xt itxt mtti ft volumjc xxxv no i ky imiiiiu acton ontauio tjiijiwday mohnino junk li 1smo hinglic j01lkrt tiihum cknts lje atlon yc rtss 4iu rtluctct actcw t iii 3hl plrl tba oala whlub avary nub- kirlptlon la tail i inuu4l on the ay ifaa labal artnrtlbtas ttnaanvlialgnl adytf tlaamwnta in caul r nuuuarall lln or brat insertion j nan i a lr lino for mmih atilmuant inaartloa advariumtnania without iwrllla dl- 4 noilaiu will b lunl till or bid and oharsotl koaordlimly toaloi ad- varttaananla muat t pl in dviwm advaruaamanta will be olianmed onoa aach aaoalti if daaired kor ghana o ftenar tbaa abov taiantlimad ilia min- poeltlon niuat b fctald fur at ivtfular rata cuinm of contrail advartlaamanta niul b in lb orloa by boon q tura- ooounta payatila l thly haallah ooloa lat htr loa- lon k c fbirt maaara k and j llardy co will raoalva for ua mi mbacrlptlona and advartlaantanla and whr our raadar can fnae on ctiarm aea nnr pallor whan la icnsland it p moouh editor aad vroprlalor flusinrss smredorp mkltloai t iiios guay m d c u uccill itil 01 knaidih mallamam uatuiui aaancliviox ar olnoavwuf uk ulna it ii holmlii xi d load ulll b o sum ho 141011 lo lit jnpl ilnai hll houaa j la it- viol uampllal uutaaob to tlia klaiwlllll uun ifaulully lliwtllal otaaa at tau on willow kir t tvaaauanbaalallauk and town llall 1uona no an atrrok ont it j kllukinnon lukmurrma tyouurroa co y otraiuakl 111 ulraai in mfxrala lllwk r j uonahb olar gui coaoty of hal aooaayahhrairniyiaadauiaauiaao uaalbstauaaaal mtmay toloanala irauna ruryuialii lwek auton ont d it j w iikll ddk l ii uomoa lailuara ov toaomto uuivaaaiw tfaa laual anaaalhatlfl u 1 ii lalrj a i ttofekwuod iuaulaya j mncxjlammo vs 1 ami j 1iakdy aco altvtlhtiblnc comtmactomh amu mkwm cnhhuttmuithmtk jo luat blitjai london li c njlaiid a viu ol tlila lti u b- kn fr of ahan by vljtoto loudon to wloiil ailvloa ll will b k wiulrad iranoih nun an uooknimdttu t tloolim or all klnda taada la oda rjivt atyilaaaltiunsa m auriaok l10khbkh n p kiooua hrltuomoa ko wltn a iraqoltad laaaad m laaldanao la tba availing feva fiaaa otfoa aofoh 1 miiucan ii cw hum l auctionkk ktor tba oonalt of italian and l all aalam altaailad to bouiptly vkiiii blink a kpaoully modanta liafa apply at felon tiiuualta lalttnati a llola aston va lk it wacalaan 11 yvtkt ukuutkekt ltammahb auonomkaa rw tba oonallaa of walllalat and llalkoa ovaanunaiibavaan laaa oflloa alloa nr a bsjaraaldanaa in a a ion mul ba prowftly ht- tat4adlo thtua uaaaaoalila ala bkumf to loan an ilia tnoal i kvoxabla anaaad a tba lowaat itut of inuraaala anna f moo and opwartfa it him i aiinrioukkh aor tl oouutia of waulii llallbh attd dnbarlu mnduoud wlili aalufaatluii and upon oadata by uttr to uliniwa p o laljiana lo ultoaaa or uitnua o ult at faan 1 aaaa olboa of with w j uoxluii lirtt uakar jkatoa mill raaautt linuiwllata hlunlluo hoaolal aluttllan to 1aa iii aduim au4 ulully tauhs uodonald itcamkuo atlctinukkm ftklba aountuail wllluatonlulton walailoo waulwixlll and tba ity ttl uualpb balaa aoaduaud on iraaaonabla uauia ajul aauataauod ruutliul in avary nana bor la mi lata ala apply u llutf sta baaiummimlf uyuaubaui ttl uuklmi oat talaplloua ml lualplt ualaa nay ba aliauaxl at kraan 1akm oflloa aatoo j uubcblilttli btook caltiaii iamto thb wsllinqton mutual inbuhanok company kaubualicnl 1b0 umaa offlo ouklpu ont inbuitanohoncahtiaiid uulual la any inaniac4wulrlwlhlhtuioiaaalraltatau whuknnv ajanuaat fur tlia union i at once a good reliable local solosmnn wanted to represent canadas oldest and great- est nurseries jnaoton ailjolnlnd rminlry tho damand lor nurniiy iltocli hlnciea ink yjpisy ij 1 yow iwcmithi onn o our ajuemn yo ruu uiom la fool roony in tho bull no lor you wrlia l onto lor iwrtlcuura fic outfit pay weekly stone t wellington foal bill nufmi hsu abivi torofilo oni watch competition is keen i itnia a a rivalry khiltiiiiiikuia a in iha tnaili ol lhlr rjjuv- litil taaiu inaklnjc ii you ran llilnk ol an nlvaniann llial can ita lncurnoralol imo a walrli lo nuo lt-alrnainlum- rnrxo iluiatfla llietlnc mima li lk bnwiyoir ran ull jvmir iilna lor a tut 110a 1il ilvalry lakuotl lur yon it lata you wkuitii ilia tnot uictiraln wdtctmx llial can lm maii al llin 1iucil l h null tin plra wa cn lunxuiuiala lliu i ir you any day ooimihui la run wn hvall llta lawhnr tnakaa wa lay llwim ilown ruti rorllnk lit ittul ytxl dmi tinlloi ixkn wi bib alwaycrlad in talk wairlw will savage go k t watoh linptora oukcta11 oht your chopping will be clone quickly and ucll on cither plutcs or tonci if tiken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts thfjmit at lowest prieeih harris co llmltaxl ollcjic maaoaiio aloar vpr wymdhma hi caafjl oaf hiuoiit young iloilk nlamliithn anorfty anl character wlm uka ourcourto of tialnlno aaxuroii of rkm illlona ircmii call or much wars irom cille a ltd town in ontario auhku imllana mich l an ami varmonl i ink l0lltion aio m orrl our ualnoil yountf inen anilsomen in llui lmtintllicaollhilbainatiiifarmilii tnrcha mil king iiituranco luinuliik mlu lag railway ani other concern mow hi tiik tlmk lo onlor lor a ihorouoli couiui in our fjunaua awktem ol actual hublneu i raining incltulink mar- canilla ami corjkoratloa book koejn contmerclal law alcnorranliy lypo wrlilnff oc couk iiiu ctf lo llu coll office 37 upjer wytwlliam lllreei or oijilioai malcolm mocormlck b a principal everton eden mills tfa a ttaait quality ol manitoba ataunlly wrtd paaury flour for aale at lowest prlcos our own mk chopping i king ami ojia itoluxl every day fowl or kalo cah lot wheal am oala henry hortop spring and summer suitings ilamombar we aid uola aenl or llw house of hobberlin i ouovro l allura to lb canadian uanllamen i we ilealra to impreaa on you that wa makp to individual maaauro only call anil mu tlio til res l ikik of amilea la canaila alio lmt talua llt and slyln salluclon knarannxil iulu lo tnoaauio rom l m i l n e la fontaine 059 qucbcq st iullpii ont seasonable necessities jiitt wlial 10 ailvarllwi al itda llmaol i i liaulwitn rt oh urn lltrrv aiv ao any jinihlnrib wliti h wa am ahto lo alltly ultu lloolaub inv hafvlararatorw umanl natlim klnfc wmmttliytc maohlnaw or anythlnr in llardwara tlxio in no jic whoa ll nlll coat you toaa kiul you ainaaauinl ol aallalaclnry aetvlca duy it jtt dokib the bond hahdwabe go iutaiivhon07 aumifit tlf ib 1iomid p oodd oilabwi savage optical ft establishment guclph hioiit at tiik post orrlok english liquid house paints c c speioht lias received the olc atmcy jpr tliis famous paint manufactured- by ijrandram ilcnderion ltd it is tlic purest iiwitolil popular colors liikiisii pure iloor paints anchor carriage gloss paints and varnishes separator oil etc lie paint brushes of all kinds c c speight mill st acton 3 wonderland 3 8s moving picture show ojten hvory night 7 to 10 oclock best films procurable chan ialronlkod by tho leading clllicna almtaion 5c acton amusement co flour iouit rkaiiita itkdhcud iltlchs seed corn iiaftlnc vahihtllrij i ink samiii millett buckwheat acton flour and i feed jjtore r noble hrhoor irop mannar reliable footwear wllh itio wnota niaraei ttaloro ui ll u rmxi khooa oply hut wa conalderiucli aa un can ilioroujihly rtommtiul or aiyloaml itiallly and ibrvtca tnooccaaa ol our liailo in firstclkss shos u oncpilrtniontbounrj taglva thenvallll laruor arorplrwtirt ihu year itaaoil on j ho abaolirtc carlalnly ol fjood waiu wa want you 10 como and lot iho now alylaa do lhair own talking w witlxjiams mill streci acton iladrp omliv ih foh 4juua mir only i lr jlaua miiiitrar two otlr uya lo rilaau it urn v ihra- it wont butt llaa midilier fiiur ohf rtilklttom llaah tilllliwr ivr iufr a drlv- jum rmkiralm llralualoa mil llai mi lct htaralr lhali jlaa4 miitiwr ikiii hlnra iti tutttf olaaa mlr ln wllakay- hot wine ulawi iiunjlwr llrlnkiotf mm1 llaaa diuiilnvtwoiily not yt a ttlonty drlnltlntf wllh imyn lmwlktujoya imnkloirwltl tnnn jiial now and tlinn wkii iu iir- acllldo ilia wkn iaaa kiuntbnr one taken in ton itolnwl liujirr llrouglit mimhii atrifr uillurl lla youth illll iilalruth iii a faw ynaraj liroulil riiany tcarav livo only imiii htoli all mi r mad ii at ut n krlmllaa oulcabt uglil haaitwl itoy konuilkwly u joy do not twuln karly u aln clioatupk man itravn aw yon can tuut not in fun jum itiinlhr tmir mruct jtnmilp itrabing rchk i mi rntiioa wltltn dud a an mii l ur ira juldwin ll tilt nl liu aliort imimii- hoylhn wllh vikoc aw lm coniumnlnd aloud uoii tltn young man who wau armiililia ahuiy lhi hlflhway r wblta iltulu u for irl not mni i dtmuml thn man an lm twunrr tlin whntaltnn in mod tri wild aklllful tnllliikitrovtv mr 1y luldmlu wn- nunl in cultlnp out th mirly nniiiti4iiutli of yoiiutt rank wmla which had aprunp up along iit madaldfi lordr- lnj hi j farm larttlu hchal um lalkw- lug al thn taak anc the utomiii laying low thn llaflhlirlng arul iiaroiful ihlnga which imilcontn tii yhnra ihoy warn not wanted a rlnt whlatln had lloalcd to liu earn from ilia tllalancr and lie had imikrtd u tho narrow nvuntry nud to dlacowrr ilia idrnllly of iho oncumnr tho athletic walk of tlia young man mlffht data nrooulmrd lilui lo lm larry whlltrn but mr luhlwin did not reckon it that way h couutnd only thn wltltn duck clothra which ilia young man won- and which worn tin- uaital nn o ugh in iiiom rural wrta to mark thalr ownrr amon the whole community of darklyclad tnwn htm hn conim wlu i1uukunii1 mr itahlwln had ilrham h foil to whetting tlm dullod aoythr tlia whittling uf at mollrgw aong atoim an tjarry draw near ha wa mr ira italdwlna mpliow and wh aimtidlmk l month ut augjut with hla zinnia wlillo he studied fur thn autumn examination at tho fxdtrgo which h hokr to vntar m llttlo la tor during thn twnnlyfnur houra klnca ha had arrived on ths farm thn two men had utile morn t afti innt at meal time and know llttlo of nun another sltkml morning uncla ira i akld lurry moruhit atd mr luldwin it lojika llkd a jolly job you have tlinra 1 comnirnlcil tho youngr kuan mr ira ltaldwln looked over 111 glaaaao undor iha llm nf hla ir4kad- iwlmmed hat and tlhwl ti mad tha young tnan faon lutrlllgenlly imik vaay dont it niiwr 1m wkked tlarry nodded it dmu look raay lo bland there awlnglng thai oarry hrtaltau- and mr luljwln umlaratjtndliig miiidleil tho word uranllirtrlly wheulonr whn4 alone hack and forth h ritm plfttskliry rlotnr j iimi do lcmk ft a till eiay inalancf in ah you aottlug on llin itlaajm lunrnln tlrvttk i gurry lluahtd im artidjlnp for my fliml rkama ha xdalnrtl kay job youvo go it ain to oarry alikhl foi wml and challenge r1 will tiuluk i tlila la ihtt eavloi nf ihr tm ami ill atay out hrrti and work with ytj lo rovfi it mr llahlwlu gilmotnl vaguely all right im doln n at tm on aide of thn road an thrn noma on the other aftlf ao j oil kin vary connleitt- ly work lin uloug one hide wherva my miylliirr ditnanded tjarry i tiroiighl out two younia nvar yondar an tlin wlifitatom laalougaldt it- gidn lo kotl ymn ololhrf- hn add ed never lulnd theyll waah gon ralaa ldlatara on your hanliciiif i wa nit varnl inyurcp clird i hla ynar dvf jarry la that gain in liolp you mowl wrr1 in hauu county r akiwl mr ilahlwin not confawlng hu lunoi r rnnrrtilng tlwi miialilng r drht oar at a in- actioul whlrll was in rual lly an unknown quantity tu thr man ilutoarry whlttrnj threw itark hla liraranrrrirttmuaciroriu arn4 itikadp thiol lkr lnn and w- won m id dmltlr1 mr lultlwin it waa voluulury admiration lor lhi young anan for w1i aet up lgor- ihia figure frv ihr npratariiflai un tnnanca and for tltn loyalty to th tuniiamlory arhotd which buinctl in hugray tiyna aa a matter of fact mr irajultlwin waj almlttlng in hi mind that lirrn wan onn of tin am tiiu wlui counlad atrotig for llm right and who won italtlr wlmlhrr tlty wrn- naay or dlltlnult f arromdlahninol lat mo taka off my coat and gel down to work i laughnd jarry hunll burn your arma admonuh mr luldwin okrrydld not atop to argun nrllmr 1th woruat lm hung thn whltn dnrk mil on thn limb of a convenient iw wmgbl lh win fccytlm and wtmitalonn furthr up tha- road mdlnd up hla alnavfw and look off hiw rollar ftu- rrmlir freedom of mofcclr- liuivnuuiill and at to kh lalmtr 1 u aharpen tha thing up irwl mi ll will wotk eully ha aaul ut hlnikal id onn hand hn gtafcprd the w1m1 itlotm with llin othnr alleinptrd to aleady thelhn liuah wylh in imitation of mr d- luldwlna poaitton ilul mtiifway llm mult waa mtl katlufac lory ciarry looaaned hla tight grip on thi whet tone tut an bxlment and thn gray atlck lnawl from hla hand and dlhppoarm over tha atima wall into llm hold jarry loak a vaultovrr tha tow t til ami rocovnrel hla lmpl tunnt aflm ronaldttralda of a fcrarrh now will ym 1h k-h1- i a aa hn ant lo work again after hn b d whntted away fur whll oarry ml tlttt ll wau high inn to niiunwiira 1h mowing ilnrr mr i wont i in oy thn through thn wneda ami flwtiy had lirovldnd audi a aurphu of nnergy to llm onitlaughtthat thn mometitum nf llm jtlm nomulltml llm young tuaii to nkrwillu a fnw uintfl rurviw of ikkaly ind lliubwu ll nvvmig wyoml llm tall witcdj naal time will go rauy old mail i iih htughiml undid go enay mild ihn krythn r mtmpluhml nothing by way of dttruc- ilon tim fontuooii iiiii ol t hot auguwt day hlaaetl down upon larvy aa hn ubkrtml wllh all hi elyortk ho onuld not ueem to makn any liimraklnii at aharpatnlng thn tcythe and hn know not how to awing ll eaally and trowu ly to gnt tmutu ii n hackntl and alnw wllh grim datnnu i nation not lo 1m du- fnateii and to do thn tavk woll while thn blulera formed on tha luthntt of htu i land h and tltn hnat nf thn ami wan ilka- aborning iron on lila liaietl arma and neck o rlmlrfjarry vol hu young facnand a tuck to hla tajtk lutund to cotnplte aa hnkl hn might ihu lalior which ho liad ao lightly undertaken hn thought of lb cool xeramlah and thn latin ekamluallon tor which hn wau prmriig kn earnestly and llin atrugglew nf ronatructlon ami conu- altlon decreaatw in relation to thiafluk in the field which waa not auy an khad hmikntt to lm when lu thn hand of knottier man tralttlnaometlrviir it waa mr ira luldwln who akkrd thn iuoalloo lurry had uottnei thn man levn ida mowing furthnr on and count back along thn road an the wiuih iiiad lilm atari in aurprlmt im not flnlahrkl ntl aald oarry tttn nyea umlr tha wlda hatlurliu twulkle1 youyn plan ui n on doing thla whole aide of the road or mer aaktsl thn yaat kali larry mr luwwln looked n tha will white clothea theirapli ing face and thn panfully hurnod arma im lilghly glad to hear ii jarry i wotk on tha farm in proaaln conalder- ahle juat at preaeut all i catil git ho man to help if i leavn them wnothi it duff grow i it along thn roail hriolhrr week m goo1 part of them will 1m gone to aeed an then nnkl j ear the peaky thing will imi mi thick all nvrtr the wholn placaj that i cant do tiothln with them oarry gritted hla lerth for it hurt him anrwly aa hh gripped 11 key thn liandln again lu hu momeulaiily rr inaaeil ha lid a ill lnlali up my aldb of thn nm he ald ikvrry old wtmrd you nut down with the imah toy ihn iarry lu llkn what we oiighl tt do in pi minion human ii v in cut down quick llmlhlngu that are nogihml and thai hailxtr a thou kand regrvla later on oarry laughed yu alway make pplloalloiiu hh you go along lliieln ira 4iluiua yfiultntleratpanmn whnt ii my dlulmr pall aald mr lutlwl j an oarry whttln aat hy thaoonulry roadalde that augital ntonlldn and aln hliugrlly of hla ahare of tlm time h no 11 which hla uncle dlvldel for their m frnahmeul he felt that uolnething lj hla phllnaophy of life wau expanding rapidly the uu log m m v ry liffm rat labor from aiihlng htch he had everilonn iwfaie lu hla krightrcn yeaaai of living it had looked ao very tuay nf mocttmpluhlnetit in mr lultlwlnjt aklllad hauda that oarry it id mil dreamed it could he anything hut almple lo hla young vigor had hi nnl tmn qrat oar tin film prep ihmi ahall hla yrr ami had ihry tint won thn llg rare apalnut their itppom enter lie waa womleilug na lm ale if thai preparation of the a hell waa of any uae at all to him fur mowing buahea in fiauim county that bol augual day il motpd aa if hi- hauda were a hlivtcmji pdjla ijjjibjulmslicyajlu hn liatl nnvnr rowal oral oar mow lo ynujtake to your job ohrryk aaked mr luldwln i my whl i ten put out hlu hand- imiiou up ward a and laughed grimly tjm jf amiul aa if iliey w iar- lxlrd mud lm commented kay aa duv rek k ilhrrrallntiu reirugroc ilaylw aint mitell dlltervmrn to lux whai dead h gin olllnr it lw now ive tkld aonr trauy ju klip ihmiog yon try mine fi auggmatetl ry m thn paaaa and rad half a fjarry notldnl tliata eaay aa falllu off a log 1 declareil ibe oliler man with a ahade of contrmnt in hla voice f you might try it d ih- young a note in tjarryu ipllrl volcn roubn the ohler man to action and hn amtitn hla knee with an open palm i wi try il evanlna bn declared oarry iumied tip all right uncle ira wvii lo ftln nvenlngu if ihn job aint eaay til take itack what i vo aal1 of you boy lint 1 wont havnlo rig out in whltn duck will i r carry laughed no vblrt kltrnvnaj will do well ill take a haml mmiu youve at tlie iarr 1 itn llial afterntmm jarry inlahrl hlu work hiu unci had gone home long fclnce and lft oarry to klruggla mi alone iutl bn had coin pint e1 thn aide of tio road on whlrh lie wn work- 1 ing l wlien hn natfinl thn farmhouae oarry couhl hardly recoguhu him- if in the mirror ilia kkln waa burned ui a vivid pink henoalh thn coating of dirt and traceaj of nkenaalvn peraplrallnn j hiu duck iroilaer liwl imi otmlr immarulale whllennaa ill gt the dual off ami aen if it ho jerriton ijoyd wliltlen or not on the interior 1 fcald oarry an hour later a fmuh clad yitung man ramn ilownatalra and aat dowu m thn mirch it wau uarry whlttnii bun iturned and aom of limb tim bluter on hla hamla had lliu llk imbldoh and he knew that hlu aruia mm link were woll on thin road to mlu ly mr i- luldwln lootl in ihn door way sopper jarry 1 all mady aald jarry hut hn niui klowly llkn an old 11 an with painfully rheumatic joint a urlng m llm truck 1 aald ilr luldwln after tuir wau inuhed lho lamp lighted and mm luldwln hail aultl down wllh hnr lleooy knitting work arry laughed ill rtdnakn you from your bargain unclu ira my joba eailkrfor inn than youru iw he aald urlng on tho ialln repealed tho man ami oarry brought mil hla hooka with painstaking kklll iho young atudnnl ekdaluei thn fundamenlalu of ihn itllu lauguago ah hn talked 1 hlu atmog face lighted and the ahaorp lion of hlu thought u in hla klihjact j lmmught a torrent nf eloquence from hlu 1 1 pa lie forgot the atiifntwa of htu inlnlk forgot thn burning pain in hlukklu forgot he uiiaocuatomed toll ol the day juat pant lu hla invn for the thing which ha wan cxpuinlng on the opimmlle aldo or the twue mr ira luldwln leanetl forward his work- j worn gnarled hamla lying on ihn while cloth hla mind gm aping with under at amlhtg pleaatir- the lucid ek punatlon of ummmi thluga of which uarry hpokn with talenud ajuipllclty mnrn than the mere thing 1a waa llatmiliig to did mr ira luldwln um lie understood that the young man had won ihlu kiiowlntlgn ami thn aklll in ranlalnlng by hard earnnit work step by ulrp tjm atudnnl had galneil ihn knuwhilge that hn vtk drawing upon for hla unolew heuellt admlra hon tor thla pnrwutenl youth grotv within him thou hn gradually be came luteroated lu thn language that had houn to hlui practically in 00m pre hanullde lid forftvl ihn teaclinr wau only hla nrjihew- htep hy kteu he gained a glnimm that iniereatrnl hint lu thin now fluid an hn tutw how makteily yet how aim ply oarry went into lmurlliig llin knowletlgti that wau hlu he rnod i tack und aald i hay theree a groat ileal in tha kuow how hualneaa- unt iherw i now i thought i waa mo amart with the kcythc imt an how you arv going into 1 htu thrhg wly if 1 had tlmutokei long i bellav- 1 could gt t on lo thla iu arrtbhowlug me of couian yon could uncle aald flatty and ho too wau growing ap preciative tlwi ulck way in which hlu uurln graajmd a truth that wau given him wau a aurpriae to oarry ami then lie waa- full of grit a at laet youui aahl i jual wljh oooli ira that yon had ltrguuthu tiling wnn you mrttnl out wii i am reeling a tlle ihn aamh kuyali the fanoer it la a good dejilii leiirnlu llttlo it kuttmw aa with other tliliiht i want to lie gill right al ihn lieglnnlug ami go m ui p at tt time and lliun i her you tire i ailpmiae he lauglutl goodnatuivl odly aahn added wtdl oung man i gueaa 1 will 11wu up to onn thing- it dona not look ml uy a when i miw you allthuf there on the plans wllh youv while duila on and your hook hold ally il waa oarryatluiolo laugh well we both can own up tha whattlngof i hat anytlie lotdteil very eaay when aaw you dolug u wocle ira ilul you know the wltelatooe went over into tha buahea when i took bold of it u jfultlt lelwlled at a gretn hand uokling ll mr luldwln leaned back ami gavn enl to a uu that made hla wlfa laugh loo 1 i well il bnen a day nf aurpi iaea mr luldwln aald if 1 havn glviu juujlljtp of wbljvjttujlu uan buah anythn on eela 011 ihn road you have given um a ierp into a llnld juat aa wonderful hut the jul u1111 a k deal khnllar afttr all yr aafd tlarry ll takea grll or hnlh j and a gihul imdntttantjitg aald the unci adding and common atiiai- oah ythuirrifc ihiojf wn call do wilt in wn tall rthinb aimlbnr mauu work yw aajd the unde ami nnpm rlaln thn way 1m dora it ui twbntv valantt aoo mr tho t moon lu xtthg tlio malarial on ihn ground fur hlu nuw houae on young fitrovl mr tlo kaatou la building an addition to hla n molly acijulrcd pro ierty on arlhor ttrm t mr wlllinmaon uamahaw lu improv ing lila realdeitco on young htroct hy aildlng nnw rornlreu and oriiaimulh llonu and a roat of paint on thn rami or mr hobt drown the farm yard family wau inrraiucd lu nun nlghl to tha uxloul of thrvn cnltu mm calf and nltii plgu onun hpelght can harlly he rliarg mi wllh unduly mdng munlrljial fnndu lo improve hlu own pmrmrly hut if lie dtieant have ihn aldnwalk 011 wii low hi it iwrmi ohiirch and agtmu rnpalrtul prvlty muiii hn will imi open o a chargn of direful mglont of duly to thn mnnlrliallty a train 01 twenty cara hladetl wllli the well known maakoy hludera and other hal venting machinery from tlia maawoy work pnam tlirough acton thla wenk mi run in for houui america new fuaund ami auatralln there were id hjndnra 11 oaoh oar arid 1hmi in all kach cat- lmre the placard i am full of maaaey toronto harv eating hiachlnoa ruali luo aloifl tha farmer aru waiting for me five audi tralna have been aant out from tha maaaey works tha iiaat week or ao mr henry fiayert br died vry kuddenly at the houm of hla aon jaraaa in naakagaweya on hunday ha wa in hi ftoth year ta calne lo oaoaba in 16w to ilajiillton fur a abort time and then to acton ho aflerwarda noved to near owan hound hut about en year ago returned and haa klncu lived with hla von lvlvr in nmhaugawoya ilia laat two or three weeaa ho wptiiil hi vlaltlng liu ami a and had apent a fiw duyu with each and and intended to return homu in a day or ao hla aonu ivter henry wii ham jam ua and maurlco all reside in thl vicinity during thu week a couple of walchea wero abalrarted from mr j a mo- muuna ulorf hy a lad or eight or nine and lacroai ahmta from mr w wii llama shoo ntore lit each en no ill 11 theft w tllkcovered and thn gootln vecurth a couple of young fnllowa claiming to lw from ttmmio jiinntlnn were con cor nod lu thn uhon llu ft ijtvt wntlnnfttlay a flro brokn out at w ii htorey a houe hurknkln tan nery and it looked a if thn hulldliitta and miirroundtiig proiierty would bo conuumed never did a huckelhrlgnda work mora willingly or mirrruiully yet a urge utrt of thn roof and north of tho bul hi in gut and uomn 0011 1 mil a were dualroyod fuuhiu havn lieon veltletl at 2r them wau lu thn buildings arid ulifxln adjoining 1 h75of loalhor and ktock in procnaa and in i lie atorehouan near by 11000 of raw material mr d ilondoriionaddroauod a meet ing of about 1100 jmkipin lu thn city hall oiiulph on monday oveiiliig uotumliig oftlonm for tlia provincial ejection lielng hold today am mouuru jt o hill and w j moore itoitn in tvaqnnalng on may swlh to mr and mru v dyuiiu n hoii i iuium in acton on june jiid lo mr and mra alex itainuhaw aeon dlku in nawagiweya on junult himry kayerw hr lu hlu with year oilollallub in illoob ilinku of hlooui on a billowy plain odmiia of urieiillti the nil llnk tld imtala llmt f llk mlu alluhk iv lywheinl ilouidlaiidpluin tho blim aliow hint of gold 011 tlm hllltopa gny driolatillliigmkuriovn wlthtlull llm long jium dy llnldu of iininiald itlfli d while yellow and nxii fm- iluluori nil hwtnrfninrrtitnaiiioiitthikh in the at nt of thn tlovn hlnoin 1 red youth in llin viliiu or thniatlli uiul tboaky ihlmmliigjoy 111 li i j of h navar a hint thai by mild by i ihuklmh in tlpu und xpiloguim donni nnvnr u blot llml llu u onliiu lw lilt wliare roan tlnta riot anil j 1 dmi u bum in thu mallow inurdi nf uumuii 1 lidu lo dark uiiuouiiumi woodu klmll turd hwl to tlm amun u1l in dp itveuli from tlm bowl of tlm wouumi log vtii maihlmilng joy men iiuirti lo dip deep h tlm 01 1 haul in tnr linrr luuku or bloom im billowy duiii otlouru of nrlmit in thn nlr lluktliwd lultilu llmt llkn mill joyanru joynnrn ry rywhem arthur wmtwoilh 1uton in cm adlan magaaluf ohlhtam ok oa1m onn great cauwi of unrnut lu tho world in grocd of gain wlmit thn man of naxaroth aaid otimn unto m and i will glvn yon mat lio couple with tho invitation imtru of mo for i am monk aiid lowly of linart and yi khall find mat unto your kotilu thlu klrtigglu for money la driving uoinn lo dkhonoaty olhnru to irrttliglon and many to tho neglect of tlinlr homn mid koclal ohllgutlom it lu mug- tho community with gamblem ami creat ing a fataii null main nf life young follow- am gelling il into iholr heiidu that it in only ihn fool who ih willing to work and euro an honoat living at a aleady calling ao tlm raui track tha pool room tho hiook ukclimiignatid thn whnartpll mum o hnvu thn charm that unco wan ikurclatml over hciillhy mlndetl men hy leg 111 main hutiluouu untnrprihe tln tlinn uomn tulglily irrophot rnrtun to rttltiu a warning cry mgalnat thn worship nf thfu nmditrn moloch thtttfuilnlmlng llm ufu blood of ko many of our youth wo imud lo hnve tho iruth mlh ruled that 9 manu ufu conautelh nol lu tin itbuli dance of thn thlngu which bo pouuouu- nib dolurw am hot uvii ytllllik do not glvo up thn quhil uatlafantlon of thn homially itarnnd dollar foi ill 11 rxclteuinnt of picking 01 m up unit aajuuonu nlan hau doubtleau dropmtd llinrn are limn in jail or in the poor- lioiiao who met tlmle ural mlafortuno in tho mining town al a halo iftinn amulatlon there la a woudrr- ful kallafaotlon in houcally niadn moony 1 thnrh lu a woofut limnrtwlnty of rluhea that nro gotten hy vanity know tlm uallafanllon of well earned mouny ohiiir ma h jan you keep ai jelling on your atouianh r naked the vlilp doctor noralr lu niltitnd feehly no thing but my hand wbedof uicici ullttatllincj two woiiiiiu worn in u riiklaurniil lbp otluir dny with limit huiu koiiu oim imy whu tidl uud will dnvtilopml rorbluiige wbllu tho other wau thin and very didlruto looking i ratil gut niinugh for my hoy to alnltl thniihilhtiriir hi drat lmy and inv mm hau no uppnlltn l apeak or mild the mollmt- of thoolhur imy attdly a woii1hu mi llm udjolniog twlil who had nvldimtlyavoiluinrd tint ion veraalloii nxamlnod the uiimllnr hoy willi iiterjat madam aim aald piutuiilly to hlu thhthaf if you wilt ttllnu mir 1 cart tail you what lu tlm tun t tut with your on i lmvn um uapuclnl inteieut lu hi auhjoct which la tlin renann i tukn hut liberty llm hoy imu uvlihutly uovi 1 beau taught lo hreathu cnrettctly llu hreatheaouly fiom theuppnr pml of hla lung ha aliould lm tnnglit to braatha deeply fi mn tlm voiy bouoin of lila lililga good frtli nlr thrtt imu plenty of ok gen in it i hiwu llvt d in indlit for many yimru mul tliuro i atudlud llm huhjocl of bienthlog hi cauait ll la 1 11 light limit moiu coh ntllli ally limn uiiywboin 1u0 in llm world you will ind that toulcu to utimijhiui tin chlldu uppetltu urn only tompoiin y renitdloa and am nlwnu wlnkunlng to tha dlgimtlve orguiis wliut would you ail iidi itkvd tlm innllili wbo won 1 ngur to tnkn any kiiggtullnii hint mlglil hi unlit llm lumllh of bet dnlkatu unl iiirvmij child if j on 1 mild roicn hhu to liiln dally mcerclkim in deep hi iitblug milil ttmothm it would hot bnlonghoroii hti would lit gin to hn at hit cor roc lly without lining reminded of it llm remedy for tlin itvll lu coukclnuu breathing thul lsokorclulngtlio luugu ovt ry tiny iwforo nn oponiylndnw no mutter how cold tlin tvi atlu 1 hn wilt not luurhlllid if lm u hionthlng dtcdt tlm bluml slll bo too aotvo tor him in lie t ift olcd bj tho rild alt tln mothiir went ftoin tlm rottnui- unb to n utoru wlinrn nlm bought 11 liook on thn unhjeu of do loathing hlnrn that tlmo hho him drilled hor boy fuitlirully mid it wau really only a iiialynr or dum tiofoin hlu nppntlto luigati to impiove and liln m 1 vuuuihhq to duapiwar ho huu hiiiitiml bow to inlinlo through hlujhiinlrllu ntow 1 until hlu luugu awi wiutnilml iii iriisailinas hu grtalty oiuharrflneihl liutuiikinuh to aonipllmoiit tho fair vocal ut do you kuow llmt wlmn you h gau to hlng i wuu mirpiiapd later on i wnu minanndi a till wliou you it down i waudntlghtodl iovki1tv and intumimshamcg thu grcutiat phhniilluopiitu of tho world 11m en rood that tlioro in no iimh thing pnmdhlduupminiiiiuutly mil iv lug poverly without ih utioyhig intumptu aiice wlmn typhulil fnvi t bitiiku 011l luitdlatrlctllmnbiultiibhimhy uld in nursing llm ulrk and providing tin tbnlr iieodn hul it lu mom tbuu ulioit- iilghtod to utop llintn luveatigatti tlm water htipply rind til n noiuro of in feutlnii and put n ktop to thn hit ndlng of fnwr and tblu coinuioii itmnm mutliod puirtlcul all ovoi thn nlvlllid world to day lu juul nn kiiiiullilo will ll ll ihiinuh to ihuillng with thu ttimpor- mine jimiitlmi aldpovoity but tmn your ulrtngth low 11 id diutioylng llm tliliig whlnli miikeii poveily ikoitiaaiy ounuinih 11lundbhe wn tlud in onn nf nut innlmngiiu llm folowiii kniinlim blundniii nmdu by pnpllu t- an uhutiiiol noun in tlm imiim of bfmnlhlti tliiit imu 110 nxlutntu i ii gomlimuu j an rutnhlogiiiphy lu llm llfn of an milmul willlihi tiftu tt la duail nu a moral llm illgklm lvheil thnnghl it htiltit lobuoiit of thih wloud woild and ho rnhmlkiwi in mauwachuit i i an uxu in un imaginary hfi i wblull tlm ninth tu uuppoanl lo ttiuo itn tlally rmilliio i lm 1llrtllnrttn wmn pnopln wliu llktd to tliow olf tlmlt iiiilnuu in uyinniymu attower wtmlfntth to miw mid nu lm anvvtd lu oil by tlm uiilin ami thnlveu kpiung tip and luiui il bliu and hnvlng our lulim utjahiiui with die liuhimt or uuu at loi jtlm larynx lu tlin nirrrhi 11 1 i hntmvlmii wn awnllow it aiiopllui1utjuamiioii that nil rutin to pttoplilu tym when u womi gnu out of daln ii h tttrmetl dtiul urn no ghidiinllj a ian gouge la built up