spectacles and kyis gijaskb wo can repair your spectacle or fye classes w limp in block k lull una of frames leases and temples mud can do your work neatly end with promptness givbub a call geo hynds ahhiaow uoxhski wsued real estate alaney ta loan at laweat tu lateral large mmfeer of areas lar late cheap avwrjllocs aael atfccr rraawjrty la all part artke tawa w have avery laelllty for nuuumsuajc ir aaslaeu la yaar caataleie aatlaf actlaa j a wulod6rbv veargctawej brief local itcms x r lilies will im very scsrce far sunday raster services in all tl churches nil huoday calling cards neatly piloted at the fnaa piuow office trout flehlnfr season opens lw weeks from next mopday atrmleruuouto bells ik out um hint of spring i all aliout the frost la going out and the roads are drying up nicely in place boeum church kiuaalng has smt moo to the china kanilne fund the small of earth la in the air od lower are promised everywhere halloo license commissioner will roetf at hilton next thursday lb laat 9 brln township hpi lutf llnnm hi low will be held at llllllin h on thursday april mth a 11 ftfdian beiher i- renin vine ui the premises vacated liy luniu wllea omrralliimr pvel i tfr cultural hiclelys hlall ion and uoete hhow will ikj held in brampton un fcuturday raw ii iloedhnose of j ran j valley has accepted the call to george ov methodist church congratulations 1 dear old inelph you did utilably for your young men layoory m o a campaign the celebration or the keat of lh passover iho great jewuh festival ootuoienced at fthd last eve nlng ifr angus mckaihern purchased toe worden barber aliop fixtures at lb bailiffs sale laat saturday uobrum inaptkjtnr orr seised six rjaani and one barrel of whiskey at tlia g t r station laat night llrampton uooser n tor dwelling are enquired for bora dally twenty htr or blrty new houaee eould bo rented at once at pro- fltable rentals burglar broke into tliti at or of ramabououi hltchl krln last thursday evening and stole several suits of clothes and a bag of augsr tha top floll r the new mill u pavement laid lata laat fall la ahowlng algna of dial ntagrat ion in nwny laa ttw froat evidently affected it aorloua it- mr gcorga kdge hd a portion of tbefopof hu ummb taken off whl oparatlng a machine at dayfoot fasiory on monday georgetown uer- aid mr j h ickik ullton baa bopnaprinlnlttlrnnin baltoa oounly meeara o ilavlll i o b molnloah will be tbo enumarat- oca for acton in ias election for the iteeveablp atoakvlua laat week the count gave dr urqahart a uajarity of one with three rejected ballots two for mr fof aiar and one for dr urqubarl the acton tennla club will hold lta annual meeting on monday after- noon april 17ib at 330 p i in the cjoandl chamber all intonated in tou eplondld aport are cordially in iud to attend a good deal of apecuulloo u being indulged in regarding the brampton npucallana utr liquor lloenaea the gog will uutruct the lloenae before the meeting and at policy will be carried ktfce baajutan motor co toronto has bought the wlllmou bulidldga paying o0o and esaumlng the mort- gage and have asked contractor for otlraauo for tbo work of oomplstlng tban according to the origins plana it acems to be praotloally settled that thblaipqrunt ladnstry will coma to mutoa within a short time cham pcu low alatetp for auabttslb via brand trunk railway system betnrn uckiu at alogle fare with minimum charge of 2s cents between au stations canada also niagara falu and buffalo n y detroit and plmtbujron mich good going april 13 14 16 1 17th haiurn uwlt wed- nasday april 10th 1011 full particulars and tickets from any q rand trunk agant or address a k duu dklrlet passenger agent toronto ont riimd the following subeoripons have been esnt to um fmjs paaaa t mra b o browa s 00 mrs w w beardmora a ou a tbrown 1 00 tnefraepreaa b 00 pree preea staff a 00 j cooper antllff d d 00 all rurlber ubcriptlona will be -july- acknowledged and- forwarded promptly to the general treasurer of um fund mr 8 j moore toronto news of local import mew houaee on lavha avenue john lllldhle baa sold bla pit party on the euulh aldatf late a vemin one and a half lou to mr allan o hrplth mr hmllh will prorenl hl oitro with the erecllon of a dimhln cenent block bouae on the promuty it j mekabb effected this aale deata ofn s henwt mr n v uuret who teen iii alnce laal fall died at bla ulhera real dtfnce hi toronto on tuesday the runeralsflllbelield this anemoort at lock to proapeot camatary to ronto thpre la geat ayinalhy hre for mrs llursf and her five fatherlaa little ones lany happy reluvaa poatniasler mittthewa celebratetl hla seventy seventh birthday last tlturs- day and hla grandson mr uharlea a u matthews of um kitkapukkn cele brated the attainment of bla majority me day congratulations the matthews nunlly have been among mir moat highly mimrimi reafdenta for narll aitventy yaars laybutlii twenty mew uousbax tlterelaa probabtllty of an ouuhle mipany erecting twenty new hituaea of agood claaa acton thla amniner if ory nr ijo land ngoll ii in promwi for llm ncrtumjflyj und thu cnuiuy errctihl one bun d red homes in ibrlln u iloo and lfapetnr ut year kvery inin of then would tin taken aa soon m completed ruberauloele at klht jtmomi 1 call luformer or th inl says i the sad tlulh occurred bmlay after a lingering llln f kfmu the eight yer old uon i t mr and mrs lrne uoore mlmcoe hi the hill ud had bn iii with the tneaalemb fov ago and pneumonia set in and lhal dlaeaie waa followed by tuheieu the ud urmdually failed in lieallh until the end cakna today he a bright boy and was liked by all itikltlmlm of the neighbor hot h flh uow thegramuouormr hohu moore im k aveinie and was bom in acton i o o r ilodjc trf inaitruauoa vunt nf more than ordinary linpottauce nd in fact an event which kvd ukt thursday as a red teller day for the othjfellowa of this town ttim lodge of inatnicllon aaaerubled that day hy dlatrlct deputy 11 a wllaon of brampton three bulges were u allendanoe acton hiampton nd muuio and the undertaking wwt ji unitiallned atlcceae it waa eatl lutwl that tliare were about 75 odd fallows present to witness the very interesting and highly innlruallva work ibal waa pot on milton reformer hip broken by a ml aimiui eleven notook on batuiday morning llltle mary imhy the fltre- yrld daughter of mr h m la by hut loo hotel aualalned a frac lured thigh and painful bruise- to the brad and aids by falling from the balcony nf the second btory of the hotel the little girl was playing there aud falling agaloiil a unliple of pi ltd i ou of thn railing they gave way and she was preclplfattd to tbti pavement tan feet itelow tim fall rendered her iinrunacious and cauaed injuries mentioned r aull re duoed the fracture and she is making aatlafactnry progress property ctianartnar handa mr adam cthik has repurrhased from mr morris qaxe the properly at the oomerof mill and church streeli it comprises n lwotorey frame housti of three swrtitisnts and two lots has beet i known for sixty year a the nlcklln property mr ham has purchased the lot with brick store and dwelling cm main tit rest from ihi robert agnew estate mrs mary ann evans has purchased from john walker the lot and dwelling in which she resides on main htreet mr james krwln of kassagaweya has r sold the james quanllc property on queen street tn mr david storey or kaesagaweya aan advance of several hundred dollars to vsuag people rev dr antllff preached a fivnnl and timely eenuon to young people on sunday evening from pro 3 13 ilappy is the man lhal flndeth wis dom and the man that gettelb under- sbaodfng tall me herald what ra the habits and companions and ideals of young people between the years of is and hs and i will tell you what will be their character through life ills rendering or the teat waa tuappy is the man that gettelb re ligion and the man that gelteth spirt tual ufa me appealed very forceful i y but tenderly to all youegpeobte to accept god and surrender their hearts and lives to him and showed how un failingly blessings will accrue to those who lead christian lives a potuntfui nasal kvealaur at the invitation of rev dr and mrs antllff the members of the sua shine bible class with a few friends gathered in the msthodlst school room on monday evening and enjoy ed a delightful time together at seven thirty oclock about fifty sat down to the splendidly appointed table wllb dr antllff at the bead as host and master of oereujionlea the menu provided waa fit fnr a king and formed a most suhstanlul and appetising repast including all the season s delicacies the young ledtre of mrs antllrr class acted as wait resses and served with consummate skill and grace at the conclusion dr antllff expressed the genuine pleasure felt by mrs antllff and himself in having the members of the class present as his guest he referred to the character of the membership and the great pleasure tt had iwen to hltu to be the leecber and spoke encourag ingly as to the future prospects brief addressee followed by ii i mooret superintendent of iho school b g brown president of the class mis- belle stephenson secretary robert wallace james moore bdw twee- dale mrs anuiit and mrs 11 1 moore the annual elections resulted in the election of iii g brown as president bobt wajuoo vloeprnl dent i mies belle stephenson secre tary t miss k lsdng treasurer and hlea daisy nlcklln mrs james moore and mrs w ii tucker conveners br standing commlueee during the proceedings mis bertie smith ran fored a couple of solos and misses tflorrle and amy speight insttuwcn tat numbers tlie meeting clovadirlth thb wmetucuoa openlna of oaalph annnril hn ufflclal omiolng of iba net iph armotlea will te held on the mil anil btili insu sir frederick 1 mlnuler ol mllllla arrom paulid by bis slaff auo lady ihtrtlrn will lie present for butb daya asid wilt jtfllclally declare the wilding open awsjraoni hie trip so knarlaiul mr kroest george well who went ln his old bona in tottenham lcng land before chsiatinas returned home but week he was accompanied by hie brother mr henry george nell hu wife and child mr fred klllol win clark and mr kred swains bury who have corns to make their home in canada look trial he missionary cnnimlltne of thn kprjrthijebe will hnfil a umck lrlal ontueiay evening nest tliaprlnon er will be charged with groaa neglett or duty hie judge will u on the bench the lawyers for prosecution and nice will li in ihrlr places the jury will ho nhnn and a long hat or wit in will le i x a mined thn trial 111 give the young tenple a gool id f court piocendlnga a bark i i n b brown smjqoo f appreciation of lhh m1 by dr j n k i who lu retiring from the mall ninl ofloronlnleoeral ilmplta hopllal lruy porulel blm wllh a rl t n fj 1 000 on monday dr ii wu was mu4 undrn1 a com lary liamjiiiil and preaented ome bolhl bllver during ibu eight jtmrs of dr j v crvnw rml acton dr llrown who la hu brother in law wn h firquent vislloi lars handlers of ilwe atoak mr hmiil 1 in bag banm the 1hkk ikkhh a receut citpy of hie him nf lledwood 1 alls mini whlrb uu ling mkuniti of i be ixti itklvn live lock im inta of tin firm of m law a m doni uun ihu ilaubr a dmuu un pabtonl 11s 000 la yr lor 1 atk fe id ulair loclodlug g 1 12 tor rallln 17 ohi ror hot- a i0 wu ftr horses and 1700 tor whtp this nulerprilng sratee an hiio seeu farm and figure oh la ttto uqm of cuini and smsll grain litis yar v iteartlmore has tkeen sppolnteil to leculve sutmkrlptlomt frmu all anion marys for ibn joint gift of the marys of llm drllub em plru to our betoveu quoen mary on the occaalnn of 4p coming ctironallon hulworlpttonv jf fltm nvn cents to five dollars will tav tecelvml froiu the marys of the community tlie marys of course includo audi derivatives a may mat la maiunor marlr sub acrlplltma will b itnlvnd by mn- utiardmoro at her nldenre or at lb pot onice the mnrcbanta hank o browns drug store c mltlhutors jou1 be prompt as the hats clime ix wednesday 101 b inst mltoh oobbsvn batueet ln wlnnlpea mr mitchell cohltan an esteemed graduate of thn fnicu fuiehu who for hie past twelve years has been on tli staff or the ottawa olthum part which time he was foreman of hi department has toft the capital and settled in winnipeg before leaving the cltlaen he was presented with a flue jewelled gold watch suitably en graved accompanied by a complimen tary addansa in partnership with hi brolheru uw mr a j qulno the hardware burin ess or the a t warn- kn co limited of 407 notre dame slreel has imivhi re based mr cid- bnnrepoiis w rikiuh0b hnlness mr quinn was for a ntimlml ears head salesman nf the business tlie new flrni has just purchased oovdialiy uleieomed homsk taut tttureday mr andmr j cheater matthews and master james arrived here from llrxron col and will make their home here for the pre ent mr matt he ws went to the west nearly ten years sgo and has ever since occupied a good position with the comradojkuel and iron co lit work has been principally in the mountains at an altitude of 0000 or 7000 feet and both he and mrs mat- thews felt that it would be beneficial to health to hv in lower altitudes for a time at least and consequently de cided to come to anton which as is well known is one of tlie healthiest localities in the country mr and mrs matthews are cordially welcomed here by old rriend and new bed peer alia- oeowlnet tins what has happened at rtavdecr lu the laat ten years r teh years ago last july an ontario farmer visited red deer and was shown over a great- deal of the country adjoining the city hi was offered a homestead free and the balance of the section fov 3 00 per here three years later the same pro party was purchased at jo per acre three years ago this same property with a 2000 bouse glooo barn was offered for no less than got per acre and this offer was not accepted what u the position now today this same pro perty can not 1m bought at g 100 per acre why because red deer today is acknowledged to have the foundation nf one of the largest cities in t he west using a railroad centra for three roads ell as a manufacturing lumbering and mixed farming district it is bound great city college uelghls referred tp elsewhere forma a great opportunity for prpfltahle investment social and personal lr h mroranken left n monday fo knderhr if c uv w ii duglaa or llnckwood was the guest of mr i snyder yester day irs allan mann of lnronto has been pending a week or mi wit b ac ion frlsnda mr wiiilaui thurtelt of chicago visited bis mother and other friend e thla week llss ilerlle mclitu returned home laat week after spending a couple of eeka wllb friends in toronto mrs d k mill- of winnipeg waa le guest of her sunt mrs n v oore on monday and tuesday misaea florence holmes margaret ennnuand vda lailsler erri ed home mi normal school on saturday owing tn iii health mlas annie har vey has found it necessary to resign her position as teacher of dublin school mr and mrs robl moore ml miss clara were in gall lasl week attending le funeral utile freddie son or mr lorno moore mr m mnii uhliwfl tb ntaff here who was at hla home at aha craig 111 for several weaks is at bla dull again mr gordon i layman who has ell sndlug tevnral months with i mhi here ml on the return trip to illlb colombia on monday all lalog well uv mr hmyths ho baa ihhiu 111 fur the paat five or six feka will occupy ills pulpit sgaln xt sunday mlllon reformer mr malcolm mnlavl b f dommur saak who baa been spending the winter with friends in the old home returned in ill wet mi thinudsy rv dr atillirf was at berlin on torwday on a general c mbirnncu committee confei ring wllh llie kwan gllral church which wkg union wllb melbollt ctiurch t1- rv mbig dartin from town of i luardmom aud ml- y-u- is s istter of legrul to tin lr frit nds in i they will in foinre tolda it aciof wbarit mim unanliiiiini haw lkt o a hoile gu iph mrxory mr and mi- wm keiimsly wul mitiotll autioiluoe the eogageuimill or llmlr daughter rhus tu mr john kerr mw ihm r or winnipeg mii formerly of acton gut the marrlsgn will take place qnlally in wiuuiegoii may 4lh rla jail at oualph ibu wellington county jil isto ij turn down aud teplacwl wit it a umaller but morti modetu building to rout almul jmkk a nottcommlltee ihtr county counclllots and city auh r- bas met aud decided that the city khnuld pay 48 per cent and the county ss per cent of the cot of the new building lu her lootli vssur iealb came on wednrwlay morning and reimivml imaaibly lbe uldiwl person in ilalton county this was mrs isabella llreckon who for years bad lived wllb wesley j ureckon at apptsby mrs illicit on wss in bet llmkh year and was in celebrate the century mark in auguut the family were planning a large reunloii for this event oakvllle star april rod and oun all anglers will heal tlly welcome thn april issue of rod and gun in cansds illshed by w j taylor limited took aw usual lhla number ids the approach of thu fishing season and gives all those who have waited patiently for tlta renewal of their rjleasuree wultroj and hue add ed joys or the sntlclpslloi of the good lime now so neat sportsmen never fall to find something to suit their tastes in each issue of rod and gun hom sixes lata aacoo hi cikii i300 ar monib red deer bustndss sites cornir ltm glbo oo in no fh is 00 per month the city of present opportunity for the careful investor ily dulir the ccntril of alberta has mtircrjilway contraclf at iter door thin any city in western canada three timcsik mc itfwili be the divisional poutt for the alberta central the canadtin northern and the canadian pacific railroad whht dobs this m6hn ida lit v bviibl pjsbllshi wlids hair bbautinair berned uelt world ova hvery wonun knows that there is nothing so good for hair and scalp trouble as parisian sage if parisian sage is used two or three limes a week it will keep tbo scalp nice and clean and remove dandruff it makes the hair lustrous am fluffy und keeps it from falling out we urge every woman who loves radiant and fascinating hair tu go to a t brown today and get a large so cent bottle of parialau sage he guar antees it to cure dandruff falling hair and itching scalp or money back ourlfh hobbb show thegualph uoisehhnw to ihi held on tuesday evening and wednssday aherooon and evening april lbm and 10th promises to be a great success the prise list is a wry generous and coiiiprehenalve one the directors confidently trust for the most generous public support in thla worthy enterprise as the outlay for prises and other expenses will be very heavy end can only lie mat by an effort of the whole people the g t it and c p r have kind ly granted single fare to all points where the one way vale does not ex- ceeds30 good p in trains monday april nth and good to return up to thursday april hkb prise lists and all information from wm lsldlaw secretary box 414 guelpli rsmembsr we expeot those college view lots to double their present value in one year our kdvice to you secure at 01111 some of tins property iiul have 1 practical interest in tlil best city in tlie best locality in the best province ui the last and best webt isfe red deer development company phon main 7 40 victoria st toronto jno 7vc wrrrsn specials the meeting of the womaus insti tute in the council chamber last fri day afternoon waa well attended the usual attendance of ladles was swelled by the lechers and students of the illgh school who were attracted by the announcement of lljo address what a woman should know nbout baitklngby tr r b grlgg man sger of the metropolitan bank thi address had many points of interest and instruction regarding cheques drafts and other negotiable papers the speaker intimated that every woman should lie careful not to h her name yo any note draft or ftur paper without fully understanding its nature pawnlsjveraadvlsed to teacb their children to open account wllh a hank and thus gctrecqualoted wllh tlie bullnesa methods of hanking and handling money evidence of appre ciation waa manifested hy a cordial vole uf mianks iuudered mr griggs miss graham and miss vera harvey each aaig a solo mrs g a black vtcdpiustdvut ptwridrd nearly died of stone inthe bladder gin pills saved him 513 jamk3 st hamilton oirr iive years eo i us taken down with what the doctors celled luuamuis lion of the bladder intense pains in hack and loins and difficulty in urlu ntlng and the attacks which became niof e f renucrit sinouutcd to unbearable sjrony j becsme so wesk- that i could not walk acrote the floor my wife read lu the papers shout oin rills ami sent for a box 1rom the very first 1 felt that in 1iius wrre floiu nte good the pain was relieved at once and the attacks were less fret unit in six weeks the stone in the niaddcr catue away when i recall bow i suffered and how now i am healthy and able to work i csnnot express myself strongly enough whcn 1 speak or what cin pills have done fornuj john hkkuam 4s oin pnt3 are sold at 50c box for 150 sent on receipt of price if your lesler does not iandla them sample ihx free if rou write ha mentioning this uper mohey imckjf oik 1ili do ot give filll sstisfsctlon national drug mid chemical co depla toronto new uimsuprlcg flit specials 2 00 dsuphlne glove twiln make regular t 73 per tlr 1 05 new hnscoorsj olilrls regular i aj special 08o men s and hoys cups new lines uit oponod up from qfio to sltso s e nelsolsr marebmnt tsvlioi mensi rurnlahsc wyndhsw btrt oublph ont a farm labor coroes high save one han by using a dain hay loader imiimaliahumiihhhhmhhmmmmhhamhammm xi6e metropolitan bank paid ui- capital ritbhuvit fund undividud plloilts i 1 smsmas limsmm 1169038 head office toronto ont sysbt dbpartmbnt op banking conduckhl wllh pclllty accunry nil hiilly parmkri buannsa rhn wilicuur altlllon sale notes dlkohintcd or recalvml or ci savihqb department ii 00 will orinn wxuunl intrttt iiowmi rom dl ol dapodt j nq delmy la wlihirwl joint accounts my ba otmnwl 1 dmlral psnoar my wllhdrtw lutul lliahiw of two the farmers friends are such articles as sjivo ihm money among these friends are to he lountl the improved success manure spreader dain oneman loader allstecl side delivery hako vertical lift mower disc drill twofurrow plow double hitch harrow bell uollcr jack- son light draft warons uiu the mclotte cream separator farmers wifes friends the raymond sowing machine the melottc separator an cut and a good organ qr piano everybodys friends everlastiij amalite atphilt and rulieroid are in my opinion the four hcst itoofing materials in america easy to put on hard to wear out do you know mr farmer that you can buy your machines cheaper becoming to the shop than when we go nsc of driiing out to ee you let mo prove iti hcton brhnch rw ergrigga 1 i manager to tlto cxpun good sound horses wanted gc -a- black 7uvill st kotol ont