Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 29, 1909, p. 4

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riluhhitay july ji jww aiiamupatifrira clock iliiiiliilliuillnomy bull hlnmlliut tn liuljfiliiiil nil llini i lcimpiiitf the in ut i f time nminilliik hut huh li ut thlnti uniimlfiutnvu ilick i all thrmijrh tho dny nnd nlnhf maruliik ihnnicis mikiii dny nftitr day u unceib iranilfatlhiihilnckl lint we must ritnllo though tla ii nail aiuprue liven a biuku twns mad a n yimi ujo yoiiicwlnin ihltl hhitiiio urnmirntliorii clock i wnumua homo coiiipniilon dont bay biiabp tjiinoio it u n pity llml filrlfi wlmm ljuvo0 ml to he witty nt tho lxuuu of others do not know how uiiuuinctlvd thuy innko thuniuwveu mid how ftuji thoy nltiliid nffiiiitut jpmd tnsli a uninrt kill soiiiutlnii uttiiya unkind mid untrue ihinrb ahont bur comrades nud think it nil rllit wlioti tbouo tu whom hiiii anyii them iiiurii nt hum do not lm deceived flrls two in three ahnrp nnd unchnrltnhlo uppochufl tuny muse you to iomu yum mioniinjjly aura con- iudutb thoiib yoin liimrtiuiiy iwklud nud triut ii nd loyal nud put upon its mottle would disown tho ncrhl ultor- nncus of thnt tlioiithtivhb llttlo tontfuo of yours cuttlnjf speeches do not pay ntthoond thoy ciuibo a inuifh per il a ps hut liiivn n billy inniiiory nnd they nro not always true poon littlk ainl ilttlo ifulciii who lu ii rout tnlkor nud innd just tlimc wau unnoylfik hor father ono dny by lit r almost ami itihb clmtuu ilu wiib i ndohvorhik to finish soiid important writing bo said hun nway dear daddy ib vory busy mulun middled off anil after tho epnen of nhuiit live minutes letuincd and utnndlnjt hostdo bur futhois clialr inul an npponllii fat hand on lila arm nml looking up into ida fncu with a moat lirlovcd nlr nnld daddy i cant find any ono to luavo myself wlf tlio duhmmtor for august most bnoaqino mnudu i mi hardcabb callod on mo inst overling hes tho moat enuoglnfl tnlkor over i is toned to olnrai indoodl whntdld hoaay c mnuda i iio asked mo to marry hi in mlununpolls journal foundation principles first i when wo undortnko to fill your proscriptions wo glvo tluun our undivided attention nnd itoab enro thn patlonta wolfuro la our first coii uldorntlon second t wo riintnutoo our drugs to lioof full atroiigili nu uoll aa pure nnd fresh third i our customers aro supplied with justwlint thoyiiuk for j mitwit i tilt ing is uovor allowed 1ainuh citlicily compound if you nro a sufferer from klduoy dluooso llvor complaint blood troubles rhou matin m nouralpin 01 nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho uso of palnou colory com pound this rollaldo nnd never dis appointing modloluo is a trim disease hanlsher nnd system builder wo supply tho genuine palnos celery oompounil at brown auton out tho conduct of our lives is tho true mirror of our principles montaigne tho cross is irkaomo only when we try to climb it ns a pedoatnl dont wonnv tho groat foo to home peace and happiness is worry the habit of worry koops us croialng bridges lie- foro wo reach them tho ovlls that fret ua in out nro thoao which threat on ua but bnvo not yot arrived stop worrying nbout tho bread thnt you nro afraid will not hue the new dross you are sunt the drosamakur will spoil and tho noxt months rent if you will firmly resolve to woiry only about tho ovll or apodal hard ship this hour or nil mi to anil cant bn avoided nlnotynlno eases out of nno hundred you will find tboro la no auoli ovll or hardship the ii bason why wmb fit andrew oboaen ns tho patron saint of hcotlauilp this piou i ion lias boon asked many hints but tho iirahdonoon of whom doan hole tails tuny he eouuldered to have ills- eoverud the most sntlbfnctory solution of tho probtom onntlomoti said bo bo was epoak- lug nt a bt andrews day banquet nt ttio time i hnvo given this difficult iubjoot my thoughtful con aid oration nnd i bnvo comn to thoennclusloi ihnt nt andrew wus oiionoii to lt tho patron saint of hcntlnnil hoenuse ho dlscovored tbo hid who hiul tho loavos and halloa it itt well to linve on hand a remedy blninlc cftcctivc and easily applied for mosquito bitch insect stints soies bruises bunbnrn and injuries to the skin nud forty other ailments not always dnugqr- oub but which can be cured by outward application such a remedy is davis mciithol snlvcthcilwhichconies in tins for 25 cts nt druggists tiim bilhnt paritnbn a novel klteben liownr fur n brtdi to be ib ronlnl itl in wim ii hiimk cuillninv i tin invltnlloiih wero obliged to bo verbal aa they miggiti d miiitilliuhoiis for tbituecituunry arlbibs iiiulud foi the hllunt ptiilmi wiiobh n itll m intibt bn dijlnllcly ooiihiiii red tlio i faults piovo no end of fun tin ftkitliiton of tho hlbnt im tin- r was found to be a now broom thn bond made ol pnper wna tlod to tlm top of the bandit with a until ml look- lug faro dawn upon it with pen nnd ink iklnw the bond in thn plnctt wliiiiu shoulders are expected to ap pear n piece of lath nhout one nud one half fmit long bad been tin iio j to tbo broom hniidh- 1 hen with newspapers and twine a fnhly well shaped body was made to each utiuiible waa fastonbd a pancak- od aiovel ami llrcshovd tin npoons for arms and these ware covered with tea towela pinned on in the form of bull aleovoa lliohlhint iartnn wore along gingham apron made with a bib nud upon her head was n imnop lug cap a ohoeso cloth dusloi cover ed bur shnuhlera ns n flucbu nud fasten- vl in front with a cookycultci for n sunburst ton nml coffee strainers were bung from iincb aide of the bond for earrings tho dilating bag bung fioiu one nrgi while in the pocket of the apron was a imi of soap and a dish cloth the ap- roiihtilngu weui biought mound it front nml hod while on tbo ends wore fastened no egg bonier pnrlngknifo nnd nutmeg grater above hi r bead and pinned to the wall wns a card lien ring her on inc no ni llclo tor tbo kitchen uao was for gotten nil ibnee not in sight lie log cunningly bestowed on the person of the hlhnt iartnei tliis is the dealing appa ratus ihnt adds 15 to 20 per cent more than i tn enl cost i the value of the house in which it is in- sovkrbian stalled and h pyforihelf mailoliy os well out 01 tyloflarim ihe co j company ilailted guiaru caves put in by heating jsnglnaero throughout canada makn n girl hollo vo that you nro n dragon i tlicn mnko her believe she haschaniild tho dingon into hnrmleaa- iiusu and in one day moro she will marry you menthol in tho form of davis men thol salvo la tbo lieat application for moanulto and insect bites and stings old soros etc 23o n tin nt druggists it requires a higher kind of wlidom to sympathlao nnd npprove tlmn to enrp nnd criticise uuxton headache in all eaaec or beadoclia the first thing to do ia to unload the bohn and thua relieve the afllicted organs or the oxer- full blood vnuola of the brain nnd at tho samo time to restore tone to tit system reestablish the appetite pro mote digestion and invigorate the entirw body will remove the cause of tlm trouble and restore the system ut healthy action and buoyant vlaor mra j prient aspdln ont writea i was troubled with headache for several years nnd tried nlmmt everything with out remilla until n friend ndvlaed me to try hun look wood mittora i sot two iwttlea but before i had finished on i wns complothy cured i can never any too much for 11 h h tor mile nt nil dealers manufactured only by the t milburn co llmltatl toronto ont k ho that voluntarily continues igm nnt u guifty of nil tho crlmos which ignornnao produces johnson it is virtue that should determine ua in tho choice of nut friends hruyore the transition from whiteis colli to summers bent frequently pitta n strain upon tho system nnd produces intornnl complications always painful and often serious a common form of disorder la dysentery to which many nru prone in thn spring and summer the very best medicine to use in sub duing this painful nllmont is dr j p kolloggn dybiintery cordial it u a standard remedy sold everywhere wo imvo no huslnoaa whntevor with tho end of things but only with their beluga ull akin oamtoxtxa a thousand dav clock a twentieth century clock which bns neither pendulum nor lick nor oacnponienlt anil which ruua for at least 1000 days without in termed in to winding lu tho nolilovoment of tho oloekiuakoiu nrt which mr hlgls- i nu ml kiiluow has imd tho honor of submitting to tho king nt hiiqklng linni tataoe mr kutnpw has christened the in vention tbo kuroka rloatrla cluck itooently liaiucpbilueil its mechanism tho usual epilog la replaood by doc trinal impulse anil tho dial bands nro moved by direct contnot with tho olootrlo current this is given by n hugh diy cell buttery placod insldn tlm nloob and it woika ludependenhy of liny other oteoti in liistiillatton an ordinary shlllhig bat lory which ami bo bought at mi oleotilelnns is guar unieid todilvo thn elnek for tin 1000 dnys one snub modol clock mr knt- unw states bns boon running for more than tlmto year and nhowi no bull- 1 oatlon of atopplng castor i a tho ichul votl mtixn alnayn nought nml which linn licrn lu tl so for over ho jrurtf liiu borno llio itlgimtnro of mill linn boonnutiluuiiilor liu pcr- hoiinlmiiporvlmlou nlnro itn liiftmoy allowiioonotodrtrvoyou in tlilsu all oountorfoltsif imltntlona nnt tutnsgooinro lint xsxporlrnoiitsi tliat trlllo with nml ondnngor tlm lidnltlt of in hut th mill cblulroii isxporlouco iigiilnat kkporlmoiit what is castoria cdntnrln in n linrmloam niijtltutfl for nntor oij iuro- brlo dropm ami ootlilup bj it 1m xmciuumt it roiifnliim nolthur oplijiti lilorpliliio nor other mmtotlo rtilirtniioo it npo i 11m prtmrntitcn it drfltroyri worm mid nllnyu vovorlhlinokn it cur pinvrrhtun rtiul t collo it r olio vest oothhlp troubles ciirea ooiiatlpatloii itml ilutuloney it ruodnhhitc tlio pood rogtilntca tlio stoinucli nml llowii irlvhiu lionltliy nml natural hiacp tlio ohllilronu panacea vho fllotliorn prlond genuine castoria always boon tho slgnaturo of vfzjute the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years charioted by dominion government kstotillihed 1 8 the merchants bank of canada iikad opiicu montrual no ilrancliei ireildent sis 11 mohtaou allah vice president jonathan hodoiion vv goneral manafjer u 1 lluiuuh capital tald up 6oooooooo depoiltaover 430031 surplui f 4000000 00 total aneti 1330001 8avinc8 bank deposits ono dollar or upwardi will open an aecaunt money withdrawable any time no delay farmers sale notes wo wlllcasb tbamat once if deilred at joint accounts when requeued ws will open accounta in two namea 10 that either one may draw tho money husband or wife etc acton branch w s chisholm manager canadian national exhibition toronto august 28lh 1909 september 13th greateit live stock pxhlblt on the continent forty industrial in active operation admiral tord charles beresfqrd will officiate at opening caramon on tuesday auguit dlit military year at the fair modal camp victoria croia and wrestling on iloruback competitions ba- twaan taenia from dragoons and art wary artillery drive musical rids ate orest double bill of fireworks dreadnought in naval battle the siege of kandahar dattle of the north sea 1000 hen in uniform flho who takes pleasuro trnmpllnff man in tbo dust is always disappointed if tho mnu doesnt unuio imok to iw brushed off berino thustnndmil liulr pnuutdo is made from tho gronsn of tho ctiimd- ian uonr whioh hits tho lieavivat cant of hair of any anlinnb fitic a jar one nf tho piuxles of education la why aomo rlru study 11 foreign lnnj- iirro when thoy nlromly tnlk too nuioli in their own tho ohtnpnoss uf mother graves worm kktorinlnntai puts it within reach of nil and it can bo pit nt nny driikiflbiv tho dlmlnutlvo ohnlns of habit aro aoldoni heavy oiiouqii to bo folt till thoy are too strong to iw broken johnson diarrhoea dysentery colic and cramps nearly every one is troubled nilh bowel eomplninl d irlng tbo aummer months itut do tluy know whnl to do to euro it rhnusinds do ninny dont we can tell you dr fowlers extract of wild strawberry will do it i it has lieen on thn market m yenr and la universally iimii in thousands of families there are ninny imitations of this sterling remedy so do nnt lie led inln taking ennielhlnk jilat ns amu which some uitsenipulous drunalst trine to tnlk you into taklnff dr vav lor is the orlulnnl there m none just as good it cures hummer complaint dholcm murium liolom in fantum heismlairwi mill nil iiohoi coin- plnlnls iriro 3ft rents manufactured only by the t mllhiira co limited toronto oak tbo woman who re moves her bnt at the thoatro is not tho woinun with n scant supply of hnlr oautoiiia btan tu kind vou him ahuiri bflfljtt tboro la only ono way to win an nrguiuout with aftlrl t ilaiup nt oneo tho rolo nf tho injured party always hotvlcablo most pills loao their properties with ago not so with prtrmolees verotahla rills tho pill mass la so compounded that their utrongth nnd effeatlvonoss la preserved nnd tho pills can be carried anywhere without fenr of losing their potency this is a quality that few pills possoai homo pills loso their power but not an nllli pannoloos thoy wilt maintain their freshness and potency for a long lime it was wounded vanity that made tills girl refuse you but tho glil you married line proper pride did rip vim winkle really meet tho guomob or baa hlrf wife told him alio would ho down in n mlnuto p tito aeoiot that a wnmnn wants moat to know is tbo ono thnt when known she is euro will bronk her heart there nnvor was nnd novor will ha a universal pnunoea in nnn remedy for all ulbiowhloh ileal lhnli what would relievo nno iii in turn would aggravate tho olhore wo hnvo how ever in qulnlno wine when obtained in a sound unadulterated state n rem etly for many and grevloua ilia ily its gradual and judlolous usn tho ralloat eysteme nro led into convalescence nml strength by thn infhienao which quln lno oxorlu on naluros own roatnrat iv es it relieve thoo to wlinui aeliron 0 stnto of morhhl despondenoy and lack nf intoreat in life is a disease and by traiiqulllxlng tho norvos dlipoaea to sound and refresh lug sloep imparts vigor to tbo notion of tho blood which mug stimulated course through lie veins strengl boning the hualtliy nl mnl fiinotloiis of tbo system thereby unking iicllvlly h necessary result streugllinuluu tho fittma am giving life in tho digestive organs which nuturnlly tlomnnd inoroasoil siibataneo leuult improved appetite northrop iiymnn of toronto bavn glvon to the public their superior quinine ily the opinion uf aolontlsls tbo wlun np piitaohua niareat peifeollon ot any on i the niatkou all driigojlata sell it my lucky day mr thomii wylle don lb4t cab isyij it uas ihe lucklem day of tny life whenlatnicklsyciiinimorl truly be llevv i shouldnt bo alive now rut for that n neuclad cold wai ilia bainning of ntf trouble avid what se ined id he a ilmfilj aliment soon develop dllito a seri ous and its n nor oua condition i got so low jhst it uaa scarcely roaalhlelor meto walk found and i lost so much flesh ilist i looked like a skeleton i waa lust about ready to hind in rhy cbckt althouali 3nly 20 yeara ol age 1 lie medicine the octor vave ma nt do ms worte and i o dlasusied than i aruck psych ine vsyciiinij did nt raelra for me the flral bollle ive me new lire and course and in leas ilian nbtime i began to put on lleshraplillyandlleltlwaioniheblghrosd to recovery my anpellie returned and i ate like a hunter the saying goea my frlcnja wore surprlaed and hardly knevme in three monllii i was aaairong snd well as ever and returned to work in fhemllt have not had a days iltneai ince nobody could wish for be ler health than i enjoy and it la all owing to psy ching it should be in overy bodys anda ior cotiglia coldi tela off appatlu throat luna and stomach trouble take piychlne drugglita and store eellalboo and slooend lo dr t aslocum limited spadlna avenue toronto lor a trial phiiij kturnnl vigilance uied to bo the prlco of liberty but nowadays every thing la going up it is wi111 to prevent disorder many cnusea kad to disorders of tho stomach and fow aro froo from thorn at tbo first manlfaatntlan that tbo stomach and llvor aro not performing thtilr functions n courio of pnrnieloos vegetable pills should ho tried nud it will ho found that tho dlgostlvoorgam will speedily losumo healthy nellnn iaxutlvoa nnd aedntlvca nro ao blended in these pills that no other preparation could bo so offoollvo as thoy the woman who is a innuhntcr la generally a woman who knows few men wult enough to hate them castoria for infant and children ttia kind you haw always bought bears tho egnataro of when you pay she baa nu uncertain temper you mean aba tins n certain tamper no iimn or woman should bobblo pnlnfully about bocoiuio of corns when so certain a relief is nt hand no hollo- ways corn guru a great mnny women bellovo o very- thing n roan says nnd suapeot every thing ho does suffered more than tongue can tell from liver trouble a iniy alow or torpid liver la n terrible miction na lie iullucneo permeates the whnlo system niuiiinn llllloiimwim ilrnrt- bum nlcr drnub iinrntir con ted loiiftno ricl ilendaehe rllnw lyes hillov complexion te it holds back tho bile which is required lo moe the itntrl and lata it get into the blood in ilo id thus caumlngcanstlpnllon milliuma ijiva ihor tills will rrrii- lilo he flnu nf bile to net properly upon iip bovou and nill tone reunvnte and nrifj ihe hw mr j c wmiixta- hwrtii llkor man writea i aufforeu nr yeirs more than tongue ran tell from liver trouble i tried muernl kinds of medicine hut could get no relief until i riit mllhurna iixnhher iilts i can not prilwi them too highly for what they ime ilono for mo mllhurns laxa liver pills ar 2ao per lid nr k for si 00 nt nil dealers unt mnny a womnn with a volco llko a bull soon makes you wish tho clnpier hail buun niultted tho imoitd of all sufforors llko to tbo shadow nf a ruck in n wonry innd la pr thomas koloctrlo oh to all who suffer pain it holds out hope to ovoryona nnd realises t by stilling uulforing ovorywhoro it la a liniment that has tho blessing of half a aontln ont it la on aalo ovorywhoro and can bo found whoroverunrptlred for hiinin men nro proud bocnusu they have inluto a nanio and boiiio beoatibo they hnvo married one why is it that tho womnn who la ni- waya giving soniobody a pleoo of her mind never exhausts tho roast p palpitation of the heart nounrn something wrong uitli tlie heart a ihe irregular boil or violent llinii often them ia only n ibitterlng aaimntion or nn allgonobinkingfee1liij or ngnln lliora may bo a most violent henllna- with flushings of the skin and linliln pulsa tions of the arteries thn pennn may ex perience n snintherinrrenuntinn risp for breath nnd feel as tbnugli nhout tu die in suoli earfli the notion of mllburns henri nn i nerve pllli in mile una the heart routorinj its noniml beal ntid im parl i net tone lo the none eon t res la lieyonif all ipinnliiitt marvellous ihey give such prompt relief that no ono need suffer mrs arthur mason mnrlbnnkont write just a few lines tu let oil know what milbums henri and nnrn lilts havo done for me i linxe been tmuhlod with weakness anil pnlpllnllon of thn heart would o seiere rlmklnji siiells nnd eouhl senreely lie dnun nt nil 1 tried mnny remedlns but got nana u answer my enm liko your pill did ean reeommnnd tlwm lilghly to nil with heart or nerve trouble irina ut ccium per box or 1 boxes for 131 ni nil dealers nr mailed dlroat on receipt of prloo by tlio t milburn co limited loronto out tub nbivtf baby ibis is what tho ilrmvua i mil to sny f the ititiiht addition to the family i tlt afothi o isnt bn tin otcut giambst hiiiiumiiit umarldut liltlu fellow in llu whole wot hi p hnoh eyes i nidi foiitiuisl hui1i shouldiuml and ton 1 him talk will you f why lm iindeiutnnds porfuotly evmy word i sny 1 bn im tbo 1 1 ihurrs nhoy fur yon 1 hmltb will brag uhout that kid of his hip wl you wait until this youngteru n nioiith old and ill tnka the co 11 cult out of hmltb little hobby 1 hit hints mi it tbo stork brought 1i1f leal the- stork must bnvo it in for this family llttlo ibil la ig ma bos swallowed 11 his tmitb nnd all bis bnlrs bluwed oft i uaeliolor ujtclu i dont want to cause you folks nny ntixlnty but hes tbo smallest huiuait lieliig i over saw oulildo a dimo uiiibuuiii you want to fotil him upon roastbenriiiid porter- bouse atmik right nway uncle jnck a dug fancleijj is iiib iiofin cold r hold blm up by tbo hack of illsnock nnd well blu if hes got nliy nerve uinndmn thaio you go spoiling tbo child na soon ns bo has bis nyi open i 1 auppoin when hus a month old we shall all hnvo to stnnd on our hands to nimiaa him oivo ma that infant this instant befnrn lm has collo nnd dies i tho family out 1 well that sot has my hash 1 its cither hunt n now homo or become n tailless fullne innldo of n mouth why that kids got 11 gilp on hlui ilka n longshoremans i tbo ilaby 1 loo goo i fioogoo 1 hon goo goo goo i in other words ill makn it good nnd lint for this family nbout midnight l ht lonl hopublk mothers who have daughters find help in lydlae pink- hams vegetable compound wlnehostoy ind tour ilnrtora told tne thnt thoy could uivi 1 mnlu- inn rogulnr nml that i would ovrut iially hnvo dropny i would bloat ami suffer fro inquiring down patnhcrnmpn nud chills and i could not alcop nlghth mymnthor wriito to mrs pink- luiniforntlvlconnd i hnnnu to tnka lydhil plnkhntnn yogotublo com tine pound after taking ono nnd ono- half iwttloa of the compound i am nil vlght ngaln nnd i recummeiul h to vory buffering woman mnu may trxu wlnchobtcr ind ilundredaof such lotura from glrla nnd motboraexpnihhliigtbolrgratttudo for what lydln k plnkhnnrs v- tnblo compound ban ncromplluhcd for thorn havo in rwelvid by tbo ljdln v plnkhammodtcluo company lynn tllrln who nro trnuhtod xvllh painful or irregular periods bncknche bead- nclio dragffliifftlnwn soiibatloiih fiiint- lllg apells or indlbeitloii rhould takn immodlftto action 10 ward off tlm srl- nun coiiboquonroa nud bo rcntond to buftlth by lydln k ilnkhnmh vcg- tnbhi compound thoiiiuindi bnvo boon ruatored to health by its use if you would ilkohpoalnl auvlro almut your coao wrlto a oonflilcn- tlal letter u mrs ihiulmin ut nyrni mm ji ndvlca l free and alwaye helpful i rlovec we invite you to exmine at your dealers a pnir of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitto by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortablebuy storeys and invest wisely insist on storeys at all stores gloves made at acton ont by canada oldeit glover w h storey son acton pump and tile works o b- ebbaqk proprietor our pramlus ore now fully equipped with all ibelateal machinery anu appliances for manufacturing joip and rump suppllti tila tov vrua olmfrnm oulvrtw mta sieatu ftjte mtumc tooim mad pip supputm orders promptly filled main strulit acton tho old and reliable granite and marble dealers wrsra msnufaetiirsra nd dlrwt imtioruil ol bt1klnintuodumsiitslbmlh4iulnna wnru wsballdlrselfeourouilomarssiwtio jts tirlom ttiiia aaflna our eiiateoisrs m ir el wo tik his bast siptlsnom snd lis only mmlanloaln ilia dominion who osnop sts pn turn llo tools iroiitly v can glvi ifsrsiidm from liunilrsds ot our omloinii in oroiito ind etlisr plaess lis oilian iiss ifariinm from tiumlrsds of dranto and etlisr plaess lis oilian iiss 1 land law lulls in ordar to on i j not ws lis his ursmi aut 1mi atoeb of uranlls in ilia liemlnloti or mora ilian any tbraa daaura diawaal wa aro uaulniat 4aura and si eoli jnitlni 1 mploy niaalisnl plar nn mot and do nol sunoy nrimalaua ajjorna naa omell hamilton sons cor norfolk and woolwlob bis oubeih woodegraving photoengraving halftones purpatalogutmmallhts flc fejljonesllnk public notice this month only jour last chance to get a hat at less than cost positively going out of hat business king hats rog 30 lor 9100 moth bags nt a big reduc tion furs repaired and remodel led at summer rates lafontaines fur establishment 9507 quebec st guelpii ont paper makers osokogto iw out hook n1sw8 and ooloitllu papisms jnobhanbeil right downtodate proctor merritt i live been doing blft builneas ilnco ihe first of january in lupplylnn firmera wllh the uteit improved lalmr iavltu larm machinery and thay are now riving alien lion to aiipplylnr farmers wives and ihe public senerauy wlili the laleat labor aavlnp arilclea for hie lillchen the chatham kltohen cabinet la a aem and aaves time and worry anil kitchen drudgery to every woman who uses one a modern kitchen cabinet lijualai necassary to tha aailifaclory working in the bllehan aa i lie bast binder or nny oilier machinery to ilia farm the chatham plralem cook stove is ihe latest sclent i lie invention for niaklno home life happier and providing better cooked food at much ten cost of fuel and attention ii savea73 ol be fuel 75 ol time ami trouble ami you can do all till kltohen octblnata nnd flrelebh cookers nn exhlblllnn at nurwarorooma llhuirattit circulars wil full information 10 all who call proctor merritt mill slrml aoloii oppullo illll sculi till grand trunk railway iauuunokll til ainfj tiif riltiwliif u iha tlmo al mi uallianall at anion 1 i idind kakt lolmd mhkt 10 a in nu il hi hu a 111 so 11 nu fl 11 ma in nn ii n 1 n ji im iio 1 nn id hit in no 11 nii 0 mia a ti iii it a nt a u nnt isn alllralm to at anton pccton i i i it ji jr x bus lin tlio n ruler lnncsl roipeciluuy lollclis llio palrnnuro of 1 lie pub lic nnd 1 11 for in ihrm tint wall lqiillpa mttal btvmsb lllar can nlwnyh i10 teciirdl 01 ills nts1l a comf irulile bin mrnl a nil 1 rains lietwren to bn a m nnd 6 ig p m c i refill ntmniion tven lo every orilor ilia wants of com- mnrclil iravollflr fully met john mznlirttvcs propniston -3- oubiph lisocss ollcflc umouto iuwlt vppcr uyhilhaiii bt ouelph out no hi i i lit 1 imi lo rnimr for a conns ol biiilncm iralninff than now there nru no mcitioni ami day snd evan fnf seaslunn continue wlihouf interriipllon tliroiidtioiit ilia year our pjradualas wherever jonnd are nuklnk rood in ilia mi n in k flleirlcu of the yukon and cobalt in the huilixta office al he civic board in the manager a chair and on lbs lock eiclianrp their capacity for s flairs la brinln tlicrn 10 ilia irani and ihelr alanal auccctu la allrncilnft aiientlon drtght you riff men and women have much lo sain by invmilfjatlnft theie acta and enlertncj now ihe auro paih to honorable aucceib cill il tho colleen oliice 137 upper wymlhqin street or iiddreia malcolm mocormlok b a prlnolpnl nassnkftwoja lmnbor mills horn limber of any dlmenalona cut to order mill will atari april nt can cut any building materials needed in bemlocu or pine on iliort notice large nock of shingles or aale iliii year cm from first nrowth cedar p bayers sons naaaagaweyn i o the berlin steam granite and marble works caspn di1aun proprlator poiiriiern nnd unildor ot filatuei maui oleums monumonii mnrkera and head atnnea and all kinds ot artistic cemetery work wlhui hiihtrcct ananl acton evert0n oss eden mills tha ileal quality ol rvlanitoba pa mil y ml paatpy flour for solo at ftowost prloos our own make chopping done and oat rolled every day feed for sale cash for wheal and oali henry h or top 80 va1arar majwa dcsklnal oovnuihta ato siiliuf aslb sitdriamrtnewi sm scieitulie jfiitericaii ajuluiinllaklr lumzkev jiiy aolaiilliia journal tapta to patents phdmp1 ly secured i mx ikmllt ltyl eu era ewlbduak mnil us n renin akitth ur tnadil ot vir la vatilloil nrliiiiirovmiinit riiii wevfllliauyou frsiirnnhiliiasln wlnllitr ulaprohably iwlaiitaliu pucu4 appllcatlanahavsartaai hiaii siiccemtiiily vroctciiltil liy ua 1 cniuhirl fully aimliiixxl mra ht atontrwl ami u sblihiuloit i lliiiirllnia tislo promm ly iiiwtcli woi k mini mkly stciirs vaunu iiriuilaitlialiiwiilliii llfslitit rcfsrsicsa raleiilapreimi llitotisli marleri a at hon raeah s apadal nntlea will mil caarm w ovf km nrwiiiiitra iluiltiiilait lltrniisltom llintiiniiliilnii malally llallil tmilnm il msllllfe- luiiraahirkmiiliiesia f marion marion j patent cm parts nnd sellouoc 1

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