Halton Hills Newspapers

Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 12, 1909, p. 1

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wht jvtfjtfit jtttt tft voiumb xxxv no t itvary hut irl llu acton oktaltio tiiukhday aiohking atmjuwt 12 mot hut itmft in hinuijii ooliish- tjirkjii cj5nth be tton jficc jicas h fudlihiitw isvuitr riluuupay uoum1no at til pi ik hi mm vrluluaaf itmt iili btluflkt acton ont ivrtua ol nutimcrltthom otw dollar ptir yar htrlully in mlvunoo all aub- mtlttlliiiih rilsoantlimciil whan tlia tlma lor willed tlmy linvn biimi iialil lias x- elrou ilio onto to whluli avery a u li ter in l ion u unlit in do not oil on 111 ad- ireasilaliel avahlalv umfm transient adver- llmiinrnta in ruuth pur nonpareil una for oral inuortluu 4 eonu iur lln for milt aulmotiuout naorllon- advertise mi uta wlllioul apnclnc di rect i on will inaorled till forbid nil olmraed accord i naily transient fl- varlliemunlai muit tm pfeld in advance advertlaanioiilu will ia clmntfod ono anal month it deal red hor olianaea aflanar than above mantlnnod ilia onm- poaltlon muat lia paid for m regular 10 plwat furest kon- nun bj b ura messrs 10 and j hardy co will reoalva for un nawaf aubaorlptlon and advertlaamante anil whom our re ad era can fro or oliaraja aa our paper wtien la hnglniid ii i uoomo hdltor and 1roprlelor uainrflb bimtarp ukdical t llios gray m d c m mcgill li it o i nniunuami i l v 8 omiaow uubahaitmwuaiica aiiocittiou utc antra vrwlailok titnat otonoot fjk a l hohii x qinliuto ol unlvarally ol toronto ollloa at tramlines on willow htrealba twwtu murctiapta hank and town hall iliona m jo vi tom ont lkoal jmiekinnon luaaiarxa bolioitqr cowvavixcaa ovviomuiii utraal lu lllavola woes riaorpauiwn llrauobuaiu atreet open oeornauiwu llrattcb 1 wodiioajeya and saturn a r j monaub qthbpouiui duiilou court county of hal- on oonvayanaar aoant vlraaiid iilla aaiurauea ileal uilaia agent money toloauele oyrioklarfyiiiaua locx aoton ont du j u dull vu a i io iirmtibt aaron office at llbiilaiic comar mill ami pitderlolt honor onanoitb or toaosro uutvanirn tlia uual anuilliitle aaod it deal rati at iloflkwood xuttihja uxsczlljinmo us tt1 and hardy ft co auvubtiuino couth actom anp mnwa conn mro wmiriti jo float sireoi indon e c england a plla ol llili iapor can la iaan fraa of obarfla bv vlaliora to lonsou m wbom adloa until wllllw jwiti ii raqmrod ttrtamaib mdman boos ii ihd bit wvndliani tit oualpb ontuk vvynouaif w btora aeeonol itooha of all kind mad to ordar rlodleali of avary daaorln tlonaaralnl ly boaad rullevnaailyaivl nromptlydono m auiuaoe licenses n r uoonn nana a or u annua a lioihiii irwataofflea howllnwiaaraqulrad iaaoad al imldkidm la tlia ayanlng praa trau ofboa aoom w til uembtreet liqkmhd anotiohaia far iba ooanilaa ol walllmlon and llalfon sfdaraullalltiaraiia 1aiaa orfloa aolon wr aimyraaldaiiaaldaaton will b promptly al tandadlo tamil llaajouabla alio monay to loan on lha moat htorabla tuuiaud al tlia inwaat ratal of luuraii in mniiolthooandui uaidi w r kriiii mrkkixn auctiohkbi vnr ui it counlui of walllnalon nalton and hafaooinlufllt willi lalufiotlon anil mm r tvlviier to tllinum v o talapbpna lo rr lliilllm nl alt t vv tbh miidh oinvriina or tail at vv k laai sktst wltli w 3 lomon lliromi makar alton will raoalva lmiiallata attantlon itpmlal attantlon to talti in alton and vlalnlty james mcdonald licunbbn auction be por iba oonntlai ol walilnrton llalton waiartoo wautwortli anil l iil tlualub ralm aonduatad oil iraaaonabia larmi and lallalmtlou ruaraotaatl in it ary naaa por larmi dataa alo apply wll hiitnmipjitlnr hotaaua hi and klan rovd uuutpii out tatapliod ht flualpli ualm may b arrangad at vaaa 1ktim offloa alton suhbchihmd htook caltlal 115000 co tub wbllinoton mutual influranob oompxnv baubluhad 1b40 ua4 ohio ootblph ont ikruitanoib on oaali and mutual plan any luiuranea raqulrad will ba promptly atund- w hibhnv aaanl young hi alton artists materials watkil coioi1s oil colors and 8uppi1ks pyroorapby buppmbb and outfits naturb study 8upplibs tor colliicrs schools oil btudbnts senil lor infnrmminn if c4irloauano iarllhtn maleillli anil nslura sluily supplioa calrlnnu nft jlimbripliy slippllf waters bros the plotura sior wyoahim i cuul the best watchmaker in guelph iy at your ciisponn 11 xmrt watc scos ontolal wuiti inauaotora orarnil trunk llallwhv cuapii ont acton pump ani tile works o b edbaqe proprietor our premlid a to now fully equipped wltli all ilio lata niaclilnory and npnlbiictm or ninufcliirln puwp una rump suppiiim til tor wmilm ctmfram oulvorta vto stw rip rjttleg tool and vipm bappumm ordera prom pi ly filled main street acton right downtodate proctor merritt ii ivo boon doing bl biulnoii ainco tlin tint ol january in rupplvlnif cirmcra whh tho laieil improved labor nivinq lirm machinery and lliey aro njw clvlni alien lion to aupplylnfi farmora whea and the public jene rally uilih i ho laical labor aavlri arilclei for the kitchen the chatham kltohon oablnot la a rim and lavoi lime and worry nnd bliclioo drudflory to ovary woman who uica ona a mndern ulichen cabinet la juat aa neconary to tin aatlifnclory vtorliinfj in tho k lichen na tho honi hinder or nny oilier machinery in i ho ftrm the chatham flroloas cook btove la iho uleil txlentlfic imetlllon for maltlnp homo ufa happier anil providing bailor cooked food at much leu coat of fuel and attention ii saves 7j n iho fuel is of time and trouble and you can do all this and keep cool whan ilio lumtner days aro hottest kltohen cabinets and flreloaa qookars nn onblblilonatotirwaroroomi illuiiralid circulars and full iuformallon to all who call proctor 6c merritt mill blrefll aclon oftpdllfl hill r scnlca seasonable necessities at right prlees bakmulciiuuns washing machines wringehs scween doous screen windows c c speights mill street acton reliable footwarel with iho wltolo iiurkit boforo ut it u rood iiimi only dial wo conaldur kucii na ua can llioroiifthly recommend or lj la nd quallly and urtlce 1 he lucroas of our trade in firstclwss shobs li oncouribemenl onousli in rlv them atill larger nromlnonco thli yoar bated on iho abioltifo cerlalnty ol nooil vaiiio wo wanl yon to conin mlitt lei ilio now alylna do ibolr own inlklnjf w williams mill stroot ac ton whv not ordbd pilkington glass knd cbt thd bbst cluanten olbfambii iibavlklf wo ill oil orden promptly picklnn care fully ut aad hreaklnu illkinfllon coiiiyou n mora tlnn poorer gtana i el us lino your apecllicalliiii lo ipioto tho bono hardware co llmluu llt1 1hon 07 aiulph oublph justness oucfic uumouto tlluol upper wyudhmttt tit guvlph out no luitteh time io enlor for a ciir of builneta irilnlnu llian nuw there nro no vacation and day and len ing aeaiiona conilnuo wltlioui inlerrupllon ihroutihout the year oitr nratlulea whorover lonnd aro making noixl in the mining dlstrlcii of iho ulnn and cobalt in the builneta ollico at iho civic board in iho managera chair and on iho aloclt exchango their capacity for oflalri la bringing liom to iho ironi and iholr algnal hticcoin la attracting attention hrlgbl young men and women have much lo gain by invoiilgallng ihete acta and entering now iho auro path lo honorable iiicceak cull nl ilio coll go ollico i j urp wyndham slriel or addreia malcolm hogormlok b a principal a d savage optomatrlat and op ho inn lan ahndlnff qulok t1alr 21 wynclliam st cuclpli a t brown paper makers asoiiokto hat o x t hook nhuh and foixini iaiicith jnobuauiucb evert0n j2 eden mills th boat quality ot manitoba ramlly and lauitry flour for eale al lowost prloas our own malta chopping dnna and oat a rolled every day food for hau cah for wheal and oau henry h0rt0p ijorlry- tub bthuaolfel oikp iiiont tlio iioiniiik c0111pb uixl i mil imro htlll atriioktliip with my inililrn tlmk n ml ilrtm tim nlty lnitu over inn a eluirp wind wnili ami biiiitu aciidillntt wllli liillnlnl bllillf whlln f i imi my jvlinlow nl llii tired titnil cuworid im h it rimed tlio lumprato hnw llku in liri it li hi i lnnl llvnu tlay i for wo in a ul ion dlacoiiteiiluiou urny htjirvlnjr on linnvuiidsa nutl du llnu ynt tho t em ytvul m cinulnu all mil usn- less ft ut fiiveilu na uo thai when tliv el mila linvu flid waacnrcecnn sen tlio iiumliltit uyor head what tho ilio toiiiicst coiitf iii fiirioiia power v tl wiiti villi tililiuia and in smiio inlot lionr all luniviiiily idilu tint nrolilii iky elinll im wit eliptild not finr tlioaturni heroic wn should front lln porll jonnmo wriinp from pnln u not or woiu tin linn tlio soul hna rtltl 1 and tli u u tho sphlt lu its innrllnuub known lud tint bo t tor for ilio limn of at i una vuurlii do mtitlo kulaojr 9tutl ami limbing the message tr0m mozart yvy1iic mu mi in in tint of tlio cotirnrt i hint wiib tn nlil tho hiltdnmn unupltiil 111 lluit tlnlvliik leal- donco anlinrli hollywood una in umii stinltb 1or tlio rtntnrtiilnmiinln uno- cisa tlin ktlnfrlnu it aumuto ainoa wim wan repiiri1ttd m uliuultikily noceaanry minn amos lind written tlio cnminllteo in clmrjin hint hihi could dot come hor brief letter wiib nccomrinnled by n doctoi- coil lllcnti which mt foith tlin fnot tliut tho eiiilnnnt bnpiiino wim utiftoiirp from mi mtgriiviilfd ilinmt trouble which would pievent lur from iiihmr nny profuhwiontil enpiiiiiiiuulii fot nt imimt ii foifnltilit annette anion wiib a aliiur of liltflt reptile him wiib imckcd by a fmelpii trlumpli it ml aim hurt aunp in llollj- wood nt iib my feallvnl und lind riven tfrnnt uallhfiictiun tho com- mlttofl in chnrrv of tlio clmilty ooncoi t lind ngitiid to pity mibh aiiiob fjkl for her act vlcun tim coucort wiib to tnuu pluco lln on ilityo litlur the fnot mutt miub aiiiob would not hlntt mount u hriivy rnlllng olf in recolpta it itiennt tlin refundlnp of oonaldm iihle imlnoj i hti t hud nlrcndy been puld tor tlcki-l- tliu coinniltteo n in n piluful iiuuiidiuy it hud plmuud lliiu con- enitttlth reut cmo tho jlilltlrniitf llimpltul wiib in nood ot fumli nml a fondly mini wiib eitpuctud tlin unlir- talumunt wna to tnko plnco in tho prort wnroroom nf tlin hollow wiro oonipmiy whl nh lind liven cleared nod do com ted for i he purpose it would bojtt 1100 pcrooiib nnd hollywood could bo counted on to comfortnbly fill it with the proper nttmclloiib to difiw mi niidlonce tho commlttoo wna in beiulon nt tho homo nf the ohnlrumn dr haw- in y tho eminent aopranoaleltor was rend iiloud ami tho rnomlicrb of tho committee lind commented on it free- ly w ltd im to lio donor uued at- tmnoy he n hinplotoii the inoinbera looked ut out nnother iluboriy wo over tried to glvo n shnwi anld deacon ivnamill aro wo to on with hie thing p ipinrlotl cithtuu lane wo will ro tut with it nl com ao hitld tho chiilrmiin hut iib fur its hie crowd boob wu uillit na well iihii tlin school hoitrd room iliibilt nnylmxly nnylhliift lo nng- gout p naked iiitoon iviibiirii frot- fully there wna a hi vt bhoiico wo hlioiihl luivo found n mnn with innm inofeablonal exporlonce tn bun- dlo tho hiiow for ua and take iho ro il pott nihility unlil clllxon riant we are in for n roaatlnp ihntu certitln ib thero nnyhoily hi hollywood with tho aoit of ouperirncn that urn lnno biibkohib tho ohulrutiin aakml not thitt it imttlnrp the lawjer looked up i giiesa that coiulnfi nrnnmont nf tlin luir john thorpe la urn only man in town who knows a foot light fiinii a lly latitat tho ynitngater in your of- llcop i in ulred the deaoon yua repllnd tho lawynr ami by tho wny ima tn he my pnrtnor hi tint fall htmpietim hi thorpe hon of good stuck whiit docs ho know fllmut good biiowbp pier led thoiltinnnn iio wub iii iho thick of them in oollogr replied tho biwyor and bn m mi aged the college glco club for two bdabohr im aniry wo didnt aak the hoy to berva oil thla cmnmlttev iio looked ariiund tho fact la bn snld that hero in holly wood weve got a nilatakun idea that it taken eminent rflapaotiihlllty lo bnnillo tlinse public iiifiilr and that renpoo i ability nnly ciimoa wltb niatiiro yraie whnt wit need lu huatlo and roil liloml and id una that luiy jack aboiild luivo lieon on thin noiimdtlen in my place tli uto was nnother intniwnl nf nil- niee nobody appeared in lakn of- feiiaiuit i ha lawyeih blunt atnletnont ot eoinae that doeant help innlliirn nrtw aiihl iho obiilininu any nan nf cmibiiltlng young tlioipo at thlu into limit p tlio lawyvr inlghlumiil ill t wohbit do any hut in ho aiiv uweted and i think jack would like it lln looked nl hla watch ho lu to mil for mo hore we hnvti hoiiin work nt tho oflloo a imiii jiiiigled tint ulmii miilu nroan nml uteppud into tlio bull fjonin tlilu way mr tluu p hi cull ml tim young man who inmii into tho room wiib well built ninni jawed nml keitu eywl ho looked about him nnd omltled to thrf coimulttn take llili ihnir mr ilioipe uilid tho ilocd 1 think you havn mot deacon iuimull and mr line wn are the citiniiltten i in dim go if hie en- lertiilniueiit for llin bono ii l of the aiilldrcn- hobpltnl tlio young man unddud jinil waltnl tlio faut livjnck anld the lawyer wo aro in trouble and wo want uoino expert ml ice tim young inniii keen ojm opeueil it little wider head that totter to him auggchtt d the deacon tho doctor und aloud tho i utter from tho derelict tmpinnn then bo rend tbu pbyclclnuu ceitlllcate no hope there yon bee im niblod i nee biild the young mnn vou also aeo tbnt thla wreiks our ontertnlnniont anld the denrnu no unlil the young mnn i dont ipilto ico tbnt they aimed at him hut it la too lido to got anybody in tnko aiha anuv plum i anld the doctor and there u nnhody to git threw in citizen lino tho yuiing iiinn wrlnkhd blu foio- biad thorn mo threo ibiyc thny nro easily counted gt uiitbh d iho denonn tho young man wnu thinking bind vou wim t ooiiiohimly who will dmw hnanld umiiohody win will thaw aa well au annotto atiuu und h dd ihopeoplu who ekproled lu huir hoi tliata tho problem hut wo dont wnnt lu pay any nuiro ihiiu wo promlueil mlua a i it dm eiinio fioni tho duueon two bunjred ibdlur tho dorinr oxplahiod tho young nom looked iiioimd i dont think lt a qnnntbin of dollars now in nahl if i look nt it in the right light you want to glo n concert hint will hu a credit lo tlin town nnd tho committer you ate faring n romiiinrclal pimblem itu a ipieutlnn of liuj lug and billing nnd ynu intend to glvo the full iiinnnyu uoilb lu llin ticket piuthauel if tbtto la abalnuco it will go lo tho lioepltnt ilut you dont want a dollar logo them that was obtained al tho emit ofuuy pa ti ouu dlubatufactlon imiii that light v thoy nodded snlumnly mr chnlriuan unld citizen inuo i niovo that no elect mr johntlioipo malinger of llilhiibpltnlentertaluinent i will help to dlvlllo iho robpiuiblblllty john tlioipo hiiddenly hmghed thla lu certainly an iloventhliiuu honor chuckled the old lawyer lunllomlii wu id iho doctor all of you who aro in fnvnr of fleeting mr thorpe manager ot this ontoi tain- moot will my nye the njes wcio uniinlmoiib mr thoiio 1b eluded iho dnctot anld i nccept anld tliu young mnn what about tho anlary 1 1100 red iho deacon without salary mild john tho cnmmlllou looked at tho oting mnn and waited anything to report mi mnmigei p inipilroil cltlien iinno tlin young man hitighed nnd hla fale brightened i havn an idea he tinld yea uithl the ohnlrmnu john thorpo leaned forward if wo railt get annotto amen bn anld how would mdblnldop tho commltteo goeped young imiii said the doncon ao verely i dont piofuau to know much about tbcio innltcru but ivo been told that tho linger youmontlnnod la tho finest in the wot hi and i dont iwliuvn hint a ibomiaml ilollaiu in raid cash would tumpl bet nut of now yoik it uouldiit mild lubii thiupe will yoti ik plain juat what jou lunan jwokp liupihedlho law j or nut now replied tho young man its clutching nt a straw and even tint straw hiibnt titkeu nhnpe llvn mo a llttlo time it will lie mighty little unit the doncon tho conceits three days away all light luughud the young man im going down in thn oily lomnriow morning to boo melblul p it wan iho donloi who niked peibapi lunllomon ituld tho chairman 1 wmihl suggobt a voto of con lido nee lu our nov nutnngor it wns pniposod and carried wllhnut dhiaonl it wiib tlealdotl to keep tills annette ainns niattur a dead seotot at h oclock the next afteinonn a young mnn ptoaimted hlmueir at the door of a tmlto nf npiirtments in tho hotel oliniuhray llbj ring was an- awered by a him mnld hho gavn tho young man a pretty ootn lesy ho wna not had looking well inonuleiir p i ulah to moat mndnni mitdum 11100 is mi niio hm has just from the motor ride rottiruod will ynu tako my onid to hor p it lu of no ubp inoualeur madam slnga tonight i know ilut my liiiilneaa la im portant i liavnbiin hero five tlinos t inlay monalonr is very much in vnrnoul iot mo boh tho can hu gave hor bis cart dona ho curd nf innnuhmr mean anything to madiinip no lopllod john tlioriw zon whnt lu iho iibo p mndiini poi iteof aeon uoliotly on ko day aim king will ynu come tomorrow p ni uahl john thmpo i mind ufa her now qlvo my oaiil to iiindam and ay a moauaga from uniutt tbu m 11 hi htnreil nl him and what will madam nny j hho will htiy hhow thn imuiueugei in aro you ante mnnliurp juilo uiiro ill try him wau buck again in it inoimmt you mo tocomo in inon- lilt or john thorpe fidlowed her through tsvn handuouiely fuinlihed npartuieulb and tlien alio draw nuldo and h pnuaed ijitn mndiimn liouiliilr madam inn wonderful klmona wna altllng before hie droaalng tahlu ami hor muld wiiualotvly brushing hor hah madam wna incljijitil to htnnjnoii nnd bur facn was very fair and her eye and hair veuy dark lid pailuixl muir llin door witli 11 graceful how ho saw thn daik oytu of mnihiui in the 111i1101 jutenhy re garding bllu who are yon t uuiibim nskud my mimo la 011 the curd madam aro you 11 collector of ourloap tho daik oyeu hi tlio mlrrot did mil waver what did you menu by your meu- bbgo tlio mosangn you giv ilalwltep ijkpluln john thorpo drow from an inner piilknt boiiiulhlng rolled lu a at ik allk cmetiug iio know iho dnik eyts weto watching him n hn unrolled it uu drow off tlio allk covering nud dlu- clouud a wi applng of wliltn chlnouo tlhuiie iioiii this ho extracted four sheets of miiult pnpni yellow with age- john thorpo crooned tho room und tbu lady 1 xtended her baud iio pine- ml the jelllow aheotb lu it tho daik oj ob uwlftly ghmcal them ovei my glum kuie the maid open d a dtavtui in tho iliihuoi mid drew out 11 magnifying glnuu thn lady took it nud utudlml him jolhnv sheets the hand that held tlinglahbltiuibhd a utudy who miiriiiuied noiu pluto newt hlie tumid her head nnd looked into tho fnco of the young man you know my hid wiib mo- zailp you minium i saw it staled in tho now fi papers the uowupiipors say anything you claim tlilu to lie ghhllne p tho unmo lu there mndain hho loiiktd back nt tho mnulu and hold tho ghisa over tho algnaturo the name is here alio uald toll me uomethlng mure my greatuncle grnndfalhoiu hiiithii wau a iravdlm iio brought home many cm inua t blngn he found that mozart tuu sic in tlio homo of a cello maker in tho tyrol tho man waa poor my undo itoughtthu music ho gave it to me it was n little while before ho died lln wnu nnod mnn homo of his treuiuroh bo gave away unmo bo destroyed iio gavo 1110 tlu iiiumic and told mo whetu ho found it a pietty story anld tho madam lint never mind you wish to aoll tho muaiop yon madam for bow much v not ion much mind john thorpo bowed to tho lady i will bell it in ynu for a anng inadiim her big oyea opened wide you nro a louinntlc young man alio biiighid sit down iio took n uent i am not romantic madam ho anld will madam lot mo explain you havn many explanations i am listening then john thmpo told molbiul about llin hospital and iho coucort and tho disappointment iio told it simply nnd wall and you nsk 1110 to ting in thla place p in return rot tho mnxiftt study madam film stilled nthlui y0111 itbuiirauco lu 1 mi gn i meant monsieur thank you innduui you nsk me to sing for the ohll- dionp f01 iho siok children inadaui i lovoohildtun ah hut it lu im possible how far u ibis holly wood f hho hud picked up blu card and was staling at it tw o hours 1 1 do iimdum yon lim leave tho city at a oclock in the afteinonn and lie hnok at midnight whnt la tho night p thursday mndain and thlu is tiieatlay tihn looked at him shrewdly what la in it fur you monsieur p nothing madam thero wnu n little alienee i bellovo you monsieur vou aro au amiable young mail i think it la tiuo hint your mother la a proud woman i have 110 mother madam rjhn touched mb oont blrevo with her whlti band thn quick gesluro meant sympathy 1 am sorry monsieur film ner vously rolled tho music i will think your proposition over john thorpn arose i will live in hope mndain it la a poor diet monsieur hero lu your music keep ii niiidnm ynu trust mo with up hut you will bavo no proof you loft it here john thorpo umllod will not worry mndam i will tcligra ph your hand mon sieur i am pleased that ynu called thank you mndam tahl john thorpe aa thulr hnndb met ho diow hack tho maid of tho outer door niltotl upon him aa bo pabaed n ut tho malinger of tlio charity concert bail utile tn uny to hla committee 111011 ha wan nei voiia thoy oonhl aeo that ilut axon tho doncon forbnro to ques tion him at ii oclock wednesday a telegram waa handed him ha gavo a glance at it throw it to iho old lawyer anil started on it run for tom ho x tons- pi luting oflloo tho old lawyer road tho telegram- will ooiitp no your tonus moot tt oclock lialu melblul that night hollywood was covetid with mx liulfuheet pout era hearing these moinehlouu wotd 1 melblul tho worlds greatest soprano will sing at tho hound t coucort tonight i of course thetfl never bud been such a concert lu hollywood and nobody belle viis thorn ever will lie such iiuothi r annette amou was forgot ten wbon mulbiul appeared that immeuun niidlencu avmy foot of iilnudlug room being ouc 11 plod n rose nud wildly diuucd and cheered ngnln and the uiiidani was so much plena ail hint srpt snug a second number and being in one of her moat delightful moods bring a third nnd ibis was homo hweet homo whniout lha audience half hon ing halfciylug called her haok once more and alio cniuo drawing the re- luctnnt john thoipe lifter her you should clioer thlu dno young iiinn too hho cried lu her happiest 1 11 a 11 nor iio brought mo here cheei him i clioer hho i attorney hinplotoii lu the back of tho hall wliod hla oyvn jacks a great boy hu whispered to helicon pea an nil hummed if ho iilul i suhl the deacon ploughing aiiound til ib itock the old howldei lu the south meadow wau n solirru of anno unco to fan in r wohster as it bad been lo bis fitthri before it waa of conuldomblo ulxe apparently tlmapex of a cone of rock that went down onu might think to the very center nf tho pui lb it lay light in lha middle or the field pro ven l lug itu satisfactory winking plowing linrrowlngciiltvatlug mow ing rtiiplng it miulu no difference when iho rock wna 1 cached tho lino had to ho broken nnd tinned lo right or loft itouud about it too lind up 1 ung up a draggling gi owth of htioru and huslio giving iho flohl an unkempt look wry annoying to a good fat mcr llko clou 1 go wubutor who pt hied himself on tlio good appearance of bis land it had been lu hla fathers wny rb it tiow wau in hla many a unto the older man hnd threatened to tltllt t and blow it up with powder or dynamite hut somehow bo never got around to it it promised to ho a irotihloaouio job and ho bo put it off from month to month and from year tn year and finally at bin death pniboil tbu farm tin to hla heirs rock ami nit then onu day farmer oeorge took up the mattut seriously enough to inako an investigation na to the pro bable buo of i bo rock under tho ground au wdl ns abovo it hn thrust hla crowbar under nno edge of it and to bis surptue mot with no considerable resistance iio wont around to nn other aldo and triad it again with tho same result again nud ngnln bo re pented tho oxporlmeuti until tho con clusion wau forctd in upon him that liistond of being so deeply embedded in tho earth na to ho practically im movable hint impostor of a rock wna scarcely mat 0 than a shell just lying mi tho surface waiting nil those yours tn lie pulled out and carted away i kvouta proved the conclusion correct a vory little digging lu sputu a chain fn stoned securely around the offend ing obstacle a qulok jerk and a steady pull by two yokes nf willing oxen and tho rook rolled nut of its crndlo of years ami wna easily dragged to thn aide of tlio field out of tho wny nf ovaryhody and of everything and thero for two generations at lenat mon had boon plowing around that rook ovary yonr wishing fur iti re moval hut taking it far grnnud that it couldnt bo budged and novor try ing to get rid of it l tho flrat nno who roally tried moved it without any special trouble many or iib am plowing about our rocks probably taking it for granted that thoy cannot be moved they aro troublesome 1 wo wlah wo could got rid of them and bo wo dont try when wo iwgln lo study them at all seriously wo nro ofton srprliod to hud whnt llttlo rocks thoy aro aftor all nnd how oaay it la to uiova thorn its no tibol i can novor gut that oxamplu right t whines tho school boy and ho cant so long an bo feels that way about it the rock la there and it la going to stay thero and ho must go on plowing around ii ilut lot him attack the problem in a differ- onb spirit lot bbn at least seek to tnnko auro whatbor it la as formidable an ho supposed and ten to one holl bavo lb nut of tho wny in a llttlo while i alwayu wanted to ho a dootor sighed a young clerk but everything seemed to ha ngalnst me i had to drop nut of school to work for tho support nf tho ramlly and bo hero i am and boio i suppose i shall always bo hut wbyp naked ba friend why not iki a doctor yot if your hoart la not on it p it waa a now thought to tho young man llocauso bn couldnt continue bin course unin terruptedly through college and medi cal echool ho bud taken it for granted that bo wau shut off attainment of the ambition of hla life thero waa bia rook in iho mlddlo of the hold t ho win propailng to plow around it iho rest of iiib days ills frlonda ipioallou was like farmer websters crowbar it opened uptblngealittle ho began to uea that tlio rook might bo uiovod that a medical education might ovon yot unt he absolutely beyond hla reach today bo la a successful physician in a tin lying city winning bomothlng both of fame and of fortune by bis akin a bitthh disappointhbnt wlioti i wne in par ib remarked tho collector of curios i dlafiovorod in a hooka tall a volume which i know at drat glliucn lo tat of extraordinary value i could scarcely bellovo my good luck hroathlobb i inquired the prloo of tho dotiler- just think of it 1 1 could bavo bad that treasure for a aong 1 well why didnt you gob it p novor could elng a nolo in my life cried the collector hunting hito tearo tub vision long had she kin it nt tho mtulonniiu shilue within the empty chapd uil1 and rfiuy ug hoi beadu ubllo itlcif with mm ring line and blttn temh udiio all in youth away outcnat wan hbn fioui what ilnt hntd- etb iloar jlaiiudnd ftoin jiy thai utlni loulu might ulnj and fronf the daik beyond ubo tuinud with fen 1 i to i fig so biandidby iho nmik or l alii yot when nt i tut hho mini d hev trlinblid fnfe haunted by aoirow uliileunl by alarm a mary hinncd dim 11 fnriii out hu ntot tired plan- and laid the little cluiul wltliiu hoi nuns hoay and uarm die bold hilu d hi 1 heart hho hie uhnndoiied ouethn tiling npnit vlrna hheatd in tho canadian mugnilno twenty vbaiis ado ir ii wry is enlarging nnd imping ing his teuldeiico on fiederllk h tlin foundation fot mr t t moorau now bouuo on young ht is about lihii- pleted forty tnru of liemlock bm k n r week urn now lielug unlondid nt tho 1 t h depot tuesday nights bhoner wau most acceptable naluiou face uus wndied for tho llrst timu in seveial wi els mr jatuuu ih own lohi and wood moidiniit has put lu a 0 ton icalu at hu o t it btorehoiise dump weathm caused the pimtpone- nieut of tho knox and uublbi humbly huioid plriila until today on hiituiday mi a hniltli hud the uiiiiill hone of his lofl nun hiokuu and the olhoi oun upllnten d by a kick from a hnisu fit luitid vulloy he wau nuniutlug to collect horses foi mr noll keiths shipment to ueglmu mi kollli leaveu today with two rnru of horses for ralli ond conuti uliioii work ho hnu n sub coiitiuct from mosbr maun und houu a whito li ton so mtinuinout was ottdud on monday in tliu burial plot of the into jamou campbell a smalt- or one was erected to thn nioinoty of m11 willlnin ltamshaw mi w dent or milton executed both oiduiu mr win uinil of mkhigan narioivty uscnpul poisoning at hja fatheis homo heie this wcok by ac cidentally swallowing a portion of it liquid used ns a wash following an operation on tonsels di htacoy ml- mlulblorod a powoi ful antidote and bo la about na well aa c nt mi hugh cameion foi ninny yuitu actons cruck quoit pltchei who now onjoys tho saimi ditlnctlon nt point edward won a medal nt a great quoit contest lu llufynlo at caledonian games attended by itolmh people on haturdny a couplo ofgypsiub of a gang who touted on q 11 con ht near tho ti t ii station on monday o veiling who woro drunk began to fight and swear iho nir blue tho younger wns too much for his npponont whom ho call ed father and boat him unmeidfully on thonnivu of n coupinufclluonoho took to his hools down tho trark nt a rapid paco huggagomnn hnm ruird who by the way waa for yenm in tho irish cnubtabulnrly cnught up to him pointed a screw druer nt him nlid commanded him to uniondni or dlo 110 wilted and mr laird conducted him hnck and handed him ovor to chief litwiion who bad nrtlvod next morning mnglstiato htoroy flood him io and costal ir5 in till 01 il days ono or tho women pnld tbu lino mr mr htoroy said t if you had left whiskey alone you would nut bavo got into this scrnpe llotyplled tbatu an hnss mr davhl cat noahannf iviiatchhiill recently ploughed up nverul indian skulls and a inrgu need if it i thought thero wau unco an indian bminl ground there mr j c nelson loft on monday for n trip thitingh tho thoiuriud lulitudu mlsu annie iliionier left last weok lo spend 11 few days in otiolpb mr and mrs w carroll have hotrn visiting at mr wm hmiths b- who la very ill this weok mr thurtell hrown hnu been v bit ing in duel pit nud ahorfnyle mr john holgate a plnueei resilient of acton now of toronlo vlslled hero inot week mr thoa ii hbn go chiilrmiin publlo hclioul hoard iirr ihioii for n waek con- flnod to his room with n uovtro attnok of cryslpohib of dm loft knot mi lames leant young ht isviliy 111 and not hindi hopos are held out foi hie recovery imi in aotnn on august dth 0 emgo krnvbl youngost son of mr hubt hiitton aged uyeaib u montlib ways to iiuitt voun town fight oh the stroot oppnso improvemoutu vole ngalnst the establishment of industries mutiuat public muii hun iho town down to stiaugeiu do to boino either town to undo ilofiibo to ndveitluo in your pnpor do not invost a oont 1 lay out your money omowboro else lie particular tn discredit tliomnllvo nf publloeplrlted men lengtbon your fnco when 11 sttmiger apeak a nf locating in your town if a man want if to buy your piopei ty ask blin two prloea for it if bn wants nlber propni i y lutei fern nlid dliconrflgo him llofuin to aeo iho nun it in any scheme that dnob not exactly beurllt you unit down your uewspnpoiu hun down youf oftleors itiln down ovory thing mid incty- body bub nuiubor one

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