Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 7, 1909, p. 5

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for the new year kiivolottou noioiiitln lottal ladn aoaodiil pmlm account nook rloltlnir l ianw ink land ianalln uutiool buppll clur lrlcoi nr geo hvnds j ivllii ii acton mahiuaoic tiloicnbkd iusubd send 7 ii lnrlikmllil youi iiniiiii nimti daughter iivsrfffc tir hum ir writ fur cuta- io j a1 cu kt almacollge shjc lttaix 3fvn tyvtss tuiltsiay jam altv 7- brier local items mlliimlti in optned mi monday llilbliiibd ih in full h lt nipdu for itmitlifi jiin tho jamtaty thiuv hindu i nuuoc- tlons vtuy pinmptly thin time thoro lit talk ii f mi iuitittfjuiiik society iiliiik idmiiiil in inun tho municipal councils will intnt iiukl monday lithium for ormdn- tlon a iiuh quiinlltj of dim olui li4 nio liuiiik lullvrud ui tlif o t it yards mr a ilniim hits sold iiu faun on tlio huh lino t mi it i hiid of nor- vul loud uiiiiikitunitm public mid hlcjli hchoola mst fi7nl77i foi inulntounncn last youi actiuth liivy df niiiik lady tcuch- ors who limn ultiiiitliiim nut of town fini nil in i lnir luct h njtalii at tint uloctlnu on moulin hiu ling- ton cuirhd i lie wnttiwoilu bylaw by imi to ili a rood ifcniiiplo for acton to coituldm it iu to hi pit that tlio emu- pact untoiod into by tlio iiioioliuntufnr closing on uydiit sdiivh nt i p hi iiau not linfii cnnilniiid tilo ullltoll llhclill consul witlvo association will hold its annuol nicot ine in tho itoj nlteinplai u hull milton on nnturduy ian pith at 1 p m till uxpillhon of tin- respite 1 1 vo cimdldalih in l riolnt ilounn of coinmnns election in mi la county am ofllclally iintioiinciil o follows ouvlc houdoisnn hijhif in w hnirl- ii 87hoth lllcliard romn of tiuolph started for tliu fluid to loinmll uulcido on monday hut his duujhtitih hiinu on to liiin until liulp cimif mid he wan per- sumled to kivo up tho atlinipt mul re linquish tho mm anctloutx r idii h will sell by public miction at tin- thnk house ueorfjulnwn on irlilay jan hth at ono oclmk lih rows ibv piopurty of j i foi den thiuu iitu an extra good lot of young iiiwh and should attract tho attention of daiiyniiii toruih ton montlih misbhv in mtomaph wliy not utait nowtoday and for- ovor ild youiuolf of utoinach troublti and lndliohtlon a dieted iitotnach goto tlm bluuu and gi iiliihlth olvo ita good cut tluii taki iapnh diapopuin to start tlin dfkihtuo juico working thoifl will iw no dimpiphlii 01 bolcliing of gannriirhctatloiim of iiudlgohtrd food no fouling like a lump of lid in tlio btomnch or boat thin n uiuk liniulaclio nml illzinohh and your food will not termont mid pohon youi broatli with naiuoouu nil on iapnii itlapapulu lomtuunly ji conta for a largo cunt at any di ng utoi o hurts and will roliovo tho mout obutlnatocnuo of imllgoutlnn and uphot btomaoh in flvo niinuiom thoro ih nothirg iuu licttor to tnko gan from utouiitch and cltianuo tlio stoinnoh and intiiiluou and bualdou nno irlangulo will ulgoht and propnro forimulmiliitlon into tlio blood all your food thu biuno im a uoiinil lionlthy utomiich would do it whon dlapopwlti workuyonrutnniach rohthgutu lluulf in oidor clean a up nnd tbon you fcul llkn oatlng when you oouio to tlio tahlo and what you vat will do you good auholutu uoiuf fioin nil htomaoli luiunry iu waiting for you au uonn im yoiulocidu to likgln tiiklng dinpopiin tellyourdriirhlut that you want iupoe uliipupuln bucaiuai yon want to bo thoroughly cuioil of indlgoutlon nal9aoaweya a very prutty ivnddlng wau uolniun- ufid at thu maimo nairn nguwoyn on wodiifhilay duiuiiibor islul whon mtliul loiuabiilh c youngoet dauglitoi of mr and mix alex camp- hull of mountuliurg bucuiuo tlio hrldo of william j hull of anton tlio coroinouy wtit purfoi imal by thu uov a illah i a in tliopriuiinco nf only thu liiiinidliui iilalivnu of tin initio nod groom thoy wmo unattuntlod tlio wliihohui inldo loolcud prulty in a cronui gown tiluinitd with ullk uml orlontal lucti ami iuwittloii and onrry- ing n bhowor loiiiiiut of will to carna tions aftor ongiiitnlatlonu tlio now- lywoddod rouplc and tioinpaiy ilrnvn to thu homo of ilm hrldom purtintu whuru i diilutj wedding dinuor wnu uorvod tlin in liln and groom rone i veil a nuinbiti of imcrnl and vulunhlo prrmontn rvlrtfnpnkrhoir popularity tlio groornd gift to tlio brldu vfn a buhiitlful fiiiolnid m it t wllh hitbln collar thu bililuu tiavulllng driaih wnr blank ullk anil hor bat wnu whlto mr and mi moll loft on tlio uvunlng train to pnuil it- flw wookw wltlt frlondd in totiinlm mid nlaain kaiih htti oi ohio ci i or toimiki j fmib j jlhiinv iimku nntti dial lia u mhlnr itlnprof ilia linn of v j ohaimy a on rtftlim luinldmi in urn dliv of tnlfxlo hminy miut hlu- liroetll him flikl mii lino will iyllniunt r onk humihikd doikmo for mioli niij vry fjtnialuaurrli hil iinmiiit iw mirihl hw j m lint hwom in luifnrn ill hihi kulworllwil in my nii u -jia- nlltihv 1 ullllt lliuoiurrh otiro u utii likiirimllv mill ow lirmllr on ilm lilmxl nl miiddiii iiirtirj ntllie iyitqni hwllil for v j ihuhiv co tolarto 0- tu illl kftintlv iiita for duiiallufttlou news op local import a it tint i mvatlnir aurlaultllftil sou inly tlio aumiiil piiiting of ihiiiihog agilnilluial hnihty will bo lirll at tlio counrll riiambor ktiiwiiitlimn hixl wiilnrmlay hill lou at on orlonk tor tint htlmi ut utin i iiiving aiiunat iijioil and olhci ihimi- llluu iimhom protaotlv aioothtfoi tlir iiiiiniiil monllng of tbo llallon irottttlvo auuoi liillon will bo hnlil in thu town hall milton mi tuoiidiy lanuniy 12th at lui p m for ginitiit bnuliiibu rcltulog hpoitu of olllioiu for tlin paht year and t lictlon of olllonrn for tho cnnuing yoai st albnna oh u rob luwt huntlny horvhti who ondiu hd in hi alhunu cliiurh lum hiinilny by itov louipli tv ii m a of hamilton lua inlnlutiatlonii viio highly atcoptam jhio viitmlrominlutii upiiikh out of a wcfiltti of lougifioiud iliriutlan uxioi inuuu nnd hu woidn aro wltk pownr tho womii iimthuta tho irguliir moutlngoflhi wonuuii liihtltiito will ho bold in tho council i lliltnbor on lilday jan hth at ilirto ocloul a ripoit of tint coiivontlon hrld at luulph will ho giviiiby the dolrgato tinwoll an otliir ittinu of intorrutto tho ladiioi all hladlh aioluvltod to alumil milton wnt mnurnotoiloi milton pi iipurty ownci otcd oiv monday on a bylaw to gumautcci thu hondi of tho i i uoboition mnfg co ll for tii yiiirw nnd pay tbo intorost thoinpn tho voto htood 107 for fo i agnlnut mid ono apnle ballot tho industry hau alriaily couyldiiablo intoriitu horo tho vote wamoilalnly douihivu oraft in quel pit council tlioio bavu boon rnmoiu foi uitwral uooko of brllwii lulng iiixoptri by cnrtnln nldurmcn of luulph inut ai for nuppniting by lawn touching billiard rooms and othor mattiii tin- toronto hti hiiyh mi ii n norriuh clnlnih that ho had to pay h li au blu uliiini of a lakcolt to got put through a bylaw gunning an cxlou- jon of tho innil billiard iooiiin tho inattur iu hidng ptobcd at tho irrpirut of a inrgoly ulgnud potltion fioin thu layiiionti niihoclatitii ot thiu city a worthy vounar mutts prroimont mr harold h nluklfn who ban boon in tho ntalf nf tho mihtiuhiib hank iinro fni iivoial yearn lm hion tianu- fuuod to the hiaiich at london nod infl acton for hlu now pnuitlon on mon day morning mr nlcuhn l onn of actona uioul worthy uoiih nnd hlu io- movnl iu kounly rogruttud ckpullally ong thu young pooplu in town iiu wan ttunmirci of tho motliodut hun- day hcliool a moiuliliof tliuorchoutia nnd an nctlvu nioiiibui of thu icpworth inguo mi inink havlll bau broil prniuotmt to tbo poultlnn uf ledger keopor and mr iliihcr wllllauui non of uxtaunclllor willlamu hnu akiu a poultinn nn tho utntf the nw plums too wank ho oxpoctatioiih of mr it i drown lroporatingtbuchuppliig mill by water thl a wook bavo iroii ft initiated though only toiupnmrilj it iu lipped when thu ntor wuh tinned into tbo nw kijiniio thliuo it uim found thal the promunu was ton giuat foi tho half inch iron bund a placed at intoivalu of two feet thouo litgan to unap and canuo tho planku to glvo way it wau necoucaiy thorofoio to immediately hbiit olf thu wut oi and proceed to operate the mill by utunni power preparation nro being niado to utiengthen aiet liicreami tbo number of the tmppnru and mr itrown oxpertu very ulmrtly to lit- able to utlliu tho wator which ih now going to wauto in conaidorahlo vnlutno llnppuy wadded t wlnnlpsr tho innrringo took plncu in cliaco muthodlut obuicb winnipeg on tho itrd uocoiubor at tbruu tejock of ltoliort i holinou uon of thu lato uoliort holnioh acton to hoitha daughtnr of john jaiditier of luck- now ontario in the preuoncu of thu immodlntu filondu of the contracting parties itov or hparllng pet forming thucaiomony iloth brido and gionm bavo houu in the west u iiumbui of yonis after tho eoioiuony a dainty wedding illnnur yau nerved at tho homo of mm thatrlioi jho wedding prooonth were both valunblo nnd iiho- ful tho young coiiplu will lenido at ihi notre homo ave mi holmoh wub nn oflteeincd luumber uftliu kiui piikkh htnlt for a number of yeaiu and in now connected with the winnipeg lyco irou quutly wtiddctt lmit bvsnlnir a pilot wedding wan eolobratod at anon oclock inut evening at tho motliodut puinoniigo willow htmet whon mlun hara laird daughter of our bbtoeinod nltlun mr hamiiel laird wnu joined in the hoiidu of holy wedlnnk to mr alexander m donnlu- toun non of mr thou donnutonn 4i probperouu reel dent of itedwond iall mlnuomitit hov joo w jlurkor wau tho oftlclatlnu ininlntor tho hrldo nnd groom wore unattended tho inldo worn a very pretty gown of riny eropo du chonu nnd cnuluil bridal rosea ilor going nway gown wnu a plum colored luoadctolli with hat to match after tlin coioiumiy tho bridal paity proceeded to thu family lobldence on vnuog htieet whore congratulations wrtr extoiibd ind a delightful wndding repeat wnn purtiikon nf mr and mm hunnulouu loft on tho midnight train nnd will upend their hnuoyinnnn ut chlcngo milwaukee nml hi iaul reaehlog their jiouin nt tho lty or itedwond fat la alnn uhnut tho ihut or february thirolnn piutty iomiiiko in ronnoo- llon with tliiu happy union rf heiirth it in well known that tbo bride wan mipolutendontof nnraew ut ihn nnnl- tnrlum nnd lloupltal nt irnhlu du ciipiiv wis foruovrnl yeaiu pilnr to her removal to uattlo crook mioh wlmru miio has slucu boon practicing liar pnfthslnn whlln thorn mr dpiinlutnun wau a pntlnnt in- tho hnnl- taililili ami it wnu nut long hnfoio tlio capable antl atliacllvo hiipiirinttuiilnnt nurfkii iroin canada won bin honrt nnd earrlud nwny ida iilfootlonn nnd during tho inlftrvonliig two yenm thin huu rlponed into mout ardent inutiinl ou too in- it in a geiuilun lnvu match uml oongrat iilntlnun woi n never inoro iltly bealowtd mluu lnitd wnu hi purl n u nil on t nf nil men nl lliulpa hnnltnrliitu llattln jiuolc mlnh hefoi o uho auooptod thu poultlnn at ivalrte du olioln her many filondu horu wluh her and her husband tibuudiiul prou purity ami hnpiliion another local option swfcep owon be ll ml hiiiliilnn tho mvlnw mini nliialufti othui ilneuii cuiiy it toiionto will ou v oit ho nalirj thin liuu been a gmil uml n- r loiilug nf bmu hi total in b pipubn vole on new youimou ll imioiu oftoiouto by a uiiijnilly ofniinly a thoilntind voted to tidm e lb- i h uipim bin of that ilty to uk in monday at the imiiiielpal elei tloim tlidin weio hilid option a mill tn in one huudiediiid hlxlylue inunli ipalitles and tho mikmii iihi b ii id au a whole wnu veiy mil mm oi to the opponent of the ikemdng yhi-iii- hpeienl inteiexl altiulitit u liiom- plaieu in whhb tbe ipuhtlon of ixmiu wau thu malnteuanio of loeal piohibi- tlon whleh bad been adopted tluee yuas ago theie wete conlehtu in thlityonit phuim ami fioin jininy of mirviuont itlipui lyiiit i el m ii h nine em ly to hand or twentytwo pint cm onlyonl- 4 ho vlllageof hepiioitb ohd to ri pnal tho bylaw and the mlr hute inpl bpen luheiije when jl foinied pull of tluj adjoining townwlii amnng the wimityono weill hiuh plai im an lie itloh of owon hound and rollhigwi and the iouiih uml villugihof hoiuli- aniptoii liiniuby llenuo die hionlt- ville ltlhniud hill mid taiu ill ew i iiipiiilaut riiilren thu loeal option by iiimm urte dofealud by utralght niajoiitii and injiiimi vhei theio won nnijoiltleh them uaxafail- iuutooblaiiltheuelehhiiy thieillfthu thnuufalineuhor thin handieap iu too gliding to iierdempm img nat ill ally publi inieiext wionght up to high plmh iu all rontouth but ell ei- woie mil lit il on owen hound uhiii- ihn llipior putv hadeoikenliaiid ell bill foi- in an eiidea voi to gain a npriiiu ulni mtmy they illhinallv failed intel option not only being tiiiiiopbaiitly mixtulueil by a inajoiily of iiu hnl vi y i nndldate uho adopted the lot id pllon tilket wau ikitid at no point iu the pin- vlncw iiiul then in en mi h a dead et iiiadeiipnti local op o the campaign foi itu drfial hail b n hi piogiewu actively foi the piihi hu montlih thu antioptlouutu ttiutgit to woik on tho vfitiuu hutu and mode a utieuiioiiu ultoit to cut olf a huge nuiubiii of wouieii votoru and othoiu who aio on thu aumeuhinent roll ubicli had been piopaiedby tho uiihohhoi dliculy ap pointed by tho antl optional coiiinil tho tooal optioniutu inot thiu movo by having uuaily live huudrid iiaiuuu add ed to the 1 1 1 that had been left ntr by thcarhcuuor follow lug thiu campaign on tho lefuual of the thleti louil option neivupupera of ibn ton n i net i pt ihn lituiaturu of lb oi i optlooun u iu el called tho citleii wioteiok ed and fot four weukly inuuen dlntiibuied gratnlt- ouuly aroiubl town put foith eeiy olfort to dlhciedit the ueihiiie tho luibuer to tho citleu wan giiun in monthly i vote the im nl optlonuiti imccehh wau uilueutionably due to the uplondldorganlatloiiaiidlhttthoioiigh- uuhh with which i hoy made eveiy eltort toll for mii cenu tho votu on monday wa k1t au oiupiiied with jrs foi tho inaynialty iniilout laut yoar and hjmii on the local opllon ineamiro three yearn ago another notablu vlctoiy forthetoin- puianclt cauuo wan achieved at nt catharlneu tho moult of which in that uovon licunsou will boollinliiatid at unuitfoid thu light huh whether there uliould or iihoutd not bo a ttni- peranrn counrll am the vote watt in the nmrnintlve athmlthm kallu thu bylaw to in- crcnuo thu llpioi licoiihl feu fioin um to 1u0 carried by an uvet whelming inaforlty nu did iiiho the loforondmii to cnt off two licenuon artbat von aiiicad a groat vtiu in promiued for leath ih of thu iainily herald and wukly htnr nf montreal allondy i be ac- knowludgud bout family and faun paper piloted tlm puhlmioiu oio out with tbo aunotineeiiioul that ll fu to bo vnutly linpioved during hum in appre ciation of tho onurinoiiu number of miiliborlptlonu leculvod thu paper ih to bo enlarged tboli umvu um vice vnutly improved umio utoileu of a high order of inuiit mo pimnutd new contrlhiitoru of giuat literal y fame will cdiitilhutu and many now foatuioh nf nlmorhlng inteuiul aio to hu intio duced evidently thu family tloiald and weekly htarduilng 1ihhi iu going tn ho greater value tlukii over befo0 turuvy nnd ohloktn tltlav on three uuparato nlghtu lately tlio poultry ynnln of mrs a ii hi own amlmobum n f linduay and it n- drown hnvu been vulted by tbiovou looku llavo been liioknn dnorhdamng- ed and fowlu ntolou at each place tho tbiovou have beon ti naked into town on two nccaulonu tlioy will got a warm reception if their depredntfonu nro cnutlnuod tbo county gaol in tlio proper place for uuoh niucalu it will leipllru thioe oi four incbou of unow to robtoru tho ululghlng cure urbtttimlmtiflsdaralkitoblluiii trnnhw lit in lo n lijllnii bibia of ilm pltnu aucli lilnliioaa nniiob nrauiluo plulrw nur iuuxiluoaucciialiuiitioublitiwnlnguiliii nipt yilm itmitmrm yh cuittitam tu niually valualanhitnnitrinllnnriir nut vanillin tlila iiinoyliliroiiiplliilwlillillioyiilo rnfhrrtilliniurlranfiliaiouidrii alniiilaliiuia ihirttaoniillothlkwli lmjtiif umiiwily head arliolhrawmklboblmmtprlcrlffilnthamwhn imr inim tills lutrmlibctiiiialnii lull nln- liilyuii rijiwmlnortorliolrill nrnmnllhn ulininratrytboinwlliniitjiriiallfijiiiilluvalii lilnlimninfin vn llinllliry will tuilluiwll- dqiu uo mlltiont tbon duufiur ll sick wu ache vhvii m llwr rills r vory tmll r wry y tn lv flnnnr two ell in tnlu d- pjoxjmii y uwtfutufteuoiywucjiwto uirmufiietnecinvtcu souie sauudfltt mhk social and personal xllu mai ion melntouh luhoino fnii i ion mi dan v llelili wan homo fioin hall mil llieliollihiyu mi and mix noll mcnabb ipuilt the hollilayuat vviiighnm miitlt wane f oflnrgotnwn wau iu town on monday ml wlluou of ibilllf wau it guest thin week of miu k lulrd mnf minnie maualim wnu homo fioin hi thnmiih for new years mi wallaeo bnl or llrninpton wau in acton for now yeuis mi llany coyne leaveu noxt mon day tor hlu home in molitieal mm 1 c mnddoek lift yesterday in tnke up bet lewldonce in toronto mluueii mm gai et and collna ciniue nrtimnln vulted rileiiduln mmvii minn iru v momo wau a guest ovei new yeaiu of toronto friend mlnuuu tenn anil ludndu ilnurr of toionto were homo for thu holldeyn all john m wnn en who hnu 1on nojouinlug in toimitn lately i in jowii muu i imnn orouelph is upend ing tho week with mm thonj llfntou mim filnelpal htowait spent n w ytaih wllh flleudu in illuevalu and ahnunl m a i mctliinulil of thu mer- ehinith hank bill wan home for ihu day minn delia iadget of toionto visit- odhei fiiend miuu meitylohilluduitig tho week mi will mcnabb iuuotd in mo on momlav aftei vlithig fi looila at cie runie mi and mi it j hell i tnouto weie giiextu of aetoti iilndu itvui new yeaif mi and mm n agnew of hal tnoy man ai i- tpemllng a month oi uo w lilt filomlxhei mi nihl mm i j miou- nr toion to wine nl aiihiiiiiolt on a week end vbil llltn mull maglntiate and mm hauildtiu of ouelph lelihutled llieh golden wml- dhginmindaj uov and mm ilnkei uml muu alutiol tpuit new yonrunttlio piiiuu- tul home at aiming mi jameah mcpliomon of winni peg u vmnltliig hlu mollior mrs it mo imieiiion hower ave mm hall and 1iuu hall of ihn llo weiu guentu dm lug thu holiday week nfmiuu annie cm ilglll mi and mm c iiwln of hoihoutur n v i elu i ued homo ou hntiiiday aftei vlhllingfilenduheie muu uahel hiooku of toionto wau i lie gueut of her flloud mini jouio hiepheiihoii dining tlio holldiiyn mm melhemou of fieeltmi sister of mi william jidiuutone bus moved to aeton and will inaku her homo heio mi and mmuhailos hucvoy mul mi jatnen llaivey of kolowmi i uoioguuutu or air juliii harvey laut week mi and mm j w huwn and aluu uoiiu of milton weio gueutu ut the home of mi win heuiutreot during the week air and mm itoht johnunu nnd mi ami mm a hwackhnmur viultud rrloudu at hamilton nnd icifrldu during tho week mi and aim hairy cainphull and family of weut toronto upent tho liolldayu at tho pnrontul home vic- toi la villa alius daiuy campbll iiil lie now year with her gi iunincnu him wan atcoiiipanhd by bur fiivlul allsn maigatet logan taikdulo mm ileiuutioet vvldnw uf tho into heojamiii heuiuliout mitercd bur 01st yeai inut week hlio in poibnpa mll- t iiiii oldest hihiibltnnt chnniplon mr w logan crnlg proprietor of tlm iaud valley ktnrnud vldotto with aim craig were guceta of acton fi lemlu for n few duyu during tho weok mi john uuulon of maidaton hawk iu vlultlug tbo old homo after nn nbnuncu of eight yonm hu in looking well and hua ueen proupeiouu tiinnu in the wuul alt a h ftimtur ir tbo oakvlllu him who hau had u loop nnd uorluun iilneuu of typhoid fuvei tu nowublo u leave hlu bed air foistor will have thu sympathy nf nil hlu nuwupnpi fiiundu mi william huinutioet mr uml aim h 1 munre all ii olllldell nnd mtnu winnie mid air d hondo ruon ai i wuio at milton on thuridny at lending tho funeral of tlio into itlclmid hemutreut all and airs w w iluardmniu ru tin ned laut week finni llielr honoy- noon oui to iieiil iliunhi and tho continent tlioy will ulioitly lake up lliele renidenre in tin linuuu on tlhnrch hi reel mi ilcordiimiu caniu up from tbo lily on monday alakn a good article and tell ihu people of llu goodness and tho peoplo will buy it and coiitliiuo to buy it the ttlith of this ntatetnent iu proved by tho uiilci uu of hnludu ten that extra cost per barrel which you pay for ogilvics royal household doennt go into anybotlya pocket it covorn the cou of innpectinn the etittrc wheat crop of the cotmtry and nelccting the choicest grail it pny for cl curl in ess for purity jiul for hcientitic flourimiking a harrcl of oghvici koyal i louse- holii ilour goei firthcr thann barrel of any othur flour it mnjceti nlorc hrejil antl hctter brcid you arc not rcallv spciuling that extra amount you arc investing it go to your grocer and sny royal household 32 orjllvie flour mills co uralltd monlreil seeds free if you ask you enn linve b pnekase of iced of ills marvellous unas ian oiniit lettuce included slwolutcly free with our new handsomely llluslrstsd 1009 cmu- lof u this lettuce in nearly nn large nnd olid ns n cabbage stands hot utiithcr siirprluiiikly well ami hn n rich buttery flavor if you prefer you may choose a package of our colouat white sugar lleet or a package of ostrich icather aster wrlu t4tr nj mssm vfthv kl mul ion hsau l iku pr doircli 9c hunur sj co umllad lafidoa onl well test your eyes when we say flst wo moan thai when wohive niulo an eioimination of your oy on wo know pstllvoly wliero the irnnblo llau 1 liore is no riioia vork no room for doubt if you neml hohou wom tell you so but wo recommend ulasisi only when absolutely nsceiiary ttnniomhor wo att your oyos freo of clurjjo e a robertson druggist and optician acton phmb special offer in ordered suits 25 suits f ancy imported cloths nnd blue and black sorgo kcjjular price lah to tjs on salo nou nuilo to your order 25 a quit sou sample in window r e nelsons 3 h h unsworth midwinter clearance sale m doz1sn hiiavy woollen iiosc siic 6 j to lo to clear ut ait a pair siio s to 6 to clear ut be u pair iixtha iilavy woollen hosii sizo 5 j t 6 nt jol a pair hiie 7 to h at 40c a pair bluj bj to 10 ut 4jc a pair drlss goods joo ydu kvitiilnr soc to 4100 to dear 31c ydu undlitskirts a hllk finiulied umlorhklrtu elumce t secure u splondid garment nt nninll cost regular i7s to 03 so to clear tit 0150 flannel campnisllpqrp makk rod white military and unvy nil wool liborul wliltliu nnd unslirlnkabla rfgulur 45c to clear nt jjt cushion covers rajrulur 35c to cleav ut 3 for ajc rinnon cod silk rltidotih regular aoc to 35c to clear nt 15c wrappers wruppom a do brokun uixcu regular vioo to tltur 83c wrappers 3 dos broken hihjii rogminr i3s to 175 to clour nt jias siiefrino wool shcotiny 73 in wide in white nnd gray rosjulnr 75c to clear ut 55c a ynrd hbadouartcus for farm produce h h unsiarorth hct0n stoc ktm king our jhnuhry clehnup shlt is on on saturday we launched our january oleanup sale and christened it with a torrent of bargains this preinventory cleanup of winter merchandise means big moneysavings for every investor every department has its offerings prioed at oost and less and remember early choosing is the best dry goods and othinom ii u guelpii 7vfens oizercqkts special offorlnsr in mens overcoats for a fow days tfjl it j jubl lint reenni colt waailinr ban cnuuln yon ulilimu n rood wans tircnnt or wllh tint inlnnilpn of discarding your old 0110 yaurn just lliemsn list llita advortliiemoni in inlnmlnd fur von iniow lln oasy mho nlippod up in buying clothing unlnii you ire n irxlllc okport you re pracilcallv nl the morcy of tlin nmrrlnni wlnm yon irailn wlili lrcbalily ihn principal reason why tho tnlm o mir rlnildnu sic incrrasinu na itrutily u hecaiiha fcoptn liinr ririml ti i ilnlr rmlli douca it inprllod by 1111 w iry nl oil limn to chn tin ry bt 1 mine for itiir imst monnyuoflplnh lodibik ian itio vrry bii toiliiui iiirh nstllffllrnidwftv cloihlnu thesiylaraflclodilnn elc w linn kruuped our ovorcuats into two lots as loll own 895 yoiirclioicjtnf lot ofsiyllilillroidway and sivlrrift coals in anoy 1wedn clievloti anil ilmavern alngh mid dmiblo britimedlili hrntil aholltflars wllh or without vovnt collar rpiiul tr pilrn rj 50 lo k jolnrjeos 1275 your clinl cot slot rtlihn ilreadwiv tnil sivlicnft fjurcinit in plsin clicvlots hnnrs mellon nnd vfciuns in smmlird mvlw mso will nnd wlihoiiuvrlvt collar hnu inph nndmlllinry fclnaitdors jjory riruiisi coma regillnr th 1 i lj 12 76 hvery ono of llinnn ovorcoatsla 10 fulloltnyln thai you yonbl islto lliem to be inllor miiilc the iloills st oki benor scott co wyndham street cuelph r rale of boots shoes aud eubbprs 7 pru mihhcii split hnl fo rikdnr rhlirui cd rub- 15 pri iloyh school hoots regu- lurljli as for 1 15 loprii nnys hcuvy felt lined hoots hultuhls for winter regular wi 7s for 1 10 7 pru only hoyn lone legod tetltl siiocu regular ijoo for 1 h 1 1 pni voutliii lang legged todd shoos iilieti 11 to 13i regular wj3s for 3 00 q pni womonu bpllt dal regular geo- stovel the shoe man mill st acton pru moiih idial o inr 9 o for pru women a wulo t ropular doc for prh miuhuh feb sl1ioii shot runttul solid rrulnr 141 foi pii heavy hum ruhtxmi inr 1 90 for the richt house hamiltons favorite shopping place ifttatcli a wait our great january white sale cummonoos on january 2nd with the greatest bargains weve ever olfered and vast varieties of needed goods household linens pillow cottons good sheetings white cottons white lawns white muslins white laces embroideries muslin underwear white blouses handkerchiefs white apr ns white neckwear white flannelettes it will be the biggest and best white sale ever attempted read full particular in city fiapcrb of december 31st thu grimi iimin urniahinf- sales of carpets curtain- lic ami the winter clearance reduriion silc iimi start the first week in january with trcmendnus bargains thomas c 1st atkins oortnbrt kma st east huqmsoh hamilton ont jacksons jagksons oar now system of oanh baying and cash boiling jdiabloa us to offbr you this wook bomo big snaps 10 doi mliih niack doiilm ovoralln with blh nlnosiuoiuu to niiecli ucru- lur flje to 100 tlili week one a do moiih work shirti striped oxfnuw xtoilluni to laik miadui htti inr jnto 65 this woelt t- q dox menv work bkirbi mluck drill with while stripe and holh ucptiui 75torjso thlb wook ijj 30 do mobv foitritiiinnd tieh is do shield neck tick o doi dnv tilh oil firnnd quality ilk now deslcnft and rich coloring rejidar ajc this weak j for 35f do you not now wish to select your sprint underwear and llnwioiy wlillu our linns ur cnmplata r von know if you como now you cnu clioouo from a lurrur huu than if you com lalor wo wish to begin solllnp our sprlnjj undorhcur ami hosiery early wo aro murkins tho price tlieso goods low m thut wn uliull not have nuy tn carry nvor whuit tho nolllni haannn ih punt these nro tho valucn wo cmi rivo you ladles embroidered lilack cauli- mere hnse sj io and lorech- inr 3sc thin wook sic ladles illnck cuuhinero hose ribbed or plain 11i10h hl q qf nttd to regular is mid pie tllu week 33c ladles tnltoln gloves now brown nnd tmi ulmdca reriilar 500 thin weok 330 dress noons specials rlack molroho cloth rcrular fo tlilft week 930 crontu luhtr fancy patturnu rega lar j0 thu week sflu satin finish prunella cloth regular 100 this wook 73c ktrlped crapeeit rognlur use thin weok 51c sntln cloth regulur 73c tltiit weok hc pearl tluttouu doson 5c corset cover embroideries illihwook 1 ssoputteriia 170 350 puttortm 33c 4s0 patterns 310 600 pnttornii 43c s inch bilk ribbon best ipmlity nil colors regular 35c tliiawckk njo 4 inch silk ribbon rtutitr jo hhh week no 3l inch silk ribbon rcuulitr in lliln week iiit a nilf sliotvlng ox luco emlirolflrrtiil ntitl itrekn trimntintpi all at spuflul iir tiros j h jmckson g bo rq btqu2 m

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