iioun maat ll tnrhu ki mr and ml- iiliiilllltniim lliiii li iln kwnoit n miumu ui i mil uiillh 1ub in bin 71 mnr mrnm imai inirdmusr on fyiui 1mb unlulir ilmlerltik mduli ii uldm lin hnlsiili mi widiimly i llli 1iiu iuilli iuliwori wife muim- liihor7rl ktr llinrninihln uuuinli luriaral ii i iiixiut mill onti lr llmifur daiiuhltir ul iho lalo john ihilil iiiii in liar i llli ear intraluluor ul lb rcimorni or hm aluilli tliiimhiu liluur in liar rraloluer ulic acton jfm m tiluitmday ottoilkit u1 llmmi icoitohia1 hoteb iilif tlmlfuitnr lint iluwiu villi- hnilmiimii i jin mil h ciilltd nf nlun wlm ilitvi ni nli- huh mink iii nifildufliiio in duihfioi mint uinippuul in hindu to dm jhipik fniniiiu or liu cuiinly id iiiipuio llicninrlvim for llku iichiiivcnioulu in futilif tint lhljtty uf thiiiuilhi liver tlio ahiciicitjwhll uiiitf wuh diiiiui- utrntltt when ii lil it i inwti it in ioudnn on ilin mli imuhik hy out ctinulliii mult wow dtli vi it montteiil miyuu ilnyu lull ulilti- 011 tiinilok vht hi aiuuilcun loulr look tdoviii diiyu for thu jimniiy tint pnbllr tlulit uf hindu wan lill uooolmi hu ill tho mill ur hiplitinbrr ltul ot fli yt hnlf of juitsiiit lucul yimr limn it wau lit llm end nf mnicli iimhl mill nf hiht iihciii year iiitnicslcluuif- vh uru only hlllitly incienatd tducolnut yvnr wlillo tho it utpltn intirmt on tlm puhllo debt in huii limn it wuh in ii ww totnl rovcmu fm- bu month in ptfliat7 tfrimtitr li11111 fur mi mo pur ml inst yimr oitniidit lu cuitiiinly kohir it luokn 11a if llnlloii tmmly in nhnut to liuvc idticnl option in every inunlcl polity oxeppi tlio county town jon- tiulh nro o tittcii plnco next intiunry in acton jtnirotnwn kmi iter i tiff oiik villn mill niiaon wllli vory hrlfjht prnspocu of hi 1 ceo km in evnry 0110 of tlinuo pi 11 cpb tlio hum hnvn ulrtmdy boon imnuhed from nnaanhftwnya 11 ml tnifnlritr towimlilpn imn mid chin- jiincouuy ml joining tmvuahlpii ino untlor loral option find krumobii nx pectu to ratiy ii lit tlm roiiilnij elm- tlnuu lliiunplnii la till engmtitil in a ciinipiiltfn ltofuiilnu to tin piopouid upplloii- llon nf tlm maximum american dutuu to giiiiiullan tfoodu tlio nuw york journal or coiiiiuiicii iiiivuuh llm waulilntlton hivmniihtit lliat did onpaclly of iinailn to inlllcl injury on unltm hlnlin luulii u kroator tlian tlio onpaclty of tliu united htntirn to indict hijmy on camidiun liali- tliiu lu nhvloiiu from tlio fuct tliat tlio doniinlon now uiemlu two ilollan in l u itipnlillu tor uviry dollm- wlilch tliu ainmlrniih upmul lu-n- moruovor oiiiiada pouudiiiilu nnv uuititrlnlu of which l n it id htiitun iiiiimifachnlnpf iniluulriiu htiind niiicli lo mcd nau8aoawkya iminui mrundmru kiitioid of aqlou i vol fm ioial opll ho unit my mipa will not roinn lioinn dninu any niou and tliat in v in vn inn mill my ihoiiiit and hrotlimu nml ul him nail llm ii too an limine ivihii lin n nnlim hi inviis 1111 all lait h 1 iiiiir now wlini lot liaa itiu wiifp lilu porlot ill uopiiht actonu opim itinnimloot fliriflt iiik l aher bowlingallev license flmdloan v coiiiiin oualph bv all th aorxlowii papl mre in fttvoi of tho on thar c011n1ll met on momlay omuiiiik in iikiilar hcewlon mmnhmupiuumilt ii hivalklmmui itvovot lio ilymlu alex imi 1 ii mminy mid ino ijaulon tlio committee 01 flounce proyunt- ed their twentylint report ami recom- mo ruled payment of nccoiuiti an follnwu 1 dr a i ilnre snlaiy mi-dl- cal health ojncei 9 t u tor ran co wlueler fieiwlit he 10 wl aork hnper hrnoinu 70 acton kriii lremi piintlng v mlv iitlihnrh a rintralo coal co coal fl t it frtliht on coal win holuttuon ilochlo llit polih ilenutry offlco rinlhterlnb liinp w d andurnun leftinlnr conl 1 ii lloliorliion re pa ira john illncklouk n tree to a walk vv a htownrl toamlnp h ao 7 m 1 h- 11 tr i0i111 andei btiuuta ainilvoiitaiy nervlreu will lie liuld in mofrit t mithoiliul clinic 1 mxt hun day 01 filing at uxvnu oclock mr ii 1 mome editor acton f111i1 im mm will picncli anil kheniir clirh will luiul the wervlco of hook- on monday ovenin llm nimlvenmiy tea inkolln will 1m held tliern will be awlemlhl pnihrainmoaniladilieu hy ltov a ihili ii a and uov m archer muu maigaret llntoheon who in imeo in toronto for noma lime run homo a fuw weeka iio owhi to a nor- ioiir troiihlo which had appeal cil in hci netu hho went to limlph ticn- eral houpltnl laut week for tiealtueiil and wau opeiated upon hho failed to rally troin iho openillon mid tiled 011 to onlay afternoon hi10 wau a highly culeomtd younif huly and liei tiomo- whatuiuldenih reftieltcil a nooh to motiitttne whan otilldrvn ni injured i children aiu iilwayu uiiutalnhik cnlu hrillooo imrtih etc mid not infrequent ly ronlrart rinprvvortn ncalp duoauou ami uiinilar skin troulilou at uchool mothom will hud zun link without omml for theue aooldenta and d ideas e mrs thamiio allun loll water hi st mnihontnyuf my ilaiifilitfr ml id rod 1 yont4 nhl wan severely horned hy fulling on 11 lint hal lion hho was limned 011 tho heel imlep and on tho thliih ery badly i at onoo applied laimo inuhuk whloh onaeil tlio pain and in tho cimuu of n tow days the wonndu worn thoronulily honied mm tleorfio alilridke 1u loiiibo 8t tttratford sayu 1 whllo playlny harofootod about tlm ynid my nnn itartram ulx years old flopped on a tirokon hiabb botlle which cut very ilooply into hlu hltf toe the cut wan ro deep that 1 neat for n doctor and lind tho font properly dronsud tlio dnntor leaving a lotion to ho nppllod ilnlly undor tbl trealinenthovvovor tlio wound momod to gut 110 hotter hut nn tho contraiy liillaiimiiallon net in a kindly neighbor then recom mended zuiuhuk wo obtained 11 supply and after 11 few iipplicnllou tho child neonied to liut hotter and tho pain wan veiy much 1 educed in a tow dayw under tho zuinhuk lient- ment ihu wound aotuiiued it bottn- appeanuioe and fioin hint- lima the healing wan veiy nipld inilamiiia- lion and mohiiihu wem finally mini- plelely haulhod mid lu i ilnj fiom tho fhtt applkallou of iliilluk wo took tlm haudiigeu fiom tlio foul i rail mho that hut foi miuilk tho child would havu bad 11 vmy had lime and might have had in wierllloo ihu toe not only for nutu laiinw hi nines elo uimlhik ilnnike imt nun for unrloim hkiu dkeai-i- xiioli an eraoiua ling worm lilooiw elo it ulun eiiren imuoned mueu nlnoiilo wofmdii hnd log pllou fiiutoilog worof olmpped liandu oold uoik lioit 1ltr mid nil uklu injiirlohiiud diawiu lliuggluiu and ktnieh tvoiywheni null at win a box or pout f ma fur pilcu from ziun- lliiujotorohloi ii iioxob for it5 yon hro win ned iignluul lini infill imh intlonu soinotluiea lepieuenled to ha jiutnaitnnit 1tu ii tliu 1 epoi t v nu ndoptod a letter fiom menuiu hen id more k co wau read mating that cnitalu purlieu hmo boon duiiipliig rnlililuh cauulug an encronohmeut on their propel ty jiiabiniich au thla fills in tho pnml whereas tliolr tlttfo glvou them the laud to high water mark ami ro ipieutiog tlio council to preserve tbolr rlghtu in the matter the council instructed the municipal officer to ueo that there wau on furtho dumping nf ruhhuh in iho park mousre itidlcau accoiiiub ofollolph waited upon tho council to oek that n 1 icon bo ho granted for a howling alley when interrogated they mild tho alloy they put in at georgetown wan favoiahly legardcd hy nil tbo pnopl there tho uiombei- or llm council all ex preyed themuelveu favorable to grant ing a license iho rata to bo tho mnne au in georgetown 21 for llrst bed hiia for becond and 910 for each uub- biiuient bed ii more bonl in hiu rifclgnalluu as medlral health ofllcir moved hy j huston mconded hy j ii denny that tho resignation nf di i line medical health ofllcer ho ac cepted and tliat dr it k hoi men 1m appointed lo fill the vacancy for the balance of the term curiied mr i 1 cllhhonu upplled for refund of 1 do dog tax hla dog having boon polunnid uhintly after the nuuimumunt taut xpilng thoiefuiid iviw ordered the hecretaiy of tho fruo uhroiy hoard notified tlm council of tbo vacancy on tho lloaid nauiicd hy tho imnoval of ltov 1 w llaikor moved hy a hull krnnnded hy leu hyndu that huv j cooper antlilt d be mid lu iniiehy appointed one of the councils representatives on tliu itoo lahiary hoard for tho unexpired term or ltov g w llarkur caiilud tim council thou adjourned dkautiful hair makbb tub plainest fa obj irnlcbiat- adly attiaotivb any womnu ran have bonuufiil and luxuilant hair hy uuhg par ulan huge tho gieat hulr tonlo and dandrnlf euro pal ulan hugo lu the favorite ualr tonlo of roll nod people anil ulneo its introduction it has met with wonder ful uiicqohh if you want beautiful imdronn hair that will he the rnvy of youl- friends go to iho ill lig store of a tllrown and got it hnlllo of puilulan hugo to dny and use it for week if at tho end of a woek you mo not ual lulled that pat islnn hugo tho moat delightful and rofroahlng hair tonic you over lined tako it hack and get nil money puihduu plago lu guninnleod in euro dan ill 11 ft and stop falling hair it oohtu only w eentu n bottle at a t ilriuvuu or hy expieas chaigou pie- pald from glroux mfg co loil kiio out nonval th annlviiuary orvlwu of dip molhodht church on huuilay nml moadii iveiiliig wein veiy full of in- leienl ouil uiallfingly hk eefnl ltiv i 1 a keany of luilph pieaolud 1 impuuit immoiiu at ii 11 m and 7 p in in hit go oongiegallouu o i muuda evening a hot fowl nip per was given iniilei iho am- pices of the ididleu aid and llm audience which abuemhled crowded dm chitroh after the fploidfd mippor was uervod an attiiiollve piograniinu was pieteut- ed hy miuu mabel palen aolnlnt tiion- to mluu iiuira k wehh elocullonlat toronto anil tho mala ipuulello of haplhi chin oh leoigatovvn ktpiy uniiihei wau well leudeied mid imiell imjojul the pioeeeitu wiii laigo and nellid hie ijiidlfb aid over lfi0w llfuhony boap lu delight fully 10 f 1 nulling fur hath or toilet for nidilng u n del elohlng it lu iiueminllnd hunuiirt mid puitflen nbw uooita roil rimta lidiiaiiv tlm lito mlaaiy hnard met on wediuirdny evening in tlm mhraiy members picnotiti llev j c wil- foii ii a clnlrinan ii p moore heerolary lliove hwnckhainer a j miicklunou and john cumiiou tho iibi in bins 1 epni t ihot ihi a membership of 1u tor hepteiuhir au addition of three dining tliu month pour hundred and elghtron hooka were issued in heptomber 111 d 1 m paid for catnlogiieu emdu and it 1 tim commilteo oil kinaucn ordered llm following accounts to ho paid 1 win ilriggs hnpoi led hooka li toirauce a wlieelit expreuu ih the hem etm y pout ngo a station ery dm 91 hi the hunk comiiillten wau instructed lo bolect and putchnso a hut of tho later ptibllcallonu to replenish iho libiary at an oaily a dato as pntalhlo tlm lloaid then adjourned toirovim the invigorating tonic enntnina hoof tbo moat trengthunlng food in the hunt hulk lion which makes tlch red blond and gives stioogth anil vitality in tlm whole body and juat enough pure hpanhdi hherry aviuo to utlmulato llm digca- tlon ami thuu aid tlm irtaiuillatinii of the iron and href 9100 per hoi lie at druggists ltov jonathan clofoith mlukhai- aiy to china in uhnuo hnnnr knox church mission hand wau named la homo nn fmloiikli ho is v hi ting frlendu in the old home at mitehell a customer hi an outnidu town write wllh rofoicnrn to printing exe cuted hy llm punic piuchh job depntt- inent we heiewlth encloho clitrpto in full of youi account we am veiy much pleased with your woik un much uo that wo will coum to you again when wo liavo smoothing wo wish neatly and will done 100 nniward 9100 tlo toad on of tlila eaiiar hi jam tliat ilmra in at local 0110 tbat ioisum iim imoa alila u lam iul that la uatarrli italia jalatrti cur la ilia only eotllln cum now biinwn to ilia iiuxllcal frtiamliir caiarrli imlnp a eoimtllu- llonal tluoaa tniiulrt a oontuliillona trnat- inapt hall bcb ian lioura lu ukan inlnrnallv ailiifl alroolly upon lio blool ami inuoniia uilanta nf 1i10 synlcpii itioreliir rtoalroylna ilia auiiilapnii of iho aianaic aniiiiitiaalluiit lulvlnqiliaiiallo ooiiiiltiillrtii ai inloinra liavo id inuoli dalili i a im ourallve oa llial tliuy oftnr olio llioiilrail uoltari lor atu falla to ouir haml for hit or iui auiljmlloe iiookwood the inoeling nf llm dlutl let wnuianu muuiouaiy hodety in tint melhodlat chiiuh last tlimnlay wau hugely at tended the piogiimino wau onu of apeolal interest to meinheru of mm w m h tint delegates weic hospitably enteitalniid at the pmannage itockwoud u to he favoied with an other con veil i ion next week tlm annual winter hcliool or luilph dlu tl let will ho held in tlm methodiut church on tuesday ami wedimuilay liimencing nn tuesday afternoon at llut oclock tlm proginmmuof topics will en 1 bra ce blhla study missionary elfortp ways of wotking eto tlio lending nilniuleru of tho dutrlot will lake part and the outside hpeakeru will ha mrs dr f c htoplmnuon toinntti nod lluv mi morgan niualouary fiom went china an item on the piogiaiiine of ho winter hchonl hero next woek la a mm hlu over tint intku tlm vlsllois will enjoy this iuupucllon of oar natur al attractions the death laut thuisday of mr hugh hlaok poitmaatm brought uulvoraal norrow lo thla community hlnce hlu boyhood mr hlaok wau a ronhhmt of thlu vicinity he wau a man of slot ling olmniotei kind genial alwayu ready to hilp a good ciiuso or a person in need 116 wau tint head of 11 moat dellgbtfnl liiinut while hnmo life wnu deal he wau o godly innn for years at iho bend of hla denomlnn- hon in oiitmidiiinimilphh church t filled i he pnlplt with ncneplmiee and wau bought nfier r 1 iidvien and euun- bid hy niimla 1 u or people the run era i to iho oenn teiy at llvoiton lust n1111- day afliiiiiiun wux one of the laigeut evei held lime sunlight soap tito f ina it fabric la not too dolkatd to ho nafefy wnafiod with siinllbht 5oap mnen other bonpn liavo lujuf cd your linen and fadatl tlio coloured i hlnga ro- nicniler iho word sun- light l1mkiiousu v the nniubii 1 or llm ii ifird dhieliilm or the tnionto i lino c spent toeiidny lieie making ad idspe of the toiku they expiousid natlu- facilou with hit linpiowuioituinvcied hy mi loudy tht ninnagei diulng the paaeai mis dwdy nnloi alli ed llm meinhiiu of tho llontd to dlnlpr mr pudeiirk meredith died boroon illday after a hiluf illness fiom typhoid rover lie waa in ida thirtieth year lie leaves a wife who has the u uipalhy of dm rouimuiilty in hie sudden beieaveinent mr moiodllh was an vmployie of dm toronto umo co anil wau an esteein- oil lotildent the fnnernl on hnnday afternoon to tho coniotei y on the uixlh lino was largely ntlemled huv mr cameron preached after dm interment a very impioaulvn discourse mr albert meredith had llm uiufoi- tnuo to louo two culls from the pitutuio hold last flalurday night they must liavo at rayed aoim dl a u for no iiows of their wheieaboulii has yet been obtained the two nnlmal aie valued at iih ih ho inuoli nf currant rending la merely entertaining at best thut tlm ipieotlon naturally nileoa ir it worth whllup your ao us nml daughteru are hound t rend somolhlng they hunger fur utorlob which take them into ihe other hnlf nf tho world tlm woild of adven ture nf valor of fmtuno linking tho problem la to give tlimn auoh rending wltbout putting into their hnmlu tlio lltoraluro that lu either silly or do- moralizing tho editors of dm youths companion hellovo that a perlodlral can ho mnde ontertnhilug ami yet worth while ouil tlm companion lu rnnductod on that theory and that lu one reason why more than hnlf a million families rend it the paper la safe hut not dull ha tales of adven ture llhibliato tho ndvantiigoh of for- tiuidit mid uelfrellance its stories of character lay btroas on dm truth that right conduct iu never n mistake icvery now canadian auhscilber will find it of apcolal advnutngn to aemv at unco tho 91i0o for tlm new 1010 volume not only doeu he got the bonutlfiil venetian calendar for lfto htho- giapbod in tbltleon coloin and gold hut all dm issues nf tlm companion for the remaining wookn of ifkh fiom tlm time the uuhaciipllon la reeelved thh youtiih companion companlnn hulldlng hohtov mvhh now hulihcilptfoiiu hecolied at his onim willi dr hurjrepin med 8upt of tliu prot houpltnl fur insane montreal preitcrileuitcoiihliuil1y niulglvea 11a pcnuiiiiiion to use hla iinnic 50b and f 00 howaa dwis ft i w ii im 11 cd mneiruil the folku who nro alwayu piaotlolng nothing in my hand i hdug are alwayu lendy lo call dm climcli falluio dare you eat heartily or is every flood meal hollowed hy ulicomfort ho certain arc un unit utile digemteru will euro liidlgrallun every time for every pciwm for you dint xo will gito ou jour money hack without word if they fall ynu can enjoy n good hcnrly meal of wholetoitio food three tluiea a day it you take n tnhlet after encli meal rend how illtle dlgeatcin cured mr thody por two yearn i aufferwl wllli indl- geillnn and obtained 110 relief from anything i took including aevernt rroacrlptlona from prominent piiyalclniii very menl waa followed by nculopnlu until x fenred to cat consequently hceaiue run down for inck of nourish ment itttle dlgeaiera were rccom- mended to 1110 hy a friend mid i tried them with remarkable reaiilta two boxea completely curing me it la three months ainca i took any ami i hne not auffered a pain no innttcr how heartily i ont i would cerlninly reroui- inend them to anybody buffering with indigualion sistinl it thody mi yorkvlllo ave toronto june 13 1009 utile nigeatora can 1 imd from i the vit hite cuelph house ont shle of ladies fur coats a kik out of ladies lur cnals iiiitl hivn our full itjt stotlc on hnnd commcncini iriilay mominj we will scllany lur coat in block at exactly hall price we have n special line of satin lined astracliali coatk at 5500 made hy the best fur coat niiltir in canada these will ho itk6 friday and saturday while they last os rh new bargain system vox home time we will put on bargains daily advertising only the hour of the special sale the items will he lines of goods uncd every dny by every household the prices will be such that thoc who do not participate will have cause for regret out of town customers can fincf out the iout by applying to any of the salespeople any morning the hours for saturday will be hjo and ii a m and 7 oclock p ni jmmes rktvxsbys rrrfrcrorfrc ttcig bake day whats mora dla- baartanlnf than an uaavaaly heat- d ovant you prapara uia ealta and uia pla with great eara and than thai ovtn bum a or only ball cooka tham not ao with ihe irnparui obfortl tha amall lllualratlon abova ihewi a dlvldlna atrip atona ta even extending down alila and along bottomi follow tho little arrowa and you will aee that iho fir heat muat travel equally ova every part of tho overt thla guaranlesa an e van baking heat any gurnoyoxford dealer can show you feature that have made thli ransa the bet by actual tett dont fall to leelhii range sjljjt before buying four 9 inch pies will baktf- imperialoxford range r f johnstone mill street actcn ontario specihl for friday night and saturday only mm 84 aiator biiohb foy 3 3f mona 95 blatnr 8hoitform4flp aa our contract with the fllalor fllioe co la expiring we mini flat ild or nil slater slioea now in utock at once bene lilt ureal reduction in price rubbers ituhhera have advanced in price thla year hut early buying enables ua to keep lliem ai the aama price heller buy lliem now aa iho next alilpmem will he dearer let your x j salal ac3w ja tell the story kodaks s600 to 110b0 drownle cameraa 100 to 1300 ktcrylhlng lor the amateur r h nixon pruggist nd stationer tiik palace drug store acton ontario geo stovel mill st bank of hamilton tlio opening nml mnliiitiiuiiii n siivinijh iliiiilc aoconnt in a aaiy oint ovoryonn owm hoili lo oicmiihkivoh nml lo uioho lojonlon on llioni your siiviiigh aoaouni solicilfol gkougetown branch w n mckay agont i need room and money what do you need tf you have the latter or good credit you can make some money right now nnd make it fast tho reduction knilo will no right to thu hilt in tho imple ment and buggy lines as well ns many other lines wo must have tlio room fur stoves cutters melotte separators and harness sunlight coal oil singlo jallon ihc 5 gallon lots itc per gallon cash hill st o 7x blhck acton ont secure ton tola of bran oilcake and all kinds of peed now irlcei advancing sliloment of f1vl itoslis lloult en route r noblfe ritotltlutou oaib paid vor foial- becoritlliand slovea and 1arm machinery repalra for aale morris saxb acton for chaps roiinhiie and irrltntlon of lie aklu ao prevalent lu he winter in no tint savoderm soap ahould im itiid d ily it will prnvnit thnhiiiidii fiui btcmitiii rdtv mid cmckid anil iiiiim tin in if that inliilii1 condition nlrrndy uuli a t brown mill st acton y the excelsior bakery having recently himillcd some ol tliu latest im proved machinery for bread making is now in n better position than over to supply our custo mers with broad cakos otc of firstclass quality wo also carry a splendid stock of groceries and cnnloctionory ice crcni anil all kinds of kruit in season t siatlwm son main st acton ilriu aiiliniirniiriilc kalimian w wrii i in htjtayjjattiil st im i a fhh la lidn nn or ll uta i i iuimt am ijiuu ttr b vcaiu ih iutu i yiarllnu slur wllli llirii u vralllllu w liullnr will hgril u iliitf rl liallflk utimlay any rnii ulvliia iiluriiiallria llal will laxl lo tlmlr raoovary wilt notjk i0 w uy rramorii ii tlo ll- tna lv llla uji ildlio ltulnita in hijiitay ll at wn imvu ifvirii not uknlu u aaiuin1 waifa iroullb witu uhi 1ira roil farikiial fvo h humuy i wuu htp woouiiail4i uekav uaiiraimrl illialwinv- jow waailmll day aliijow it lo ouina lor itootl colts aktray ii i rrin luil liiiinlii it lr uiitr ml i tit b i ii i i fiuiilair iissj-llma- co la mtliti larrnw sirli il not aiiyliif i unovary will l y lllulii fill tiut ml iiisiiitii notioio to ckk nmstr in hie maller or the ttaute oiavill- lam smith lata of tbe viutatga or aoton in the county of helton oentleman deoeaeeit notri 1 hnbr u ruan lo tla lldvlsk htatntia if fniatlo l h rliaii 1t llialall crvlaora ati1 olliara liatluu claims aulml iha aiiaio t vv llllani mnaili whn dul rai nr atoul ihauttli ilayrl jlcmtr 1t aia ruiulmd on r hntur ttia cij ily ct nnvamur ij r lallr lo oonail rlalo ilia aul ul lla daaaaa will li rlltllliulbil aiiiiia u a i artlaa a initial isr lo ltaiin tausrl only to tla alalini of w tilth notice aball ijnu tiaia lu ruiliul hleluirorlua 1 fjalshl llli ijdi u 4 ociobr ma nilia notick tj cheiutors in the matter of tha kelate of william dennett late of the townahlp or erin in tha county of welllnston farmer rteceaaad liurinanl lo tlia wj7 ctunor itinif claims u sail william liannaii alliikamli ilajr nl hii- nn nr tutor lliavoth ji ly pal iriali1 or lo v j maiklnoun of ilia lf ol cin lollotlor ut maraaral llaunall ilia ad luluuliatrll ol ilia ilsaaaimf tbalf elirlal- lau ana aurnaina auiaaa anil lusjiriplloin ilia lull iiilruur of 11 air etalina iba aiaia- bnant of ilialr aseounls anil ttaa naiura of lla ir aaurlu if my ibh itxin auit i miliar tafca nntioa ttial aflsr audi laal nianllonal ilala ilia aduilnlairairla will procaa1 to rllalrlliuta ilia assata uf uia rlaeaaiad a motif iha tarllaa andilad itiaralo i atlnil rraar1 only lo tlia claluia of w tilth uay tliall man liava no- llnr aurlilial tlia aa4 ailiuloliirauli will not l llalila for iha il aaiata or auy pail ihaiaof lo inv iara ill all rial notici la it llailsa1 fu isj uji all cral aoalnit tlia aaia wlm tlia mora 1111 ur wj tia urofjj daily r l of a xluirii hjllclli or william li data4 llila ullli lay of qoiobi racaua1 by hi am at ilia lima lnluiratrl auction sale liansi stock imple ments etc tlia iindaniljjiioil lu tiaau imirticlnl by ur an tiro w uobdio lo stll by patilli aucuou onlotji ililrjiiup liuoaliii on tuebdav 2nd novum o i n at ooa b clock tliarp lt following honscaiiv marc 0 yaaia old tia marr nr oil eray time acl illack man- aiu1 i rvy coir j jru olr aonal coll illnfl 3 jcarr cattlellrfv cow iipkj to ba lit call jaiaay ron lna prll lit gray btlar ilua april i th rl cow ilua may hi wlllla lialfar duo may jtali cow dua april hi far row cow d aiaar j i uara old atsar iuiiih 1 year olil lialfur iuiiiu j taara old aruun bull tcailliiu lialfvr j calvra i tnoiitlia oij plofthraiil ow ant u pl iiron aow wltll ptna at loot fowllllup lllct- iiluoa palroalr harncbsrjt doubls iianicas sal ih liarnmf j plounli liarnsaa jiin brltlu i collar ami liauii ialr sweat par naw iialr liana lilankak nearly uaw iiutfalo ratiif curry combianj ixmlio impumhntrjlfi harris lifmlar il fool cut troaia wool luawtr naw manay harris saad tirlll ami cullltalor oorutilnaii li boa aal mtjaor llarrla dlio liarro tlaarlml raka ii faat wl ikiiiiu looili suit i valor iron liaiyjwi flaury plounli no ul vlsury i rack araval hoi doulila in now pioncli wauon bob lakli bay raka itucli r chatham familim null with tia outllnabos u acurllrrs root pulsar daisy churn 3 sou douoiatm utck yokr small ous allactistl aalah tonsur in train ban icytlio manura lioou ilcowohalns chain it forks ilioral boea and olliar article loo iiwnarnua lo in a niton quantity ol straw and elm to ba fed on iho plaeu tarma or 8nloth dollars ami unrlar caeu oyer lliat aiiiounl u nioullii crailit mi apirord juim ii oic a por cam nr for fmh ilai rooia ainl fowl cash roaillrely no rortf as iha propilvlor la cutniui tanuliiu wanted now for act on and aurrounjinu illilticl fur fall and uiner monilia an enoriteilc tellablo oronl la lake order u fur nuraory slocl coodiayuinkiv ourrirnui iacll ill vi miikliouv ooo acres unlurciilikailnu wouiurnn oo to deliver duck in od conditlaii and tip to comma urailo wo can itiaw uu that tlioro la uool nunoy in roprobontini a well known toliablo linn ai 1i1u ilmo uaiabliilicil oor jo jutri wrlto for par llculara peliiam nurscrv co toronto oni children ory for fletchers castori a charlie wong foo wlaliua m inform ilie uidillc hat lio i cornluciiiiy a firstclass hand laundry in booordb i look aoton all work ilona hy hinit nml iuaranleed heal of work waalilnu clean nnd ironing amooth nnd ailuuctoiy ofdera called for and delivered n h to wiib out thu oounoil ouelph counell votea lotranaaotall municipal oualneea by oom ml ealon kn fin i ifcfui iihm poiniulualon kui pi ii- iiiiiil proven lu eiiiiunothiu with uidphu puhlld nf lilt iku hut n fuillipr utiip u iuuv p lu duppualnu with iho oily immoit nltunothcr a iiibolulhui hnu hoon narihd iiakln hid ouliuhi iihhiluii lu puna u bill ptruiltllnit nil iflhfl nnd inwint nllh over anvcii ilumuituil pnimhillnn to llppilllll ii piilunilhatiui in frvi iho piuiiinllnn lu otiflph up i j hi- coiiupii la in ho ipilnnpil hy oii1lilnlillhtriii iliciiibprn in tnolvo- hut hip din in do nvviiy wllh iho body n1topllur mid follow t im pkinnplu of art oi ul pioarpaa- ivn nlllpa uf hu iultod kioto hna now tnkiui it it in buhl