hour liinn willi ninvamuiita alow or faut ofii h una tliay will kltda away into tliaahnilnwa paat ilui uotiaakaaiiar tltil yamilrj strnmng the good memory of silas baxter uy hartut uaiaua saaltk m t miiktia r ft tt wan iho wrok lofnr commanoi- a incut inil wlllard plerea wua tlilnklnp lena nf tha appmaehlug fuutlvli ka tlmn ir tha futuro which lay iwynnd lln imd not had tha iioqitall- led approval uf hit family in uklna hlu etilhuii coiirat ilu had appealed to il wwulthy undo to loan him tha funde h altniild npud for fin thing hi adiioiitlfin ami hud reculvad thla ohar- notvilallo tm won kddloatlon 1 tit- pirntid lnolo knock you can writ your naiiin cant ynuf an add up a column i flb0raf that wall loan do ho waa aiirprlacd mid raaentful whan wllhud rofuand to ho convinced that hla 1 1 no in j incense provnl the worth- losunoaa uf iuilheraliioalln wllurd not to collruo with fifty dollar in lila pockotiindwmannwuliiittitihduala out of debt lint thn tliiifl had cnnio fur proving wliclhui ho or uncle kihhiii had baun in tho light of it the yomis inane thoiiifhtb tuinuil ii ditto aiuliiihly to- ward tho fiitmv ho wua rowdy to ba- gin lit the bottom of tha ladder refut ing undo nuocliii churgo that collage whs n plucu wliurif fulka got to foaling dim vii gutting atartod the point waa to find tho imldoi with u vhaantrihind tlitto were a number of letters lw- ddo wltlnrda plata ha hv came down to liroukfitat the tnajarlty nf them be lug llivltiillnna to aomu of thn faatlvl- tltm of coniitiuncoinimt wek one um ulopo imd n hualiivua like ionic which utoiioo oroimod hla intel ou iltnhn od it mid in an liiatiiin h tl hwt hla npnotlto for hla ntnl unit umimirtfilly intrroat in tin- ilnyy gityvtlea for the lottvr wua hie offer nf n poaltlon a good piwltlun ut it good aalary the numn tiilua ditxtir algncd et the oniiolualon nwnkn no mautorlea in- dord the wliolu thing waaaoaurprlalng that nt mica it four belied hin that then wua anmo iiilatuve v firm unt llkwly to nffor a good pluco llko thla to n fellow it knona nothing iitioiif thought wllurd and if limy know nnythlng of me i never hoard of thorn hla unknown onrreapundontr had naked lilm to onll at hie mi heat oon vonlonce and ho rnaa from tho tnhlo determined to make that or mml aral in tha dy program if it wcru pobulble for htm to settle the qtieallonof what he waa to do after graduating ho knew he thould have now heart for tho foatlvltlea of com mencement wvwk milne uaxlor wua in hla office hla ah rami faeo aeniriad with innumber- nhlb flio llnnt created into a anitle aa wllurd tnaile hie apiieamnoe tauo a chair he auld guuhilly youre prompt but tlmta no more thuu i en peoted wuant uf wllutd xoluhnetl he looked up puxiled into the keen twinkling eyfa i bellave i have a reputation for punctuality ha mid ivo hlwuye imd to aeoiioinlae my time pretty eloaely ilut i dont know how youve found it out i dlaonvered that oharaeletutlo in you ft good wbllu ego waa the tinagvl peoted reply jdo you retuonibev when you delivered pa pen k wlllard laughed yea i ought to remember it that waa my flret butl- net venture i guaaa toy alartn olooll woke up all the uelghuofa bafore if did mo i lined to atand it on a tin pari at tho bend of my iwd he looked at mr hayivr with gleaned wonder wore you tinoofmy cm torn era p yen i bouiiled with niy auter in thoaaditya and aha illtt th liualnaw with you she had had great dea or exporleitou with papefboya who couldnt ho tolled on and aba never atnppod alnglog your pralaaa do you lumotnlkii tho teuiimtrra attlke when you walked to town ovary in6rnlntf for your pnpora an ue nut to disappoint yum ouitnnrar i ruiuuiiiber it now 1 havent thought of it for yomie but t hardly unppoae w ilia id chvoked hlmaalf in tliu impitlalvo aiuretili on bj lltf and ml ilitkiut anilled well wltntalir lie aid enrour- glmglr i imixlly eupboiu you ara offering ma n poallhm an the trgth of that ivljenof 1 whiiihr year old lieil oh vvif ki pt ui vyu on you tine mm id lli uilxiwi do you rfniambfr oill attrlaiiam wlmtll w it h litgh wuhooh it wmm held in that ball ihw piilm down y4rpttwoagofor ilia new y m o a thilldingr wllunl mglnkj toe rlebate i lottwlai notlikely tbfolrgjbtbkk kirtniig lime it wae a hlttor ninm- ory yum oppintent waa a good apeak- mr hllaa ihtxlar acknowledged he hud u lot of unwary talk at hla tongue end that took with the judgee and yoti t fill nf facta you uihw wlihi j on were talking about aa i llateuod to you i eald tomyaelf that a hualnaa klgurea if speech mo all right hi their aa id lr lldvler mildly u bualnaaa man haant time for aui ila myei tall m what you know and hv maak ultuot ll i knw from ilmt dluttv lht you hntl the nmbruif of tl gihtd jjualiin man in j on wlllardu face wga iiglow tlian it waanl ao ipucli of a fallura hu i thqughf tlfmt itulutte ha eald i did woek hard on if you ware at ward nf a club in col lege i believe eald mr dug tor fum ing the auhject abruptly the yoiingar ulan ata red ami laughed why mr ilaxter you aoem to know my wholw paat bllae uaitter aoilled m ybung fel low i knew waa in that club he told me the boya had paid half aa much again for poor food poorly cooked aa they did for good far after you took the mnnagemant he eald there waa a wmlthigllat or fifty who wanted ad- m union to your club though there were a doven of the tame sort la that sor i believe the dub was popujar i had a practical mother who taught ma some valuable seereta in marketing wlllard explained with a amlla you gave people more for leee money and naturally they liked it that good uutlneu said hllaa uax- thau he turnnl tho conversation on the auhjeeu nf lila lunrnlnge latter when wlllard mee to go the matter waadennltaly aettled after a week reat hu wis to ukw up hie new dutlwe ami the uute and tlmpllclty of it all luadarbliii half afraid that ha wae in a delightful dream from wblcb ha would presently awake i dont know how to thank you mr baxter hi eald for the inureat you have taken in me but i tmn promise you i will d i my beet fillet dexter tmlleil ive had my aye on you fm a good while lie ans wered 1vv watched you in your school work and in ontaldu things and ivo noticed that ite a habit nf you re tu do your beat tikilm why i want you hi my employ good mot nlng wlllard imd expected hie mother to be overwhelmed with turpi lnu ut hie good news but the surprue waa his for bite took the announcement with mutterof fact oulmnesa kven when he pointed out that hllaa ilixter whs a strunger and that he had not asked for reference uhw refused to see any thing extranrdlaary in his conduct tlaa watched you from tba lima when you wete a little boy she nad and lie has seen that whatever yon hava tried you have done well with it hut ll wee all such unlinpmiuut work wlllard explained no one would havebiippoaed that it wae going to play audi a part in deciding my future un like davlde nxpeiloulv pa id mre pierce dont you reiiioniher thet when the tribes of israol oaiiid to hliu to make ill iu king they referred to hie record when he imd been ono of baula officer and when he wua taking care of his hooka ho was getting ready for the victory over goliath which gave him hla start it all goes baok to the sheep paaturt wlllard mil led ut hoi ournautneae at leaa he said youll acknow ledge that i owe ray start to tha good memory of bllae baxter yas ml acknowledge that said hie mother you owe your start to the good memory of bllae baxter and to tha faoi that you did your beat when you had no reason to think that any one would remember it notbeporktimat a imshful chicago man hud courted a girl tor years without daring to pro pose finally while visiting in fit louis he decided to propose by hitter ut sant the letter and for two hour waa one of the happiest men in missouri then he began to wondor if it had been precipitate that night he did not yleep he thought all aorta of things and vainly wished ho could intercept the letter before it reached hie beloved nita not that waa mani festly impossible it was not until noon tho next day that he received an inspiration as he wua passing a tele graph office rushing la be mixed tho telegraph form end nervously penned the following t hlse mary obldagoipoittd you wrong utter yosysnlay please do not open and deliver to me on my return after that he braatltad mora freely that evening a telegram waa awaiting him at the hotel it read t john rst louis no ytm posted right letter it wae about hin js busily mbooonikab a woman eu tared a police eullon in holland and asked iho ofttoar in charge to have the canal dragged v my husband ha imhui tbioutanlng fpr sometime to drown himself eha akplalnoil and he been missing now for two dayt anything peculiar about him by which bt can be recognised naked tha offloerv preparing to fill out a de scription blank por mveral moment tha woman eeamed to lw witmiiiiig her mamory suddenly herfauu brightened i why yea sir hn tteaf btump1no tba cluimnhin omturteppedfrobi ibej trao and bowed to tha ruyalltea bongregated ulmint tu station r i huvpooiu he suld solemnly to stmoip ilia bute by lk wttwdcnie yon with ripen arnie said farntff ilardappla f we liave bean try ins m gtt rd of til wlntlilftolofor pr n ah good a mis btomd i reinamlr that good many yaara ago aaya j t harbour in christian union herald when i wae a boy my father who wae a atone meson did some work for a man named john haws whan tha work waa completed mr hewe maid that he would pay for it on a certain day it waa 11 in lite fall when the work waa done and when the day came on which mr hawa had said that ha 4rould iay for it a fearful storni of aleet and enow and wind raged from morning until nght we lvd nhw tnllee frmi the maws home and tha road waa a very bad one even in good weather i re- uiamber that father auld at the hraak- favt tablet well i gtieas that wp will not iej anything of john hawa today it will not make any dlffeeeooe if he does not come aa i ilin not in urgent need of the money he owee me it will make no difference if it la not paid for a month hut an noon mr hawa appeared at our door almost froxen and covered with sleet and snow why john hawa i exclaimed my father when he opened the door and saw who it waa that had knocked i had not the least idea hat you would try to ride away out here in this fear ful storm didnt i say that i would comer asked mr haws oil yee but i did not regard it aa a promise ao binding that you must fulfil it on a day ilka tfahf any promise that i make la bind ing regardless of wind or weather i said that i would pay the money to day and i am here to keep my word regard lass of the weather but then it is only a small sum and i did not really need it i need to keep my word if the eutn had been but ten cents and yon ware a millionaire and i had said that i would pay it today i would be hore to pay it if i had been compelled to rlda fifty mllee do you wonder thnt it waa often aid of john hawa that hla word waa as good ae hie bond p lie waa ae truth ful as he waa honeat i remember that a neighbor of oure stopped at our house one day on his way home from iha town lie had an almost i no red- liable story to tell about a certain mat ter and father said i why it hardly seems possible that such a thing oan be true john lluwe told me about it oh then it must be true yee or john hawe never would have told it it i a fine thing to have a reputation ilka that it is worth more than much worldly glory and honor when they aru oomblnid with tha distrust of tha people thnre are men in high poal- tlona with all that wealth can buy at their command who era much poorer than hmohla john hawe because their word le of no value and thoy have none nf that high sense of honor that glorifies the humble life thb ww lamp a minister of a fashionable church in newark had always left the greet ing of strangers to be attended to by the inhere until ho read tho none paper articles in refsranoo to the matter suppose a representative should visit our church said his- wife wouldnt it be awful r it would the minister admitted tho following sunday evening he noticed a plainly dressed woman in ona of tha free pews she sat alone end was dearly not a member nf tha nook after the benediction the minister hastened and intercepted her at tha door how do you do p ha said offering his hand i am very glad to have you with us thank you replied the young woman i hope we may see you often in our obnrdi home he went on ws are always glad to welooma new face yee sir do you live in thla parish p ha asked the girl looked blank if yon will give me your address my wife and i will call on you some even ing you wouldnt need to go far air said the young woman im your cook philadelphia ledger ajaya it ta a wonderful heals and doaa mora tnaniai claimed for- le no household remedy in existence has won such glowing tributes from people in high places as has sumbuk mr roger p perry justice of tha peace for british columbia ested this famous balm and thle le what ha aaya or it i the pavilion q old fields b o to the zambuk co gentleman after a very fair trial i have proved zam uuk eminent ly satlsfholory in tny ease it cured a sklo rash of five years standing wbtob no dootor bad been able to do nny good for i would certainty encourage any person to keep zanibuk in their home it truly dose even mora than you curt claim for it for my pn part i would not lw without it in tha house yours very truly signed roger v perry justice of the peaoa for b 6 zaimltuk differs from ordinary salvee and embrocation for while these mostly contain animal oils and fats zaovbuk le purely herbal it soothes and heale outs sores ulcere rotations bo ew sores etshttwliouiiehohl it is the bund- ear possible remedy for burns soads children injur lee ulnstitntly cleanses uny wound to whkh it in applied i prevtmt festering anamination or i blood poisoning it euroa plies vari cose uloers add fistula afl druggists and etoree sell at bo cants n box or front tba lmduk co toronto fur pbtfefltokbwovftbu h twbmtv vbah0 aoo condanaad item from our laatae nf potober both taaa mr johnj hay has disposed of hla dairy business to mr donald mann mr hay intend removing to the north wt mr titos llaslnn la improving his liakery and reahlmnca in tha east end weundoraund that jur t hfathani will take possession when th improve ment areooinploted one nf the mnat iiitrtwllug ef hlhlta at the acton kxhlhltlunwaa the neat ot km ii eggs whown by mrs v t bill thoy ware brought from auatralla a fow month ago by mr himry p 1hii they aro very dark in color the ear faco of the shell is rtnigh and they are altoiit the alxe of an natrtoh egg the kniu s the largest hlrj in aualralla stands six or seven feet high and is very fleet footed mr john colling one nf heltons oldest residents died at milton on the 17th at the advanced age nf ftj years hu had lived in the county upwardi or ik years itev j h colling metbo- dut minister here a few year ago was aeon at an early hour tiunday morning kelly bros store was entered by burglars through tba side window ths sash being removed hy an axe about 1100 of goods overeoats vests and sock and a doaen of the best caps in the store were taken a worn out vest was irt in llsu of the goods stolen the ouelph msroury aayat at the opening of the new presbyterian church at acton in the potters it was omitted to state that a special collec tion would be taken at each service which was remedied through tha newspapers no doubt many of the worshippers in the old building an main bt who sincerely wish it was suiters nua ted and a new nne erected in te stead will be surprised at the mercurys information when the new church le opened there will be a collection the mercury man was evidently dreaming about george towns new church in the municipal council on motion of coun w k smith and john konney the auditors report of theex- amlnatlon of books papers etc of tho corporation was received and the treasurer was instructed to pay over to the lata treasurer j k mccarvin the sum of 851 01 of overdrawn ac count mr juntos matthews span of royal o sorgo mares have taken prises wherever shown commencing with the international at buffalo getting latand looandandlngatkhn they have netted him 207 in cash for prliee eight firsts and one second- while ono of them got the medal and diploma at toronto for the best mare of any age in a lengthy editorial we referred to th action or tho town of berlin in in ducing by a bonne of 0000 and a loan of 00110 the removal of the trunk i factory of j is mcqnrvin a oo from acton to unit town an ainnndment to the municipal act prohibiting a bonus to secure tho removal of an established industry did mil lake effect until the next month a fow weeks ago mr d henderson exm p waa called upon to mourn thn death of hla mother and yeeter- doy ho followed to the tomb the re- mains of his sitter mrs w n hoott ot nelson who contracted typhoid fover while nursing bar mother i mr d wheellhan nf nassaga- 1 weya has recovered from a severe 111- nets i mr l p hnyder of parkdule a former acten boy left last week to assume a position in the traders rank kltnlra nminin nassagaweya on oct 18 to mr and mrs robt storey a son died at milton on oct 17 john colling aged 82 years bird in trafalgar on oct 8 thoe wright brothor of mrs lachtan grant georgetown aged 42 years diud in nelson on oat 22 annie henderson wife nf win n scott aged 00 year and 5 months mr rob brownrldga and family of hornby war visited recently by about 100 friends and neighbors who presented an address and two easy chairs the occasion being tholrremov al to brampton soon marvbsrr atonob advanost or boiknckb mr mary o baker kddy who of course has no faith in medicine told a western christian scientist at one of her latest audiences an anecdote about a friend of hers this friend a thin and nervous woman could not sleepi she visited her physician und tho man aatd t do you eat wy thing just before going to bed oh no dootor tha patient re- i piled wall said tho physician just keep a pitcher of milk and some bun cult beside you and ovary night the lest thing you do make a light meal but doctor cried the lady you told ma on no account to eat any thing before retiring pooh pooh said tho doctor that was three months ago uoleuoe has made enormous etrldes since then mot tub ashrry widow vague hut at t motive news of dramatlo doings in the metropolis reaohes tha must retired districts a farmer visiting new york wandered with hi wife into a theatre whara one of the gloomiest of ibsen plays was in progress for haf an hour tha good couple listened in puialed silence to the mournful remarks thrown out by the group of norwegians i testing the stage thenhtlhsthfterahurltailarly harrowing prediction of sudden death io avarjbody in tha hub ut tha farmer turiitd to hla wffa with these words bay mandy im darned if this u thaalwvywidow taia w the ahitll fadu our aflllatloiia i mid vatilahl hut tho wxoaodlng joy wliernto they lend and whloh will far nutwiilgh them shall ha eliaugtihiaa through yiara thalcniinnt and we eeo not now how from earth bitter sorrow lleavonu fruitage nwdtttnfhiippinete ran grow but he whose promlara have neur bean broken tellaualtahalmmvan then let u 1 content nnr ovan nimr niiir hut trustful look inward tho glud gathering duya whan we enild gods bomilirul ml- lloilf onr hativeat aonga shall mlao hulrtoled pahklicn 1 jonas is always wasting his lime isnt he p howp arguing with his wife irate wife tr blhuloiia husband where have you lieoit unlll thla hour p bibulous hualnind been nut shop ping mdssr irate wlfsthen why didnt you have your purchases sent home in- stead of trying to carry audi a load you reel rp mother just run upstairs tommy and fetch babys nightgown tommy dont want to mother oh wall if youre going to be unkind to your little elator shell put on her wings and fly back to heaven tommy then let bar put on her wings and fetch her nightgown tha bachelur i wonder why they call the hoys altout a hots button p bo you knowp the benedict i aupposu it la becausa you oan never find em in tha placus where they should ho yonkore states man gracious 1 exclaimed mr swell- man tha baby has eaten a lot nf that dog biscuit i never mind dear replied mrs swslhnan i it jnst serves pldo right for hes taken the babys food many a tlma yes ifido naughty i naughty i philadelphia prase when shall i call again with this bill mrardupf i think young man asaconcosslon to the conventionalities youd butter not come any mora till i have returned at least ono of your calls a family forth ait in a london auntlon room two men were disputing the possession of pt pic ture by a celebrated riigllah pit in tor whloh represented an ass kuril scorn ed determined to outbid tha nthor finally one of them said i my dear air it le of no mo i shall not give in the painting mice belong ed to my grandfather and i intend to hava it oh in that case replied his rival suavely i will give ll up i think you ara entitled to it if it la ono of your family portraits at which there was great laughter what thb dkntistt usbd an irish maid recently nought per mit ilon of her mistress to tuka an after noon off for the purpose of convoking a dentin upon her return tho mis tress said i welt rosalie did you hnvo the tooth filled p i did mum and what did the dentist fill it with gold or amalgam p i dont know just what it was mum i but from tho way i feel i should think it waa thunder and lolght nlng mum thb dom kid v dqhkbd a little fouryearold girl not long ago saw a donkey for the first time she talked to her father a good deal touoblng the unusual sight it was a dear donkey it was a lively tlon- key etc soon tho child exhaust ed her stock of adjectives and ao you liked the donkey did youp asked the fond parcnt oh ao much daddy 1 returned the youngster that is i liked him pretty well but i didnt like to heat him dank aiimmim a montreal man hubdewa atek stud daamttufauiba- ettuae ha had itallad to oat help nkbtohbd to hbalth by vinol 1 was in a very rundown condition abscesses broke out on my body and my digestion was seriously impaired i lost flesh and strength and was in a very had way altogether i wan un der different doctors oaro but did not derive any material benefit from their treatment this statu ot atfulrs went on for several months and 1 hud become very despondent anil thought i would never bo well again my attention wua then drawn to vlnol and i mircliuaed a bot tle from brysonadrug stoic tho first bottle did ino good so i continued ts use and am to day aa well as ever i was i alto and vlnol a spjendld remedy for oolde alfred j llntf 1067 delorlmler avumio montreal quebec tfhu is becuuse vlnol in u genuine tnuloand bodybuilder whloh ooutalni peptonateuf iron together with every ope ot tha body-building- medicinal ve- manu of cod liver oil but without noe drop or oil to upset tha stomach and raurd its work vlnol ucts directly upon tha stomaoh araatoa h healthy appetite and enables iio dlgeetlvo r organs loiohtuln thu neoustaiy dit- vu tuanu from thu food eaten to make tiivj rich red blood healthy flesh nd v jtf muscle tissue andoreata strength v your money back if vlnl falls to hvnvlll t a uuuevlsliui uiubbtfcu fj te m

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