1 vouumie xxxv no jib acton 0ntaiuo tiiuhsday mohnino fkuruatiy si 101o owcnpttoa ftk sinulb eopilmt hiujb cjsntfct cvbri t1iuiihiay uoun1nu at vhb ailo tiucict acton omt ow dollar ar rwr air telly i uivihm all ub- willrtaona diawnttauod wlian tto uw fur wbjca lny bvs boau paid baa ptrad tba data tq wblnta avory sub surlauon ib paid u datmuffif oa uw d- aawwrtaafcaai u t aotr anuria a t adwer uluuu 14 cmiw nanporsll una lor oral laeertion oont par una or sacjl mbsa iebartloa a4wmruobami4 wnaout apoclnn m noliom will be twarlod 1111 for bid m4 rfrkr aoeordloaiy traoalaat ad trtlkbaui mui bo paid la advaaoo athaa than aba bnaollonod b i maltloi num be paid fur al muur caaua lor oontrset ejvtilrortts taatt be in lbs oaoe ly noun on tula aoeounte poyobu monthly knsllab oflka ii btraallun a c whir alaoar k and j hv4 co will rwoolve lor as nana mbewrlptloa edvortloooaaela and wkm our iwdin m rrao or nharaja a oar pabor wnsn la ebsund n t- woonn dllor and i roprldor wtuiruss birtctorp aczdjca -tuioc- chav m d c m mcgilx uuc v lomiuhil llk iloumoif mi hhtiu atsbuui aaaoolattoa bto 1 e lloujub u i limd jtta u ii i u tlnapltal an is tb vlotixu llaredltb mamotlaj u dnl uutaaon la ht j lavas tibial uooae ibtklalau moayl haiaoos to be u italara liy 1 lotplt al oasoo a wuhm m willow lraat-bo- mmkuti itmak and tmn iuh rhoa ko at aotom ont ljtoai a j hunumnom luuimi bouciton coarasaaw 0icavliui sua4 in tuorala bloak qwlm draaab uu lusaet opta beaaaadif and aata r j momadd gbavaoarthnivuloa coon own if of tlal ssloaaiaiasiir aaathflraaadljiaaaanraaaa kaj batata agent wooaytoloao am huftax 1 k j bklli d d hilob atnom feuajdanaa oorsat homb oaaiioxth on tptoirro dmnhn jin imln j al maaawnofmajaia f 1 knhktt ldh uknt1bt 1 l- aanawtk urraho mbcxz4utxous 71 m hardy a co atnmnhtkg comwjwnww t nwacoairo-lt- y fkl si l k c ltnuttd a vila j uua papa eau ua mm fra al sbarra by uuora utoosoo- to fbon alia wlu b l wjlbahcib hon as boocbihdk1l m books of all klnja mada to ofdar adlaala olarary daaortpuaa aantall jbottbd rabcvbaalaa4poainufdona mytaltataob 10kn8bs prinuobf no wlloaaaaa raqnlrad laaoad nmilitain frnl fnaa ofboa aovoh lcmalll amitionkb fov tba ooonuaa of 1 1 a too and laa all aalaa atuodad to promptly look a boaalaltv modarata ahana awly m w oppolt- w h hkmbtrkkt a great many- coinjicittd wi in pa i itirouli our hiiils for rljuiiii our woikman di ll uti ly omni iu janll i ur tnof vlinun ttmrplrre anrtlri ailjum ll krijcly lr fnaci llinakavpuig i if a run 1 vrunu ilhvy txml lniilalilum st co ourxiftlof household j hardware tromilo warn wih warn h in wro nlouat wnr wondan wpra vfint waro inciludlntr wrlr wnah lluorda tiqnlntf buarvia tiba utl iolla woatilnq moolilodaqwnt- init f ramop c thjliok foat- r ulo iftni pry pan toroal cookarjl food lnopuora flciur ta qroail dgxti raod mlxora no shautid 1 in dotha wtf hotcra om rlalao and flnvari orlao canp nl uilitr lulii 4udi iiicul in llio ulj peel l ilajiailiiiiir it iiuhj gimtda ouh pfilcbo arkalivavenioht tho bond hardware co llmlud hotall t bom 17 quklfll o t r watch inpaoum gutlph ont evertonjub edin mills tb boat quality 01 flour for solo at lowoal prices our ofpn haka chappink lno bi1 on h very v1 or aau rihiiwhiminu mum henry hortop feed corn wllolie ckackiill ou round ahb7lttouix wi tu otiikr gua1n i uaklb it slin our acton flour and feed store r noble prop rcton lfsteby porirp b ioglr k1g1itcr rttcft vvhtu ilu r itm ib m omiktcci ii rttii- new pi k i nflusin f jiion i at 1 uv po t ol i it i gufpl uji hivc otilaf llic iitsi if not ill best equipped kftnl optical kstablislimuiil in lj uoiiiiiitoii n tlta country ovic i tlic hume of good glasses a d savage whiahmmlimhalam 3 wonderland s 3la1imhiihhalbiahalhhmmwbiibialmtaa1 moving picturc show open every nignt 7 to o oclock the best films procurable chartgcd bjlplillj pttroni by the leading cilicns one ailnualqn je acton atnusement co the berlin steam granite and marblb works jabpbn draun proprittop il and unlldera 1 hlaluea maua tunimi monumonta morkarn and head tionct and all kinds ol artistic csmetsry wcrk wihiuii hcuistrcct aganl acton melburne stock food gablaok act on or rhnixon gllouoetown a uahokn in wintkif a drptf iii i la lady wrl na lto mart hii uli numiit l 11 1 l ii mora llin wtxilu lvrjilk til w ulhoi 1 id and lla wlitrr i know liutlll iiy iwlii ida libv lll ihoy ii nrnwl wcit tlu wu ml itttwtt vlu w fl j kkr uttr mm u lucijll it i wfitl lllllr laid junit lt arid dil urj fu i t v and m j unity jum iw uhittl b yl5 laa a liu wi 4 dhy yt wldlo a aunlltwor vilinnd aid llimlmaa a amlla alid amk iii llklitalliflld in r itiniil jim hihi nutiiiixi ia utmlti lli- llglit i 111 il m l il liluaaoii willi dwll- in u ofhillukl a d vvlirii urniidiiinliilito aald lliara whmmutlln l till likil inu iiotn utartrd au btiiitlc anil lludar llltlo lid n- lurt aa lla my wont almllt il4illiit ii ih ia ilia wind- lutiloiitf day yoiiro llnwtir yourlf aald lirr hiamion at iilglit my dnar illlln heart en my ladlaa dll tltcl yamilu ilmhinjj tiiic tlirtta brand daughtora or oraiidmilher hnllulor oolv- ud a intlar nnn umrtiltig wlitoh ilirew tlioin into alaln of excitement it waa fro in tliulr grundtitiilhrr in viting llietn lo lior wtilillng hrod it apaln lleotef i norbamt wo dont understand it grand liinlliur mono nn klmuld aald paul ilia a lulhicau idaul al wanli nllier in llank amaaaiiinnt at ibn moat innkrml fm tmtamkr our hmtiil moltivr tiirirletl apjaln i aald uary it oannit h ijcuuted pdtillna aiyl inoroduloua and ourtoua they iuibjmh or fully to yeatefd aecond reading of life hula iilaalva it wd iwaiitlfiilly willten in tliolr graiuliikillieiai lircalan old fashlood liund jtiat u ttoat and ditlnty aa alia wita liofoalf i cilkhtnutvikl vahm jime 10 my dear granddaughter tlftater ivullnd and mary this la lo let yitu know that i wlah you all thrw to make me a alinrt vlaft duiltik the laat wcolt of thlamnnlh on itm jhth of j n no i vxiieot to im inarrletl to afr itiliia lterlr a nmat eotlmable gantli nnn i have tvrlttan tit yournuunxiary and aldile jlolliatnr in aluii mid to yoiii cflnkln muiy htwvoiia in hart- fntd to iw with im it la my daalr t hat my u granudaiibhlera ahall attond mo to the altar bring alinply- inado white imiun dreeaow i have aonio in old laoo with whlob you inajr trim tharo and i will give you aubca knd tana mr leterly will coma over to meet you with tho carrlar at cheat nut fluid farm alatlou on tliuraday aftcr- noon ho 22nd four oclock trajn yon will find lilm aomnwhat my junlur hut yaara of autall account whttrti the htntrt la ooncerned your nffectlunate grandmother mahv iiou nrrkh again they eat in allent antontah iiimit 1 phlneaa interty 1 iaullne ed at length phlnoaj ivtnrlyl mr lhlnraa l i who evnr hoard or audit tlmadrul name i cried heater cel you imagine it helonging tn on irmr tim wrnrr 2 ae aintwur khowt- jlllfwaa jmy lovely 1 karh of her young gneate agmnd to that ovnn aa ihe lainiy ueaory ibey hxknd iimin mada thnlr heuru boat lu uiuru dloant ilia appro ha linn jlit yiu look lni doara ihe one who wn wolconilng lhm amrmed glancing from una fhuljed fci lo annlhor ihagiru protaalnd hilt caiih halt draw hank aa orandmother ilotllaler ild itutdhig th wy i iho wldii otplion hall i tjttl tun intrtkluce yuu tny ilfara to mr i ll if an ivierly 3hrea glila alood with widiiijotu yna gaalng nl he una hnfgra llirni flranduulhtrr hnlluteia far who now llio una that winn a flwli of ritaent liluol iftraul- lnulllla alary i liprti waa mlnril rrproof in th volet ur irterly la a lifelong ft lend f line welcome htm hank from india the hm id miotlitr voice troki irajloa al mil okokoe iiynd9 rbevjfl olh ajllam baa aa am c ida boar im aa navila capacity lor tba adoilnpj attain baa ilia woralitp ttaav llbda ollbaujaaia la okul ba baa o kla boaa ut llrada baa apaat 10 an oclalal of tba aaaaialpallty at uva tropei of iba alaelor vav blrtaan yaar n uaooaly a nitmba ol tka hoard of of tba lloanl la itoao of i tba twoatory yaara a jftwat al uta board of tleallb i a tbraa aan a ooaoolllar and waa braiaof tba biaalalpajlty iao iba tiiaaadaiii ball uudr lb aopuvlaloo of uta dpuy ulalala of raula woatp la itkjaj lla barvluw ooobfii lu inoa and h im au aaln itnoarad lrh iba ph1uob cffjbui maeblrala mooatbaa ol uioiauiku board dladbealtoa baa a c aitaa koora oaialot ti- ij nig uiaaaalraabdartlaabaababbaabtr hfad h u uu yoor im u b lima a taaai of tba ooaaty ounai aad la qualrawo of tba hft oaltoo of lbt laaporlaol ton of llinda hr ad raaldaol bl aeuw uualji u lata urui- plaor laud ua aaasa to aatoo oltb bla paranta vbaa alavoo a of aa la 1m1 bo waa ap pfaallaad ly lodautaia to uan tba inda of aauliouklad la oraaaulo aad aarrad nva taaro oo ma 4ui wi ifr buatoaaa la aptoo lo llary abd faaoy aooda in iba numo no oaanplad tj haaorl hebla aa a ituorand taadatontbapoitoulaebalodla iba tr and la al arc ai roalubu ualtbaw lla la njhinaqnawur u ll la lioal ban lor iblrty ivor faan lirr tltry trefiued to aulrtlaiu uie luvllatlon with ploaaure kvr alnoe they could remeinhei their grandmother had uvrnl awldow alone with her nten and her uiatdn in her girlhood home yet ahe waa not often alone either yor the dearly loved lit ae lite youthful fac of her children j chlldlt 11 gathered about her herthauuie and gunata were aehlom aboentfuin iraiidmolher holtlatere home thr ttlrhj nilw rould not help wnndnr ing whether i hie delightful at ate of thing would rnntlnun after their grandmouierliadhecouieur ihlnoaa luterly and thilr utter innorancii of anything oicemlng i ida gentleman did not help to auawer their natural qnerl- i it happened rather on tin- innately thahelr falbtc torn away from homo a hoe nee of aoiue monlha juat ak ihu time ho they had only their aunt icdlui to diocuea ihe all import ant matter with am kherbelng their father alalerknew very little altout oramlmotlierllollutetefilouda hut the listened very goou natutodty to their endlea aurrolalliga and 0011- jeclurea aa the glrla aat together tow ing on their mualln gowna in her gentle way their aunt ktllth counsel ed tham not to make up their mtmla too positively one way or thn other until they really knew aomuthlng more of the facta of the cans ile may ho hn nlooat genllniimiiln the world ahedeclared and rich too girl 1 only think i cried i a i no yea he may b assented mary rather dolefully but i abould be hotter aatlaflrd willi him whatever he u if ha wtra only iono day older than grandmother i ikdoealiik so to are au old lady with a young huauand 1 and grandmother saya he younger 1 and again tears of vexation filled marys eye yea aald heater giving a gasp and weve wen so proud of the frt that our grand mother llolllstnr al ways doeo well ihe correct thing you know haadtoalha glrla umnamit miser dudley whom mr- mary holluter or jheatrulfleld pano 1 eiectlng lo day allow me to intro dune myself aa 1hlneaa ivlerly her m tpeakor did not fjniab the sentence lift waa silenced hy thn blank limikf whldi met his annouiice- tarnl llustere flherka had grown white while lnllne gaitd aa ahu clutched at mary a ami had their dear grandmothr gone craicy 1 a hoy llko thlaltdneaa poterly i ilia litre h4otwelaimiae w men looked at oath other in aatonuh- ment am 1 mistaken r inquired ur jntrrly courteoiialy glancing from ono girl to another anj you not mm hollhteia- hut iaullnn hrttko into his kmttich hotly you am untie right mr inderly i am imuiioo dudley tlmao are toy autcr heater and mary orand molhiu urotniiathaj that in iplle of hr itorla at seir conliolt htr miipo nulvcrnd never would she u lmltml it of their irandmother llullklrrt mr iotwtiy howftl mditfly though aomnwhat confusedly mr ifnllulm rxtvected lliat you would tut toct pmmplly on th anlval uf thn train hut unfortunately we met with unavoidable detention on hi way allow me to introduce you lo my cousin ivineaa vuterly and ala to another eoualit of lhatih name aa b apoke hu turned toward hla eommtulona who atrppi forwanl ni bowed othirtthiualy if lite nitnda of tho threo rlrla hi been bewildered by the appearance of ma youlhfuljii ategrandfallmr elect 1 thn peraon of tho drat mr phlneaa l0terly what wolds shall desrma their chaotic condition whro they were oonfnmted with three gentlemen bear ing tlih singular mdprllallon f maryu awmt furn grew utterly ex preaslonlesa and i online ilrtiw bet hrvttth deep aiul then lirokn into a laugh hotter alone aernird able lo keep her balanc and looking at her i ha facr of ihrtflru jounglhlnrah and thoii it waa healer whi came lo lb reacllr ilidket w do widcome him i ah crlod extending her hand to iter grand moth i a whitehaired dignified guest indeed wcdol echoed iaullne while mary lifted the extended hand and laid it agalnat her imrnlng cheeka llmlr own room wllh oraml mother holllaler abut in wllh them of eaplanallon broke the thr 111 iher that did itt ly- cried thu out i how could l lrth 1 pot in llealo its mry tho wo kno 1auline and all lb mm went so young grandmother dear i added hnalnr and you e you said lh your teller itat mr ihlnnaa imnrly waa youngnr than you the alalrllnuah of ihn grandmother gave way and down on the divan of pink and white rosea he sank ami joined the gtila in ihelr merriment hut when it waa over knd j rand utother i loll later had gone below imtund by a promise never never to let mr hilneaa wterly or any trterly know paulino aroo in all her young nilghtlneaa and looked hr slaters full in thn face lla all vtif well for ua to charge it up to lliiirn wing ao many 1hlneaa lyavhtitf omi it auw ei y well w lost faith in grandmother boftirw thin ihlmiy and ihlneaa cam upon the- acenn and grnndmnlher nch a dearr yea aald healer whru we set out to think wn know more than our orand mother holluter one of ua will well to remind the other aa well aa herseir of the nd or juno when u throe gtrla ntadc roolu of thr in heuea 1 broke in mkry juat liefore sunset on the following da j orandmiither mary holllatar inirroiinded by he six gianddnughtera walked to the altar bnfore vfiilch she bad itoen baptised and made a glrlsh bride and was given into the keeping of mr phlnca iv i my who limknt very prud and happy mi led her down thn hnutd auln aflcrl l bo corn- bavrd ii kn mailt ibuk curad rjoaln kohois throodot anowcrkd rttvall- htaro that blasn arroaa hla aky totliedtrutlanaalkhl ho iba answered prayers stream hy khuntlng him w light how thry glean and glow and uhlntr wondrynoabawrn all kvery one a nwilal uln rraapeclalrall looking back o er llf a long wj chriallana show their iwwar i knawerecl prayrra for- r rry ilv and for eaery hour darn lo louiid ihrlc nwiv la nut tflua a triumph win challen thua a wntld of itoubl and gain a victory mr tin h you havo ncsema ringworm any scalp sore do not ierinll your hair to bo out off without first tryf ng uuk mr havld montellh or dei llertrand htreet norwood winnipeg ikyai my daughter contract csema of tho etp and tftu broke out regularly for three yerqln i cession it would probably havb been recurring yet each season had it not been ror xam uuk the ecaema first started wllh au outbreak or little ted watery plmplna wblob turned into largo sores we consulled a medloat man and tried lotions powders salves and all kinds of things hut in vain kach llmo ihn ilaease nppenrud her 4hrmwu4ben4ff xvhan ihlahail been donu ihreeimusm friend suggest ed that hu olhor thlliga bad failed i should try kamdjuk inalrnd of again consulting u doctor and going through thu old aud iuvizoctluo prograiniiif i noted on this advlcu and obtalnud soma out link ahuout as toon au tbu waa applied the child nxporlvnoed relief ihn itching and irritation soon led in im soothed and in savers places after some day treatmaud there appeared marked algua of jm- provemunt ao wa thought wo would not this lima out otf the hair wu kupt ipi applying im uuk until in a few weeks it vvuw very evl deht a cnuiphitu cuin was whg ttcl od iti4hc cud all thn mire ware heah d thn hulr- over the feltudtml par ik had gntwit walu and at tho present ii no bar it alp n hallhy and pille run from very iraoo of soio or kaiiia ihnshiue luiallng virtue la rew0ibllilii forouriof ulcere abscesses nlng sucva culu cranks scalds us piles abrasions etc kor chll dreua rashes there in nothing to wmsl am huk aalt la so pure all drug gists and stores at tio etiswix or post free trout amhuk co toronto for price tvintv vkasb ago loow wallroandipex nanoa and otboe irttsesllnat mimr bo l peun fra r columns of february bvui isoo a roid of while oak chopped ihwn wid aaelup hy her own handa was rocuuily sunt to rttuaduiplda doctor by a oling lady aa an evidenre or her cutf fntm nertoua invalidism by tot lowing bla advice in imng an om u air life lu the wooda the hupdea htandard pnbllahes a otter from harbor and hu jn to ronto complimenting mr watson proprletoi- on its appearance remark ing that wo know no papor in on tarlu excoplhih the acton 1 hkk plikful that equals it ihn htandard rafrrrlng lo the letter saya wa have always ill iran to attain excel irloce and the abovo unsolicited llbule fnini ihn laret paper hand biro in nada la aa tnay le i peeled nrouhly apprt la ted by ua ja aflniier touched him uud bi slept h ltav donald hoyd tlmurou illml kl the homo of mr iur mann llltoeal hla death tho whole community mutinied ttingastlon of the luupjo following la rtlpe with b he had tuknn hi toronto waa thn reum of tbnlhko was a nallve of invor- nnva hcotland and wau tl years of ae in his young uianhnodhu was a irnchrt and later studied lu ldlnliurgh in llttralureand cut sales leaving that university well versed in ltlu fjreek hebiow gaelic and french he after wards taught until be came lo canada alwiul bo7 i or twoyrara ihe student and teacher imcsuio diiy gooda liter chant hut it was aii uncongnnlaj- and ho roturnihl lo teaching rlmijtngtniovy7wmiirlt 6ur 6 was complutod hu was for a limn a lroshylrrlati aludnut hilasluiiary hu waa ordained and inducted into thu uradfnrtl charge in 1h0u remaining until lni whin he liecatuo uilnuter in acton hero be labored for inn years and on milting gave occasional urvlce lo needy fields but wau special y engaged on his works diboouimmi on kp hasl an p a tltopago work isatiid in jhfu and discourses ou hrbrews a iwoaoluuio work insuod istt year as tuay imi seen ha was a loon of great enirgy hlrong will and ludomltahhr irsercranoe a warm hnarted and much appreciated frleuil a township h h auaociatlou foi kiijilrslug was orgauixthl in aoorgo towu iwt friday under instriiatloim hy ur aurthl day provincial heore lary ttie officers am president f i ii kennedy fjimirgetown i vice pros ii v moore acton 2nd vicepro v h h hornby j hc treas key jamo argo nerval unv a w itlchatdoii pr4ldel aud itevs dr tllltord and argosmike lu thn evening a five- rnlle skatlug race lietwemi hpelghi oribulinand phelan or to ronto was won by tho toronto man speight led for four tultua but at fuui and a half was overtaken photon leading at lle finish ly almiit fret in ihe municipal council appllca lions fov poiltlusi of assessor wero re delved rroni messrs duncan kennedy j henry hiuilh and donald medon aid tim hy law was passed with the name of the former inserted as assaasoi mautiltm al the hoinn of mr john htalker lwpieslng by hov dr olf ford mr william thompson lo mk kiutaaaaa aconoaaaa to astaof will bo promptly t- nu besso on tba moat fsvonbla at relae el lataraat lr sasssafmmaudupwarda r j hkitn llpuimlin vuttiuwssu vor u coeatlaa of wall ins halloo ajjd n wlib raufilon bud upon sldtr- ulastioaoto nmraa or oattiaaa or 11 as vas t saaa ja ub w jllordon llemaaa uakat 35sr will isoawe i altpellom cpaoncl altaallon so aalao to atoa aad vulotur fevs likj6 the undersigned ropcctlully olklli tho paltonsiio at llio pub lie and informs them out wall equipped and atyllah it law can always be tccuicil ai his tables jaus mcdonau j llcmhunai rev tba manual ol walilosioo halloo walattoo waatworlb aud iba city ol tjaw ihatavdaaaa eta apply to ims m bjmunaacait flydkobant h dttl aswa7brifad rbaw aucriuuksh a comfortable bus into is nil trains between u on s m mid o lu p m careful al loot ion glroo lo very order ihe wants of com nwcul trbvojtgff ully nwt rnopnihtoh ulukjaullbtd rtock cattial uc00t thr w81unoton mutual inhuranob company tbtuhoj igjoj also aaaei for tba ualaa insgraeeo- oo a dood lilkblttoom snlman i wrnnud to wpmmnt canada oldest and great est nurseries in aoton and djoblm country tba demand lor hu7r sukalsi rtaodtf you bwitn-rw- you all realise i hero xna oanutiu mr ciuawf las vaaflyattdtf you liwitnotme of isvasinoii you all realise there is booii money la lha business you wilts al onre ijir purlteulsrs my weakly y stonq sl wellington uolhlllnnerios8joars toronto onl the excelsior pakery 2 uavinij rcccntl installed sorpc of tc idtcbt im- troved machinory for iiuud uiii bargains in a belter position than ever iq biipply our cunu- liroad cakc etc of firbtclf4 quality wo also carry a splendid btock of grocerich and i cowcctiqnery ice cream and nil knulh of lruit in heahon t siaiham a son mala st actoa kurs buy now and save bi money wo uro clearing out entire lot of made up kuja rejirdlces of cost every- tlnnjj goes t a stcnhrr price utou4hi4i t it not bo ta placed for less than 5 per cent advance pliese are not ctietp floods mitlu up to bull at bargain jtricei but our own make 1 hu biiht i in guelpli at biff rlductions ijrat tocotnorct the choice at xafohtaihes pur establishment 9597 quebec si quclph ont should think noil cried mary pi oniptly the idia 1 huo can never imi to ua anyliody hut irandmother mury holllslor and thatnamnsonta hi r mia piiiiiihs polerly indeed i will it would set in it is never too lulu to tnako a fool of onus self i aald luster when gentle heater could express lorself so vigorously against th do ings of gmndmother hotllaler th i her two auter felt lb situation was indeed a set ions oop at last paulino said iwho can hu bet wn have never ivtui heard or ny phlneaa initerly in mind oheatnutriald uan he b fiirtiinii hunter- dont i oileil hester lifting hr bund linptorlngly dont mention tblng lu coiinrolhr- with uiuudmolhar holltster hilt paulines big hbtnk eyca lashoil liiulluiionsly aa she replied i how ula cim you iiroonut ror iii lolhliik- dont rt us think i said hester his somuthltig that una does best not to ram until ho ha to i ami sw in ideatnahu t ct led paul ine hlxt ijko any young hello i i lie tears v ore now in iho black eye iyuuoitn say what yoiillke hestor but u oritndmnlher holltster la i tfiatini rutll if i leraol fat hi liri nud wo six glrla nro in stand hiiuktiig to it 1 llillik llin auultrr t tee 111 mattoi aht get used tit it tho better llmo were teitrs of inortlflcallon in tin ulher iwo pair of eye now dtatly these thine loved their fjrand- itmllier ildllaler hho had stood in thiilr lives for nil that waa perfect nhn wns tho mother of a niolhsr but faintly raiueuibered and 111 gltu rrliniinl visit to tier beautiful homo waa kuiiroililnglnoked iitrward lo with mger di llglit this visit often took pi ton lu ootulier when orlufieoii and gnllhu laavas decked llio tree and heilpr if chest n ula waited ror them win n tint first rrobtwhuuld come but iuiw ijuiy weo in go in june and to allend tb wadding of blr grand- kdilli agrecxt and she did not wonder that they felt biirt ov or it when pt last tho day cauui fur llielr depart u e the gilts were imbed at mm making a festive urls iiiurh aa tbay snjayml tsavelllug hut as their arrival at ohesluulfhld stutlon drew near their dl veiled thought ngaln rilustercd around their prospective stepigrand fallmr aud it my womb rod afriab how ho would look and act wild whether or not thry should mko him they wero tho mly passongrrs who left tba train and on looking around they mw no ono resctubltng in tho slightest degree ur llline09jirl their t x pec ted escort in fact no one at all waa toll seen except the lloknt agent and a burly baggageman who was proceeding to stand their trunk upon and n a most summary manner they passed through tho small hut tldr waiting room and wulktbl the length of iheiplatforai no toarrlaga waa there nolr any living thing thfy oould took down tho country road tn on direction for a long distance but to the rfght it disappeared tint far way around an abrupt curve llmro waa ntl a house nor ovutrtrofflnrfiey in sight hut they knew something of the place and healer wtts just altuul to tnako a suggestion that they start out on tho road and let ur phluuae of rapidly approaching wheels fell upon their oar atnd thayaavc ah ught uinuntaln wagon oouijug quickly around the bend tn th road and inlt were three young men the foam covered horses were di i von upchato to i he ptatfnini ahd the oyea f the glrla vwgorly searched the face nf tho newcomer one jftcr tho oilier nut the wero young men they oould haa nu connection with hid matter tu hand hut u three youths liaylng hitched hie hurons oonrerred hastily together and tlion ono of hieol advanoetl uiward- tbq watting glrla closely followed hy hs two oonipaiilons when ulto near they at i three lhwt gravelytand tho ono id advance- aald i wt loot qullo aurollscau aru lh ttit il x lallur ruufuslng u it nolr hu sold turning to hiugh with paullnr mvrhhmllwllllutiui if ttill i thai vvoarm lihiially tkhlginteil in thn fumlly na pblu pltluuy and plllm hu polluted to bliusjif mid eecb thu othi r two us im ipoke irreproswlbh paulino laughed until the toararran duwti her face just ilka a illu iiouu t she wald phin tilnuy phlneaa i then limy all laughed logelhnr and the git la would liave f it rnllrojy at their cum could lh y hnvi forgotten tbepuaallug iuaatlou which stared tlie which is the phlneaa ivlerly r aa for i tester she hoped that bj might provm tu hn the lallaumi wbif wore eyt glasses aud looked almlllllkii inuler hut uipoav be thought ho ulmiild turn nut 1 imi the one hi thu vvlilli flauiiilbult with the jatiutltornurs uel hell back on bin bead i it all seemed ilk a dream lo itm three gift as safely ensconced it iho carry all they ttegah their trip hut pj nil tit for mm was neatly frantic wllh duupprolwilloti to think or dcai tliamlmulhcr holuler fair aud staluly in splln of her morn than sixty yiurw inalng her inlndl she mu to jiersulf as thrt light tatcirthe youths wenton around her hmakeajin differ nc wlitoh or the -thrvoiru- no dirferencit whalovar i i fufijine will nutni ovulook it at last she begmin realign lliatuho was imiiavihk in a decidedly iii hrrd manner it una cltiullyf tier duty to put away distracting i bought a and be al least decently civil to tfietr oscorla tho mm was juat uuttfitg inbrlltjant splendor ami throwing lie fast radiant beams against the window of dear old ubeotnlit fluid jhrotlintise aautoy drtryj through the rreat gules and up tbr winding elm shadeil avuuuei tirvro ua tho broad stone portico stood their grandmother a swet jvtlwouiu poke fioli her eyes and huyr yuvg aim hniked in hi found banplneaa i what if her har 1 ha l l ultt fihbt unlokktlbookigilb iutlji uowrt and jim thegroroi dilhvery niant wero gteal rilonde l aiid on tliu uoiiu nlytir day of holicrta promotion fruib drealea t knloknr- hookore hil ongeiy in frolt of the hontie for jtura coming hut tltn delivery ipan when tin canie luislod hlniself about hla wagon wlljmitt aoeinlng 6 ami anything unuaal in his small ghumrt appenrauce hnbort stood around hopefully id various conscious positions until be could stand it no longer jimtlft twrst out at lost la your horn us frahljof paular ntt what vou kxpttotuo prwas inn closer nltuh i allll with what fervor you can master i all uy nerve rnmnvo hihil vnm mo closiiiiiusfartt plaitert j judges ubiary janet jlikss imiiii of kmpieslng maimibiial lliu homo of tl lirhtua fathiv itoseiloneion pobiuai j lltth byltdvj t davit assisted lj hev j w use actqli brother lu biw of thu ji room dr h a a1okiu yiundmlt lo hflle ntilest dillighti i of atmiaim moole ri wmkn trmpub dkunt kuq11 jllln i lulu n doting tlio llmo yrtui- nf her life bad uoxer lieeu einratvil from hi r elder sister night or day fm morn than a few mtuuliu at a llmo but at last llie llmo eainn when klufei went wwyfora wholnday i hu child lllml every uaine and oecnpalinu lliat aha knew of and a new mm oi two uggsaled by lur innlhir tiny nil iallud finally gave dp iml stilod inu iboktd nmiii out uf tin window ihou she ulghwl duply and said its still ttm same oh day unt ll ninther woman union oompaii ion klayihu aturvitaoarrrtca tliu ulrimgu lu ihn public ploj grounds uottdtd llmt tlu lltlln bou weritglving the little gltla n wldo wi li on this pjirlluuhtf moiiihig ihiith iueer lul iiiuumi sny uitiin 1 thought you utthivoye and glila tlii idtogntliei y vn d i rat i m vt 1 1 ito ita llgliteneil thn youngsti r on tho sand plje but not lo itnj ahr why l totf jauso it u us limuli na je uan do lo keep uul ot tbeh wny limy aro playing suffrngnltith ami iilltklltv we nre pollrchien lallevojive i a ferontumatb bsoapa itnlu hijutcli tniy dh b lu rosi in d by jt tiystunder on thu dock froni lliu l into whlah tin had fulllti espninh id heartfelt gratitude ajiv lug im ao tad yon got mo oit whbta llnklit lawail hrtvo frao my uiltlii i if j i nid n ilmonetl i vnfannot fell how high n matia uelxls ipiolid b lhotiuinlivi ol irloilu ouululoita he tnokus y 3-